The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 14, 1923, Image 2

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PAGE TWO BANNER- .MM* rtisements 2 Cents a Word t j f’bflnlmum Charge of 40 Cento I a*-*- Cons. Seven times for thi of five insertions. . | discontinuances MUST be do In person at Tl|e Ban. • Herald Office or by letter. ~|one. dlicontlnvancee are valid. ' WJiifr ad PHONE For Sale White Leghorn eggs far hatchln# 12.00 per fifteeh. Arnold Collier, Cot- bert. □ a. '' 75 FOR SALE—PEACH PICKLES. 11.00 per half gallon; Fig preserves, 11.00 per quart; Canned peaches,* 25o per quart. Canned plums, 23c per quart. Also 1 bushel sweet potatoes |1.09. Phone 70. Banner-Herald Offlee. tf. FOR SALE—WHITP LEGHORN Eggs for petting. 11.00 for 15. Ag. Co||ege Strain. Phonp 2S7. v , m-18-c FOR SALE—PEACH i’ICKEd, fl.00 per half gallon; Fig urcscrvi-. fl.oo per quart; Churned ‘peaches, 25c per quart; Canned plums, lie per' quart. I—one 75, Banner-Herald Offic*. tf, f ed to"nter mitt written formance tf the terns It by filing bond in such an Amount as the committee may demand. Bids must be upon uniforma Idea U), ATHENS, GEORGIA form Committee of? thi Bqari of Tnwteef ox the State Normal School, Athena, Ga., will receive blda for fur- nlahlna uniforms to the students of tho: Stats Normal School for the year' Uca | | n stylo with tint note la tAa beginning that date anE ending , n the achooi and the material com- March 15. 1924. , It Is to /be understood that thsJPo* 1 "* lu vmrloua ** rti Committee w||| Incur no financial ob- equally food and substantially the Ufatlons In awarding this contract, gam* eg,that now In use or better In although It will usc Its Influence to have students who are In need of uni forma to purchase new uniforms orl , *1 t 1 anieea. parts of uniforms from the success ful bidder and the successful bidder must deal directly with students ac cording to the custom of the school, llie successful bidder will be expect- both kind and quality. Perfect fits and prompt flsllvery must be guar- thrillers In this VrcaTTheM IHTWlWS^O® 10 ! ‘SrTlA 1 * ■i.'amw Af>rUA»b* r, -~ J W > wr *0 1 — 1 pw'-." Clarke Stotege! Bat'vry Co., er Hancock Ave» and rougher ty street. Is doing gome splendid work to beautify A mens. The va cant lot at their rear baa been a dumping place for broken vehicles and old care. This lot will be cleaned off, th<F Jung removed and the ground leveled and made Into received TUB SCC’UT LAWS immmM continue this work. Lost And Found LOST—Many sn article, found by a Banner-Herald reader and. return ed to Its owner. It you have lost any thing today try a Banner-Herald Want'Xd' tomorrow. 4 WAi Wanted 8#TED—A good cook, house maid, bu ler, chauffeur, dumestlo help, or rfaybo Its office assistance, book- stenogs, telephone girls, cashiers etc. Whatever it Is, you may be s ire that thousands of alert bust- end efficient Individuals In Ath' i will see your Wont Ad in ths m er-Herald and will talk over the ir with'you. nest day.'it's done aver day In Athena Wi lNTED—Several boys oi er twelve years of age deliver papers. Short vs with good pay. Ap- at Banner-Herald of- East Hancock Ave. to hoi ply fici WAI Addi WA2 FOR 8ALB-8ELEq*.* ,^TT!NO Eggs. White leghorn $1.00, Rarred Rook $1.50. Phone 1140. m-ia-c FOR 8AUS OR RENT—2Q 1-4 Acres level land at Oconee Heights. K. O. Fambro 211 Sou. Mutual Bldg. Phone 516. * m-H-c FOR SALE—Wood. Dry pine stove wood. Phone 160S-J or 120-J. R. L. Bramble tt. m-12-c. FOR BALE—Two second hand re volving book cases. Phone 1301. m-H-c. FOR SALE—One ton Ford Truck :Good as new. Cheap. H. L. Cofer Feed Co., 269 N. Lumpkin. Phone 247. v m-H-c. -Miscellaneous CHILDREN’S PARTIES PLANNED. decorations, favors and cakes fur nished. Garland Smith, 142 Mali St., Phone 224. ro-13-c TED TO Bljy STALK CUTTER section harrow. 1L F. Christian, Urol® St. m-ia-p. TfeD—THRBiE RbOM UNFUR WAi NISHED apartment or three or four 'house by April 1st. With reas- onat e rant. Phone 1135-J. M-H- WA1 TED—S00 GALLON GALVAN- D Water Tank good condition. !2t Athena Ga M14C. - WAITED—To do light housekeeping for aged couple or lady cara Banner-Herald. m-H-c. TED—To buy or rent houae. Ml ;ht bo Interested In vacant lot is* F. O. Box 722, Athens, Ga. MEDIUM BROWN HAIR look* best of all after a Golden Glint ,—An Shampoo.—Advertisement. PREVENT FLU AND GRIPPE For a few cents you. pan ward otf Flu and Grippe by promptly checking your coughs and colds with Foley’s Honey and Tar. Al so gives quick relief from coughs resulting from Flu, Grippe, Whop- ing Cough, Aathma and Bronchi tis. Forty-eight years of satis faction to users has made Foley’s Honey and Tar the World’s larg est selling cough medicine. Con tains no opiates—ingredients are printed on tho wrapper. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon Fold's. —Adverf.^jjcnt FOR RENT One five-room" downstairs apartment, private-batb^nd ell convenience. Possession March IsL JE. G, FAMBROUGH , Phone.516 The committee reserve*,. the right to reject any or all bids,or. parts of L ' ths same, or to award, parts. 10 oner" 0 bidder and other parts to pUwrs There will he no radical departure rom the uniform now In use,. Sped-' flcatlons will be furnished by and nil bids must he addressod to ' Jp re M. Pound. President, State Normal School. Athens, Ga. Ids white, ' who bag idsomo home of Mr. M. O. Michael on Prince Avenue has had,cement walks laid, the grounds beautltfied and. a neat Hjnae built. Tbe owner of adjoin ing lot hsa'also improved hie lawn. Ladles all bver tbe city are putting Ting touches on their " home. Meat ihspetcor Harold Hodgson UNION HARDWARE COMPANY'S ROLLER SKATES $2.50 Pair ATHENS CYCLE CO. Lumpkin Street NOTICE ! In The District Court of The Unit ed States, For the Northers I District of Georgia. In re Daniel GUlhan, Bankrupt. No.. 1402. In Bankruptcy. I A petition for discharge h*v- i ing been filed in conformity with | law by nbavc-nsmed bankrupt, and ! , — ■the Court having ordored that theI The brick walls of the Christian 1 hearing upon said petition be had ' church parsonage are faat going up' ‘ " ‘ ‘ “ 1 ‘ ' “ ‘e a nest building. It from long to effttt a bluld- ' says tbe past month 723 animals were slaughtered at the abattoir, and be condemned 23 cases a* unfit- tor food,' and prevented their sale-. Many people from the country arb having their animals slaughtered si tbe abaUoir and keep the meat in cold aiding*. - ■ ’ ' "wf .il HOFMEISTER’S SHOE SHOP New Shoes from Old Men’s Half Soles and Rubber Heels 31.50. • Ladies' Half 8olet and Rubber Heels $1.25. Children’s Half Sols* and Rubber Heels, priced according to six*. WE DELIVER Phone 1188 223 E. Broad 8L. Athens, Ga. 1 HE SCOUT- LAWS No. 4 A Samt Ir Friendly By JAMK8 L. SEXTON First'Class' badge has ^IWHWfriWlei. - Opr Scribe. D. D. Buesse, who has be®n scribe for a long time, Is a : mighty good one, he’s always on time and keeps his books to perfection. He says he’s going tr. quit Are we going to let him! You be there next Friday night at Seven-Thirty sharp and we’ll stop him. JACK DALE. The English lr.1V rates a* lows: “If a scout meets another Scout, him food, or, as , anything that he of, A scout mutt carry cut the duty ing, or by Wring hi far ha possible, may be in need never be a snob. A snob is one who looks down upon another be cause be is poorer, or who is pdbr and resents another beeause he Is rich. A-fcout accepts another man cases a« unfit) a* he fiAds him. “Kim’, the boy ecout was called by the Indians ‘Little friend of all the world, and that is the name that every scout should earn for' himself.” Chief Scout Executive James E. West in writing, of one of his re cent tripe says: “Am I traveled from city to eily I have realized ■bore than ever that a Scout is a. friend to .ell end a brother to every other ScouL It has been an in- spiririff thing' at ove.-y station to see the fine boys drawn bp, and those eager faces. beaming a wel the Court Include* the lieiia of Gai'uesvuio: r „ rt ll ' O. R Kelley. B. I'. iiJnfeSL."'!’'”* Newton, J. C.^ Pruitt, 1 in*. ' *Jobey AT CARLTON The organisation of a new Scout troop at Carlton has been effected by Scout Executive Clark. Tho troop In under the sponsorship of the Board ^."t W t, , hlm‘^d t0 hel‘ D m him' * oFth. IHny wSy thaf he cm?, rither to*™” “ “ carry cut the duty he is then dd- Scoutmaster—Prof. fe. T. Jordan. Troop Committee—F. D. Smith chaJrman;W. J. Whitehead, secretary ana I WAI TED BOARDERS—Furnished ro m and , board at 125.00 perl mon It each to two gentlemen, ladies j or n trrled couple. Mrdr C. T. Hannah. J 189 V. Dougherty St. m-16-p. [ 3D—Second hand typewriter ] “ table. Phone 1221. m-H-c. WANTED—Help WANTED—Help. Household furnl tura, pet stock, any ona of a thou- aSnd things. Tou can flu your Wants promptly and cheaply with a B __ ner-HsrmW Want Ad. For Rent—Rooms FOR RENT—FilmUbed or unfumleh- ed rooms, with meals or without board. Desirable location. Conven tenets. Bent reasonable. Tbs** *m some of the offering you find dally In Banner-Herald Want Ada. * FOR RENT-NEW UPSTAIRS apartment—all conveniences, nice neighborhood, good location, paved street op car lln* and garage, hone 1122. dt-U-o "FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS with or without board.. Apply at 145 1-3 Clayton Bt, or phone 1S30-J. m-14-c FOB RENT AT ONCE ANOTHEP four room house with bath. Near Normal School. See W. T. Florence, or phone J752-W. , m-l»-o RAILROAD SCHEDULES SgABOARD AIR LIN1 RY. Northbound Northbound Southbound 2:52 a Atlanta-Monrle I'c'l 2:15 p 8:40 p Atl.-Blrmlngham-Mero. 3:30 p 3 40 p Norfolk-Rich-N. TA 3:30 p 1:18 p Atl-Abbsvlll* I’c’l 7:30 a /11.34 p All.-BIrralnsbom 5:30 a h 11:21 p Norfolk-Wash. 5:32 a 1 11:31 p ’Wilmlnston-N. T. 8:32 a GEORGIA RAILROAD Arrive . Mi Depart 7:30 pa | 8:22 ota 13:10 pm ’ 3:25 pm * ' WE ARE PAYING HIGHEST PRICE8 FOR OLD Scrap. Iron,. Bra**,., Copper, Lead, Rubber, Bags, and old Itausa of Magazines Where ,\i. ■— • - quantity justlflaa our Truck will call for. Dixie Iron & Metal Co. 415, Foundry Street , Phone 1U1 Athene, Ga. The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page is ona of the most interpat- ing and certainly moat pro- rfe.rS?Sg*«ff5fcu attention first to the Want Ad Page. The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page W. L. C O X E Transfer Co. Long Tripe Onr Specialty. Cheapeei Track In Tewx. 600 Thomas St Phonr 185T 3!/ WOOD ASH WOOD Best for Cooking and Heating Purposes Per Truck Load . $2.75 Orders of five loads or more, per load $2.50 This Wood Formerly Sold fqr $9-25 per load. Gall Us/end We Will ,, Supply Your Needs. HANNA MFG. CO. Phone *47 Phone 147 VULCANIZING We iX tlie, meet .modern Vul canising equipment nui4. We use only tbs best make of materials. Our prices are reasonab-o. OUR WORK OUARANTSED Kelly-Springfleld Tires LS. Sporting Goods Co. phont tee Washington and Lumpkin C1NJRAL OP QEOROIA RY. IV. O. Bolton, Agent, Phono, 1201 Central'of Georgia Station Depart for Macgp 7:30 a. m. 4:45 p. m.,. i Arrive from P* m. For further J. Y. Bruce, THE E KAY SMILING PAINTER" Fin* Painting and Iat'rig- Decorating Phone 280, Athens, Ga. OAlNgSVlLLK MIDLAND RAILWAY •shstfule* Leave Athens Arrive 7:48 A. HA •»!** P. M. 10:45 A. M>* **12:12 A. M, • Willy. ** Dally Except Sunday. £ SOUTHERN RAILWAY No. « leaves. A then/ 8:24 a. m., ar rive Lute 2:4* m.aL ■ No. * leaves Athens 4:15 p. 1»^ ar rive. Lulu *:4* *■«. No. 7 leave* Late 2:15 p. m., ar rive* Athens 5:13 2t tt- No. 8 leave. Lula 10:05 a. m., ar- n. BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeeping. Rm»w5. P1 t , Ttdf Ajpewminf Sara 60% of of expenses by at-' saw Mms Latest Belt Feeds Modey Maker. All Kinds Mill Supplies. , Teeth, Files. BelUng. Pipe. In jectors. Fitting*, Engine and Boiler Repairs. Bring with your auto-nod work don* quick. Plenty Room to Park Cnr. Lombard Iron Works AUGUSTA, GA. ,tibdl > 2a ’ Complete Line of Deft M. BASEBALL GOODS Mljt* ...... 90c to 31300 Glove* / ...... 75c *0 3 4.00 l»x.y.'*5J53 Aft®? Cydo .sotR 1 cn April 7,1923, at ten o’clock A. | and It will be A M., at tlie United States District does not’take 1 Court room, in the city of ATLAN-; Ing In Athens. TA, Georgia, notice is hereby given | ■■ . - to all creditors and other parsons ' A young lady of this city bought in interact to appear at said time a handsome silk dress and wore It and place and show cause, i any only last Sunday, That night she they have, why the prayer of the hung up tt ' bankrupt for discharge should not first floor be granted. was gone. O. C. FULLER.-Clerk. ! the th|ef, - ’ ing are In the District Court of the Unit, ed States. For the Northern District of Georgia. line . In ra W. J. Gardner, Bankrupt good* in their line. Onr ladles, can Engli ’ ftiS at Mayburg's the lafesl be a vise but one of tHe real’ meanings of our good old American law is . This spring Mayburg bay surpass- not to be a grouch. Juyt because thajt; ed all former efforts. you may not like another boy is the hearing upon aaid petition be! —-— " * '* - A gentleman whd ha* reodntly travelled all aver the South any* Athens has, finer "«hH better ar ranged filling stations than dny place he baa seen, even large ci ties. Whenever our city has Is al ways the best and moat np-to-date — two distinct parts: First, be » MsYburg baa oneXbibit a lovely'friend to all and second, be a bro- >ne of spring'dretsAS 3ml other ther to every other Sdout. The treasurer; T. J. Steven*. The charter members of the.troop are—Harold • Bridge,, Harry Grimes. Henry Rhodes, Frank Htvens, Henry Rhodes, Frank Stevens, Henry Luth er Smith, Dobbs Smith, Hampton Whlle.and Harold Wynn. 1 i With active Interest on the part of the leaders, the' troop I, expected to double Its membership . within \ the near future. DIVIDED INTO five Districts The, Northeast nonryla f^nmetl b divided !iqtu fpur or fIVs districts Hall county represents District Ifo. 4, with Gainesville as Its central town. A Court of Honor has just recently been organised for this district by Executive Chirk. The membership of "t th. ■I Mo,. . dolph. and Rel H. s ' ‘ R R »’ The representatives of Oi«, ri , . < on the standly, cmmltu- ' NortheiuU (loroRia r 0 un< ll are ax '.ojjowi: ('ami*in K , \\- Kan; F.nafne. T. Troop Organisation, t ucaticnal Publirity, b. Civic Senior, c\ L. K,. of Honor. Dr. John i leadership and training. Cobey. •nlliard; H S oop at NEW TROOP AT 4 ' GAINESVILLE Executive *E, I'. ( 'i„rk formation of’ a now Hoou Gnlnecvllle. Mr. Walt,,,, .1 chosen 8scoutma«t«r\ v tB» Tr "" Commltteo eonslsis of:'!Wut v ,.j shPr . ard, chairman: O. I,. A\4bor,' sop*, and tr*p:; Rev. H. S. CoWj The troop Is aiwnsonsi i, y Kir „ Presbyterian ihurrh and r,ram k p |,. copal church. The charter members of the t riK)ll are: .George 8. Allen. M Tolberl Barnhill, W. Edgar Gibbs. Kugrne B Mlchealls. Herbert F. Mirhrallt I’aul E. Morton. James Uivingnon Newton, and Rapbicl B. Sin-retzki. No. 1352, In Bankruptcy. always I A petiticn for discharge having ’ styles and moat en filed In conformity with law to " by above-named bankrupt, and | Th Wi* 41 . ipt, tho Court having ordered had on April 7, 1923, at ; tea a’ciock, A. M., at the United States District Court room in the city of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to ap pear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have,'why tho prayer of the bankrupt for dis charge should not be granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk. In the District Court of th* Unit' cd States, £or the Northern District of Georgia. In re D. Lund, bankrupt No. 1353. In Bankruptcy., A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by above-named bankrupt and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon, aaid petition be had on April 7, 1923, at ten o’clock A. M., at tho Unite! States Dia- h-lct Court Room, i:i the city of ATLANTA, Goorgia, notice is pore by given to all creditor* and < persons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if anY they have, why th ( prayer of 'tr.- bankrupt for dis charge ohould not be granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk. 8lnce our police force hi* taken the regulation of autoimoblte travel Ip hand, Atheha has the best rec ord of qf any place Ip Georgia. Only a few trivial vMlationa like bright. light*, speeding ' add like transgressions. It his beep a long time alpce any one was hurl’ by a [«ar. Around Athens Mr. Craae hsa aold 300. aeraa of iflna -timber he owns in Oglethorpe Mrs. Henry Comer Is raising on their farm on the Oconee tlvor as fine celery as can be artiste any where. Over in South Carolina near Auguata, great flelda of cel ery are planted tor ehlpment north and It paya well. Why cannot-onr farmers take to tho now crop? Mr. Alaa Shackelford aaya that woty Is going forward Installing She plant for tbe Buffalo Lumber Co., in Lexington, which la an Atbqna-owenad enterprise. The entire plant will represent nn out lay of several hundred thousand dollars.. i Hon Nat D. ArmJld, of Lexington was In the city Saturday. He bad a walking cane with n diamond set In the head >of the cahe and his shirt wa* covered : with Jewel ry. It Is said thjh Mr. Arnold has one of tbe flneifcollectlons of dia monds In this 'section. Mr. Berry ’ Bisson, our populal keeper of tho cemetery and bis brother. Mr. Pats Bisson, last week visaed Lexington, where they have many friends. 'Mr. Bisson •art tbe old town ha* wonder fully Improved since he was last It looks like sprlng-tlmo has at Iaat arrived. Peach, plum and pe«r tree* are blooming, buds are begin ning to awell and early flowers blooming. BuS Just as the ground dries off and farmers atari plows rain set In and work must be atop ped. McGregor's. windows are now decorated with all manner of sport log goods. Mr. Thornton, the man aaya their trade In these* goods was nevefr better and It Is a pointer to piore prosperous times. . . law be a snob, which is excellent ad- aw admonishes you not to no reason why you should not meet him in • friendly manner. Rem ember to “do unto other* a* you would have thdm do unto you.” You need not mSke an intimate'of hlih' but it will not hurt you to r »t him with a smile an-.l it inay him a lot of g.i> !. If you do not approve of hia habits, it ia far better to meet him in a friendly mailer than to shun him and pos sibly in such a way you may- be aier of this splendid establishment ^Instrumental In gyldnig hia foot- One of .Ihe most intereating 1U- m%sgm ejection'now”on between a number otonr pice girls and the content is jnst starting to warm up. county.’and wHl ns* the money to Improve hi* farm near Maxey*. He |B going in for hogp, inu^t fruit and new crops. 1 ’ - ' ‘ ' "Be Kind tolnf be observed thi try April trl'4. a strong vigilant . vtntlon of cruelty to animate, wo riippoae It Is still Inextetanco. Far meH have been taken up for car rying chickens' with their Mr. Thomis H. Coleman former ly of Hartwell, has purchased an Interest In the seeds atore of H. L'OofW ft ffd., of Atlheni. This IS a te* enterprise but a prosper- ' jWrtahf -*■ J ona and Important on*. We well The CJiriaUIn churches of North cotpe Mr, coietpan to ouf city, eaft Georgia ate. making prepar ation!* for “School Motboda” to be ‘ ’• iiin l -L-4..i.ii.iais steps upward. A Scout shobld bo more than a friend, he ehould be a brother to drary seout. . > You lire bound by a- common oath to help one another to live up to_tbe high ideate of scouting. Forgetful of self, you should ever be ready and willing to share a brother scours burdens, rem embering always—“To God, thy country, And thy friend be true.” - d TROUP 11 ’ At the meeting of Troop 11 " ’ the old members of lated two of the new Alfred Means and Harlow Harvey were the only on«i to be initiated, as Lester Persells and Waiter Cornett were absent. Th* Airplane FHght was about the initiation. the pari of - Troop 11 hiked to_Bobbin MU! “ IF had a Saturday, where they had a good time as Scouts always da when th* arc together. The Scout master appointed two cooks whit* the others tracked Joe Jarred through the woods. HARLOW HARVEY, > Scribe. TROOP No. 2 Troop No. £ Wishes to announce that the Pine Tree Patrol won the contest which ha* bean going for two months. .The Pine Tree Pa wl is to receive a tent with hAr name printed on it The atrol baa wop six victorias and ro tie*, leaving the other Patrol hitowashed. Robt. Epps com- lated hie tenderfoot test- and makes a record :ln tho troop.- He joined one Friday night and te a tenderfoot th* -next night, going so ms, Robert, keep It up. Joe Ja cob* who has . Just received hia Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate Commission: 3% ON AMOUNTS OVER 31,000.00, 10% on amounts up to 31,000.30. vV HUBERT M. RYLEfc ’ LAW OFFICES 405 Holman Bldg. Athepa,.4te. Sensor)[s JSread GOOD'BREAD MADE “^CRI^O^MILK COMING! AU FOLLIES PRETTY GIRLS ‘Dancing — Singing — Instrumental Millie Under Auspices Local Post AMERICAN LEGION Colonial Theatre* Friday Night, March 16th $1.50 Orchestra; $1.00, 75c Balcony >’ Under Direction of Wilford Watters_ Colonial Theatre One Nit* Only SAT.' Mar. 17 Garrick Producing Co. Presents * America’s Favorite Musical Comedy Stars GEO. DAM EREI4 5 MYRTLE VAIL In the delightful, tuneful, tantiiizing, Musical comedy success “THE RED WIDOW” ''l with a splendid past of singers and cOsnsdlsnsl sfftrlng a gor geously mounted production and th* Red Wide* mounted production and th*' Nad ’ Widow latest crestloQ In ccsutms*. SAY IT WITH OIRLS. , DO YOU REMEMBER OEO. DAMERBL ANO MYRTLE VAIL? Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1,75c, 50c—Plus war Tax 'M. F. Fickett, the Jeweler ha* oisplrfy a beautiful new stock China ware, cut glass and other goods In that line. This i* another establishment- that la a credit to Athena.,' " le owners had’ batter, leave their cars at home uql they have an 1333 tag. Satnfdar was the teft day they were allowed to ran with old tag* and the police hdve now Instruction to make cas es against alt who ran ears with out new tan. Onlv a taw cara are seen In Athena with old -tags, to the oollce nav nn arrest has keen made, to rive time for buying a new number. *1 Do not fall to attend (he Palace Theatre on Thursday and Friday tor there will be one of the grand- )ast pictures ever exhibited In AU>- ,en*. It I* called “Heart* Aftema" land Is beautiful and thrilling. sitting on n monnj, and *iy<v below itmgues.ofL, baf reached to th* ck" 1 ^ and throuhktee hall of flame I saw a railroad train and a driving tho steed of rtccl. And Service, Too: The quality of our work and the materials wo sell has often been dfecutted'in onr advertis ing. ' Perhaps we. have even Blighted a very important port of our business, our service. If so, we want to any right here that we are the home of sudden service; what you order fropi us, ypU get—and you get it quickly and in good condition I CARTER-MOSS LUMBER - i. —T ait (5 ITfulvy aseana suaasL. ALL ABOARD Winter Excursion Fares and All Year Tourist Fares > - TO Alabama Ariiona Arkansas British' Colombia fornla Georgia iJItnu Kentucky North Careliua Oregon ’ 1 Scute Carolina 'ashlngton Mississippi N|w Mexico VIA Texas Virginia Weut Vlrglate Georgia Railroad Atlanta & West Point R. R. Western Railway of Alabaina Liberal time limit and stop-over privite|ife. For further information applv to ' J. P. BILLUPS, G» P. A., w ley Building, Atlanta, Ga.