Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1823.
Broad, Not NationalHistcrry Sfady
Urged By Harding to Avoid War*
poster. These beautiful pictures of
health promoting rood, children ho
cused lu 'every eoaotMVe habit
that make them strong.qnd happy,
•uii, oa luiupiiis in the‘fresh air,
aleeplnc. taking baths, etc, are very
Impressive on the young minds, and
not the least on those of the wee
first graders.
The program of the nex^ P. T. A.
meeting will be on health. A splen
did lecture,.among other interesting
numbers is contemplated. The pos
ter will tin be on exhibition for
every mother t" see.
The fourth grade boys played the
Normal school boys Monday after
noon at the Normal schqpl grounds.
The seore whs 8-1 In favor of the
fourth' grade.
Since the fourth grade hag been
keeping up with their Health chores
tor the last six weeks most of us
havq gained at least one pound. We
have made some real good Health
Charts Illustrating the value of ex
ercise. cereal and sleep.
The fourth grade has made color
ed maps of North America this
School New*
ths fourth gratis.
About a month ago the seventh
grade B began a content. The room
waa divided Into two hides, the
“Reds”, and “Blues.", Points were
given for perfect tests, perfect spell
ing papers for the week, perfect
consider the nations of tbo West
ern World in their relation* to
one another instead of separately,
President Harding said in a let
ter to President Kenneth C. M.
Sills, of Bowdohi .College, made
public today. -
The president was congratulat
ing the collegcon its plans for an
president Declares Na-
tions of Westerns World
Must Be Considered, Not
BRUNSWICK, Me.—• Teaching
of history should be changed to
to!:<‘ a broader .view that would
“Dixie Endeavor Day' was flttlng-
AU factor, of tbestory of m.„- &«£*£* £
kind must be weighted if any are| iDC Bt the First 'Christian church
to be accurately understood, the | waa sn offering of 125.04 which was
president said. A broader view|“ nt to **• Southern Secretary to
_.„ij u.i, t—'bo used in the .advancement of
would greatly help hose having chri stlan Endeavor In the South-
t6 deal with the problem of pro- land. Georgia will be given a refund
serving peace ana outlawing war. when the secretary makes a tour
The nrpsiricnt’fi iettmr taHaw through the states. As an award
“My dear Doctor Sills-I wish
I had the time and opportunity to * J5*** !* ,lh
Colored footwear Is deal
be poppiar tins summer If
tions are-aot misleading^
entirely of red, green oi
leather are seen as well a
ores strapped and trimmi
colored leather.
by a few points, , so Wednesday
morning when the cluaa arrived they
found this written on tne black
board. . /
From the Blue, to the Rede.
Who have so much sense In the
We extend an Invtatton to you
Fpr wc wish to koup our promise
^ true.
Here at tehool, be on time,
Wednesday's o'clock, rain or
shine ' .
We wish :o give you lots of fun
Because you have »n nnh'y w™
At S o'clock the “Reds” came
trooping In, greeted by u,e !,,.<>.
and the fun began. Many exciting
games and Intereiting ronteata
were entered Into with enurh aplrlt
wording, “Wear a C, fc. Smile."
Sunday, March 25th, will be a me
morable day throughout the South!
land with the Junior Endeavor.ra
since they will observe their. Aral
"Junior Endeavor Day" with spec-.
Isl programs. Sunday morning, Dr,
R. L. Porter, pastor of the Chris
tian church will deliver an object
sermon. “The Humarf Clock." A
special invitation ts extended to
everyone to come and bring the
children. The sermon wBt he de
livered at lit 30 o'clock.
Bring your old one to us and we will olean and re-6leck
It—make It look like ntw for little cost
Patronage Solicited Anywhere In Athens Territory—
Orders Given Prompt Attention.
Cordelia Thornton, asked questions,
ths srswers to be names of puplla In
the seventh Bh such ns "Which
onp Is very Important In the geor-
grnphy class," Of course the an
swer was Mnpp—Nellie Mapp—Ver
non Vaughn and WJnnle Stephens
were most successful In this con
test. j
Fruits and candies were served
and about five o'clock the guests
departed for their homes thanking
the Blues and Miss Thornton foi
their delightful afternoon.
sinly our point of visw re
modem history has been
greatly by the events of
shifted- |
tho lost -- —
histories the etory of the yean
fr™. ■**— *-■
es of modem history will lutve it
bo conducted, if it Is conducted
wlael] “ ”—
To fit Into out
Classic Hat Cleaning & Shoe Shine Shop
from 1914 down to this time |r
requiring the most painstaking
, thoughtful and analytical consider
ation of all the course and practis
es of modem history will have. Ic
on quite different lines
ive marked it in the pasL
Clothing’s an Investment
And clothes can be faked as well as stock3. The same,
smooth talk of “something for nothing*’ is applied to
either, form of “gold bricking.”
- But worthless stocks.are hidden away, while a worth
less suit proclaims your mistake to the world.
The “dividends”‘of style, service, and satisfaction are'
guaranteed when you get your Spring Clothes here.
“Money back” if you don’t feel you’ve gotten your
money’s worth.
You pay a fair price; and get a square deal.
The fifth grade had recently utnrt*
ed a library. The achool him put
hook cases In each grade.
Bach child has brought a book of
their, bwh from home, and put them
together, and. now the fifth grade
has a nice library and each child
may get hooks from the library.
C. E. Note*
“Meet -me In Macon" is the slogan
of Georgia Endeavorcrs for only
15 more days will pass before the
Eleventh Annual C. K. ■ Convention
wilt be In fun away.
Miss Morton's second xrado la
very sorry to lose one uf fls bright
est pupils, Winston 'Hodgson on ac
count of his eyes giving him trou
ble. #
We have been enjoying the Ixiok*
in our room library very niiteli tlili
month. Every day wo huo several
pupils enri-y Ixtoks home und rend
nice stories nsslgned l>y the tuu-her
and next day these ar^toid l> the
will ne in lull away. ,
The Christian Church Societies
have registered more than n dozen
young people already and through
out tho entire state registrations
are pouring Into the hnnds of Miss
Julia Parker, making known their
Intentions of being at the Conven
tion April 20-21-22.
Features of the Convention will
be conferences, n Junior Conven
tion. an Intermediate Program, a
Question Bex. Expert Classes and
a parade preceding a huge banquet.
The hospltablo homes of Mucon peo
ple pw awaiting Uik-sscival of,the
delegates from the mountains to the
scu and after a good thought, "Wfio
could miss such a gathering ?"
See Our Stock of Fine Clothes for Easter.
it enough seating capacity.
Then when they want to take their friends along, the
Wo hnve a nice library started In
our room. We,.enjoy It because wc
can ttlwuya read etcries when tvi
oration Service.
A most cordial invitation Is ex
tended young people of Atheps to
attend this session of the “8chc—
of Methods" tVblch will be held „
tho Christian -church March SO.
April 1st.
Under the direction of Mrs.
Grady Henson tho Union Christian
Endeavor Societies. S miles- from
Athens have been very busy prac
ticing a play. “Home Ties." which
tildren have to sit on someone’* lap, the foot space is
(jammed up with luggage, and everybody* crowded
i^The SituJieSsto^&g-Six^oirlng^Sar has two com-
irtable auxiliary seats that'fold out of the way. It is a
g, roomy five-passenger c*r except when you need It
>r seven, and then it’s a comfortable, convenient seven-
issenger car—something which a five-passenger car
in never be. And there is still room for the luggage.
Come in and look at the Big-Six Touring Car. fto
villi Iiinujn i cuss PIUI It-fl u fit'll ni
finish our work early.
w We are learning a new song
30 - about “Little Mias Tulip." We
have also made n tulip bonier fer
eur blackboard.
Mary Willie, Hugh, Jr,. mM Lucy
are sick this week.
Clayton Street
Athens, Ga.
There have been HI children given
the typhoid serum in our school
this week. This serum wits given
free and was offered to the mother's
as Well ns pupils of the sehool.
Our health crusade is on ln-fi|)l
■way and the charts anti iwsters
made by the different grades show
Interest and enthusiasm.
Mrs. Moore of Pcimsylvanlna
spoke to ttfe mothers and touchers-
last Tuesday afternoon on defective
speech and how to correct It. Many
questions were answered and these
fortunate epough to be present
The Jefferson Christian church
was Invaded during the post week
by Christian Endeavor .Workera-
nnd the result was “A Junior Cl E.
Society" left to prosper and grow
under the able leadership of Mrs.
Isabell. who
atfer how mud» you pay we don't believe you can
id a more satisfactory car.
Its reliability has been proved in the service of thou-
Nash Leads the IVorld^tn Motor Car Vatua
Is a talented worker
among boys mil girls of tho Junior
age. The I.-esoyterlan church of
leffersnn already have sp'cnlM
Junl't and Senior Societies on-l the'
future for .'v(fer«on looks bright/
fortunate epough to be present were
greatly benefltted.
Splendid work was done this sen-
son by both'girls und hoys on our
basketball team and'especially the
boys who didn't lose a single game.
The school spirit was fine nnd we
feel that the yells and* interest
shown by the entire student body
played u big part In making them
With only 20 points to make and s
few hoars left to make this addi
tional point,. a telegram was re
ceived from Chattanooga .Tenn-' by
O. L. Yohnson. Stats Superintend
ent far the “Dixie Endeavorer,"
stating that Georgia would not go
nose Ihn OAs, tinlsss 4A —
New Touring Model
Six Cylinders
Seven Passengers
/. o. b. factory
over the top unless 20 subscriptions
were received - by midnight or the
llth, wheh the contest elaaed. Much
work and quick action put Otorgls
over the top with 10 subscriptions
to the “Dixie paper” to spare. Not
only has Oeorxla gone over the
top In this campaign, but every
one on the goal for 1022-11. Mia-
sf * 326 Washington Street v
“Every day In every way," the
children et Oconee Street School
become' healthier, nnd their power
of resistance to disease germs be
come* stronger and stronger for,-
with the knowledge they are gain
ing. their hablta are growing better
ahd better. Because of the Instruc
tion and Inspiration of the teachers.
ybu are no healthier
V than your blood
their desire to mark.tbemselves well
on the health charts, and the ron-
thgjon-of the gold habits of their
associates, more clean tares appear
* " ' more
In the seats each morning,
heads of hair are glossy from brush-
Itg and shampooing, and fewer
S inds carry fingernails that are in
Cvery child In school has' mi*..
or will make this week a health
Five Disc iVksels and Nash Seif-
Mounting Carrier, $25 additional
Come for a ride! Take
a test-ride, today, in
this new Nash Six Touring Car, for seven, ft's a
wonderful “buy” for the larger family, or those who
ride with friends. You’ll be instantly won to the
even and generous power of its newly refined motor.
You’ll appreciate the grea't savings effected in gas
St Petersburg* Fla.
« Expects Rotarians
ST. PETERSBURG, i-Ti.—Follow
ing the convention of Southeastern
Rotarians to be held here March
Jlrd and 24th, the last two days of
the “Festival of States- celebration
marking the genith of the winter
season, the "Rotes" and their fam
ilies will leave for Havssa on the
ocean liner “Cuba* chartered for
l he cccssloh. president Charlie Carr
of tit. Petersburg Rotary club has
made all arrangements for tho trip
and has engaged Roland bu Bola
of this city, president of the touring
company bearing his name to pro
vide guides and Interpreters for six'
days visit to the Mend » '
St- Petersburg WiU be gaily dea
erated for the convention and big
fete which will continue all week.
Starting March ]»th. Fireworks dis
plays. yachting and - power Mat
races, major league exhibit Ion. bora-
hall games. parades and other aVI
Nature is sending blood—eitEer good or bad—to ’every 1 Jiarlj
and oil. And you’ll notice, besides, a score of other
N important developments. Drop in now!
f • V-*- . . ■ ’ / * : |
POURS and SIXES .1 j
Prices range fronfi $915 to $2190, l.o.K facto
■ Upon each.
l/vvour 3
coill bring to \
548, E. Clayton St |
i The Hinton Securities Co.
[ “ r life Insurance.
ral Sire
rtors k
:rvice ?
> : 1109*9(