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iveitlgata Today!
egular Subacrlbera of
Accident Policy Free.
Dally and Snnday—10 Cento a Weak.
Established 18*1
Dally aad Sunday—10 (Mb a .Waal.
VOL »1, No. *4
Associated ‘Pres* Service
N. E. A Servlco
Slnfla Copies } Cents Dally.
States Must Inter-
n Ruhr or Situa
tion I r iU Go to League
of Si :ions.
fata .crisis
Confer bee Says’That
Gover iment Must Hide
Pride and Take
Part i i Ruhr.
Associated Press.)
RIS- -Arbitration by the
d dps government of the
failing which, the
must ha referred
of nations. This was
i decision reached at
of ‘Belgian, British;
labor and *o-
tarians, which
Ruhr pro
entire sitl
to the 1'
the uuanil
s conf'
Italian anf [French
J. Rimttay MacDonald, Arthor
Henderson C. R. Buxton, Tom
Shaw and General Thompaon, the
British d« egates; M. Vandevelde
and Camil if Huyamans, prominent
Beipian fi ialiata, and Deputies
Modlipiian . and Treves, of Italy,
met Leon Blum, Vincent Aurlol.
jean Loq net and Paul Boncour,
of the Kr m aoctaiiat party, and
discussed he Ruhr situation
All ihoilelegatlona were of the
it tho
opinion tilt the praeent situation
created i rough Ranch occupa-
ilon of ti Ruhr, if continued un
til "a fat I crisis,” would prove
detriment I to the pacific recon
struction) f Europe, add also “that
the pridi of the govenments in
terested! orbiddbig advances to
wards n foliations must be art
aside ail politics abandoned, so
that a j odua vivendi may be
retched,’ rhich can be done only
through I merican intervention or
a decisis of the leOaUe of na
M. Vu (actelde took the lead in
asking t it ,4he respective govern
ments M requested to place the
solution) f the MWr occupation
embrogli up to the league. J.
Ramsay) iacDonald, will bring the
matter before t e British house of
common. M. Vandervelde will
act as ] Igian spokesman, to in
terest th Mussolini government in
a league settlement.
[—Political gossips in
circlet were specula*,
y as to the purpose
.ere of Lord D’Aber-
Ambassador to Ber-
red In London Tuea-
ing We,
of the
non, Brl
lin, who
Entire ignorance is ,
pressed i ijto his mission ana the
siatcmen war mad* that, tha vis
it had n« connection with govern
ment buanese.
Howe* ra the opinion prevail*
that thtf ilmbasi _ _
to i-ondttilo report on the situa
tion in 0 tommy in regard* to_any
possible!developments in tho Ruhr
Lord 1 P.Vbemon is credited with
having a warm sympathy for Ger
many ai I pf disapproving Franc!
‘ " Ml
Representatives of Coun
try’s Largest Automo
bile Association Here to
Organize This City.
Representatives of the American
Automobile Association have a. •
rived . in . Athena to organize the
Athens Motor Club, which will .be a
direct brunch of the National or
ganization, the largest and oldest
good roads organization in the
Athens is to be developed Into u
Step-over (Kjlnt tor tourists en-
rouiu to Florida as well aa upon
their return to northern points, bev-
entg-five percent of toe tourists
staio that the routh through bpart-
anburg, Athena and Macon, ia' the
beat one from Washington, 1A C.
to points in Fiorina, and Or this
reason the “A. A. A." Is organising
clubs along'the entire route.
The tocul club will be governed
by u board of twelve directors, four
ot whom will be the officer*, and
the' other eight directors will be
chairmen ot inch of the eight stand
ardised departments which will be
installed In the club
The eight departments will lie
as follews. Roads, btreets and
Bridges.-^department; Legislative
Incumbent’s Right to Re-
tain Office Is Upheld By
Supreme Court of Geor
All Justices of the Court
Join in Affirming Decis
ion Except Judge Hines.
Retains Office.
Special to Banner-Herald
ATLANTA—Major Charles Mc
Gregor has failed in his fight to
oust Pension Commissioner John
W. Clark before state house ofi-
cere retire in June.
Holding that the Fulton county
superior court did not err in sus
taining the demurrer and dismiss
ing the petition ot Major C. E.
McGregor, the supreme cotirt of
the state‘on Tuesday handed down
a decision which keepe John W.
Clark, the present incumbent, in
the ofice of commissioner of pen
sions until the latter part of June
when the new statp administration
comes in. * .
This closes a long court fight
aged by Major McGregor, who elected in the 1822 elections
to the office, seeking to oust the
present incumbent from, the office.
Major McGregor has claimed that
his term of office
Glee Club Makes Hit
In Initial Try Here
‘‘Happy’* Harvey Tickles ’Em to Death, in His “Wa-
neeta” Act—Vocal and Instrumental Music Is
Pino. Comedians Get Laughs While. Crayon
Act Delights Onlookers.
A sur*-fiiw hit—ti.e Georgia Glee
club of lets, which gave it* annual
faculty rehearsal at the Colonial
Theatre Tuesday night —
Variety, which some wise aero
has said is the “spice of life.” runs
through the entire performance and
there ia no doubt but that the boys
will capture their audiences In the
lour over the state.
While Athenians are always con
fident that the "boye” will put cn
a good show, the attraction this
year is so good that fun lovers will
uwalt thein. appearannee before the
public here April 9th with no email
dogree ot anticipation
i should i
department. Legal Aid department. I commence ad January 1, 1923,
Mecnanicat Service department; [ „| on(f with the term* of the *®c-
Publiclty department. Accident 1-re- j rotary of itate, comptroller gen-
ventioii unu street and Highway e ral, stqta treasurer and attorney
Beautlflcution department, Finance
and Membership-department, Tour
ing and Contest department.
Some of the duties of the local
club will be to aid and cooperate in
securing reas.nuble and Just state
attd Federal automobi.le legislation.
In eecufinr 1 ’ 'TWnuiMUiA' just "and
uniform automobile la we aad local
ordinances. In enforcing-automobile
laws and ordinances In the interest
of the public welfare. To aid In ob
taining looaL state and-federal aid
in the construction of good roads,
©speclaity those < approved ,by au-
The case was first heard in Ful
ton superior, court, where the
court eustained the
brought by C!*rk and Older th*
McGregor petition dismiss)
that th* office of pension com
missioner docs not rightfully come
under the definition “State Hous<
Officer," as do the-other .offices
mention*. It i*. rather, thoy hold
a “civil office” and thereto
:ivil off toe” and therefore is
ihorlsed highway commlsalbnna and, not effected vithdr by th* act of
Indorsed by tho American 'Automo- 1.18*8 f*. the amendatory act of
bile Association. To encourage road
travel and transportation within
the club area and to secure, pre
pare. and disseijilnate Information
relative thereto, intruding -map*
logs, etc. To erect danger and warn-
•1921.,; Neither of these act*, which
refer to the manner in which the
election returns of state house of
ficers shell be repo ted, ia intend
ed to repeal or modify the act of
,1908, in connection with that act’s
Ing slgoals ( at dangerous curves, .irtfOretice to the term during which
rail read crossings, cross ivads, and | the office.of Commissioner of pen
wherever needed to reduce accidents
and deaths to a minimum. To sign
post ail roags within SO miles ot (pie
city. To Conduct accldent-preven-
tlon and safety campaigns and to
give publicity to Athens through
(Torn to Page Sig)
Renegade Indians Go on
War-Path in Utah. Trou
ble Over Case. Two Re
ported Dead.
(By Associated Preen)
a town of 875 inhabitants to be-
-—Jeengered tost night by a band
Col Gives Helpful ,;«* Piute Indiana, telephone wire*
LOl. wves ^ been cut and a
Hrnts on How Athens fcIowd nt
sions shall qontlBUQ.
Report of The
Health Crusade
At the Mary Ann Lips
comb Elementary
’ ‘School. .
■ ■ pn tti
May Procure a City
I »m Ip&bted to Miss Mildred
■ a copy of her latest
:<The South Must
htful Place In His-
Monticcllo by courier late
this ntemon. urged the formatioi
of an armed body to aid the in*
The latest outbreak, occurring
In San Jacinto in the southwestern
part of Utah, was caused by the
arrest and detention of tern In
dian youths on a charge of rob-
_ hory. News of their tocareeretion
lady quotes on the . oon reached a smell band of
her pamphlet the word* Imuegad* Piute*, including “Old
Posey,” who has figured in
Davis: "When time
softened passion and
tic,; when reason shall have 'made by the indton band to
-.'i leer mask from mlerep
i-.M.t.iust; then Justice, holding
enly her healess, wDI require much
"f p.i»i ufnsurs and prase to changa
,i lir masl
u*t( then
tr Scales*. i
ensure and
’ Gen. lad said :“Ev*ryoi
'*•' iUl Ills power to cc
•iiRMciniisni lb* truth* In 1
It may Odd a place In hli
t “Everyone' Should
collect and
hope that
history and
I posterity. History Is not
n ot campaigns, and bat-
,(nereis, or other Indivld-
UuU which shows tha
lirln.-inK 9 for which tho South con-
l> n.l„l i ad which Justified
) for these principles.”
rescue the young bucks, the lattei
dinner to tho two jailed Indians
they refured to ‘
who has figured
vious outbreaks. Prepnr* 1
. V • a iL. t.4!aw Ra«
eat and . he at
one of them over
tempted 1 to etrike
the Mad.with hto rvolver. One of
ebbed the sheriff and
a'jsrra «»,
then foreod the sheriff into the
comer end after loching him in
^BiXTtooUted, the In-
■n... having cut teiephone wires
and the bit word from the In
dian beleaguered Tillage was tok
en to MonflceUo at 4 a. m. Wedne*
day by a courier askinr for the
formation of an armed bod;
mento aid the inhablUhU
iodjr of
of the
Posses of white settlers are hot
n the trail of the 'if
, lin HaU felt nrcat concern
.Use questions. Ho said: **We
11 o our dead, to our living,
. i )„ , )r children, to preserve tho
l-.ih a i rrelsf the falsehood•* so.... —-j-- , . ..
m ludsmsol Idtons have ln> n killed.hatfr^p
I ttotonTy tribunal l.-for* whlch wourdcd, while thewhite - men
(Turn to Page Six) [have escaped uninjured. i
' (Written For Banner-Herald)
The report of the'school for the
first month of the crusade to very
Moat of the children have ob
served all the rule* end done all
the choree. A largo percentage
(lave gained In weight end ere al
ready looking better.^
We expert A large number of
pine aAd certificates to be given
commencement *
Some of the children will become
Knights, and the younger children
will become squires and Banner
It to hoped.that by the end of
the crusade, at the dose of school,
all of the children will be up to
the required weight
The musical numbers, vocal and
lstrumsntaL were splendid. The
first solo, rendered by Brook John
son. left no doubt In the mind of
the audience that the “High Court
of the Red and Black”, the opening
number, would prove an appetiser
for the remaining skits. Minor
Wheaton sang “Roses of Picardy"
and Athens knows before hand that
It wa* sung well. “I’ll Forget You.”
sung by Mr, Williams and | t*At
Dawning" by Roy Jones, were well
As for the comedians, it goes
without saying that they made
friends right off the reel. “Happy”
Hsrvey seems to be “getting better
and better*' and Chubby Allen Is
still “hongry." The nsw'black face*
beamed upon the onlookers in th*
person ot Lfevld Carroll and “Hawk
eys'* Stokes They are all funny and
moke ths crowd laugh. "Chubby"
and Happy gave the Mind Reeding
Act which convulsed the audience, it
an audience can be convulsed. These
boys get a laugh every time an
eyebrow is arched and out in the
state they'll not fall to. go good. :
“Happpr Harvey, with his flgnr,
reminiscent of “Honey Boy”.Evan*,'
won for himself a niche In the
minstrel world with hi* serio
comic by-act. "Waneeta” The au
dience called for more time after
time and wc have no doubt the poor
boy crjed. “Wnnta-eat, waht-eat.
wants-eat*’ In his sleep last night:
“Saying It With Crayon." a
clever act with Brown Whatley and.
Harrold Hheffled wielding the chalk
was excellent The Illustration of
VKJsa Maim; Kiss* Pjspatf ‘-'Jy
Wild Irish Rose” and other popular
Bongs delighted tho crowd. The act
ended when a fierce looking bull
Ucg was drawn on Mr. Whatley's
canvas while Mr Sheffield sketched
the.bust of “Uncle l>ave.' The ap
plause which followed assured the
young artists that the crowd both
loved “Uncle DavcSS and wn*
with the- iierformance.
Local Lodge Opens Mem
bership Drive* With Big
Spring Festival April S
to 14. • v
More Than Twenty r Five
Shows, Besides Rides
and Midway. Everything
Absolutely Clean.
spring festival, with all ita
attendant attractions, will be held
hore under auspice* .of the Athene
Elks from April t-14, it was an
nounced Wednesday.
THsre will be twenty-five shows,
fII teen or more rides, fsrrto wheels,
ulrplane glides, whips, merry-go-
rounds, a midway aad everything
else that goes to make up a real
Each one of the shows to abso
lutely clean and there is nothing in
sins who' the entire festival that woman and
r k*’ I, children can not as*. There Is ab
solutely no gambling wheels or any
other gomes of chgnce. There is
no dance hall no '« shows or
The Elks are beginning a mem
bership drive and ths tiprtng Fes
tival is one of th* opening features
of ths drive, other events will fol
lows* aa ths drive progresses-
There will be ths “Count—
right on th* midtrayy wl
may buy anything from
The Bulldog orchestra nred. noi{® S.TSXtSSSb Hu
introduction. It would melt the j° Coua<i y_.*y! .
Roberts' of Univer
1 Enjoins Stuc
iiidd if poize
Gets $5 Gold Bonus For
Most Votes" in Populari
ty Race Tuesday. New
Council and Dean
Expelling Him.
anus Offer.
Three votes for one will be
_lv*n the Candida tea in the White
Way Popularity Contest between
Wednesday and Friday at mid
night, it was Isnnounced by the
This is positively the highest
bonus which the committee will
give during the conteeL it was an-
Petitioner Claims
Not Guilty of Disoi
Conduct Charge Agains
One who cannot
wouldn't know a note If ho met It
in the middle of the road hai no
butisem “criticising" music. How-
ever. well Just say this and let
It go at that, “The singing of the
quartet madA ua feel mighty good.”
After all, isn't that whnt slnglns 1*
for. To lift you up, instil within
you a desire to do better or make
You feel happy and glad? The
quartet la [composed r.t Mosers.
Wheaton. Jones. Tanner and our
own Carlton MelL
Laura Mae Hammond,
sponsored by the Rotary club won
th* 85 gold bonus given Tues
day for- receiving the most votes
during the day. Mjs* Hatnraond
received 991 Votes while Mite
Griffeth cam* a dose second with
Voting in the contest to keep
ing qt ■ high level and the candi
dates ere making a hot race for
.the prises, a Ford coupe, 100 in
gold; |50 in gold and {20 in gold,
vote* cost only ono penny each.
The (tending Wednesday fol
Lovto Jowers 18712
Laura Hammond ...;. 18314
J. R. Roberts, student in
umpidn Law Schpoi, Wednesi
asked Clarko Superior Court
prevent him from being expel!
from the University of G<
Roberts, through his atto:
filed injunction
against the Student Council an.
Dean. C. M. Snelling of the Uni
versity of Georgia,
court to enjoin defendants
suspending him from the'institu
tion until the next term of Su
perior court.
Bessie Jadqpn 15527
Harret Stejmens .......8187
Nellie Griffith 4&U
heart of any critle| It'll make you
forget you owe lust month's rent
and that's going some.
Tha closing skit, “The Torreador",
leaves a good taste In’ your mouth.
mymuiMfi minim
io n pud ni
Proposition Says Pay
ments of Twenty Million
Yeaily For 12 Years
WiHBe Made.
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS—The payment yearly of
twenty million dollars, for • pe
riod of twelve years, teems feas
ible to Eliot Wadsworth, Assist-
fent Secretary of the Treasury, who
to conferlng with the Allied re
presentatives about the reimburs
ing of this country for ber men
on the Rhine.
In a statement Wednesday
Wadsworth stated that he was
awaiting definite information on
th* questions of tjie number of
the installments, priority idtfht*
and as to whether or not the
United States would get a definite
percentage of the German repara
In hto statement, he expressed
the opinion that the United States'
would accept only cash payments
and would also take no part “in
any stops the Allies might take
to collect tho reparation money.
like the general
dunk Center.
The Festival |
ens a company
hundred and fifty
shows have played
Slate Fair, the
and several more of tbi
over the state, and are coming to
Athena very highly recommended.
The Festival will be open during
tho afternoons end nights and will
be personally supervised by the local
Mrs. Davis
Mabel Parr .......
Mollis Whitehead ...
Mrs. P. N. Chilivis
Elisabeth Harris 1013
Cura Ben Rutherford .' 1068
IMary Siam 1007
Eariine Wilder 1091
Baulin* Toney ..: 1136
Martha JlcAlpin ...... 1135
Ntra Cry me* ....
beth Harris . .... 1013
*cliyha*. ....
the Chase Street school ground for
Report to Secretary Mel
lon By .Hospital Board
Suggests Ways of Cut
ting Expenses.
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON.—-In a report to
Secretary Mellon, the Board of Cop-
luitsnts cn Hospitalization recom
mended thnt the plans for the future
great hospital plants over the coun
try be placed In some centralised of
fice In Waslipuclon.
This report was made with a view
of eliminating oil waste of war and
post war activities of th* hospitals.
Ths report also suggested that the
hospitals over the (country be
standardized, which would do away
with many other sources of useless
Further recommendation was
mad* that some plan of agreement
co-opcmtlun be made between
the Individual states and'the Fed
eral government for the ultimite
purpose of putting the hospitals on
the Festival. The proposition was
put before th* city authorities who
Immediately stated that the city
would b* glad to grant th* use ot
the grounds for such a worthy pur
pose and that ths ’ Festival would
be a clvio movement and advertise
Athens greatly;
- The highest pries of admission to
any show will be twenty-five cents
and the lowest pries ton cants, with
many of the attractions being free
of any admission.
NEW YORK.—^Tho murddr of
Dorothy Keenan, found chloroform
ed to death last Thursday, in her
apartment here, stills remains a
an equal atanding,' standardising & SHw’ft.lUJton^the
them and to clear tho way for struhge com than they were Thurs-
Sarah ,
Erma Booth ......
Carirto Beer
Nellie Christopher .
Fany. McDopnan ..
Mrs. W. D. Paschal .
Mrs. Clarence Stone
Nina Sue Carter ..
... Hint!
.. 1007
... 1007
.. 1007
;.. 1103
... 1011
... 1005
.. 1004.
New York Police Still in
Dark About Murder of
Dorothy Keenan By
further improvements. ;
Bibb County Woman
Legislator Says State
Should Give More Aid
To School
Mrs.. Viola Roe* Napier, represen
tative-elect from Bibb county to th*
State Lest stature, has lost returned
to Mason aft* making a visit to th*
gut* Normal School.
In an address to th* student body,
Mrs. Napier ezpreeeed herself as be-
ing heartily In favor of Ih* state
making more liberal appropriation!
to th* Institutions of higher educa
tion in Osorgla. She Is particularly
Interested In the training that girls
are receiving la the .normal schools
Mrs. Napier pledged herself to rap
port the best form of. taxation that
win be submitted to the earning leg
islature In oedsr that mors adequate
appropriations may be mod* for
Maher ieernlec ln osr Stata. )..,,,.
iMast Beeler.Jtas.baetfA.teenktr In
t4*nMe*o«iiPimiP. .«■*j-atuiiad to*
after she -married, And >eh* Is I now
practicing law la Mason.
Boy Scouts Will Be Given
Prizes By Enterprising
Firms For Aiding Work.
Rid Athens of Disease and
Insect Breeding Places,
Is Cry of Interested Cit
committee mokes Ita Inspection
tour April 1 The Boy Scouts are
looting vacating lots and Jh# own
era and reporting them to Mayor
George C. Th'.iuaa They must also
call the owner and oak him to clean
off th* lot.
Costa'8 is. giving thirty soda
checks, six to each of five child
ren who do the best cleaning
their homes. A committee of women
from the Woman's club has t
appointed It make thi Inspection
when the campaign. ends April 1.
They will be accompanied by in
spectors from ths Sanitary Depart
More prises are belng-nffered In
the “Clean-Up Campaign” which Is BREEDING SPOTS
now In progress In Athens. It was
ann itnced Wednesday.
Three prises will be given the Boy
Scouts ..uni* In the campaign and
five Prizes will be given . sclii.ol
child rru.
The prizes to be given th* Boy
Scouts nre ss follows: one dozen
Paines theatre tickets, given by
Manager L O. Oldley; a Roy Scout
knlf* given by th* Athens Herd,
war* company and a Boy Scout halt
given by 44. J. Raid Clothing com
tj'»*.*) at,til
n ThaxpMtew.Riven the:Boy, £
kthenlnns are .urged ko aid in the
“Oean-Up Campaign" and have the
premia** about their olrn homes
and vacant lota ridded of disco Be
and insect breeding places and
beautify them for th* spring.
Th* White Way opening April
4 will bring hundreds ot visitors
from neighboring towns and th*
city should be beautiful for their
coming, the committee states.
If tin cum, .cisterns filled with
stagnant water and other breeding
places for mosquitoes are destroyed
the city will be retiered of much
sickness’ this spring add
It Is declared.
A aet-df MuMewtdMakeuR
Semi-Annual Meetin]
14th Division of
men Will Draw Many
Delegates Here.
Police Inepector Couyhlln was ex
pecting Information Wednesday
from Chicago concerning Jack
Lnnnlgau. whom h* bad asked the
Chicago police to look up, In thei
hop* that th* man might b* able
to throw'some llyht on the murder.
Lannlgan once lived with Mira
Keqnan. while bo conducted several
Broadway cabaret* and knows many
of her acquaintance*.
A. semi-annual meeting; of the
14th Division. Encampment of th*
I. O. O. P„ will be held in Athens
Friday, the meeting being called to
order at 1:10 in the afternoon ni
th* hall corner Clayton street and
Collfge avenue.
The program arranged for the
meeting follows;
Address of Welcome. C. A. Von-
derieith, P. O. P, Athena
Response, R. L. J. Smith, P. O. M..
Address, C. A. Fretwell, O. C. P.,
Address. C. C. Parson. O. H. P.,
Executive Session:
Harold T. Tuck, D. D. O. M., pro-
Night Session, t P. If.
Unfinished buatoesa •
Exemplification Patriarchal De
Address. Hon. T. H. Robertson,
O. 8.. Gainesville, da.—“The
written Work."
Exemplification. Royal Purple Ds-
CHICAGO.—Jack Lannlgan, form-
of Dorot
er friend of Dorothy Keenan who
waa murdered by ehlArofbrm re
cently In New rorlc, was found by
police of this city Wednesday.
Lannlgan strongly denied that he
had quarrelled with th* murdered
woman thro* weeks ago. as
been reported
Lannlgan said that tbs police hero
had not questioned him aa yet hut
that h* had nothing whataover' to
conceal and “It’s absurd,” he said.
“I haven’t even talked with the wo
man during th* laat right months.”
In hto petition Roberts
the following members «
Student Council: F. C. M
W. M. Mcwboumc, E. A. Lowe, i
H. Nowton, Jr., W. H Young, j
F. Gannon, S la Vamedoc, E. '
Wilkereon, J. D. Aderholdt, Ch
S. Hodges and the dean of I
University, Col. C. M. Snelling
Tho injunction suit follows
of Roberts before the “
Council, tRe governing
tho University, composed ex
sively of students. In his ]
tion Roberts set out that on M
19, last Monday, he was tried _
tore thd Student Council on the
charge of "disorderly cond
He declare* he is not guilt. .
the charge and that no witnesse
confronted him to sustain
charge upon which he waa b
tried. To tirove his guiltlessness
Roberto refer* to the records of
.the City, county an dstatc courts, ;
which, ho says, contain no case
against him. He says if any w*---
“■isses testified against him it v
bind closed doors.
Ho further declares that hi> 1
been informed that the Stud
Council has already, or is ah
to recommend to tho dean of
University that ho be suspen
w:ommeri- .
This Division consists of all En
campments in the Eighth Congres
elonal District and Delegate* will
be Ilf attendance from oil Encamp
ment*. < ,
■ oi muen
("I V
snr mjvrii
A number of alumni have Just held
s meeting at tbs State Normal School
for the purpose of organising and
making a concerted effort In th* In
terest of s greater Normal School.
Mrs. F. A Oillen of Watklnsvtll*
was mad* chairman of tha alumni
committee. Among the others who
attendance at thla meeting
are as follow*: Miss Mary Christies.
Mary Prsak W*.
wHI b« reporting sbs tnrat-vacant will bwiRivtm Uutmrtsoo|.wMo** abr'
that *re denned up when tho trict deans up ther beet
I .MMs Mabel Jack-
h*MV>WlMsr. Oati Mra HUrmaa Mav-
tln.“ , Athem. tQKUMr*' Guy Hancock,
Athena, Ga.
Many Athenians
Named Delegates
To Welfare Meet
Many Athena* people hair* been
named by Governor Thomas W.
Hardwick as delegate* to the Fir
tieth annual sociaL welfare confer
ence to be held in Washington May
1* to fl
Those named from her* are as
J. B. Joel, Lee Morris, ‘Sidney
Boley. W. A. MAI lory, Walter H.
Jones, Max Michael'M. O. Michael.
John D. Elliott. H. H. West, J. B.
T*lmadge, Jr., Ifldge Horae* Hold
en, M. J. Cotal, Gasper Palmlslno,
J. W. -Barnett. J. E. Drpwry. D.
H. MaOllt C. EL Martin. H. J.
Rowe, E. R. Hodgson. Jr.. Dr.'R.
M. Goss, r. C. ■ Bhackeford. Mrs.
V. Sanford. Mrs. Julia White,
Mrs. Sal 11* p. Hodgson. Mrs. D. O.
Andersen. Mrs W. D. Bourham.
Mrs. Milton "
Stark, Monroe, and Mrs.
W. U Hodgsea Hartwell or* also
A* farther proof of his
cence of the’ charge Robei
clarcs the manager of the
he ■ aHcgd ti
Wen ct'lordcrly has mad
complaint against him
have the ushers and
If ho to expelled, it w
out cause and he would
irroparablo damage of ‘
deprived of one year i
the petitioner claims.
Ha prayed the court to
the member* of the Stud*:
cil front turning their ri
dation to any official of
versity of Georgia and al|
of said University be n
from suspend
order of the
Roberts, w
cil and tried on two counts. It was
charged . He w *'
cnarged with having been drunk
, ?. i 11 ?. c °urt hold by.students
of the Uw school and caused the
duc™ 1 **^ the daaS by his con '
a* U . ch ? r *?, d with hav-
***** drtmk at the Colonial
thaatre rihan tho Brenau Glee club
wm hen last week. Robert*
rade of the Wooden Soldiers.”
The Student Council, before
which Roberts was tried, has direct
of conduct of studenU
at the University. It was Institu
ted when the Honor System waa
installed at tha University and thi*
caa* to the first which has found
courts*^ Clarke county
4 was reported Wednesday *ft-
ernooa that Roberto will withdraw
hi* petition *ad at the name time
will withdraw from ooliexe. if he
takes this step the satin contentful;
will be cleared.
Glee Club Holds
Dress Rehearsal
The final rehearsal of the Geor-
dub before the members
fore tha club takas the rend. The
the Red and Black artiste and a
large crowd from the faculty mem-
bership to turned out for.thto per-
After the read trip the club will
in ita regular show in
mm i