The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 16, 1923, Image 1

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    Investigate Todeyl 1*'
To Regular Subscriber*
$1,cro AeCToent Forrcy Free.
Daily and Sunday—10 Cent* a Week.
Established 1832.
DeHy ui Bnsday—II Ceab K West 1
Middling 28tf
Previous close 28y,
Continued clear and warmer 1 .
VOL. 91. NO. 53.
Associeted Preee Service
N. E. A Service
Sinxle Copies 3 Cents Dally. B Cents Sunday.
Madison Concern Is
Seeking $100,000 In FOB RE1/0L
Federal Court HereUUS LOOMS IIHEID
Penick Warehouse Company Sues Fire Insurance Cabinet Crisis
Concern For Loss Incurred in 1,100-Bale Cotton i Threatening Mussolini
Fire in 1921. Surprising Developments Expected. I ^ - TrP 0 ? Supporters
Over Seventy-Five Witnesses Summoned.
to Be Ready.
Fraululency In the sworn statement of the plaintiff as to tho
number of bales of cotton In tbo Penick warehouse at Madison
when It burned In 1921 and neglerti of the fire sprinkling system
in tho warehouse contrary to the Insurance regulations was charged
by eousel for the defense In the 3100,009 suit for collection of in
surance loss which begun trial in federal court Monday.
The defense claimed the company did dot have 1100 hales of
rotten In the warehouse, as claimed and that) tho "valves con
trolling the wnter supply In the sprinkler system was turned off
and no water was available to extinguish tho fire."
Failure of Vatican to
Support Fascisti and De
sertion of Populists Is
Given As Causes.
ROME.—Threatened with a cab
inet crisis that may destroy his au
thority over Italy. Premier Benito
Mussolini called on all fascisti
.Sunday 'do be.ready for another
'and created revolution.
What promises to become one of the most absorb-i“'ri"desorti™ of’w? government
ing trials ever held in the federal court here began l,y ,h '’ i>°p ,1|| " t i>« rt y an t the faii-
Monday morning with the Camden Fire Insurance;luppmtmut c ™Uma«
Nine Children BumedM CONFEDERATES
To Death When Flames $ CHAPMAN BE HE
Ravage Mission House UNDE! $151)0 BOND
Nine Little Children Perish When Fire Sweeps Jap- PS*? eLl rSw
anese Mission House. School Inspector Proves! ™ n , C i S ^ n £ e J n J lc t
Hero By Rescuing Eight Pupils Before Being of Two New York
Overcome By Smoke and Heat. I ’
(By Associated Press.) j MEN HERE APRIL 23
Company and others being sued for $100,000 loss IW"*, of ^ ho
claimed to have been incurred by L. T. Penick' of i ChlrtTil MiteLT"" ’ r ° ac ' 8 h , ri d thei
an7m?to?a1 ffie^^dy”™! i \EZ i 1H J?”7 ^graves Faces
mnntarily to aaswer by call for nn Si ?“S:h Trial For Murder of
Madison in a cotton fire there in 1921.
With more than seventy-five
witnesses summoned by counsel in
w the case, surprising developments
'arc expected before the trial
SACRAMENTO.—Nine Japanese children per
ished in flames which swept the Japanese Mission 1^11 <evidence in the Case
School, early Monday morning, at this city. ! Will Be Brought to
The institution is a boarding school and t'he pupils j Light on April 23, When
and teachers who live in the building were awakened j Prisoners Arrive,
in the early morning hours by the smoke from the j Nothing newTTthe chapman
Many of tho students were able .
to make thoir own escape from tho 1
building before the flames reached
their greatest point, but several \
were overcome by the aipDktf and
heat and of these, nine,were burn-1 r*nn Tni a: liniinilf
T. Kanada, the inspector for the ;
jeape case was reported from the
'federal building Monday.
Abo silveratein and Dominick
Didato, the two men Indicted here
1 last Thursday and arrested In New
York, have been requested held
under 116.000.00 bonds each but
no information was at haad rela-
to whether the bonds were
Athens May Lose The
Bankhead Route For
Failure To Pay Dues
Important Highway Route May Be Diverted As
Result of This City and County Not Paying $100.;
Abney Resigns As Vice-President. Motorcade j
Planned For Tuesday.
Hugh W. White, J. M. Hodgson, J. H. Griffeth
Tate Wright and H. K. Nidholson of the board of
county commissioners left Monday morning for
Greenville, S. C., to attend the meeting of the Na
tional Good Roads Association and the meeting of the
Bankhead Highway commission. About fifty dele
gates were named by Mr. White to attend from this
county but the officers were the only ones in the
party leaving Monday.
The trial will array some of the
best legal talent in Georgia and
is attracting considerable interest
throughout this section. The suit
for $100,000 is the outgrowth of
refusal of the insurance companies
to pay allegbd loss resulting from
the destruction by fire of the Pen
ick cotton warehouse in Madison in
October 1921 at which time eleven,
hundred bales of cotton were burn-
Singing Will
• Be Feature of
ntarily to answer by
! inexorable continuation
lfascist revolution," he said.
{ Minister Blanchi weut even fur-
| llier. Asked what effect dhe oppo-
| ns -• jsition of th four populist members
DlDle Meetings I °f cabinet would have after tho
® ! hostile convention of their party at
T -j . | .. , . (Turin, Blanch! said:
Kev. Claude L. Goodwin, I "The march on Rome was only
Whr» Hnq Dplicrhiprl A Hi. tho beginning of the fascist gov-
. ueiigmeamn- prnmelMwhlchmustbe complete,
enians Before, Will Di ‘
rect Music.
One of the attractive features of
the Athens Bible Conference which
opens next Sunday and runs for
ten days will be the singing direct-
... „ ., td by Rev. Claude E. Goodwin.
„i?,7 ey »V I-l year the muate prove! won-
oTeenc Johnaon, Mont!-’ [or
cello: K. *S. Anderson, Madison and th , c conveatMon and northeast Geor-
T. M. Wood. Those representing ar ‘ ! looking forward to
defendants ore. Edward .1. the community singing which will
Trotter, Cedartown; Judg« Shepard form part of the program at the
Bryan, Atlanta; Daniel McDougal, dully sessions this year.
Atlanta, and Erwin, Ervin & Nix, Rev. Goodwin demonstrated his
Athene ’ ' ability as a song director last year
The case will probably consume when people who never before
two or more days, because of the wanted to sing Joined in the music-
long list of witnesses. .^he conference sessions. “He
splits such vigor Into his singing
that he makes you want to sing,
What we did not do then we shall
not hesitate to do today, not fof
the pleasure of remaining In pow
er but because of n victorious anti
fascist movement would plunge
n!st party.
“Electorial reform must be ac
complished. even by royal decree
If necessary."
too," remarked one Athenian.
All sessions of tho conference
will be held at the University Oc
tagon on the campus. This is a
large, comfortable building and
ideally located and arranged for
holding the sessions and accom*
od&dng the crowds.
Many northeast Georgia peoplo
Athens Endeavorers Will i win a,,enrt thfi " ei "" on,i tm * year -
Meet Tuesday Night At
Christian Church to Per
fect Arrangements,
Last year scores drove up to Ath
ens in tho afternoon and returned
the same night after the evening
Woman Who Committed
Horrible Murder At Los
ing to Join the men who were at
tempting to rescue the children.
He made many trips and succeed
ed in saving the lives of eight of
the inmates before he himself was
overcome and hail to be carried
out by his comrades.
made or not.
It is stated tbattfie plans are to
wing the men back here for trial
«S Collector Rose Explains
Those Who Have
Not Paid Taxes
Subject to Fine
Paul Smith on Indie*- 1 .'l!. a ‘i ye !?, £f»P n > a » , » sensational! Proceedings For Those
laul bimth on indict- „« p . w ,.i b* m«d. public. ' who Have Not Reported
ment of Grand Jury.
i Harvi
ise of the state versus
Seagraves was taken up
Many stories are going the' , , _
roumla concerning bis get-away, j Special Taxes.
one of tho,latest being that after
nil arrangements were perfected J The collector of internal reve
to give’ a correct estimate
the country Into'chaos and ruin
"Only another extremist antl-
parlinmcntary party could succeed
the fascisti namely the commu- (^fton j\s Money
origin anil hart cornplefcljr envoi- i- tinder indictment for'noil complained of the fact andTre!
making'raAYdheadwayl’beforo The , th" muril:.* of Pan. Smith ~ W tha,
firemen arrived on th. scene. I When c .° urt . owraniwd Non- »‘«ngera aald It was too lata to
The loss will run up Into the /my i ; ...m. n rr but eight pct.t J=*>r» he would have to
thousands though It Is Impossible 'luahiictl and theJury box wan re- *“ li-treheaded.
«n oiua n fafvofi niHmiio nf |sorted to in an effort t6 secure the j
total of 48 needed before the at-, i BELIEVE8 HE
torneys began striking for the I MADE GET-AWAY
twelve to be used in the trial,, both |
xidcs agreeing, that forty eight | Jess Bennett, the ta^i driver who
should oe secured'oeiore the case • drovo the men around town the
proceeded. : day Chapman escaped but who did
Attorney John B. Gamble anil nu.' drive them to the vicinity of
George ('. Thomas are defending tho hospital that night when it is
Seagraves while W. H. Smith is alleged that they again drove to
solictor, j the corner of Milledga and Han-
Peanuts Next to
Crop, Gantt Told
Survey Made By Statei' 1 .Crania ni ght«..,,chma„
College of Agriculture lot the S. A'. C depot and
Show Value of Nut As; Paul Smith t*i !'ie time yan
Revenue Source.
. a
yard mas
ter f.*s liio Name- company, on the
evening of Dccembor aist. He urns
acquitted by the coroner’s jury, or
dered held in the preliminary trail
before toe justice court and no bill
A gentleman has sent me a very
interesting article on the peanut.
lniercsiiiig ■nwiu on vihj jicuhui.
and which will prove of especial
Interest to farmers, as they are
now preparing to plant their crops,
Martin J. Abney, vice president
of the Bankhead Highway for the
state of Georgia, is not in attend
ance at the meeting and hnr. ten
dered his resignation ns vice pres
ident., This action on the part of
Mr. Abney came through the full'
ure of this county and city to pay
the annual dues required by the
highway organisation. Mr. Abney
has been an officer in the assneia-
The fire was of an undetermined in Superior court Monday morning' that hd'dtdn't'havi'^^n nue * n ,,0or * la ca ** s 'Mention to '(j on ,j nce jj, organization and fi
-i»l« «•»•* horl onmnldlnl* anvol. ... wave a cay lO Wear n .,kll.. n f »kn nnnn |«t„a «lin, 1 a ski. ..a. ..
the public of the penalties that. a number of yean this county and
are rmposed on those doing bust- jffty wslntidned » membership but
ness where tnere 1. a special taxffi ^Abn'.v StsTSsl'hl Z‘‘
Involved and where Is has not been j not feel like atteSing as n^dcadJ
paid. Following is a statement | head" offiical or delegate,
from Mr. noae, tho collector, rela- 1 The failure of this county to
tive to this tax: 'have official representation on the
"I do not desire to make a rec- 'highway commission at this time is
ord for Imposing penalties agaipst iP 10 ? 6 unfortunate because Athens is
taxpayers—In fact I wish that no J da "«* r of •“*« th? highway.’
penalties would, have to be Im-1™ movement to taiild. a
posed-hut I am instructed by the *!?■
Bureau of Internal Revenue
ILTIUU - ttk
Washington to enter Veht.lii
against any and all persons operat
ing In business that is subject to a
special tax who engages in such
Athens on the n:90 train that business without! having first.paid section oil
between Lavoniu ana Anderson,
S. C., is .con by some rev! experts
as a move to divert this great
highway from Athens am! Danicls-
villo via Anderson, Lnvonia, Com
merce and Winder, leaving this
Chapman Imd escaped ahd had i *bl* special tax. Included la this I Winder, Athens and Hartwell
made his successful get-away. An-,clans of business.are automobiles have had tho Georgia officials
other driver from the Georgian for hire, pleasure hosts over. 331 heretfow but with the resignation
Baggage and Transfer company 1s | feet long and of five net tons, ; of Mr. Abney Athens will lose herj
alleged to have driven tho two; manufacturers of oleomargarine, representation. Winder and Hart-
men to a point near the hospital - wholesale and retail dealers—col-! *el lhave had directors wbQe Ath.
iWt dnesday nigtfi where ono of ored or uncolored oleomargarine, | en * bas had the vice president. .
was returned against hUn by the them alighted from the car while i pawn brokers, brokers, theatres, I „
jimunev .-r.n.l i„ev Th. ... —— — mnseums. concert halls, public e" ««SWODU>_SECUBE
January grand jury. The April’the other remained with the driver.
After about twenty, minute, th.
norriuie muiuer uus t0 .uppicment cotton as a money cr ni ral dockct to be taken u h». . a s
Angeles Expected to Bejcrop. It win b. •urpri.lng to|"tegrll“d ii^rreumrt iSti-- "Everything 1. all
n j J & {know that peanuts ranked next to -i nn _ Mnntlnv nmrnimr
Captured Soon.
ses-- rigltV' This was after 9 o'clock
muaeuiM, concert nans, puDUC ex-
hibltiona or shows, bowling alleys* I MEMBEkSHIP
iillard rooms, shooting Rollarles,
*'***” rrnf’*»•* <*s. mnnuv
facturers, cigar manufacturers.
“The apodal penalty for ope rat
(By Assodatsd Press.)
OS ANGELES.—According to a
dispatch in the Los Angelos Ex
aminer, iMrs. Clara Phillips, con-
•icted hammer murderess has been
Tito Athens Endeavorers will
meet In the basement of the Chris
tlan church Tuesday evening to
perfect tim final plans for the.
part in the Eleventh' Annual Chris
tian Endeavor Convention to be
held in Macon, Ga„ April 20, 21
and 22.
Friday morning at 7:30 o’clock,
a special coach will leave Athens
' ia the Central of Georgia Railway
hearing something like fifty young
people who are g6lng to iMacon to
represent the Athens Christian
Endeavor Union. Tho Athens party
will be joined at Bishop and Wat*
Vlnsvllle bv a host of ’ Oconee
County Endeavorers and all tho
way to Macon, the young people
will enjoy the trip of their life
Yells and songs will be given on
the speria! and all the fun to pass
the hours away In happiness will
ho enjoyed. The Athens folks will
arrive In Macon at 11:20 and they
promise to let all Macon know that
they come from tho Classic City
and from the enthusiasm already
disolayed, the statement is sure
to prove true.
When the train arrives at Mon
tleello, Oa., a lunch will be served
in picnic style, which will add
more to the trip. Each Endeavoref
will carry along lunch, which
makes it possible to leave the de
pot direct for the convention ball,
not having to miss a single session
of “Georgia’s Greatest and Berit”
The Macon folks write, “We are
ready, come ahead," and tho
Northeast Georgia Endeavorers
win certainly head th# call. Some
wMI go via rail, others auto, iLhera
’ ike and Inst any way to get to
M ncon In time fpr,tbe opening se5*
H, nn of the «*on v ont!on. The City
’’nion Banner will float high a*
the enn vent ion. ns well n* tho local
‘•ocietfen of Athens who will carr*
Sessions will bo held four times | located in San Salvador and he!
each day, at 9:30; 11 a. m.; 4 p.! apprehension ' is momentarily w-
in., and 8 p. m. Dr. G. Campbell j pected.
Morean. Dr, Len G. Broughton and | Mrs. Phillips who was ilie prin-
Dr. P. C. Morgan will deliver dally : cipal in the what was one of the
lectures on tho Bible and alternate most horrible murders on record,
with sermons at the evening ser*! was convicted In court and sen-
vices. jtenced to ten years imprisonment
(for the death of Mrs. Alberta
| Meadows.
On December 6, Mrs. Phillips es-
| caped from the Los Angeles county
jail by sawing her way to liberty.
[ A thorough nation-wide search
j wan begun and it was thought that j
coXn « SJ Crep oTremSut^ “““l C lT“ “ l-«
W -The presentments will be * L**. 6 . •«» «•
to results of a survey made by the
State College of Agriculture.
There will this year be a greatly
increased acreage planted in this
cro|> and it will probably nearly
equal cotton, unless the ravages
of the boll weevil are checked.
This'article nays that the peanut
requires less labor per acre than
cotton, and this fact, coupled With
(Turn to Page Six)
made Wednesday, it was announced Aa^r jrpport that Chapman
Monday. bellevtd seen in Athene last
After Striking out of * yM ™'
try Harvey Seagraves, charged “« Ln ” r ■ “ nalc
with the murder of Paul Snilth *2*?' “‘ ht ' Mond * r whel L
was finally chosen at noon Mon- her Athene woman ssld a man
day and trial began about 3 » a » a «®h ou th* river drive on the
o’clock Monday atternoon with college campuo who
Roy Jarrctt ax the first witness. h *? one arm Id a sling and
The court room was packed. J* 1 ® tur ned and went In another
Twelve furors went oat for direction when aeon,
"cause,'’ tn* defense used
at one time the escaped murderess
was almost in the clutches of the
law. but.ahe **!uiied the officers
and It Is thought that she left the
country by flying to Mexico.
Negro Youth, Recently Tho case which sUrred and re-
— - — — - 1 * oited the entire nation drew .much
1 j t voited tne enure nation drew onuen
Released r rom L<nain- j a.uention due to the brutal way in
gang, Caught By Police 1 whlch Mrs - Meadows met hpr
Robbing Store.
rmiTISIf rOf tTMOtA A B» P
TO SUPPORT 20.00.000
VANOOUVFR.—Tn r r-ent ad-
dro. r . hefer» the Ts’and Promect-
t'vn* AggnrbHon. Own Bro , *t'. of
UnlversRv of British Oolnw-
Ho. st»fe<f »hat BrU*sh Columbia
N <*an»»b , » of mnDortin*? « popula-
■ of WJOROJVM) people. -
H#* outlined the rich africuljural
^"da await!** s**ttlem«»nt spd the
ri^h nsfcnrti resources ef the Prov-
Including minerals, timber,
fisheries, etc. . ... . i
Willie Jones, negro boy, who. ac
cording to police was released from
the Clarke county chain gang a
few weeks ago. Is held in the city
jail charged with burglary.
The youth was caught robbing
Flanagan's Meat Market on Tho
mas street In broad daylight Sun
day. Officers Nelms and Wood
made the arrest. Jones entered the
store through the rear door by
hr?aking one of the panuels. He
rifled tho cash drawer, securing
eleven cents for Ills ^rouble and
scattered weiners all over the
place, the iwllce say.
Youth Killed By
S. A. L. Train At
strikes a id the state ten. The lirt
of jprors follows:
H. B. Hardy, hardware mer
chant; ,1. W. Lavender, farmer; i
Joe C. Fambro, Piggly-Wiggly; J. 1
M. Crawford, farmer; L. L. Les-
fce;\ fiirmor; A. M. Sc udder, jew
eler; R. A. lavender, farmer; Lee,
~ Piedmont Market pro-1
Toyb'^oiretriT'tpSr'j?- a > ca ' Worked in
Hancock, Commercial Bonk.
Many Noted Speakers Se
cured For Meeting Of Ga.
Sunday School Associa
tion Here.
reHrim. hre*o! oSoretThil* been Ir**™ "hi and for many year, a local worker, will bead the local
bv the commit- men,ber ot th ” a ™ r *' a Slat « l*Ci«* , delegation.
teemT*the Grareto^Bundav'school la, "g- here early Monday at More than 700 people
the norno of hi. daughter. Urn [ htored for th. threo-d.
Wilkes Co. Man
Dies At Columbia
Christian Endeavor So
ciety Will Attend Con
vention in Macon.
year In prison or both, and In ad-
dltlAn 25 per cent additional fay
for failure to pay on time.
“In case where a person operet
•n* In 9>uainea«, as above outlined,,
haa done so without! tint paying
a special tax, each person can
make an offer In compromise In
llou of the specific penalty only,
and all those who are operating
such business should Immediately
lake the matter up with this oftlca
lor failure td do so under the above
Instructions from tfio commission
er, will result In the assessment
of .the pennltlee as rapidly as my
deputies can find inch persons.’
Drug Addict Is Held
Upon Complaint of
Mother and Brother
i-Many Athens Christian Endeav
orers will go to Macon for tho
I .convention there Friday througblthe woman by her mothcr*"«m!
COLUMBIA.—E. V. Hill, seventy ; Sunday. U. L. Johnson, prominent bntther, charging vagranev so
tars nltl and tnr i..n. wilt hand .ho l.ww, I
Alice White, a white woman who
operates a rooming .house on
Thomas street bMweefa College
avenue and Washington street, was
taken Into enstody by policemen
Boss and Craft Sunday 1 and Is
awaiting trial In justice court.
Warrants were sworn out against
Both Arrested and Will
Face Trial In Recorder’s
Court Monday After
noon At 6 O’clock.
Emmett Todd, student in the re
habilitation department at the Uni
versity and Ernest Foster, negro
youth, must face Recorder W. J.
ThornUm Monday afternoon at €
Montreal Sund&y o’clock on charges of disorderly
Millard Jolley, 18 year old youth,
was killed by the S. A. L. vesti
bule number f, near Montreal, a
flea station*' between Ivawrenco-
vllle and Atlanta, Sunday after
Jolley was driving
onduct and fighting.
The charge Is the outgrowth of
an altercation between Todd and
the negro on the Chase street
grounds Saturday right when bifh
were attending the carnival. The
( negro received several wounds,
automobile ! said to have b»en Inflicted by Todd
In company with Boyd Hale, an- J with the a!d of_a pocket knife,
other youth and the auto crashed Captain Hart and policemen
r ,L ,™,n The^ncineer atop- WIer and Curry made the arrest.
p"d the “train and the tre were **>" »«
nicked up and rushed to a hospital
In Atlanta. Hale couldn’t tell much
about the accident. It Is reported,
other than to say that they Tailed
to see the train- T1 ,B car com "
pletely demolished.
Todd told tho police the negro ran
against him and when he reprL
r ded him «M Insxlte
fight began. K. B.rT
Whitehead. Vaoca „jp
"Fatty" Fryson have
moned as witnesses.
Association, tor the Regional State
Convention, Vo be held In the First
Methodist church, Athena, My 14,
15 and 16. and In tha Berry Schools
at Rome on May 16, 17 and 18.
Among those who will have a
part on the program are the follow
Iter. W. A. Jonnard. ot Savan
nah. Held Secretary of the Diocese
of Scwanee.
Rev. E. B. Quick, Atlanta, Edu
rational Secretary of the United
Chriaiian Missionary Society for
the southeast
Prof. W. A. Sutton. Atlanta. Su
perintendent ot the City Schools,
and vice-president of the eGorgla
Sunday School Association.
Dr. Alien Wilson, Augusta, pas
tor. First Christian church, presi
ded! of the Georgia Sunday School
Association. -
Dr. George W. Macon, Forsyth,
ot Bessie Tift College.
Dr. Richard Orme Flinn, Atlanta,
raster. North Avenue Presbyterian
Dr. Marion McH. Hull, Atlanta,
superintendent, , North Avenue
Presbyterian Sunday School. •
Mrs. S. H. Askew, Decatur, prin
ciple of the Decatur Community
vlllir, teacher of a largo Bible risen. Smith o
(Turn to Page Six)
have reg-
Harry Cantey. j The speakera on tbe program are
Mr. Hill was a native of Wllkei .sald u> be able and forceful Chris-
county, Georgia, am! was he son tian Endeavor workers from many
of the late Col. Merriwether Hill.! denominations. E. P. Gates, general
The burial will tak»> pltcj at secret -y of tbe United 8oclety of
Washington, Georgia. C’bri tian Endeavor, Goaton, Mass.;
— 1 | Southern Secretary Charlie Evans,
Oconee Heights Man I Chattanooga. Teas.; Bishop MtoU.
v n it j n r. tho Atlanta diocese of tha
Is Called By Death I Episcopal church; Dr. Colt, presl-
I den!,I Nacoocbee Institute, Sautee,
Mr. Ranis n. Yarbrough, aged Ga.; 8. Wilkes Dendy, field aecre-
57. died at his home ah Oconee 'ey North Carolina; Carl J. .Mat-
Heights Sunday afternoon at five hews, field secretary for Georgia
o’clock following an Illness of and Florida, and a long list of
typhoid fever. In his death the others are on tho program,
community loses one of Its most, The junior convention, to be held
substantial citizens and his death ot the First Christian church, un
is mourned hy a large number of <’er the leadership of Mias Mamie
relatives and friends. Gene Cole, all-South junior field
The services were conducted secretary, will ho a Unique feature
Monday afternoon from Mfsbedh of the convention. This la the first
church In Jackson county. Dr. E. junior convention held In Georgia,
L. Hill, assisted by Bov. W. L. and tbe Interest has been Intensely
Jolly, officiating. The Interment keen since the plans were com-
was In the church yard. pleted.
Thp pallbearers were: Messrs, i The fellowship banquet and the
W. E. Henry. J. L. Clotfelder, J. huge parade will be outstanding
B. Fleming, c. 1. Green way. U O., features of tho Saturday’s pro-
Mosoman nnd Oscar C. Nash. gram, each delegation from more
The deceased Is survived by his than 400 Endeavor societies In
widow, one son, Charles O.. one Georgia will wear uniform* In t]i*
aliter, Mfx r JUjUf*,ifaco,qf.Nie h ol- .rahide/More than l.OOo yoang peo-
eoriJtng to tho police the woman
Is a drug addict
Veur signature en a cheek binds
you to payment of the amount.
To sign, a chock you eonnot
moot lo to loco (landing at tha
bonk, and parhapa to become on.
tangled with tha bw.
Vour advertloemant to your
promlio to tho publics
Vour olgnatura to If bind* you
to perform ao you promiao.
A minimum of $100 from this
county or city would continue a
membership in tho highway and
maintain the influence Athens has
wielded. This is one of the most
W*bway« In the entire
country t*nd If Athens loses it it
will be through Inactivity and lack
of interest here and the wide-
awakeness of other sections which
see tho value of this great artery
of travel.
A motorcade is beinif arranged
to leave the Georgian hotel Tues-
flnu IlT/tfM trt rr nf <7 ..'n1..nL _„,l zl
day morning at 6 o'clock and those
desiring to attend the convention
ore requested to notify the Cham
ber of Commerce. Those planning
to go nnd have cars aro also asked
to notify the Chamber.
Police Arrest Jacksbn Co.
Man Here After He
Frightens Crowd At the
T. T. Tatte. a convict guard from
Jackson county, evidently thought
tho carnival on Chase street Sat
urday night was a wild west show.
Anyhow, he thought he was a wild
westerner and proceeded to show
the crowd by flourishing a large,
blue steel, revolver before , aston
ished pleasure-seekers.
Policemen Allgood and Britflaln
took Tate into custody and at tbe
police station he made bond in the
amount of $50 pending appearance
In police court on charges of
drunkenness and disorderly con-
In advertising’sv :> ksHy -days
many idln promises wsro put out
by those who, did not realist tho
seriousness of the pledged word.
Today tho consistent advor-
tlser Is the safest man In the
world ta do business with. The
advertised article ■ the safest In
the world to buy. For the adver
tiser commands confidence.
Without quality to back It, ad
vertising quickly peters out.
Walton County to
Assemble Singers
of Metier. Ga.
I and tho church.
for Christ
The public Is quick today to
recognise those who don’t per.
form what they promise. He who
advertises faithlessly advertises
Into quick failure.
He wine whose ad Is u good at
hit bond.
Depondonco may bo put in .ifch
Interest Centers in Ap
pearance of Barbara
MONROE, Ga.—The Walton
County Co-Operatlvn Singing Con
vention will be hold at Mountain
Crook. Baptist church four mllcu
north of Monroe on the fifth Sun
day In April. This In one of tho
btsgeot event* occurring annually,
In the county. - . -, ,, ■
from .Clarke and »J1 the