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Investigate Today I
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$1,000 Accissnt rcmcy Free.
Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Weak.
Betabllahed 18S1
"')''"TiTO«sr— Dally id Cents « Weal *
MIDDLING : 28 1-2c
PREVIOUS CLOS.. .... ... 28 1-4c
Probable Showorsi Warmer.
UOI.. 91, NO. 54
Associated Press Service
N. E. A torvlce
Slufle Copies S Cents Daily, I Cento Sunday.
Argument of counsel in the Seagraves-Smith murder
*>*«»* *>“? s « is '
ing at 3:30. It it probable the cate will go to the jury ° r Agricultural Edu-
sometime Tuesday night. nntmn Annmmnoc Sfafo
ter placing a i«rge number of
u'ont‘ of whom were cross-exa rain- | Thousands Attend
l( j by the prosecution, the defense | in ri •
Tuesday ! Goodell Services
Establish in court that the character
of i*oapraves was and is excellent i/% tlm i « -
an,! that he shot Smith in self de-jUll MOIlday Night
Among the character witnesses
plat' d on the stand Tuesday morn-1
cation Announces State
Wide Cotton Contest.
$100 IN GOLD Ig
Teach Boys How to Grow
Cotton to Best Advan
tage Under Boll Weevil
uesday •••„•
i. n. Butler, r. a. Save. | Two Thousand People
i: ( ^ r [,l ^Sn C ™‘ ,n aUo lm P C^ Hear Goodell and Law-
Mjveral witnesses t\ (l\i ,atan\$\ rie At Revival. Colored A state wide cotton growing coh-
Tuesday morning who testified! nL_• Q t -J ar ,s4:,i {test for the boys enrolled in vo
that, Smith was seen drinking \ ^ nolr opienaia. cationsl agricultural classes in the
[“,m\vith S Seag?avcs 0 which resS!t<?j By JOHN O. ALLEN 'public schools, in which the first
in the formers death. J .More than two thousand of Ath- Jprize is to be .>lu0,UU in gold, was
* ' i <n»* i wo pie received a new exj>eri- Uoimaliy announced Monday when
LITTLE SON I ence l,iKt night. It. was somethin* U*. ohetter, assistant smte au-
IN COURT * unusual, somethin* really different pervism m agricultural euucatioa,
in unique experience Jittin^-in* |»er- j mailed the contest rules to aU
.Mr. Scagraves’ title spn was in ; fectly with those they had received &nutn-Hugh*a teachers'ut the state,
court Tuesday morning sitting on during the previous ei*ht days c*very uuy enrolled in tne «*gri-
his father’s knee and taking in with • from the wonderfully clear preach-»cultural classes in tne high schools
wide-eyed astonishment tne pro- j ing of Dr. Charles L. Goodell. I 01 l,,e 8tate weli as ine twelve
ccedings of the court | The scene: the First* Methodist
The trial is attracting consider- i CJhurch jammed from pipe organ
able interest and long before the j to corridors with eager.
French And Belgians
Tightening Clamps
In Ruhr Occupation,
LEASE FOR HE made fraudulent
and Smitih
(By Associated Press.) ! L . ease Sidney Boley Build-
COBLENZ.—The “Commif sarint of The »Empire,” mg Occupied By Reid
which is the Berlin government’:', highest authority in the ! Clothing Co.
Rhineland, has been abolished by the Inter-Aliied High j Shoe Store.
Commission, according to a report received here Tuesday. | ——
4 Th, Commissariat wa. establish-i p^N $20,000 IN
To Announce For {*? “.Z°r„ tt LT! improvements
Governor From
•uurt opened Tuesday morning at j worshipers.
9 o'clock more than half of the n The actors: Justin Lawrle. former
court room was filled with people, opera singer who since his conver-
somc of whome had been waiting | „i„ n more than a year ago has de-
*[»“ 7 o clock. The trial began , voted hlB llfl . In fu „ „n 8lou , «.
about 3 ° <*lock Monday Afternoon j tlvlties; and a group of colored
and at noon Tuesday the evidence | nlf „ „ n(1 .tohn Ector and
had not been finished. j fci , oholl tmm Ihe c „iore<i Baptist
All jurorv not on the Seagrayes churt , 1)
UjbVnct A. and M. schools is eligi-
| Die lo cofnpete m tins contest oy
(growing tmee acres oi cotton in *.
project’’ unuer tne aupervi-j
The (’ummiHKmiat
ctl in Jummry 1!»:'0 at the requent
of the Merlin government, t« pro
vide as sort of liaison between | -
(ioi nmt the Allies. Three jp amous pjyg an( J Ten
_ , days after it started, the French
U|q /V|| I n |*% |1 1 attempted to have it su|ipresse«l i C6Ilt StOTGS COITipdliy
_ Will Begin Occupancy of
Former Governor of Miss. ';r,„,,r„r Ml “' ,v “ OVer “"'I Build,n K ^ U8t h
Serving Jail Sentence : f. w. Wooiworth anti company,
For Contempt, Expected : e»S^ta™'fr , th" rtU S!/ rTw " r '‘ io " ally k " ow " oper J: to ” of ,iv *
' dsy,-is.... Uahtenlnu ."dL.hly and “ nt «*«rea. Tuesday con-
In their hold n the Ituhr. the f;,t- i summaterf a long term lease on the
est step being tin* nbolltlon of the i Sidney Boley building on Clayton
Gerninn "Commissariat,” and the street.
adoption Of even sharper measure, j The building Ik now occupied by
to Announce.
Denying that his company submitted a fraudulent
sworn statement in regard to the number of bales of cot
ton in the Penick Warehouse fire at Madison in 1921, L,
T. Penick, head of that concern occupied the stand in the
$100,000 insurance suit trial in federal court tot. th«
greate: part of Monday. « ’ ■
- , Mr. Penick asserted that he mada
Two Officers Arc a Ii,t the n ’? mb * r ° f bal . ea
Dead As A Result
Of Bootleg Fight
Deputy Sheriff and Pro
hibition Officer Lose
Lives irt Fight With Rum
To Announce For Governor.
JACKSON—From his cell in
the Lafayette county jail at Ox
ford, Miite.. Theodore G. Bilbo,
former governor of Mississippi,
will, according to his friends
here, make formal announce
ment of his candidacy for gov
ernor subject to the August pri*
im> mruauitr| ibuilding is now occupied by
expected an a renult of the the H. J. Reid Clothing company
PariH conference between French anc J Smith Shoe company and
ami Belgium representative*. 'Wooiworth takes possession of it
The arcent order for the seizure on August 1, 1923.
NEW ORLEANS.—From meagre
reports which came drifting into
New Orleans, early Tuesday morn
ing, two men are dead and one
injured as a result of a battle with
rum runnersj
The dead men are a deputy
cotton destroyed as correctly as
he knew how and if there was any
mistake it was by honest miscalcu
lation and not through fraud or in-
font. tr* mi<tri*nrn«pnK The ntufe-
tent to misrepreaent The state
ment said that 1100 bales of cotton
were destroyed in the fire.
Mr. Penick also answered tho
charge that the sprinkler was put
out of commission by denying tnat
the valves controlling th* water
supply were shut oft before tho
fire. He declared that the valves
were not shut off beforo the fire
hut after it.
the only witness on the stand
Tuesday morning was Mr. Tru-
luck, an auditor from Atlanta
sheriff and a prohibition officer, j who?e testimony took up the
transport inside -the' Announcement of the deal with j bee a n IJ?5rtaine'3!' <>m lMV * n0t ^ pCjlf i0 nrohaJlv* lsst": ," 1 '" : 1 1
Ruhr has ipeen applied with »pee-|the Wooiworth company, which is 0ne of j hc men |„ the rum run- ^thuTw-lf J^more Uwn fifty
■ were dismissed until Tuesday i
afternoon by the court as the trial!
flflit ' fn Innf nf loaat I
Long before eight o'clock the
expected 1 to last at least j .stately old building w an receiving
through Tuesday. t the early camera. By the owning
Attorney John B. Gamble and| ,,r the service, not n pew anywhere
George C. Thomas are defending ‘
^ left unfilled, while the adjoin-
Scagraves while W. H. Smith is ling Bunday mhcol rooms were
assisting W. O. Dean, the solicitor, 1 .packed to capacity with chairs for
i the prosecution.
Scagraves. who is nightwatchman
at the S. A. L. depot and yards,
shot and almost instantly killed
r lately and other step* the largest five and ten cent stores
have been taken to screw down tne company in the United States, was
lid a few notches tighter on all un-,made snortly after the transaction
authorized traffic within the otcu-, was completed
— ■■ pied area. >rl '~
OXFORD.—Theodore G. Bilbo,. ——» !
K .™vi.»v ,.,uc V, nut lawyer, political loader and former j
turee acres. Prizes will governor of Mississippi Monday, j
Isioit ot nit, agricultural instructor.
me capital prize oi ^idtl.uu is
to ue awarued to me ooy wno pro-
uuecs me greatest vame
De awarueu at the Southeastern j wa3 under sentence to serve (
rate in Atlanta next tail, unu tne days in the Lafayette county jail i
value of cotton will be uetermined " r , contempt of court as a result
U|>on the grace unu staple ot cot*
I’aul Smith at the time yard mas
ter for the same company on the
I the later arrivals. They had come
* to hear Mr. Lnwrie and John Ec
tor's choir. For not often in a
single night does one have the op
portunity to hear singing
torly different and yet so strange
ly nllke in beauty.
Mr. Lawrle has sung major parts
in operu. 'ffe’has a cfear-tjut, pbwr *
iourtnivd'* nc bliTw.s'Vt^med I "1 ul ' , h hl 1 ' thly
uMlnst him by the January grand v l 1 11 1 the untriitn-
jury. The April term grand jury, ed m. i
however returned a biff of Indict-i ,onM ' Wh*""®
ment for murder and hia ease is I 1 ’ 1 '*™ , f" r , Ul * * hl " N
the first one on the criminal docket. } orlt friends ^admired hi
to be taken up.
evening ol December
He wa^ acquitted by tho coro
ners jnry, ordered* held in the pre 1 -
liminary trial before the justice j
ton exiiioueu, as uuseil o;» the cias
siticaiion given by me Georgia Got
ten Growers Co-operative **iarKet
mg jissociauon.
lOgetner wan the sample of cot
ton exhibited by each boy he is re
quired according 10 tne rules of
me contest to submit a complete
record ol nis cotton growing pro
ject. including, cost accounts and
cultural ptacuces. Tnese records
. ]are to bo filed under tne seal of
a notary public und to be attested
by tne teacner under wnosc direc
tion the project has been conduct-
According to Mr. Sheffer, a
summary ot these records should
give us the best information avail
able with reference to cotton pro
duction under boil weevil condi-
sung In tions, for not only will projects be
le [ conducted m all parts oi the state,
John Ector has i
j Bum's nml'l carriers, "u '"faintVlar fix- jjiutfi large number of varieties wili Bandits AnOtHerl*? % ‘ riena but 'P « ,P ub V c ' *' r '-
the streets of Athens. Butj^ Ifrown and a great variety ot a “ ul .. A ::. lll 5 .(vice that was wonderful and never
of r
The amount of the leaae, which'
for sixteen yesrs, was not given
out, but it is learned from reuabie
sour.-es that the consideratidn is
the largest ever paid for a single
j building in Athens.
of his failure to respond to a ted
oral court summons to appear as a
witness for the plaintiff in the suit . . .
for damages filed by Miss Frances 1 I Mr. Sidney Boley purchased the
Birkhead, of New Orleans, stenog-1 ' ' building in 1913 snd paid the larg-
rapher, against Lee M. Russell J est price per front foot ever given ...
governor of Mississippi. Pnsaimr Awnv of MlV L nr P. lo Perty in Athens, it Is stated, the lookout for them.
Tho sentence was imposed in *“S8ing Away OI "1“-; The fact that the lease calls for an j —
United States district court here Eilftl A. UiaWlorCl Is amount larger than that e*er paid 1 G 0 l ore d Orator To
” • “ — ‘ f.-ir n winrrln Ltiilrlinor in (h d r> tv ,| vwiw*vu v<w|,v> * v
ning gang was wounded but was
taken away by his comrades, in a
high powered ear, which the whis
key runit rs were using as a
“scout car, for the caravan which
followed it.
The fight took place at Lake
Borgne Canal bridge near Violet,
iisisna. according the repeat
Louisiana, according the
received by the police here.
The bodies of the two dead of
ficers were found at opposite ends
of the bridge and one body had
been severely riddled with bullets.
Police officials ate at work on
the case, w hile authorities have de
scriptions of the cars and are on
Sdwin R., Holmes I q nllv< , p firipf tn Hun- 1 b > ,lwln Ej n th j a *» {
;au guilty to the source OI Uriel IO nun-1 inHicstion that property values here
onneed himself i dreds of Friends. ' are no* only holding up but are
whatever, in the,' k°mir higher.
lightof all the facU ami conditions! In the dcat K of Mrs. Ellen A. L-^L v*?h.°. Un .l2wl w-Ak
of th.s case, the penalty of this ■ Crawford, whfch «currred at her. *“" d,y il L“ t I1( ™ _
honorable court shall be." horae in t |, in ,. ity Mo n,iay afternoon I KK.’gL fflw?.
J A then" mst one her most nota-l — th « building for th»lr store.
Monday by Judge Edwin
when Mr. Bilbo pleaa gi
charge and fhnounced
ready to suffer “whatever, in thej
Speak Here Friday
Roscoe Simmons, reputed 'to bo
the colored race's greatest orator,
iLl.L.. .-J ...Ill .
The suit for $100,000 against tho
Camden Insurance ccmpW "£ i
Camden, N. J., grows out of a fira
in the Penick Warehouse at Madi
son in 1921 at which time 1100
bales of cotton are said to havo
burned. The insurance company re
fused to pay the amount asked.
Counsel for the defense .Mon
day declared that the sworn sti
Bient of the plaintiff as to
number of biles in the warehauso
was frauluient and that the auto
matic sprinkler was out of com
mission when the fire occurred, ir
that the valves controlling
water supply were cut off and '
water was available to
the fire.”
able Und beloved women.-
fomin" to Athens just
thinker and entertainer, will ap- Attorneys representing the
pear at the Mo« auditorium unde, !««•" feo°;/Ctic$>;
close of the civil war she
became n leader in those matters | Decision of the Wooiworth com-
which looked to the uplift and bet- party to establish a store In Athens
terment of those sbout her. Pos- {nte . that the great business
sesMng ren-arkaule intellectual' concerns of the country regard this
qualities and a patriotism that city aa one of the belt la the state.
The Wooiworth company was
auspices, of the First A. M.
-its flC.y-sixth
s. Anderson Bladiion and T.
Wood. “Thusfc lepiescnting the di
fondant are, Judge Shepard Bryai
—. . . --- , —4 « _... _ 111—Illlj IwUIlti L A|ll Loolvll mV. Willy
Police Chiefs Son Killed:in deeds of kindness and loyalty
knew no bounds, her iove for hu
manity found expression not .only
Summer Months and
Warm Weather Will See
Wholesale D e p a r ture,
Says Col. Gantt.
on Sundays, and on prayer inert
ing nights, he is the choir leader
at the colored Baptist church. In
spare hours he trains its members.
And last night, by special request,
he brought them to sing for Mr.,
Lnwrie and the "white folks'' at much cotton per *ac
their big meeting. did through tneir projects last
Lucky for the music critic that | year, we may expect not less than
a cub reporter was assigned t
cover the service last night.
fertilization methods und poison
remedies will be used-
“We expect to have 500 boys en
ter this contest," said Mr. bneffer
in commenting on this contest
Monday, “and if they produce
our boys
.. ... 1.000 bales, which at present prices
'Had I would be worth about $160,000.
critht been there, he would; *«•» *» »• u “‘ juu K „.^..w -
e t„nv imxxllns hl» brain, yet did *'»>« *» conduct »uch a content
1 i fnf ♦)>.. rnaartn that /»nv nBnn a
ould |
This is in our judgment a splen-
Man Fatally Wounded ending.
*— * * She seems fo have adopted as
her stundarfl of life the words of
Master “!
in Fight.
(By Associated Press.)
the Master *'I came not to be mln-
for their country. She sowed Into
.... .. company
represented by J. R. Allen in hand
ling the transaction.
Hit By Train,
Small Boy Dies
PAWHUSKA—Five bandits, controlling influence of her life
I was talking the other day with
my friend, Mr. Abney, the Broad a iH that
street merchant about the agri-
«ultural situation and * exodus of
negroes. He agreed with me that
[he northward movement of blacks
, Just fairly started and since
warm weather has set in t^iat most
l^l. n t e if r< >e» remaining would
probably leave.
Mr Abney then spoke of Van
Jenkins, a farmer of Madison
jounty and cited what can
>*• accomplished in this section of
Z or J? a b y whitc l*bor and intel-
gent work. He said he has known
an Jenkins for some 35 years,
\ * hn was a poo
armad on a small at
man and
f the colored choir.
• cul» and the congrega-
^1 id n't ti*y to decide.' They
knew'’ that "Steal Away.''
"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.'
"Humble Yourself, the Bell's Done
Rung." the rei>ertolre of the visi
tors. when rendered in the soft and
quaintly beautiful fashion in which
only a negro can render them, are
totally unlike any other kind of
singing in the world and that com
parisons are useless.
firemen called
„ ,r — - ---- i The department responded to a
that tntiaX V m i a i? ,e '5 He telephone call (dl»iH morning to 448
v fgSftJPl' *■ worth Thomas street where the firemen
lull.. *** »■ W
* 2( * i 'Q00 and every penny was
count J° m , V* , 8 °U of Madison
JSt* a D' 1 l* c le»n money, repre-
a htr '* u ork, frugality and
an '’ «»mmon sense.
A short time since Mr. Jenkins
(Turn to Page Six)
Once numbered among the big/
oett of tngiNh advertisers, end
prosperoue in proportion, tho
famous shoe.polish firm, of Day
A Martin rtranllu artlw -..i
recently sold out.
F.llur. to k„p up It. advar. mi th. r.aion frankly
«'*on by It! managamant for th.
""*• •* bg.ln.M which forced
Many famcua wrltar., Including
Charles Dickens, had mada raf- to tho tlrm by namo In
>«eir books, and Its praatlga was
’pp.r.ntly „cura.
Than cam* tha mistake of
"Unking «»• public would on
-anting th. product without
constant remlndtr of Its marlta.
Compttition wat Invited by this
"Muds—active, advertiring c.m.
In.vitab.c-- cel.
p c.tlg« l. a w.nd.rful found.,
von for advcticlng.
extinguished a small flro on the
roof of a residence belonging to
.Mrs. Carrie Powers. Only a small
aad ,J««a Jantre «n«. of day, pier thVn vhnn b.lpla, oUtnre. The ” . 0. w„
(tone ^ by, rifled the bafe of the ,|, k knew her ministrations, the • fatIi ii y Injured when atruck by a
l>oor her kindness. Little children | H p ( .flal train on the Athens- Union
fathered about her f ladly. | Point brant, of the Oeortth rail-
Probably her work.amonx and r „ # ,| uonna, at 4 o. m. r
for children was the most amiable | The child la reported to have
that $he did. j been playing near the tracks in
She organized “The Children of j front of his home or attempted to
the confederacy" and instilled Into cross them when a switch engine,
postoffice here early Tuesday
morning, killed one man and made
their escape. (
is thought to be the
irylou p^uMS e £{* »“«orroSKfire , :iI
tlve value of Ml. Lawrle a slnalaa^ un(Ier bo |, wecvjl ‘' coadittons. , uv ^ Oklihomn. -
Our yields have been materially . *[| e < * cad 'Wilkerson.
reduced by the ravaircs of the peat, (|?°L*9* c W-*f of P°i lcc
but at the same time our asricul-1 bandit* as lie tricd'*to S stoD the^rob' ihrt iered unto but to minister.” Tho I wan lirouKht to an Athena hoa-
*" r j) I bery. His -body was comnietelv rid I * b e |r mlnda the seed of patriotism pltal, but was so badly Injured that
making good Mtton crops Last yew ™^-”J a o“^»»* 8 eompleteiynd . and |(jye w| „ llever ‘' cca . e t0 death occurred at 10:65 p. m. The
a dying condition. (bear fruit and will make ot them remains were removed to Dorsey's
tiha the boys inthe Smith-Hughes | A „Xr man, “Shorty'’ Karri- better men and women, as they! funeral parlors and seat to tha
agricultural classes wno nhii .cot-L 0Ilt a taxi-driver, was also .hoi drow into mnnluMHl and woman- home In Odaxeys Turedsy morning,
ton Projects produced an average b the bandit, on d j, not cvnecfSl i hood. If she had done ho more than t 'me funeral and IntermaHU will be
° f („‘ i »L po “ n ?L°„»red 1 *o live through Yh? day this, and'she did much more, she : held Wednesday at Balrdstown.
ton to the acre, a* compared to 300 After tho attempted robbery, the would hove rendered a wondqrfut I -Vr. and Mrs. Wheeler, parents
bandits headed towards Battles- service to the South, which she of the child, are the only Immedl-
vitlc. , loved so well. 'ate relatives surving him. His fath-
A member ot the D. A. B.'s and 'cr is foreman of a bridge construc-
Speaking of Simmooa' appear*
ance before an Augusta' audience,
Judge Fruuklln. one nf a large
number of white cltlsena who
beard him, Is quoted In an article
appearing In the Chronicle ot Jan*
uary 2. as saying "It wts the most
liowerful argument" he bad ever
W. A. Fountain, Jr.. Is pastor of
the ABhena church and he and his
colored members have prepared an
elaborate program for the anni
versary week. The address by
Roscoe Simmons will be probably
Ihe main feature, and the wblto
people of the city will be Invited
to bear him. An admission fee of
36c will be charged. -
pounds as an average for tho farm
ers of the state. Had the average
yield in the state been as good as
that of the vocational boys more
than $100,000,000 would have been
added to the total value of our
1022 cotton crop.’
in addition to the first prize of
$100.00 in gold a large number of
other przes will be awarded to the
boys in the contest. A definite an-
(iarnage resulted from the fire as i nouncement with respect to theso
it was quickly put out. | prizes will be made in a few days.
The many "rolls of papyrus" i
UiaS were found In King Tufs I Among the Eekimos, ('conjurers."
tomb In Egypt have turned out to | who have had a special training
be rolls of linen, apparently loin I and may ite of either sex. wield a
cloths. i frost Influence.
Walker May Speak
other orxanizitions her heart was
always with the children. She was
v»r happier than when serving
At Baptist Rally ^g h „ r l0DB , lckneif
Baptists of this seolion will be
Interested in the announcement
that on Sunday. April 59. the fifth
district rally of the Sarepta as-
aoclattlom'wlll be held at the Bap-
list church In Comer, Ga.
Hon. Clllfford M. Walker, gov
ernor-elect of Georgia, has been
invited to deliver an address on
"Chriatian citizenship,” and other
prominent laymen and ministers
If You re A Nut You Can Prove It
J ’ _ l ... _ -land elaborate preparations are be-
When Brain Test Bill Is Passed^ttt Z
will take part fn the program.
) A large attendance is expected,
ALBANY.—You ck determine , mentary capacity, and If he got a
hither vou are a compete luna-]* ecrPe of the court ' * fter Proi**
tic s nea^eS^s a plaln "bug” or !notice and hearing officially judg-
a hardbolled man of sense under a ing hJm to be sane, that could be
hill todav bv Assembly- ma,,G Ending upon his heirs,
man I^evy*ot Manhattan. ^vhhh en- "The obvious I. such
iiibu rnurt for an a proceeding as bearing on a will
r. b i e ’H./,ioY lmo W. sYmty contest Is that Mr. Eno and the
investigation Into Ms ssnity. !fl|lure potpnUa | En0l , re ptacBrt
Lecy says no one making a will, the Hta ml la their own behalf
Negro Thief Bound
Over to State Courts
clarence Cokely, negro, who was
arraigned in police court Tuesday
morning charged with steading
from the Hardy.’ Hardware com
paqy, was houndover ub the state
courts under $200 bond charged
home was almost continually filled
by anxious friends. Everyone want
ed to know “How is Mrs. Craw
ford." The number of her friends
was great und included ail classes.
No one hud more friends than she.
Mrs. (’rawford, in early life, was
left a'widow wfth three !itt)e chil
dren. Her life was not free from
care or sorrow or trials but she
tlon force on the Georgia railroad
and waa at work between Camack
nnu Macon when tne pccldent oc
curred. «
Prices offered by Mayor Geo.
C. Thomas to the Athena school
children in the Clean-Up Cam
paign which was prosecuted so
sucessfully by them and which
resulted in putting the city in
order for the spring and sum*'
mer season nave not been
The delay has been occasioned
according to a statement by the
mayor* by the failure of the au
thorities^ the different schools
to send ni the names of the win
ners to him. As soon as this is
done the prizes will be awarded,
and Mayor Thomas has request
ed that the namea of the chil
dren entitled to these prizes be
forwarded to him at once. .
renoant are. Judge Shcparc
Atlanta; Daniel McDougal. Atlan-
and^Erwin ,Err/in end Nix,
* wn^
ui, anti Lrwin jErr
atheiis, E. J. Trotter,
Franklin County High i
School Noses Out Hart
well By One-Half Point.
Monroe Third.
HARTWELL, On.—The elghtli
(Itetrict high echool meet which
»al held h-re April 13-H foie very
■ucrenful, e« evidenced by Ihe
large attendance and Intciv.t
ehown. official reprceent.itlce ..f
the elxteen vleltlng echool., thetc
Muperlntendenta, members of I th..
fucultles. mid valtore numbered
from S00 to 1,000.
The school, partlcpntlng In the
meet Were Greensboro, Mnui'oe,
Social Circle. Washington. Wat -
klnsvIHe. Wtntervllle. Elbert'.n.
Livonia, Comer, Mftdlsen. Eitnf -
ton. Covington. Crawford. Dzntrix.
vine, Itoy.ton, Carne.vtlle und
Hartwell. ' '
Martithon Dancers Kept Hopping
As Police Keep In Behind Them
in the literary contest, 'cotMixt -
Ini? of recitation, music, declam.i -
(By Associated l*n
. NEW YORK.—New York s eight
never complained. Affliction, sor- lone-stepping non-stoppers who
row hardened her not hut through!have danced their way from' this
all these she grew In those graces J state to New Jersey and* back who entered the club’s marathon
which sweeten womanhood and de-j again in their attempts to set a Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock
velop character. (new dancing endurance record, de- has been on the floor the longest.
She was for years a consistent 'spite the ruling of the law and ball- Russell Brady, who preceded her on
held in dancing academies
tlon. debate, spelling.
sewing. La von la won first pin...
Hartwell, second. and .Monroe
third. Lnvonia won first place
' ver Hartwell by one-half a point.
In the literary exhibits. Katon-
ton won first place, Monroe .*»«*<-omi
ml Hartwell think
In * the indifetrial contest Mum-on
.‘won first place, - Hartwell w..u.|
and innd Madison county high w«m
over a tile floor in a club room. x third,
of the dancers, 21 are women and j in the athletic edntest
ten men. 'Miss Mada line Gottschick, won first place uud Lai
The school
and devoted member of the Pres- room proprietors, started a jazz I the same floor, naving dropped out
byterfsn church and was interested journey to Connecticut. (this morning after dancing 43
journey to Connecticut. j this morning
In all the work and efforts under- Thmitened by the police here hours and 38 minutes. Miss Gotts-
taken by her church. Jiast night, they fox-trotted into a chick was proclaimed in good con-
Her near relatives who survive J moving van, whero a phonograph j dition by a physician who examines
her are. a daughter. Miss Annie,
a systematic stealing from
Hardware company while in Its em
ploy by getting himself locked in
side the store every nighb
"‘ I, , “ Jon the stand In their own behalf . unutu
ought to wait to have this^iemlolu^ scnltlnlied aBd exan ,i aed by with larceny.
cleared up after he Is dead. TO i»* , hc j ury as t |„, evidence that t'okely I* said to have conducted
dfcate the'need for such a bill Mr. j can ^ offered, while under the^H
Levy Hald: _ present practice long hypothetical
"Take the caee of Amos A. lino.' questions are put to alienists hired
who left $1:1,000.000, half of It to| am | paid by the proponenta and
the t:ommouweatlh and half to hia .contestanta of a will.”
belra. As In many many cases, for t To avoid another set of compti-
like causqs, contest was made upon cations that usually uriae after one
the grounds of his Insanity or men- j, Rpaq, SenatW; Levy offered a
' Inlcapaclty. ) ^.jcptnivMMot* WH.PVTWHtlps a, poraoa
This coiild have hecn ayoidiSil test Ip, court,the jfqlldlty; of a
’ Eno had the right under . the! wilt while he Is alive, so he may
law- to institute voluntary proceed- j have a chance to patch up any
Inga to r .<ezt hia sanity and testa-;flaws found by the court.
Headbanda and small turbans for . . ,
evening are greatly liked In Faria ho ™ el 'i*i r or georgette ejrepe
ft the present JllW: Moat of the
tnmlbafids, ghpvt. the: Ecyptlan Hr
ftuenre and oriantal colorings and
the (be lavish use ot seed pearls
and bright semi-precious atones.
of this city, a grandson. Brace
Crawford of New York and a sister
Mrs. Lucy Harris ot Chicago.
The services gwill be from the
residence Wednesday afternoon at
4 o’clock. ,
Velvet hots are to be iiopnl-ir
throughout the summer. Not the
heavy kind, hut a very tight, nip
ple sort with a high sheen, it is
also used for large bows am. fer
trimmings on transparent hats of
ere a phonograph dition by a physician
furnished music w hile they crossed here trequentiy.
the Hudson to a Fort Lee, N. J.,: ills* Gottschick has set SO hours
hall. They shuffle dpeacefully there!as her goal.
■ ANe Id plmC two different Kbi'es
nS'once, a’London wfudow-ClenneC
until Monday afternoon. The police j Seven women and six men are
invited them to leave snd they tod-1 gliding over the tile floor of the
died bark to their portable dance;dub.
floor, rrussed the river again and I In one of the dancing acamedies
went to a Harlem ball room. The;is u “masked man of mystery,”
manager there allowed them to t and a woman, who started dan,ing
stay only a few minutes and they j at 2 p. m. Sunday. Tile man u
waltzed into their van once more .masked to conceal his identity,
and headedJor “somewhere in Con-1 Four of 17 girls who entered .the
nccticut.” The managers of none
of the dance halls knew what town
they might land in-
With orders out that no more en
durance dancing will be permitted
in .Cleveland. 31 dancers were shuf
fling or*r three floors in an ef-
- :ord of 65 MM
yesterday by Hies
fling over tnree iiooi
iirt to break the recori
end 53 : minutes ‘eit
Houston, Texas, yester
Magdalene Williams.
Two of the contests are being
contest in the other dancing aca
demies, dropped out today, leaving
13 women and three- men on the
An ordinance which would pro
hibit endurance dancing here wag
referred by city council to |Ls ju-Jj. Thorr : .Mmiday , i_ht after
diciayy comntittee. Previous to its the former was found guilty of
introduction in the dance hill,‘'In-/cutting Ernest Foster, negro on tha
ring the highest
number of points in these contests
won loving fop *
Gold medals were awarded to
ilea Cheek. Jr., of Livonia, and
Louise Christy, of Kinlelsvill.- on
spelling: to Martha Churchill and
|lsane Hays, of Covington, on de.
hate: tt| lien Cheek, Jr, h>f tuiv.i-
"*«. on essay; Lillian Dawson, of
Wlnt. rvllle, on^esaay; Frank Nash,
of Washington, on declamation :
Eliza David, of DsnietildUf. on
declamation; Eva Brewer, of Hart
well. on sewing, and Louise Jones,
of Hartwell, on music.
White. Boy Fined
For Cutting Negro
Elmer J. Todd, a rehabilitation
student^ was sentenced
$15.75 fine or s-rve thirty days*.,
the city stnckadc ( by Recorder W.
P (cuttir.g Ernest Foster, negro oi
spector Charles V. Johtpon an- Chase street show grounds Si
nounred that no more contests >,lav night. Th<‘ negro was
would be permitted to start. Todd paid the fine.