Newspaper Page Text
Ahilene, Texas
Abingdon, Va.
Ai.imeda, Calif.
Albany, Ala.
Albany, Ga.
Albany, N- Y.
Albuquerque, N. M.
Alexandria, Va.
Alexandria, La.
Americut, Ga.
Amarillo, Texat
Andereon, 8. C.
Anniston, Ala.
Anaconda, Mont.
Arctic, R. I.
Asheville, N. C.
Atlanta, 6a.
Atlantlo City, N. J.
Atchison, Kansas
Athens, Ga.
Attala, Ala.
Augusta, Ga.
Aurora, III. , '
Austin, Texas
Barkersville, Calif.
Ballinger, Texas
Banton Rouge, La.
Battle Creek, Mich.
Bay City, Mich.
Beaumont, Texas
Rellingham, Wash.
Beloit, Wla.
Berkeley, Calif.
Bessemer, Ala.
Billings, Mont.
Biloxi, Mlae.
Birmingham, Ala.
Bloomington, III.
Bluefleld, W. Va.
Blythevllle, Ark.
Boonevillt, Mo.
Boulder, Colo.
Bowling Green, Ky.
Bridgeport, Conn.
Brenham, Texas
Bridgeton, N. J.
Brighton, Ala.
Bristol, R. I.
Bristol, Va.
Brownavllle, Texas
Brownwood, Tex.
Brunswick, Ga.'
Bucyrus, Ohio.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Burlington, N. C.
Butte, Mont.
Cairo, III.
Carlsbad, N. M.
Casoper, Wyo.
•Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Centralis, III.
Charlottsvllle, Va.
Charleaton, 8. C.
Charleston, W. Vav
Charlotts, N. C.
"Chattanooga, Tenn.
•Chicago, III.
Childress, Texas
Cheyenne, Wyo.
•Cincinnati, Ohio
Cisco, Texss
Clarksburg, W. Va.
Clbrksdale, Miss.
Clarksville, Tenn.
Cleburne, Texas
Cleveland, Ohio ,
Cleveland, Tenn.
Clinton, III.
Clovis, N. M.
Cohoes, N. Y.
Florence, S. C.
Fort Collins, Colo.
Fort Morgan, Colo.
Fort Smith, Ark.
•Fort Wayne, Ind.
. ‘Fort Worth, Texas
Frankfort, Ky.
Frederick, Md.
Fremont, Nebr.
Fresno, Oallf.
Cadsden, Ala.
Galveston, Texas
Gastonia, N. C.
Colorado Springs, Colo Gillispie, III.
Columbus, Ga. Georgetown, Ky.
•Columbus, Ohio. s Goldsboro, N. C.
Columbus, Miss. Gormon, Texas
Columbia, S. C. Grand Junction, Colo.
Corpus Chrlstl, Texas»Grand Rapids, Mich.
•Council Bluffs, Iowa ‘Grand Rapids, Mich.
Cohcord, N. C.
Corsicana, Texas
Danville, III.
Danville, Ky.
Danville, Va.
•Dallas, .Texas.
•Davenport, Iowa
•Dayton, Ohio
Daytona, Fla.
Decatur, Ala.
•Cccatur, Ga.
Decatur, III.
Deland, Fla. ,
Delta. Colo.
Dennison, Texas
Denton, Texss
•Denver, Colo.
•Dee Moines, Iowa
Detroit, Mich.
Dothan, Ala.
Douglas, Aria.
Dublin, Ga.
Durham, N. C.
Duluth, Minn.
Dyersburg, Tenn.'
Eastland, Texas
E. Greenwich, R. I.
E. Las'Vegas, N. M.
El Dorado, Ark.
Elgin, III. •
Elmira, N. Y.
El Pasoj Texss
•Elwood, Ind.
Englewood, Colo.
Enid, Okla.
Ennis, Texas
Ensley, Ala.
Erwin, Tenn.
Eugene, Oregon
Evansville, ind..
Fairmount, ‘W. Va
Fairfax, Va.
•Flint, Mich.
Florence, Ala.
, Greensboro, N. C.
Greenwich, Conn.
Greenwood, 8. C. ,
Greenville, 8. C.
•Hamilton, Ohio
•Hampton, Vn.
Hattiesburg, Miss.
•Helena, Ark.
' Henderson, Ky.
Henderson, N. C.
• Henryetta, Okla.
Herrin, III.
! Hillsboro, Texas
Mot Springs, Ark.
Hopkinsville, Ky.
Houston, Texas
Hugo. Colo.
Huntington, W. V .
Huntsville, Ala.
•Indianapolis, Ind.
•Jackson, Miss.
Jackson, Tenn.
Jacksonville ,Fla. .
Jacksonville, III.
Jeffersonville, Ind.
Jehnson City, Tenn.
Joliet, III.
Jonesboro, Ark. .
•Kansas City, Mo.
Kansas City, Kansas
key West, Fla.
•Knoxville, Tenn.
Lachlne, Quebec
La Grange, Ga.
Lake Charles, La.
Lake City, Fla.
Lamar, Colo.
Lencaster, Ohio.
Lanett, Ala.
•Lansing, Mich. ,
LaredA, Texas
Laramie, Wyo.
For everybody who will—for all who have faith and will work—for those of few
dollars—for those of much money—SUCCESS is the magic word that kindles in tu all the
fire of purpose that brings the glow of satisfaction. J, /
‘To do” or ‘‘not to do” is either our Victory slogan or the enslaving verdict of Failure.
The power of the multitude is vast—stpendoiu—overwhelming when aroused and
directed towiurd one common purpose—for evil it can be if inspired by hate and prejudice
—for good and noble deeds when the heart iis right and the mind clear— t ^
“Together we stand—divided we fall.” f r
Whose is the heart that does not know the truth of this? Whose is the reason that
fails to see'logic in these words?
There le e greet buelneee In thle country that came Into being In reaponee to the Inalatant deal re end demand
of the multitude—a buelneee with the avowed puprofe of redueing the dletrlbutlng coat of merchandise to the consum
er—this buelneee ie PIGGLY WIGGLY.
Theee atores are now operating In 41 states and In 388 towns and cities, and altogether number 1,241 stores
and all of this accomplished within six years.
PIGGLY WIGGLY STORE8, INC. is the name of a company which operates a total of 650 of these stores
located In Chicago, St Louis, Milwaukee, Denver, New Orleans, Atlanta, Memphis, Cincinnati, Omaha, Kansas City,
Dallas, Washington, D. C. and other large centers.
This company Is highly prosperous and its President, Mr. Saunders, desires to have not lees than 20,000 stock
holders as hie partners In this great business.
Let’s make it good and strong with 20,000 stockholders, and all will make money and do a real service, too.
You may purchase I share of Class “A” Common St ock of this company at 855JX) par a ha re, or 1,000 shares at
the same price—one price to all regardless of amount, but no one will be allowed to purchase more than 1,000 share a.
The partial payment plan may be used, or all cash paid if preferred.
Memphis, Tenn., March 18, 1923.
M Tutwller, >
Athena, Ga.
Thle is to notify you that effective as of close of business Wednesday, March 21st, public offering of Class A.
8tock of Piggly Wiggly Stores, Inc., as has heretofore been made by me at 855.00 per share, will be discontinued.
. " \ CLARENCE 8AUNDERR8, President.
.0©,. Per Share-
Partial Payment Plan-All Cash, If Desired--One Share
Laurel, .Miss.
Lawrence, Kansas
Leavenworth. Kansas
Lexington, Ky.
•Lima, .Ohio
Lincoln, Nebr.
Litchfield, III.
•Little Rock, Ark,
Long Beach, Calif.
Logan, Utah
Longmont, Colo.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Louisville, Ky.
Loveland, Colo.
Lynchburg, Va.
•Macon, Ga.
Marianha, .Ark,
Marion, Va.
Mattoon, III.
•Memphis, Tenn.
McAllen, Texas
McComb City, Miss.
MoKInney, Texas
Meridian, Miss.
•Milwaukee, WIs.
Miami, Ariz.
Miami, Fla.
Middletown, Dela.
•Minneapolis, Minn.
Modests, Calif.
Montgomery, Ala.
Montreal, Canada
Morgantown, W. Va.
Moultrie, Ga.
Montrose, Colo.
Monroe, La.
Murphysboro, III.
•Mobile, Ala..
•MoUne, III.
Muskogee, Okla.
Pane, lit.
Parkersburg, |W. Va.
Paris, III. •
Paris, Ky.
Pasadena, Calif.
Passaic, N. J,
Pawtucket, R, I.
P,ekln, ill.
Pensacola, Fla.
Peoria, III.
Petersburg, Va.
Phoenix, Ariz.
Plqua, Ohio
Pocatello, Idaho
Pomona, Calif.
Poplar bluff, | Mo.
Port Arthur, Texas
•Portsmouth, Va.
Portland,' Oregon
Provo, Utah
Provldenoe, R. I.
Princeton, W. Va.
Pueblo, Colo.
Quincy, HI.'
Quitman, Ga.
•Nashville, Tenn.
Natchez, Miss.
Now Albany, Irid.
Newark, Ohio"
New Braunfels, Texas San Angelo, Texas
Haven, Conn. *8an Antonie,’Texas
•Raelne, WIs.
Raleigh, N. C.
Raton, N. M.
Reldavllle, N. C.
Richmond, Calif.
Richmond, Va.
•Roanoke, Va.
•Rockford, III.
•Rock Island, III.
Rome, Ga.
• Roswell, N. M.
Selma, Oregon
SasliAai, Kansas
Sacramento, Calif.
Salisbury, N. C.
•Staglnaw, Mich.
Skit Lake City, Utah
•New-Orleans, La.
•Newport News, Va.
•Norfolk, Va.
Norton, Va.
Oakland, Calif.
Ogden, Utah
8prlpgfield, 111.
Spriqgfleld, Mo.
8pbkane, Wash.
8t Albsns, W. Va.
8t Augustine, Fla.
•St Joseph, Mo.
•St, Louis, Mo.
"St Paul, Minn.
•St' Petersburg,.rfcla.
•South Bend, IndL
Stamford, Conn.
Statesville, N. C.
Staunton, Va-
Sterling, Colo.
Stockton, Calif.
Streator, III.
•Suffolk, "Va.,
Sweetwater, Texas.
Tallah.,,.,, FI.
Tampa, Fla. .
Taylor, Texas.
Taylorsville, Ky.
Tarrytown, N. Y.
Temple, Texas ,
Terrell, Texas
•Terre Haute, Ind.
Texarkana, Ark.
•Toledo, Ohio.
Topeka, Kansas
Toronto, Canada
Trinidad, Colo.
Troy, N. V.
Tucson, Ariz.
Tulsa, Okla. -
Tuscumbla, Ala.
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Tyler, Texas
Valdosta, Ga.
Vallejo, Calif.
Vernon, Texas
Vicksburg, Miss.
San B4mardlno, Calif.
Ban Diego, Calif. Waco, Texas
Sanford, Fla. «
San Leandro, Calif.
Ban Jose, Calif.
8ante Cruz, Calif.
Santa Rgsa, Calif.
Oklahoma Clly, Okla. 8an Francisco, Calif.
Okmulgee, Okla.
Olean, N. Y.
Olympia, Wash.
•Omaha, Nebr.
Orange, Texas
Orangeburg, 8. C.
Orlando, Fla.
Palatka, Flaw
Palo Alto, Calif.
■ JS
Santa Fe, N. M.
Savannah, Ga.
Beattie, Wash.
8elma, Ala.
Schenectady,,N. Y,
Sheffield, Ala.
Shelbyvllle, Ky.
Sherman, .Texas
Shreveport, La.
Spartanburg, 8. C.
Warren, a l
•Washington, D. C.
Watervllet, N. Y.
Waxehatehle, Texas
Waycross, Ga.
Welch, W. Va.
Westmount, Quebec
W. Palm Beach, Fla.'
Wheeling, W. Va.
•Wichita, Kansas
•Wichita Falls, Texas
Wi hston-Salem', N. C.
Yoakum, Texas
Wilmington, N. C
Winchester; Ky..
This is a Voting stock. Is preferred as to dividends. Is cumulative as to dividends—now
1 * paying $1.00 per share quarterly, which is piore than 7 per cent on the price of $56.00 per
share. Dividend dates are March 13t, June 1st, September 1st and December 1st. This stock
is traded in on both the New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges. Is good collateral for a
n bank loan. 1 „ ~ 1 ...
PIGGLY WIGGLY Stores now operating in 41 States and Canada—1,241 stores now the
total—located in 388 towns and cities.’
$65,000,000.00 were the sales of PIGGLY WIGGLY Stores for 1922—expect to exceed
$100,000,000.00 for the present year. , . -
First PIGGLY WIGGLY Stores established at Memphis, Tenn., six years ago; 48 now op
erating at that city—only National Chain of Grocery Stores in United States operating
both East and West of Mississippi River-rfrom Pacific Coast to the Atlantic—from the
Great.Lakes to Key West, Fla. /
PIGGLY WIGGLY STORES, INC., owns and operates 659 stores located in the towns
and cities marked (*)-•
$31,000,000.00 were the sales of this Company for 1922—expected to exceed $60,000,-
000.00 for present year. r .
PIGGLY WIGGLY is the greatest merchandising plan ever used in the distribution of Food
Products. The experimental stage has been passed—it is now a scun (investment, and the
prospective earnings of PIGGLY WIGGLY STORES, INC., certainly make it appear that
big dividends will bfe paid in the future on this stock.
It is not only the present 7 per cent profit that the stockholder in PIGGLY WIGGLY will
get for his money—there is bound ^o come that enhancement in the value of the stock that
is due to follow the expansion and growth of this business, and with it will come as a natural
T quence, a larger dividend rate. ,
The sales of this Company for the last quarter of 1922 amounted to almost $11,000,000.00
4 and for December to practically $4,000,000 00, and for Januaryof the present year exceed
ed $3 500 000 00,BO it Is to be seen that the sales for 1922 do not reflect the operation for a
twelve-month period of the total number ofstores now operated by this Company.
end requirements
Application For This Stock May, Be Made To -j;;* -
& King Blackburn, 304-05 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Georgia y
ent 200,000 shares of outstanding Class “A”Common Stock, and with the expansion plans'
of this Company that are to be acted uponduring the present year these earnings should
be materially larger.
This Company also operates .Variety Stores in Memphis, Tenn., Chicago, Ill., Norfolk,
Va , Nashville, Tenn., Chattanooga, Tenn., and Terre Haute, Ind. These stores are extreme
ly profitable and many more will be established during the present year.
CLARENCE SAUNDERS is the.originator and founder of PIGGLY WldGLY, and is
It is desired by Mr. Saunders that PIGGLY WIGGLYcustomers and friends be the real
owners of PIGGLY WIGGLY stores, and fo» 'that purpose has acquired in the open mar
ket a block of Class ‘ A” Common Stock, which is now offered to them at a price materially
under market quotations at this time.. ,
Mr. Saunders has determined to keep this stock out of the hands of speculators and have
it held by the real investor, who will enjoy the profits of PIGGLY WIGGLY STORES.
It is desired that wide distribution be had on this block of stock, and that this may be ac
complished it is offered at this low price. Arrangemente have been perfected so that this
stock may be paid for on partial payment plan, upon the basis of $25.00 cash per share, and
3 notes at the rate of $10.W per share, due June 1st, Sept 1st and Dec 1st This means
you will receive more than 7 per cent on the entire- investment jand pay only .6 per cent on
the balance as represented by notes of $30.00 per share. If desired cash may be paid in full
for the stock. *v i\ «> * > v .
No organiation has everii! the history of the country, $ad ,suc)ii a remarkable'growth as
PIGGLY -WIGGLY—what has taken twenty or thirty years for,other business to achieve
has been done by CLARENCE SAUNDERSand PIGGLY WIGGLY in six years. And in
six years more this organization will exceed in magnitude and profit any other merhan-
dising company in America, i
How many times have we heard somemody say, “If I had been one of those lucky fellows
who had some of the original stock of ‘So and So,’ how different woiildimy position be now
in the world.”
This is not new stock, but, on the contrary, is the original stock of vthis Company, and
not the kind that is usually handed out to the public after somebody else has got tJhe big
i lip
Tutwiler* Care of
:oan And inv&tment Co„ 270 College Ave., Athens, Ga.
Phone 1826