Newspaper Page Text
-18UNDAV. MARCH 25. hm
, D. & M.
, —fire the results of the highest type of perfec
tion in manufacture, combined with the most
• careful selection of materials.
They carry the endorsement of the leaders in
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Base Balls 25c to $1.75
Bise Ball Bats 25c to $1.75
Catchers’ Mitts 90c to $13.50
Gloves _..-.. - 75c to $4.00
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Tennis Rackets and Union Hardware Skates
Lumpkin Street
.£ * And Good for All
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Nfot merely <h(? easy things are done; we go
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Everything Is Right
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sparkling beauty, in the lustrous coloring and
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Only a trip behind the wheel eon reveal bow Ear their
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HZ Authorized Buick Service
Genuine Buick Parts
Scout News
He Is a friend to animate. He
will not kill nor ourt any living
creature needicejly, but will strive
to save and protect all Harmless
This law naturally has two di
visions, one part relating to domes
tic unlmals and the oiher to wild
ones. Thcro Is something radical
ly wrong witli a boy who at a time
in his life has not had some do
mestic animal as a pet, ami I ven
ture to state that If we got a list
of these from a group of twenty
or thirty boys. It would make very
interesting reading. The is most
the Buffalo and to quote from the
Handbooks for boys; "as a small
atonement for a great and ahame
ful slaughter the United States
Government has established six
national herds."
It you have a desire to hunt, you
should famllarlze yourselves with
the. laws- and abide by them. Do
net kill or lure a wild animal
'heedlessly, for 19 is ono of God's
“In contemplation of created
By steps we may ascend to Pod.”
Springtime is here ,nnd with all
'common friends among tho lower ber Two (2) who secures tho larg-
1 animals Is a dog, not necessarily fresh air and sunshine, she is call-
, ■> pedigreed animal but more often ing ail Scouts.
■ o monzrel—just n plain dog that | A very interesting meeting wa;
he loves and that loves him. It a. held Friday night, games wer-
boy has such a friend, he should I played, and plans for the Field
do more than pet and caress him. Day event were made.
He should see that he has plenty) Scout master W. T. Ray, an-
of food and. water to quench his' nounced that he will nay the ex-
thirst and that ho is prooerly hous I penses of a scout in Troop mim
ed. Your dog may bo of no espo-i [ber Two (2) who secures thel arg
, cial value but your responsibility | est. number of new members by
to rare for him is just ns great.Juno 1, 1923. To secure a new
j ns If he had some mission in life member, you must be a Tender
' to perform. History is full of foot Scout, bring new members
-instances where dogs have been name and registration fee ti
of very great service, but I know Scout Master. Then you must SC'
of none more striking than the j that he passes Tenderfoot Test b;
story of Baldy, of Nome, which |j un c 1, 1923. one Scout will win. Wil
wen here on legal business dur
ing the .court
Mr. O. J. Tolpaa, another rising
young lawyer of Athena, waa in
attendance on the Superior court
Judge Duncan ~ Tutt .and Hon
Panl Brown and Hon. Z. B. Rogers
were over from Eiberton looking
after the Interest of their clients.
Monday was spent in disposing
of uncontested divorce cases and
taking Judgments in cases not de
Tuesday Earnest Willingham,
charged with, the murder of his
wife, was tried and acquitted for
the want of proof of the corpus
Wednesday W. T. Wallace was
found guilty of distilling corn
liquor and given a sentence of six
months and one hundred anil twen
ty-flve dollar line with an iltarna
tlvo of six months more.
Hon E. P. Burt, of Crawford,
wis foreman of the ;ind July
which found seventeen true bills
and made some Mmeiy sirgestions
as to the management of county
matters as well as deservedly com
alimentary remarks as to the Judge
and Solicitor and other officers of
tho court.
Court adjourned Wednesday af
that be you?
Who can pack your trunk, am'
have n good time for two weeks
in the Scout Camp.
came out in Boj's Life for March,
j.. While the World War was In
progress the French army found It
; almost impossible to get supplies
to the soldiers stationed In the
’ snowy bright* of the Vosges and
j'Mns Mountains. Thirty-eight of j TROOP No. 1
j Babiy’s sons together with four! ^ V£r , crowd attended th'
, hjindred other northern dogs worn r( ,g ldar noting of Troop No. I
sent across the water* 90 do on pfiday night. After the open
flhty. Baldy recenity died. exerc j s o s conductor by Assist
0f hUt . " 0t T f0r " h f ,!m ant Scoutmaster David Campbell
won ?S.0nn racing prizes and sent, „ short ,| iscvl „ ion of th , fith j 3W
hlssons to serve in the great w-sr. I .. A 5 , 0 „ t Kimr fo) | owed . Wc
■Hie following lines were written, have w„ taking up the study of
i cno °F Ihe Lawn at ca-h meeting
“Thev «. whea tlr« S™^i of n wi,h *» idp » of a better
They say when the breath of a idea of thejr reaI mceting . and it
They say
dog is done
That be and the clay of his grave
are one
A lie. I say. for there Is no end
So long as he lives In the heart
of a friend;
So a gentle ac9 you And
has proven both interesting and in
otructive. t
Recently a prize of a Scout Axr
was offered to the one who wouli'
repeat the Scout Laws in full
word for word. William Davis
Is .lonoCr hi. .nko to thn liast of' was th « winner of the* contest, re
Is donofor his sake to tho least of ppntin( , thcm w j t }, out missing but
So long/as the tales of his love are which <l,d not char, ^‘
their meaning.
A number of boys have joined
(he Troop since the f'rri of Iho
yen. We are now an even tVrty
in membership, with only two vn
concics. Hubert and Gehrge Hoi
land presented their application;
and two new members will prob-
baly be recruited soon. George
' Chicken Soup *
Roast Chicken Sage Dressing
Cranberry Sauco Celery Hearts
Turnip i8alad trickled Heels
Boiled Irish Potatoes
Hot Biscuits Cherry Pie
Cotfco, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
50 Cents
Baked Chicken and Dressing
Cranberry Sauce ' .
String Beann
Creamed Irish Potatoes
Vegetable Salad
Hot BisculU Peaches - cream
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Celfts
His name shall endure and he Is
not dead.”
The Boy Scout's Creed dries not
stand for cnietty to animals nnd
you will be doing a genuine public
service If yon will' report nny re
sistance of this sort to tko police
denartment' ,
There Is no harm in killing an Stephens and Douglas ifcOorcle
animal for food In Season or for I bnve P® sod t ! >elr Tenderfoot and
killing an animal which Is harm-! Leslie Booth is now a First Clasr
ful, but killing simply for the sake .Troop.
of killing is nothing but a relic of J* L. SEXTON,
barbarism. Scoutmaster.
Tbe government Is doing every-!
thin? Dossible to conservo tho wild I TROOI No. II
snimals and it Is your duty to live I „ At the meeting of Troop No. 11
•vitMn the law |n this respect. One J Friday night we welcomed Geo.
of the saddest things In tho early 1 Parr, who has ben absent for n
history of our country was the long time- There were 15 mem
wanton and needless killing of bem at the meeting. Walter Cor
nett being the only one absent.
Bob Carter is now a member o'
tho Boy Scouts of America, Troop
No. 11, Flying Eagle Pqtrol. Hi
promises to be a good scout.
I Our Troop is planning an over
I night hike for Friday, 30th. Wc
'.all hope it wilt not rain on that
i dale. It will be great fun as wr
ate going to sleep in a cabin and
initiate Bob.
. Our Mascot' was present at tbe
meeting. He belongs to Harlnwe
Jones mid his name is Jack.
,Seri bo.
TROOP No. 13
Troop 13 met last Friday night
with Mr. Levy at tho Baptist
At this meeting tests ware're-
viewed and two patrols were math
tho Rattle Snake, of which LeRoy
Stynchomb was elected patrol
leader and the Wild Cat of which
tor' Epting was elected leader.
This troop is growing rapidly,
having at the present fourteen
charter members.
We Make Your Easter
Suit With Two Pair
Pants For—
1 $25.00
Straw hkits $2.00 and up
Madras Shirts, Guaran
teed Fast Colora-*-
Toggery & Boy Shop
I Lexington News!
J- • i
I.EXTNGTQN, Ga. — Judge W.
L. Hodges opened court on time
Monday morning last His charge
to the Grand Jury was brief and
to the point.
Hon. A. 8. Skelton, of Hartwell.
Solicitor General, was lin against
;fi» Isw-breakers’ duringHhe week
and held his elare In the right,
against all criminals.
Tho friends of >Judee George C.
Thomas were pleased to see him
at court. His effort na Mayor to
enforce 'he Volstead law has not
disturbed hit usual composure.
1 Judge Holden was a welcomed
guest at court and has many warm
friends In Oglethorpe.
Steve Unaon. a “descendant of
i Lexington” was looking over tbe
scenes of boyhood during the
court. .
Major W. L. Frwln. of Athens,
alto.' amt one of the coming young
men of Georgia, was hare on I*gal
Exercises Held At State
College of Agriculture
Friday. Dr. Soule Pre
sides Over Exercises.
• Twenty-six rehabilitation students
were awarded certificates at the
University State C llcxe of Agricul
ture Friday for having satisfactori
ly! completed a two year course at
that Institution.
The final exercises were prsslded
over by Dr. Andrew SI. Soule, presi
dent of the institution, who awarded
the certificates. Chancellor David C.
Harrow of tho University proper
made a short talk to those finishing
and the e thers in attendance at the
exercises. Music was a part of the
Those to receive the certificates
Benton O. Ratcliffe. Lucius C.
Attaway. Theodore J. Atkinson,
Otis F. Powell. Walter J. 'Harper,
Otis K. Quinn, Karl V. Rowan, Rob
ert D. Alexander. Amos E. Nelson,
William R. Brown, Obe Roby, Noah
Maples. Samuel J. Hnthcocii. War
ner A. Buchanan. Ernest B. Hodges,
Stanton E. Stokes. Cplonel D. Kirk
land, Arthur L. Johnson, Thomas W.
Brown, James W. Daniels, Otis L.
Banks, Howard L. Alexander, Ar
thur I.. Honch, Andrew C. Ragland,
Sanford Goodson, Frank K David
son. \ ,
Citizens Who Have Chick
ens For Sale Urged to
Attend Meeting Monday
At 8 P. M.
Plans for holding a car-load |wul-
try sale In Athens will be discussed
Ut a called meeting of tho Clarke
County Poultry Association In tho
court houuc M.‘iiday tilgiit at 8
o'clock. L
Thla announcement wa* . mane
Saturday by County Agent J. \Y-
Firor. Mr. Firpr states that ho has
obtained Information regarding the
prices and other data of inportancc'
and will give 11 to the members of
the association,awl all other poultry
raisers who attend the meeting.
Hevcral towns In Northeast
Georgia have held .recent poultry
gales. Eiberton, Comer. Madison.
Hartwell where a large number of
chickens were sold giving the rais
er*.goo* 1 profit.
Poultry raUor* who have one or
more chlckenn* for gale and want
to oln in hcldlng tho car-lopd mils
In Athen* arc urged to attend th*
meeting Monday night.
Warns Against New
German Propaganda
Amercaniim officer* of the Ameri-
eon Legion has twen warned by
Garland W. Powell, Naitonal, di
rector of the Americanism Com
mission of the Legion to be ready
to combat any attempt of propa
gandists to reintroduce hypheilism
into the United States. That,the
recent addreas of Von Hindenbnrg
is a portion of a great movement
of the German propagandists which
now assumed the aspects of a na
tional campaign to interest the
public in the pro-German aide, is
the declaration of Mr. Powell.
He stated that fne' most effec
tive weapon with which to fight
this insidious attempt to make
American* forgbt. 'is the use of
America::.' that the people will
resent all foreign efforts at in
“There are 30,000 Americans
buried in France’’, who fell in
breaking the Hindenberg Line in
1918. The American people will
not forget this in reading Von
Hindenberg’s new threats of war”
Mr. Powell said.
That a revolution for the restor
ation of the Hohenzollem mon
archy is impending, is the belief
of Mr. Powell. ‘He asserts that
Von Hindenberg, who has been
selected us leader of the move-
merit, had attempted to open his
campaign by calling for war with
France in his recent address to the
German Veterans’ League.
“Germary is today in better po
sition for war than the world
realizes,” said Mr. Powell, but
German propaganda is bcir." ex
erted to bring tho American peo
ple to believe otherwise” he add-
od, in repeating his warning.
"Go Back, Kid; You’re on a Bum Road”
Veteran Crook Warns Boy Held in Jail
n, y ,ife ’» been behind bar, n,
•health ain’t what it w a ,.
I ride th|» time I’m through I
Jcnow. Ill g0 out of pri80 „*; *
first, with the cemetery the
rtnn Tm., L..I. w» ...
Ring Sing Graduate
Preaches His First Ser
mon, With Himself As
the Text.
NEW YORK—A veterai? crook
talked to a beginner yesterday in
Police Hesdqparters. Newark, and
Cold him where he waa headed.
John McKenna, who has spent
more than hkif Jtis fifty years in
prison, caught once again by the
police, told Samuel Ventola, thir
teen, confessed thief of his' em
ployer’s money, a story of the un
derworld. using his own career as
the theme. The atory held no
glitter or thrill; only the dull
gray of prison wails.
“Turn back, kid,” McKenna said
emotionally, i “There 1 ain’t nothin’
in this garae. You’re on a bum
road. Turn back before it’s too
late and you get like mo.
stop. Turn back. You’ll get th.
same if you stick.” °
The dark, h lagry .ve,-: t .- . v ,
boy searched tho m’a c'f acc s!
talked. McKenna, who !. a c "bear
sentenced twice to Sir;- gj.,
stopped abruptly, . U yp ,i ' and
turn toward Police C-otai., Brcx,
who had asked Ian: t( rnrko th.
appeal. The thin, white haired
crook in his shabby clothe.- srem .
ed a little ashamed of his emotion
and his mouth twisted in a cvnie.ii
curve. *
McBena was arrested Sunday
night while, it is charged, he was
trying t 0 break into a lilintor. i-ro.
eery store in Newark with B com
panion. The noxt day Saimi.l
Half Vclonto was takon into cti^v
Buick Touring ;
Nash Touring *
Chevrolet Baby Grand Touring
Th«se car* have been repainted and havo Rood tires.
Liberal terms on deferred payments.
Authorlssd Buick Service
Genuine Buick Part*
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Bargains At 233 Broad Street
Tan, Black and White
Strap Pumps
Values to $10—Choice $2.95
Odd Sizes in This Lot
Also Another Lot," all sizes, $2.50
Beautiful Black, Tan and Grey Oxfords and Straps.
Values to: $10.00 and $12.~~
Our Price, $4.00 and $5.0u ,
The New Young Men’s
Plain Brogue
—that costs double the price
Our Price $7.00
House Slippers .... .. $1.50 Kid Boudoirs .. .... $1.45 f
St I • ■ M " \
Ladies’ Beautiful Silk Hose, any color .. $1.00 ’
• t . . . 4J . u,
Tennis Oxfords .... ...... .. 95c >
YoU Come—No One to Urge You to Buy. di
233 Broad Street Across Street from Campus
Your friends will tell
you that we aim high
in the matter of qual
ity of the electrical
goods we recommend.
Every article must pass
our tests for satisfac
tory operation.
You will find here
the best of things elec
trical! Edison Mazdj
Lamps, for example.
T OMORROW starts the baseball season in Athens—and the
Whole United States-^and soon every diamond and back
. lot will be the scenes of hectic struggles between the apos
tles of Swat
The McQregor Company
id the