The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 29, 1923, Image 11

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SKIRTS Big lot of Ladies’ Sport Skirts, plain and pleated, in stripes and :hecks. Specially priced for this sale— Athens, Georgia enWIMIT APRIL 29, 1023. 7': Office 1201—By MRS. ALICE ADAMS—Residence 832. Rogers - yrederick Wedding Vo We Lovely Svent £Monday The beautiful nuptials of Miss Julia Elizabeth Rogers and Mr. William Guthrie Frederick of Shol- byvillc Kentucky wnl l>c solemn- izVd Monday cyenlng*at the homo «,f the brido-elect’s parents, Mr. an ,l Mrs. James Monroe Rogers on the spring season. • f Dr. S. p. Wiggins of Atlanta will bo the officiating minister, j Miss Rogers will be given In marriage by 'her father. Mrs. diaries Long ot Shelbyville, Wootllawn avenue, at 9 o’clock, and !*/•' wl » bo mat r° n of honor. Misti will be one of the loveliest and M ,o rfir ” r LaOranare most interesting Social events of Mrs. Lula Bone Smith arid Accessories Millinery • j'lione 836. 469 E. Clayton St. reception wtU be. hold. Few weddings have caused moro wide-spread interest, and the no table evefrt. will assemble many out of town visitors. - Countless brilliant parties (have marked the social calendar honor ing Miss Rojfot* for several weeks. . The guests will Includn Mlsa Lu- |ellc Arrington, Mins Sarah Alex ander and Mr. Rutledge Gapers .of Augusta, Miss Marguerite Atkin- Ran of LaGrange, Miss Margaret Cook of Danville, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. C,harles Long of Shelbyville, Ky.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guthrie of Shelbyville, Ky., Mr. Worley Jtar- grett of Tlfton, Miss Mkrgaret Morton of Columbus, Miss Annette Harbor of commerce. Miss Eliza beth Moss of Atlanta, Dr. and Yrs. J. F;. Kidd nnd Miss Annie Kidd of Mlliedgevillo. Mr. Ed. Watson of Dothan, Ala., Mr. T. W. Purtlfi of Louisville, Ky.. Miss Nannie Little and »Mlss Lu- clle Anderson of Anniston. Ala. CAVALIER CLUB ENTERTAIN8 AT BRILLIANT DANCE The Cavalier club of the Uni versity, with Mr. Homer Reynolds Sanford, president, entertainer! at one of the season’s most brilliant will be maid of honor, and Miss Marguerite Atkinson of LaGrange, ens and Columbus, and Miss Mar-d garet cook of Danville, Ky., will be brides maids. Mr. Charles Guthrie of Shelby- ville, Ky., will be the groom’s best' dances Friday evening at the Oc- man. 'tagon on the campus. % Following tho ceremony a lovely Elaborate decorations of Georgia I BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS, — ■ ' i — » GEORGIA PAGE THfl colors, red and black, blended ef fectively with Vanderbilt colors, purple and gold, in honor of tho visiting i ball team. An out qf 4owil orchestra furnlphcd the enjoyable music. Tho committee In chargo fa to ho congratulated upon the no table success of tho charming evening. Tho guests Included the college contingent and many popnlar out of town vislfors. Tfio lovely dance added most happily to tho week-end gaieties incident to tho Georgia-Vanderbilt game. f Saturday evening marked anoth er beautiful dance with practically tho same guests. MISS JEANETTE ASH ENTERTAINS FOR MISS JULIA ROGER8 Lovely In detail and delightful in hospitality was the beautiful bridge party at which Miss Jean morning In honor of Mrs. "Richard Trimble who with Captain Trimble and children, arrived last week from California to visit Dr. if. <3. White. The club was organized when the members wero college belles, and the lovely occasion was a happy reunion, bright with school day remfnescences and the usual charming hospitality of tho delightful homo. Pink roses nnd narcissi arranged In silver and crystal voses gavo a fragrant touch of 'springtime throughout tho attractive rooms. Following the Interesting game a delicious luncheon was served, and pretty prizles aw&rded. Both the popular hostess nnd honoree are being very cordially welcomed home, and their pres ence will bo the inspiration of many graceful social courtesies. —ts-— “SHE WENT 8TRAIGHT TO HEAVEN." otto Ash was the gracious hostess j (Said by little Katherine Du Bobo Frilday aftegioon In honor of Miss of her old friend. Mrs. Crawford.) Julia Rogers, whoso marriage to yes, angels waited there, Kathcr- Mr. William Guthrie Frederick of j j ne , Shelbyville, Ky.. will bo an tn- |tHcv wefo close boiddo her bed. foresting social ^ event Monday | in their arms they clasped hbr SUNDAY, MAY THIRTEENTH Is Mother's Day R EMEMBER your Mothers She has never forgotten you. She is, if living, the best and truest friend you’ve ever had. Maybe it is only her sainted memory that you can cherish ,, now—if so, it is the best influence in your life. %' If living, and you can’t go to see her, WRITE her—SEND the ' gift. We are showing a large line of Gift Stationery, Mother’s Day Greeting Cards, Mottoes, Books, Pictures, and other novel ties that will make appropriate gifts for her. The McGregor Co. STATIONERY department V- evening at nine o’clock. Four tables of plavere were'In vited to meet tho charming bon- oroe. The spacious homo was radiant In the bright decorations of beau tiful spring flowora, making a rich sotting for the happy occasion. Following tho spirited tame de licious refreshments were served. When men thought that she was dead, And most tenderly, they bora hoi*. “Straight to Heaven” and Joy nnd peace. Feeling now no pain nor sorrow, Only wonder i)t release 1 And thd littlo onos will find hor Knowing how she holds them dear, Rnrt dainty prize*.awarded tho .Gathering ‘round her In thin lucky contestant*. Mlsa Rofftra wan presented a pretty souvenir. Miss Katherine Ashford won t!>e top score and Mlsa Mathlldc Up son cut the consolation. * LUCY COBB ® alumnae The Executive Board ol the .Urey Cobh Alumnnn Association met with Mrs. May Hodgson Upscomb' April 19th tn arrango for the Cen tenary of Oen. T. R. R. Cobb Jane 4th. f- It was decided the business to be hcW at 'll a. m.. the luncheon at 1:30 add tho foar speeches be made at tho table after the lunch eon. Mr. Marlon Jackson of At lanta will speak of Gen. .Cobb, as the founder of Lucy Cobb. Mr. Phlllli* Wcltner will speak of him as a lawypr, Mr. Pleasant A. Stov all. ot Savannah, as a soldier. j testes, has been honored with Mr. John W. CJarko will give many of tho season's moat brilliant personal recollections-of him. It'nartles. end her marrlago to Mr. was decided that members of the I Frtvlcrich. Monday evening at the trustees bo Invited to the luncheon jtiomo of hor parents. Mr. and IMS*, and mothers of the pupil* be a!-).I. M. Rogers will bo ono of tho lowed tho privilege of being pres- loveliest social events in tho hls- ent noon paying the fundheon fee torv of Athens. hcavenllcs, Loving her as you did here. —M. Ml K, ,C. April 21. 1923. *5t— MISS KATHERINE PARK ENTERTAIN8 FOR M|88 JULIA ROGER8 \ Miss Ktherinn Park honored Miss Julia Rogers Saturday morn ing with a small but lovely bridge luncheon, tho guests Including only the out of town visitors. The attractive home of tho charming hostess was artistically decorated with great sprays of Wygella, snow balls and a greenery of forns. Following the delightful game a beautiful luncheon was served, and pretty Prizes awarded. Miss Rogers, whose great popu larity has been so happily'express ed In tho many lovely social cour tesies, has been honored of $1.00. MRS. MARION DuB08E HONORS MRS. RICHARD TRIMBLE Mrs. Marion DuBosc of Dahlone- ga, who Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Darwin, en tertained her bridge club Saturday The usual delightful* hospitality of the Park homo was very hap pily extended. MI88 LOUI8E TUCKER TO ADDRESS MI88IONARY SOCIETY, FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH Miss Louise Tucker, missionary to china and a teacher In the Kllja.Ii. Yates school for Girls In Shanghai, will address the Wo man’s Missionary .Society of the First Baptist church on Monday afternoon., Tho tlmo of meeting Is 5 o'clock in order that the members may also attend the Bible Conference. All women of the city who are Interested In missions lire invitedto hear Miss Tucker. -89- Miss Margaret Richards Morton returned lost night from Atlanta where she visited friends for Grand Opera. —gg Mr. Wesley Ibfrgrett of Tfton, an old Georga hoy, arrved Saturday for the Rogers-Frederck wedding. —SB— * Mrs. C. p. Wilcox, who has been visiting her parents, Dr. nnd Mrs J. A. Hunnicutt Is visting Mrs. Stiles Hopkins in Atlanta. -ffl- MIhh Murarot Cook of Danville, Ky., arrived Hnturriny for the Rog- ers-Frederick wedding nnd la the' guest of Miss Julia Rogers. —8B— Miss Aline Hinton ,who is the populaV guest of her aunt Mrs. Hnrold/Hinton returns to New York this woek. Mrs. W. \f. Phillips, Miss Allene Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Erasmus Phillips of Mcnroe spent Friday In the city. -ffi- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lovette of Atlanta announce tho birth of a daughter, April 21st who has been named Nell. Mrs. Lovette was Mlsa Ruby Martin a former resi dent of Athens. -BB- Dr. Joseph Jacobs of Atlanta, and Mr. Kugene Jacobs wero visitors here last week the guests of Mr. Myer Stern. * —ffl— Mr. James Sexton was among the Athenians going over to Grand Opera. Mrs. Walter Childs and Mlssi Nellie Sprout went to Atlanta; Thursday for (jrnnd Opera. -00- Mrs. Clarence Locklln. Mrs. J Weakley nnd Mrs. J. W. Butts were | visitors from Monroe here Friday. —ft)— ; Mr, nnd Mrs. W. T. Cooper, of Grenesboro spent Friday In the ! city. —ffi— ! Mrs. II. J. Boas, Mr. nnd Mr.. J.} : M. Day nnd Mrs. Louis Wall of : Mdnroo wero visitors hero Friday. ’ ! -BI- . Mr. Miller Porter has returned [to Washinton. Mrs. Porter will pro- 1 long her stay for two weeks when | she will be accompanied by her j father, Mr. D. F. Miller who will ! muko her a visit. for Savannah to attend, jthe Medical convention. Mr, John R. Northcutt will go to Atlanta Monday on a business trip, -ffl- MIss Jeanette Ash returned from Grand Qpcra Friday mornin. —ft?— 7 Mrs. C J Brooks of Columbus of has been attending Grand Opera stopped over for a visit to Mrs. B. G. Sike cn route home. M|Ys Louis* Morton returned Miss Rachael Farmer •last niht from a delightful visit to .tur Is the guest of Miss . Jacksonville, Fla., and Valdosta. Blckerstaff. Mr. and Mfa. Elliott and two children leave their car fpr Sava ifnah j it to Mr. and Mrs. M. J Mrs. L. Lanier of 1 is the guest of her daughti Du Pree HunnlcutL Miss Esther l/pson and Mr. Upson went over to Atlanti Grand Opera. I Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Stewart, Jr., ••and Mrs. John R. Northcutt will j leave Monday afternoon by motor PALACE Monday Special ‘Scars of Jealousy An Incc-Play Portrayed by FRANK KEENAN, LLOYD HUGHES and MARGUERITE de la MOTTE ELITE MONDAY-TUESDAY TOM MIX Assisted by the master horse “Tony” in ‘3 Jumps Ahead’ A talc of the western plains where the best man wins.. Here’s real action for you in the most thrilling Tom Mix picture ever made. BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 30TH, AND CONTINUING FOR TEN DAYS We will conduct our usual Anniversary Sale, and we have assembled a big variety of genuine bargains for that occasion. Every article in our store has been marked down in order that our customers may secure their spring goods at an unheard of saving during this 10>Day Sale. SPECIIALS FOR MEN Men’s Athletic Union Suits, checked and EQq and QOq and crepe striped ■ Hats and Caps, Specially Priced at— 98c, $139,51.98, $2.98 and $3.48 48 C * Silk Knitted Ties, Reversible Men’s Silk Socks, all colors .... ^8C» 75C 98C 10c One Lot Socks, all colors, at ; • • • • MENS’ SHOES Men’s Low Cut Shoes, in all the newest styles, from well known factories, as—Peters, Beacon and Ebdicott-Jobnson. Specially priced fta this eaie aj-^ ^ ^ $5 . g5 MEN’S PANTS Men’s and Young Men’s Dress and Work Pants, all reduced “ d PrM 'jS,h58, $2.98, $3.48, $3.98 CLOTHING Men’s and Young Men’s Suits, in all tihe new fabrics for spring. Sport models and conservative models. Priced special for this sale— ..... $11.85, $15.95^ $17.85, $22.50 per yard Silk Jersey Petticoats, all colors, values $5.98, Special at.. — ;. .'. Big lot Waists in Voile, Dimity and Pongee, Special at ... '. ; .; Teddies, Knitted Union Suits and Corset Covers, Special at .. .. i * Middy Blouses, all sizes, Special at Children’s Dresses, in Gingham and Voile EXTRA SPECIALS ' One Table Prints, Curtain Scrim and 36 inch Sheeting 4 |j. nisr vard .. ■ $2.98 98c 48c 98c 98c One Table Voiles, Ginghams, Percales, Bleaching and 4 Chambray, Special per.yard IwW LADIES’ HOSE SHIRTS—SHIRTS W* days Just closed out about 9,000 8hlrts from a factory and wt are ottering the greatest value! In Men’, Shirt* that have avar vaan placed on snl* by any ono In thlo city. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY One Lot, Values up to $1.50, Special at 98c One Lot, Values up to $2.00, Special at $1.19 One Lot, Values up to $2.50, Special at $1.48 One Lot, Values up to $3.00, Special at $1.98 One Lot, Values up to $6.00, Special at $3.98 Th* above Shirts consist of all the newest patterns and colors In Pongee, Madras, 811 k 8trlpo Madras and Bilk and Crap* do Chine. All alias 14 to It. CREPE DE CHINE AND SILK 40 inch Crepe de Chine, ail colors, per yard $1.69 36 inch Taffeta Silk, per yard -$1.48 36 inch Messaline, per yard $1.98 SPECIALS FOR LADIES Ladies’ House Dresses, many beautiful patterns to QQ select from, Special .. .. ** * Ladies’ Porch Aprons, made from Chambray, QQ« a ham and Percale, Special . >s’ Crepe Kimonas, embroidered and assorted (Q QQ colors, Special ., Ladies’ Kimonas, Japanese design, all colors, QQ Special Ladies’ House Slippers, all colors, ribbon trimmed, QC* Special .. .. .. LADIES LOW CUT SHOES Ladies’ Oxfords, Sandals and Pumps, in BJack Kid, Brown Kid, Patent, Black Satin, Brown Calf Skin, also combination colors. See Window Display. Specially priced for this sale— $1.98, $2,48, $2.98, $3.48, $3.98 SHIRTING MADRAS One lot 36 inch Silk Stripe Madras, wide range of patterns. Colors warranted fast Value 85c. CQ. Special, yard .... .. One lot Shirting Madras, fast colors, value 40c. OQt* Special at per yard . '.. .. WASH FABRICS 36 in. Linen, all colors, at per yar 23c Silk Pongee, value 85c, at 69c Silk Pongee, value $1.25, at 98c 36 in. Organdy, all colors, at . 23c Long Goth, bolt of 10 yards, for $1.48 1 Men’s Work Shirts One Lot at i -. 69c Big Yank Work Shirts, heavy quality, 2 pockets,,value $1.50. Special at—' . • > 98 cents