The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 07, 1923, Image 8

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One of the most popular men In
College wag elected to the Presl-
. dency of the Senior Clasg. Cooper
*u given a alight majority over
Fred M. Gorfaln, of Savannah Ga.
Mr. Cooper has made many hon
or! during his three yearn at the
University and the honor just
feyred upon him is but another
reward for his falthfulnesh aqd
hard work which has been ao
eminent In hig college career. ‘
ELECT and John Watson made
their Initial appearance on the
(fold Monday and both eavoried
around the diamond In line form.
Geoyge and “Josh" are in the pink
of condition and will be ready to
take their places with the balance
of the squad when the practise
games begin.
THE PARADE of the University
R. O. T. C. Monday was one of t*—
best of the year.
Plans are being perfected tor a
one for the circuit with the bakefc
loaded. He says they wanted to
run him for inayor after the game,
bi*' his modesty forbided
THE D. A. V.’s held their semi
monthly meeting in the Law build
lng last night. A review of the
recent convention held in Atlanta
was the only business of impor-
tace that was discussed. Five of
the six state officers were brought I drive for funds by toung Harris
back by the local Post, from At- college, a school maintained by
| anU . ' I the Nfirtli Georgia Methodist con-
,' . I ference and named for a former
IT IS RUMORED THAT some- I AtlaKlan, Judge Young L. G. Har-
one 1h or near the Co-ed “Bam" I ri* who gave the school a donaUon
is gifted in the art of stealing, at the time of Ha founding In 1888.
Traps have been set at different | Beginning with the .students nt
Jmps to apprehend the guilty par- I Young Harris Wednesday, the
ty or parties, but as yet no cap- I drive for $100,000 will bo made
tures have been made. I throughout the state, centering In
I those localities where former Uvu-
MtJCH INTEREST has always [dents of the Institution reside. It
been shown concerning sports by | Is announced that severeal large
the campus men. This spring no | contributions already have been
less than three baseball nines will I made, a group or students
be put otft'hy.the three domIUorles Gainesville recently subscribed $10
on the campus; Much enthusiasm 1000. Pledges on the endowment
prevails and the rivalry Is certain fund will cover a period of five
to be hitter. I years, the first annual Installment
Games will be flayed between falling due In October of this year.
;he dormitories and leading high members of tho cam
schools of the state. ' | palgn committee.
An all campus nine will be pick
ed by some worthy individual at I WAS FOUNDED
the end of the season. | [N 1888
••nin- Trmv vi vTriivn «•«, ALL OF CANDLER HALL’S Young Harris college, situated In
, at 1 Imhall freshmen, and upper claismen the mountains of north Georgia
Vkn have returned safely from the At- was founded in 1888 largely as the
fiffaHna i lanta where ‘hey went to see Oeor- result, of a gift by the late Judge
suffering with a bad log for the , , Tech. * Young L. G. Harris, of Athens, for
past few weeks but reports the * y whom the college was subsequent-
hf.a* SPRING FOOTBALL practices I ly named. 8ince that time, more
u! , h Z for Candler Hall wi|l begin about | than twelve thousand students
tlo for a place on the varsity. Big Apri , 1B _ accorB j ng to a statement I have been trained there, many of
made by Captain Roscoff Deal of | whom could not have attended col-
the Candler Hall team. | lege except for The unusual oppor
tunities afforded by Young Harris.
A CAMPUS ‘ORCHESTRA com- I A , '" rg0 “ u "’'? er of the «fad“a‘es
posed of many able and talented I®* thl * school have gone out to hold
musicians has been entertaining important positions In both cburch
the campus- men each evening for ' l , nd 8tat< :' m °f° one-third of
several days with delightful ‘'' 0 membership of 'She North Oeor
music. The other night a series If'® conference having attended
of old Georgia songs were sung watitutlon.
b* (She campus men under the able I During practically all of Its exls-
direction of the orchestra and ‘ enr %, thl » has
much of tho fiery Georgia aplrit bc « n directed by Dr. J. A. Sharpe,
was displayed who Is recognized as one of. the
1 leading, educators on the entire
Wright will be interested to know ra a t more thin
for d l t n,ghe for a lack of accommodations. Th«
recovery. . (campaign
Doctors Brown and Proctor, of Icommittfp
Athens, performed the operation. 1
V ^’ fht ' a home «» ,n 0alne - I The campaign committee Is com
vine, »ia. [posed of Colonel Carl N. Davis,
Z YD uSTdn* ^r”rairta r a r R.MMUu”r!
K! and R - & 'McConnell, all of Gaines
v,l,e In connection With this com
A , t ~X«nT«Btr tor I miff a®* Rev. Nath Thompson, pro
the « *aS?SEkto till Me-Jhodlst pastor, has been
re'JS I appointed by the North Georgia
“John” is a second “Casey” and
proved his ability In a certain lit
tle South Georgia town by swatting
. Coughs and Colds are contagious
and require prompt treatment as
they spread or develop in'to Flu
and Grippe. Take no chances
when you can get Foley’s Honey
and Tar for a few cents and quick
ly check coughs and oolda. The
constantly increasing demand for
Fpley’s Honey and Tar, for three
generations, has made it the larg-
;est selling cough medicine in the
World. Contains no opiates—in
gredients are printed on the wrap
per. Refuse substitutes. Iinsist
upon Foley’a.—Advertisement.
ATLANTA.—A million dollar
'stood at 26.40, a net decline of 12
Open high low close P. C.
'Mar .30.76 31.00 30.63 31.00 30.78
l«ay 80.46 30.77 30.37 80.73 30.43
. .. . | July 30.00 30.27 29.86 31.21 29.96
j nlng concern for Georgia la promised. 9®^- 26*50 26.55 26.17 26.27 26.62
‘j by C. R. WarSe. food diatrlbutor and Hec 26.05 26.02 26.71 25.98 26.17
canning expert from California In a!
On,y two sales wore made by the'—" ’ NE^^RLEAN^S^otton
sheriff at the regular legal boIch thOMASVILLK.—John N. Holder.!^ Points higher. Sales on
Tuesday ut the court houae. ’head of the State Highway Depart- lh .® 8 1 P ot a .*7jX e 607 i ,ow
A house and lot ownea by Jumea ment my. that the charges of graft wiiaaling.SO^ 6 ; middling: 31.00;
Wright negro, on Cleveland avenue In that department by E. H. Me- *2?® «1.50; receipts 6,-
notd by the Clarke County Michael of Bu«na Vlata are untrue 8t0cK I70 » 974 .
Building Uodn and improvement com- | UVERPOOI rOTTAV
H. Becker at $415. I JtACONWohn N. Holder advocated; * UUL ctri 1
lu land In Madlaon'ln an address here before the KI-' 4 klyERPOOL—Spct cotton* bet*
BBptti march * imj
'data 1 nyio but pri^TT^
office of state school
er, was in Athens thiso 0 "'
'connection with his * 0I T* k '»
.section of the state.
Final Meeting of Work
ers Held At Georgian
Hotel Tuesday Even-
in e- a iieokt, '
The Chambe^of ConufWccrVfnfc
.ho 810,0^0 marjc' at_.U)9 L fi-
puny to
«_ k “ land in Madison in an address ncre uciure in« »\i- —, —- T ~“ w i ,v * uci- ..
county totalling thirty-fopr acres and wanls club an additional two cents demanq, improved - business, ‘
house and lot on Ruth street, ail per gallon tax on gasoline and two fTf* 8 vijk' 8°°d middling 1^6.95 I"*
wned by Claude* D. Williams Was cents on lubricating olla for road pur-middling 16.80; middling Im. heasAt*M lr«nt ni.nv A W . tf
- “ -- — sa s raws&SSJSI,
'Sales 6,000 including 2,K*0 Anieri- ■ good attenflAHita and their 1 rtiulta
1 - ’ 1 greeted with vteotptp ’4p-
$2.50 Pair
i Lumpkin Street
by the John Hancock Life Insurance
company. » | ATLANTA.—E. Y. Clarke, propa- - D - . l S ~- T -»—: iwsr* n-
xatlon chief for the Ku Klux Klan tSJ!? - ? cel Pt« 4,000 bales including
I accordln, to w. H. ! &°° American. , Futures closed P '““ '
E^anT-lC^rwi^ilS now h« S
nuthinx to do wUhta. order. | D^fl^l^^^f' ^
ATLANTA.—"Baby * Roane has COTTON9PPV) nti
Ireen named to head the Qeorstal vww ° IL
Tech baxketball team for 1923-24. j |"~t"'. ‘yKh.—Cotton seed oil
closed steady; Prime summer yel-
to i* !i. W m 1 o 1 ;?°.. b (i: , cru dee 10.00
I SLIVANIA.—Tracks believed
“ bear track* have been seen near
Commander The community Is very much
Who is to Visit Atlanta 1 clt ' ,d
Savannah, Columbus In
vited. »
“For two yean my stomach
trouble waa very bad, my doctor
had to inject morphine on several
occasions when I was stricken with
thsaa attacks. Sinfe taking 4 bot
tles of •Mayr’s Wbnderul Remedy
I have been entirely well and am
serving in the artillery, having
been pronounced in perfect health
by government physlcains.” It is
• simple, harmless prepantlon
that remove, the catarrhal mucus
from the intestinal tract and allays
the inflammation which causes
AUauJwSm7n’. W club Auditorium I wlHn.Tin tee' or- ,n 8Ut ° m<>b " e
theatra *as'tatmL 4 °* AtUnta aanlxatlon of the local committees
theatre as usual 11„ the various communities of the
THE FIRST ppppnpuiwcp I several states from which Young
of -ho clnh wni Harris has drawn <'» Students. The
of .he club will be give^ for the I campqlgn w|li be brought to a
c !°* e In a general home-coming of
faculty at the Colonial tbi
the inflammation witicn causes March JSrd and the initial nubile I in 1,1
practically all Mom.*, liver and Sm.nVe will ^ .Cd at EN Younr Harts durin^ A^n. e .' d 1
?•«?» «>« night following the | S expected tha? .ev?rn1X*L„ I i
pendicitis. One dosa will convince
or money refunded. For sale by
all druggists.—Advertisement.
For a few rests you can ward
off-Flu and Grippe by promptly
checking your coughs and colds
with Foley’a Honey and Tar. Al
so gives quick relief from coughs
resulting from Flu, Grippe, Whop-
dng Cough, Asthma awl Bronchi
tis. Forty-eight yean of satis
faction to users has made Foley’s
Honey and Tar the World’s larg
est eelUtig cough medicine. Con
tains no opiataa—ingredients are
a ted on the wrapper. Refuse
■ muiurea in nor nomo in Aug
substitutes. talat^J^Folj^ , f , w dajri on account of
fifinii* expected that several thousand
faculty performance. % I will attend thia reunion prepara-
IT IS NOT~KNOWN definitely I made. f ° r
yet whether the club will go to — ‘-ff
Jacksonvllio or not but Mr. Flck- ru,___ u ,
ling it trying «o arrange a date ^nero-COla Meets
in the Florida^ j n Convention
THE BOYS RETURNING from I COLUMBUS, on - ua.lnn r . a
Atlanta to Athena on the eight of^Cher^ r^ , .$, hund ? > ;
o’clock seaboard train dunday r . W "'
night desire to express their ap- Lasembicd for the *!■ *i * n ' h T r *
predation to Mr. Mlkp Bennelt for ( of .... X,*” *! 1 * Annupl convention
furnishing them wltlf candy during U s tfa,ch.r M P * ny ’ °' wl * lc,
their tiresome journey. TJ fni. . 1 w P v d *. nt ’ ,n be hcW
___ j" 1 ,hl * City on March 7th and 8th.
MISS DOROTHY, LEVY has I " rr **« nl P*» n «»
motored to her hojnB In Augusta | * tat **- fr °m Penn
Col Alvin Owsley, national com
mander of the American Lejf:or.,
has beon Invited to vlnit Athemi
when he paya this state a visit nex:
week. Col. Owsley will be in 8av-
annah on March 10, Columbun «n
March 13 and Atlanta on March
14 and the Allen R. Fleming poxt
hopeB to have him come here about
March 15.
Col. Owsley la paying his first
official vialt to the department of
Georgia, tho department that
again In the leud for the cup for
the greatest increase in Legion
In addition to thin visit to Geor
gla Col. Owaley, wheat home la in
Texan, In expected alno to come to
Athena^. In July for the Georgia
legion and Auxiliary convention
that meets here on the 3rd, 4th and
5th of the month.
Henry H. Went, commander of
the local peat, sent Col. Owsley a
wire Wo<\nesday urging him to visit
Athens on thin trip and a reply Is
expected from him any time now.
Wire Briefs
(By Associated Press)
PANAMA—Albert C. Hindman,
U. S. district attorney in the Canal
zone, died from Injuries sustained
ATLA NTA.—Fire has destroyed th
homo of Rev. Caleb A. Ridley, prom
Inent K. K. K. lecturers here. Tho
minister was away In Toss, at tho
llme.He Is pastor of tho Central
Baptist church.
MACON. Ga.—Ip directing a vsrdlct
of 117,797.52, principal and Interest,
for Lambom & Co., sugar refiners,
against tho A.. B. Small company,
local wholesale froCer. Judge William
H. Barrett. In United 8tates district
court, today laid down a ruling that
will affect nearly 100 cases between
wholesale gTbcers and refiners and
jobbers In the southeast.
. :oo; go
members at $2b per year, and
rest in working capital which was
contributed in addition. On a
three year basis the amount if
over $30,000.
The leading division was that
headed by Major ‘James White.
The leading team was that head
ed by Hugh H. Gordon, Jr., Ma
jor Jarrell’s division-was second,
while G. A. Booth’s team was
second among the teams.
Every member of the team or
ganization has been invited to meet
at noon Thursday at the cam
paign headquarters for an official
™ r^ssS 1 “is *5mss
her « 'Mal 0 'n itK® 1 *!”* , 1 , ; 3 2i April a-M;
.May 11.65; June 11.70; July 11.79!
■ August 11.78; September 11.73-
October 10-99; Sales 5,100.
Sams Attends
Coca Cola Meet
” un “ " n " elected presi- started Wednesday under, the dl-
c. Nay of Augusta was rection of M. S. Russell, field zec-
prcsidcnt and a. e. Kelly rctary of the American City Bu-
Thcre was an advai
quarter of a cent a pquni
price of local cotton We
middling grade being quo
30 3-8 cents a pound ot the
in. the
[noted at
NEW YORK—The-31 lent level
was reached in the cotton market
early today with contracts for
May delivery selling up to 31.06
while old crop months made new
—— , high records for the season on
Holland — Information continued trade buying and cov
ering. -The opening was Irregular
at an advance of 18 to 19 points
that relations between the former
German Emperor William and his
wife Princess Hermlne are strain^ .on old crop months but four to 13
ed was secured from a member
of the one time emperor's house
sylranla. Ohio, and Illinois, In the
North, Louisiana In the Went and
as far South as Florida.
MISSES ULLA JONES. Adeline | E - c - ° nnB - °* ‘be Chsro-Cola com-
Davenport, Mara Ella Jonea have | pany - '* acting as general chairman
returned to the University, after p the, convention.
(pending a few day* in Atlanta. | Thf Principal addresses .will Ik
■ ' | mad* by H. R. McClatehay. president
MISS ANNIE RUTH MOORE re- of «he Chamber of Commerce of Co-
turned to her home In Decatur, af- | lumbus. In a welcoming. Speech: H
ter attending the Phi Mu Banquet. | K - Weathere, vice-president of th,
Cbero-Cola company, on behalf of the
THE PIONEER CLUB held Its I company,
regular meeting Tuesday evening | Arch b. Taylor, of Charlotte, n. c.
at five o’clock. | and George J. Becker, of Cairo, till
nole, will reepond on behalf of the
The CoemopoHtan club bad ital bottlers,
monthly meeting -Monday night at I c. a. sears, mles and advertuing
the *Y’ hut | manager. *nd Ernest E. alias, of At
ISnu,advertising counsel, will outlln
The Y. W. c. A. will hold ita an- I the enlee and advertising program to
nual election ot officers Wednes- 1*21
day night at the Woman’s Build- other addressee will be made by
lb*- / I Jehn Buford Brock, editor of the
Chero Vola Booster; C. O. Wolfe of th
and advertising department; E.
J. anc, owner of the Chero-Cola Bot
tbng company of Knoxville. Tennee
E. Farrandou, head chemiit
ofthe Chero-Cola. and others.
A aeries of entertainments has been
arranged for the. bottlers. Including a
barbecue at the Chero-Cola plant, an
n banquet and cabaret for W*dnc>-
day evening, at the Columbus Coun
try club.
Over four hundred Chero-Cola salts
men. In oddltUp^to the plant owner
end managers, are expected to at
leitd this annual convention.
Fin, cam
J. W. Fiiw,- recently elected
>unty agricultural agent for
bi,* r dV“he™. POrted 10 Uke “ P
Mr .Fffor succeeds Jonea Pur-
cell who was elected agent fat
Hall county. Tha new agricultur
al agent relinquishes a position
aa agricultural agent for tho A.
B. A A. railroad to accept the of
fer of tha Clarke County Commis
sioners as agent here.
Mr. Firor is a graduate of the
State College of Agriculture where
jo Was a member of the faculty
xoY some time. He ii - an expert
In marketing and ia one of the
outstanding men in thfc agricultur
al world, it ia declared.
Bronte slippers are to be 1
• hav
popular this summer—1
way of being
Athens Visitors
LONDON—A Constantinople dig-
patch to Reuters aald that the Tur
klsh National - assembly rejected
the Lausanne treaty.
LONDON—During debate on the
Ruhr question In the House ft com
mons, prime Minister Bonar Law
maintained his previous position
that Intervention by Brest Britain
at the present moment would he
LONDON — The French, have
occupied Mfcelhelm the seat of
Stinnes Interests, according to a
Berlin dispatch to to Times.
RIVERHEAD. N. T.—William K.
Vanderbilt, who died in France
July 22. 1920. left a net estate of
$80,220,842.23. according to a de
gree entered In surrogate court ot
Suffolk county.
Cheston Goldberg was carried
away in an automobile by four
masked men.
EL PASO, Texas—A slight earth
quake shock was felt and buildings
were shaken but no daptage was
reported. * 1 *
CHICAGO—Ed Strangler Lewis,
retained the worlds heavyweight
wrestling title by defeating Allsk
Eustace In two straight falls.
CLEVELAND, Ohio—Jack Damp
sey, heavyweight boxing champion,
has been offered a guarantee of
$100,000 or the privilege ot 17 111
per cent of the gate receipts to
meet Tomigy Gibbons, of St Paul.
In a 12 round boat July 4th or
labor day.
funeral notices
lints lower on the new crop de
liveries. Notwithstanding inter
ruptions in the wire service as a
result of- last night’s storm, the
south was a seller of new crop
months here which accounted for
their relatively easy showing and
the initial advance in the old crop
positions brought out considerable
realising. This caused reactions
of several points right after tho
call but there was s continued
good demand and the market
showed a steady tone during the
early trading.
Realising became active during
the middle of the morning while
the prospecta for better weather
in tho belt appeared to bo bringing
considerable southern selling of
the new crop months. This weak
ened the market and prices worked
off to about 30.79 for May con
tracts'around midday or eight
points net lower, while October
sold down to 26.66, or 34 points
below yesterday’s dosing.* Ad
vices received hero from the South
continued to emphasise the small
supplts of unsold cotton available
in the spot markets but trade de
nied was less active after the first
hour and the market was com
paratively quiet late in the morn
Tho midday reaction waa check
ed by renewal of covering by May
and July shorts and May contracts
sold np to 31.14 during the early
aftemon or into now high ground
and 28 points net higher. The
strength of the old crop pulled the
new ctop positions np to or a shade
above yesterday’s closing figures
with October selling at 27J2 -and
prices were within 10 t« 12 points
of the beet around 2 o’clock.
Open high low dose P. C.
liar 30.83 31.00 30.61 .... 30.75
May 31.02 313S 30.77 81.27 SBR7
July *0.38 3038 30.03 3044 30.16
Oct 27.02 27.02 26»5 26.86 27.00
Dec 26.60 2641 26.16 26.35 2644
NEW ORLEANS — Clearing
weather over the belt caused loss
es of 6 to 19 points on tho most
active months around the first
call in the cotton market Wednes
day bit the quick stopping of
March notices for 1.600 bales stim
ulated new interest on the buying
•We and at the end of the first
half hoar of trading Ijjfca 1
they have a
■ extremely adaptable
inn! living service with.a number
jot costumes. Usually Ifceir asv
adorned with buckles.—
Wash your plants In soapeuda <0
Among those visiting In Athens K 11 * 1 *- two Jletcra and one brother.
Wednesday ware. A. V.. Clifton, At
lanta; W. 1". Avery, Wilmington.
Del.; Mr.'iiml Mrs. II. L. Johnson.
Troy, Ohio. It. E. Rhf.des, CM-ano
R. A. Coles, Atl-m'n.
B. H. Sieger. Atlanta; M L. JJug-
gnn. Atkmti. Mina Rnrnh Mell
Duggan. AtleiiLt; W. V. IMrideon.
Milwaukee. Wlr! II Martin At
lanta; P. It. Iloin-i'l.'.i-. Atlam.i;
y’.’’lIrt. -t.JUC..tL, JjlKHL.
Atlanta; W. IL Crin, Tunnor-i-m
Wud.l-v,l.:i. Fullr.n. "NT
T. L. P.n-i. BelilmiiT. Ms
H. O. Rtblfienn. All trim. H. r.
Rockwell. Savannah: J. T Pexiup
DIED-rnnk Jackson Hale, 2 year
hi son of Mr. end Mrs AUen Hale
of Atlanta, Tuesday afternoon at 4
o’clock. Funeril services I o’clock
Wednesday p. m. at tha family ceme
tery at Attica with Rev. Jolly oft
fldatln*. Donay’s In charge. Survived , „ . ■
by lurents, gmndiwrents, Mr. and * , , P«lnta higher than the fi
Mrs. will Wllhclt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe *£ y * ,t *” l *y* May, after »dl-
ind one brother, [{ngoff to 3037 rose to the now
high price toi the season of 3049
vw I w 1 . icents a pound. July made a new
Frank Jackson. 3 2^t. but <? tb,r po,i “? n i'
A 1 rr Ita J iioE? bmk tat ° "* W h !*''
Aged Two, Dead "SSL lllcrt ^ on
—— (claims that the edge waa off the
FrankJsckson, two yesr ok. ^SSn*.*
Mr. and Mra. AUan Hsle.d.w.
da> afternoon at the home near 135 points. October was under
Attica after an lUneaa of pneumonia, jnost selling pressure and fell off
Wnlneulsy afternoon SLJI o!i
AtUlM mm
and- Dorse;
The deceased ia survived by hto'agw crops
parents, hi* ^grandparents, Mr. and strength.
Mrs. William Wllbtlt; Mr. and Mrs (positions
to all appear
• baying. Th
not respond to tho
1:30 o’clock old crop
wero-at new high levels
® n *__ Goes-Cola Bottling company, >fl
In Atlanta where he In attending the
convention of tl.e Georgia bottlers.
At the Wednesday tension Fred H
Gould of Atlanta was elected preni-
deni. John
named vice
was elected secretary and treasurer
The delegates were welcomed by
B. 8. Barker, secretary of the cham
ber of Commerce. Reaponae was made
by W. B. Saveli.
Othern who upoko at the meeting
were C. -D. Rainwater, *e<?retary of
the Coca-Cola Bottling company; Aaa
Warren Candler, Columbus, Roberta
president of the Coca-Cola Bottling
company of Columbun, and George W
Martin, of St. Louie.
A banquet was held Tuesday even
ing at the Kimball house.
Harrison Case
Is Dismissed
Aftera hearing in Justice Court be
fore Judge Milton Thomas yesterday
a cose against O. P. Harrison
charged with aaiault and battery wns
• Howard Chafln, a nephew of liar*
rison wan the prosecutor. Harrison
went to Chafln to -collect a bill and
Is said to havo calred Chafln a liar
whereupon the latter hit Harrison.
Wood Awning
Wrecked By Wind
The tvoodon nwnlng on the build-
Wig occupied hf BTWilen's grocery
store on Lumpkin street ' was
Wrecked by the high winds and
storm Tuesday nlftht. No other
damage hnn been reported nerr
though high prevailing winds blew
all Tuesday afterncon until rain set
In. ,
Defore cutting freahly baked
bread dip the knife In boiling
water. You will not tear the loar
or have uneven, jagged crusts.
and made a permanent record of
the Chamber of Commerce.
The second unit of service of the
American City bureau officially
started Wednesday
Roe Shad
Spanish Mackerel
Fresh Water Trout
Norfolk Oysters
thens Fish & Oyster Co. |
561 E. Broati St.
. _ mg
unit Of service win he held Friday
night at the Georgian hotel.
The campaign crew conaisl
of Daniel H. McFarland
James F- Bavlay have completed
their work, -nd will leave for ilm-
ilar work in otner cities Thurs
M. L. Duggan is
Athens Visitor
M. L. Duggan, one of the state
school supervisors and a candi-
NjOTl c E
Stated communication of Mount
Vernon Lodge No.-22, F. 4A,K.
will be held in Masonic Temple
Thursday evening, March 8th, 1923,
at eight o'clock.
All candidates, prepared with the
examination for the several deJ
grees will present themselves
By order of—
JNO. O. QUINN, Secretary.
VAN-NIL Ntvtr Disappoints
Banner-Herald Want' Ads
FOR SALE—Ringlet* and Aristocrat*
Barred Rock Eggs for dotting. Bread
to lay S1.50 for 15. A few bushels ot
Otpotan Soy Bean seed. Phojte 4104,
county operator. m-7-c
hone 1111.
FOR RENT—734 Cobb St
Phone 1036 or 43T
VAN-NIL 8stlsfisd
Extra select oysters—
Finest shipment from Norfolk.
Jonea Little Pig Sausage
Best of all good sausage.
Fresh potato chips— n
We make them fresh dally.
Large Spanish olnons
Extra fine,, mild and sweet
Green head cabbage ” ' 1 *
Just 'lliie home raised.
Cauliflower, white and crisp.
“Mocha'* layer csks \
Absolutely unequalled- Lots
of Imitations, but they do not
compare with the original—
Mads only by Arnold Abney *
Cocoanut Macaroons,
Almond Macaroons,
Old Fashion Pound Cake.
Parker House Roles, 12c dozen ’
Fresh i
Takes orders for Baby Chixs—
S. C. White, Brown or
Buff Leghorns 17 l-2c each
Barred, White Buff Plymouth
Rocks i9 j.2c each
White Wyandottes, Black
Minorcas, Ancona .... 19c each
Buff Orpingtons 21c each
All pure-bred atock—95 per cent live arrival
guaranteed. Prepaid.
Fifty per cent cash with order. No order for
less than fifty chixs.
j W?. can you m98t any kind of chixs or
ducklings. ‘ -
Athens should put on car load sales of Chick
ens later on in the fall.
■ K interested see ua at the COLLEGE AVE.
STORE. ' ;
If interest in the Curb Market be at the Court
tonight at 8 o’clock.
Superb Canned Fruits
ana Canned ve
: By the Dozen>
Complete line of •
SUNSHINE Crackers.
Guaranteed Always Fresh.
George Washington
Instant COFFEE—
( For Convenience.
Fancy Celeiy, Icebeig *
Lettuce, Cauliflower,
Red Ripe Tomatoes, Cabbage.
5 per cent Discount for CASH-
EtlablUheJ 1887