The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 29, 1923, Image 2

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i rr pace two — tHB BAWfBB HHRAtP, ATHBW8, CEOROTX SUNDAY APRILjM, 1923. Classified Advertisements WANT AD RATES 2 Cents 8 Word S =zfKtnt(nurA Charge of 40 Cant* lertlona. Seven time* [!•• Jrice* of five Insertion*. dlaeontlnuaneea MUST t>* « made In person at The Ban- ner.Herald Office or by letter. Telephone discontinuance* ar* NOT valid. iWANT AJ| ’ PHONB BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS GET RESULTS 75 75 Lost And Found LOST—MONDAY SMALL TAN AND brown fur nock piece. Return t Fninces Talmudge, 41*5 Waddell St. Phone 248. Reward. a29c WANTED-Help WANTED — TWO AUTOMOBILE mechanics, none but first class need apply. Armcl’a Garage, Washington SL m30e WANTED— INDUSTRIOUS, CAPA BLE man 25 to CO years. In Jack- aon county, handle local trade deliv ering Uawlelgh's Good Health Pro ducts direct to home. Largest, best, fastest selling line. Products on time, lowest wholesale, no advance In prices. No exiterlencc, practically no capital needed. Wo teach you to mana«o your own permanent, profit able business. largest, strongest Company, gives most co-operotlnh. Write age, occupation, references. 'TV. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. 1737, Memphis, Tenn. a29p MEN. WOMEN, SALARY 175 FULL lime, f 1.50 an hour spgre time, selling the genuine guaranteed hos- . lory direct to wearer, beautiful lino. International Mills, Norristown, I’a. _ a29p EARN MONEY AT HOME DURINO spare time painting lamp shades, pillow tops for us. No canvassing. Easy and Interesting work. Experi ence Unnecessary. Nilcart Company, 2311 Fort Wayne. Indiana. a29p FUNERAL NOTICES, WANTED—CICfAR SALESMEN. |30 envelope for full Information. South ern Cigar Co., Anderson, S. C. a29p MEN OVER 18 "WILLING to travel. Make secret Inestlgatlons. Reports. Make secret Investigations. Reports, necessary. Write J. Ganor, Former Govt. Detective, St. Louis. a29p I — fl&O MONTH AND - selling cigars tb mer- ifl^tnta. Experience unnecessary, jippfl addressed stamped envelope for * >rm%lion. Royal Cigar Co., High nt, N. CT »2&p {"WANTED — A GOOD RELIABLE cook. Apply to Miaa Bell, 1064 S. Lumpkin SL, Phone 1786, mlo COLORED MEN WANTED TO^qual- lfy for sleeping car and train por ter*. Experience unnecessary. Trans portation furnished. TVrlto T. Mc Caffrey. fiupt., St. Louis. n29p WANTED—TO RENT LARGE fur- nlslied house convenient to Univer sity, beginning June 23. Apply "E. C. W.,*’ care Fulton High School, Atlanta, Ua. a2!)p FOR RENT—4-RDOM UNFURNISH ED up-Mtalrs apartment, private bath, sink in kitchen. 78o Hancock avenue, phone 354-J. f m3p FOR RENT—TWO COOL. VSFVR- NISIIED connecting rooms, use of sle/iping porch conveniences. Apply 447 Rock Spring or phone 3G6-M. n29c For Rent FOR RENT—Ono apartment In de sirable location. 347 Mlllcdgo Avn. Phono 1346. m2c REAL ESTATE LOANS — 6 J*KR cent Money. Rankers Reserve Sys tem 6 per cent Ioann arc mode on city or farm property to buy. build, improve, or pay Indebtedness. Rank ers Rcservo Deposit Company* Keith Rldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. u29c For Sale FOR SALE—Three gal lons of nice syrup. Ap ply Banner-Herald Office. FOR SALE—PURE bred Berkshire Pigs, 6 weeks old, ready for delivery. Sec Orr & Co. a29c FOR SALE—SECOND HAND IRON ,bcd. mattress, spring* and ^ther household good*, cheap. I’hon* 163 •>r call, at 627 22111 street. a29c - ■ FOR RENT—ONE OR TWO UN FURNISHED rooms, with or with out garage. Address F. O. Box 957. m3e ~ - FOR SALE—ONE SEVEN PASSEN GER car at a bargain. Can be seen at Fowler** Garage, corner Chaae and Boulevard, or phone 135-J. a30e FOR SALE—VALLEY LILIES, 50c per dozen. Phone 610. a29c FOR SALE—ONE FLAT TOP DESK. 211 S. M. Building or phone CIO. mlo FOU SALE—BOSTON BITI.I. Tor,or Puppies. Hire Dilllo XL, Dan Hugar Goss, Idlcwood Billie Raffles, Mnssa- soJt Little Boy. Grand Dam Princes* Pat, Fannie B. Phone 334-J. tnlp FOR 8ALE — TRACT 6 MILLION feet short leaf pine, will sell to party with mill for small cash pay ment and balance as lumber shlpi»cd. L. V. Powell. "Red Level. Alabama. m2c FOR SALE—EGGS TO SET FROM pure bred Barred Rock and Black Minorca pens. 91.00 for 15. Phone 1195-J. «30p FOB SALE r- AN OUTSTANDING Jersey cow, fresh with second calf. Gentle, easy milker, dehorned and feed* on chain. Sturgis Farms. Apa lachee,. Oa. mlp FRANK KEENAN IN ‘ SCARS OF JEALOUSY” PALACE MONDAY Wanted ACCOMMODATE. COUPLE with" room and board, omj block tom P. O., 243 Dougherty. Call 12-J. WOULD YOU WRITE A WEALTHY pretty girl? Stamped envelope please. Lola 'Sprout, Cleveland, Ohio, FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral services for Mrs. Edna McClain will be held Sunday at 3 n. m.. from West End Baptist church. Rev. A. L. Flury officiat ing. Surviving her are her hus band, Mr. Paul McClain, mother, Mrs. Orange Patterson, sister. Miss Ruby Patterson; brothers, Messrs. John, Jesse and Jamew Patterson. Friends of the deceased and family are Invited to attend, the funeral and Interment. Burial In Oconee cemetery. B. Dunaway * Sons* Co., funeral directors, in charge. ROSS—Died at the home of her son. 29G Oconee street, Friday nigt.t, nt ton o’clock. Mrs .Mary Fuller Ross In her 76th year. She" pas horn In Squth Carolina, hut had Jived in Athens many years. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Mr. lloiiry Fuller of Athons and F. FT. and D. 1). Full- er of Atlanta. The funeral will be held today (Sunday) April 29, from the Methodist church at East Point, Oa., at eleven o’clock. The body was sent to East Point FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. L- Hill, ,D. D., pastor. At 11 a. m. today Dr. Jao. M Wells, president of Columbia Seminary, will fill the pulpit of this church. Dr. Wells is one of the most popular preachers in th Southern Presbyterian church and is an ex-moderator of the assem bly. There will be no evening i Ke<,ni ‘ n l P Iays tl>c ro,e service on account of the Athe:i • | ° ,d Southern gentleman of th? v <. Bible Conference. {school who adopts an uncouth c a- Sunday school at the First/J' ,n " !l * n repri New Tom Mix Western At Elite; Mary Pickford in “Tess of. Storm Country” Coming.” “Nobody’s Bride.” * Friday: (Double Program) John ny Walker, ’’The 4th Musketedr.” Roy Stewart, Western. Saturday (Wm. Fairbanks) west ern, “Th Devils Dooryurd.” "Ore gon Trail”' jvautt. PRAYER BOOK REVISION LONDON.—A majority of 175 46 "General Approval"—rourM, equivalent to a second 'reading i„ Parliament—w«, given by l ' House of Laity of the Church • England NntlnnM »w-*-' - •,.? revised prayer book Betaure, In “Scars of Jealousy" at the ditlon rolls down a cliff while driv- Palace Monday a spectacular drainn Ing a .stage coach. If you like to j of the Ahioama mountains, Frank he Ihrnfco oy a sw;ttly mov/ng • story of the Western plains, don’t : miss this picture. J with Bernstein Bros., funeral di rectors, in charge. SORROW—-Died at her homo In The funoral will ba bold Monday, VAN TED — A FORD ROAD8TER. Give full description and lowest price. Where can It be seen. Address A. W., care Banner Herald. mlo CARD OF THANK® wlah to thank through the ml umns of this paper our ninny friend. For Rent—Rooms FOft HENT — t LAtlOB UNFUR NISHED room, and kltchcndtto. RENT—ONE NICELY FUR NISHED mom. connecting b»th. don In. Phono 1SM-J. a30c - FOR RENT—TWO NICELY LARGE furnished bed room, bug, enough to aceommodato threo people. Alno lith and un ot nlc. library. Cion In. nlco location. Phono MO-J. alio . RAILROAD f SCHEDULES •■ABOARD AIR LINE BY. Northbound Southbound 9:65 a Atlanta-Monro# local 4:15 p 2:40 p AtL*Birmingham-Mem. 2:20 p 2:40 p Norfolk-Rich.-N. Y. 1:20 p 7:65 p Atl.-Abbeville local 7:30’» 11:24 p Atl.-Birmingham 5:20 a 11:24 p Norfolk-Washington 5:20 a 11:24 p Wllmtngton-N. Y. 5:20 a GEORGIA RAILROAD for their kindness to ua during the Illness and death of our dear mother. May God's richcat ■ blessing rest on you all. * MRS. LI3SSSIE DOOLEY, MRS. GU8 HILL. MR. II. C. MOSEMAN, MR. J. C. MOSEMAN. MR. L. O. MOSEMAN. a29o NOTICK OF MKKTINO OP CREDITORS In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Oa., Eastern Division, At a Court In Bankruptcy. In re: M. c*. O’Farrcll. U2 ikrupt. N<j 1553 In Bankruptcy. Athens. Go. To the Creditors «-f slid Bankrupt • You aro hereby notified that then* Will be a mcctlag cf creditor* ot Ur. above named bankrupt «n May 4th, 1923. at 314 Southern Mutual Build - Ing. Athens, Ua., nt 11-00 o’clock A. M.. for tlio pu;'po.«> *f f/xmlnhir bankrupt, allowing c’tilo; wdectlnj; trustee and other Ic*tal bu ims-. HOWELL COHII, Referee. Athens, Ga., Apr.I 24th. 1923. i Depart 1:29 am 1:21 pm CKNTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. W. O. Bolton, Agent, Phone 1441 Central of Georgia Station Depart for Macon T:M a. m. 4:45 p. m. Arrive from Maooa 11:1® P. m. for further information phone J. Y. Bruce, C. A., €4t. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Schedule* Arrir* •5:10 P. It •*19:19 A. M. FOR RENT On® five-room downstairs apartment, private bath and all cmlrsnisnco. |*o»*eeelon March 1>L E. G. FAMRROUGH Phone 516 LMTI 7:15 A. M-» 10:15 A. R" , • Lilly. •• DgllJ SOUTHERN RAILWAY ^ .Effoetlv, •und.y, ApcH *•>’•** No 6 leaves Athene 7:45 a. m., or give* Lula I:t0 €.rn. • • No. 8 leave* Athens 4.15 P» »•. » rive* Lula 6:45 ,P* "J* No. 7 leave* Lula 5:55 p. arrive* A N™ ^ uU W:M *• rlvn Atbon. lt:«- *■ u. MILLER, . Tclepbono 61. W. L. COXE Transfer Co. / Long Trip, Our Specialty. Cheapest Truck In Town. 600 Thomas St Phone 1351 m. Tho remains grave In Oconee ceme- Try This Free Recent, Large or Small and You are on the Road That .Has . Convinced Thousands. Anyone ruptured, man, woman r child, should write at once to V*. S. Rice, 479-B Main St., Adams, N. Y., for a free triul of his wonderful stimulating applica tion. Just put it on the rupture and the muscled begin to tighten; they begin to bind together so that the opening closes naturally ind the need of n support or truss is done away with. Don’t neglect to rend for this free trial. Even if your rupture doesn’t bother you what is the use of wearing sup ports all your life? Why suffer this nuiahnee? Why run the risk of gangrene and such dangers from a small and innocent little rupture, the kind that has thrown thousands on tho operating fable? A host bf men and, women are daily running such risk just be- uiuse their ruptures do not hurt nor prevent them from getting around. Write at onco for this free trial us it ia certainly n won derful thing and has aideu in the -urc of ruptures that were ns big as n man’s two fists. Try and write at once, using the coupon >clu\v. ■ —- - - — — Free for Rupture W. S. Rice, Inc., 479-11 St., Adams, N. Y. \Y'<u may »«nd me entirely five a Sample Treatment of your stimulating application for Rupture*. Nome .. . - Addrc:* State • Church ut 9:45 a. m., (Mr. J. Morton, Supt-; at Hoyt Chapel at 4 p. m., Mr. Colquit Carter, Supt. Junior Christian Endeavor at 1 p. m.; and Senior Chrbtian En deavor at 7:30 p. m. There will be no prayer meet ing Wednesday afternoon. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. C. Wilkinson, pastor. The Bible School iO a. m., E. B. Mell# superintendent. Dr. Len G. Broughton will* be with us In the morning serivee nrni Dr .G. Campbcif Morgan at th 1 night service. You are invited tu each service. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel J. Cartledgc, pas tor. Mr. J. T. Dudley, superintendent ol' Sunday School. Mr Hugh L. Hodgson, organbt and director of music. Sunday School 9:45 a- m. Preaching at 11 a. m., by th Rev. Claude H. Gyodwin, director of music at the Bible Conference. Christian Endeavor Societies a 1 and 7 p. m. No evening service on account of the BibJe Conference, and : u prayer meeting Wednesday night- A special invitation to students and strangers to ail services. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH R. L. Porter, minister. G. F. Stephenson, Bible School superintendent. 10:00 a* m.» Bible School, musir by Eidam’s Orchestra. 11:00 .a- m., Sermon by Dr. G Campbell Morgan. 12:00 noon. The Lord's Supper. 7:00 p. m., Christian Endeavor- No evening service on account of the Bible Conference. Sophie Is Prize . Cow of the State By producing 12932 lbs. of milk and 662.53 lbs. ot buttor-fat nt 4 years, 11 months of ago, Laslfoao Sopfliie, owned by Rest Cottage F’arm, Columbus. Georgia, has qualified as tho Champion Senior old of that state. Sophie calved within the required time and Qualified for class AA. She carried cnlf 254 days during test and tested 6.12 per cent. Sohphlo produced very coqri ch to his dl.Nlnhcrli- vho ha3 degenerated into u Keenan made one of his biggest hits while he was playing on the legitimate stage In a similar role. cdy. while It was as a Keneurky cok ncl that he won.his spurs In "The Ni PROGRAM THIS WEEK AT THE MOVIES PALACE: Monday—Frank Keenan "Scare *•' Jealousy.” Hpllronm Boys Corn- uni." hits first starring vehicle. he silent drama, i rolonel Newland. Keenan ■d a fine inirtrait to his galU Wednesday- John Barrymore in “Sherlock Holmes." News Views. Thursday and Friday (Extraor dinary), Mary I’lckf rd, Newest Feature "Teas of the Storm Coun lay: in | 1 Tuesday: Tom Mix a “Sv Jumps Ahead.” lay. "Made to Order.’’ Tuesday Serial: Wm. Desmond. Wednesday: Esl-Ue Tnjflor in , "Only A Shop •Cllrl/' “Tarpon Fishing.” Thursday: Herbert ilawlinson. 1 NEW SANDALS JUST ARRIVED % Red, Green, Bamboo, Grey, White Kid and Patent Leather $5.00 to $8.00 \ We Now Have Your Size. \ . JOHNSON SHOE COMPANY Good Hosiery Too. Palace Special, Thursday and Fri day. The offended sorrow with which he casts off his soi*; the affection which grows In his heart for the mountain boy whom he puts Into Ills place, nnd his joy when his son returns to him a man after he has lived several months In the hill country, havo been built into a re- markablo characterization. ELITE MONDAY AND TUESDAY LATEST TOM MIX PICTURE / Tom Mix Is back in twon thrill ing all of his admirers at the Elite Monday nnd Tuesday n the latest William Fox picture, “3 Jumps Ahead.” Several new nnd daring stunts never before attempted for piny. Tom jumps a canyon ninety feet deep and twenty feet wide with ‘ Tony.” his stunt horse, nnd In nd- ently throughout her porloil oU tho f ' n oro " hown 1,1 thl ” phot °- tust exrerdlnit fifty-pounds of but- *" m “ " tor-fat eac'i month, her first .month being credited with 54.69 lbs., nnd her last with 53.4S lbs. IIe»* high er: month / was April when sho produced 61.19 lbs., of butter-fat. Laslfoso Sohphie carries some excellent producing blood, which ir proven by tho fact that she la a daughter of Lass 64th's Son 106612, with 6 tested daughters. Lass 64th's Son Is lu turn a son of tho outstanding Gold and Silver Medal bull, Pogis 99th of Hood F’arm 94602. Tho dam of l5»slfoso Sophie Is F’alrvlow Sophie 332104 which cow lias a two year ord of 643 lbs. of butter-fat. She is n granddaughter of Hood Farm Torono 60326, another Oo!:l and Silver Medal bull. The Smile of SATISFACTION —follows the taste of our delicious fount drinks. Refreshing, and all the • favorites are here. “Head Tliis Way When You’re Thirsty” OUR LUNCHEONETTE SERVICE DE LUXE SOLVES THE SHOPPER’S LUNCH PROBLEM DELIGHTFULLY., Visit the Palm Garden at any time day or night and you’ll find prompt and courteous service, refreshment and cordial welcome. GEORGIAN PALM GARDEN GEORGIAN HOTEL ITCH CURED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide S0c from drug,IMn or 55c moiled Mfr„ OK. L. J. KlIMtl* & CO. Commerce, (ia. Toko no nuhstitute. Sold by H. R.JPALMER & SONS CITY TAXES SPECIAL NOTICE Tho firn in.Htallmont of city tax es dro due from April 15th to May (at. Irtolualvr. Taxp-yor* who fall m or tit-fore Mav 1 . will fiavi ti pay $i.5t coat of fif* which wlU b» Issued ocalnat all delinquent*. G. E. OT* \RUELL, M-l-c - 'ity MurahaL E.KXY “THE smiling painter- Flno Painting and Interior Decorating Phone 1297, Athens, Ge. CATARRH |«« BLADDER roar Hollh PREVENTIVE ArMEN *« «•'*»« ARMEL’S GARAGE Now Up-to-Date Ready for all kind, of work. Reboring cylinders, welding, vulcanizing, burning-in bear ings, electrical work and any thing in tho machinery line. PHONE 587 :19 W. Washington SL We Can Supply You With Pure Spring Water Our Rates' 10c per gallon Or Regular Customers $4.00 per month We furnish the best Sanitary Cooler o Regular Customers. UNTON * SPRING WATER CO. Phone 95 Building Business for the Long Run The truth about anything requires a certain perspective. If viewed too closely, even a masterpiece cannot be understood or appreciated. It takes a certain distance to bring out its values. This is Especially true in building a business, and in using advertising as one of the means of building it. The clear vision comes only with the con sideration of what is best in the long run. One season’s business may be ab normally large or abnormally small- due to conditions over which the owners of the business have no con trol. To consider the business itself-as safe and sound just because, at a cer tain season, the orders are coming in, is often a dangerous fallacy, far more threatening to the eventual welfare of the business than a seasoii of slow business that makes it difficult to keep going. During tihe past few years economic conditions have combined to prove the fallacy of a hand-to-mouth-policy of manufacturing and marketing, always at the mercy of market fluctuations, with the manufacturer helpless tq in fluence his market. And, on the other hand, these conditions have proved the wisdom of considering the long run and making all plans in accordance with that view. Today, as a result of recent eco nomic changes, and of lessons severely learned^ tens of thousands of dealers, in every line of merchandise, are giv ing a new emphasis to their preference for lines of merchandise that are trade- marked and adequately advertised by the manufacturer. The public, during the period of minimum sales, demon strated its preponderant preference for advertised goods, and. the dealers will not do otherwise than'accept the situation and build their business for the future in harmony with it. r Thousands of manufacturers Who today are facing a Shortage of demand for their product, and who see what demand there is going to competitive manufacturers who have insured their own market by means of advertsiing, are now looking to advertising as the logical key to future selling sUcceiis, It is highly important then, in seek ing to apply the force of advertising, that it be considered not as a “ready mhde cure-all for sales inactivity, out as a permanent factor In .business building, , . livery advertising plan that can lay claim to wisdom or hope for long run effectiveness requires three things: First, to determine what are, unques tionably, the best objectives for the business in the long run. Second, what are the best means, all told, of obtaining those objectives. Third, how and to what extent advertising can be assigned its rightful place among and in relation to those means. Published by The Banner-Herald in co-operation with The American Association of Advertising Agencies