Newspaper Page Text
,£ll!l°*V> 1 MARCH 39. im
ted Oman equal footing with mfn.berby being only three vote* abort
to all government pdatA including of the necessary majority. It la
the consular and diplomatic ser- considered likely that It will pass
Vice, but excluding the army and at this session. .
navy, and certain other positions, /Sweden was one of the first fha-
such ns those of officials in prla- tlons in the world to, allow wotnen
ons or In asylums for inebriates. It in ts national law-making body,
BlfC provides that women may. be and'her feminists can now boast of
ordained ministers of the church four'women in-the Second diam
ond ay be Installed as such in any her and one woman In the First
congregation where.there is at least Chamber of the Riksdag,
on man serving as postoiy ^One ■ • —-—
nr,ember of 6the committee which MANILA A FREE PORT!
liring their proposed legislation
to or to the verge of a vote,
capital will be frightened indoors
and an unnatural and unwarranted
depression will ensue.”
Watson gave every indication
that the President and his leaders
in the Senate would oppose Dem
ocrats and radical Republicans in
an effort to revise, even partial
ly, the existing scheme of taxation.
Sweden to Consider
Women’s State Jobs
Stockholm,—The iatut step
In the achievement of political
equality between women/ and men
In Sweden is the renewed submis
sion of a bill to the Riksdag pro
viding that women shall be a'dmit-
the program into effect will force
the president" and the ‘reactionary’
wing of Jiis party to line up with
“big business” and thus emphn-
kize a situation and conditoin
which will become a leading cam
paign issue.
. The Republcans are aware of.
changing' conditions. ■ . ' .
2- Modifictaion of the tariff apt
so as to prevent recurrence of the
present “steal" respecting sugar.
posed Of the secreta'ry.of comm.
and communications
of public wofks. 'T
or of customs. W SMS
b * rame l^ewvernor g^
b«tds foUowing some Hie*lace°j
thh spiring? attentively u
n #~ butterfly embroidered
many colors, leer 1 - J -
below the botem
only trimming 0 >
| blue satin with
I duperies.
3. Restoration pf texcess profit
taxation. •
4. Increasing of surtax on ex
cessive incomes to 86 per cent.
5. The imposition of,a heavy
inheritance tax.
. inc nepuoicans , are . aware oj.
the purpose of the Democrats. Sen
ator James E. Watsdn, of Indiana
returning-from Florida, where he
consulted with the president, had
this to say:
“Business conditons will have
I greatest effect on the fortunes of
the parties in .1924. -If prosperity
prevails, the president will of
course be. reelected. If times are
hard on the other hand, anything
might happen.
. “If the Democrats and radical:
The above program, Democratic
statesmen and strategists still inii
Washington, insist, would releyc '
the poor of his excessive burden I
of taxation, and put' Hie cost of :
Government on the shoulders of 1
the rich. They do not deny, at the i
same time, that the'effort to'put ■
» track of rovi
elaborate sN
Should not be turned for 24'nours.
' After flrst 24 hours, turn twice
dally, morning and night until eggs
start to pip. Fill lamps each P. M.
after eggs have been turned. Be
sura hands “re clean before turn
ing eggs.' Clean wick each day by
scraping with match,or nail. In
exceptionally hot weather, eggs
may be cooled at night. Cool until
but gas Is not often available on
.the farm. Electric incubators are
easily operated but steady power
is not always certain.
The hot water machine will hold
the temperature longer ip case the
light should go out. The hot air
machine has no water pipes to rust
or leak. Both heating systems
»re giving excellent) results St the
College and the selection of either
will be according to the desire of
the individual purchaser. It has
been noted howsvar, that students
usually find the hot water machines
a little easier to regulate. *
Select a well made, durable look
ing Incubator which Is double wall
ed. Do nfit purchase cheap ma
chines because it Is cheap for
they will /bo found most expensive
in the end. A well made'incubator
will last several seasons and with
fhlr hatches a machine will soon
pay for Itself. It Is not advisable
to purchase the smallest machine
for it requires as much care as the
large ones. From 100 to 200 egg
size Is the best slss for ffie aver
age .farm.
care of „r: ~jsi£ r ,
the small end feels the same tem
perature as the eyeball. Becaiise
of the difference between night and
day temperature In Georgia, the [
Ismn ohftltM ha tlipnnrl ism nf talaris#
We cannot tell you any plainer than this that this store plays on favorites.
The wage earner is just as welcome to runa charge account with us as the
man with the bank roll. There is no reason why you should always think
you must pay cash in advance while others pay ’as convenient
A. room not too dark, containing
plenty of fresh air and yet free
from drafts will make the most
suitable incubator room. A well
ventilated' cellar makes the best
room. Where room with a board
floor Is used, care should be taken
to place machine over sills where
floor will not shake as much. The
machine should be leveled before
being operated. This may be done
by use of splritlevel or with a
pan of water. (Mark a shallow
Every style that is new, we have—
Every fabric that is popular we buy
—Every color that hits the public
fancy we include—Whatever is new
and desirable, we introduce—Noth
ing wprth while ever gets by us—
and anything in the store is
yours oa a '
The temperature will rise at
hatching time. This is generally
a sign of a large hatch and regu
lator should not be adjusted unless
temperature, runs over 106. Lamp
should be . turned down somewhat!
Iby placing pail of water beneath
Incubator or lamp; by sprinkling
eggs with warm water or by sprlnk
ling floor of machine- with warm
Safe instant
relief from
Inheritance and Undivid
ed Surplus Wotild Be
For Women—Dre«es, Costs.
Capes, Souses,. Skirts, Sweaters, Hats.
Eveiything that is new am) at lower
than average” prices.
Levied on. Changes in
R. R. Laws Necessary.
WASHINGTON.—The legisla
tive program to be attempted at
another session of Congress by
the Democrats, who will have the
support of the radical Republi
cans will continue these features,
it is definitely learned today:
ildlr in As Idorotorbt of The SthoU
tift- Ob., mshers of Dr. Scholl's Foot
Comfort Jpplientts, Arch Supports, tit.
Put one on-the pain is gone f
2. Modification of the Each:
Cummins railroad act to meet
Wage - earner or
Banker— It’s all the
same to us—we have no
favorites, one is just as wel
come to open a charge
account with us as the other
and your Easter suit is here'
waiting for you on your
own terms of payment. .
By Condo
this live store to
be of service —
in style, in fit, in
quality, in price,
and in giving
such a generous
charge account
privilege that
you may have
what you
want, when
you want it
on ygjur own
new model is shown
oni Fifth Ave., we
show it at the same
time. If an original
fabric or design strikes
the' popular fancy,
.you’ll see it in our
windows. Every fash
ion change is recorded
in our window dis
play quickly. We
are “first with the new
est”. O u r Easter
stock proves it and
anything in this beau
tiful Easter assortment
is yourfonyour own
<3-0 l\
tv HAT •blth j
For Afen—SUITS: Norfolk, Two
button, Sport, Conservative, Blue, Brown,
Gray, Stripes, Mixtures—Anything you
ran possibly desire at prices that cannot
be beaten.
“Something New Every Weak”
195 Clayton' Street—Phone 1366