The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 24, 1923, Image 1
I Investigate Today! YJ) To Rasular Subscribers * THE BANNEn-HERALD |1,0oo Accident Fancy Free. THE BANNER-HERALD Deny and Sunday—It Canto a Weat KstnblUhed 1832. Deny m Bnaay-n D«w i yr**t 'i ’ ATHENS COTTON MIDDLING .. ..... PREVIOUS CLOSE .. 27 l-4c T:\ J-Se ■WEATHER: i Fair and Warmer. ■’ VOL. #1, NO. 60 Aeaoclated Press Service ATHENS, GA., TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1923. N. E. A Service Single Copies I Cents Dally, I Cents Saaday. Germans Reported To Be Hard At Work On New Reparation Plan BERLIN.—The German government is plunging head long toward making a new reparations offer which will develop within a fortnight unless present plans miscarry. This revelation was made to the newspapers Monday. The cabi net of Chancellor Cuno Is jockey- it i> understood, to obtain mg. favorable treatment for the Ger man demand that the French evac uate the Ruhr and return the Rhineland to the absolute sover eignty of the Reich.. in the meanwhile, German and British industrialists are conduct ing negotiations, apparently in view of giving the British a share of the Ruhr industries, thereby creating a better baair for subse. quent negotiations. The government plans discus sions of the Ruhr situation by members of the cabinet within the next few days when jt will be de- ideil how best 0 answer Lord Corson, the British foreign minis ter, who recently made a signifi cant speech in the British T of lord. . The socialists are growing more uneasy day by day and are in creasing tneir demanoa that t„e government take some action to stop the Ruhr embrogiio, pointing out that something mqst he done quickly or the inhabitants of the Ruhr will .not tolerate present conditions very much longer. Germany’s internal situation is growing much worse, which is evi denced by tha further drop of the mark which is now quoted at 29,- 10,1,0 department officials, it was de-1 under guard after having clared hero Tuesday. Salomon escaped from the Atlanta uoo to the dollar. Can Save Money By Using New Athens Street Car Com pany*'Will Begin Pass System. Cost OnlyOne Dollar Per Week. No longer will it be neceaaary for patrons of tbe Athena electric care to tusa with the annoying odd pennies or that hoary nuisance— the transfer. Beginning Friday, 27, the Athena Railway and Electric company will piece an advance sale through all Its car operators a new kind of transportaUon rata that will maka it evsn easier to use the street care than a personal machine. This rata will ha known as the Unlimited JUde Transferable Weekly Past. Tha name reelly tells the story. CAN RIOE ALL WEEK Felder Named As Bribery Is Laid To Prphi Agents Thomas B. Felder Men tioned in the Affidavits Claiming Bribery of De partment of Justice Men. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO.—Affidavits made by Edward M. Salomon, of Chicago, that ho paid $12,600 to two mon al leged to be employees of the Uni ted States department of justice IDENTIFIES TWO AS CHAPIN’S “AIDES” Miss Ramey, Local Train ed Nurse, Identifies Two New York Men As Ac complices. Athens To Pay Homage To The Men Who Wore the Gray In The Days Of *6i, Here On Thursday WILL FINISH CASE THURSDAY Hearing Continued to Thursday on Legal Tech nicality. Silverstein and Didato Under Bond. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK.—The de tails and events leading up to the escape of Gerald Chapman from a hospital in are In the poaseValon of treasury I Athens, Ga., where ne was charges. It la said, that the money was paid for favors which tho men failed to deliver. Special dispatches from Washing ton to newspapers here asserted that the disclosure of the existence of the affidavits threatened to di vulge how bootleggers and others Federal penitentiary and been wounded and captur ed again, were given here Tuesday by Miss Coraiea Ramey, Chapman’s nurse. The hearing was before were mulched of large sums for United States Commissioner protection they never received. Hitchcock and the trained Ooples of the affidavits are said to j nurse, brought here from Heal?congre*Bmen f who‘may r bring Athens to identify the two •k. .... il. t - man A It a Si lv<»i*sf t»m Ann the matter up before the house*, men, Abe Silverstein and Salomon eiaims the .men promised i Dominick Didato, as being to make him prohibition director of Illinois. Salomon Is said to have written letters to William J. Burns, chief Cl 1. nr _ of the bureau of investlgaUon of iJUrcel Lai rlall the department of Justice, and George ChrisUan, secretary to President Harding, in connecUon with hla charges. Salomon In hla a.fldavlt i* said bate, mentioned Gaatoo B. Means-end Hmer Jernlcke ae two department of Justice men with whom he had certain dealings. He also Is understood to have refer red to Colonel Thomas B. Felder, who was Instrumental In petition ing William Howard Taft, then president, for n pardon of churleB W. Morse, wealthy ablp owner now under Indictment In connecUon with alleged war frauds. the two men who aided Chapman to escape, was a government witness. The nurse testified that she did not aid Chapman in his escape but that she did receive a letter from Chap man after his escape which had been mailed in’Athens. Miss Ramey Identified the two men Tuesday as the ones who visited Athens on April 4th, the day Gerald Chapman escaped trom the hospital. She testified before Commis sioner Hitchcock that the two men were known to her as Karuse ant Cohen, that she met them on April tth, and that she delivered a note from Chapman to them. When she delivered the note, the said Cohen said, “You have come too bite ae it will be necessary now to buy an automobile and ft's too late to Ho that ** MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM The officirt program fori Memorial Day in Athens, Thursday, April 26th, is as follows: • 11:30 A. M.—Meeting of Veterans at City Hall. 12:30—Dinner at Lucy Cobb, given by the U. D. C.’s, to which the wives of the Veterans are invited. 3:00 P. M.—Main addresB of day at the University Octagon, Major General W. A. Clark, of Columbia, S. C., orator of the day. Prayer will be offered by Dr. Len G. Broughton and music will be rendered by the High School band. Delivery of Crosses of Honor wili be by Miss Mildred Rutherford, president of Laura Rutherford Chapter, U. D. C. "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground” will be sung, Dixie will be played, and Rev. J. V. M. Morris will pro nounce the benediction. / The exercises will be short, lasting less than an hour. The public is urged to attend and pay honor to the heroes of the Sixties. • MET HANDS DDT PRISON SENTENCES IN LIQUOR TRIALS j Eight Men Sentenced to Serve Time By Federal Judge in Prohibition Cases Tried Here. No Record Found Of Burial Permit In Convict Probe State Healtih Officer Tes tifies. Fla. Legislative Committee to Disinter Tabert’s Body. Memorial exercises An Athens this year will be appropriate but phort. What few living veterans there are will be the center of attention but the general public Is Invited and urged to attend tho public exerclftex to lie hold In the Uni- NINETEEN CASES TRIED ON MONDAY Tobe Anderson of White County, Received Long est Sentence, 4 Months Admits Making Booze. Eight men were given prison sentences by Judge 8. H. Sibley in Federal court Monday after ver dicts of guilty were rendered In cates of violation of tbe problblUon law. The longest sentence was given Tobe Anderson of Whtte county, who plead guilty to manufacturing whiskey. Anderson was given four months In prison straight Millard C. Oriswell of Walton county, was TALLAHASSEE.—Nor record.of any burial permit for Martin Ta in* rt. of North Dakota, who died In a county lease convict camp, can ho located by the Florida state board of health, tbe joint legisla tive committee inquiring Into the youngster's death and other re ported prison brutalities, waa no tified Tuesday by Dr. Raymond C, Turck, state health of Deer. Immediately upon being inform ed by Dr. Turck the committee voted to appoint a subcommittee to go to tha Mingo cemetery end other places near Clara, Fla., whore Tabort la said to havo been Oka , buried, and exhume the body.-s* fcAriioae who have died during tha! 'jraliv Octagon a 3 o'clock in tho also sentenced to four months or hfternoon. * | payment of ftOO fine. Griawell, a The observance pf Memorial day I Walton county man, plead guilty this year brings to light some ot 1forging obligation, of the United the fact* relative, to its origin. „ .. According to MIbb Mildred Ruther- Millard Griawell. another man. ford, historian general. Col James ^ rom Oreene county, was sentenced ltuniMey of the First Georgia to payment of a $100 fine upon* regiment, delivered the first me- verdict of guilty to possessing niorial address in Columbus/ Ga., property designed fo* the manu- April 26th, I860. The first future of whiskey, monument to be erected to a Con- , _ federate soldier was at Cheraw, 8. OF C.. and waa unveiled In June 1867. CA3 E8 The first monument to be erected , „ . ... to an unknown soldier waa at Win- • ^ following cnees were dls- cbester, V., and waa unveiled to p0 " 0( L °* b y court Montny: Unknown and unrecorded To ^° Anderson. White county; tlead." . manufacturing whiskey, 4 months Tho membership of Cobb-Do-“V, 1 loney came of Confederate veter- ‘' l !!* rd .^in^VhnLtinrm?'of an. has dwindled from fin. county. forging obligations- of Turkish-French Row Threatens As Peace Parley Is Resume ‘•■■ms (By Associated Preis) LAUSANNE.—The resumption of peace negotiation! between the Turks and the Allies has given rise to the suggestion that Turkey’s expressed desire to cast oft France as her economic pilot may lead to difficulties and to what will probably be the most important development of the entire conference. Dr. Sanford Has Been Given Very Important Place Named on the Executive Committee of Olympic Games; South’s First Representative. one has dwindled from fifty to n„ «r mm « « lortv-four durlnj tbe past year, a mntV°' ” 4 aks ot six by death. I months on a plea of gunty. — Millard Crlawell. Greene county, disinterment permit lnu been paM year are, O. P. nrightwell, J. 1 manufacturing whiskey; One of granted tho committee by the state I. N. Cheatham, J. A. Palmer, J. F. • $10o. upon a verdict ot gulliy. to health officer. ’- ,W. Osborn, George W. Sims and possessing property designed for Late Tueeday the committee vlr- Joseph W. Woods. manufacturing whiskey. ■ tually concluded bearing evidence! — ■ j Wilson Almond, Morgan county; do that. She said she did not know Chapman before he was brought to the Athena hospital, “Unlimited'' means that the pnr- rhaaor or bearer of the pass will have tbe right to make aa many trips as be pleases from Monday American Legion Making reduction In the fere ot either the purchaser of the pass or of the purchasers family. In other words, the pass will cost only 14 1- 7fares hut it wUI be good for aa many rides as the bearer cares to take, whether for the length of tbe line or tor only two or throe blocks to escape heat, bed weather or tho Increasing weight of a bnndlel In this wise, the railway service Is made much mon useful to the car rider aa well ae extraordinarily cheap. “Transferable” mean* that tho pass may be transferred by tho or- ikiual purchaser to any one else at such times aa he does not have to rldo himself. In buying, the pur chaser simply bands a dollar to the ear operator without any red tape to contracts or signatures. In Appeal As National Me morial Day Approaches. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. — The American Legion's appeal for con tributions to a .200,000 endowment fund to provide for tbe annual dec oration of the graves dt overseas dead waa characterized as one from which no American could turn aside by James L. Felser, national vice chairman of the American Red Cross, who recently visited Legion national headquarters in Indianap olis. As Memorial Day approaches the number of contriblutlons re ceived at Legion national head quarters reaches new heights. The largest asm In contributions to date has been received , from Michigan. Other leading etaes. In Counzel for Silverztein and Di dato were given until Thurzday to •ubmit a brief anpportlng their contention that tne indictments returned againit them in Athena on April 13th were insufficient. Judge Walter Cornett when aueitioned here Tuezday after noon about thie feature of the case >afd that it meant that the two would be held under bond un til this legal point is decided and that it the government was sus tained they would bo returned here. If not they would be leased. f««. It la easier to purchase a nose relative order, are Penneylvanla, than to pay an odd faro. The or- INew York. Illinois and Virginia. Wnal purchaser may be the bead i A donation which caused r Ot the family who will on It to and comment at national headquarters Irom his dally work. Including waa received from a group of form- luncheon trips. In the evening, Ifier service men recovering from lie does not care to use It again to i wounds In .United States Hospital to to a fraternal meeting, to some; No. 60, Ward J-3. These men gave . !. w .... . a sk. .mall onmnnnil. Appointed As American Commissioners to Hold Conference WitK Ob're- gon Government. friend's, to the Y. M. C. A., „ theatre or tome other purpose, he may be sure that someone else In Ihe household will be glad to make U8e of IL Aa a matter of fact, ex perience with the pass In dOea like Athens Indicates that It will l» used about thirty times a week, which mean* a fare of 1 l-3c a ride to the wholesale customer who has agreed to purchase a dol lar’s worth of service breath sev- ro fill day... The past salea period w.M alway. be Friday In advance to Tuesday night of tbe week of sale ;but the pass’week of use will [-Monday to Sunday night Indus* ,J, he term, "Pass.” of course, I* Mif-eiplanitory. it hag always men associated with command of ,he service of n railway without questioning and friction. The only la that this I* a pay pan, that the general public may now *** of the service as ■mely «a an official of the rail- **y. The nee ot the pare, Indeed. h*» been compared to a police- war of nilag the care. He r**,tk» right to board as often .ae Jtkea and ride as long or as ‘“J* * distance as he likes. Ills “?‘f or m la hla pass. The purchase* the Athens pass will have even their best of the small compenaa tlon they receive and dropped It Into a tin wafer can, slit In the top. When the can waa opened It was dimes and quarters. Accompanying found to contain $18 In nickels, tho contribution was the following poem: “And the thought we send across the wave As we lie upon our cot, It plant upon each far-off grave One sweet forget me-not.“ BIBLE CONFERENCES AT FIRST METHODIST Beginning with the afternoon service all sessions of the Bible Conference will bo held In the First Methodist church. It was announced Tuesday morning by the committee In charge. The hoars for the four dally sessions are 1:30; 11:00; 4:00; and 0:00 o'clock dally and theca cervices will all he bald in the First Methodist church Instead if the Octagon on Use University of Georgia campus On Sunday mornings the four ministers leading the services in the conference will preach at In the city. tbe various < (By Associated Press) In the Tabert case with tbe ex ception of awaiting a report from Its subcommittee which will leave hero Wednesday for Clara. Tha subcommittee will take along Arth ur Johnson, a former convict, who declared ha and three other men buried Tabert In a spot other than the place designated by wltpesses appearing for the Putnam Lumber company, at whose lease camp Ta bert met his death. Worcester Man Regains Memory In Georgia City Suddenly Regains Mem-, ory in Savannah. Mind Has Been Absolute Blank Since April 4. DAMAGED DYFUK manufacturing whiskey, acquitted. I O. if. Doss, Morgan county; ! manufacturing whiskey; 69 days . upon n verdict of guilty. Alfred Hall, Morgan county; manufacturing whlekey, acquitted. Tom Beck, Stephens county; manufacturing whiskey; 60 days on n plea of guilty. Lawrence Anderson, White coon- $200,000 Damage Done By 'minSMmTpIre'of'imfuy ttr ** Fire in New Jersey Rain j m ~ n’Tw J. Comes to Aid of the on t pie# ot guilty. Firemen. ■ M Morris, Whits county; Dr. 8. V. Sanford, athletic di rector at tho University of Geor gia, has bpen honored by hcblni nod on tno executive com mil too ot tthe Olympic Games. This com mittee has In charge making ar rangements for the American team to participate. In the International events and so faa as la known this Is the first time a southern rep resentative has been named on the committee. Announcement wee made ot the appointment last Sunday and Dr. Sanford has already been notified ot the appointment TO PROBE “DIVIDEND” CASES Prohibition Officials to Investigate Distributing of Whiskey to, Stockhold ers As Firm Dissolves. WASHINGTON.—Acting ProblM- bltion Director Andrews, ot Illin ois, was suspended Tuesday by Commissioner Haynes pending an Investigation Into tbe case of the Grammes Ullrich distillery, ( The suspension of Mr. Andrews added a new complIcaUon to an al ready tangled situation In Illinois. Appointment ot a permanent state director has been delayed for Most of the Turkish debt h owed to France, whose national! also have a preponderance ot eco nomic holdings In tho domain nun governed from Angora. Tho Turks havo expressed the desire to shake off tho French con trol. whllo the spokesmen ot France aver that they are interested on In so far aa protecting legitimate French Interests and Investment, In Turkey, to which end they have au xuiac/p iu wuicu turn I. already ntada extensive slona. conces- TO SAFEOUARD UNITED STATES LAUSANNE.—Safeguarding Ihe legitimate national Interests l tho United States and of the prln qlplo of commercial opportunity I all nations was officially set fori Tuesday ns the guiding rule tho American representatives wh tho Near East peaco conference i turned Its labors in an endeavor I restore peaco between the allied powers and Turkey, and between Greece and Turkey. Joseph C. Grew, American min ister. said the United States wel comed tho resumption ot the con ference. It had reconvened on a substantial basis an understanding had already been reached on a va riety of Important subjects and upon this firm foundation the Unit ed States expects soon to see orcctcd that edlflco ot a Just and stable peaco for which the was waiting with eagerness. worlo S. S. Convention Plans Directed By Dr. Stephen! Chamber of Commerc Directors Name Univer sity Professor Chairman of Committee. Dr. IL P. Stephens has boon olected chairman of tho committee many montha because Commission-1 on arrangements for the regional i manufacturing whiskey, acquitted. Ed Walker, Stephens county; pAnavvuuu.—rour, n *^ l * ke)r ' nnod ,6 ° 00 • church and a school were destroy ed as tbb Inhabitants ot six or eight villages near here fought a losing fight aalast a rapidly advancing forest (Ire until at 10 ,o'clock a heavy shower quenched tho tlames ‘ plea of entity., Bob Anderson, White county; manufacturing whiskey; acquitted. Charlie Anderson, White county; manufacturing whiskey; acquitted. • Floyd 8helnutt, White county; or Haynes and Senators McKinley and McCormick, have been unable to agree on a selection: Thera bed been rsports tpat Air. Andrews was and ln a few minute. .c-compir.l.- ed what firemen from several 0 . B .* n towns bad been tryln to do all day.' The dlrtsible Z-Rl, under con- i osmnufneturllnjg whiskey, 60 >n by the United States gov- ! U *S£ „ days stroctlon I SAVANNAH.—Earnest Hale, a Irnmenr' it llkehiino ° v" j' 1U |’n o«car Harris, Morgan county; splendid specimen of young man- °7‘.“! ent J J' J? manufacturing whlakey; 66 daya, hood, apparently about 33 yean M n rth rn7e l.. “P°n a verdict of guilty, of ago, whoso home is In Worces- ‘J* e labS thl <-’y Rosa, Greene county, mann- ter, Mai*., where he waa assistant f hen ,“ whieh tho^lv^omii! lecturing whiskey; acquitted, physical Instructor In the academy. l " * ,lloh ih.^ames r »' D* ,tor »“> wren. Wal- ^“t-! St.ckJj l0T ‘... qouaty, -$160. upon pleas of self on tbe river front of Savannah, i ..'I i. W if i ,h ,, fted /? <1 guilty, halled'a passing citizen and asked Mopt within ball a mile of the Luc( to be taken to tho police station., BBD * , (; . . ■ There ho declared that at the mo-! J" «>l «bout 10000 atte. ofplnt meat when lie helled the Savannah woodland wore destroyed, with a man, a stranger to him, be for tho * bout $200,000. The Meth- flrst time remembered any loci- odlat Epl.copal Chureh of Bllver- dont at all of hla life since April ‘“.N- J* »a. directly In the path 4. Where be has been and what he ot the resiling names, as was a has done since that date, how he »mall wooden schoolhouse. So far came to he In Savannah or how could bo learned here no ono long he baa been here, he declares, waa Injured In the all day battle he has no Idea. against the lire. BROUGHTON ARRIVES FOR BIBLE Hughes bus announced that the (CONFERENCE; DR. G. CAMPBELL with mnPMMilaHvM rtf $ha Aiwa- I MORGAN WILL PREACH TONIGHT with representatives ot tho Obre-! gon government 1 nMelrico City, | Se°t U roi. I Dr. Len G. Broughton, noted Baptist minister, arrived pan. and John BartonpHyne, tora- j in Athena ea/ly Tuesday morning and began hia lectures or secretary of the interior and at the Bible Conference in the Octagon at XI o clock, now chairman of the American Tuesday night Dr. G- Campbell Rod Cross. 1 The'time for the meeting of the | intmlsslon In Mexico City has not Methodist church, the service be commission In Mexico City has not been set as yet,-but will be an nounced at an early date. TJts American Commissioners will be gnlded In dlaennlons by broad considerations of policy which have actuated the admlnla- which have actuated the a (ration In iaklng this step. McLellan Begins Month-End Sale McClellan’s pdptilar store has begun its regular month-end ealee and those desiring to find real bargains at low prices will find a largo collection of merchandise at popular Clayton street store. An advertisement In today".! Brn- ginning at 8 o'clock. Wednesday night at the Mune hour Dr. Broughton will deliver e sermon. Monday night Dr. P. C. Morgan ireached to an Interested crowd. preached to an interested crowa. The song services at the confer ence are attracting considerable intereet and enthusiasm. Rev. Claude E. Goodwin is director and puts life and vim into his work, the audience joining in the singing with spirit. Dr. Broughton arrived in the city Tueeday morning in time to begin hia aeries of lecture* at the 111 o’clock hoar. He will lecture this week on “Paul’s Great Four fold Testimony.” Tuesday morn ing his topic waa “His Testimony of Himself.” Wednesday morning his subject will lie “His Testimony ries of lectures on “The Spiritual Lucius Terry. Walton county; possessing whlekey. One of $76, upon a plea of guilty. neon reports inai ar. a to be made a director. In tho Grammes Ullrich case, liquor valued at $600,000 waa dis tributed among stockholders aa a result of dissolution of the firm. Mr. Andrews was In charge ot pro. hthitlon enforcement during the dissolution proceedings. Mr. Haynes said that Mr. An drews had given permits tor re moval of the liquor from the Gram mes Ullrich! warehouse to the homes of the stockholders sharing In the distribution. Although this plan, ha said had been disapproved by headqurtera here In other cases, the Illinois director failed to advise the Washington of hie In tentions. INDICTED BY M CHICAGO.—Coincidental with the announcement from Washington Tuesday that Roscoe c. Andrews, acting prohibition director for Il linois. had been suspended pending Inrestlgatlon by the prohibition division of tho recent liquidation' of Oormmet end Ullrich, whole- ' eele liquor dealers, by distribution nf lit llhtertvs atnalr tA'atnsilrhnMaM Federal Grand Jury Re turns Indictment Against City Treasurer on Prohi Violation. of Its liquor stock to stockholders. William D. Mon acting director for New Jersey, became acting di rector for Illinole. Mr. Andrews turned over the office to Mon Tuesday morning. Svmphony of the Scriptures' Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Tuesday morning the topic was “Tho Allegro Movement- The Pentateuch.'' Wednesday morning) csrvenka la also president of n his topic will be “The Andante. brew)ng company, while Hoetcr Movement. Then 1 lectures s11 ,. h..I . I... (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO.—John Csrvenka, who was Installed as city Treasurer of Chicago one week ego, John Hoe- ber, Jr., end Barney Grogan were Indicted Tuesday by the Federal grand Jury, which Is in session hero on charges of violating the prohibition laws. Movement.’’ n 1 J 0,0 t , • l« also head of a brewing company, delivered at 9:30 and are proving, 0 rogab, the third man be- V< T3r.*G. r *Campbe 11 Morgan winjH*. “ ,00n BBi lecturing' « '» ‘h 00 * 1 * sensational dc- ?h l riH CoVv j --”lvelopmenta will grow out of the There "ccturc's'are on the P^Ml | Indlctmeut. against the three men. Country,"‘^Feeding swin wv" 1 No Kiwanis Meeting 2p3K»to'neu?oi” topic ' TiU b:! i Here Next Thursday The Prodigal Son i» one of the I ‘ ~ most interesting of the Biblical j On account of .Memorial Day ex characters and the interesting I erclaes nest Thursday the Kiwanis in which Dr. Morgan Uj c l ab meeting will not be held, It j mission announced thl« afternoon these eeries of lectures on announced Tuesday. The reg- however, that within a few days ho u “'*''“'- J .-‘l“ wt -e l lS^aSi^llliil-lMl>-lWlMllM-illlllMAl INDICTMENT OF NEW TOOK MAN REFUSED convention of tho State Sunday School Convention which will ba bold In Athens May 14, 16 and 18, it was announced Tuesday. Dr. Stephens was elected by tho Board of Directors of the chamber of commerce which held a meeting Monday. Ho accepted and will ap point the following chairmen ot committees within the nest few days: onertalnment, registration, reception, flnanco, publicity, bnlld- lugs, ushers, music. OUTLINES PURPOSE R. D. Webb, general superintend ent ot tho Georgia Sunday 8chool Association upon Invitation ot tho chamber of Commerce appeared before that body Morula/ night and outlined tho purpose of tho regional convention to ho held here. “Tho New Day 1n Religious Ed- * ivcIlftIUUB Edl* ucatlon will ho tho Uieme of tho ConvcnUon” ho said. This themo will run throughout the whole pro gram, and every address will be along this thought. The choicest speakers that could be aecured will be henrd during these three days by tho largo delegation of workers coming from every section of the state. Among tho speakers will be Dr. . E. Trails, New York, popular author and lecturer; Dr. Hugh 8 MaglU, Chicago, general secretary. International S. S. council; C. Harold Lowden, Philadelphia, leader, convention music; Dr. Allen Wilson, Augusta, president Georgia Sunday School AsHociation; Prof. W. A. Sutton, Atlanta, first vice president Georgia Sunday School 'Association, and others. Grand Jury Fails to In dict W. H. Anderson on Grand Larceny Charge Tuesday. (Bv Associated Press.) NEW YORK.—The grand Jury which since last January has been Investigating charges of grand larceny against William IL Ander son, state superintendent of the Anti-Saloon leauo. Tueeday tailed to find an Indictment and was dis charged by the court Assistant District Attorney Fe- cora, who appeared before the Jan uary grand jury after O. Beratal Phillips, a former collector for the league had charged that Anderson had accepted a split on his com- TWENTY LIVES LOST T'QUAKE Many Lives Taken As Toll By Earthquake. Complete List Not Yet Finished. (By Associated Press.) MOSCOW'.—Tremendous sea and earth disturbances have taken place recently Inthe artic and may still be continuing, according to Chita dispatches received here Tuesday. The reports gave details t arthquake which recently several buildings and many persons into the uea at Petropovlosk. The total loss ts not yet defin itely known, but la baa I tabl Uhed that that twenty-oi mum