The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 26, 1923, Image 7
THE BANNBR-HteHALD. ATHENS. QBOBCIA Hyon ate 1 of. the 95 tn erety 100 «bo suffer from Dandruff or eom* ,,in trouble. Just try Mahdeen, for L-a your $1.00. tlw cost of • 12-c*. bottle. JuU B»rb« 8hopa.IUIrDres.ln* Parlor* /^ampus V^T er Shop*. Ha StOTM. Note—If* GEORGB F. BALTZEU JR., of Washington, D. C., and now a atu- dont at the University of Georgia, spent the week end iti Atlanta vis iting friends. ASPIRIN Say “Bayer” and InsistI Unless you: see the name “Bay er" on package or on tablets you are not settinc tho genuine Bayer product prescribed by pnysicians over twenty-two years and proved JOn.N- D. ABEItNATIty. JR., re- ctauly returned from n trip tu Hen- dcraonvUlo, N. C. lie expected to spend the suimftcr In North Curo- tHe ALPHA TAU OMEGA fra- tcrnlty will celebrate spring by giving a dance, on the evening of May 11. TJ>ia writ be tne first danco held 4n the old Ootagon In several years. Fulcher’s Orchestra from Augusta •wilt furnish tho mu sic. Many out^of-town girls are expected to attend this dance. RICHARD TIFT, popular mem ber of the law school has gone to South Georgia. They have not claimed the car. It bears a North Carolina license tag. Banks county farmed ( has saved two bushels of collard seed ho offers for sale. Owing to its^bsd road condltqgs Johns; n, Katherine. Firor. JOE BUCHANAN has returned to the Classic City after a. visit tb Atlanta and Gnlnesvlilc. THE WOMENS STUDENT Gov eminent Association cf the Univer sity held a meeting Wednesday foi WILLIAM DeLACY ALLEN han thc P“**l>°sc of electing officers foi returned from tfie trip tho Univer sity of Georgia made through Ala bama.* Bill is a native of Alabama, nnd on J yeti his short visit to hie home state. THE MANY FRIENDS of J. c. Fanning are glad to hear of his recovery from a recent spell of slck- Afl MAY 3 APPROACHES, ty of the annual stock show of the srlculturnl College, the co-eds of the University who are to. take part ih the horse riding exhibits coming more nnd more enthusiastic Captain Wise is putting the girls thr-ugh intricate Exercises, and hi* class Is already well advanced In the technique of horsemanship. In few days the number now re porting will be decreased. when Captain Wise will eliminate the less experienced. e by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspi rin” only. Each unbroken pack age contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also ,, /" n ' -III V„*fUa. r>f 9J nnd 100 A.ntrin ° ran< * °P era thi » BRUCE JONES, student In the B. Department, bus been absent r a few days. tell bottles of 21 and 100. Aspirin »«the trade mark of Bayer Manu facture of Monoacpticncidester of Salicylicacid.—(Advertisement.) Woman’s Health . I Restored MANY OF THE CO-EDS and student!*, are planning to uttend season. Geor gia will b* represented by a larger number this year than last, ac cording to present Indications. &e Claims Lydia E. Pinldutm’i Vegetable Compound Did It After Everything Else Failed MISS GLORIA MILLER, only freshman co-ed In the Pharmncy Department, reports a sudden selgt of tests now being launched by he; lstructors. This is an ominous' f»reb:ding of trials to come, for the^ end of the first half of the third term is drawing dangerously near, and that means only one thln.1 —mid-term tests. Mihraukee,WU.—"I feel that I oofht to let you know about my caee. |I *u ailing and couldbarely do my THE SCHEDULE of lire thin term examinations is being antici pated. It will be announced in a few days, it is,understood. hnf THE SUMMER SCHOOI completed its work of mailihg cat homo work nnd lllo * up “ tn P p «»i>«-u *> utud^ntB. washing I waa so the coming year. Miss Mathilda Callaway was choseji president Miss Annie Laurie Weir of Ath ens. vlce-pfesldent; Miss Rob/ Bush, of Athens, secretary: Mlsr Polly Ruth Bowers, of Athens, Ju nlor representative; Miss Lola Cal laway. Sophmore representative It U rather an unusual oesurraner that cf the five co-eds thus honor ed by their classmates, three of them are Athena girls. • THE WOMEN’S STUDENT Opv eminent Association Is the factoi which controls the conduct of the women students of the University and is the only organisation of Itr kind on the campus. It has func tioned smoothly during the past year and the present officers have proved themselves very capable. THE FRESHMAN PHARMACY class Is taking up the study of tinctures and this phase of the course Is proving popular with the students. There Is only one co-ed in the class, for this department has not the interest of the young ladles as have the academic courses CAPTAIN WISE put his riding class of girls through rigid train ing Wednesday. He states that the time Is short, as the horse show will take place within a few weeks and much practice is needed in the technique of good horsemanship. Th slow walk, the easy trot and the s4!lop were taken up and re peatedly practiced Wednesday. Tht ten girls who now compose the c»ass will soon be thinned down 4c about six or ssvta. Around Athens With Col. T. Larry Gantt MISS DOROTHY LEVY will vis it her brother in Atlanta, while at tending Grand Opera. having c.__ child. I took a lot of medicine* end I doctors. Then UP them *11 up I took Lydia E. ikham’i Vege table Compound end I feel wonder- ally good now. I do even thing that tome* along, and we all take your medicine is ■ tonic when we don’t 1 eel just so. I am thankful for what 1 the Vecctablo Compound haa done »:p*nt th- week-end In Atlanta with !or my health and for my family. ; her slater. _ in. Mary Saiecheck, 944 28th St, —— y Milwaukee, Wisconsin. . MISSES OMAlt iiadoock am Letters like these testify to the M “ y MeNwr rtturnetl Sunday nltth the of tho Vegetable 1 Compound. I ,rom “ hnus<! ,, "i 4,y ,n Attonto. Ihew women vpcak from tho fullness i ftheir hearts. They describe as cor- 1 J 1 ’® 8 RUTH UAE Ut back lr ectly as they can their conditions- echool again after -pending n woe! 'hit those symptoms that affected w,th hcr P'"™*" ln Augu-tn. hem moat conspicuously; and later ' heduappearanceof those’ Oev arc sincere expression & L ** nearly fifty years Lyffla E. TOhim s Vegetable Compound has K praised by women. Wany Like This In Athens MISS ADELINE DAVENPORT iimiUr Cases Being Published in Each Issue The following caee le but one of «ny. occurring dally in Athene. , 0n ca ®y matter to verify It F°'« cannot ask for bettor proef. 11 f; 1 * 1 !'. Rtomj mason, 224 Bar- ' w 8t„ Athens, eavs: “Being a n and doing so much* work In cramped position .years ngo "'y kidneys to get In bad apo. Tho kidney secretions paste treeiy an< j W6 re scalding. Nights wd tt* up several times. My * Wa * 80 weak I could hardly l, .7; "'hen I got in a cramped wtion it was all I could do to JWRhten again. Sharp stabbing mbs caught me at every'move. I f^'an’g Kidney Pills ndvertised i/oan’s Directory so I got a box ‘aimer A Sons’ Drug Store. I F ,Jr use ! two ^.boxes of this medl- * to relieve tny back. I knew lve I,p *n cured because I have n able to do hard work without of uie trouble with my kid- back. 11 ; KOc, at all dealers. Don't .? l . y a »* tor a kidney remedy— MISS ANGELINE SA8NF.TT will bo at home ln Atlunta for few daya. ADAM I,. ALEXANDER Henry Wells wil be Initiated into the Phi Delta Phi, honorary law fmternity. Friday evening. FRIENDS of Minor Wheaton will regret to legm that he broko his nose while practicing at Spring foot ball Monday afternoon. MILTON DAY broke his shoulder Monday afternoon while practicing football. r JACK TAYLOR has been spend ing a few days at his home In Davlsboro. a Mr - I-IHy had. Poster-Mil- <.'o„ Mfr.„ Buffalo, N. Y — dt'ertisoment; Read Herald Want Ads. WILLARD BATTERIES $16.00 and up CLARKE STORAGE BATTERY CO. Phone 677 Athens, Ga. A NUMBER OP STUDENTS of the Medical College at Augu-ta have been vt.RIng thc University during the last few days In thc Intereat of {heir Institution. Among them are Dr. Kelly and Messrs. Gay Mc Gee, Wingfield, Doxlcr and Wilson DR. A. S. EDWARDS, of the de partment of psychology has return ed to hla classes after an absence of several days. IT MIGHT BE OP INTEREST to University students to know that Ml-s Catherine Jones, the dainty little dancer who appeared ln Ath ens with the Inez Marvin Trio, is now starring as a headliner at thc Rialto Theatre In Atlanta. Miss Jones was thc inspiration of a beau tiful poem, penned by the artistic hand of one cf Atlanta's youthful set, which appeared last week in 01 e of the Atlanta dally papers. TENNIS IS ON THE ROOM at Georgia. The tournament Is being run oft by the process of elimina tion. Leters are given by the Uni- vsrnlty In fhle branch of sport nnd .fl Ihnn Individual fflflPV vastly more than Individual glory will be worked for. Edwin Hvereft and Dave Colllngs ore former win ners of tournaments cf this sold. PROP. J. HENRY WALKER ant a number of students from thc Fifth District Agricultural school wsn visitor* to the University Monday. “BILLY'* JONES apent th* week end in Atlanta visiting friends. , EDGAK DUNSTON and Col- OUiU eerier wto wUl MHikuMd- hama next Saturday night, are be- Ing urged by* thi* nam-mra* fwnw and admirers to bring home the ba con lost to Vanderbilt Saturday. They any that they need no ui ' UAUhama is their •nrejh MR. ROY WILLIAMS, near Ila in Madison county, was in Atheq* yesterday. He said that luet yeat thc cotton seed he planted were ful' f of live boll we*rll*. but In- selecting tbla year ht itho government will cut off rural .mail service on a part of Route No. 2 into BiHhopville district. Prof. Smith cut his salary af superintendent of education from 1,200 to $!»00 ns the grand Jury rec ommended. Mr. Ren .Landers n former citi zen of gunks* died near GiUuesvUU Frank Jones, Jr., died In the Gen eral Hospital at Athens. Mrn. Idell Klmsey. a noble lady , Baxter. Clyde Cooper, Charles Klm- xey. Alfred Means, Hayden Drew- ry No«l H dgson. Edward Witcher, Billy lliuiS4*n, lToctor Qampbell. Princess—Annie Nurse to Maud Barret. Maid of Honor—Helen Heywood. Crow—Bobby Deadwyler. Witch—Marguerite. MarlotL Cook—Howard Hudson. Old Man—Ilnrry Lund. Boy with tho Goose—Claud Broach. Herald—Henry Henderson. The Queen's train-bearers—Ann Phlox—Edna Miller. Golden Glow—Mary Ann Marbut. Rose—Maybeth Johnson. Daffodil—Frances Cook. * Chrysanthemum—Nell Cornett. Morning Glory—Grace Hinesley. Primrose—Margaret Eptlng. Sweet Pea—Ethelyn Cook. Poppy—Elizabeth Rcbson. Carnation—Mattie Lou Carter. The Briars and Brambles: Sam Halley, Paul Hodgson, Hiiv# ton ^tone, A. B. Matthews, Mack died at her home In Banks. The lmrn of Mayor O. P. B-on. oi Maysville waa burned with COO bp- shel* of com and. other stuff ival- Ued at IJ800. No insurance *. Lyn ««1 s-?tnpleton, Arthur Booth School Children Will Present 'Sleeping Beauty* The children of Baxter Street school are enthusiastically rehears ing the beautiful play of Sleeping Beauty. They will present this charming story in speech. In song, and In dance, the afternoon of May 5th on .the schol grounds. Their families, their friands. and every one Interested in school life nre cor dially Invited to attend. So you are included. Be sure to come. CAST OF CHARACTERS Sleeping Beauty—Sarah Warren Prince—Penn Winston. King—Eugene Scott. Queen—Mary Winston. Lord High Chamberlain—King sley Jones. Jester to the King—Billups John son. Royal Page—Harden Drcwrjr. Ruth Heywood. Merita Collinn. Haro! Miller. Virginia Hodgson Lillian Dobbs, Helen Heywood. Ruth Nell Bond. Helen McClain. Louis* Cautheh. Lois Ledford, Kathleen Graham, Mary Tinker. . Miriam Dcbbs, Glee BettH. Lnrine Kidd. Mildrd Barrett. Elisabeth Stone. I.efla Pricket. Frances Sta pleton. Jewell Marlowe. Dorothy Jackson. Mary Bond, Flora Cox. Dessio Allgood. Flowers in the King’s Garden: Honeysuckle—Henrietta Ginn. Rosebud—Mildred McClain. Violet— Elisabeth Means. Jessamine—Ethel Lund. IMy—Anna Lee Cpker. Sunflower—Nanc£ Betts. Marigold—Bess Johnson. Aster—Nancy Bell, pansy—Louie Johnson. Snow -Drop—Georgia Carter. ‘ Geranium—Ruby Williams. Daisy—Edith Stone. Tulip—Daisy Bee Hartley. BP X*oker. Hugh White, Duncan Bur net. Manly Walton. John White Yow, Jack Chandler, Herman Lund, Jack Wpods, Ernest Howell George Gunther, Jack Braswell, Richard Bernstein. Richard Hudson, Paul Hartley, Kendal Hartley,' Wilfred Warren, Richard Winstonr-Brayton | Matthews, Willie Coker Boh Klin- • bre| Wade C:o|>er, Harold Shel- 1 nutt. Roy Cooper, Ralph Cooper, • Roger Kirl/f Julian Price. BUTTERFLIE8 Nina Mae Ginn, Stella Ledford, Darothy Kimbrell, Elizabeth Har grove. Dorothy Stone. Mary Short. Sarah Oldham. Gene Brooks, Wini fred Cook, Grace Winston, Evelyn Center, Sarah Huff. Louis Smith. Gladys Williams Martha Heywood, Grnce Wilson. Margaret Costa. Romah Ruth Persells, Lillian Irby. Julia Pennal, Nellie Jane Gaertner, Lilliam Thomp^op, Marie Smith. BIRDS: Frank Dobbs, William Oldham. Hal Short. Edward Smith, George Crobb, Olln Price. Tetley*? Orange Pekoe is most pop ular among folks who know and love good tea. It’s so- downright good. TETLEYS Makes good TEA a certainty »w»d A Terrible Goitre Removed without Operation. Mrs Cox tells how. Was short of Breath. Eyes Bad.* Could not Work. In Bed Part of Time, Stainless Liniment Used. Mrs. Dot Cox says come to Troy Ohio, nnd I will show you what Sorbol-Quadruple has donf for me. If you cun’t come write. Get more Information nt Citi zens’ Pharmacy. Drug stov.s every where- or write Sorbol-Compnny Mechanlciburg. Ohio. IMPORTANT NOTICE All who have not paid their State and County Taxes for last year, please hurry set tlement to me at once. Levies will be made as fast as thc Sheriff and Bailiffs can make them. W. A. MALLORY, Tax Collector Read The Banner-Herald Want Ads. This year's sessions arc expected rSn-downTluat to *** the l,c,,t cver he,<l thuM f » r »iP«Fd to plant his c^op tl from having one 1,1,1 ^ ^ J 08 * Stewart, direct' 1 found plenty of weevils but every - 15 -* “• 1 — % one was dead. He thinks tho vere winter has pr -bably thinner' MISSES MARTHA MsALPINF out the iwsts. Mr. Williams sayi and Nell Reece itre spending n his tyli?i|r,nnd,,.Oittif are extra flm days In^ Atlanta attending Grafnljnnd no sings of rust. Opera. DAVISON-NICHOLSON CO. s»> thHr business Is increasing all th« while. Tlielr store is nearly alwayi crowded. They are getting trade from sections that never before cllt’ business in Athens. This is onr of tho oldest and most reliable dry goods houses* In Northeast Georgia and Is firmly anchored in public confidence. This spring they arc offering an especially choice and lovely line of goods. Tho public knows that they can-always find tho best goods, latest styles and lowest prices at this reliable estab lishment. MB. JOHN WHITE MORTON president of the First National Bank, one of thc oldest and staunch est banks In upper Georgia haa a collection of shinplasters Issued by the government when Greenback! were the currency and gold and silver selling nt a premium* In or der- t> furnish change the govern ment Issued fractional paper cur rency In denominations of five, ten, twenty-five and fifty cents. When the county was hut on a speeft basis these. shinplasters as they were then known were called In bul' few were saved ss curiosities. Mr Morton has quite a collection. The rlter can remeber when gold wax worth I greenbacks and silver $140 The Grcenbackers were once quite a purty. . 1 Athens Neighbors WALTON COUNTY MONROE. Os..—Mr. Harold Hayes, a young man raised in Wal ton county, died in Illinois. Mr. Fred Stringer, of Social Cir cle, was injured ini an automobile wreck near Gainesville. The city officials are maklni many improvements tn Monroe Plans for the'di*triet school meet- held In Monroe the first Fri day In May are completed. Jacks Creek Primitive Baptist church iri Walton has readied • Its hundredth anniversary and whlcl event wus appropriately celebruted For the second time recentl|L M J. Preston Allen of Monroe, wo* bitten by a dog supposed to be mad iie^was again taken to the Pasteui Institute. • Nineteen members were last week received ln the Monroe Bap tist church. Miss Ruby SnelUngs, of Buford, well known In Waltolf, and Mr. Oliver, of Winder are married. Mrs. Emory Darby, a native of Walton county died at Dallas, Tex. Miss Kitty Npll Bell and Mr. Talmadg* Mayfield were married In Monroe. Mr. R. S. Nowell and family will move from Monroe to Memphis, future borne. BANKS COUNTY HOMER—Mifs Lupy Grace Par son of Homer, won first prize of fered by the State Normal School beat article written about the oi by pupils. ur negroee cams to lf<>rn< r April < in n new automobile, but tho car broko down and they lefi! it in pawn for a ride to Cornelia. FRIENDLY CREDIT at HARDY’S § The Friendly house is headquarters for the New Perfection Hardy Hardware Company “THE FRIENDLY HOUSE’ Clayton Street New Perfection Oil Stoves with the hew Superfex Burners demonstrated and sold by I Dorsey Furniture Company Quality Furniture Since 1884 * Do Their Cooking Easier, Quicker and More Economically. with the. NEW PERFECTION Oil Cook Slave antf FIRE PROOF OIL (KEROSENE] Four million women are doing No ashes. No drudgery. No their cooking easier, quicker, handling of coal, wood or ashes, better and more economically by Just like cooking with a modem city gas range. Your own dealer will be 1 jinvn/ Mjr using the famous Blue Chimney NEW PERFECTION Oil Cook r PERFECTION Oil Stove and FIRE PROOF Oil (XmttM.) You can cook or bake anything that can be cooked or baked on any other type of stove. And do it with more cqmfort, less effort, more pleasure and more satisfaction. » d to show you th TION. He can furnish you any size you need and at a most reasonable price. Ask to see the SUPERFEX burner. It is unsurpassed for quick cooking and baking^ Standard Oil Company BERNSTEIN BROS.. Furniture Dealers Sells the Complete line ofNElf 'PERFECTION OIL RANGES with SUPERFEX BURNERS &■ SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR STOVE DEPARTMENT BROAD STREET