Newspaper Page Text
•y- ■*,' • ' — •
Twentv-Six Years Now
Since Two Colleges
Have Met on the Diani'
Old Stars of That Great
Game Coming Back.
Game Starts at Three
Following the opening game in
Athens Wednesday afternoon be-
Cn Georgia and Dahlonega will
Tone of the diamond claseica o
rt. year Thursday when the Uni-
«rsitv of Pennsylvania appear*
ttre as the opponent for the Bull-
*rwenty six years ago Georgia
.lived Penn in Atlanta and won
Jhat was considered at that' time
1 greatest victory ever achieved
a* Southern college. The Quak-
« were downed in that game by
■Major Draper Daugherty,
Gct’ToðcT Meeting For Clarke i Son of Attorney (General
. A .. ® . t ! Daugherty, Sought in
County on Aprtl 20th in Athens\ Murder of Model.
genuine get-together meeting
with public speaking, athletic gomes
and at) old-fashioned “dinner on
the ground" will be held In Athens
by Clarke county citizens April
20, it whs announced Wednesday.
The meeting will be sponsored
by the County Schools under the
direction of Mrs. Annie Mae Wood
Bryant, home demonstration agents
The athletic events will be direct*’ years and over.
<w) hv Dand..ll J .- J • *
ed by Randall Weems, Industrie*
secretary f the YounB Men's Chris
tian Association.
A speaking contest will be held In
which one pupil frum each school
will participate. Prises will b.
delivered by Dr. Andrew M. Soule,
preeident of the State College ut
Agriculture, Prises will be award
ed by Captain T. H. Dozier, county
school superintendent. The dinner
will be held on the Agricultural
first base and none
to ^ n g arnewm in reality m^k «*• program fo the
He opening in Atheru bbJ*^™{ song-Georgla Land.
Prayer—Rev. W.M. Chile. '
Address—Dr. A. M. Soule.
Speaking contest—(One contest
ant from each school, 7 minutes
Delivery of prizes by Capt. T. H.
2S yard dash, for boys under 10
years. . -, '
bi the first collegihte game of
He year. Dahlonega, la, not class-
therefore be more interesting for
that fact.
Fred Sale, who won the initial
rune of the season In Columbus
Saturday against Banning will
very probably be on the mound
jor the Georgians. Ho is going
nod this year from the very Jump
lid will be given a rousing wel-
tone back for his second year by
the local fans. ....., ' ■
Pennsylvania will open her sca-
lon-with this- game and tho Phil
adelphia vistors are anxious to
begin their.first southern trip in
years with a viqtory of Georgia
ud get revenge for the defeat ad
ministered way back in 1897.
The weather has been fine in
Philadelphia for the past several
days and the team 'has been able
to get out of doors for practice.
Indoor practice has been conducted
foe several weeks and the pitchers
sre already in fine trim, according
lo reports coming to Athens.
A large crowd of Athens people
ind those from the surrounding
territory, should support this
gsme and give the Northerners
(Turn to page eight)
25 yards dash for girls under 10
40 yards dash for boys 10 to It
years. "
40 yards dash for grls 10 years
and over.
60 yards (loth for boys, open.
20 yards egg race for girls 6 to
10 years old.
40 yards Egg' race for girls 11
Standing broad jump for boys, no
age limit. ' -
Sack race for boys 10 yeans old
:yul under.
Basebull throw for boys.
‘Baseball throw for girls.
, Kotatoe relay race.
Pie rjtce for girls, no age limit.
Shoe race for boys lO to 15 years.
' Cracker' eating race for boys.
200 yards relay race for teams of
2 boys and 2 girls.
One j entry allqwed for each
schod in events 1, 2, 33, 4. 5, 0, 7,
Nos. 10 and 11. Any number
from each school allowed.
Highest scoring boy.. and girl
from each school will be allowed
throw in finals. Two trial throws
Police Tracing Mysterious
Negro Who Left Apart
ment Job Only One Day
After MurBer.
Kiri* or be
. The commltte in * charge of the
exercises is composed of Mrs. An
nle M. Wood Bryant, chairman;
Captain T .H. Dozier, T. R. Weems,
industrial secretary y. M. C,
J. W. Firor, county agent; M.
Members Will Gonvene. Work of Beautifying Ath-
ThUrsday Night to Dis- ens Goes on- With' En-
cuss Agricultural Needs
For Clarke Couftty.
‘How can we provide a better
market for the far mproducts of
this section 7" will be the subject
of a Forum meeting of the tp>r-
ganized Chamber of Commerce
Thursday night, at the Chamber'bf
Commerce , hcadqburters In the
Georgian Hotel.
It is hoped that every member
will be present and either express
his views on this subjeet which la
thusiasm. Children Are
After Prizes Offered.
People who throw tifiah and
paper on Athens streets are liable
to punishment in the police court,
Ut was announced Tuesday by the
"Clean-up Campaign” committee
which is waging a campaign to
beautify and rid this city of dis
ease-breeding places.
While the committee is anrious
■for Athenian! to aid in the cam
paign from a desire to makh the
of basis importance for Athens!, or jicity healpful and.beautiful, the
hear what other* have to say on it. IjBoard of Health is co-operating
(By A*soel«Ud> Press.)
NEW YORK—Ferdinand Pecora,*
acting district Attorney, toplght ad
dressed a letter to Major Draper
M. Daugherty, only son of the Uni
ted States attorney general reduest
lag that lie- lay before N3w York
authorities all the information he
.sossessssd covcernlng a.blackmail
tonsplrat y invoicing Dorothy Koe-
uan an.l John Kearsley Mitchell of
Philadelphia,' son-in-law of E. T.
The district attorney declined to
Doomed To Die
Dog Escapes:
; NEW YORK—Warden Lawes
of Sing Sing announced yester
day that a prisoner; condemned
to death had escaped from the
prison just before he was to
be executed. The fugitive' is
Teddy, a Great Dane dog, a
gift from the kennel* of H- K-
Browning, a wealthy, resident
of Tarrytown.
j Teddy, whit stands more than
three fee't high, recently de-
veloped eczema. John , Handy,
the prisoner who takes cafe of
the dog, induced Warden Lawes
to call in Dr. Bradley, a vet
erinary surgeon. Df. Bradley
■decided that the dog could not
recover and should be executed.
As If knowing of hi* sen-
Teddy escaped from the
stable a . few hours he-
ie execution was to take
Statistics Compiled By
College Show Effective
ness of Calcium Arsenate
Dusting Plan.
| ■: Tuesday
Valuable Advice and Sug
gestions Given North
east Georgia- Farmers
By Experts Here.
icAught after hot
Committee Announces
Two For One Offer
Which is Filial in Popu
larity White Way Race.
The largest bonus that will be
Offered in the popularity contest
until it closes next-week has been
announced by the committee to
That cotton can be grown in
Georgia In spite Of the boll weevil
where a calcium arsenate dusting .
method Is used Is'.hown by the re- * *&*?"** the , box * 8 are
last - visited Saturday morning.
The bonus this time is two for
one, thabds for"every vote the com
mittee will award two votes. This
Madison County Officers
Play Stellar Role in Cor-
raling Bandit-Prisoners
From Federal Prison.
W. K Butler, Colbert
Policeman Holds Con
victs At Bay While Help
Arrives From Hull.
battle ofbullets lasting
ced by the State College M Agrl-
ell’ . Known Business . culture.
Jan Injured When Auto
Ills, Street Car on. Mil-
A summary of the reports of
county demonstration agents In
Georgia for 1922 shows that de
monstrations were ■ conducted on
one hundred and- sixty four (arms
L with a total acreage of 8.07 acres.
W. p.* Dberlmrt, ('manager of the The farms w*re located alt over
ISS Sporting Good* Company IleA the State and every important type
St. Mary'*, hospital with a broken Of soil included, and the climate
' ,1 ~ .I-,, ■. „« a .... I conditions encountered were quite
t and badly Starred face a* a re-
man wished to keep hia where
abouts' secret
Mr. Pecorla also declined to dis
cuss a report current at criminal
courts that Mr- Stotesbury was |.-ie
paring to offer a substantial re
ward for the appiehenslon of tbe
nr-del's slayer. .
Mr Stotesbury, according to in
formation aaid to have bosa re
ceived from Philadelphia. w*s pre
paring, to come to New York to
discuss the case with Mr. Pecora.
He brd been lnbonatant wire com-
the district attor-
was said, since
Identity as “Marshall”
had been made publip.
The name ot the man who made
out Mlllcdse. According to G. G.
Thomson, moturman on the cur. it
had just crossed Meigs, Street
when he saw the uutomi
which Mr. Eberhart was riding. The
litotoiman started ringing his gong
and when tho autcmobllo did not
get off the ear track he stoptred
the car. The collision happened In
front of St .Mary's hosptnt. Sir.
Eberhurt was taken from the
wrecked automoble by the' motor-
niaq and-Henry'. Fullliovc. I-
The .front efld of the uutomoblle!
demands on Daugherty, Mr. Pecora it- roadster. • was demolished. The
said, had hnnn fnmlshod him end of the street car was also
said,, had been furnished him. btit 1 *'''^". ^ c ?. r ' v “ uusx of,
he declined to reveal bis' ldenlty con . 8r * Wy damaged the report- APPL1CAT
‘ " of Mr. 'rhnnrnsrtn In the Athena
or bis connection, If any, with the
present Investigation.
He reiterated his belleHthat 1
Work Starts Next Week.
Enumerator- For E&ch
Of Five Wards. Parents
Asked to Aid.
Work on the first school censtis
fur Athens lit five year will begin
ntxt week. It was decided Tuesday
by the Board of Education.
Fire enumerators will work on
the census taking First Ward, HI
*■ Price; .second Ward. liev. J. A.
fell; Third Ward, Boy Bowden:
Fourth Ward;..George Crane and
Fifth Ward; Ira Dunaway.
The state school appropriation to
tl>» Athens city schhols for the next
lire yearH will be based on the
number of school children In the
dty. It Is stated..
■ “ is to be the best Interest of the
dty school that every child of
•cbool age be included In the cen-
,■* as missing one cbUd will 4®-
W»e the city versl dollars
™ for annually.,for the next tive
yrars. if residents leave their
any time next week or while
I census Is pelng taken they are
"quested (O leave a list ot the
turner u( children between the o
of t “id Ilf, aojthe enumerator •
h(» record therefrom.
High school'
crowded, r
Athens is dependent to a very large
measure on the prosperity of-the
farming territory surrounding
and the subject of assistance
the farmers 1* the principal plank
In the program* of work of the
Chamber which was presented
the Board of'Directors yesterday
at their first meeting. •
The meeting will begin promptly
at 8 o'clock and will be snappy and
A brief talk will be given by
Meigs B. Russell, field secretary of
the American City Bureau on how
the Chamber of Commerce will op-
The new progroip of work which
has resulted from the suggestions of
the members will be presented to
the members and other, feature* of
Interest will be taken up aside from
the organisation of the Forum
which will be the muin buslnese
of the evening. * *
There will be a good old fash
ioned sing by the membere to get
started and signalize their enthu
siasm for Athens .and Other fea
tures which will make the evening
one long to be remembered 1 .
.with them and warns, those who
persist in throwing paper bags and
other trash on the street*.
Meanwhile’ the school children
and Boy Scout* are aljer the
prizes offered in the campaign
which will be awarded when th^
campaign closes April 1. Mayor
Thomas urges ^citizens not to let
up on the cleanipg-up when tbe
campaign ends, however.
The weather is clear now and
those who want' to do spring clean
ing will find it just right for that
In addition to beautifyng the
■city citizens may prevent a yellow
fever epidemic by destroing cans
and cisterns filled with stagnant
water where the yellow fever mos
quito breeds.
Mayor Thomas is offering a wet
of' Charles Dickens novels to the
school whose district is cleaned
the best and the Kiwanic club is
ioffering an international Web-
'stera dictionary to the colored
school on the same condithn.
Priests ' Are Sen-
Hep rts by the. visiting commit-
?*" " r ihe Board Tuesday ahowed
uut ihe East and Weat Athena col-
>> r «l Schools are .badly In need of
teipr-ivemeijis and that tho City
"l!h« School Is crowded, handicap-
WhK the work ot the teachers, U.
O. Michael, reporting .on a visit tq
H ‘sh School declared It Is
“°*'ded but despite the Inconvenl-
*»<■■-» under which the teachers and
wplls labor “it Is the best lllKh
School anywhere.'* - ' •
Petitions from the Paront-Tcach-
«r« I'ouncll aod Grammar School
arliers urging Impr.ivcmenis were
...n><! to a commit tec* (or r<»n-
The P* Tx
itenced ; to 10 Years and
Eight to. 3 Years’ Im^,
In addition to thia Mrs. Lamar
C- Rucker offera (2M in cash to
colored school- children who do the
best work in the clean up drive.
The Boy Scout prises are, one
dozen Palace theatre tickets given
by Manager E. G- Gidley, a Scout
knife given by Athens Hardware
Keenan had be*n->ala]n by • person
or persons involved In thq plot id
blackmail Mitchell. The robbery
motive, however,, he said, bad not
been entirely discarded.
Tbe police, It wad said, had
turned - thqir efforts to trace a
nagro who worked a short time at
the apartment house and had left
the day after the murder. Two de
tectives were sent to New Bruns
wick, N. J., i nthe search.
Attracted by newapaper stories,
quoting Daugherty as saying that
he had visited the model in her
apartment and once had given her
a check. Assistant District Attor
ney Pecora and Police Inspector
Coughlin both evinced a strong de-
alre to question the young clubman.
By examination of him they hoped
to get additional facta to link
with those suppUed by John Kear-
aley ■Mitchell, of Philadelphia, son-
in*law of E. T. Stottabnry. and re-
puted to be an elderly admirer ot
the slain girl, in an effort to de
velop the official theory tbitt black
mailers had'sought' to - use the
Broadway butterfly to bait their
Daugherty was not available at
his club here, and from Atlantic
City, where he was reported to
have gone, came word that he was
■tot registered at cay hotel there.
Late this . afternoon, however.
Mr. Pecora received word that
Daugherty, was In this city and the
rosecutor announced that be w «nld
remain In-.hit office this evening
tnt.he.hope, that the new witness
\*Ou:d. present hi msclf. '
of Mh Thompson to the’ Athens
Railway A Electric company states.
Many Anarchists
Are Captured in
Recent Readings
Police Arrest More Than
Two Hundred Anardhists
reveal where he addressed the let- leg' am. oaoiy somreu race »» » VAr1abIe About tw3nty varieties
ter to Daugherty, saying he had ,Mdt of his automobile colliding with o{ were uge( i on t h e difter-
been given tof understand the young a; street car at 10:30 o'clock Tues- _ en t farms, but Cleveland Big Boll
day night cn Milledge avenue.' ahd College No. 1 tiem to have
Wednemlpy hospital .attendants b«»n the most popular.
Mr. Eberhart was going toward two-row. one-horse duaters, and
Hill Otreet and the car was going three-row, two. horse traction dus-
‘ ters.
The majority reported gains of {
seventy-five percent over the areas,
not dusted, and only five showed |
galqi of less than fifty percene. |
Only three farms showed no gain|
and oh. these, rainfall seriously,
Interfered with the proper applies-1
lion ot the poison. These results,,
covering such a wide range of con
ditions, show, that where calcium
arsenate Is applied! ini'the dust form
cotton cqn 'be- profitably raised in
all parts of Georgia. - . '
will stimulate action in the contest
and another lovely tilt between
the candidates is expected.
It is rumored that several of
the candidates not leading have
been active during the past sev
eral days and have a surprise in
store for the last days of the
No chgnge was recorded Wed
nesday in the standing, which is
as follows:
Lovie Jowers
Harriet Stephens .
Laura Hammond .,
Bessie Jackhon ....
Nellie Griffith ....
Mrs.* Davis
Mabel Parr ......
MoUie Whitehead ..
Mrs. P. N. ChUivis
Ncra Crymes
Elisabeth Harris .
Clara Belt Rutherford.. 1070
Mary Sims 1007
Earline Wilder 1091
Pauline Toney 1185
Martha McAlpin ...... 1185
. 217,135
. 85,310
. 69.885
. 4,062
.. 2315
.. 1823
.. 1489
.. 1183
eral minutes, between
Hull and Colbert on Hie S.
A. L. railroad, ended early
Wednesday morning in the
capture of two escaped con
victs from the Atlanta Fed
eral prison and perhaps fa
tal injury to one.
. Madison county officers
and citizens played, the stel
lar role in the capture of
the ,two prisoner-banditi,
who escaped from Atlana
penitentiary early Tuesday.
»io(r* •
The cost of applying the poison (
Including polsqn, labor and duster*.
averaged from six dollars to eight
dollars per acre. Most of these
demonstrations showed Increases
of well above one hundred, pounds
seed cotton per acre.
Lillian Edwards
Sarah .Hall .......
Erma i?ooth ......
Carrie Booth
Cathie Bee- ......
Nellie Christopher .
Fany. McDorman
■MrSi.W.D. Paschal .
Mrs. Clarence Stone
Nina Sue Carter ..
... 1026
... 1007
... 1007
... 1007
... 1103
.... -1006
.... 1011
... 1005
... 1004
In Bulgaria. Sixty-Five,follows;
In Sofia. ' L**JS
The recommendaUons as to ihe
use of calcium arsenate as carried
out on.these demonstrations are as
White Man Fined
Gerald Chatmanj one of the pris
oners, Is at St. Mary's hospital
with three bullet wounds which
were Inflicted by the sheriffs
posse 'before the capture. Frank
Gray,-the other man is confined in
the Clarke county jail. He escaped
injury. -
Pursued by federal prison at
taches, who trailed them from At
lanta toward Athens Tuesday night,
the prisoners were put off a S.. A.
L. freight train Wednesday morning
between Hull and Colbert and con-
tlbuTd on toward the latter place.
T^ey were reported to W. P. But
ler. policeman at Colbert by the
freight conductor and the former
hurried to the place where the con
ductor said ho put them, off the
train. They were Heen walking on
the railroad track and- commanded
to halt.
, Refusing to obey the order of tho
policeman the convicts ran toward
[ a clump of woods near the highway.
. firing a volley of bullets as they
Iran . The fire was returned by
Policeman Biitler who in the mean
time was ro-enforced by 1 some peo-
Eni* T nitamnn plt from Colbert and'Hull.
» Or luOliennglRowe. Tom Drake, Erwin Kirke.
Use only pure calcium arson'
{ ate In the dust form.
2. Purchase to conform to the
SOFIA—More than two hundred')J° ,,ow,n S »Pemnc«Uonii: Not lesi
alleged anarchists have been, arrest-1 U*an forty^ Bercenti total araenic
ed throughout Bulgaria In- raid*, pentoxld. Not more than 0.75 per
conducted tiy police .during the post cent water soluble araenic, density
few days. | of not less than eighty or more
The police ofttclats have known than- one hundred cubic! inches per
for some time that the anarchists, pound.
were holdng meetings in cut-of- 3. Apply poison when the air la
the-way-place* but until the, last ' calm and the plants are moist, this
several days .have been unable to j means, night or early morning ap-
locate them. 'plications.
One fflun was captured about a I 4. Use from five to seven
week ago. who had in his posses- j pounds per acre acldum arsenate
slon plans and schedules of several: for each application,
meetings which were to take plane 5. start poisoning as soon as
scattered over three^or four weeks. w cevlls begin to puncture squares
The police kept this Information 1 •-
q^let a fid sent out squads to sur
.company and'a Scout belt given manont FlphHrtW Pridti, upon Daniel Farmer, of the Grassy sufficient to clothe and house and
!by H. j" Reid Clothing company. r0St ^BS^ii2tlon‘ ’Ttf&ry county, on nourish the three of them, and
<py Associated Pre**.)
MOSCOW—Archibiahop Zepliak
ead of the Roman Catholic church
in Russia, and all the «i*teen
priests on trial with him charged
with oposing the »<*!«* govern
ment, were found guilty today.
Arehibishop Zepliak and Viscar-
General Butchkavitch were sen
tenced to death. The central execu-
tive committee ordered a stay or
execution of the death sentences]
Five priests were sentenced to
ten years imprisonment. ...
. .Eight, other
three year .sffltflmw. f -W'?o
were given, a l"*,UWW
totter including one ■
whose sentence was commut
Costas will give she soda checks
each to five school children who
dean np the grounds around their
own home the best.
The Sanitary carta will go any
where in the city upon call.
Seven Fined For
Traffic Violations
Seven auto drivers were fined
in Recorder’s court Tuesday morn
ing after being tried and found
guilty of operating cars with ginr-
tait lights.
itfcktfjWg JlgHfe
htSf. 1
Directors Re-Name Offi
cers Temporarily. Per-
round tbe meeting places as the
meetings were starting. The or.
rests made at these early meetings
were kept secret and the anarch-
lsts did not kn-w that many of
their comrades hu tail ready been
(Turn to page eight)
Henry Hlx, a white man, 'was
lined 120.75 or sentenced to forty
days imprisonment in the city
stockade Tuesday after being found
guilty of loafing. Grogan Smith,
negro, waa also given a similar sen
tone*, fbr the same effenae.'
John Royal, white, forefelted
bond ot 120.75. The case against
him was'drunkenness and disorder
ly conduct at the ball park Mon
day. 1
After battling for several min
utes Policeman Butler ran out of
cartridges and some of the men
with h|m went back for more help.
In the meantime Sheriff W. H.
Hall ot Madlsori county with Coun-
ty Policeman E. L. McCannon.
came dp and Joined In the fight.
At this time Chapman who was
crawling through a cotton patoh.
raised up to fire' but was shot doom,
three ' bullets entering the body,
(Turn To Page Eight)
LONDON.—England today Is sup-
porting fewer poor persons and few-
er prisoner* then at any time nine*,
INI. Thirteen yearn ago' there were
111 Indigent peraonn to each. 10,000
of population living nt the expense
of the state, compared to 70 today.
> In lilt the Inmates ot prisons and
reformatOrlM averaged 11.0 pet 1 10.000
population an against 3.3 at the pres
ent time.
Two Babies Offered For Adoption!
By Young Mother in Dire Distress
Col. Gaptt Finds People
Happy and Business
Good in Adjoining Coun
ty. Recalls Old Times.
i Above ia the copy of an adver-
j tizement thnt appears in the “want
1 column” of today’s Banncr-Her-
VI„„ tj„ j XT- * . a 1 Bid. Imagine the heart-ache and
Ilian Had No rart in Am- j the mental anguish that this young
bussing Man Near Co- mother—scarcely a woman-
liimhin Snvq Qhnto f!nn- perie h c * d j? making up her
lumoia, says ouaie Mm (0 take. thia . course, to advc
(By Associated Prcki.)
COLUMBIA'.—.Eight white men.
one of. them a pfecher, have been
chatged with'Hiring, from ambush
WANTED^-By widow, eighteen years old, home
for her two fatherless children, girl four months old,
and boy two and a half years old, both healthy, at
tractive children. Mother, unable to'support them,
is willing that'they be J adopted and reared in a good
home. Phone 18^0-J.
remain away from work a day or
two on account of the failure of
the colored nurse to report to care
for them while the mother was
at work. She can’t leave her ba
bies and go out to work, and she
can’t hold a job when there is no
one to care for them, nnd the three
of them are dependent upon her
albor for a livelihood. So, 'there
is nothing for her to do but part
with them ” ‘
, — advertise
her babies or adoption in drder
that they might live the-normal
life of children in good circum
stances nnd develop into usefu.
citizens. ' >
For her small earnings are not
- Directors of the chamber of Com
merce Tuesday temporarily re
elected tbe officers of that or
ganization who resigned when the
Greater Chamber of Commerce
campaign began a few week* ago
lit order that aU new members
would have an opportunity to vote
for the 1923 officers.
Five members o fthe Board of
Director! were absent from the
meeting Tuesday and permanent
election of officers was postponed
on that account
The 1923 officers are Hugh W.
White, president,' Frank A. 1 Holden
«rat> and - Harold- Hulme. vice, president
and E. W\ Carroll, secretary.
December 7.
Tbe arrests were made following
an investigation by state consta
ble, who made his report to the
Two of the men confessed to the
officers, it was stated, implicating
The shooting occurred following
tbe receipt of a letter from Duncan,
which, was signed K. K. K.
Duqcan is a married man and
the letter ordered him to leave the
county at once.
The atate constable after a
thorough investigation bv himself
and after hearing the confession of
rather thuh see her babies suffer,
she is willing to part with them,
wiling to aaerifiee the ineffable
joy and happiness of daily and
nightly association with the pre
cious ones—that joy and happiness
that is the mother’s compensa
tion for the physical torture and
mental suffering {hat. she en
dure;: in order that her little ones
may be born—if such sacrifice will
insure for them those creature
contorts which she is unable to
“She wants to keep her babies,"
said s friend who placed the ad-
in the paper, "and is willing to
When the section of. concrete
road , is built to the Oconee county
line, one of the best stretches of
highway in Georgia will be from
Athens to Watkinsville. Oconee
built a good road to the Morgan
and Greene county lines, and which
the state proposed to keep up by
running over these roads after
every shower, the money is said
to have given Out and the roads
are again getting cut up. Better
give that motor car tax to the dif
ferent counties and they can make
better use of It. There is wide
spread complaint everywhere about
the states management of public
highways. This section is getting
very little benefit from the motor
car tax.
It is proposed to move the
Princeton bridge further down the
will en-
river, so that the highway wii
But, isn’t there something that Circle the hills and put the road
can be done? Isn’t there some nn much better ground. But owing
agency that will assume the caro to the cost of the change, nothing
of these two babies until surh,timq 'has been done. This would be
as the mother gels into position
as mumur kcis iulu jiusiviun
to have them with her again? In
her extremity, she is willing to
relinquish all claim to them, but
fortune may smile upon her -and
the time come when she is able to
suppotr them. But if they arc
odapted by someone, the mother’s
claim will end, though she may
desire them more than anything
else in the world-
Tt would be an act of kindness.
if someone should . adopt ‘'these
babies, thus relieving the mother’s
present dire distress; but a great
er service would be performed, if
it were possible to provide means
for their cate either ftT a private
htond or some institution; without
abfi already fjg^'^ccoijpdr'.^^hWfreijtflriiiff'the mother'to givethem
then (it was necessary for her to up irrevocably
money well spent and a broad and
concrete bridge should span the
stream. The old wooden bridge now
in use is too narrow for two ve.
hicleq to pass. This is one of the
most important highways that on-
iters Athens as travel from Oconee,
Greene, Morgan and a pert of
Walton must use it. and it is the
link of a great national highway to-
Florida- The tax money used for
good roads and schools is about
the only pait of their funds for
which the public receives direet
end visible benefit. Oconee has
certainly lone its full .-hare in
building the highway to Watkins-
We stopn
kinsvilio as
. (Turn to psge seven)
opned a short time at Wtt-
■ aaa meet friends and talk