Newspaper Page Text
for the liver
Hfyra of Imitations. Demand
, the genicee In 10c and 35c pack-
pigei bearing above trade mark.
Maxejps Tersonals
MAXKY8, Gn.—Hrv. W. H. An
won wa« ordained as pastor o
til.- Maxeys Presbyterian church
.Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
We regret to learn of the death
< f Mr*. Malvin Edwards of nea
(*orlnth. sister of Mrs. Howarc
Hunt of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Burge** *p«»i»i
Sunday with the latter's father
Mr. George Arthur and his family.
Mr. Fuller has returned fron
f’lnrkcsvlHe and Is again with Mrs
C. P. Brlghtwell. his niece.
Miss Lois BIrohmore spent th«
Week-end with her parents. Mr
and Mrs. T. K. Blrchntore.
Thejt. tV. A. met Saturday aft
ernoon with, Mlssea Harriet an*
Cornelia Hunt. The room was ar
tlsticalfy decorated in lovely sprint
violets. After a very Interest in
program was rendered a delicLu:
cd. Thus
More housewives should be
' [made aware of the fact that
^violent boiling does not accele
rate the speed of cooking, hut
•only evaporates the water
“needlessly with an equivalent
“waste of gas.
Tests made by the Bureau
•Standards, Washington, D- C..
•have established a nnmbew of
[important facts that house
wives will do well to remem-
\Viplcnt boiling, with the
* the utensil, gas on full,
■consumes about nine times
ptore gas than is necessary to
maintain gentle boiling.
• (2> For gentle boiling about
"five time* a» much gas is used
■ [with the lid off as would be
inquired if the lid were on the
(3) Wh«*n violently boiled.
^ lyaler evaporate* at about the
■A-*me rate with the lid on as
rifch the lid off.
Athens Gas Light &
Fuel Co.
Phone 64
enjoying the delightful
were .Misses Kula Jtoisner. Lucil«
Arthur, Rosa Maxey, Vosfna Par
ker, Sara Bennett. Corneifa^ Hunt
HaVflet Hunt and Mendnnie* L. P
Maxey and G. V Hunt. The next
meeting will he held with Mi*f
Sara Bennett ns leader.
Mr. Emmett Cabined* of Athen
was the week-end visitor 'of hi*
mother. Mrs. E. O. Cabin#**.,
Mr*. Lambert of riarkesvllle i
visiting her daughter. Mr*. C. P
Ur. and Mr*. Harvey *Cabines:
and children of Athens%were vl*!
tor* to Mr*. K. O. Cabin*** Sun
Messrs. Richard Rice and Thom
a* Rrlghtwell, .lr.. sr.ot:rod to East
vllle Saturday.
Mr*. L. f\ Maxey spent Hunda;
with her mother. Mrs. R. E. Ilavi
*<m at Wood vllle.
We are glad to welcome had
Mr*. C. P. rolrlnuRh, Who wa
called to the bedside of her mother
Mr*. Joe West nt WoodvJlJe, *cv
era I days ago.
The y ung daughter of Mr. am
Mr*. M. II. Took I* HI at thl* writ
Mr. Emmett Cabin ess, of th
Agile ultun.i College of Athens
motored with Mr*. E. O. Cablnes*
Mr*. Helen BrightweU, Mr*. C. p
Rrlghtwell and Mr*. A. T. Bright
well to the Morgan-Colllsnon revi
val In Athens Sunday night.
Mr*. .1. \V. Redtnond and daugh
ter, .Wl**-Ve*tna Parker, and Mrs
Tom Gillen were shopping in
Greensboro Monday.
Ml** Mary Nicholson spent n
very pleasant day with Mis* LI hi
Bell Sunday.
Mr. and Mijn. E. E. Channel spent
Sunday with the hitter’s parent*.
Mr. and Mr*. Jessie Maxey*.
Mr. Stylee and his daughter,
Myrtle, spent SundajJ in Bairds-
town with relative*.
Mr. and Mr*. Jitek,Vaughn spent
Sunday with MK and Mr*. Ben
We regfet' to *tnte that
young non of Mr. and Mr*. Lnw-
rece Wheeler wan fatally Injured
yesterday by a “loose" engine. Dr.
flo* Roant rushed, , $hs child to
Figure Cost Carefully
Before You Buy Any
Boll Weevil Poison.
Before you decide finally on the boil weevil
poison that you are going to use this year,
carefully figure out whut each kind will cost
/ The Calcium Arsenate Product
costa only T4c a gallon. For approximately
from $3 to $4 ‘you can protect an acre a season
. from the boil weevil. Besides, Boll-We-Go
reetta rain, dew and winds. It sticks to the cot
ton plant longer. It makes fewer sprayings
necessary. It raves material and labor.
Another point. Boll-We-Go Is applied in the
daytime. No sleep robbing, slow and ineffi
cient night wor|t. That saves money.
Remember this, also. Boll-We-Go can be ap
plied by a child. No skilled labor is required.
■That is another saying. t
Figure it out from all angles and we know that
you will agree with us that from every stand
point of economy Boll-We-Go is thp feast ex
pensive good poison you can use.
BolbWb-Go is sure death to the boil weevil, j
Hundreds of the largest growers in the south
have written us unsolicited testimonials telling
of the deadly effect on the weevil. Unques
tionably it will kill the boll weevil on your
place. It will do it quickly, thoroughly,
cheaply, too.
Write fer literature which will tell you all
about Boll-We-Go.
Boll-We-Go Mfg. Co.
63 North Pryor Street Atlanta, Georgia
Long Distance Phone Walnut 39IS
: f ‘ K I £***£k \ * _ “4 Cl i
5 • - • j ' - * • • ■
I Athens wh*r* nil in medical skill
J wa* done lo save it hut th# death
* angel came and bore little WII-
I Ham's spirit to Heaven at ten
(o'clock last t.ight. He was the only
[child of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler.
( Mr. G. f». Benett will depart for
I Florida Wednesday where he will
be on an extended business trip.
suspended in the air aeveral feet
above the rear axle.
It was a most remarkable dem
onstration of the power of a Buick
and the absolute dependability of
<ihe tortion drive, which mean* that
the rear axle ift not held In align
ment with the rear spring*, the
iiower being transmitted direct to
the rear wheels and not through
the spriugs.
One of the most novel demon-
at ration* /of the efficiency and
safety of torque tube construction ip
in automobile ha* just been given
in San Francisco.
Thousands of people were sur
prised to see u car with the rear
springs detached from the axle
towing an immense steam roller
.velghing In excess of two and one-
half ton*.
it wa:; a Buick automobile and
‘he stun* was performed to illuH-
'rate the reliability of the tortion
Irive regardless of what happen
ed to the rear spring*.
Over the steep hills of San Fran-
•Igco this steam roller was towed
by the Buick. with the two rear
springs painted white so that they
' oil Id be plainly seen as they hung
Heads Big Firm
For Infants and Children
Aiway3 bcara
Signature of
Goitre Easily Removed
Detroit Lady Tell* How
Verna Ross, 2226 Goodson Ave.,
)etroit, Mich., say* she will tell or
/rite hoV she removed her goitre
vith Sorbol Quadruple, a colorless
You can see the treatment nnd
et the names of many other user* j 1“}** **
t (Mtixens Pharmacy or drug j fJ^gooS
tores everywhere, or write Box ; BA-T *
58, Mechaniesburg, O. jfoM
Daniel A. Dean, former Athenian
and at one time City Editor of the
Hera Id,-has been elected president
of the Cumberland' Valley Gan ami
petroleum company of Knoxville.
This company Is' capitalized at
$750,000 and is one of the largest
corporations in the state, and the
election of Mf. Dean as president
of the company is a distinct honor
for him.
Mr. Dean has many friend* in
Athens who will be pleased at hi*
success. He is a brother to Mrs.
Lamar Scott of this city.
Valuable lUuitrattd Book Saul Free
How thousands of women, bf the simple
method of an eminent physician. have
miseries through many
•voided K _
months and up to the
moment Baby has ar
rived, is fully explained
In the remarkable book. 1
•Motherhood and the
Baby." Telia alio what
to do before and after
beby co-nes, probable
date of birth, baby
rules,' etc., and about
•Mather’a Friend,” used
fy three generations of
moth I -.--.a a at
..j, and aold in all:
■toreS everywhere.
applied externally, _
safe, free from narcotics, permits easier
natural readjustment of musdrs and nerves
during expectancy end child-birth. Start
'■ today. Mrs. E. E. Kerxer, Slayton,
.ays s “It pulled me through." Send
book today, to ljrsdfleld Regulator Co.,
,48. Atlanta, Co. “Mother’s Friend" Is
* at oil drug stores.
By Condo
r woui.'P You Like to -3i<iN -this, sir.? it's a'
F/RM'r to -put cower, steps on -rnetR «v»rs.
A3 IT 13 NOW THe'CAOUSS havs <S«.<evr
Capt. Dozier Is
Pioneer Educator
captain Tbomas H- Dozier, school
superintendent of this county, was
to have delivered an address in
Atlanta this week on* the subject,
"The School of fO Years Ago,”
but Illness prevented him from at
Captain Dozier Is one of* the '
pioneer school teachers and super
intendents ol the country and has
given his edtire life to the profes
sion of teaching He is the oldest
school teacher in'Georgia, is the
oldest alumnus of Emory College,
having graduated In 1856 and is
perhaps not only the oldesi school
school superintendent in Georgia
but in the whole U. S. He was the
first county school superintendent
of Oglethorpe county, being elected
in 1872. He afterwards moved to
Clarke county and was soon named
school superintendent of this coun-
Captain Dozier was born in Ogle
thorpe county eighty-^lght years
ago, has attended school for the I
past seventy years, and he says he I
learns something new every year. |
He lyegan his career as a school !
teacher in 1854, down in Wilkes |
county, and he has been doing thqt
ev£r since.
From the-day he was first made
a superintendent to this—fitty-
eighfl years—he has been in at
tendance at all the sessions of the
county schools in Clarke county.
Throughout the War Between the
States he served with distinction
as an officer la the tlrsL' campt.v.y
formed in Clarke county.
You can Scarcely go wrong with
vour summer frock if you see that
it is equipped with a generous but
terfly bow which may bo placed in
tho back, directly in front, or on
either side.
A gown designed for a famous
motion/picture actress is of gray
net over shell-pink satin. With this
*he carries a large fan of blue
ostrich feathers.
Grandmother's Garden," su
perb pageant. Colonial Opera
House, early in May.
On account of the large number of good answers it was impos
sible to come to a decision quickly, therefore the delay.
The letetrs were:
First prize goes to Thos. Whitehead, 155 Grady Avenue:
“Trussell sells real bargains. Mechanically correct, durable,
economical, sensible.”
Second prize to Mrs. H. N. Chick, 980 S. Lumpkin Street: .
“First class Ford cars remarkably cheap. Big saving invest
Third prize to Mrs. A. C. Hancock, 436 Hill Street:
“Trussell’s used Fords are al,ways satisfactory besides being
We wish to thank those others who sent in answers, a number
of which were unusually good. _ *
Ford Roadster, starter : $175.00
Ford Speedster, new body, new paint $175.00
Sketches by L. W. Redner. Verses by Hal Cochran.
; Color the picture with paint or crayons
A Sale of Special Values
trade rn, cotton,, 'hoaierlj
, And silk Ckate Tjearlv grown,,
laa made the town oPKottir^Hami
On'RiverTrent.'well known
J .
A Necessity In Every Home
Beautifies I Provides Storage Space
Protects Clothing, Furs, Woolens
D ON’T miss this opportunity to buy one of these beautiful
and useful chests now, for although we have a large stock
of various designs, the line being complete, they are so
handsome in quality and attractive in price that the demand will
■ hot pass them by.
Lane’s Cedar Chests are the best manufactured and
sold in the United States—^Madq in natural cedars
■V and browm mahogany with dove-tailed corners and
sturdy construction.
m Wc are showing them in several designs, both in natural red
“ cedar finish—some untrimmed, some with brass strapping, some
with beautiful brbwn mahogany inlay—and others in the plain
brown mahogany finish.
Beautiful Cedar Hope Chests with the words clever
ly worked out in inlaid brown mahogany and with
inlaid scrolls and borders. A specially handsome
chest, if- ti<
> - - . * . \
The season demands the storing away of heavy clothing, {urs,
blankets, and other household goods, and a Cedar Chest offers
the best protection for them as well as adds attractiveness to the
room in which it is placed.
$17.50 to $50.00 '
Furniture Co*
Quality Furniture Since 1884
ml w