The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 12, 1923, Image 4

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'Tire banner-herald. Athens, Georgia THfe BANNER-HERALD Published .Every Evening During the Watt Except serorony enu Sunday Morning by The Athens Publishing Company. Athens, Ca. HAUL II. BRASWELL daily sermonottA' Then said his dlsel»dss. Lord, If hi sleep, ho thill do 11:12. Bleep, that sometime* ohuU up Borrow** eye. — Shakeopooip. DID rr EVER OCCUR TO YOU? I A 1/itle of Everything And Not Hack of Anything. ' By HUGH ROWE .. ...... Publisher and General Mansgsr — Editor BAICL U. iniAaniiUi ......... * At™.:-. CIIAHLES E. MARTIN • ManigiiUL Entered at the Athens Postoffice as Second Class Mail Mdttar nhder the Act of Congress March 8, 1870 A. C. C. PAPER—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—N. B. A. SERVICE MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - The Associated Press is exclusively qntiticu to , th ®. “f* lhation of all new* dispatches credited to it. or net otherwiso^credits* In this paper, and Also the local news published thcren.. An rights ai rc publication of special dispatches arc also reserved. — An< njlrew C. Erivln, PreiMent.' Bowdre Phipizy. Secretary and Treasurer. H. J. Rowe; Tice President. Address all Busiiicas Communications direct _to tag Company, not to individuals: New* nrticlea tton should be addressed id The Banner-Herald. intended for publica- A HOLIDAY FOR KNOCKERS IN ATHENS Knockers are like mosquitoes, .The bite ,of the mosquito is annoying but is not fatal except to the mosquito itself. There is this difference: We aw freo of mosquitoes some months in the year; we have the knocker with us every day. We suppose there is some reason in the general scheme of things for the presence of knockers and mosquitoes. Otherwise they could not exist But a community should have an occasional relief from both. The citizens of Athens Are more closely united now than ever before in the hratory of the city. Is it not a good time to give a holiday to the chap who has al ways worked so hard to keep us,informed on the rot tenness of the output of the other fellow’s business/ We have only a few here and we can easily do without those few for awhile. .... Besides the knocker can most profitably devote the time given hiip to correcting the glaring . defects ’ in his own business, which he has evidently overlooked while busily supervising the affaires of others HARDING’S CHANCES FOR RE-NOMINATION It looks now as “if. President Harding would have opposition for the renomination -for the presidency, two formidable. candidates .are looming, Hejl Roar- a, of California, when they enter the ring. Johnson has declared re peatedly that, he would riot be a candidate if Hard ing ran the second time until recently, but How* it lboks like he has changed his mind. > FigKtfrig Bob LaFoIlette will be in the race without a:doubt Ever since he.polled such an enormous vote in the November election he has been .nursing tho presidential bee. If he could only extend his Wisconsin popularity to other states, what a walk over he would have! But he may encounter trouble in persuading the people of some of the States that v we had no business entering the war” which it is said will be his slogan. * > It is said that the prospect of opposition has .caused a corresponding change of the presidential policy to meet the altered conditidns. The president is now inclined -to paddle his own ' canoe. Iif this resolution, it is said that he Will have an able assist ant in the new Postmaster-General, Harry New. It is pointed out that the advantage of having the com mand lays with the president and one of' the ' first things for him to do is to mak$ arrangements to gath er in the Southern Republican .delegates and this is what he is supposed to 4p. , NITRATE OF SODA PURCHASE The Georgia State Agricultural Department has ent W. Ti Bennett to Hermitage, Tenn., to take charge of the loading and shipment to Georgia -farmers of the nitrate of soda purchased from the United States War Department on competitive bids recently. Georgia was fortunate in securing seventy-six out of 100 awards made on the bids, the average price for the nitrate being 145.54 per ton, which with the reduction in freight charges -obtained through the State Agricultural Department, amounts to the sum of approximately $100,000 saved on the Gerirgia pur chase. Shipments will begin to move to Georgia from the government powder.plant in Tennessee the latter part of this week. The railroads have given assurances that as many cars will be provided as may be needed for prompt movement of the nitrate. Too much credit cannot be given for the skillful manner in which the entire affair has been managed by the Agricultural Department. Returned from Cuba, Earl D. Babst (president of American Sugar.Refining Co.) Bays: “The supply of sugar in the United States is ample. The one thing, however, that we as refiners cannot provide against is a stampede either in the trade or among consumers. Such unthinking action only plays Into the hands of speculators, and the' 5 public puts up suggr pacta on itself M&oafw only when you absoIutdK‘4fg8d<3(^aiiif Erijr ffr> 5 small quantities, and you'll help keep the ini" Wlicit Lizzie' departed her paint fralr- ly ehonc. No flivver had more metropd lltan tone, ' Uut now. oh, 'lu awful how eh abby' ■hc'ii crown. Vet 11111 she keepa chucflnc -alone, (iolne etronc* Chuerfully chugging alone: | are Her wheels and her fenders covered with muck Of one dozen ’ states, and mile looks like a truck, Uut still, with her must undeniable pluck. , ' , | Miss Lizzie keepe chueclnr alone! . tor William J. Harris -ndered a most valuable • arw *’ :e to not only the farm- •f* of the South, but to tho enure commercial Interests of —secUon of the country in the uen . ho has lead in congress for tlio jar sage of a .measure agproprtat- ** i $10,000,Oaf tbr the agricultural • iportmetft to buy sodium nltrato f jtd sell to the fanners at coat Senator . Harris , amended this , resolution to Include calcium ar senals, which the' farmer! needs so much* and, to sell to tho farm er ad coat. In an exhausUve ex- posltlon of the methods adopted by trust aad enemies of the south. .Senator Harris laid bare tho schemes of the opposition to the measure and. In parti said: “Wo have voted at this session thousands, and tens of thousands and millions of dollars for expend) tnro for agricultural mattere In other sections of the country. Tdo revolving fund is not a gift to the agricultural sections of my counr try, not one copper cent of It. Every dollar Is to bo paid back In cash. The Government runs :io rtsk, / The Government under a Democratic administration did this wrme thins aboiiu hI* vpan m»n | vll will mean prosperity for the. • South and a new era In all com mercial and Industrial Hues. Rath er than discourage and delay tht •work, let us all with concerted ac tion support the national move ment and lend our t^est efforts to wards Its success. WILLIAMS’ FAREWELL ADDRESS ' Senator John Sharp Wiliamr of MisI’saiopi, scholar and philosopher of the Senate, and whose resemblance 'to Mark Twain is most stiiking', and whose pungent r wit and rcathing satire have made him tne most prom- 5 inent figures in the United States Congress for the past 30 years, has voluntarily retired to the shades of private life. Mr. Williams was known to have been the most fearless and independent thihker in Congress dtiring the time of his service. His colleagues had planned to give him a big ban quet, but he declined the honor on the ground that he was in too big a hurry to get to his beloved, books. On reaching Jackosn, he issued a farewell address to the people of his state, on his retirement from pub- life life which concludes as follows: “You and I are, in the main, of the old stock that gave to the world Magna Charta, the Bill of Rights, the petition of right, liberty regulated ’ and protected by law, free parliaments and local self-government “Translated for perpetuation on this side of the Atlantic, they became the Declaration of In depence, ‘the Constitution of the United States tind the sovereignty of the several states within the' spheres of their reserved rights. “Let us remember our institutions, to hpld them sacred, and our race, to honor its blood, do ing our part in its long history continued in us, tqkeep peace and its ideals in the ’foremoat files Je'.tsey and iVew' York . and Now Maryland, too, . , ', The" two Carolina)!, Virginia—well, yop " I li S' Could aec. If you . aaw her,. wha (travel ran do. Though- Llssle keep* chugging along,’ Going Strong , l l’oppily plugging along. There’s jnud and there’s dusk * Ala bank >. supplied, . . ' We carry much Georgian soil ns ,,Vlth mud lllisisslppl took care to provide, Aa Llssle went? chugging along. me tiling about? six years ago und got the sod Imp nitrate for us, •014 It to the cotton growers at cost, and It saved to Ohe farmers of tho Sotrth mllllohs of dollars. I beilove that'what Is behind this whole matter and tho reason for the delny Is the Influence of tlho SVsrtlllgor trust that kept tho Mus - cle Shoals proposition back so long... The. Fertiliser Trust keeps a Idbhy here all the time. Tho Federal Trade Commission report IssueG today shows that tho price of fertilisers Is controlled by n few companies. That is the reasoa why we can not get a voto In the House.. That Is my opinion of It. It Is the opposition of the Fertiliz er Trust That is Mho reason why I am standing here tonight on my rights, proceeding In the only way I crin to get Justice for my people.” One of the most Important measure* to be introduced in the approaching session of the legislature for sane regula- From Louisiana there's sticky black ■tuff. There's Arkansas clay, which la gluoy enough. But though half the roads have been sticky or rough. Miss Llssle keeps chugging along. Tho black mud of Texas, the dust at her plains. Is plastered on Ussie—and there remains. Bat still, though she's worn out 4omo three sets of rhp'ns, Miss Llssle keepa chugging along, (Going strong, ' Happily chugging along! injf Ui Johnson, of California-and Fighting Bob La- Follette, of Wisconrin, arc now busily engaged in brushing up their armor- which they propose to Wear' Her curtnlns ore fastened with string and with pins. She rattles'and squeaks as each dew day begins. And yet on her Journey'sbo merrily spine..' V • — Miss Llssle - goes ehugging-along. The national campaign for boll weevil cbntrol should re ceive the hearty co-operation of all dtlxens In thla state and throughout the cdtton belt, to say tho least Dr. Andrew M. Soule, president of the State College of Agriculture, has given his unqunll fled endorsement of the movement, which was Inaugurated In Atlanta n few weeks since. There Is no question but that the effort on the part of those directly interested In the campaign is genuine ar,1 (heir purpose, a purely unselfish one. Anything which can be -gone to control or eradicate the boll wee- tions In tlio sale and carrying on •the person revolvers and othet firearms. A uniform law has been proposed which Is In effect In many of the states throughout the country and a bill Is now before congress similar to the qno which will be Introduced In this state. The uniform law has been en dorsed by tho International Assoc!•> •Ion of Chiefs of Police, leading criminologists und variout new i papers. Briefly, It provides that: ‘‘None but citisens, personally known, or .properly Identified to a licensed dealer In firearms, are permitted to purchaso pistols or revolvers. A record of salo must bo filed with tho police. No pl3tol or revolver may bo de livered to .Dio purchaser until the day after the sale. “Owners of such firearms are not permitted to carry them on their persons or In n vehicle with out a license from tho police. “Dealers aro not permitted ' to display pistols or revolvers, or imitations thereof, whoro they can be seen from tho outsldo of the store. “Possession of a pocket firearm by a person committing or attempt' lng to commit a- felony, Is regard-t ed as prima - fado evidence of criminal intent, and is punishable by a mandatory sentence of fire No road i^ too trough and no mud Is tdo From eras unto crag she will merrily leap. At tlihea aha can race, and at tlmea •ha must creep, i But Llssle gore chugging along. FOR EXCESSIVE URIC ACID TRY THE. WILLIAMS TREATMENT 85 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) FREE years' extra ImprisonmeiXl “Heavy penalties are- prescrib ed for second and third offenders. Fourth offenders may be sentenc ed to life Imprisonment “Manufacturers’ aerial numbers or other Identifying marks on pis tols or revolvers must not be al tered or erased. “Allens and persons who have been convicted of a felony are not permitted to possess a pistol or revolver ” Somewhere in a rusty back book -now forgotten on - the shelf'is a atory that ‘began something like this, “In days of old when Knights were bold and pirates rated the It was a fascinating atory and Must have been.' dug dp again by some imaginative ( outh In attendance at the InircrsUy of Georgia 'and fired him to action on gome of the stirring scenes that caused hig hair to stand op end and his chivalry;'to revert to the old days cf (King Arthur and his table round. And why?. Because the -other morning early arrivals on the campus were startled to ace flying from the flag pole where the Stars . Pnd Stripes usually wave in the breezes a pirate’s nag. yea the xery emblem of Captain Kjdd himself, a white skull and bones oh* a back ground of black. The Janitors were the first to spy the flag and soon there was a general gathering of all the Coal shoreiers of the campus amh this theory and that advanced, maybe even daggers ana burled ram were looked for but didn’t any of them venture too near that pole and finally the keeper of the grounds hauled down the pid B Glory h " IB * r * n< * r * n ^ „ A “* no » eatnpns gossip has tt that some -ardent admirer ? f * eo-ed had probably ,« pMty quarrel with hix campds ?“ e «n and that he wade a dare that he would have possession of her Mart WarrantH were itaued Friday ror Pate Johnson, proprietor or "John son's Place)" on Thomas street ana Jim Ealey; colored, charging viola tion of the prohibition law. Doth men were transferred by the city authorities to the ccunty Jail and Johnson was released under a $300 bond for ap)>enrance in tne city court. Ealey is being neld in Jag. A small quantity of whiskey was jjgNbAv. March q, found-When officers in,, Britten raided tho™^ TYhr- -k. XT r" e “ e ( ” It. A huge ih.i« g( Ij "* trimmed wltk . “ ^ purple ana w.i»w Wet*. trlrr.m braid In Jacket H,i > o? bln. OIOKI in a sha-w deep , llu ~ shade of the |,|, JU „ 1 of the me w " Wfl > to You’ll win the fighl against Constipation with Kellogg’s Bn if he had to steal If and thni he flaunted Uut pirate’.^: surrender. W,rn * nf T ” her to John Harrlb, an operative at the Southern Manufacturing Co., la a most talented cartoon* 1st. Without the least study Yea somehow she gets tpere, she U plough and she'll climb. When big cars lie down In the snow or the slime. And wo II get |o Frisco O. K. and on time, As Llssle keeps chugging 'along; Ilolng strong, ’ Consistently chugging along.- ./, —BERTON DIIALEY * price with- A Puzzle A Day The entrance to every tunnel, or brldgo thqt rro—e a railroad, Is guarded by a series of hanging cords, that strike the men riding on top of freight cure, to warn them ct the ap proaching overhead atructurc. A lirokeman. riding od a freight train, was struck by II sets of these conls. The train passed under twice ns many bridges as tunnels. How many of each were there t Just because you start the day wor ried and tired, stiff legs and arms and muscles, an aching head, burning and bearing down pains In tho back- worn out -before the day begine—de not think you have to stay In that condition. Be strong, well, with no stiff joints, sore muscles, rheumatic pains, aching back or kidney troublo caused by body made odds If you suffer from bladder weak ness, with burning, scalding pains, or If you are In Olid out of bed half a dosen times a night, you wilt up- prsclats the rest, comfort and strength this treatment should give. To prove The Williams Treatment conquers kidney and bladder diseases, rheumatism and all other ailments when due to excessive uric add, no matter how eiirdnle or stubborn. If you have never tried The William Treatment, we will give one SSd buttle iS2 deses) free If you will cut but this notice and send tt w:ih your name and qddresa. Please send 10 cents to help pay postage, package, etc, to The Dr. D. A. wintums Co. DepL AA-2101 P. < Bldg. East Hampton, Conn. Send ut one© and you will receive by par cel.pest a regular (So bottle wlthou^ or training, demonstrated for work of this kind. Some of his cartoons are equal to those of the high priced cartoonist/of the country and yrt the man never had an opportunity of studying or taking a course’ I Just picked tt up” said -Mr. Harris, “and I enjoy making pictures." He Is a wonder and if some one could find a way for him to havo a “Chance"—there is no telling—ho might make good and become tie equal of Goldberg and some nf,tho other big boys In the cartoon tine. Maybe she has amt the n»*t DM CupW-r wW * ,hat of Buick Builds Millionth Motor Wet- - There has al- SSwatew his ability has been Nation ?t°?hf ed *. " tate of much tt ? a ‘ & 3£ P* n ‘ . There Is ample occasion for if SetedManirif* th ® ?" ll,onth c°m- WMbf u?1 lck . car »■ but a few weeks distant—and building a mil lion automobiles Is something Other rnnonm ...1 * Thin? Ron-down? Sore Way to Get Right Weight IncreawYeor Red-BIood-CeHs.Thai’e the Sure Way! S. S. S-BuddsBlood- Cells; This Means Strength! afw juu way iniurinco eva* panics refuss (o Insure s nest many charge and without Incurring any ob ligation GMy one buttle to the same address or family—Adv. to automobile statistics. Buick has bdllt a diverse line at Present, for Instance, the modeu tnead® flfteen pa„ engei , cars and a truck. ^ - truck. ^ Buk J k Pfce* range front slightly nnder a thousand dollars w slightly undor two tbous dollars and therefore cover a price range that demands scrupu lous care and Inspection In produc tlon So the Buick folks are proud and justly so. Out of the big’ North Flint plant there Is rejoic ing and expresalons of mutual ad it Is wonderful news for every con- Itipatlon sufferer to know that Kellogg’a Bran guarantees permanent relief It It is eaten regularly. Two tables poonfola each day; aa much with each meal in ehronie cases—taken con sistently—will work health wonders, driving out toxic poisons, freeing affected organs and allowing nature to eliminate tho waates in its own way I Think what thla means to health When yon know that constipation is responsible .for a largo majority of human ailments;.that it is often the direct causoof Bright’s and diabetes; that, in milder form, it is responsible for sick headaches, biliousness, nausea, pour breath, pimples, etc. Got a package of Kellogg's Bran to-day and -fight .against constipation and what it leads to I Free your family from its ravages; frw I(IM , its grip I Within a surprised at tho imptweatM; Kellogg’s Bran is not manent relief from tout,™, it is a health food, containing salts as well as other ritaTh meats that aro a necessity to Eat Kellogg’s Branui sprinkio it on or mit it with hot or cold cereals became it h to eat. It is delicious cooks hot ccrcab. And, you haze much if you do not know tho d of bran muffin-, bran rzidn bran griddio cakes, ete. Leading hotcb, dubs ud rant* servo Kellogg'o Brzn 'a viduul package!. „ All men Kellogg’s llran. Dodson’s Liver Tone” Straightens You Up Better Tk Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn’t Upset You-Don’tLose a Day’s Work—Read Guarantee You’re bilious! Your liver is sluggish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue is coated; breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipated. Qut don’t take salivating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day’s work. Calomel is mercury or quick silver which causes necrosis of other concera’has'yet'arc^nHoh° tho bones - Calomel crashes into bd with Mho exceptlon of Ford' 80ur bil ? like dynamite, breaking And Uncle Henry, of course °is il U P' That ’ 3 whcn y° u fool'that always excepted 1 *when it "omre aw - IuI nause4 and « a ™P 1 ”S'. If you want to. enjoy the nicest,, fentlest liver and bowel deans- ng you: ever experienced just take n spoonful of harmlqm Dod son's Liver Tone tonight -Your druggist or dealer sells you a bot tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone few cents under my pen money-back guarantee that spoonful will clean your ilq liver better than a dose or calomel and that it won't you as sick. Dodson’s Liver Tone b liver medicine. You’ll In next morning because you wake up feeling fine, yon will be working, your bwi and dizziness gone, your itos will be sweet and your her regular. You will feel like 1 ing; you’ll be cheerful; ft .vigor and amlgtion. Dodson’s Livlr Tone is vegetable, theiffore can not salivate. Give it to children.—(Advrtisemeat) m miration among tho man who have sh splendidly co-operated In achlev Ing the mark now being celebrat ed^ “Do you remember when— t" Yesterday’s answer: ssa?. p wsrssffwrz: s& nerve-puzrer, mints red-cells tq year blood, minus btsllk. mldus energy, minus vitality. It Is serions to be miens, but the moment you Immito the number of your rad-l>ln«,l-nlts., r 0 begin to become plan. Tlyirs why 8. S.. since IRC. ties mi-nnl le tbee- ■snds of end.-rwclsht men .mil women, pine In llirlr simnslb. flollnw teke fill mu. Ymi etop twin* s cs- tawHy-lonkrr T.rt inspire confldesc*. Tear body fills i:> the point of power, your flenh l«-com.-« fln>ii.r. tha . •*• lines that come from thinness illsno- pear. You look y.uinner. firmer, hip pier. and you hot It. loo. all ovdr your bodn Mors red-Mnml-reltal lit Wtn build them lAdles end zcntl Iky. bjuv fare doesn't mil The shove diagram shows how the three houses were . supplied with water from the thna, wells. Each wdll supplies every house, and none of the pipes crose.or Join. The “key* t to the puxsle, however lies In the pipe i running from well C to house C. The; pipe rune through house B. but does not ernes any of ' the other' p|d*A| Otherwise the solution would he Im possible. CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY mail U to FoMjr £ Co- field Ave., Chicago, ItL, writing Your name and address, clearly. You will receive in return n trial packm containing Foley’s Honey and Ter Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and K-L Pills Idler treslde I cede to serious Ills. As4 s sure elsa of tlvertrewMe Is ted Dr. A. w.SeSsSwrSff Stone, Kovte Ne. S, Staley, Os, , PP men. a peaky, f»r« d yea look very St .n portent or pretty, ires It I Tike S. S. t>. It centslns soty two rises. Tbo latwer lino bottle U tbo Dors ceononlrsl. S.SoS. fWO M Dr. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE CO. 18 WsshtogtM M. DrBELL’S Bne-tcir; yon remember when—t! the favorite kejmote of converaa tlon. . The millionth Buick motor just produced, and the millionth Buick car,, soon to make Its advent, ar rive In the twentieth anniversary year of Buick. The Buick com pany was organized In 1(43 and Its production In that year was Just sixteen automobiles. Today It Is ’jtifldlng,. more . than 14,000 cars each month from Its American plants alone. Necessarily tho story of building expansion, from jroar to year, and tho growth of its pbl-Honn! to 18.000 men und women, ts thickly cross'd and dotted with romance. Country Is H-U Of Success Says Uncle Joe . DANVILLE, HI-—“Uncle Joe” Cannon the patriarch of ’ the Congress, was back under his own roof tree here Satur day to .rest, definitely retired from public service for the first time since he went to Wash ington during the administra tion or President Grant. Only a knot of eaosuals saw tho veteran statesman, tired, pale and walking slowly, on the arm of a friend, although none the ten jauntily, despite his 87 years, leave the twin which brought him from Chi cago on the second top of his HU HE elm's Bias [ “California Fig Syrup” is Child's Best laxative sick child loves' the playful MUH Even a “fruity’’ taste of “California Fig Syrup.” If the little -stomach is upset, tongue coated, or if Your child is cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will novor fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly It works nil the constipation poison, aour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, millions of mothers Mj fomia Fig Syrup know a teaspoonful today**’' sick child tomorrow. ASM druggist for genuine “Cam* Fig Syrup” which has dneti for babica and children of all printed on bottle. Mother! must aay “California or J 0 * get an imitation fig syrup.-l vertiicment) “raSSi-V-ki-' wishes, Danville did net ton net tom decorated Danville oat with bands and automobile to welcome him. Bet Jest aa soon as ha gets rested up, the folks are plan ning to Mp# the lid off the town to show Uncle Joe what the folks at home think of him. triumphant retreat to retirement the aged legis lator -had no sentimatalbfta. He kept his party merry with qalps and stories. “This country to a bell of a success” .opioned Uncle. ’Joe when pressed for sonte formal statement. “Just let that stand as all the tatenreiw I care to give out. I’m not giving In terviews anymore. I'm oat of wha» I'm home to do—nothing else.” ORANGE PEKOE rJ^k. — — wsm J