The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 27, 1923, Image 6
page six Bernhardt Answers Final Curtain Ca Continued root* page one) MARKETS'^ 1 much bigger on opening but traders are apt to sell on bulges.—O'REILLY. A good presence is a letter of recommen dation The well dressed man gets attention. He gets respect, too, because good clothes lift him out of the rut, they make him stand out in a crowd. I kuppenheimer Good Clothes do this for you. They give you an , "investment in good appearance” We’re showing new styles, new fabrics, new colors, for men and young men. Furnishings, for Men and Boys LEE MORRIS “THE DAYLIGHT CORNER STATEMENT OF CONDITIONS OJP . THE AMERICAN STATE BANK RESOURCES Time Loam and Discount* Demand Loam Stock Other 8< Secured toy Real Estate In the Federal Reserve Bank n the I _ Stocks and Bondi Banking Home 'Furniture and Fixture* .Other Real Batata Owned Due from Federal Reserve Bank Cash in Vault and Amounts Deposited with Approved Reserve Agent* Duo from Other Banks In this State Checks for Clearing House fMt.U0.33 3.313.04 4t.100.00 3,300.00 1,330.00 33,847.80 13483.83 3480.43 34473.36 73433:48 1340 646341 114.88 Other checka and Cash Item* •••: , “rx? Overdrafts Overdrafts ,Revenue Stamps 66.00 TOTAL •• 3831454.17 " LIABILITIES •’Capita! Stock Fald in Surplus Fund ■Undivided Profit* Dividend* Unpaid ; ■•DM to Banks in this State individual Depoeito Subject to Check . -Time Certificates of Deposit Savin** Deposits Cashier’s Checks ’Certified Checks Bills Payable to Federal Reserve Bank 3100,000.00 30.000.00 38488.38 . 24.00 8,848.21 334.134.83 37,778.60 266486.38 303.42 84.06 14,810.00 3831464.17 • TOTAL STATE OF GEORGIA. CLARKE COUNTY. _ Before me came O. R. Davis, Cashier of The American State Bank, ’who being duly sworn, say* that the above'foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. Q. R. DAVIS. 8worn to and subscribed before me,.this 37th day of March, 1333. HENRY T. AIKEN. Notary PnbUc, C. C. Ga. STATEMENT OF CONDITIONS OF TOE ATHENS SAVINGS BANK ’Located at A them, Ga., at close of business March 314833 as called for by the superintendent of banks RESOURCES , «Time Loans and Discounts ..•.-****•.***•**.*. r Uni tad States and State ot Georgia Bbnds .....a...., . Ranking House - -Furniture and Fixtures - Other Real Estate Owned -Cash In Vault and Amounts Deposited with?Approved ISk- «Re*orve Agents i.viol ••Checks for Clearing House •Other Checks and Cash Items .,..*....w. .. Overdrafts ’< War Savings Certificates *• Internal Revenue Stamps era whom she had Interpreted for the world and whose bust* and por traits adorned her home, beckoned the tragedienne to Join them after tenderly awaiting 1 to claim her. She passed at 8 p. m., Monday. The actreee died within’ the church. The extreme unction—the last sacrament—waa administered ahortly before her death by the Rev. Riaser of St. Frances De Sales church. “Toward the end of the aervlce, the prleat aaid, “She only half recognised me, hardly under stood, and waa unable to talk.” Outside her home on Boulevard Pereire, In the gorgeous twilight, a group of people, of high and low atatlona In life, guxed at the house as if uwe-atruck. Simple bretonne nurso-maida joined beautiful Pari- slennes In mumbling and whisper ing their rosaries, a prayer for the great prodigal daughter who had. now return#*) :tO the bosom of the church.' ’ 8ENDS MESSAGE TO AMERICA Forty-fve minutes before the lm mortal had passed, she sent her secretary, Madame Ncrmand, with a farewell message to her admirers In America. To the people of America she ad dressed these words: “I am deeply touched with the sympathetic interest of my beloved American friends.” This was Sarah Bernhardt's mes sage to her friends overseas, given the Associated Prdss at 6:45 o'clock this evening by her secretary, Ma dame Normand. Bernhardt had a severe relapse Inst Friday midnight and an exam ination showed that she was tim of urenln. Since then only her wlU to live and injectlc/is of mor phine, caffeine and camphor had kept her ulive. The first ndlcatlon of^.Bernhardt's serious illness came about three months agd when she collapsed in the Edward VII. theater, while re hearsing for Sachy Guitry's new play, "Un Sujet De Roman.” Even ns the life of the great ar tist wos ebbing Monday morning, six movie men clattered Into the house with their trappings, declar ing the film In which she was star ring must be completed even though she died. Bernhardt, while still ill. agreed to net for the films. Tho woman who had gone through several for tunes signed the contract because she was sorely In need of money. All the sets * were taken In her home. “The Divine Sarah” was born In Paris, OctQber 23, 1845, and duly christened Roslne Bernard. Her father was a French Catholic, her mother a Dutch Jewess. Baptised In her father's faith, she received her early education in a convent school. At* 15, she entered the great training college ot the French stage, the \ Conservatoire. . NEW YORK COTTON Prev. ' Open High Low Close Clone May .. .. 29.05 29.23 28.94 29.14 28. July .. .. 28.02 28.26 27.77 28.16 27.53 Oct 24.89 25.23 24.75625.10 24.45 Dec 24.30 24.65 24.18 24.60 23.88 Jan 23.70 24.30 23.61 24.32 23.35 11 A. M. Bids: May* 28.80; July 27.79; October 24.75. NEW ORLEANS COTTON Prov. Open High Low Close Close .. 28.05 28.59 24.92 28.52 28.29 .. 27.7G 28.12 27.60 28.07 27.90 .. 24.40 24.71 24.21 24.68 24.4C .. 23.95 24.27 23.75 24.21 24.02 .. 23.63 24.06 23.60 24.01 23.83 11 A. M. Bids: May 27.92; July 27.59; October 24.21; December 23.41. May July Oct. Dec. Jan. I GRAIN OPINIONS . HULBURD WARREN: The general situation appears heavy. BARTFZER: Look for buying pow er to develop. LOWITZ: Lower level* look prob able. STEIN ALSTE1N: Further liquida tion likely In May contracts. HARRIS WINTHROP: C».h mar ket, continue tame. CLEMENT CURTIS: We look for a alow dragging market. LAMSON: We «e no Indications ot a serious .break. . ’MBS'IOC BESTIMK To dean out your bowels with out cramping or overacting, take Cascarets. Sick headache, bilious ness, gases, indigestion, sour, up set stomach, and all such distress gone bf mornipg. Nicest physic on earth' for grown-ups and chiicren. 10c a box. Taste like can try.—Ad vertisement. April May , June July . Aug. Sept. Oct. . COTTON SKID OIL Open Noon P.C. . .. 11.60-12 11.65-12.11.50-95 .. 11.66-72 11.72-75 . 11.63-64 . .. 11.70-80 11.79-80 11.68-70 .. 11.80-81 11.83-85 11.75-77 .. 11.79-81 11.82-84 1174-75 . .. 11.79*81 11.76-77 11.68-69 .. 11.71-73 11.68-70 11.63-65 May LIVERPOOL COTTON Today Yesterday 14.58 July .. 14.40 October 13.40 November 13.20 December 13.04 14.62 14.44 13.42 13.21 13.06 CHICAGO GRAIN Open 2 P.M. P.C. WHEAT— Sept 113 113% 113% May 118% 119 118% July 114% 115 114% COHN— Sept 76% 77 76% May 73 73% 72% July 75% 72% 75% OATS— Sept 43% 42% 42% July 44% 44% 44% NEW YORK STOCKS Open 2 P.M. P.C. Coca Cola 94% 95% 93 Cuban. Cane Suxnr 14% 16% Cuban Cane, pf<j. 58 56% U. 8. Steel .. .. 196 105% 105% Auntin Nichols .. 29% 29% Bethlehem Steel.. 64% 65 64 Southern By 32% 33% 32% Southern Ry. pfd 49% C9»4 Pan American ... 77% 78*4 77% Pan A me., 11 Stock 72% 73% 73 American Sugar. 79% 78 Konnlcott Copper 40% 41% Industrial Alcohol 70% 70% 69% N. Y. Central .... 07'4 97% 97% Ame.. Tel. Tel. .. 122% 122% 122% Bright Future For Ga. Institutions of Learning Forecast Continued from pa«o one) LIBERTY BONDS Open P.C. 3 t-Ss 100.33 100.33 FIrat 4 l-4s 07.6* 97.12 Second 4 1-4* »7.t0 ’07.00 Third 4 1-4, .'. 08.03 98.03 Fourth 4 1-4, 97.20 97.24 Victory 4 3-4, .. .. .. 100.66 100.0.1 state. They have s legislature that is providing the maintenance, and the reason that it can make this provision is that the tax systems are adequate to keep money suffi cient in the treasury to make the needed improvement* and expan sions. I understand that the money js raised in North Carolina by two kinds of taxes principally— the income tax and the corpora tion tax. And then, too, a large irt of the new buildings are .^ing constructed through Hinds derived from bond issues. Even r to tho most casual observer and disinterested person, the develop, ment of • ices for educational training is entirely obvious., We must hand it to North Carolina that she is certainly caring for the educational progress of her state and its youth.” Doctor Soule was very sink- •tisly 'impressed -with the high school building in Wilson, N. C. the city in. which he addressed tho Eastern Carolina exposition. He said that the school occupied an entire city block, is ft**- stories lugh. is equipped with «wr [>ools, showers, all kinds of ath- Jetic contraptions, and everything 93 jletic contraptions, and everything —* that goes in the making of a mod ern high school. C/.her institutions that favor ably impressed the president of the Georgia State College of Ag riculture were the -institution that corresponds to the Georgia Agri cultural College and the smaller colleges scattered about the state. Even the glan.our ot the pro gress of North Carolina did not cause Dr. Soule to lose faith ir his own state—in fact, it tender , to strengthen it, :md in talking to correspondents said that he thought that if. the people of Georgia could Just wake up to the needs of the situntion, Georgia could far outstep any other state in the Union. Already Georgia, with its limited means, is doing a great work in the ediknting of youth for the battles of life. ib- Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linnell & Company’s Private Wire ATHENS COTTON market $856,711.61 117,450.00 J1.07S.0J 800.60 11447.31 131,622.85 ■.171.90 20,17! 843.28 442841 1.692.00 100.00 TOTAL $1444,04542 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In $100400.00 • Surplus Fund 200,009.00 • Undivided Profits 85472.86 ‘ - $4010$ Due to Banka in this State (dual Deposits Subject to Check $841,71145 Certificate* of Deposit 81410.80 avlngs Deposits fills Payale to Banka In this State ’““‘"I LlaollUier. not Included above 805,48188 • 78846187 214.00 TOTAL $1444,04192 STJATK OF GEORGIA. CLARKE COUNTY. ’before me came Q. A. Melh Cashier of Tho Athens Savings Bank, true condition of'sald'nanvriiS shb’wn By the books offllnfn'mid Bank! V. — • -wi'—Aw - OJL’SfELL. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 26tb day of Marcb, 1923. LAURENE S. BRAY, * „ fl. P. Clarke County Gs. ■Si Wendell’s Pills, Ambition Brand, Eta Run-Dovn, Tired Out People. •5 put n tally or physically cent box ot illlon Brand, at dent, mem depressed, get a- (0 Wendell's Pills, Ambii Palmer to Son today and take the tret big step toward feeling better right away. ■ , If yon work too hard, smoke too much or ere nervous, Wendell’s Pills, Ambition Brand, will mein money back from Pnlmer to Bos on tb* first box purchased. As a treatment for affections ot tb* nervous system, constipation, lose of appetite, sleeplessness, orl Nervous Indigestion, get a box of’ Wendell's Pills, Ambition Brand ’ ran feel better bi three, days ot, today on the money back plan. — Advertisement.’ '< ’ The market closed a fraction lower Tuesday, going down to 28tt from the previous close of 28*65. NEW ORLEANS, Ll.—Liverpool was due 37 to 41 down by New Or leans, so to 34 lower by New York, most on nears. Southern spot* yes terday were 38 to 100 down: Dellas 86 lower, mlddllns there 37.90; aalee at Dellas non*: all told 3,149 v*. 734 Saturday. While reactions era likely from time to time the dtspoeltlon will likely be to sell especially on bulges, particularly Is thsre no re vival of consequsnce In the spot de mand. ' When liquidation starts then la nd telllns when or how It wM. end. Monday morning it wo, thought that the- decline had spent Ito course, whereas In afternoon market woe weaker than In early hours. Shorts are more Regressive, are surer of their ground and era enco.irmgsd In tlielr operations by prospects tor a lar»« crop this year. .Meanwhile longs ore on the defensive. Com pared with hut year's stock on ship- hoard at Galveston Monday waa 43,- 900 vs. 62,000, Naw Orleans 20,006 vs. 36,000. Apparently sentiment la more bearish than otherwise, the recent big decline notwithstanding.—H. end B. BEER. WSATHSR FORECAST ‘ MEMPHIS, Tcnn. - Temperatures^ of the very cold over entire belt, light rainfall Charleston, Jacksonville end Montgomery districts, heavy rainfall In -Shreveport and Sari Antonio dis trict.. Forecast: -Tuesday entire belt mostly port cloudy and colder.— STANLEY. , • COTTON HUBBARD: Think that most of the' weakly held cotton hoe been eold and that while we may hava Borne slight ly further decline that the market has very nearly reached the bottom for the time being. WELD: Although we continue of the opinion that ultimately higher prices' will lie reached we are In clined to fear that current reaction may extend somewhat further. IIENTZ: We should have a further good recovery from this level. HOUSMAN: Favor purchases. LOO AN and B.: Technical condl- Plans Developing For S. A. Campaign (Continuad from page one) President Ladies Aukillary Ameri can Legion and lire. E. B. Hudson, President Parent-Teacber Associa tion; D. A. R. Committee: Mrs. R. P. Brooke, Mrs. P. F. Brawn, Mrs. C. B. Daniels, Mrs. O. R. Dobbs, 'Miss Rachel Griggs, Mrs.' Julian Goetchius. Mrs. Horace Holden, Mrs. Carlton Jaster, Mrs. J. L. Sex ton, Mrs. Joe Stewart, Jr., Miss Mary Wilkins, Mrs. W. F. Watson, Mrs. T. P. Vincent, iMn. J. J. Wil kins. Athens Woman's Club committee Mrs. H. Stegeman, Mrs. O’Callm- ban, Mrs. Arthur McCoy, Mrs. Hor ace Ritchie, Mrs. Ernest -Michael, Mrs. Lee Morris, Mrs. L. C. Brown, Hre. Cobb Lampkln, hire. John Mor ris. Hire. Alien Fleming. Mrs. Wai ter Jackson, Mrs. D. L. Earnest, Mr*. Hugh Huggins, Mrs. Winder Wetter, Miss Mary HunnlcntL American Legion Auxiliary Com mittee; Mr*. D. W. Byther, Mrs. Lee Callaway, Mr*. T. H. McHat ton, Mrs. S. V. Sanford, Mr*. E. H. Johnson. Parent-Teacher’s Association: Mrs. -H. V. Pcrsells: Mrs. A. O. Hargrove, Miss Thelma Elliott. Mrs. j. m. Dornblatt, Mrs. E. a Harris. An informal tea wilt be givep at tho Woman’s Club Wednesday afternoon at five o’clock in honor of Mrs. UenL Col.. Atkinson, ot Atlanta, to which members of til women’s committees have been in vited. Mrs. Horare Ritchie Is chair special committee ar ranging the too, and is extremely anxious to bave an members of committees present AMBITIOUS COLLAR A gown of printed silk Is equipped with a collar of plain aUk. which fol low* the neckline, then goes down one aids. Is caught In at the waist line and then deeceoda below tho hem of the frock, giving the effect of a aide panel • Get Your Windows ■Screened Now Phone 1024 H.R. SHORT MEDIJJM BROWN HAIR looks best of all after n Golden Glint Sfiampoo.—Advertisement. , Beautiful Milledge Avenue Bungalow This beautiful Bungalow is op an East Front level iot on Milledge Avenue. Has five rooms, bath and garage. Ideally situated for a small family. Price $7,250.00. Terms. Hi G. -EPHNG & COMPANY —*T An Afternoon Treat In that hour between luncheon and dinner—a cup or two of NOO- NAME coffee is always a popular refreshment. Many hostesses real ize the advantage of having it on hand. It& delicious taste never fails to please. dlUVfl-OOft Night gowns , of silk voile come in jail colors and are ai plain or as ■fancy as one dearie*. Frequently they are embellished wlkh” double ' 1 stitching or ribbon bindings. I* an excellent style'" k “.!_ woman to avoid. Loro,, , co »‘* with stralsht line, are „ N am- better choice fo rilie woman short on Inches. GENUINELY GOOD IN QUALITY (VAN-NIL Is a. synthetic vanilla of rar* flavonrlog conteut' VAN-N1 L ubnbkously good IN QUANTITT nou-aicobollc.) LOOK FOR THIS TRADEMARK PETERS’ For More Milk DAIRY FEED A complete ration designed for extra heavy milk production. Ready mixed with alfalfa and molasses to be fed from the bag.- Succu lence, Roughage, Bulk and Concentrate all in one feed. We cannot recommend this feed too highly for the dairyman. Come in and see us. HODGSON-COMER CO. KING-HODGSON CO. Athens, Ga. Next Sunday is EASTER What About Your The world takes on new life at Easter, Nature bursts forth for the glorious Springtime. As Nature changes'her ap parel so does Milady—and millinery is pne of the most important items. mile Here you will find an almost endless as sortment of beautiful millinery creations- styles by the foremost designers. 'Every olo good color, size and shape. They may be simple or elaborate, just as you choose. Trimmings .pf flowers, fruit, feathers and ribbon. ribbon. Millinery in correct styles at prices to suit any pocket-book. We invite you to see our display of Spring styles. Davison Nicholson Co. Pretty Frocks In A Variety Of New Styles. A Special Sale At $14.95 Shown in an assortment of new. Spring styles that make choosing easy. They’re unus ual values at $14.95. Paisley Crepes, Crepe de Can Chines, Crepe Knit, Canton Crepes, PQngees and Alltyne Crepes. Straight fects,, fects. lines, blouse Iraped and basque ef- Fufl skirts. All the season’s most favor ed colors are shown in solid colors and pretty patterns.' Sizes from 16 to 44. ■■■■