The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 18, 1923, Image 2
0lassftied^ ^Advertisements L~r PI JID RATES 2 Cents a Word W Minimum CharQs of 40 Cents Insertions Seven times for tlu price* of five insertions. Ail discontinuances MUST bo made In-person at The Ban- i ner-Herald Office or by letter, telephone discontinuances sro NOT vslid. FC WANT Ad O . PHONB BANNER.HERALD WANT AOS OET RESULTS 1 75 r Wanted JWATjTED — VIOLIN PLAYER, AT once, for Georgian Hotel Orches tra. call Mr. Farr, at Georgian HoteL al8p BOARDERS WANTED—147 WEST Washington Street. Good board, Clean, airy rooms. Close In: block fron^ pos toffice. Phone 1S20-J. al?c WANTED — BOARDERS. TERMS $5.10 per week. Apply 445 Meigs Street. al9P ; WANTED-Help WASTED — TEN FIRST CLASS painters. No other.- need apply. E., fay. Phone 1297. *l»o For Rent RCXpl FOR RENT—664 COLLEGE Ayenue. J’hone 19s. *ltP WASTED — TO RENT THREE robins and bath, private entrance, a small apartment, prefer down- stairs. Address XYZ, cars Banner- Uerild. AMP A player on reaching his hall after the second shot., finds that a number of twigs blown from nearby tree practically anrround Ibe ball. The ball Is resting on a slight Incline. The player stooped over and removed several twigs but In no way tbuched tbo ball. However, the moment the twigs were removed the ball rolled sev eral inches from lt» original posi tion. Js there a penalty for such action? The player was within his rights in removing the twigs, they being regarded as loose impediments. However, if the hall moves after the removal of the twigs, tho acd js held responsible and the player penallxed one stroke. ** In playing from the tee, the ball strikes one of the electric gras* cutters being used on tho course, lodges Itself ((therein, and Is tar ried some distance before the farj became evident. What Is the prop er ruling? A ball shall be dropped from » spot as near as possible to when the grass cutter was when the ball lodged in it. There is no pennlty. CITY SCHOOL NOTICE Until 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday April 24 th the undersigned will re ceive bias for 15 cords of dry pine wood, dellfered to the City School. Right reserved to reject uny or nil For Sale SALE—PURE bred rkshire Pigs, 6 weeks old, ready for delivery on, the 15th. See Orr & Co.' S. a22c! M. O. NICHOLSON, Chairman Committee on suppliee A-17-18-19 FOE SALE—EXTRA FINE HAMP-1 SHIRE Row, r.filtered, welfha 600 Iba. j da* ta'farrow In Itejr. Will sell or axchOMO far corn or good mule. Ftreeauter of pin wlU pay Tor tow. avlooh. A. IU D«»l •lla FOR RALE-FINE ROOTED ROSES. Johifa Oreenhouee. alio NOTICE That Ira! Installment of city tax es are duo from April 16th to May let. Inclusive. Taxpayers who fall on or bethra-SIay .lit will have to liny J1.66 post of Ilf? which will be leiuod against all delinquent!. Q. E. O'FARBELL, M-l-c , City Marehal FOR SALE—TWO NICE TOUNO milch cows; alio mammoth ytllow . soy beans, tl.60 par bushel; rod rip- ™|»r cow poor P it per buehel. Ad- drees i. I* Bradbury, BL t Athene, Os. «1»P FOR SALE—Two bush els nice clean peas. Ap ply Banner-Herald Office, East Hancock Ave. HAIR lodks MED! boat of sU alter a Golden GUnt Hbimpoo. K i:i.LlfiV& ‘BACKACHE “Have had kidney trouble and jackaehe for.many .rasp *nd I tried several doctors but got only ‘ * ' used two boxes I war rrites A. C. Perkins >, Ky., Kidney and Foley’s—Adrsrtise- RAILROAD SCHEDULES seaboard air line rv. Northbound Routhbound 9:55 a AtUuita-lfonroo local 6:15 p 2’46 p Alt'-Blrmingham-Mem. I:k# p 2:46 p Norfolk*Rich.-N. T. 1:20 p T:M p A tl-Abbeville local 7:26 a Birmingham 6:29 a ^Washington 6:29 a -N. T. 6:29 a C^OROIA RAILROAD Do part •:20 am 1:26 pm tiugiJ TSr Heallb ESSS5B> pivmmylilZnb, tore* D»*« wo suten u ARMEL’S GARAGE Now Up-to-Date Ready for al) lands of work. Reboring cylindcis, welding, vulcanising, burning-in bear ings; electrical work und any thing in the Machinery line. • PHONE 587 189 W. Washington St sportNews WEDNE8DAV1 AFRUtHW* lyAuu a tu „ ~~ "L, BIB LEAGUES OPEN BASEBALL SEASON National, Southern, Sally and Western Leagtii Prize Off Lid. Amend Starts Wednesday; lean Tho National, Southern and Sflljr. leagtiK got off on their 1923 ached- 11I0H Tuesday while the American! league open Wednesday. Seventh Inning Rally Brings Victory to Ath ens High. Mo,rehead Gets Four Hits. A brilliant seventh Inning rally gave the Athens High Hrownles a 9to 5 victory over the Nlfith Dis- j tritil A. and M. here Tuesday aft In tho Southern league Atlanta i ernoon. When they needed runs woe trimmed in the Opener by ** . *nd UiereMRes Nashville, .McQuilllan lettl-c, the wln g nme waM somewhat slow former. |on account of the condition'of’tho field biij was never lacking In in- and hits. Nashville, Little Rock •Mobile won in tho Southern. ! terest. Both, clubs showed u wealth In the National, Cincinnati, Newj 0 [ hitting power which/ kept up .... u., ( uh..«h riHs.m.l the | ntnrwH j considerably. York and Pittsburgh won. Clncln nati boat St. Louis, New York won from Boston and Pfttoburgh trim med Chicago while Philadelphia and Brooklyn wero In in 14 In ning 6-5 tie. Down in the South Atlantic league Columbia won from Spa rtf 1 anburg, Augusta beat Charleston and Greenville won from Charlotte. Following are the figures for hte first day: STANDING OF THE CLUB8 SOUTHERN LEAGUE CLUBS. .Nashville ... Little Rock . Mobile ... . Atlanta ... . Memphis ... Now Orleans Chattanooga . Birmingham . W. 1 Pet. 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 .000 Both aggregations tallied In the initial frame on hits and an error. The mountain lads wenU scoreless in the next frame tfhile the Urpwn- les went Into the lead by garner ing a brace of counters. The bat tle rocked nn until the fourth when the visitors counted one on a walk and a hit. Ild.h rlulis tightened and went scoreless for two frames but the invaders snatched the lead'by tallying two runs on errors. Then came the Brownies' winning rally. They annexed four in tho seventh and on in the sixth which ended the scoring. Bohannon took the slab lor (Hie mountaineers and twirled a credlt- .000 able game nnd deserved a less .000 cruel fate. He worked the full NATIONAL LEAGUE CLUBS. W. I. (Inclnnstl 1 o New York 1 0 Pittsburgh 1 0 Chicago ... 0 1 8L Louis 0 1 Boston 0 1 Philadelphia 0 0 Brooklyn 0 0 route, surrendering nine tingles .000 and whiffing six. Costly errors played an imisirtant part In his loss. Lefty flsckctt drew the Pet. Brownies' assignment and -worked t.000 well for five frames. He was go- 1.000 lng good when he wrenched his 1.000 ankle nnd was forced vo retire In .000 I favor of Allgnod. .000 The lltlle right-hander carried ,000! the burden for two frames atiA In SALLY LEAQUI W. ti CLUBS. Greenville y. a Augusta \. 2 Charleston 1 Columbia ... .;.... 1 rimrloKio 1 Spartanburg .. .... X Pet. 1.000 0 1.000 1 .GOO .600 these two frames was touched for two runs. He worked well but errors and two walks accounted for the two runs. He retired at the end Of Ohs seventh and Mapp took up the chunking. ''Big Boy" held the mountaineers sate and gets credit for the win. Morehead led the Brownies In hitting with a total ot four bits one .600 for extra bases. Williams fo’lowed .600 TUE8DAV8 RESULT* SOUTHERN LEAGUE Atlanta, Ij Nashville 1 ‘ ' - 0| Mlblle 5. New Orleans, I Memphis 4; Little Rock (. No other ptsysd. NATIONAL LEAGUE 8t. Louie 2; Cincinnati 3. Philadelphia 8; Brooklyn 6; (14 innings, derkneee.) New York 4; Boston 1. Pittsburgh 3; Chicago 2. AMERICAN LEAGUE Opens Wednesday. FOR RENT Ono ' five-room downstair* apartment, private bath and all convenience. POaaoaalon March 1st E. G. FAMBROUGH Phone 516 DAILY SIBMONETTE TO everything three l, a season, and a tint le .vary purpose under the htavsn.—leclss. til. The Ill-usage of every minute la a new record against ns In heaven.—Zlmmarman. WILLARD BATTERIES $15.00 and up CLARKE STORAGE BATTERY CO. Phone 677 Athens, Ga. OF QEO vr. a Bolton, Agent, Phone 1M1 Central ot QOorxlo gtatloa Depart fan. Mahon 7:M a. m. 1itt ix m. Arrive from Macon IMS p. as. •:» D. m. *• tjnwi & —■ •AlNESVILLE midland RAILWAY Schedules Louts Arcane Antes ,.-*141 A. tUt'A rs i HMP. M. 10:46 A. M.eo. «01t:ia A. M. • Dolly. •• Dolly Except Sunday. SOUTHERN RAILWAY No. 6 leaves Athens 6:00 a. m., ar rive Lula 9:40 a. m.i Nfc g leaves Athene 4:16 p. DX, ar rives Lpfn 6:4t a. m. No. 7 .le/tv No. S leaves rive, Athene 11:40 a. m. O. B. Miller, C. A., Athene. Go., ^ Telephoae SL W. L COXE Transfer C<>. Long Tripe Our Specialty. Chaapaat Truck In Town. 600 Thomas St Phone 1351 E. KAY -THE SMILING PAINTER" Fine Palntinif and Intsrlor Decorating Phone 280, Athens, Ga. SALLY LEAGUE f'nlunibla 10; Spartanburg 8. Charleston 4; Auguste (. Greenville 6; Charlotto t. Clarketvllle Ivester, WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Atlanta at Nashville. Birmingham at Chattanooga. Memphis at Little Rock. New Orleans at Mobtla. ! I AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit at St. Istuls. Chicago at Cleveland. Boston at New York. Washington at Philadelphia. NATIONAL LEAGUE Bt. Louie at Cincinnati. Pittsburgh at Chicago. New York at Boston. Philadelphia at Brooklyn. SALLY LEAGUE Charleston at Charlotte. Columbia at Augusta. Greenville at Spartanburg. with a brace of safeties while Mapp, Jackaon and Hacketh check ed In with one each. Free, Bohan non and Iveater played stellar ball (or the Invadera. Both clubs field ed rathor loosely due Mostly Ho the wet Held and slippery hulls. The Red and.White aggregatidn plays' Mkdisofc’ High here Friday on Sanford field. The local crew has yet to lose a game wMIe tho Madison lads are reported 6o be a formldlble machine this year. Last year theae lads took a battle from the local crew but the Brown- Isa ‘an determined to avenge tbla defeat-Friday. . , The box score and aummnry fel low: The Box Score ab . h. po. a. e. Jarrard. rf Black, If R Free, cl & Crow. 3h 2 Brock, 4 Arrondnle. lh .. 6 Huggins, c .... 3 Bohannon, p ... 6 6 1 10 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 2 13 0 TOTALS 40 5 9 24 10 C Brownies Morehead, 8b-c Williams, as ... & •Mapp, Ib-p 4 Nicholson, c .., 3 Bishop, rf 3 David, rf 2 Bradberry. 2b .. 4 Jackaon. If .... 3 Davis, cf 4 HackeJt, p 2 Allgood, p 2 ab. r. h. po. a. a. 1 0 6 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ooooo 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 Ban Johnson's Circuit Be gins Play Wednesday. Sister Cut. Other Stars Ready to Play. TOTALS .. .. 36 9 9 27 13 6 Scot* by lAnlnga. Clarke«vllle 200 100 200-rfi Athena Hl*h 220 000 4lx—9 SummatlyrTwo base bits, More- .head, Mapp. Stolen bases. More- I head, Nicholsin, Hackett, Williams, Baso on balls by Hackctt, 0; by Allcood 3; by Hohannon 1. l*ft on bases, Clarkesvllle 9; Athens 11. Hits off of Hackett, 4 in 5 Innings; AUcood, 1 In 2 Innings. Struck out by Bohannon 6; by Hackett 4; by Mapp 3. Passed balls, Huggins 2. Time of game 2 hours, 30 minutes. Umpire, Collins (Georgia.) •NEW YORK — The American League diamond artints, after a long winter of inactivity will be gin to earn their dally bread Wed nesday when the official American League schedule starts. The National League began one day earlier jtnd the games played* Tuesday In the National more near ly resembled mid-season baseball than opening games. The Boston Red Box play here Gotham Wednesday and have the honor of opening, the $2,000,000 Yankee Stadluip. with the boys of ColonlsU Huston and Ruppert. The Chicago White Sox open with Cleveland at the home of Speaker’s clan. The Washington Senators pry off the lid .with Connie Mack's bunch at "Sleepy Hollow”. Ty Cobb's Detroit Tygers, the most /eared team In the league has the Initial argument with the Bt Louis Browns in the later's own backyard. All of the stars of ths American will be in their Wednesday with ths , George Sister, who i able to ?i!ay at all this certainly net before ths mld- «p last nf 1T«V ‘ nnd die or lift of May. ATTEND TRACK MEET First Annual Relay Games Will Draw Over Three Hundred Athletes to At lanta. ATLANTA, Go. — Three hun dred and nineteen college and Digit school athlete* will pound the cin der path at Georgia Tech in the firet annual relay game*, April 28 it *11 revealed by announc ment Tuesday of the complete entry list. Thirty institution* are entered, 16 being prep schools. Coteh W. A. Alexander was de lighted with the magnificent re sponse from Southern institutione to the first event of its /kind ever held in the South. The carnival, will be staged along the lines of ths lUcmmiYmm rsloys.snd th* Drake njo|*H’th* Anek eiamteq^n the East and the-West respectively number of men entered follow: COLLEGE LIST Florida. Eight; Oglethorpe, aid; Tennessee, six; Fledmont College, six: Clcmson, 20; Tech 21; Van derbilt, 21; Kentucky, 10; Miaais- slppi Aggies 21; Auburn IS; Em ory 29; Alabama, 14; Georgia, 20; “oryvlllo College, one.. 1 - HIGH SCHOOLS Madison, «ix;, r.manuc, Institud, nine; Foirbum. 0; Hqrtwell., nine; Cntholic. six; Berry School, six; Richmond Academy, six; Darling; ton, alx; Lanier, six; Boys Hign Kchols, 10 Tech High six; Eaton- ton. four: O. M. C. seven; Wrens, sta; Baylor School, eight; Marist, GOLF LEAGUE PLANS TO INCLUDE ATHENE North Georgia Golf Lea gue Complete Plans At Atlanta; Meeting. Athens Club Again Entered. team selection ond allow* flubs the opportunity to benefit by the re turn of uny -player who Jm awuj* part tof the Hummer. Krank Lawler wan captain of the Athena team last summer. Marietta won tho championship, u humlsomo cup. Representatives from fIVe golf cluks composing the North Geor gia *golf league met In Atlanta Tuesday nnd made arraingements for the league again this summer. D. G. Anderson nnd A. G. Dudley represented the Cloverhurst Coun try club. Rome, Gainesville, West End and Marietta are tbo other four, members of the league^ A sixth' participant is desired by the nnd It may be that either n. Covlngttm or Monroe will come in. Tbo names of imtitotions and It was decided to begin to play en* Sunday and will play the Van- on May 12th and run through Oct. derbilt ‘‘Commodores*** in Athens on 37th. playing every second and fourth Saturday's in the month and each team pla/lng twelve gabies. The schedule will be worked out In u few days by a committee. The rules were somewhat changed for this summer's play and one Of the main changes mads was that to allow any member of the- different clubs tu play on the team selected Instead of limiting the. eligible list to maximum or be composed of six member* tan# bis have The Georgia Bulldogs, theirteen strong and liesded by Coach Bill White, set eall from Athens Tues- day afternoon on the longest trip tho squad will take this season. The Bulldogs play two games with the Mississippi Aggies at Starkesville, Wednesday and Thurs day, and lrom there they Jump over to Tuscaloosa for a game on Friday with the Thin Red bine ot Alabama. On Saturday tho Bull dogs again play. Alabama, this time In Montgomery. The MiesKsipp! Aggies Tuesday feeted the University of Ten nessee et Starkesville by a score of 8 to 4, and ao If would seem that the Red and Black has a bit of hard work cut out for them. Ala. bama also won Tuesday from Louisans State, at Baton Rouge; the score reading 5 to 4. Coach White is taking only thir teen men on the trip with him ,tha following players being the lucky ones: Thomason. Clark, Pantonei rtwera, Ramsey, Rosser. Buttlerir Elridge, Watson, Allen, Middle: brooks* Chambers and Mundayi Manager John Bennett is also malt mg the trip. * The Bulldogs will return to Ath- >7 ( the following Friday and Saturday. CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this slip, enclasp with PURE AND SPARKLING * NATURE’S BEST REMEDY No othtr water has the wonderful taste, the Invigorating feel ing that It leaves after each glass full—It’s delightful, yes It’s— LINTON SPRINGS WAtiER •lldl 1)1 Drink It All Year ’Round—But Especially In Soring add Sum- • _ mar—PHONE 95 Linton Springs Water Com] Offlcs Bread Street r lKr?r Cut out this slip, cncicaci wLD 6c and mall It to Foley £ Co., 2S35 ■ Sheffield Ave., Chicago. III., writ- j lug your name anil address clearly.! You will receive in return a trial | package containing Foley's Honey | and Tar Compound for Coughs/ colds and croup; Foley Kidney' Pills for pains la side nnd hack;; rhonmatlsm. backache, kidney -and > assr^ssr; Xi»s! thoroughly cleansing cathartic for; constipation, biliousness, hMtncaei and clugglsb to the meat, , ALL ABOARD Winter Excursion Fares a Year Tourist Fares TO All Alstons Arizona Arkansas British Colombia California Florida Washington Georgia Havana Kentucky. Louisians Mississippi New Mexico J North Carolina Oregon I Sruth Carolina Tennessee * nui .ft Virgin!* West Virginia VIA T * Georgia Railroad Atlanta & West Point R. R. Western Railway of Alabama Liberal time limit and i For further information applv to f j ^ .bofioayi, Hgflty