Newspaper Page Text
M - | | .» . * land It tally described to a plat of the
AdvertBHMBlS^^.*££ SST^Jt
' “—'Pta* it r*eorded In doed book-O. O.,
|M«M SM and 605, at the deed record*
d Baldwin County, Georgia, record-
•d Hay H, IMS. Bald land la part of
tha aetata of William McKinley, da
Tha anna to bo told by the under'
Bfcned aa the property of Mra Mary
McKinley Cobb, la pursuance of
power of aala conUlnad 1 na aacurl
ty dead from the aald Mre. Mary Me
Klnlay Cobb to Mlaa Lucy C. Flam
Inc. dated February 10. 1914,' and
recorded In dead book "OO," folios
1ST and SSS. In tha office of tha dark
of tha Superior Court of Baldwin
county, Georgia. Tha aald Mrs. Cobb
having made default with respect to
tha payment of tha Indebtedness se
cured by aal
tor tha pui
This 9th day of March. 1929.
Attorney In fact for Mrs. Mary Mc
Kinley Cobb.
Mar. 9-18-S3-S0..
To Resign as Executor of tha Es
tate of R- L. Moca
Clarke County
April Term. 1923
Clarke Connty:
John D. Moss, one of the exe
cutors Upon tne Estate of R. L.
Moss, Sr., deceased, lets of laid
County, having filed his petition
■ to be allowed to resign his trust
this is to serve notice upon and
to cite and direct W. L. Moss, peti
tioner’s co-executor, and the next
of kin of the said testator, to-wit:
said W. L. Moss, R. L. Moss, Miss
.Sarah H. Moss, and Mrs. Martha
S. Moss Bondurant, all of Athena,
Georgia; and the divisees, legatees
’ and distributees under the will of
raid testator, to-wit; all of lai-i
named next of kin and also the
following: the children and grand
children of the said John D. Mots,
to-wit: John Hill Moss, and his
infant daughter, Nancy, Putnam,
Connecticut; R. L. Moss, III, and
and his infant son, John D. Moss,
II, Athens, Georgia; Mrs. Mary V.
Moss Firor, and her infant daugh
ter, Anne Byrd Firor, Montezuma,
Georgia; Mr*. Judith Elizabeth
Moss Harlow, and her Infan.
daughter, Judith Mary Harlow, of
36 Manning Street, Needham, Mas
sachusetts; and William Byrd
Moas, Athens, Georgia; the chil
dren of the skid R. L. Mom, to-
wit: Elizabeth Lnckie Moss, of At
lanta, peorgik; Thomas Strong
Moss, of Athens, Georgia; R. L.
Moss, Jr.,' Athens, Georgia, aiyl
Susan H<*a. Athens, Georgia; and
the hnzband E. J. Bondurant, and
the children of the said Mrs.
Martha 8. Moas Bondurant, to-wit •
Elisabeth Bondurant: Mary Bon
durant; Join. Bondurant; Birdie
Bondurant, all of Athena, Georgia,
to appear and show canse before
the Court of. ordinary for said
County on the first Monday in
April, 1923, why an order allow-
dd resignation should not be
Itioner discharged
•. Let the usual
upon the above
named parties who reside within
the State and let thoae residing
without the State be served by
publishbig this citation and order
in the paper In which Sheriffs ad-
vertisements are printed once a
week for two months.
This the first day of February,
R. C. ORR,
Ordinary, Clarks County, Geor
Feb. 16-23
Mch. 2-9-16-23-30.
aald deed, this aale la made
urpoee of satisfying said In-
GEOROIA—Clarke County:
To Whom It may conearn:
Notice la hereby given that Hugh
W. White aa administrator of the es
tate of Isaiah Clements, deceased,
having applied to me by petition for
leave to Ml tho real estate of aal.l
Isaiah Clements, deceased: and that
an order was made there on at the
March term, 19SS, for citation, and
that citation Issue. All the heirs at
law and credjtora of the aald laniali
Clemente deeeased, will take notice
that I will pans upon oald application
at tho April term. 1929. ot the court
of Ordinary of Clarke County, Geor
gia: and that unions cause la shown
to tha contrary at said time. «ald
leave will he granted to sell all of
the real estate and Interests In real
ssuts of the deceased.
Tbls March 9th, 1999.
R. C. ORR.
Mar. 9-1S-9S-90.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
H. A. Bavin has applied to tho urn
derslgnod for letters of Admlnlatra- bonis NON. with the Will an-
staged on tho estate of P c l- Unvis,
lata of said County dec'd—'This Is to
notify all parties concerned, to rn< tv
cause, If any they can bit no me on
tha flnt MONDAY In April next, why
tho application of‘said H. A. Davla
should not bo granted—
Witness my official hand and sig
This March 7th. 1IS9.
R. C. ORB,
Ordinary, Clarke County.
Mar. 1-^1-39-90.
OEOROIA-eClarko Countyi
Ta all whom It may concern:
C. a. Talmadgo and J. E. Tai
ntedgo, Jr., of aald Stats and Coun
ty, having f n proper form applied for
permanent letters of administration
on tho e*tata of Mrs. Lucy Wells
Talmadgo, lata of said county, da
ceased, thin Is to clu all and slngu-
lar tho creditors and next of kin of
tho oald Mrs. Lucy Wells Talmadgo,
decease^, to bo and appear at tha
Court of Ordinary of said County on
tho first Monday In April. 1*33. at
I* o’clock, A. M.. and show cause. If
any they have or ran, why perman
ent letters of. administration abould
not bo granted to the said. C. G. Tab
madge and J. E. Talmadgo, Jr., on
said estate.
Witness my official band and seed,
this tha Eth day of March. 1333.
R. C. ORB,
Clarke County, Georgia-
Star. 3-14-33-30.
OIORGIA-Cisriu Countyi
T« All Whom It May Conearn:
It J. Rowe haring In proper form
applied to mo for Permanent letters
of Administration on tho estate of
a P. Rows, late of pit County, this
Is to cite all and singular tha crodl
ton and next of kin of a P. Bows ts
.bo and appear at my bfflra within
tha tty* allowed by law, and show
rains. If any they can. why. per
manent administration should not bo
granted to H. J, Rows on 8. P
Rowe’s Mats.
Witness my hand and official stg
nature, this Ith day of March. 1333.
\ a a oRa
\ Ordinary.
Mar. 9*13-33-33.*
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
WH bo sold on the first Tuesday In
April 1S33 between the legal bourn o.’
**ia before, the Court Hoate doer In
said county to the highest bidder for
cash twenty-four volumes of New in
ternational Encyclopedia, and one lot
miscellaneous books levied on as the
property of R. W. Ramlres to satisfy
an attachment Issued from Clip’ Court
of Athens In favor of Dodd Men! A
Co., against R. W. Ramlres.
This March -9. 1933.
Sheriff. Clarks County, On.
Mar. 9-13-33-30.
Vary L. Wilkins against Bsrssty Nor-
llett .and W. D. Norflett.
The debt upon which said
tloo levied upon tha above described
property Is haasd was ateurad by a
security deed, and In order for tho
Sheriff of said county to lory and
cell the property under aald execu
tlon, quit-claim deed for levy and
Me has been executed and recorded
to the aald Sweety Norflett as
qufrad by law.
Written notice to tenant In t
eeealon has been given as required
by law.
This 9th day of March. 1*33.
Sheriff Clarke County. Georgia
Mar. 3-13-33-3*.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Wilt be sold before the’ Court
House door In aald County, on the
first Tuesday In April, 1933. within
the legal hours of eale, to tha high
est and beat bidder for cash, the fob
lowing described land, to-wit:
That lot or parcel of land lying
and being In the raid State
county (Clarke County, beorgla) and
within the new limits of the City of
Athene, fronting two hundred and
twenty feet on Broad Street near tha
Weetern limits or aald City, contain
ing two and seventeen one hundredths
acres, (3.17) more or leas, according
survey and plat made of tha
same by B. H. Barrow, surveyor. In
May, 1*31; tha sajd land being that
tract or parcel ef land conveyed 1 to
the said Carlisle Cobb by Gabrielis
Brown by dead of date May 3rd,
1931, and recorded In Deed Book 33,
page 593, In the office of the Clerk
of the Superior .Court of Mid county.
Said land levied on an the property
of Carlisle Cobb to satisfy an ex*
cutlon Issued from tty city Court
of Athens, raid Stale and County, oa
the 2C day of February. 1*33, In favor
of The Georgia National Bank
Athens against Carlisle Cobb and D.
W. Bailey. Written notice of levy
given defendant In fl fa. and tenant
In possession. Deed for the purpose
of levy and rale filed and recorded ta
office of Clerk Superior Court of said
County before levy made.
Thin the 3th day of March, 1931 ,
Sheriff, Clarke County. On.
Mar. 3-11-33-30.
i tho highest bidder for cask
fcUtwIcc described property, to-wli
certain tract of land in Sandy
Creek District Clarke. County, 'is.
id on the North. Bast and
Sc nth by lands of Jessie Callaway,
on tbs West by lands of MUas Sheri
dan formerly, now Mallory and con
tains five acres aa win more fuUy
appear by reference to n pint of the
of same made by Ben). H
, Feb. 1*13, attached to deed
from Jessie Conaway to Milas ghsr-
Ltan, dated February 9th, lilt, and
recorded In Deed Book it, pegs S7r.
Office Clerk of Superior Court, Clarke
.County Georgia, said plat recorded
on page *13 rams book and office.
Said pfoperty levied upon as the
property of Milas Sheridan estate, to
satisfy a Justice Court fl (a leaped
from the Justice Court of the tilth
district In favor of C. S. Haynes
against Homer Stevens as executor
of Milas Sheridan .
Legal notice given, levy made by
C. C. Strickland. L. C. and turned
over to me for the purpose of sale.
This Stb day of March. 1*33.
Mer. •-1S-33-30.
an Injunction should not
OEOROIA—Clarks countyi
There will be sold ' on the flnt
Tuesday In April 1333, before the
Court House door In the raid stater
and county, during 3hp legal hours
rale to tho highest bidder for cash tha
following described property, to-urlt:
One buffet, 1' China Cabinet,
Dining Table, I Pedestal, 1 Settee,
Healer. 1 K Cabinet. 1 Refrigerator,
1 K. Table. 3 Rocking Chain.
Straight Chain, 4 Curtains,
OSORQIA—Clerks County:
Thera will be sold before the court
house door In said County on the
ftyt Tuesday In April 1*33. within
the legal hours of salo. to tho high
est bidder for cash
All that tract of land, situate, lying
and being In Puryear's Militia Dis
trict, County of Clarke, State
Oeorgia, containing some 3S.1S acres
and lying on tho North side of tho
Athene and Lexington public road,
some eight miles from the City of
Athene: raid tract beginning at North
west corner of tho bridge on oald
road over tha South prong of Big
Creek, and running along road North
59 degrees 30 minutes West LI <4 feet
to a rock: thence North 47 degrees
East 1.14* foot to an iron pin on the
old Athena and Lexington rood;
thence mlong this road North 43 de
gress Wait 1,383 feet to the center of
bridge on old road and over a email
branch; thence in a straight line
South *3 1-3 degrees West 19.30
chains to tho beginning corner at the
bridge, and being the same tract of
land purchased by U. H. Davenport
and Mary C. Davenport from Crane
and Johnson, deed to which la record
ed In the Clerk's Office of the Super
ior Court of raid County, In Deed
Book 33. Pars 334.
This land, has been levied on and
... U V;. , k . v- n
This Mb day of March, ittt.
Cleric Superior Court’ Ciarite County.
Mar. 14-33-30—Apr. 3.
GEORGIA—Clarke Countyi
Ih tho Superior Court of Clarke
County. April Term. 1033.
To Ellhu 8. McLean. Jr.:
By order of the Superior Court of
Clarke County .Georgia, you are re
quired to bo and appear arthe next
term uf said Court, to H Mid In and
for aald county on tho second Mon
day In April. 1323 then and thorn to
answer petitioner's libel for divorce,
slid In default thereof tho court will
proceed as to Justice shall opertaln.
WITNESS the Honorable Blanton
Fortran, Judge of said Court .this
the iStls day of February. 1*33 .
Fab. 10-23-Mar. 23-30.
6KOR01A—Clarke County:*
No. 4*71 April Term. Iff* Offtl*#
Superior Court, Libel for Divorce
To Jume* Arthur Strickland, Greet
Dy order of the Court, you are
hereby required personally or by at
torney. to be.nnd appear at the Hu
perior Court • of Clarke County, t«
be - held in and for said County, on
tbe second Monday In April next;
to answer Plaintiff** complaint, an,
in defalt thereof, .the Court .will pro
ceed an to juntlce nhmll appertain.
^ViTNSSS the flniyjrable Blanton
Pmaoti .Judge of Hilld Court,* this
15th day of February 1923.
13. 3. CRAWFORD,
Feb. Jfi.f3-Moh.23-30.
OEOROIA—Ctance Courtly:
Will be sold before the court houae
door In aald county on the flrat Tuea- * . _ ..
day in Anvil. 19*3. between tho logs, * Cl"** xJfttoEL , £°,'
hours of aala at public oetcry to th* nMr ' 1 *^*5**'. ‘JfML
highest bidder for rash, tne following
described property ,to-w!t:
1—A certain tract of land located
hi ‘Clarke Csupnly, Oeorgia, abort
one and one-half miles north of Ath
ens on the Newton’s Bridge road. "“TV" “ T °L" "
containing alghty-elght (33) acres. ■ •s""** “■ *- BMuee.
Small Tables, 1 Wash
Said pro party levied upon as tbe
property of tha defendant P.
Rhone# to satisfy a distress warrant
Issued In favor of Wallace Bell and m r 3.13.33-30.
will be sold as tha property of E. O,
Tribble, to satisfy an axseutlon Is
sued on the 3th day of ‘March, 1333.
from the City Court of Athens of Md
County, In Ifcvor of U. H. Davenport
and Mary C. Davenport against E.
. Tribble.
Deed for purpose of levy end sale
was first filed apd recorded, and no
tice of thin levy Is being given to de
fendant In fl fa., raid B. O. Tribble,
and the tenant in poaeoratyt:
This ttta day of March, 1*3*.
’ Jm. E. JACr"
OEORGIA—Clarke County:
Ni>. 4-s; A Pill Term. 1933 Clarke Su
perior Court. Libel fur Divorce
VS. •
To I.nun, Taylor Byrd. Oreeunga:
Hy order of the.Cqurt, -you are
hereby required personally or l,y at
torney ,tu be and appear at the Hu-
perior court of Clarke County ta be
neld In tu|d far said' county. . •: the
second Monday In April next 11 an*-
wer I'lalutKr* Complaint, as la de
fault ' thereof tbe Court will prou md
re to Justice. shall appertain:
Witnkhv 'he Honors hi# RUntrn
Fortran. Judge of said Ccurt, Hus
10th dny of February 1*13.
Fab. It-tB-Ati- 23.9,, .
certify that the foregoing la a true
copy of tha original application of
Empire'State Chemical Company for
renewal of and amendment to Its
charter, ao ‘tbs rams appears of file
In my office.
NESS my official ha
teal, this tha Mad day of March,
Clark Suparior Court! Clarke County,
Meh 33-30 Apr 4-13
GEORGIA—Clark* County:
No. 4611 October Term, 1922,
Clnrka Superior Court Divorce
By ordor of the court,,you are
hereby required, personally or by
.attorney, to bo and appear at tho
Superior Court of Clarke County,
to do holdet) in and for said County
on th* second Monday in April next
then and there to answer . the
Plaintiff* complaint, ns, in de
fault thareof, the Court will pro
ceed aa to Justice shall appertain.
‘ Witness, tha Honorable Blanton
Fortson, Judge of said Court, this
9th day-of February, 1923.
a Clerk
Feby-lO-23-McH. 16-30.
Fortran Judge of aald CourJ this
of Febnit
. Clerk
GEORGIA—Clark* County:
To tha Defendant, J. W. Holmes:
The plaintiff, • B. M. Holme.:,
having' filed her. petition for di
vorce against J..W. Holmes in this
court, apd it bahur made to ap
pear that • W. Holmes ta not a
resident of- said- County, and docs
not rqside in the State of Geor
gia. and at. order .having been
made for service on him by publ:
2nd day ofFhbruay, 1923.
Feby-10-23—Mch. 16-80,
OSORQIA—Clark# Countyi
Will ba aold before tha Courthouse
door of tha County Courthouse of
Clarke County on Saturday, April 21.
lilt, at twelra o'clock, noon, fifteen
aharaa of tha capital atock of Myers
Distributing Company, represented
by certificate No. 11 for five aharee.
certificate No. 12 for five share*, and
certificate No. 71 for five aharee. all
laaued to H. I. Anderson, and pledged
by him to Farmera Bank of Bowman,
to eecure the payment of a note for
the principal turn of $722.50. beeidea
Intereat.\on which note, judgment
waa aubaequently rendered in the
City Court of Athena agalnat the aald
H. I. Anderaon In favor of tbe Na
tional Park Bank of New York, N. Y.,
to which bank, aald note and the
security pledged for the payment
thereof, had been transferred by the
Farmera Bank.
8ald atock will be sold In pursu
ance of Section 2530 of the Code of
Georgia of 1910 for the purpose of
applying the proceeds of Rale on xald
Thla March 17.. 1923.
Its Attorneys at Law.
Mch 30 Apr C-13-20. .
U. S. 1 FUl
Regional Convention Will
Be Held At Wilkes Coun
tv Capital April 5th-6th,i°f membership!
1924 • f Keen school competition ia.
WASHINOTOT—All tree pla
records ore to be smashed
year according to President I
L. Pack of the American Tree t
soclatlon. “
“Tree planting." says Pack,
taken on many new phases,
single trees to avenues and
est. The memorial Idea has gr
until now .mehiorlal avenues, roads
of remembrance and memorial for
ests are being planted.
"The Rock , Island Railroad
Htattlng a tree planting campalg
In I states. :
"The Liberty naurance Bank h
given 3000 tree, to Louisville
Irena, to lie planted there.
"The South Eastern Council
Federated Club Women has tur
its attention to beautifying
Bankhead Highway, through
bama and Florida, with the id:
making It a road of rememb
in honor of the Alabama se
who obtained- paseage of the
bill (or federal co-operation In 1
•California leads In
tree planting, but in
30,000 ti res will be . placed,
state highways this year.”
But *of greatest influence,
onys. is Individual interest In
work. To atlmlato It, the tree
soclatlon will present to each |
son—boy or girl or adult—who i
Isters the planting of a tree,
more, this year, a free certifies t.
pIKirted. with the Boonville, (O. '
• ... , high school, which has plan
-atlon this tharafora. ta to noGfvl WASHINGTON, , Ga—Advices | logo whit* pines leading. I
vou J W * Homes ^to be and ao- T**chinj Washington from Walter The town forest h'tea I. popql
J .‘-Blanchard AugsuU,’ president of ln eome aecthm*. especially m. N,
the Central-Ecnstom Regional ii ‘ Yor.-where many town* are pla:
Y. P. U. convention are that this j Ing thousands of trees this aprl:
convention accepted the invitation. In Virginia, the Co-operativo V
of tho Washington Baptist church j uNational Association plane a I
more or fosa. an* fully described In
a deed from A. P. Dearlng to T. C.
Do Loner, dated February .93. 1903.
and recorded (afdeed book 4. folio 447
of tho records of deeds in the office
ot the cleric of the Superior Court of
Clarke County, Oeorgia,. to which
deed reference lo hereby made for a
more complete description.
3—That tract or parcel of land, with
tha Improvements thereon, lying an*
being In the : city of Athens. Clarke
County. Ocqrgla, located on the nortl
side uf Oconee Street (Lexington
road) and bounded as follows: On the
east oy nailer .Street, on the south
by Ooonee street or Lexington road,
On tha north by Elberton Street and
tha Georgia Railroad right of way.
and on the west hy lot of J. V. U
Morris aald lot containing one acre,
more or loon, and being the
property an that conveyed by A. P.
Wlnatun to the aald T. E. Jago, ty
dead dated May 33. 1*31.
Datd proparty lavtc* upon and
ha sold ao tho property of r. T.
Jago for tha purpose « satisfying
certain execution Issued from the
City Court of-Athena In favor of Mre
Row D. Hull. Mira Lolls May Hull
Mrs. Ron Hull Carson, William D«
Lousy Hull, and Henry H. Hull,
against Dr. T. E. Jago.
Written notice given tenants In
possession and deeds for levy and rale
filed and recorded before levy.
This ttb day of March. 13*3.
Sheriff, Clarke County. Georgia.
Mar. 3-13-33-33.
There will be. sold at tha rai
and place the .following described
property, to-wit:
1 Lot of house, ho'd goods consist
Ing of kitchen utensil*,' bouse furnish
Ing, garden tools etc.
The earns levied upon aa the pro
perty of the defendant Mr*. Claud
Lockhart to satisfy a distress, warrant
Issued In favor of Mrs) J. B. 'Vaughn
against Mrs. Claud oekhart levied
and turned over to mo for sale by C
a Strickland. L. a.
This March 11*33. •
. W. E. Jackson. Sheriff.
Mar. 3-13-33-30.
OBORGIA—Clarks Csunty:
There will bo sold before tha court
bouse dour In Athops, Georgia, Clarke
county, for cash,', within tha legal
hours of rale on tho flnt Tuesday
In April. 1*33, the following describ
ed property tf-wlt:
A certain lot of- land lying ana ba
In the City nf Athena Georgia.
Clarks County, fronting on Hancock
Avenue and .Dougherty Street, and
more particularly described as tol-
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Will he sold before the court house
door In Clarke County. Oeorgia on tha
first Toerday In AprtL 1333, between
the legal boon of sate at pablto out
cry, to tho highest bidder for cash,
tha following described property to
wn: ,
AS that tract or. parcel at land ly
ing and being In the oounty ot Bald
win and State of Georgia, more par-
tie olarly described as follows: Be
ginning nt a sltake on the eastern
bank of tha Oconee River at the point
whet* dta. within described tract "f
land Joins the land formerly owned
by Mrs. Thomas Spalding, and run
h 3
to a stal e; thence north
to tbe bank of the
*i.;-*\_ r _
IMS Fiver 26.1 chains throes
the thread of said river to tho 1
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Thera will be sold on tbe first Tucs
day In Aprs, 1*33, nexL before the
Court houra door In Athene, Clarke
County, Oeorgia, within the legal
hours of rale, to tho highest sod beet
bidder for each, tha following
scribed property, to-wit.
That tract or parcel of land, with
the Improvements tberyon, lying and
g In Athens, Clarke County,
Georgia, and more particularly
scribed aa follows: Beginning nt a
corner oa Hancock Avenue 15 feet,
non or lees, east of tha southeast
couer at Hancock Avenue and Chose
Street and running along mid Han
cock Avenue In an easterly direction
a distance at 53 feet, more or lew:
throes south a distance of 143 feet,
more or lew; thence north a distance
of 140 fesL more or less to Hancock
Avenue; tha rams being a part of the
property conveyed hy Mrs. LUllan E.
Bloomfield to Mrs. manors Jennings
by deed recorded In book 13, pago 34.
In the office of the eleik of the Sa-
perior Court of Clarita County. Bald
property having been, conveyed by
Mrs. Elmore Jennings to lira. Cart
ton Beussc, and by Mrs. Carlton
Beusra to Sweety KortletL and be
ing bounded as follows: North by
Hancock avenue, eaet by property of
Mrs. Jennings, south by Bio. ‘
neeetaty. and west by Matthews prop
Beginning nt a rock wan on the.
north elds of Hancock Avenue oa the
dividing line between property now
owned by the Kappa Alpha fraterni
ty and formerly owned hy Abe Joel
unnlng thence In an easterly
direction along Hancock Ave. a dis
tance at forty-etx (41) feo»i
In n noetherly direction along lint
parallel to line at the Kappa Alpha
fraternity property- two hundred
and twenty-eight (913) feet, more or
lew to Dougherty Street; thenoe la
awfsterly direction along Dougherty
Street n distance ot forty-six (4k>
test, to tho line of Abe Joel: thence
In a southerly direction along the
lino of Aba Joel and Kappa Fraterni
ty property two hundred and twen
ty eight (333) (set, mer* or less, t:
th* beginning corner-
said lot of land being fully shown
by n pint of tha warn mad# by C. B.
Chandler on Juno 14th, ltt* and be
ing tha ram# property convoyed by
Mrs. Notts Vincent, at H to B. F.
Cannon, at tl by deed
June llth. UN; and nca
Dead Book 39, page 343-34C of the
Clerk's Office of the Superior Court
mid corny. Said propertv hav
ing been conveyed hy tbe defendant
to tho plaintiff to aeeura tha now
sued upon In thlf cast.
Said property I* levied on end to he
neld a* th* property of P. O Wan.
B. P. Von Cannon., and Cart H. Von
Cannon to satisfy a fl. fa.,
from tha City Court of Athene In
favor ef Chas. A. Ver Nooy vs p.
Wall B. P. Von Cannon and Cnri
H. Von Cannon.
Written notice glren tbe defen
ants In fl. fa., and tenants in potee
Sion of aald levy.
This 7th day ot March. 13*3.
} t • ’■ ■■ Sheriff.
Mar. 3-13-33-33. kamgsTSSSS
To tho Superior Court ot said County:
The petition of BLUDWINE COM
PANY. a corporation of said State
and County, respectfully shows as'fol
lows; • *
, L
That said corporation was duly In
corporated hy tha Suparior Court of
this county on the 4th* day ef Feb
ruary. 19*3.
That at a regular meeting of the
Board of Directors of aald BLUD-
WINH COMPANY It waa deddad. to
change Its name and amend ltt
charter so that in tha future arid
company would ho known and styled
action of tho Board of Director* Waa
unanimously approved at the annual
mealing of stockholders held In Jan
uary. 1*33.
WHEREFORE. ‘ petitioner * prays
that after this. Its application tor
ebame of. name, may ba publiabar
ones a week for tour weeks In Abe of
ficial gaxotto ef. Clarita County, that
Its,name may ha changed from the
WINE COMPANY, and that In t»
future arid company may operate
mot A* At
and 'do business with all the rights,
privileges and Immunities of the
former company under the name of
This the 15th day of Marebjtt*.
Attorneys. Btuawtne Company.
FUed In office March 15th. 1*3*.
Clerk. Superior Court,
Clarke County. Georgia.
by virtue of a ccr-
from tha City
of Mira
GEORGIA—Clerks County; .
There will bo sold on tho
In April 1*29, befo
na door In the raid State tho County I
ty, during the legal hours of nn April
1 hereby certify that th* foregoing
petition la a true and correct copy of
petition filed In the office of the
Clerk of the Superior, Court of Clarke
County by tho Blodwlpe Company tor
tha amendment of Its charter, and
change of
This ifib day of March. 1333.
Clerk. Superior Court
Clarita County, Ocovgta.
Mar. lt-33-M-Apr. *., *
To the Superior Court of Said Coun
Tho petition nf EMPIRE STATE
shown: - ,
I. That It waa incorporated by ar
dor or the Superior Court of CtarkJ
County on April It, 1904. fur a perkid
if twenty yearn, with tho privilege t.f
That the charter of petitioner
will expira on April II. 1*34.
Petitioner desires a renewal nf
Its chertar.-tb take affect from th>
date .of tho expiration of. Its present
charter, for ail additional period of
’ reply years.' with the privilege of
)Mequ4qr renewal- an provided by
. Petitioner further shows, that
under iin present charter It has ad
authorised capital stock of *900,000.0*.
9. Petitioner desires Its charter
amended so as to,authorise Its cap!
tat stock to - be Increased to m
amoudt nnt exceeding One Million
( Dollars, raid capital
atock to bo increased from time to
flips by a majority vote of the votlni;
stock uf raid corporation up to sal-1
maximum amount, as hereinbefore
stated; such Increased capita: stock
to be common and preferred, either
or both, and in sur.ii proportions an
the majority of the toting stock of
said company may fl* and determine.
3. Petitioner file* herewith n cer :
tided abstract from the 'mlnuies
raid corporation, showing that the
application fur thin renewal and
amendment Iuuf been-authorised by
proper corporale ect km.
WOEREFORB. ' petitioner pray*
that Its Charter ho renewed for an
additional period of twenty Tears,
with th* privilege of subftequent re-
neural. and that Its charter ‘
emended as hereinbefore net forth.
PANT. . ,
Ry «. R. HODOSON. JR..
Attorneys for Petitioner*;
pear at .tV. next term of C!art:e
Superior Court to b.' held on tho
second Monday in April, 1923,
then and there to answer said com-
ple'oL ...
Witness the Honorable . Blanton
Fortran, Judge of the Superier
This, February 3rd, 1923.
Feby. 10-23—Mch. 16-30.
- ... t
GEORGIA—Clarke County;
N«. April Term. 1923
Dark* Superior Court-Libel for
To J. M. Flanagan, Greeting:
You are h3r«by. J —
ally or b;
required, person-
or by attorney to he and ro
ut the Superior Court of said
Co'-uiy, ‘td ta kuldcn In and for
»uld Gout,Iy, 'on tne second to •»:
day In April itxc. to nnsvir
r?.-. rt«fr* .petition: 1,yt total H<
yprt-U,... .
Witness the Honorablo Blantcn
*au jutaomi
and will hold its nnnual session Atbpr week, working through
here April 6 and 6, 1924. The con - ‘wf-* laeruee.
vention met two weeks ago in san-
dersvillo, where'604 delegates reg
ie! ered and 360 asked for enter
tainment. The coming of this-large
convention to Washington will af
ford all the unions in this sec
tion of Georgia an opportunity to
hear noted speakers and B. Y. P-
U. Workers.
Mr. Blanchard wrote also tha! ;
in 1914 whne the convention met'
in Sandersvllle there were not half I
as many delegates as t attended
this regional convention, which It
one of six in the state, and that*
there were then only two A-l
onions in the state. The reports
this year from tho Georgia associa
tion, comprising Wilkes, Lincoln
Greene and Taliaferro counties and
parts. of - four other counties,
showed t#enty-fivo A-l unions
five AA-1 unions.
'If you are a good citizen
want to be u better one." i
Pack, "plant a tree this aprl;:
Ten, twenty or fifty years hen
II,will look much better than n
of words carved on a tombstone.'’
ooMPAfiv. .
W. E. Mathbum, Using business as
and W. E. JACKSON, a. Sheriff at
Clarks County, Georgia.
You are hereby notified that the
*hm-« iitated -•*«• waa (lied in the
atom at Urn Clerk at the Superior
Court nt Clark* County on March 9th,
1929, and you are hereby cited to ap
pear at th* next term of the Superior
?ourt to be neld In and for raid coun
ty on the oecond Monday In April
I to answer petitioner's complaint.
cited to-appear at
at the Superior
ty. o*oi
RESOLVED: That the President of
thin company bo and he Is hereby
authorised to *p|>ly In the name of
th# company to tha Superior - Court
of Clarke Cduhty tor a renewal of
the charter of the company tor an
additional ported of twenty yrara
from the expiration of tho present
charter of the corporation, which
wma-grented cn tho llth dny of April,
13*4: raid application to he mad# hy
tho President In the name pf the
dorporatfon In due time to occurs the
reneyml .of raid charter before the
expiration cf the term ef’the char
ter herktoforc grartted raid company.
RE80LVBD further, that when ap
plication Ii m*d« f.-vlh* renewal of
raid charter the'kame be amended so
on to authorise an Increase In the
capital Stork of the corporation to an
amount not exceeding on* million
(lt.300.030.Sdi. donors, raid capital
stock to bo Increased from time to
time by n majortyi vte of the votlne
stock of raid conjuration up to th*
maximum amount hcrolnbofor*
staled. Said ln-trased capital stock
to ’.ho common' and preferred, .either
or both.' and In ouch proportions an
th* majority at the voting stock of
raid company ntay fix and d'olermlne.
I,’ tfnrry Hodgson, Secretary of tlw
Empire State Chemical Compphy. do
'certify that the. foregoing Is a true
of a resolution unanimously
t,y the stack hataera of aald
company ot a mealing held on De-
—•■or 23. .199S.'
. _ witness Whereof, I have here
unto aft my hand and affixed tho
corporate oral of raid company, thin
the 13th day oC March. 1923..
Filod In orflc*. this 22nd day of
March. 1922.
Clerk Superior Court( Clarke C«ui
* Sr ■
A Strictly Cash Business
REALIZING the many additional advantages we will be
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! ..These'changes were formulated after a thorough considera
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For the convenience of our customers we will issue coupon
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and <$20.00 subject to a cash discount, making $10.00 couppn *
books $9.02 net, and $20.00 coupon books $18.04 net. ,
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r Guaranteed Cord
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