The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 22, 1923, Image 2

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THE BAWWBR BBBAtD; ATHENS. CBOBWX . 8UNpAY. J frRjLjtLli& Classified Advertisements 1I1T iD BITES 2 Cento a Worff tg ' Minimum Charge of 40 Ctntg Insertion*. Seven tinea for the price of five Insertions. All discontinuances MUST be Made In person at The San* -nar.Herald Office or by letter. Telephone tfTectfittfftuances ere t* NOT valid. E WANT AH 7C a r PHONE *0 BANNER. HERALD WANT ADS OCT RESULTS Miscellaneous TRY OUR 24 I’Eft CENT *I^A T I\Y Feed. It given results, ff you want more errs feed our Trcmo Ikying Mash. * Flour—the »**t In town for COLORED MEN WANTED to qualifyM he raoncy ’ W ' 1 ar "* ° co - U Ahm 12c ! for sleeping car and train porter*. Ex|K*rlenee unnecessary. Tranapor-| MEDIUM DROWN HAIR looks Mcc*f-, beat of all after a Golden Glint •22p I shampoo. For Rent c The Weather ___ GEORGIA and South Carolina— Stair Sunday and Probably Monday. 'm. Lost And Fotind t<)ST—BETWEEN PRINCE AVE. ‘Tharnao and Lucy 6’ohb. Thurs- night, a pair of shell rim spec- ••rles. Return to 6tP N. rope 8t.. faf reward. a24p Wanted Wanted — board in pimwre ^family by young man student of .Vfolversity. Address M. U. 8.. care MAnn«r-Herald. a24p j(pOD WANTED—WE WANT ~ period Clum of nil kinds. Poplar, Cotton Wood, Maple, Willow. Ash. and Pine on the Athens Branch yt the Georgia Railroad between afethens and Union Point, also Shut hern Road between* Atheps and la. We use entire tree, knots jnust he trimmed close, liberal cash advances on tdll-of-ladlng. Referen- tik, Georgia Railroad Bank. Write fot particulars. Southern Industrie* Company, 221 Masonic Building, ferts. (la. , r I WANTED—Help WANTED—Boy about 12 v or 44 years of age with gbod bicycle to deliver ppper complaints. Apply Banner-Herald Office, E. Hancock Ave. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUriU AT] 444 East Dougherty 8t. Two.baths. J all modern conveniences. Double ga- j rage. The price |* 110.04 per month. Wescon Iludgln, over Canning & Patterson, or phone 1742. 225c Personal WOULD YOU JfYRITB A WEALTHY pjetty girl? Starntwd cnvelopo please. Lola Sprout. Cleveland. Old* n22p FOR RENT — NEW BUNGALOW. close In, easy walking distance to center of city; extra large lot. Rea sonable rent. Apply at C6l Pulaski Street. *22p LADIES—WHEN DELAYED OR IR REGULAR use French Cototn Root Pills. Safe and dependable. Refuse others. By mall, IZ.OO. Double strength. 33.W. French Medicine Co., •Atlanta. Ga. n22p FOR RENT—SIX ROOM HOUSE on Cobb street between Mllledge avenue and Franklin^ street, lot bf 200. for 125.00 per month. 8ee R. *8. Freeman, Phone 714. »22c FOR RENT — AT 268 JACKSON street two-story large brick store Bee R. 8. Freeman, Phons 714. MEN. MEN. IF YOU ARE LOSING your manly strength and nervous, despondent, weary, rundown, or suf fering from unnatural losses, we want, to mall you our book entitled: **Per- • fcct Manhood. Itn Real Meaning and I * How to Attain It." This book des cribes tho "Bextonlque." • a restora tive tonic that costs you nothing If n«-t relieved or benefltted. Write to- a22c |dny to (’innberland Uhemlcal Co., REAL ESTATE LOAN&-4 PER it Money. Bankers Reserve Sys tem « per cent loans are made city or farm, property to buy. build. Improve, or pay Indebtedness. Bank Reserve Deposit Company. Keith Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. * 22r Derry Block, 8. A. u2Jo FOR RENT-APARTMENTS. LO- CATED In desirable residential section, two five room apartments, all modem convenience*. Will rent entire house to one party or separate apartment. House newly painted all wall* done over. Reasonable rent Albert Davison. For Rent—Rooms POR RBNT-5-ROOM APARTMENT close In. on Lumpkin ttreot. AM modem conveniences. J. T. Ander- aon. Pbtnto 840. *- Ip |LE8MEN WANTED—WE WANT A strictly high class specialty sales- pin to represent us In the Athens tfritory. Must be over twenty-five |Srs of age and famish best refer- i as to character and sales ablt- * Our .proposition offers excep- I earning opportunity. 8tate age experience. Wayne Tank and Co.. 1221 Candler Building, nta, Ga. alto SALESMEN—TO BELL E8 TABLTSHED line of clgar% direct factory to merchants. Salary ALLY WANTED—SELL NATION advertised auto accessories can make 111 to ISO dally. De- sells on sight. No competition. Itable territories now open. Ad- Box A, care Banner-Herald. ‘ atlp WOMEN. SALARY |TI FULL t hour spare time, genuine guaranteed boa- direct to wearer. Beautiful line. Ils, Norristown, Pa. an P OAR SALESMAN, f week and expenses. Experience 8end stamped address- i for full Information. The Co., Anderson, 8. C. al>p MONEY AT HOME DURING I time painting lamp shades, - tops for us. No canvassing. Interesting work. Expert Nlleart Company, : Wayne, Indiana. allp IS WILLING TO travel. : Investigations. Reports. I expenses. Experience un- Write J. Oanor, Formert itectlve, St. Louis, slip RAILROAD ■ SCHEDULES Seaboard air link ry. Northbound I Southbound 9*5 a Atlsnts-Monroe local «:ll p 2:40 p Ail.-Birmingham-Mem. 1:20 p > 2:40 p Norfolk-Rich.-N. T. »:S0 p Atl.-Abbeville local T:29 a A tl.-Birmingham 1:21 a Korfolk-Washlngton 5:21 a Wilmington-N. Y. 1:2* a FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, convenient location, 110.00 per month. I’hone W. 8. 1802, Monday. » The State and County Tax Digest will close May 1st, and all those who fail to make their tax returns by this time will be dou ble-taxed as the equaliz ers will not pass on any return that has not been given. J. H. DORSEY, a26c. Tax Receiver. C. A. Trusaell Motor Co. For 8ale CLOTHING. Factory llpr—<«• blue. «ny .1Mf Addre.» W. Oenerat EWJT or phone 12*1. See Orr & Co. looking beautiful Agricultural lege grounds. Phone I0I2-J. FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN young registered Jersey bull. / ply at A tho ns Butchers' Abatt Company or phone 1100. a: Last Notice Fdr State and County Tax Returns DAILY SERMONETTE And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were «vil.—St. John 3:19. Only the worm c consorts with tho and evil spirits shu Schiller. >wl. Sinners the light.— HUGE BROS. .escaped ‘‘hammer" murderesp. cently won first place on the Air]duties at the Ag. Col The department reached this de- Iciub team for the championship [clsiotl as a result of a request from debate between that .organization I the governor of California, and the and the Economics Society, has also tirst step will be to request the b'teil chosen as first I Honduran government to hold thejtho Junior Oration, which will [suspect, pending her extradition, fmobnbly be l.cid sometime lute in i The woman in question, who Itf Mny. alleged to be Clara Phillips escaped ' * day. THE ANNUAL . with Auburn was hi Field, Saturday, Apr To the Banner Herald: ifrom the I*>s Angeles County Jail u , mi tr n T jinpvT5 subject [a »V>rt while ago. where she wae SWDENTS.of‘ .hould I 1 aer*,n* a life sentence for the mar- 't,?'‘J* '"f^ r ‘he Unit Central Presbytsrrsn Church Rev. Samuel .1. Cartledge pastor. ' Mr. T. J. Dudley, superintendent of Sunday School. Mr. Hugh L. Hodgson crranlrt and dlret tor of music. Sunday School 0:45 a. m._ Chr'Mtian Endeavor Societies 3 r the allegation that we were <*n- and 7 p. m. [gaged in the wholesale grocery No evening service on account (business in Athens, Georgia, of the Bible conference and no No investigation was ever made prayer meeting Wedircsday night. I of our firm by the Federal Trade i Commission with reference to this First Christian Church [matter, or any other matter. We It. L. Porter, minister. - T. F. Stephenson. Bible superintendent. 10:00 n. m. Bible School, by Fldams Orchestra. THE rEMOSTHk^aqv K nr|p* • Wedrnsday «hdfi||and »h• 'RMolvedi^TO then Several newspaper, have carried ;,crv7ng a life aentence for the mar- jZS^tecoi-ir, conne“£?l ,he ; off retires to the complaint filed,der of Mrs. Alberta Meadows. Tho ! * t j (h ifnivegiity ar- more or ont three ’ t ® r *R system” was c%b a t liy ihe Federal Trade Commiaalon [killing ol Mr*. Meadows arouaed j ley ‘.“22 s •*- '“«• apainst onr firm and others. The | nation-wide comment nod feeling cn ii. r R vhiitars recently introduced .omplaint allcKea in brief that the doe to the extreme brutality of-thc ' ^ respondent* cooperated to enforce crime. _____ j £ r “S 't“™ deparTme^ sale prices on roa ted co fees | 9 The visitors are enugnt in a n®t in Jho lowlands near New Orleans* They are supposed to be frogs, but fiojiii of a 'stupendous size in com- pailsoh v/ith tne ordinary garden species. Moreover, they are said tp be bullfrogs; though even that name is said by many to be total ly cut of harmony with th*?:r size, and advocate? of 1 the word frankly n. AviMv* th,.—, n ux .admit that nothing approaching tary department, all rifles of the | ^ aS oycr k°* ore * ,Cen ,ceft **h« y °t corpv are .low rendered per- ‘Clarke county. manufactured by Bowers Broth ers, fnc.. ami to prevent those who did not maintain such resale prices from buying coffees. So far as we are concerned we j have just filed our answer the complaint through our attorneys, Williams, Russell & Asbill, and j have, as was proper, denied every fcctly innocuous toys. The firing p.ns have been tat>cn out and se curely locked away. No official reason, so far as it 8ch 31:15 a. m. The Lord's supper. 11:20 a m. Sermon "The 8econ«l Coming of Christ.'* This will I* the minister’s Inst sermon In Ath- before taking up his new work. Next Lord's Day morning Dr. O Morgan will bring the messag* | in the pulpit. 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 8:30 p. m. No evening service oi. account of the Bible C-nforcncc. Prince Avenue Baptist Dr. Aiistnn Crot’rh of Atlanta will fill th«* Prlrn-c nentio Ibiptlst pul pit Sudny morning and evening. 11 o'clock In the morning and 8:30 in the evening. Sunday School 1ft o’clock. S II. Wingfield, superintendent. B. Y. U. 7:30. had no notice that any complaint is known, has yet been given for had ever been made agaiost us, and '* u *“ XT “ *' 1 ll "' at no time have maintained or Muri* I agreed to maintain resale prices Ion roasted coffees manufactured by Bowers Brothers. Inc-, or any body else in any line of business. Th-Te is absolutely no basis or justification for the complaint. Our firm has never interfered at any time with anv one to prevent their purchase or roasted coffee, or any other commodity from any I manufacturer or deder. We Con or plg«. Furo whits b'unch speckled running butter been M cent's per pound. 8. J. anler Statham, Oa. FOR BALE - StXTY ACRES good level land on txcxtngtrn bordering qn i»aved part, at I per aerb. Guaranty Trust Corpora Hon. Phone 714. al«e tatoes. We ahm have a few berries and beans left, .will wll Cheap. Cart at Banner-Herald Of fice. East Hancock AVe. FOR 8ALE—HIGH CLASS fe-hore. gasoline engine, suitable for sew i wood, feed mill, grist mill, pumping water or sawing h Also have a high grade regi CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. \ O. Bolton, Agent, Phone 1441 Central of Georgia Station Depart for Macon 7:19 a. m. 4:41 p. m. Arrive from Macon 12:19 p. m. 9:99 p. m. For further lafornwtUm phono J. T. Bruce, C. A., 949. •v GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Leave 7:45 A. M.* X0:45 A. M.« e Dally. •• Dally Arrive •1:29 P. M. eeif:l9 A. M. SOUTHERN RAILWAY No. 4 leaves Athene S;00 a. m., ar- rl\ ee Lula G. to. No. 8 leaves Athene 4:15 p. HL, ar rives Lulu 5:4$ p. m* No. 7 leaves Lula 4:65 P. st rifes Athene 2:20 p. tn- leaves Lula 14:95 G, PL * 8f* . — 11:40 a. m. JP03 SALE — BEAUTIFUL NEW A., AtheiiA 0*-. J brick bunxalow on M.y lermx J.l.t-lion. IL „ : It. S. Freeman. Phon. 711. FOR HALE-COAT SUIT. HIKE « ,ood u new. KM S. Lumpkin Hi. house built for a home, six room*, bath, servants’ house, chicken n ns, garden, etc. Attractive house, ere hi • tecturally correct, hardwood floors, screened, hardware aud lighting fix tures the besL DeslrsLle neglhbor hood of home-owners. Address "New care Banner-Herald. FOR SALE—BEST NBA* 8IX ROOM Bungalow In Athans at d bargain price. Guaranty Trust CorpornrUon, Phone 714. n34c FOR BALE — EITHER OF TWO fresh, gentle, blg-mllklng, young Ga. »2t? HOFMEISTER’S SHOESHOP New Shoes from Old.—Men's Half Solas and Rubber Heels 91.80. Ladles’ Half Soles and Rubber Hssla 81.25. Children's Naif Solas and Rubbar Heels, priced according to size. WE DELIVER phono 118* 229 E. Broad 8L, Athens, Gae RED * BLACK PRESSINQ CLUB Pressing, Cleaning and Altering All Work Guaranteed Phone 1817 Corner Lumpkin ant dread AHMEDS GARAGE Now Up-to-Datc Ready for all kinds of work. Reboring cylinders, welding, vulcanising, burning-in bear ings, electrical work and any thing in the machinery line. PHONE 887 W. Washington SL FOR RENT On* five-room downstairs apartment, private bath and all eonvaalsac*. Possession March leL E. G. FAMBROUGH Phone 516 WILLARD BATTERIES $15.00 and up CLARKE STORAGE BATTERY CO. Phone 677 Athens, Ga. t W. L. COXE Transfer Co. Long Trips Our Specialty. Cheapest Truck In Town. 600 Thomas St Phone 1351 E. KAY -THE SMILING PAINTER” Fin* Painting and Intarlor Decorating Phone 1297, Athens, Ga. : MARKETS NEW YORK COTTON MARKET Th*» follow Inn were tho ruling irlrcj* In the ex*bongo t«Klay: Tone, steady; inMdhn?, 27.3$ centrr, % Prov. f»|icn High I»w Close «.’l*»»c Jan. /. .. 23.25 23.4* 13.S7 23.25 23.20 Mrh. .. ..’ 23.10 23.20 23.00 12.05 May .. .. 27.40 27.43 2C.ftO 27.10 21.3.x July .. .. 24.53 26.58 20.05 2f.25 26.51 Oct 24.10 24.2C 23.75 23.90 23.‘X. Dec 23.00 23.73 2.1.30 23.„0 23.51 NKW ORLEANS COTTON MARKET The following wore the ruling prloc*i *la the exchange today: b . .TOnf, steady; middling. 2J,25 cents, steady.* ■ - * • I duct our business iairly to our | customers without ctnsulting oth- lers. and have nover gone into a agreement of any kind, with any jobber or manufacturer, relative to the purchase, or resale price, of any article that we handle, and have never sought to interfere with the rights of any other firm or manufacturer in any way what soever. As you have given publicity to the complaint against us we hope you will give publicity to this .summarv of our answer, for we do not think our friend* and custo mers will form an opinion ms to the merits of this case until m final decision has been rendered. Respectfully, By J. E. Tal Athens, Ga. April 21st, 1923. kimadge, Jr. Bible Conference Open* Here Today For ?. Week* Run * (Continued From Papa Ons) Jan. Mch. May July Oct. . Dec. .. 24.52 26.65 26.18 26.5o 26.61 .. 26.25 26.45 26.85 26.21 25.-2 .. 23.40 22.58 23.08 23.40 2; I.! .. 23.03 21.20 22.75 23.02 22.T :i LIBERTY BONDS Y .O R K.—tyherty NEW closed: 3 1-2* 9101.6 Second 4s 97.9 First 4 J-4* 97.11 Second 4 1-4* 97.9 Third 4 1-4* .. 98.01 Fourth 4 1 -4s 97.20 Victory 4 3-4*. uncalled loft.uO U. 8. Treasury 4 1-4* 99. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET Open Cloa< .. 11.35011 ll.30OH.70 11.35011. lt.S0Oll.2t 11.26011. 11.25011.40 11.31ft! 1 . 11.344111.38 11.336fll.3l 11.30011.31 1!*6*| 11.27 10.17ff 10.20 10,126? 10.1 9.20 0 9.35 9.206r 9.35 Spots .. . Aprjl May .. . Juno .. . July .. . August . October .. November .. Tone, weak. CHICAGO QUOTATION* ITcv. Open High Low Cto»a Close WHEAT— May . . 124*4 125 123* 124% 124% 121% 122% 121% 122% 122fc Sept. . . 119% 120% 119*4 120 119% CORN— May 78%’ 786 77*4 78 ' 78% uly . . 10% a so%. -go -so* 8o% fpt. *. •. 80% 81% 80*4 80% 81%* OATS— • ' * » lay . . 45 45% 44% 44% 45% Illy . . 45% 45% 45% 45% 46 *|»t. . . 44% 44% 44% 44% 44% LARD— ay .. 11.12 11.12 11.10 11.10 r. .2 ily .. 1R36 11.37 11.27 11.35 11.3T ept. . 11.57 11.57 11.52 11.57 11.62- itirts- 9.85 9.90 9 62 9.92 9.97 ITCH jo Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide De from Inniit* or SSe Mfr, DB. L. J. SHARP « CO. Commerce, Oa. Take no rabititute. Sold by to lectures by -Rev. P. C. Morgan it 9:30 o’cl'A.k (.nch mc-rulng on "Tho Spiritual Symphony of tho Scriptures;” at 11 o’clock, by Dr. Lcn G. Broughton on "Paul's Great Fourfold Testimony;” at 4 o’clock by Dr. G. Campbell Morgan on "An Old Story Reconsidered.” The ovrulng services will consist of sermons by the three conference lecturers alternating. In tho second week Dr. Campbell Morgan will lecture in the morn ing on ‘‘Th»* Messages of Maggot or Building Amid Ruins.” Tho next hour Rev. Percival Morgan will lecture on "Evolutionary Hyhothe- sea in tho Light of Biblical Revela tion;” In tho afternoon Dr. Len G. Broughton will lecture on "Tho Ministry of the Commonplace" and the lecturers will again alternate tn delivering sermons In the even Ing. Tho official personnel of the conference will be as follows: Rev. 8. J. Cartledge, pastor of tho Cen tral Presbyterian church, direct or; Dr. Jere M. Pound, president of Stato Normal 8chool, chair man, end Graves P. Stephenson, secretary. Favor County Unit / System of Schools (Continued from pag» «na) Meanwhile, students are,Ponder ing whether Doctor Krafker is planning an aquarium or whether no fears a food famine and is fore stalling. it by laying in a supply of freg chops. . this innovation. Nevertheless, the rumbling rattle of distant rifle fire sweeping across the country side hus become markedly less dur- • _ i__a j_ __.i , w /Vkiuiiiu wo uwiw'iiu uiw wvurcm>iuii ha^ nf«n, l SiMv'^.«^L an fh» ,n nnlnV ° f thc UcorjriU EdllCatiOMl Asso- h»s practicallyj-eached the- Ppj"*.elation. The opening munting of OR. J. S. STEWART has K onc to Atlanta to attorn) tho convention ed, tho affirmatlr, shto wlnnins. SOME PROMISING ttack nu lerial for next your, ia.w-on in tbo twelve or flfteon freshmen now out doing track work. 'inoof Read Herald Want Ada. .SPECIAL- NOTICE taxes CITY Tho Urat Inntnllmcnf jdl city („. « *re due from AprU nth to 1st, Inclusive. TaxMSHf*who [y, on or before May lst : w|U, h>vi u, pay *151 cost Of flfn which will lx Issued acnlnst all delinVjuenta m,-. corps has, also, practically ceased at the local dealers- BAXTER STREET, near the ag ricultural school, is the scene of considerable activity nowadays, students in botany classes resort ing there frequently to do field work in that subject. DR. JOHN rTfaTn, chief of the division of agronomy at the agri cultural collegd, has now fully rc- cov?feJ from his recent operation, and visited his classes Wednesday* He expects to resumo his regulur duties within the next few days. DB. G. CAMPBELL MORGAN, considered to be on the the great- eft-teachers of the Bible in the world, will conduct chapel exer cises at the regular assembly next Wednesday morning. AT THE ELECTION Wednesday night, April 11/the following were chosen to direct women’s student government in the University dur ing the next period: Matilda Callaway, president; Annie Wier. vice president: Rose Bush, secretary; Polly Powers, ju nior representative, bachelors of science; May Ferguson, junior rep resentative, bachelors of art; Lois Callaway, representative of sopho more class. All of these students are consid ered to be ‘Weils’’ '•f rr ■ larity and ability, and are felicitat ed by tneir me...— v..*.. - vation to office. FRED M- GOUFAIN*. who,, ro-^s EVERY STUDENT is now inter- c3ted in the date set for the final examinations. As yet this impor tant information has not been given out. To sound what would he the cry of the student body, "hurry up the news ’' WELL "OLD MAN" Jack Chaf fin has requested thut notice be given to the student body at large, that his failure to get u speaking; place on the champion debate be- j tween the Ag. Club and the Eco nomics Society, is only of minor j importance to him. He stated that j he intended to try for the next de-1 bate on the program, and so on, j until he proved his worth. That j kind of spirit requires what is known as stickability. DR. JOHN R* FAIN resumed his Complete D. RASEBALL: Mitts Me to tiu* Glove. :75k (s I 4.01 Bats — 25c to 9241 Balls 9 1.79 Athens Cycle Co. Lumpkin Street FOR SALE: SEVERAL.FARMS TAKEN’iN BY INSURANCE COMPANIES'^ ™ Farms may be 'had by paying up Intent and assuming obligations. HUBERT M. RYLEE 405 Holman Bldg. l.I-j'jq; -, .jb'iob le 1576 Law Offices' ■' Athens, Georgia GtardYofli Heilth @SS2E>» prevent7ve7» u TjrMfcj u, , int - IcKlsIsturo to kafe*u«rd payment of school funds promptly;., resolu tion provldlnc for the election of county school superintendents by county board* of education, and reaohulona favoring the formation of teacheri’ organisations locally. Savannah was chosen as the nosf meeting place of the association. A. G. Cleveland of Valdoata was elected president of the asaocla- tlon. Friday's session of the conven tion brought fourth a striking plan for a state-wlde educational pro- gram from Dr. George D. Strayer Columbia University, eminent educator. Under the system, proposed by Dr. Strayer, three Important pro visions, summarised as follows, are advocated. Equalised assessments throughout the state, the levying of a local tax by counties of (7 cents, for school purpose*, and ap propriations from the state to those counties which must have buds in addition to those raised by the <7 cents tas rate. In order to main- talik the minimum standard of schools required. The "County Unit" system of education referred to above hat been' agitated for Clarke county and it Is probable the Clarke coun ty legislator* will .take an active part In pushing the measure to provide for volitional adoption of the system by counties at he next legislature. Stale Department Will Take A Hand (Cantlwued from cage on*) with the llondunut government to establish definitely the Identity of a suspect residing In Tegudgnl- aml who Is believed to be the j£° Business men all over the city are realizing what tremendous power our classified columns have. Let us help you get what you want—when you want it. PHONE 75