Newspaper Page Text
t r -?f:
.President. Worcester, Mass.
State President.
MRS. BOYCB KICK LIN, Washington.
District President.
MRS. II. J. ijtcgcman, Chairman Pre-
School Circles.
MRS. W. D. PASCHAL, Secretary and
A. £APP3, Secretary and
MRS. E. B. HUDSON, Local President
Council. -' AV <
MBS. E. I- JACKSON, Vice President
MRS. J. P. PROCTOR, 'Health Repre
sentative. . ) >
MRS. LAMAR SCOTT, Chairman of
Publicity. ' /
Only 15 of evdry 100 children entering the first
grade of the public schools remain to complete the
twelfth grade, or the last year of high school. Of
100 children entering the first grade 80 reach the
fifth, 73 the sixth, 64 the seventh, 58 the eighth, 32
the first yea? of high school, 23 the second year, 17
the third year, and 14 the fourth year, with 13 re
maining to graduate.
• flits owr.JiU face, but when the
- upper currents catch tlio wingrs of
, the little craft, you may see the
I boy’s face relax into .smiles of re-
assurance; he seats himself on the
ground, ties ihe string to his foot
land knows that as long as the
fVThe following address on
*JJ>srent-Toachor Asaoc.iilinn wan de- j , a h( ,, et wlth counter currents of _
:*JtTerCd reverend}* ->}' Mr*. E. B.! doubt, and criticism. that for a j wonderful year,,
Mrs. Hudson 9 Speech
Before Athens P. T.A.
[We read: ‘The Pa rent-Teacher Am
I notation Is the only organization
! in the wo**H, that lias for its sole
! }>urpca»\ Child-Welfare. Every de
j ;;artn*.ent that is created, has child
'welfare as ftn nucleus, the depart
ments of its organization include
Heredity and Environment. The
whole history tf the child Is cover
ed from the time of conception,
embrneng the core of the mother in
orde” that .tha Child may have a fair
start in life, and also that H e may
have a healthy, strong mother, bis
best hope in life.
I can cuhIIj* len.cmlH■»• the time
when there was no Child-Welfare,
at least no active CJiilrl-WVifur
cGorgln, especially *n the remote
parts of the state.
“ ’It wus my privilege, at
time. C be an Instructor lev severul
udson, prejildent f the At’iemi P.) while may cause, the craft to toss School nod colfegr. The president of
T; A* Council and will bo published; about in the agony of struggle for. the idntltutlon told many alorles of
““ heroic sacrifice, made by parents
tHis |K»ge in installments; ’ freedopi and understanding, and un
“In Uffc first days of all great tl! the strong, steady upper cur-
j^movements there aro apt to be,rents of ’Faith in childhood’ cat.h
-Ktlmes of doubt, Qnd questions will j the sail* : f our kite, we hajre not
i arise as to the probable suCress or , the promise. of success. That Faitli
^failure of the undertaking. Prpphc- ‘must liuve knowledge of the child.
jgjclcB of calnmity will be frequent which I claim is the mainspring of
•Sjunrt f r every calamity-crier there successful child tr aining.
a* will be another who Is equally cer-! “rio let us briefly seke some of
Jf’tuin of success. Have >ou ever the strongholds of ouf I*arcnt-
"Jjwatclicr a boy fly ids kite' At first f Teacher orK-lnlzatloii. that wo may
j%!he lets the string out slowly. Watch-, help our kites to the upper air and
. Tjlng the kite ail the fbut* with what ..Iso utrchgthon our Faith in Chlld-
*f*thcy call, the ’‘kite-eye.” till the,hood that is at the heart cf P. T.
*/jkite seems to be fairly on' the way A.
i«and Its .sailing secure. |
“rtoinetlnies the wind la change-. CHILD
^able in the lower air-strata und the WELFARE.
'J-klte will toss, to and fro, - threat- j
’J/cning disaster. The hoy. at icch'j * Wjiy should there be 400,000 and
i jitimes shows some anxiety and doubt over. Parent-Teachers in America?
In order that their children might
have a bettor chance In Ufe, than
they liud hail, but none more touch
ing than that of "The boy and hla
(To Ce Continued.)
Educational Needs of
Small Children Not
Cared For. Stress Home
^ Endorsed By.Woman’s Clubs arid Better Films Com
mittee Everywhere; “Silent Call” Elite
" Monday and Tuesday.
j? Chctrles Meredith arid. Florence Vidor in
S Thos.H.Ince's "HAIL THE WOMAN " !
s¥ .. r— 1 i , j—a-=s===i——t-.'.. .. 'i i —j
“The Palace Theatre takes greet The (following la the program
pleasure In being able to presentfifor tbo week at the , Palace and
. on Monday for your entertainment Elite Theatres:
the big Tbos. Jl. Ince special fon-
i tare “Hall The Woman” which Is PALACE
■ epic of American Womanhood
t'JHM one of the few teaturea that
Iirs the endorsement of. the W'o-
■ an's Clubs and Better. Flings Com-
ilttco everywhere: Tho following
i from “One Woman To All Wo-
Monday: Tbos. H. Ince's special
“Hail The Woman”, The Epic To
American Womanhood.” Comedy:
“Pop TutJle.”
, “Hall the Woman” not.only em-
itlxes the Injustice'of'ijie dou-
■tsndard; But gloridusly exem-
llllea the highest type of woman-
sod, the women who have through
be ages tended tne flame of life'
nd who, dying.' have passed the
to the next In line.
In her portrayal of the fragile
ang mother, deserted and despair
Madge Bellamy proves herself
exquisite artist expressing
nant grief with power and de-
aey and. rising to great emotional
Tuesday: Katherine McDonald,
In "Money. Money, MoneyJ’ News
Events Extra.
'Wednesday: Bessie Love, In
•■Forget Me Not." Worlds Latest
News' Views.
Thursday and Friday: D. W.
Griffith's big sensation, "One Ex-
cltlng Night.” Clyde -Cook Comedy
“Lasy Bones.”
It shows what lies above ns —
lings we cannot see save that
one points the way.
(■Igned) MRS. B. M. BOYKIN,
.'Better Films Com.; Atlanta.
Saturday: .Viola Dana's (Latest
Special), >”A Noise In Newboro.”
Comedy, “The Educator.”
Silent Cell” at the
Elite Monday and Tueeday
Monday and Tuesday the special
day attraction at the Elite
atre will be “The Silent Call”
:h la She .biggest and best
.hwestern special ever seen at
popular playhouse. This pic-
j features -SlrongBeart" the
at police dbg actor and wai re-
ntly shown for two weeks at the
fetropollU” Theatre In Atlanta to
idty business. Everywhere
picture has played comes the
; Aat It n one of tho season's
> ss the extra attrac»
Of Or-
Monday and TuosJ.iy: North
western Special:' “The Silent
Call.” featuring Strongbenrt the
great dog actor. Monday Comedy.
‘‘Out Of Order' Tuesday, "Bnffa'o
Bill.” . . .
Wednesday: l-htl Patton,
American Toreador.”
Thursday: G’nrtvt Walton
"The Love Letter.”
Monday i
Friday: William Fairbanks
sneclal Western: "Spawn Of The
The educational needs of child
ren below the age of kindergarten
or school attendance havo unfor
tunately received very little atton
tlon, and the help that mothers
need In this line la not «o easily
obtained. That they feel this need
is shown by tfie many requests for
material on child care and train
Ing that are received by iho U. 8.
Children’s Bureau and the 17. S.
Bureau of Education. In view of
the importance of right home care
and. training, It would seem tbit
courses on this subject would form
an Important part' of the home
economics courses that have been
organized In many high schools
and colleges. Stmn-o to say, how-
ever, Hits subject Is almost com
pletely Ignored; There are probat)
ly iiot more than half a dosen In
stitutions in the country, o'
those whose' main purpose Is to
train teachers for home econo
mlc courses. In which such courses
are given. This Is certainly a con
ditton that needs remedying.
Cooking and aewlng were Intro
duced Into the grammar grades,
and home economics Into tho high
schools and colleges, supposedly
ss a means of Improving i line and
family life. But improvement in
the feeding, clothing and housing
of the family by no meads covers
the Improvement needed to enable
the family to perform toe part In
the social strnctnre. The fen lly
and the -home were evolved In the
development of civilization In or-,
der that children might be a- rear
ed and trained as to carry that
civilization forward. In conse
quence a program for tho buildinr |
up of family life that Ignores 'hl>
Important factor Is tacking Jn cur
of Its fundamental iseentlstj. ’ ’J
In view of this neglect of thr
child Jn homp making coursea If
Is Interesting to note that scientists
are now giving special attention
to children of the preklndergarton
period. Modern psychology. In
fact, now recognizes the preschool
period aa the most Important peri
od In the child's development, be
cause It Is the period when the
habits and attitudes that deter
mine character are formed. Id
pence, fee whole question o(
prekindergarten and preschool edu
cation Is coming Into tho focus
of educational attention, and aomr,
ate resting experiments with
chlfflaq fftm It months to 4 and fl
years of age are In process.
Audubon Junior
Club At L. C. I
An Audubon Junior Club was or
ganised at tha Mary Anne Upscomt
Elementary. School on Wednesday
of last week with a charter mem
bership of .eighty.
The name of cardinal wss adopt
ed a* • club nhme and the follow
ing officers were elected: president
Ernestine Head secretary Lucy
Dews treasurer Janie Louise Rob
A chairman from, each.- wadf
waa appointed to bring In Itema of
Interest concerning birds and to
report on the observations made
by the pupils of the respective
classes- Fzom the First Grade,
Klltabe.ti Hhrper was appointed:
from the Second Grade, Margaret
Heatwole:. from the Third Grade
Lavlnhu Maynard: from the fourth
Grade Paula Conolly; from the fifth
grade Elisabeth Stewart; from tho
sixth grade Janet Jarnlgan; from'
Athens Will" Be Well Rep
resented At the State
Convention to Be Held
in Augusta in April
A large delegation from the Ba-
raca end Philathea claasea in Ath
ens wilt attend-the state conven
tion which will be held in Augus
(a April 24. 25, 2G-
A number of prominent speak-
era have promised to speak at the
various sessions of tne Conven
tion and the classes of the state
are already beginning to select
their delegates-
Among the speakers will
Govemoreleft Clifford W. Walk
er, Dr. W. F. QuiUian* President
Of Wesleyan'College. Macon, Bu-
Mrs. Edith Hampton, Secret Ser
Vice Secretary World Wide Baraci
and Philathea Union, Dr. B, F.
Foster, Pastor of first Christlor
Church. Macon, Ga-; Rev. C. W.
Curry, Pastor of Epworth Metho
dist church, -Savannah, Ga., and
Hon. W. F. Beckman, prominent
attorney of Albany ,
The genaral theme of the Con
entifin will be “Forward” in all
phases of the 'Baraca and Phila
thea work In this state, and the
Convention will be called the “For
ward” Baraca and Philathea Con
The Augusta Classes have beer
making (dans for tho proper enter
tainment of the delegates for
lometimc. They will give a re
ception to the delegates on the
first evening, a ride about tha ctij
on the second afternoon and on the
Rosing night, a banquet at th<
new Hotel Richmond- Othei
plans art also being made for the
sntertainment of the-visitors.
The Southeastern Passenger As
lociation has granted a one and
mc-half fare on all railroads or
ha certificate plan, and fully
3ve hundred delegates are
pected to attend.
Boys and Girls Are A1
ready Getting Impatient.
Boys Camp Opens June
Although it is more than two
nonths off, Athens boys and girls
are Already thinking of the Y.
M- C, A- Summer Camp in the
North Georgia mountains.
Announcement of the dates foi
'he boys’ and the girls’ camps wa«
made Saturday by Secretary W. T-
Forbes of the Y. U- C. A. The
boys camp will commence
Tuna 19 and run through July
X) while the girls camp will star:
August 1 and ran througn .Aug
ist 28.
For twehty-four years the, Y.
VL C. A. has conducted Summer
Camps which have been noted tot
the religious and physical devel
opment given those who attend"
Last year the association purchas
’d its own ground and erected fif
een permanent buildings, built s
Mautlful lake and made arrange
nents for one of the largest and
>est equipped camps in the en- 1
Ire country.
Six now cabins, at least four
/ill be eredtad before the camt
*l>ena this summer. These will
iring it -to the preient maximum
apacity of 120 boy*. Additions’
anoaa will be provided. The cam;
*a» ten canoes and two motoi
Joats now. Secratary Forbes It
electing his camp cabinet, com
x>*ed of the older boys of the
who have charge of a cabin
mih. They also dlract the ath-
etic and social events of thr
, Mri- Ruth fide Everetts Y. W
\A. secretary wfll assist ,Sec-
wjqry Forbes fa the girls’ camp
hla year .and the girl*’ camp wil>
? vondu'itcd In co-operttion wltl
W. C. A. Mra. W. T. Forb*.
5 l, h « v « oh*rta of the dining fa
dHti*. and “*P” «orrta, f.mou
» Jl’ C ’ C0 °* will have charg<
if the meale.
Our first study will be on the
Blue Jay and we are looking tor-
•ly to our next meeting
iiriikl rlilirif f liitfrifu H*- ’ - 11
Bible classes daily and the eve
ihig prayer services as well u
.blldn*, music, mountain. climbing
and sight-seeing ttfaa will bd fax-
«®P. wbch I* noted
for its Christian atmosphere-
Two bnlldlng permits were Issu-
« ‘SS* I** k - ODe was Issued to
W. W. FYreason for the purpose
of remodeling the Hinton Securi
ties building near the Commercial
Bank on College avsnue. The oth
er was Issned to Athens Manufac
turing company to bnlld two
The Sixth Orade la doing work
In art that Js a credit to* the class.
We have done some beautiful
atndtea In fine hand drawing and
■■uu ..... ......... ..... water colon. We have bad aplen-
the seventh grade Bertha Wood- did results with landscapes and
flowers and are beginning map
S pring Chopping
In Athens Stores
Easter Is advancing with spring
flowers blooming In jur pathway,
In gardens and on our hats, and we
naturally turn our tnougnts to mil-'
linery and all things bright and
lovely. Where sball we find cur
Easter Bonnet? Why by all means
at the Style Shop, not many moons
old but just where you will .flnu
hats galore, hats beautiful, hats
of every variety and dreams of
hals, a glorious array In the vari
ed styles and of course you must'
meet Mfas Wells, owner and mna-
ager of the pretty little Style Shop,
she came to Athens six months
ago, and bas established herself
In the business world, building up
an enviable' patronage' by her
courteous and pleasing personali
ty, she takes very special pains to
please everybody. Hnr affiliation
with the foremost wholesale milli
nery house#, makes It quite easy
for her to/ meet tbe demands of
ber customers who desire Indivi
duality and style—-von will now
And on display a charming line of
flower trimmed hats, which are In
such .demand. Fashion decrees
they are the most mpular, sport
hats, hats for the dear children,
hats for everybody. Here you
will find all the bright new shades
fa blue, lavendar. Henna thn.
hello-orchid . navy, grey, brown
and any shade that Is modish and
Tbe Style Shop has created a
slogan. "Where Satisfaction Is a
Certainty.” so It's no wonder It
has bnllt such a wondeVful busi
ed us. ' The ranges are advances, to date—you mav read while get-
fa being equipped the very best, ting a shine, entertained while
and latest Mr. Weston and bis . . - .. .
courteous tdrce Invite 1 you to' •fl"* * erved - for U* 8 * 6 strenuous
come and aee for yourself. Count every moment counts for
that day lost which finds no gai something and why not for the
Btove.ln your home.
best . Mr. Foton believes in Im
proving each shining hour as well
aa shining shoes and renewing
hats. ^
Magazines are very essential In
keeping pace wl:li the times,' so
here you may make your purchase.
The Classic Shoe Shine Parlor
bids Mr to be one of our greatest
assets It not already. We can't
get everything we want, but If we
get what we , need we ahould be
satisfied with one of tbe best shoe
shine parlors In tbe country. Tbe
high auandard equipment Is fully
In keeping with the splendid ser
vice offered the public.
March Worat Month for Thi,
j Bk—How to Remove
j There» a reason why
j everybody freckles in M.rch,
| hcppily there is also a remedv
,thgie ugly blemishes, and no‘
need stay freckled.
Simply get an oum e of (
—double strength, from your
(1st and apply a little of it
and morning, -and in a few
you ahould see that even the ,
freckles have begun to disaoi
while the light ones have vs.
entirely- Now is the time
yourself of freckles, for if ,„
moved now they may stay all
mar, and apoil an otherwise
tiful complexion. You monet
it Othlne' alla-*-rAdvertisement"
It Is Indeed a genuine pleasure
to announce to ube public that Ath
ens has a long needed want In Ibe
splendidly equipped Classic Hat
and Shoe Shine Parlor at 184 Clay
ton street with Mr. James Fotou
aa manager. Marjorie‘Daw drop
ped by to seo for herself, and (he
can happily say business waa brisk
and service tbo best. Such a place
needs no commendation, aa It
speaks for lUelf in all that it
promises, so It Is up to us to help
keep It going.
Another step towards progress
did you say? Yes verily, and may
I emphasize It. Just keep your
eye on the manager and you will
understand I speak advisedly, for
he has already exemplified in much
smaller undertakings, that close
appreciation and Indomitable per
severance reach the goal.
Here they were cleaning and
blocking hats felt and straw 01
any other kind for thai matter end ‘
puttlfig on new bands Insldd and |
ouL and behold, you^bare a new
Easter bonnet)
What an unapeakable Joy and
blessing, when most of us have to
exercise thrift and try to took onr
best, for It behooves ns all to do
that—and those bright gloaming
shoe shines are a blng of benuly
TeQs How She Wa* Restored to
Perfect Health by Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound
Memphis,Tenth—/Twoyears ago I
waa completely run-down and my
nerves were a
wreck. I could not
sweep • room
without resting. I
could not do my
worlbaacept a lit
tle at a time, and
the doctor's medi
cine did not bsJp
roc. One day some
one throwyour lit
tle book eo to ray
porch,‘und in itl
read several testi-1
ness fa such a short while. As | *" d J ,n ' y lll fl . ve centH *" * hln /- W* 8 *
soring pervades the south, so en- | m ° r ® or <,< '* nnn<1?
Minntineiv. we naturally make I. * almost forgot to say you can
fresh^efforts, 'to old. MJ gloves cleaned
monials of women who bad been like
myself. I went right out and got me
n bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound, and before I had
taken tbe whole of that bottle I knew
It waa helping me. Itooksix bottles,
and then in about three months I took
two more. Now <1 am-fa perfect - . . ._
health. 'I do all of my own work and not injure and makes a delightful!
Take a Tablespoonful of Salt, i
Back Patna or Bladder Is
Flush your kidneys by drinl
a quart of water each day,
take salts occasionally, saw
noted’authority,-who tells us i
too much rich food forms ,
which almost paralyze the kid
fa their efforts to expels it
the blood. They beeome ihit,
and weaken; then you miy to
with a dull misery in the ki'
region, sharp pains in the
or sick headache, dizziness,
stomahn stars, tongue is co_
and when the weather is bad 1
have rheumatic twinges,
nrfae gets cloudy, full of
the channels often get
and irritated, obliging you
seek relief two jot three times i
the night. --
To help neutralize these irri
fag acids; to help cleanse the |
neys and flush off the body's i
nous waste, get four ounces
Jad Salta from any tharmacy I
Take a tables poonful in a
of water before breakfast I.
few days, and your kidneys
then act fine. This famous i
is made from thd acid of grapstl
and lemon juice, combined •wttkl
lithia, and hai been used for yeanl
to help flush and stimulate tlu(-|
pish kidneys; also to neutralissl
the acids in the system so, they!
IlcBU eiions, llJ UriKUlUU uui **V I fatnuhatin#T* itta s*m«/\«i,lsw
parrel especially hats, which plays f"'* 2“"P,;-YjjH
a mighty big part in our wardrobe % " d
could do more. I can truly say that I
know Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound gave me my health. —
Mra.a J. Hinckley, 816 Unkxn
a migiuy uig uari iu uur «#iuiuuu i . «i,aa« ahina • j , j jura. u. «. uinLALci,
any time but moro convincingly i , J ot I Ave., Memtais, Tenn.
now, and what accessory t ,® dU , p i, d t ! 1 ® " m ! th c, '| Lydia E. Pmkbam’s PI
such a port as the “bonnet" which , J. 0 "/ upon‘‘Atlmenta
vmme enJ old^Thc'style Shop Is ^ °!j S^Mte to Tta^diaE. Pfek-
im.i«* Wells will lend every assln- nnI A .!‘ kinds ol magazlno, I
Private Text-
.. Man. This'
iMJss Wells will lend every assls- ■
tance In solving your hat troubles, * *P* cla * l y- the J stoat am. most uj
Having bladder weakness.
Jad Salta is inexpensive: caa-|
not Injure anw makes t delightful I
effervescent lithia-w^ter drin|t- By!
all means have your physician ex-1
amine your kidneys at least twice I
a year.—Advartisemefit.
VAN-NIL Satiafiea
Hie Hinton Securities Co.|
Life Insurance.
She invites yon to come and look,
and you certainly will bny. Her
orlces are reasonable, and hats
the best. Here Is an opi-ortunlty
to not only make your purchase
but to welcome Miss Wells as .one
of onr most progressive and en
terprising citizens.
Eighteen children were placed
on tho Honor Roll this month. We
liopo to do lx>t:»r next month. .
EDITH HERRING. pace with all th-e thlnv- offor-
Come into the kitchen ladles!
What a delightfully cheerful place,
so orderly, to clean, so wUractlvo
fa every way. How It Insplra-s you
to-hunt up a cook book and try
out all sorts of recipes to cook on
-one of these lovely gas stoves on
sale al tbe Athens Gas Light and
Fnel Co. Really they are marvel-
ons, and so fascinating to try out
the dainty dishes which can to pro
pared fa such a very short time,
Vith so much easo and real pleas
ure. This cabinet gas range with
automatic oven control, is a thing
of 1>eautv and a Joy forever, nnd
the gas beater which supplies hot
water fa abundance guy hour fa the
day or night, ohj my what ■» con
venience. What would our grand
mothers say were they living fa
this progressive age. * Whore so
many conveniences, make life a
luxury. Then agalta there Is ’ the
little'gas faceneratop that diapoeet
of all refuse, and so many minor
appliances all these have parted
kitchen work from dredgery—re
newing untold Interest In cooking
which haa become an art. One can
no) visit the display of gas appli
ances at the salea room or the Gas
Shop on College Avenue without I
having a new and more complete
vision of what an Ideal kitgjien
ahould contain, which reminds us
that today’s cottage te more com
plete than yesterday's mansion.
Many home* have - all these)
priceless comforts, and for those
-ho haven’t they will find a wonder
ons story In this little write up,
for no pen can tell what gas meaps
to the house wife to each and
every member of the family. !t' v
solves a multitude of problems for i
mi-lady. What delicious cakes
eaa be hiked, - and what tender
lulcy meats roasted, and any. dish
In fact can be cooked to the queen's
taste or tbe king**, a* for that mat
ter. no fuel’ to log fa, no aahei to
be taken up, and a thousand steps
are saved, by having gas fa yonr
The Athens Gas Company Is a
big, very big asset to nr city or
any community, and we sianl)
would be groping In the dark witb-,
out It. Let os prove our genuine |
appreciation nr the fact by koeolnc
11 (h,w, thine- offer-1
of the
The prevailing modes make corsets a necessity—for the new gowns can
be worn successfully only with corsets that maintain a straight-silhouette.
The new models of “La Camille” carry out tho very styles themselves. They are aa dainty *•
milady’s lingerie. Low-tofomd and lightly boned. Not a suggestion of a pinch or squeeze in
them. Restful and flexible In their etyle-gtvtag support.
Only “La Camille” Has the Four Exclusive Features
Tha Right Corset is
Your new dresses will be
successful only It Urey
■fraud properly. Curves
must be suppressed—hlpa
and bock must be . flat.
Wrinkles spoil Ibe effect.
To dress correctly sounds
difficult 1 , but really .Is
assy with the help pj “La
Camille.” It • gives the
correct background. You
win be delighted and your
friends envious. And' you
will feet as young os you
look, wRh tbe slendering
Hues that the corset bas
helped to give.
' Vcntilo Back. Ventilo
Front Shlold, Lox-lt Clasp
Bendlio top. The greatest
•array ’ of comfort-giving
features ever embodied fa
a corset. Imitated, but
never equalled. Worth
dollars more fa .a corset,
yet cqetlng no more than
other corsets of Inferior
value. -
''Wo Invite you ko fee’ the
new models of ‘La'Camllle’
—have’ the coreetlere chow
you the models designed
for your Individual figure
—and *ry tbe const on.
Have Your Corset
Fitted Before Buying
Your New Dresses
Over ‘La Camille' the new
styles will become you to
perfection. Never have
tbe series offered greater
encouragement to figures
of all type*. But nev. r
baa tbe need of care and
taste beqn so essential.
There la a model of “L»
Camille" designed lor your
Individual llgwc- Select
ed and fltteS by our trained
coreetlere* it will gl T *
you tbe CO rivet mode, with
complete comfort.
' "