The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 13, 1923, Image 5
THE BANNER-nERAtD. AtnENS, REOPCtAV KONRAD bo bn* •™faot<) ! ’ }7r-x3 VriW odi snrtirfl »irin»v SOCIETY NCTTOKSOOR > SHE- THOUGHT MOD tWtt»VE.HWM svtoor i\lo Mrs. Carl McXelly went over to Winder Tuesday to spend several days -and attend the reception giv en her mother and elatecs in honor of .Mrs.- Clmiloij W. Henson ^ i*e-, cent popular bride. You Can't Lose Red.Seal aboea last twice n ion*. Aak your dealer how to enter the con teat and win a pair of Red Seal aboea. Mr, and Mrs. diaries Vf. Henson* Mrs. J. 1). Henson and Mrs. T.C. l'*ullbr|ght of Winder siient Monday with Mrs. Carl M<;NeHy.T- Mrs. James b.uall .Peeler, Mrs. Andrew l.nne nnd fir:-. Amp Poct et of Macon will arrive W*'i'iday to nitenil tlie weekond. with’ .'trr. Ar tie itmull and Mrr.J. w, Sametf. CORNS Safe relief iioneminul Minces Margaret pnd IdOUise Mer ton ure planning u lovely Euro pean trip this summer, June with u party from Altana l*rof and Mrs. U. H. Davenport spent the weekend In Atlanta go ng over to sec Mr. Herbert Flem ing who is ill In the hospital. - —W— .AJm. Jnnics Kirk and little daughter Martha Lmc spent the weekend In Colbor^ and'were ac- _ Mrs. J. I*\ Hhelmne. of Crawfp' * vompnnlud home by Miss Alice Mrs. Ss Lee, of Thomast... is Monday In the\cltv. the gUcst of Mrs. W. 15. H t .: vs having been <«lle<l here on acount of Mrs. Sims. BY AD MAN OOJNGS OF THE DUFFS GIVE HER TIME |Vr that painful corn here's la/t, •po-iy Alief—Dr. Schell’s Zino. f 1 ■, They remove the cauit— lr ’ ’.n-rrAsurr, and heal the irrl. i a ,A Thus you avoid infection f. H cutting your corns or using c —,mvc acids. Thin; antiseptic; witttproof. Sites* for coyis, cal. |.,j!es, bunions. Get a box today pit’s or shoe dealer’s. I UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE A LITTLE SISTER NOW, DANNY? WHAT IS Y60R. littl^ sister’s name.? hello There,danny DUFF - I KNOW JUST WHAT YOU WANT- HERE YOUARE- A HELLO, IS THIS PALMEPtfS A DRUGSTORE? I’M GOING U TO SEND DAN MV DUFF .OVER. ( FOR SOME COLD CREAK! AND ) I WANT IMPERIAL- HOW < . MUCH IS. THAT? ALL RIGHT < V I’LL SEND HIM RIGHT OVER/ DANNY, I WANT VOO TO GO UP TO THE CORNER DRUG STORE AND GET SOME COLD CREAM - HERE IS THE MONEY-IT’S JUST RIGHT - I CALLED THE DRUGGIST ON THE phone ahd he-ll HAve it READY FOR ~\ DONTT KNOW ' YET, WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND A . WORD SHE SAYS COLD CREAM D£ Scholls 'Mho-pads Put bncon—the pain Is gone t Mrs. Frank .Porter. or Bishop silent Monday in the city. —a— .Mrs. Pritchard, of Savannah is the ituert of her sister, Mrs. U. If Davenport. * - i. ' gj Mrs. S. M. Myers, of Atlanta nr- | riven neat Mmday to visit her s;s- ter. Mrs. W. C. Jordan. Vanished After UsingLydia L Pinkham’s Vegetable Green snap beans, fresh Bv Blnsaer OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahem FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS FRECKLES FINDS A REAL GIRL •TW NOT MAKING TT flflUltllj ««sssr ri\\^ IPS rOJERTUERE-TUEfRE » i —f VWBmS ON 7y| ;| jj r' . (* J. ft] 1 and tender. ’ Small yellow squash. Large egg plants. New Irish potatoes. Green head cabbage, fresh cut from So. Geor- gia. Fine ripe tomatoes, extra fancy, ripe red. Bell peppers—Carrotts. Spring onions in bunches. •Crisp heads Iceberg ,let- W. Philadelphia, Pa. — "When I cleaned liouso last April I must have - rapverliftfed. for af- liilililU^jlMHUHHIter that I had III 1 - 1 Ipainsandachesull f • jg. '.til Itho time and was || OP THE GREAT EGYPT! AU PRlMcE, | 'MOBRUOB GELTOOB" EH? - 4 1 HAD A ttuUcH oUTHaT MAME 0 .1 FIRST HEARD ITT AMD BY JKlG iT BACKVJARD I GOT* lOCrCLBG BOLlRBOKl S A FOKY CUSTOMER MA3bR - LB, AMD YOU AMD VOUR FRIEMD RVeY CAM EXPLAtU TWlS.lM j ! COURT'TbMORROWl • s' AlNfT You GOINS ■ri)JUA«V A»r MCNIES 1 TODAY, AUSTBL r 'ftAIRBANMS? Vffi \ d VIANTA 'MATCH r-' V. YoO. r VE9 HMWeV« 'AMD ALL THROUGH Your coMfoUUded BLUMDERlMG V DAsHrr \ AU-,t SAY!, WELL \ mAToR.ol ' BoY« I GUESS TH TIG IS > V UP! * / own housework, and I could not carry a basket of (carry a.basket of | groceries from tho [store nor walk, [ovon four or flvo . [squares without getting terrible back and abdomen and , I went to visit a friend r, N. J., and ahe said, yMgy&se ■‘pound? ’ aPSttMAd' aaid that it it did her so muefr good for the aaAie - Trouble, I shoufiRt^^IL—fEfMfW®'' taken it and it Is 'doing mo good.. Whenever I feel heavy or bad, it yuta nc right on my foot again. I am able' to do my work with pleasure and am getting strong and stout.”—Mrs. r>iARt.E3 Butleb, 12338.Hanson St., W. Philadelphia. Pa. • Write to Lydia E. Finkham Med A' rise Co., Lynn, Mass., for a free copy :f I.ydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text. .....o “ Ailment* of Women.” tuee. Fresh Florida celery. Arnold, Abney & Co. Cinnamon rolls 15c doz en. Large milk bispuits 12c dozen. Parker House roils 12c dozen. Butter Fly rolls WtoFTYloU FIND OUT WHO . SUSYUAS? r KO, BUT WERE I0VM-8ACM 1N1W ACRNING AM’ MEET HER.. T 0U,MmvVNE swnvf NICEST urn* ©bum SHE MAD TU’ . AKBSTCURIS! 6c each. Made fresh three times a day. Order your rolls from us and get them fresh- Arnold, Abney & Co. Banner-Herald Want Ad WANTI5D—To light housekeeping and care for o*cd couple or lady ddross “Z. E.” care BanncNHcruld. m-14-c. Art-riA!«sotHAfgi\Xeu? j IJjtlGS, ha well os people, * ' tlirlve best on whole- s'imvfood. And sour swIU isn't wholesome. The acid in it ruins bogs' digestion ard they grow thin and. scrawny. .A little Giant I ye in thofood neutralizes the acid In it and makes It sweet and wholesome. Iloft* like It nnd grow fat on it. It kills disease germs and keeps the bogs '"Jllbyr |lHE ORlGlM OF THE MUMMY CAS&TOMORROVJ^ > WANTED—Poaltlonas. cook, (paid or nhrm. A No. 1 References Apply P. O. Box No. 1ST. Athens. Ga m-IJ-p. By Stanley I THE OLD HOME TOWN By WilKams WANTED BOARDERS—Purnlalied room nnd board at S2S.OO per month each to two gentlemen, ladle i or married couple. Mrs. C. T. Hmnnih 1M> W. Dougherty St. m-lS-p. "NO-NO- 1 I MAYBE IT |W*LSNIASHj SCME ONE3/- VKIkPOW.i) WANTED—To buy or rent bouse. Might be Interested In’ vacant lot Address P. O. Box in. Athsns, Ga. l\7lnime pint of water. .1 ild to the feed one tern- ipoonful of thiv solution /or ttjt fi hoe. Stir welt before feeding. OF YOU MEN HEAD THAT FOOL THING ROE AND BUCK SHAD Mackerel. Steak. Black Bass. Sal mon Trout. Spanish MackersL 1‘hnne—J. VAN STRAATEN—MJS. NEWT [ GIANT LYE IgBeal BorprI Mbbb D0BB0 ;Hyomei fnrS6yeers the Beet 'Wu Top I to tds the Strength It* Builds Keep your blood pure, your powers of resistance strong—-it •gainst germ-infection. Take .food-tonic* ki, i.r. i. uay onsm • A .JJJ, K |y W ol iOt&T UlfmtttK <1l‘- "m ,uno). 'tna ci oopsdol vil U | j0> mtm^i^hh wlhSiA THROWN OUT-TVE-SECOND STORY willDbW AT THE BARREL FACTORY FIRE ROLLBDMOST ai i THL- WAY TD THE DEPOT CAUSINGv A LOT OP CON FUSION tsNi«! nrich the blood rad entrguelbo "We bottle of Scott’s Emulsion today!*! cJJtWllllW, si'lMK - —