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investigate Today!
to Regular Subscriber* of
gi.oco Aceldant Policy Fra*.
Dally and Sunday—10 Ceuta a Weak.
Established I8H
Dafly imA Saadsy—II
i a Waal.
Previous Cloee 2*We 1
a. Flair and Cooler
VOL. 9’
NO. 37.
Associated Press Service
N. E. A Service
Mntia Copies S Cents Dally.
jlii'wanis Girl Jump
Into Second Place In
jjjss Harriet Stephens*
Sponsored By Kiwanis
Club, in Second Place
With 102,267 Votes.
_ JTT~7 Leave Eor Week’s Holi-
SLSmffSuiaviLf SKA'
“ te ce With 216,158 Votes
Miss Hammond Third.
Miss Jackson Fourth.
1,.cording to on arrange-
raf nt with the Whiteway com-
sws rrsksa
a tsumwc
(it from all votes now polled.
As chairman of a general
committee on the playgroundr
I hope sufficient funds will bo
secured at this time to open
the playgrounds that are need
ed most In Athena. Therefore.
,he Wends of all the candi
dates as well as those of the
little children who want to aa#
the playground system estab
lished arc urged to vote for
their favorite*.
Chairman, Playground Com._
Mid-Term Examinations
-—Return on April 2nd.
Practically all the Georgia stu
dents have left for their homes to
spend the Enater holidays and will
not return to Athena until Monday.
April 2nd. The mid-term examlnn-
Restraining Order Issued
Preventing Commission
From Enforcing Its Or
Litigation Concerning the
Rate Between Black-
shear and Savannah Has
Been Pending.
ATLANTA,—A decision restrain-
»ling the public service, commission
r. of Georgia from enforcing
tlona dosed Saturday. Class room
work will be resumed on the 3rd
and all students net registered t.y
midnight of the 2nd wlH be sub-
cct to a fine.
This is the first time In mnny
years that' a full week's holiday
I has been given the students Por
....... its or
der of December 19, 1922, by
which the rate of fertilizer materi
als from Savannah, G*., to Black-
shear. Ga-, waa reduced to 90
cents per ton In carload lota, was
handed down Saturday by Judge
Alex C. Kim. of United Stater
!{£ SwmlV^tly thr« ^“uel Vfey‘ P ffto# United
■ days were enjoyed and during this j frirt'of'Georgte 'and*Judge WiV
• time the dances were given. I J rlc r n.«S> „« >k» "united
.This year there will be no “little «•» “SuJff
icomr.iencemeirt" and the graduation j e ® hido-es concurred
events In June win again assume trict. Al three Judges concurred
I their old time prominence nnd not j Jn the opinion. . ,
I be over-shadowed by the early This decision. WgS made jn fut
! spring sallies. acton n equity brought b the At-
I some of the itudents Imye re-'lantc Coast Line railroad several
I mained nw in Alh.lns for the, week* ago against the public aer-
i week and wHI be here for the ball vice commission. The railroad
•games to be played next week. This'.was represented by the law firm
i ts especially true cf the co-eds. of Alston, Alston, Foster 4 Molse
'.many of whom will not go home, fund the commlasl-Jt bv Attorn;
The playground movement took
, new lease of Ufa Saturday morn
ing when the votes in th# Popular
ity contest were counted and the
returns for the day ran to the
highest total yet teconied in thto
battle for popularity that la be-
iDg waged by a score of Athena
aisses and matrons.
'fin. features of the remits Sat-
ntdsy was the activity shown by
Miss Lovie Joweta. who has led
almost every day from the begin
ning and the leap by Mia# Harriet
Stephens into second place- Miss
Jowers, popular Georgian Palm
Garden cashier, who 1* being spon
sored by the Elka sod by a laris®
number of friend* maintained her
lead and piled up over a hundred
thousand vote* over her nearest
(Turn to Pag* Two)
The nctien sought to enjoin the
order of the commission of Dc-
, comber 19, 1922, whereby the rate
on nil fertilizer materials between
I Savannah arid Blackshear. was or-
Two Women Exonerated ,^^^-^b^^.^^c.nt. I
By Coroners^Jury But^|hla rate^aa^^L^Uitdanled
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO.—Mrs. Annabelle Mc
Ginnis nnd her stater. Miss Myna
Pioch faced murder charges In mu
nicipal court her# Baturdny for the
alleged killing of her huslmnd.
The poke# accused MBs. Mc-
Glnple and bar slater of plotting to
murder the tormera husband, who
was shot to death on March 13.
Two young men are held as ac
cessories and police officials stated
Old Posey, Leader of Ren
egade Indians on War
path Ready For. Last
the leader of th# Nuagad* Ptateat
who went oa the war path aavaral
days ago, will probably maJteJtU
last stand in Drywaah, twanty
miles from Blandtafi the storm-
renter of the past weok’c trouble
with the Indians. .... .
With thia vateran of half a do*,
en former clashes between th# In
dians and the whites art laaa than
a score of trouble tnakara, moat
of whom are Piute* and fka other
I few Utea, who recently Joinei
the band.
The surrounding faatnaaaea of
the rocky mgtonu which tha In
dians are preparing to put up their
death fight is very hard to get to,
hut is being surrounded by poaajt
of armed white settlers, under tht
tommand of sheriffs, who ani act
ing under order, of a United States
The end is expected to
unctlmo before Sunday night i
ammunition of the Indiana
nnd the commUsi-V by Attoraeyt
E. J. Reagan and J. Prince Web-
j ster.
Strong Conunitees of
Workers Appointed By
Rotary, Kiwanis and
Army Branch Here Must
Have $6,000 or Cease Its
Relief Activtiies. Full
Support Pledged.
The vnroua public spirited ■ or
ganisations of Athens are rapidly ana
full-heartedly aligning themselves
with the Advisory Board of the
Salvation Army in the annual Home
Service Appeal to be held April
5, to 7th. ’
Strong committee* of worker*
have been appointed by the Hotary
Club, the Klwanl*. the United
Daughters of the €onfedermcjr# ML
Vernon Lodge A. A
tees will be appointed Monday by
the Woman’a Club on the occasion
of an address by Mrs. Ltsut. Co]-
Atkinson, of Atlanta, wife of toe
commanding officer of the South
ern Division of the Salvnton -i.W.
comprising Georgia. Florida. Nv-tb
nnd South Carolina.
M. G. Michael, president of the
Advisory Board has received as
surances of committees from ths
Y. M. C. A., the Elka. Knights of
Pythias. American Legion, Wood
men of the World. Odd Fellows.
D. A. R. Ladle# Auxiliary of the
American Legion. Y. W. C. A« Pa
rent Teachers Association, Cham
ber of Commerce, and from the
various church organizations, . in
cluding the B. Y. P. -U. Christian
Endeavor and Epworth League.
In a letter received Saturday
(Turn to page ttfo)
i showed preference for Blackshear
as agnnat other ports of entry on
the south Atlantic seaboard.
Litigation concerning the rate
on fertilizer materials between
Blackshear and Savannah has been
pending in varous courts for some
It began whan the Blackahear
Manufacturing company waa “
Col. T.W. Rucker
Honored By His
Comrades At Bar
Nestor - of Athens Legal
Fraternity Is Presented
With - Beautiful Silver
Loving Token.
.Comrades of many a for
ensic battle, most of whom had
felt the piercing point of his
friendly.wit, gathered at the
homo of his son last night,
and on tho seventy-fifth anni
versary ot his birth, presented
Col. Tinsley W. Rucker with a
beautiful silver fruit bowl as
a token of the love and high
esteem In which he Is held by
members of tbp Athens Bar
Mqny were the stories told
by the "grand-old men” of the
legal fraternity who, as they
remlrilsred hf the days of
yoro. Jollied each other about
the time they hud felled tht'r
legal: adversary or felt tho
bran 1 of defeat and when the
writer of this article hurried
away to get this story off for
the press, they were still dls-
rnsslnr tne dnvs of old with
CoL Sylvanus Morris, who be
fore the refreshments had de
clared he waa needed at home,
In the midst ot It all.
l Cants Sunday
FUMES GAGING IN Missouri River Ice
Jams Cause Flood
And Great Damage
■: Hit-
Over Six Thousand Bar*
rels of Oil Already Burn
ed. Fire Raging Still
Flames Shooting Up Hun
dreds of Feet Into the
Sky. Firemen’s Efforts
(By Asseelatsd Press.)'
PONCA CITY — Approximately
six thousand barrella of oil in Bat
tery thirteen of the Comar OH Com
pony, near tbto city U» southern
Oklahoma won on Bio Saturday
night at eight o’clock.
The flra is in what te known as
tliu Tonkawa OH Fields and the
lira threaten* to make a complete
loss of tho company. Too capa
city of- the tanka In this Held an during the entire day
rive hundred barrels each and tb-
flames an spreading rapidly, with
a heaw blanket ot smoke hanging
over this city, which Is some
twenty mile# fmm toe-scea* of th*
Thousands of amis of oil aa yet on
produced oil will b* destroyed by
the nre. unless the flow of petrolo
urn direct from tha producing
wells te cut off. This I* pncll-
rally Impossible aa the Intense heat
from the flames keep the fln
tighten away.
The hlazn la raging unchecked
wiiilo th« oil centimes to flow
from tho welle, which are known
aa being among tho most prolific
producers In the^.world, and add^
Wife of Secretary of War
Brought to Washington
Greatly Improved. Spec
ialists Called.
(By Associated Press.)
Weeks.) wife, of the eecretary of
wae war brought to Washington
Saturday afternoon from Georgia,
suffering with Intestinal Indiges
tion. .
Mrs. Weeks Is said to be greatly
Improved and -the physicians at
tending her are very hopeful.
Secretary Weeks. who returned
with her remained at the besdlde
Mrs. Weeks was taken suddenly
111, while on u cruise off the lower
coast of Georgia. She wae taken off
the vestel at Prifnswlck, seriously
III, and her lire was despaired of by
the doctors called In.
As noon ns she wae able to be
moved Mrs. Weeks was put on
board a northbound train and
brought immediately to Washing-
to nthat she might have the care
Of specialists.
Addresses Eastern,Caro
lina Exposition on the
Subject of Boll Weevil
Hale nnd hearty albeit b>
seven v-flve yean Hi harnes.,
Cnl'. Rucker waa nlnk of cheek
arid lively of spirit, as he told
of * his early days at the bar,
rer-illlne such. warriors is
I .Tnd-n Fmorv 8peer, Justice
Davis. Hutchins, Erwin and
Andrew J. Cobb.
- Prefsdnc the presentation
ramnrks liy John B. Gamble,
pt-nnldent of the Bar Assorts-)
tlon, were vnrdr. from Dr. Mor-
* Thomas^ Jnd * e Goor * e C ‘ tchance."that" Uie’nre‘wiu'aimpiy
Yn rente to Mr. Gamble 1S"*. ‘.he^rtl.— '° Ut ' “ d
new fuel to the flames.
Tbe flames are shotting np near
Iv a hundred feet in tbe air with
the danger of a terrible explosion
— ever
Thousands of Valuable
Farm Lands Ruined By
Rushing Waters. Sioux
City Flooded. li, v
~ # l\
Police Use Force to Drive
People From Flooded
Districts As Waters
'Ciy. Ai»oclaUd Pro*.)
OMAHA — Unprecedented mam
moth Ice gorges in the Missouri
River and tributary streams, near
Vermillion, South Dakota, Sioux
City and Onawa, Iowa jmd Da
kota City, Nebraska, have precipi
tated conditions which present a
rncnaco of one of tho worss floods
In the history of these states..
Thousands upon thousands ot
acres of valuable farm lands
tween Vermillion and Omaha b
been ruined by tho roarlas M
rents, which are sweeping many
houses from their foundation
Moro thnn a thousand" 1 )]
houses In the three states '—
heen destroyed and It Is thought
that tho flood has not yet reached
It’s highest crest. ■ "*t?
Sioux City Is already partly .un
der water with tho flood rising
every hour.
A two foot rise in the Floyd
river baccklng up from the Mlso
would, according to the authority..
Inundato moro than fifty additional
blocks. .
Tho pollco aro driving the peo
ple who llvo near the river, *
their homes and - In some -
the danger or a temoie explosion | forced to employ to
xrowlng moro Imminent evory _ , _ ... tbe waters gradually creep
minute* ' ” Farmers in This Section while', the refugees wattf
The Are started .early thla, morn-1 M<m Siumm Soori Tliof homes swept away from
Ing from unexplained causes, —
I has ae far reals tad every •
j known by th* flremen< with tho; pjg Lint.
[ >™-j May Secure Seed That |Xt7.
tforti Will Restore Long Sta- six hours ending at 7 a.
- - - - A sharp rise in tempera
brought a new menace to vll
The better lint campaign orried ^"nSw Ending 6 tan^miiYs
Rucker expressed his appreciation i h *^ 1 ' r . nn > 'on byl the Atlanta Commercial the iMissoun. k The ice, by
llon ,l0,Iar8 - cr to get the seed of those van- th o'ico dam goes out Dwellers
atles.of,cotton that will restore to in t hc.lowland# were ready to flee
. WILSON, N C.- S^tal A .., wtl admitted to the bar In
ganlzed twenty. ,1^™ **?’.,•* *n‘'r«lF 4oii Wrevtr I November I8TI at tho Fnlton
which time the Atlantic Coast Line role in which Bjjj* ®? . touth county courthouae where .the state
railroad agre^ to . basic rete of, te?«Tin. m Ororeta and the^Bouth. j v <# p|v#)
ce^rV.'«d Police offtetateWted ^ Jj*J, n per ton <a rtl fertUlzer • und the wsy ln which the^ remerh-
—I.. ail nvlaal ma I matariali^Thte lSrer rata . waaabta success of ‘his nsw “Star 1 'nuor
inni mid —. ,
bn*ed largely on admlwUcns made
by the two men.
Why tho women should have pit
ted to kill the huaband of cm* will
bo brought out In th ecommltal
trial by tha police, who.aro report-
sd as having unearthed new evi
dence. . •
The twb Women were exonehated
Friday In thh trtaJ before thc coro
ner's Jury, but pcHce authorities
immedlately 1 Died murder charges
against them and they must now
stand trial cm the killing charges.
Georgia Glee Club
Plays Twice Before
Atlanta Audiences
After opening in Elberton Fri
day night whrira the initial perform-
■nos was given In a long road trip
the University of. Gsorgta Glee club
played at matinee and night per
formances In Atlanta Saturday and
than sang fhr ths Journal's nnd
Constitution's -radio concert at
11:« after the night performance.
Atlanta and ko to Griffin Monday
The club will epend Sunday In
where the fourth performance will
tie given Monday night.
The club -plays fn Athens (on
April 7th.
DANIELSVIlLE, 10*.—After
consolidating the returns of ipeci-
al'eiection field in Madteon coun-
ty to fUl tho unexplred term of
the office of tax receiver of Mjd-
ison county, made vacant by the
„ rage the .. — —
newly ettabltebad Industr of fer
tilizer manufacture. .
This rate stood until tha inter
state commerce crmmteslon took
charge of all th# roada and In
creased all rates 15 per cent*
' ammunition of tboiwHana to teoncomigr, SPSLUfa 1 .ff wi.
rinnlng to rrn low, and It if death of D. P. Brown. A. 'M. Hlx
matertete'” Thte' lower rate waasbto success of this new “star" m»y
fronted, it wM claim^J nth. MU, brif-
Uant address by Dr. Andrew M
At Prince Avenue
Church For Today
Baptist Church Has Great
Team of Preacher-Sing
er For Service During
Morning and Evening.
Athenian* will have two oppor
tunities today of seeing thte fa
mous evangelistic team In action.
Dr. P. c. Morgan and Prof. W. H.
Collision are In Athena resting
after a great campaign In Hunting
ton. W. Va. „ .
The Prince Avenue Baptist
Church has secured them for to
day'! services, and great message*
In speech and song are anticipated.
Prof. Colllsson met an augmented
choir teat Thursday evening for
the rehearsal of some special num
bers. and as P. C. Morgan has con
sented to play- for the musical
part of the service, the citizens
of Athene are. assared of
musical p
Soule, president of the Oeoyte
State College of Agriculture before
the Eastern Carolina exposition, on*
ot the blggeet events of the yeer
staged In either of the Carolina*
It wae said Juat before Dr. Soul.
made hte addresa that for him to
have been Invited to deliver It waa
n very hlsh distinction on him per
sonally and nohoreblo recognition
of th# collage of which bo te tho
The address by Dr. Souls will go
down Into history as one of tho
greatest that has ever been dslteer-
ed on the eubject of the boll weevil,
the terrible damage that It baa teas
In the south, nnd the $trnl#ht-for-
wnrd and valuable suggestions that
the educator offered for brine Ing to
an early end the menace that the
little animal has and 1a doing.
Picturing the steady Invasion of
tho United States by the. weevil
for the peat thirty years—for It
wa* Juat thirty yeara ago that he
crossed the Bio Grande—the speak
er told how unfortunate It wae In
most instances people were lulled
„ .. . Into activity by deceiving them-
BaptUt _ lTM the belief that the weevil
would never take In tho wide terri
tory that It has. -But 1st us not
ertr over spitted milk." he said.
“There te yet time for us to put on
our armor and minimise the damage
that te being done."
In thin mesage, for, the first time
the public has been given tbe bene-,
fit of the report of the committee
of the Southern " ' “
era' on methods
boll weevil—tho
will preach
MM Entry." and
will sing “Tho
r <w Joi May Be A Doddering Old Man But St. ^ ^ u
fe Certainly Knows How to Hold His Own
tgainst One Of The light Fingered Boys ™ £.£%JjS,£%2&
■ M .... ...delivered 1L Tho appeal of the
prohibition aaenta for tho bottle did ! mM sagn will bo enforced by special
not contain whiskey. .'“Home” songs rendered by Prof.
It waa a human finger preserved comjoon.
la addition to tbase things thare
will be special music by an tag
(By Associated Press.)
AN JOBE.—A plckpcchet to
»»'n In tbe parlance of tbe-un*
worlil as a -dip" or a light
rhir* |s one .pickpocket in Ban
» who really to • 'light finger"
light a finger, whichever way you
i' you loo kat It.
I’he pickpocket robbed Tou' Jol
aged Chinese man of twenty
lari and mod* hi* nnpa
Mturday tho old Chinaman drop-
l by th epollce station to pay n
i on the chlet ,
tfter n few minutes of Idle talk.
1 old M»w reacbd lit i>i»
I nulled out u! bottle.
•>'o. thte te not a ono on the
'"wherTquestloded os to how he
happensd to.hnVe tL old Tou Jol
winked slowte nnd through an In-
r«Tr.ter explained not Ml old men
mn -big fool" nnd that when the
Dlckpockef wuc robbbpr him. he
jrnwed hte cent JU the pickpocket
t^S , L™nd^*n.°o1 ism ln tbrtr methods. Their
fteSwnl ^Tb# Nmdtt sages are wholly and enUrely
iSt tbe'twenty doltonrand succeed- Biblical. ,nd PO ° 1 {f th ^ , . ml “
* - --- «he rare opportunity offered of
bearing what has been described
cs “The biggest little party In
ed In escaping but be left a little
memento behind him and that Utile
,,,-nto wa* the finger that Tou
J<d showed thc chief In the bottle.
mented choree choir. Prof. Collte-
•on and Dr. Morgan met Ojem last
week and were very much Impres
sed by tbe fine work they did.
Tbe Morgan-Colllsson party to
noted for the lack of **
(Turn to Page Five)
Many Ex-Service Men
Are Being Added to the
Rolls of)the Local Post;
Members Working.
•• . •
the drive for new members in-
luguntk) by Tbe Alltn R» Flem-
ing post of the American Legion
te getting under way and by the
time tbe rmapaign closes tha lo-
Officer Gamer Says the
Whiskey Peddlers Are
Behind Conspiracy
Against Him.
nial ot being connected with an
alleged ‘ wblskay plot whowby be
agreed to lallow liquor runners to
pass through Gwinnett county
without molestation waa made
her* by Sheriff E. S. Garner in
a statement issued to the public.
Sheriff Garner and hte son.
time me vms|H»g» — - Deputy Sheriff H. 8. Garner an-
cal post expects to hr V* it* mem-, other deputy J- N. Bernard and
berchip doubled. ' . ;“Rod" Jones, alleged ram MUiner
Prizei. topped b yu reeh priie, arrested her# Wednesday
of $15-00, have ,bnen offered the t night by federal officers,
members of tbe post securing the j- it la alleged that in th# presence
moat members by May first and 0 f one of the officers. Sheriff Gar-
*L. w.amWl BM ttAPkill? (law uwfaiifiad m HUM ftf Mltl fmm
North Georgia It* old time premi- to hteh ground,
-n lint
The Exchange is offaring, with
out cost for Its service, to as-
laemble and distribute the aeed of
desirable varieties. While many
carloaids hav* been distributed it
is announced that the Exchange
stlU has an option on some desir
able planting aaed which can be
placed in th* bands of fanners im
The varieties which the Ex
change is pushing are Acaia, a
wonderful new cotton from tho
weit, endorsed by tho United
8tat*s Department of Agriculture;
Cleveland Piedmont, well known
Cleveland Pielmont, well known
and popular varieties, and | Col
lege No. 1, a heavy yielding cotton,
bred by the Agricultural College.
— varieties produce the
•tivcly in the solicitation. an euegca wnisxey runner in con*
The local post will bo hoot to ilderation of j projection, end the
- —•- —-«•» i" J“lv and money bearing marks of identifi
cation placed there by federal mer
wa* later taken from the sherifft
many of the member* are worktas
actively in thk solicitation.
The local port will be --
the state conv *-Hon In July and
it 1* Imped to swell tbe member
ship fn order that a respectable
chiming may be made at that time
aa wall a* to gat those who have
not been interested inside the poet
as member#. ....
Georgia led the'union te»t year
t of the committee to new member* and te leading
Agricultural Work- again this t»t th^dJtew
for combatting the record can br de J*!? c
, first of which to tion from tote iMavm head the
boll weevil—to* first of whlcn is uon irem
the calcium arsenate dusting msth- parade in Sten Frenctoro next tau
Od and tbe Florida methof as well as be awarded to# cup.
The Banner-Herald, * v
Athens, Georgia
°* n Meant’to tell yon that I enjoy the Pinner-Herald; thoroughly,
w. iJ^lhw new* from nil to. grounding towns and the front
pag/"[with all dne respect to h^gnee of paper) atwaye loota Uh*
n real n&per: a credit to 107 city, conwiun*iy, Md Mwre you I
5nd thepaper of srtflclent Interest and value to Justify the con
tinuation of my subscription.
Thanking you for same, I am,
Tho Banner-Herald '
Athena, Georgia \ .
D We" had tbe pleasure of receiving a copy of poor paper today.
May w* congratulate yon on IF* make-up and general merit?
Utea credit to your organisation and to toe city you ropro-
Yours very truly,
Secretary Shawnee Oklahoma Board of Commerce.
ner received n sum of cash from
an alleged whiskey runner in eon-
-1J At— -M I Al-_ ..J tL.
*•* ul B«*" U A awyiMaitaiig o-vu. #*•- BRIKl..-.
ways there b some replanting tc the plan* port of the way. tu.- i
ion, it wae stated. be done and often farmers do not and hte observer ware flying.
Kt toast three of to# man who I know where to turn quickly to get . big pan ot th* trip, -lir-cti.
behind tola outrage on mo and Rood seed for replanting. Thc th* face of the sandstorm. With the
office fore*, are nrofsssionn! Exchange will give immediate at- weather conditions Ideal .the time
ten tion to orders for replanting for ths flight would no doubt have
person, it was stated.
ire bCniilU HIW VUUBSV VK two OKU
my office force, are professional
liquor haulers, bootleggers and ~--v
law violator!, and on* of them hat. “*“•
g record of being convicted at
stealing," declares tha sheriff
"Th* leader of this gang wa* tak
en advantage of and imposed up
on by this gang of professional
bootleggers who wish to get rid
of diligent officere in order that
they can rlv their tiade unmotoet-
“One of thb gahg was arrested
In this county a few days ago by
my force with on* hundred empty
liquor cads in his ear. Another
on* ha* been arrested several timer
for hauling liquor and i* a con
fessed -liquor hauler and bootleg
ger. He has recently stated that
he was going to get me yet. lay
ing be doubted if he had sufficient
evidence .how. A third one is a
bootlegger and liquor hauler. All
of thte will b* proved at too prop
er tim* and place.
“! wish to state farther that
thih outrage perpetrated en m* a*
my home will not deter me in the
least from continuing to arrest
Jail and convict every liquor haul
er and bootleggc? I can catch, and
they need not total: such tactics
will ^FLthem any.”
The Workings Of Fate Are Strange Indeed;
Girl Finds Lover Of Years Past, Believed
Dead, When Big Automobile Runs Over Him
NEW YORK.—Fate te s peculiar iman prison- camp he could Not re
nsency In thi* world of ours, and'member who he was. He made his
as ths story books say. “truth — ■—*-■ — *—a®* 1
Army Ail-man Flies Sev
enty-Five Miles in Eigh
teen Minutes, in Face of
(By Auoclit.d Press.)
WASHINGTON.—Another new
record for speed hns been ixtabllsh-
lAI RMi .... ed by th* Army Air Service, ac-
tach to inch and sixteenth staple coidm* to ou official report issued
for which North Georgia won. a hr the war departmenL - •
world-wide reputation and for ™* new^
which the market te willing to pay **** 5*222* Arirana to "foti
a cant or more par pound a. a gg» 5.°^^ Arizona ,0 hort
distance betvra«, the two
length is grown on North Georgia ,, *, V enty-fIve miles wheh
"fn.™ «„n*rln ten dent Heffsrnsn and his observer covered
J. Hope Tignor, superintendent minutes, for an aver-
take °* tw ® hundred and '
are not only prepared to taKo care m ji es t)er hour,
of lata calls for pnalttag weed hut Th# n , rt , wu under the
will render assistance to the farm- most trying conditions as
fer in getting replanting se«l. Al- *«nd«toYm retarded tho
stranger than fiction.
There te n man lying at tbe polat
of death In an East Side hospital
with the attendants hovering over
him and doing all In their power-
to bring him back from lb* brink
of the-.grave.
There Is • little slip of a woman
also in ths roqen. .
Hers Is th* story:
Just before the world war, Harry
Elliot wan a plumber In a little
mid-west era town. He met Mspr
La* Watson, on* spring day, and
tha *»*t i i m * acquaintance da*
id Into a love match, with
everybody happy and the birds
singing and th* flowers Moomlng.
Harry anawatad the call and went
overseas. He was gassed and listed
among ths missing: The gas af
fected his memory and'In th* Ger-
.- -i-. -..J cams back to America.
All this time. Mary was moum-
IE for her lover whom she thoeght
as dead. i
Hhe finally came to Nsw-UmM
and got work In a' hnt factory. Go
ing home to lunch Saturday,
saw a big limousine sweep d<
and run over a man. She ru«
across the narrow street and t
•be man In her arms.
It Is the same old story, but
time It Is true and can be vouc
for by the hospital authorities
tho ambulance men.
She recognised her man. an
Impact cleared the cob-webs ..
his brain long enough for him
come back to the. days gone
She Is the little woman
sitting by the bedside and
God to give her the man s
Thc working* of fate are