The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 23, 1923, Image 8

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WER-HERALD, ATHENS, CBORCTC ' _ FRIDAY - MARCH' gl'tMi _ CMid Advertisements I?S*J W11 MIES 2 Cento a Word J} Minimum Chart* of 40 Cent* .insertion*. Seven time* (or the price of (lv* Insertion*. All .uracontlnuancM MUST b< ' made In peraon at Th* Dan- ner-Herald Office or by lettar. Telephone dltcontlnuancea are rdk nmNT?*VRmB TED A?A ' ■•dtr feuf niMn*. hall Tub) pri lie New tcroons, new km »t Phone 245-W. t NOT valid. .WANT Ad PHONE ■ANNER-HBAALD WANT ADS OET RESULTS 75 75 FOB RENT — ONE POUR-ROOM apartment. Apply CCS N. Lumpkin 81. or phone U. FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED room*, returnable, to couple only. Call at 178 Virginia Ave. m25p For Sale LUMBERMEN ATTENTION—We can make Immediate delivery of Ford ton trucka and trailer. Caah term*. C. A. Trusaell Motor Co. Athena. Oa, m-ll-c. Lost And Fonnd 1 LOST-—Many an article, found by a I' Banner-llerald reader and return- 1 ed to ita otrnar. If you have loat any- • thins today try a Banner-Herald '..Want Ad tomorrow. FOR SALE-1 MARE. 1 MULE, t two-hone white Hickory wo*on and I rubber tiro busty. J. O. Johnaon. 72S Puloakl 8t. m'-l-p FOR SALE — WOOD. DRT PjNE Move wood. Phone 1S08-J or 110-J. . L Bramblett. ihlto Wanted ” “.WANTED—A tood cook, houaa maid, 3 " j" butler, chauffeur, domeatlo helpt ,.qr maybe Ita office assistance, book- —: keepers, atenogo, telephone girls, ^f-'-eaxhlora etc. : Whatever It la you may Co aure that thousands of alert bud- «. jiess and efficient Individuate In Ath- —--Uns will aee your Want Ad In the Banner-llerald and will talk over the matter with you next day. It’a done every day In Athena tf. v WANTED—POSITION AS *SALES- LADY In dry gooda Mom Have hart II yeara bualneaa experience. ^^-Lndy of congenial dlapoaltlon. Known how to meet the public. Very beat reference fuftilahed. Addreaa Will- tc~-.ini? Worker, care Athena Banner, ■w-e. X'^AXbena, Oa FOR SALE — FINE THOROUGH BRED Bull Pup. Phone 1178-J. mlSc FOR BALES—BEAUTIFUL BUILDING lot on South Lumpkin Street Very cheap for cash. Call 1400 and ask for Mr. Bradberry. m«P FOR SALE—ONE OOOD 8ECOND- hand Klein A Martin two-h wagon. See Mr. E. C. Wagca, Route No. S, Athena, near Tallaasee Plant. mil# ■ WANTED—POSITION AS OFFICE vav ^24> a l"lanC by lady of refinement Cl..'* Cun do general office work Including Menography. Doctor’s office pre ferred. Moderate salary to begin with, Increased according to capabll- —— —tty. Best ■ of references furnished. iumu t—Can begin duties April 10th. Address ■ Capable, care Athene Banner. ,.,-reo WA NTBI> -*POSITION BY EXPERI- . . KNCED huly Menu-bookkeeper. flfone 9D9-W pr Address "Position,” !u '‘ ‘"care Banner-Herald. ral6p v — Wanted — niimt be cheap. Call 423-J. USBD OA8 RANGE, n good condition and Mrs. Hudson* phone mtlp ' WANTED—POSITION BY STUDENT ' "•’’•’'during vacation. Call Mr* Haw- \ ^lnn, phone 918-J 1 . m26p WANTEDr-Help VttNTED—Help. , Household fuml ■Cure, pet stock, any one of a thou sand things. You <*n fill yo«r Wants promptly and cheaply with a Ben ny-Herald Want Ad. U. FOR SALE—Eggs for hatching from A-l Stock. Rhode island Rads, Car ver Strain. Eggs (MO P«r 18. I10.00 per 100. White Leghorns, College Strain. Eggs 11.60 per 18. 81.00 per 100. Referencea Oconee County Bank. Watklnavllle, Prof. J. H. Wood. Dept Poultry Husbandry. College. We In vite you to oome out and soe our flock. C. E. Truaaoll and E. P. Joha- aton. Watklnsvtlle, Oa. m-ll-o. FOR BALE—A LOT OF SECOND- IIAND farm Implements, con- slating of cut-away harrow, ona and two horse plows, cotton plantar, guano distributor, etc. Can be seen at 108 Weat Washington 8t. Wes- com Hudgln. Phone 1188. m-26-c Miscellaneous JVho’s IVho on Penn Squad -Ra>-' McOraw haa the making. f a Bat*'Roth when ft cornea to slugging the old borsehide. He made his debut as a varsity out fielder last year on tho Straw- bridge A Clothier grounds. nm< electrified his teaumate* a.-d n big crowd by shooting Ik pellet ovei tlic fence a number of times. Lefty.” na -i la teammates know him, takes a free swin while stand ing nt the plate Ulut lias all the power of his sturdy shoulders be hind It. ' McOraw started out oa a pitcher withe the freshman hnaaball team just two years ago this spring. His wprk was sensational from the stArt. The twlrjer. whose batting prowess was great na a yearling, waa not content to play In eery third game, and went to the out- for any length of time. In the winter McOraw la a num ber of the junldr varsity basket- ht» team. Ho prepped ,at La fayette High School, Buffalo, and after graduation entered the Whnrtxo School. He is twenty-one years old, weight 154 pounds and Is five feet efght and a half inches tall. He throws and bats left-hand ed. Pennsylanin plays in Athens on March 29th. Thursday. FBBETELWT CHEES INMAP / NEW YORK.—What will the map of the United States look like 50 years or more from now? Where will the big cities be? ^ ‘Our growth and distribution QfJ jjes not ei rtllln t Inn ilonpnrla nn fltia Oilnira 26th» MEDIUM BROWN HAIR looks best of All after a Golden Glint Shampoo.—Advertisement. JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD choice Pea Green Alfalfa Hay. W. I. and Geo. M. Abney. »Wo MEDIUM BROWN HAIR, look* boat of all after a Golden Ollnt Shampoo. population depends on five things, 1 answers Dn Wllford I. King, econ field when not pltchiny. The result mist of the National Bureau of Eco- was a bat tiny star for the first- nomlc Research. “These are the year team. i five factors: Immigration, excess of In addition to beln yn diamond births, over deaths, water power, star>of ability, McOraw, during his*coal and improvement in agricul- freshman year, called signals for jtural machinery." the football team. On the mythical I Dr. King Is a student of statistics, all-American freshman te&m\ Me* * estimates the population of conti- ryack nentnl United States In 1923 at 110,- 000.000 (it wgg 105.710.620 in 1920) and predicts 120.000,000 in If present immigration laws are not changed. ^ “Present statistical trends point lo probably 160.000,000 In 1970." he says. Dr. Raymond Pearl, of Johns Hopkins University, recently pre dicted 1i 0,000,00*. by that time. Then. 60 years or more hence, we will Btand still. Dr. King thinks. These are his conclusions: "Immigration will bo negligible 15 or 20 years hence if curtailment laws continue. If It is shut off there will be no excess of births over deaths, and, without either, there will be ho population Increase after another generation. IT all immigration restrictions were relieved. Including those ef fecting Japanese und Chinese, the United States may be easily half Asiatic within the lifetime of per sons now living. Big cities of the future will be near water power and coal deposits, supplying electric power to indus tries. 1 Graw was nwarde ( d the qiiartei post. Last fall he was a regular in the varsity backfleld during the en tire season. He showed brilliancy ftrom the start with his open field running anti line bucking, and in heaving and receilng passes. An injury late in tho season slowed him up somewhat, hut not suffi ciently to keep him out of the game MD**-BLACK PRE88INQ CLUB Pristina* Cleaning and Altering All Work Quarsntiid Phone 1317 Corner Ltgnpkln and Broad FOR RENT Ono five-room downstairs apartment, private bath and all convenience. Peeaenslon March 1»L ^ ' E. G. FAM&ROUGH Phone 516 Particular ; J[ntef®t ^[Cert= ters Around Chaliapin, Kemp .and Galli-Curci— Other Stars. t appeared. Now pool, dozen Southern States jrfalt At lanta each Spring; because they want to h<‘ar Craml Opera and nd7 became of curiosity to-see or heal an individual. SEEKlllON FUER COUNTY PP WANTED—BY EMPLOYEE .OF. U. S. Veteran Bureau with wife and ' throo-year-oW chllil three housekeep ing room*, preferably furntehed with all modem oonvenlencee, downewlr*. Reference, exchanged. Writ, Booms, .cure Banner-Hera|d or phone 1171. mlBp. * WANTED—A OOOD EXPERIENCED colored woman cook. Addreee P. O. Box 114, BUhop. Oa. «“*•* 5*-% For Rent—Rooma ' FOR RENT—Fumlahed or unfuraleh- ed rooma with meato or without board. Deetrabte location. Conven- * / (fence*. Rent reaaonable. The»e ate -. 'aomo of the ottering you find dally In ', Sflpnur-KwaM Wan> Ada _ tf- . ; 8TOR RENT—APRIL l*t. BIX room houaa with two balb*- » u l * modern conveniences. Double gar-| Ei. ngeTte .8 AH Eaat .Dougherty St Trim to « oolh — Advance. Wexoom Hudgln. DMT t—• ^fcona-1788, morning or night 1888. m-le-c FOR RENT-ONE 8-UOOU HOUSE “ , .and on. Ihrae-reom hour* nmr I normal School. Phone 14M-J- mMo |> IS- -' i RAILROAD SCHEDULES SEABOARD AIR UMB RV. "ttorthbound • Southbound aVTfsrthbound Southbound 1:88 n Atlanta-Monrle Kc'l 8:16 P 1:4* p Atl.-Blrolngham-Mero. 8:8* p 1:48 p Norfolk-Rlch-N. Y. 1:8* P ’ 7:65 p Atl-AbbevUle Tfl 7:88 n 11:14 p AU. -Blrurtngbom 1:18 * 11:14 9 Norfotk-WMh. «:t* * * z 11:24 p WUmiagtoa-W. ,T. 6:1* a OBOROIA RAILROAD Depart 1:1* am 2:18 pm CBNTRAL OF OKOROIA RV./ * fJTW. O. Bolton, Agent, Pboo* 18*1 - Central of Ooorgla SUUoa Depart far Kaeen.T-.8t a. m. 4:45 A ra. Arrive from Macon 11:1* p. at *:S* p. at y* .for further Information pbone in-- . J. Y. Bruc*. C. A- 14*. OAINBSVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page i* ona of .the most interest ing and certainly most pro- ' fitablo page* Of the papw. Thousands of people torn their attention first to tbo Want Ad Pag*. The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page W. L COXE Transfer Co. Lori Trip* Oav Specialty. Cheapest Track Ir Town. €00 Thomas St' Phone 1851 EKAY SMILING PAINTER" Fla* PfetoUu Mi ‘itfdtir Phone 280, Athens, Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY . - No. i taavm Athene (:«« a. m., ar rive. Lula »:4* a. m. X “ No, g leevee Athens 4:U p. m- *r- i riy** Lola *:« o. m. -iijfo. 7 toave* Lula *:8* p. m- *r- Athene 1:8* »n «• . t leave* Lula 8141 a. m., ar* _j Athens 11:4* a. DL O. a MUIer. C. A- Athene, an, .retention* IL ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE SAWMILLS t Belt Feeds oney Maker. All Kinds Mill ' Supplies. Ho* Simon Dleton Saws. Teeth, File*, Belting, Pipe, In jector*, Fitting*, Rnglno and Boiler .Repnlrs. Bring with your aato and Work done quick. Wire Cables. Plenty Room to Park Car. Lombard jron Works AUGUSTA, QA. TUT AFFECTING MUSIC STYLES We ARE PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR OLD Scrap, iron,. Braaa,. Capper, laeuea of MagaMnea. Where quantity Juetlflea our Truck will call for. Dixie Iron & Metal Co. Strut Athens, Ga. 415 1151 NEW YORK.—In. tho n.ixnphone doomed for the dlacard? Is the Sal vation Army tiimh'-urlno to replace tho cow bells und dlnhpnns of the modern Jaxz orchestra? Is the ! Egyptian lurban to nupercede the nervlceable brawn derby for the muting of the tonder wallings, bf the cornet? • Paul Whiteman, satrap of jnxz, haa admitted that tremendou* thing** (ire afoot musically, all account of the discovery of King Tut’* tomb. Thin on tho eve of Whiteman’* departure for England. “There to no doubt but that the Egyptian note will predominate In mueic for name tlmo to come," he declared. “Though. th|n will bo ap parent ' in the beginning mainly through the tltlee. Inatead of ’My Old Kentupk Mammy,' we ehnll have ‘My Old Egyptian Mammy.' Inatead of ‘Holin' Into Tenneneee,' we'll be ‘Kitln* Into Cairo, and for 'My Litfle Bimbo we may confi dently expect ‘My Lttle Lotus Blos som of the Nile.' I myself shall make a dance arrangement of 'Alda' for the uee Of my orchestra and. Lulglnl has written two Egyptian- ballots that should lend themselves to popular arrangement very nicely. These of course aren't real Egyptian mueic. They’re merely what Egyptians think Egyptian music Ought to sourtd like. But .the Egyptian*, you know, j weren't such dumb-Doras. Inscrip tion* have been found on some of the 'tomb* showing that they had orchestra* larger than any of our*. They t^aed a lot of stringed Instru ment*. like the lyre o,trfnlaardlu mente, like the Ijfre. for Instance— '(•'Stringin' the tyre,” we mur mured appreciatively.) Whiteman ignored tho Interrup tion. ‘'These hod to be plucked with flngeraa and then they had a lot of wood strings. Their brass choirs were particularly large. Then they Invented the slstrum which Is supposed to be a near relative of the tambourine carried by the gyp sies Into Europe.” Cdtogg aition. Every Graduate em ployed. Writs for Information ^Bax 143, Athens, Ga,. ^ WOOD ASH WOOD Best for Cooking and Heating Purpoiet Per Truck Load . 62.75 Orders of five loads or more, per load $2.50 This Wood Formerly Sold for $3.25 per load. CaB U* and We Will Supply Your Needs. HANNA MFG. CO. Phone f47 Phone 147 Plenty of Money to Lend On’Real Estate Cemmlisiea: 3* ON AMOUNTS OVER $1,000.00. ' 10% an amounts up to (ISUt. \ , HUBERT M. RYI .E LAWj OFFICES 455 Holman BMg. Athena, Ga. ¥ .PI NA' URE AND SPARKLING STORE'S 1 BEST REMEDY No other water, ha* tho wonderful taste, th* Invigorating feel- lag that It Itaves after each glass full—it’s delightful, yes It’a— LINTON SPRINGS WATER AH Yaar ’Raund-LBut Especially In Spring and 8um- Fj m*r—PHONE 95 Linton Springs Water Company Office Broad Street * > , ATLANTA, Ga.—JittefOgt in Atlantii’s Grand Operg Season h centering to a considerable extent around Feodor Chaliapin, the grea 1 Russian Basso, Barbara Kemp, the Berlinese Soprano and Ameli- ta Galli-Curci, who has long oc cupied n enviable position among the really great- sopranos. Bar bars Kemp’s first- appearance is on Tuesday aftemon, April- 24 in Aida, where she singe the title role. Galli-Corei follow* on Wed nesday evening as Loti* in Lucia Di Lammermoor, while Chaliapin until Thursday, appears as Fil ippo in Verdi's "Don Carlos.” Cha liapin perhaps is the most pictur esque figure on either the musical or dramatic stage today.. He is; in the opinion or many competent judges, the greatest living sin get Others, going farther, say that he is the greatest actor-singer of all time. He combines the gifts of a great singer with the genius of a great actor. Born in Rus sia, he is almost entirely self-ed ucated, both musically and intellec tually. His boyhood was one of extreme poverty, of cramped op portunity and bitte- struggle for mere exbtence. : As a , boy he found a place in a choir and from his first appearance at a choir boy his very appearance h** been a triumph. " ‘' r - Atlanta’s Grand Opera Season, while perhspi dominated by these three stars, would be a complete success artistically without them. No company presenting such won derful artists as Bori, Gigli, Scot, ti. Cloussen, 'MardonCs, Ponselle, Harold and the others, who majee up the MetropAlitan Opera Com pany is dependent upon any two or three persons. When Atlanta first brought the Metropolitan Op era Company to the .South, the f faeral public did not cgw hs much what particular Opera was sung ns long as Caruso or Farrar Proposed New County Would Be Formed of Parts of Screven and Burke •Counties. SAVANNAH—A flghll will bo waged In the general assembly this summof to create, a new county out of parts of Burke and Screven counties with Sardis as tbo county site. It to proposed to name it comer connty, for the late Hugh M.' Comer, of Savannah, former presi dents of the Central of Georgia rail •ay. This became known when leading citizens of Sardis announced their intention of waging an active cam palgn between now and the time 66-<p™-66 Taxi Service j Day and Night before the . legislature meets in June to tamlUarlxe the members of the general assembly with condl Dobs mid MWltlKlI—i which »ey contend make it desirable to create the new connty. The territory of the proposed now county will embrace nil of the 17,00<L acres of land on the famous Come, plantation, part of which to In Burke and part in Be raven conn fry. The population of the new county win be approrimaMly 10,- 000. The territory taken from Screven county will be relatively small; -Most of the proposed new county will be taken from Burke, which to one of the Igrg-Mt coun ties In the slate the pit sent time. / The lines of the now county will go approxinjately eight miles north to Alexander whlli they will ex tend practically tthe same distance south to Hllltonla. Colleen Moore xad OMcwr ROAD TAXES Now! DUE W fated Taxes must U1 P»id on or before April I let at the office of il| Commissioners « il I Court House. “*' Pay your taxe* . ^-- VOid unnec *»**ry] TATE WRIGHT Clerk. YeilowCabCo. PHONE 66 Office GEORGIAN HOTEL ALL ABOARD Winter Excursion Fares and AIl| Year Tourist Fares Ariiona Arkansas British Colombia California Florida Washington *' North Ctrelhw Oregon Ssaifc CtnUaa Tennessee Teste Virginia Weet Vlrgiele VIA ; Georgia Railroad - Atlanta & West Point R. R. Western Railway of Alabama Liberal time limit and stop-over privileges. For further information applv to J. P. BILLUPS, 714 Healey Building, t>A '•itiL’M in a bucket A cover that goes back on ' still absolutely airtight but now as easy to open as -winding the clock 'isi*.U r .»2S4iS '