The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 18, 1923, Image 13

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r SUNDAY, MARCH 1& 1128. * Campus hatter »tr'* L tl- optra 1 ' tb'- u ' (,. M. BROADHURST, lo ci Secretarial Studies of of 'ronimercB, has re installed an electrically n.tmofijrnph machine for i t the 1 nit mlcnts in this de- i partment, and this machine tuns out duplicates at the rate of 8,(00 [ an hour. The students receive training in the use of the machine, and the various departments are bonefltted. Recently some of the work of this department In the form of a mimeographed bulletin came to the notice of George Foster Peabody, of New York, wbo Immediately or dered 100 copies. The services of this department are contlned to THE BBTOBt-BBTALP. 3LTHBH& GEORGIA the University, Its faculty and stud DR. 8YLVANUS MORRIS made a very Interesting talk to the mem bers of the Demosthenlan LI tarary tocety on Wednesday night. MR. ROBT. HARKEY has re signed his office of vice-presi dent of the Demasthenlan society since he will not return to school after the holidays. COACH WHITE made a cut of Vhe baseball squad Wednesday. There are now twenty men on the squad. JOE BENNETT appeared _ Sanford field Wednesday In his track suit and Is trying for a place on the Georgia track team. IP WEATHER CONDITIONS permit, Friday afternoon will be the first, time that Coach White has allowed bis pitchers to "open up." Each of the pitchers will be allowed to pitch three Innings apiece with Pat Powers receiv ing. w. D. PASCHALL, co-ordlna- tor for the VI tenons' Bureau, spent Wednesday and Thursday In Atlanta attending, a conference of Bureau officials. stores (grocery) and the general welfare of our communities. MISS ERNA PROCTOR har completed her course in Practical Cooking, Fobds and their values and is now offering a course in “Methods of Teaching Home Eco- nomicsf’ from the viewpoint of the County Demonstration Agent as well as the viewpoint of the teacher. KNEW HIS WAY OUT HIGHAM, Eng.—William John son has died here at 108 after .having lived in the same house 90 years. MISS ROSALIE RATHBONE is completing her class of “Drawing and Designing" by studying the blending of colors. MISS EDITH CRESWELL’S class in sewing has finished the gingham dress problem and is now beginning a more difficult prob lem. as the making of evening dresses. LEAVE IT TO BRIDGET WOKING, England. — Every night :in yt'ars Bridget Thelf.n, housemaid, had looked under the bed for an intruder. Then she looked and saw one. She grasped him by the collar and made him give back her wrist watch which he’d purloined. THE CALVARY UNIT of the R. O. T. c. has been practicing, during the last few days, picking handkerchiefs, from the ground and tlmllar Buffalo Blll-lan ex ploits. The Instructors report great progress by their protegas In. the cowboy's ait. 815,000 IN FIREPLACE FELLING, England — A house wife called a workman to repair tier fireplace. He Removed a ‘brick and found a tin box contain ing 83500 in bank notes. Then he found another next to ’it con- taining $11,500, MR. JULIUS DUDLEY, secre tary to the dean Is performing his duties as usual, and In his usual business-like manner* The Ford One-Ton Truck Chassis /•" •Ijas proved its ability to reduce . - transportation costs in practically l; '" 1 ,]s^ery line of business where there is a hauling problem. It is bco- .^ nlomical, efficient, dependable. At H^"flie new low price you will agree »'«• it represents a value that has * never before been offered in the sv fcbmmerclar car .field. Place your 1 cider 1 now*'for'reasonably prompt-' Terms if desired. Mi)* •€. A. Tfussell Motor Co. 8 0(1’*1 Am I9K .qiiioo •till tm Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate 0 Commiaslon: ON AMOUNTS OVER 81,000.00. * 10% oil amounts np to $1,000.00. „y.v£i' HUBERT M. RYLEfc ,ni II. . LAW OFFICES (OS' Batman Bldg. Athens, Ga. Ida -.llov TAXI SERVICE Day and Night GEORGIAN BAGGAGE f*horie TRANSFER CO. Phone gg Office Georgian Hotel gg H ALL ABOARD ifefc Excursion Fares and AD 1 S'v. Year Tourist Fares i, iru > TO *hhM» T Ajiioqai t I alifornia,. ■ Honda- .. v b'athitftms Georgia Havana Kentucky Louisians Mlssistlppi New Mexico North Carolina S^th Carolina ?sr“ VIA ■Georgia Railroad Atlanta & West Point R» R» Western Railway of Alabama time limit and stop-over privileges, jr further information apply to J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A., Healey Building, Atlanta, Ga. JONATHAN LUCAS, JR., stu dent In the school of lonmsllsm, was busily .epgMed Wednesday afternoon trying out his relulvenat ed Ford. He reports It to be n a slightly healthier frame of mind than previous to Its numerous operations. TWELVE. UNIVER81TY STU DENTS hats Just completed s course In the modern torpslcnrlan art .Of course,It would not be fair to divulge the names of these recently created dancing artists, but a request has been made an nounce to the student body, thst Mr. Jest Chappell of Old College, will make hi* debut th e year, on the polished floor to 'ha tinkling tunes of “jaxs” music. JAMES HUGH GHAFFIN will spend a parti of his spring holidays In Greenville, S. 8. JOHN D. ALLEN expects to make a trip to Asheville, N. C„ during the Easter holidays. His plans at present are to make the tr p through the country In a Fora touring efir. •he' tobgue tbngallnt word ETOMOLOOICAL- LY. This being Accomplished he Is now In line to pass a certain English course. TED” ROSSER asked for his usnsl nine o’clock excuse from the Demonsthenlan Literary Society meet ng Wednesday night “Tel" Is such a studious student .ho, that he probably needs all the time he can get for his studies. - SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH work is now being carried on in s to rags batteries by Prof. Daven port and his students. MR. DIXON’S laboratory la pro gressing rapidly in its work. PROF. GRIGGS gsv< Graphics clan their but its his plate DOCTOR HENDREN’S class in Physic^ Is doing excellent work. RED STEPHENSON has trad cd his flivver for n motorcycle. A brilliant exhibition in the art of riding n motorcycle was given by Master Mechanic Tally of Old MUCH INTEREST is being shown both the Now College and Candler boys for the coming ath letic meet to be held by them on Htrdy FUd. CANDLER HALL Freshmen who went to the Tech-Georgis basketball game in Atlanta am 'nning to wonder how they can home for Spring holidays. FRIENDS OF PAT POWERS and “Big” Patterson will be in- terastsd to hear that these men bars been elected president and vice president, respectively to a newly formed dub at the Unf- vanity. FRIENDS OF W. B. RUSSELL popular student, will be glad to learn that he Is recovering from a recta operation for appendicitis and expects to return to the uni- yerstty after the holidays. MR. WALTER BRIDGES returned to school after s several days at hems in ' THE COUNSELORS CLUB in the law department held an in stitution this week,* and among those taken in were Shelton Fitts, & Milledge, R. L. P. .Carter, C. L. Powell, and Henry Wells. All of these are well konw in college and haw made a brilliant record In the legal department. MISS EPSIE CAMPBELL b conducting a very interesting class In Home Fumbhing and Interior Decoration. This course includes the study of type* of houses, pe riod furniture, rugs and draperies, color decorations, haririony in furniture, draptngk, walb, cell- ings, floors and any ornaments. i f . iiwi n __ in, charge ofaelato In'Health, whieh is now studying Health in rela tion to schoob, churches, streets, . MISS CAMPBELL also KEMAL'S BUSINESS BYE CONSTANTINOPLE, Mostspha Kemal Pasha, Turkish leader, re- ,celved a dowry of 8600,000 when he recently married Latin H It has been revealed. i Hanoun -^ALL ABOARD FOR FOREIGN LANDS! And now Tinted Travels Is going to take ycu to foreign lands! The London Bridge (shown above) Is lust one of the many scenes watch will be Included In this Idea which is bound to appeal to every body. Tinted Travels has three distinct angles to lt-rblstory, coloring and verse. Artist Redner will make the sketches for you so that they are easy to color. Then Hal, Cochran will supply averse which tells all about the picture. > Get out your pencil and crayons; for'Tinted Travels will appear erdry day In the Banner-Herald starting Sunday. Slop Rheumatism! . ! S. S.‘S.U the Great Buflder of Red-Blood CeOa_and1 Rheum- _ atism Must Go! Unsd Since 1826—Just Try It! lt'«*eU ,I son*. nl Imt?* bit of’ uFlt'sl esMs leads Indeed, I Blood which 11* MU KOUVi v* u» ■nnahlMand Jer for *• now for tbs lint tine In years. \ feel n.wondortol glare seals >> the Ins motion 1 seed to hsve when mr V: JST.J? Wnb^: Bhssmstlsni ts one of them. 8. S. 8. jn^ttn greet blood-clesneer. 1 days ware yonsg- « 1 IhS SYlWlt ant To ns It wn a art sad sisters la Strenfthcner, nerve. 1 n vlgorator. It steps skin erup- tlons. too, pimples, blackheads, acne bauds an ns'- down, tired SM* * sad wviaen. beau--' tides complestons, makes tbs desk - flnser. Charlie preat u:u*p I m tws whs I t 8. hsa iM your eyes sad think thst health, free motion, ted strength tm sons from yon forever I It Is sot so. ft is ben and now for all of too. B. a 8. la waiting to M» rnT Xiws b a reason why l. & 8. win help yoa. When res lacrenas tbs aaaiber • of year red-blood calls, tbs entire njrn- rze. I hare mud fear hofflci of 8.8.8. t to. up to . t asa walk. The psfa hoe Uft n, Up. Before sets# 8.8,8.! was fa hod line ■MSIAt tmt eaaU eel walk. . / sfi wtow.. . ■ - - * - oh whe Mger uitii mm uwiumi • tmanwnto i—wi everythin? depends on blood-strength. ■tart a 8. S. today. It ts mid It drag stores In two olsre. T h terser also bottle la tbs more ¥ The Last Words in the Dictionary of Style are Defined in Our Displays of Ready-to-Wear and Piece Goods At last, all things that are to be said about the Spring models have been uttered by the Fashion authorities. The Spring collection stands complete. You will find everything to make your new wardrobe a suscess—The newest styles, best materials, * • with * * . .. " ^ and in keeping with the policy of this store, prices are reasonable. A Guide to the mode in Fabrics for Spring- Fabrics That are-Most Popplar.for Spring Frocks For Afternoon and Street Wear Fashioned From the Finest Silks—Yet Prices Are Reasonable. The unusually large assortment of silk dresses here makes it easy to choose your street and afternoon dress, they are shown in canton crepes, crepe de chines, Paisley crepes, flat crepes, fancy crepes, roshanara crepes, marvelette, treco- sham and etc. The much desired slender straight lines and ribbons and cords. You have never seen a more attractive collection of silk dresses and the prices range from $13.75 to $67.50. Silks Colored Chiffon Taffeta in all of the seasons colors. YcL, $1.98 to ‘....... . Colored Satin Canton One of the most popular fabrics, 40 inches wide, Yd... Colored Flat Crepes 40 inches wide, white, navy, grey and ‘ almond, Yd., $3.25 to 40 inch Canton Crepe in all the best colors, Yd., $2.50 and $2.95 $3.75 $4.95 $3.49 ' "Crepe de Chine $1.98 Yd. 40 inch wide, good quality, most any color that’s made, / Yd. Printed and. Paisley Crepes, Crepe de Chine Georgettes, Flat Crepes and Satin, $225 to .Coco Crepes $3.98 Yd. Extra heavy Crepe for capes and dresses, 40 inches wide, black, navy,' and brown, Yd. .. Sunbeam'Crepe , One of the most' popular fabrics of the season navy, brown, grey, copen, and Band. 40 in. wide 1 Wool Crepe For Dresses A light weight fabric, 48 inches wide, in all. the $1.98 $1.98 $3.75 $3.98 $2.25 % $3.75 the best colors, Yd. Wool Tweeds for capes and suits, 56 inches wide, jfd- $1.50 to Imported Raties in many weaves. Solid solors, checks, stripes,, and novelty patterns. 40 iches wide, $1.49 89c 49c $1.59 ... 69 c 79c Yd., 98c to Colored Dress Linen 40 inches wide, sponged and shrunk, fast colors, Yd Novelty Voiles 40 inch Paisley and check Voils, Yd French Voile Eponge, 40 indies I* wide, Yd. Normandy Voiles, Plaids, Checks and dots, 40 inches, Yd. Silk and Cotton Crepes. Printed in small designs, 40 inches, Yd. : Voile Tissue 69c Yds 32 inches wide. Plaids and Checks, ‘ fast colors Imported Ginghams 32 inches. Checks, Plaids and solid colors, Yd. 27 inch, fast color Ginghams, Yd. Boys’ Spring and Summer Hats, 50c to Children’s wash suits and Rompers, 75c to ... Gloves For Spring 16 button Suede in brown, tan, grey and $1.75 69c 45c 10c $1.75 $4.00 16 button KM Gloves, black, brown, tan, grey and white $6.50 Novelty neckwear, lace collars and Berthas,50c to ... $6.00 Davison - Nicholson Company i j