The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 29, 1923, Image 4

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PAOE FOUR THE BANNEB-HBRALD. ATHENS. CEORGM SUNDAY APRIL 29. 1923. — ATHENS PARENT-TEACHER NEWS OFFICERS MRS. W. A. CAPPS, Swretsr/ snd Treasurer. ■r ■- ’MRS. MILTON, HIGGINS. National K. . President, Worcester, Mass, in- . MRS. BRUCE CARR JONES, Macon. • State President. , ,. 4 3*i MRS. BOYCE FICKUN, Washington, H , ' District President. K?- MRS. H. J. Stegeman, ( hairntan I re- |kC', •' School Circles. MRS. W. I). PASCHAL, Secretary and Treasurer. i MRS. E. B. HUDSON, laical President Council. MRS. E. L. JACKSON, Vice President MRS. J. P. l’ROCTOR, Health Repro. sentative. , MRS. LAMAR SCOTT, Chairman of Publicity. I WHAT PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATIONS ARE DOING 1 ■Today Children are taught in Kims, properly ventilated rooms. itR physical examination, w**lgh- m. measuring, etc. Instead of eat- cold lunches, which they used have and properly cooked food is served at noon. The cafeteria system which has been installed In the city schools and many county schools is one of the greatest accomplish ments of the Parent-Teacher As sociations of this country. In Georgia, out of 100 Associa tions reporting. 37 were operating their own lunch rooms, is to rentier to earth and heaven the highest service.” ‘‘.Vo precept lias ever wielded the influence upon child life that Hie daily fiomp life and the conduct of parents and guardians has done.” I ‘‘The education that the world most needs for good parenthood, that which will help all of us to understand that In every child are Infinite possIbiHIties for good, and icaao that to know how to develop them Great Nerve-Powef Comes Rom Blood-Power! S.S.S. gives you loth bo Hem-Power that conquers, that keeps men young-, that pulls them up to sucoess, that makes Brain-Power clear and quick, comes from Blood-Power. It Is the secret of strength 1 I The world has made human door- ate out of thousands of flno tho -World got you on your •7 Hus It tapped your muscle, 1 r [strong, healthy men clcan, rich Blood. |tar courage, your brain-power, par ambition, yonr health, Jrour acic-Oghttng strength? Or do'you *ro? Art) you looking for a way ip nod out? Do you know that the xrve-power that conquer*- crery- liiig was'.bora la a blood-cell? Do mu know:,that an Increase in the lumber ot> red-call* in your blood sings a tremendous incqsato in o*r health and strength? -Yop w ei, XIL IB l) I Kansas, writes: “A friend vised me to take S. S. S., and after taking seven bottle), I feel like a man iO years my junior, and I will be 86 my next birthday, having served with the Union army through tho Civil War, and l also was with Custer in the Indian wan " DO YOU KNOW THAT America spent In ISIS— Fur cigars, $510,000,000. For cigarettes, $800.000,000. For randy $1,000,000,000. For perfume,. $'800,000,000. For chewing gum, $800,000,000, and for bonks. $35,000,000, only. then can our Faith, in Childhood he j thc-lr rosy children chattering fully established. We can’t hare [away in two languages, are cen- full Faith without complete knowl- Iters of attraction. Army life to- edge of the physical, mental and day Is very different from what It moral life. Parent Teacher Associations, if you have emphasised good reading before, take up thfe work with newed vigor. Plan a program that will ‘‘get" those non-hook mothers. Your child is building for citizen ship—perhaps a world citizenship. What about those children who have not learned the open door of books? Considered simply from a selfish point of view. Do they no» hold back and menace your own child’s progress? MRS. ROBERTSON COOK IN OREGON P. T. A. Do you want your state to com pare favorably with other states of the Nation? Do you know that Georgia car ries tho stigma of a very heavy in fant mortality rato This Is duo t othe fact that this rato Is based, not on tho popula tion. but on the number of births recorded. Are your registrars on the Job? If not, get behind them and de mand publicly a strict enforcement of this law, which is Just as valid any state statute passed by the legislators. See that every birth Is registered prior to the end of this year. GLIfP.Ulf OF You may hear some say “I am afraid of J\ T A. because there are so many chances for fistakes." Such na Idea cannot stay with us long, because of its unreason. When the coward takes his own life becalusetw mimatedluills life, his real reason Is that he fears to live the rest of his life be cause of the mistakes he might make. Crazed by the overabund- } of pa»t errors, or because of one climatic error, in desperation he puts death between himself and the possibility of making any more mistakes. Suppose Edison had shrunk from experimenting with the forces of nature, because of the many ebapees for making mistakes. There will be mistakes of tho mind, no doubt, but If we keep our Faith in Chlldsood, before us there will be no mistakes of the Heart. Think well of every other mem ber of your Parent-Teacher body, seek some method by which you may help perform tho work of your association, regular attendance is one of the best ways), read the right motive In every transaction end strive, honestly to promote tht* strength of your association. If we do this kind om team work, cur kite will he borne upward on the winds of Faith In our children and each other and we will have the assurance that we have done what we would, which means our best, to serve our children’s needs intheir preparation for life. was before the World War. The visitor will see the soldier boys at drib and study, as well as oii pa rade. .Modern weapons of warfare such as the machine gun and dead ly on-pounder are in use for prac tice. The radio and |IcJd telephone modern methods of ecting udvances. The sandy u-h gives an excellent bar.'k- mnd for Introducing the scenes trench warfare. Summer Rates on Central Railway Scon in Effect Clinic For Children With Defective Eyes, Nose and Throat Does Splen- ynu are exhausted alter exertion. If you feel overworked. If your; .1 ; r 1 Wnrk brain Is cloudy, It your "pep” Is ulu about gono, it your muscles nro growing flabby, it your speed! lacks force end memory play*, 1,10 u ‘ ynn *'• l - A tricks' on you, if you prefer to t» I r* centl y wrote o silent, If your skin Is sal- 1 * m . ■» Pjmd Pt Mrs. A. I* Sterne, president of tho Glynn P. T. A. of Brunswick, state president, my Inst meet- low. your eye* dull. If hollow* show *»*• *ho third since my term bem In your cheek*,—there 1* one thins I ' h " t 1 J u,t tell T°“ of We thdt nlwnys lift* you up and out Into a new world of force, energy and success. That la blood-power! Blood-power builds nerva-powerl «. S. B. Is a tremendous builder of blood-power. It helps to build blood-cells by tba million. It means more nerve-power. It means a stronger body, a clearer brain, firm er muscles, richer blood. A clearer skin, brighter eyes, more energy be hind everything you do! After all, it fs\ a slmplo, yet a wonderful thing, 8. 8. 8., tho great blood- cleanser, 'will do It. It cleanses the system .of rheumatic poisons, ilmplea, ecaema and skin eruptions. pimples, ecaema and skin eruptions It Is thebody-bundor without a peer. It contatns.on!y pure vegetable me- dlclnal Ingredients Try it, 8. 8u8- Is ,sold st all drug stores In two had an attendance of 147 and you will Just know how- proud I feel when 1 tell you that tile largest at tendance heretofore, when wo had u -Bond Issue’ parade, was 75. We are having splendid co-operation from our teachers anil now have 200 members.” CLINIC DONE WELL, SAYS The feature of tho meeting was an, addross bv tho County Health Officer. Dr. R. L. DoSnussuro on Cnmmunltlre Spirit nnd Ureven- ,lve Medicine.” He stressed the entpmond bond of all the children of Brunswick. He said the clinic for children had done valiant ser vice nnd caused more favorable sites. The larger also is tho more I comment ontaldo the city, even n> economical. 8. 8.8. hits been used |, nr „„ Michigan, than any other Wife, have to have pimples - to] and appreciated by millions for 91 novo that your blood Is weak. IP years, '..makes yourseIf.agahf[ BRINGS TO YOU The Very Best in Music The Latest in World Events Sport Results—Market Quotations. jn RADIOLA V and R C IN STOCK -AsWell As Other Complete Sets and Parts. ATHENS ENGINEERING CO. PhOhe 711 237 College Ave. local Institution. Hf b*»ged for r J continuance of the clinic. raJHnr nt“enUon to the f*«ct that 109 chll* Jdren had had adenoid nnd tonal 1 operations nnd 225 had had their teeth tretted. The ’question of school gardens was discussed nnd plana will be made to that _end In tho near fu ture. ~~ The third grade class song and having the moat pothers present was awarded a framed pic ture. Donatlonn of home-made candy were requested, which will bo aold fo- tin Rent Room fund Mnctceu dew members were en rolled and $5.00 given to the Y. W C. A. P. T. A. IS WOT MrS. E. B. Hudson Con cludes Interesting Series of Articles on Purpose of P. T. A. By MRS. E. B. HUDSON Many, because-of lack of knowl edge of P. T. A*, purposes, have misconstrued the reasons for Pa rent-Teacher Associations, in thinking It was a sort of a com plaint bureau, parent against teacher. Exactly tho opposite is true. All Btich matters are between the Individual parent and the in dividual Instructor, the name of ah individual child, as an offender, should never be spogen in a P. T. A. meeting. In other words, per sonal difference* have no place on I*. T. A. Programs. All danger of Conflict disappears wh**n the parent says to tho eacb- nr. “you are . my child’s teacher, tell me If I help him too much, not enough, or In the wrong way, and Jiow can I help him out of his careless ways and to overcome his faults.” Such a confidence gives courage to teacher and parent for, after that neither one la on the project. ALONE! It la by means of this otter frankness that we come to know the home and acbool aide of our children’s lives and only lifriTTm m ItlffSi According J. Bruce Com merelal Agent, The Central o Oeorign Railway will sell round trip tickets to lake, inhuntain nnd •ashore renorta during the Hum or KoiiHon nt very attractive rates. There will l>o week-end nnd soa- >n tickets sold to Tybeo nnd oth- South Atlantic seashore resorts. The week-end fares from Athem • Tybeo nnd other South Atkin- r* seashore resorts will he; Tybec 111.35. Atlantic Beach $16.35; May- $16.65, Pablo Bench $16.15. These tickets will he sold during pc d of Mny 16 to • September 1, Inclusive, for trains scheduled to leave starting point after 12: Op /clock noon Friday’s, including rains leaving Athens before inld-*Saturdays, limited for return o reach Athens by midnight of Tuesday following date of sale. Season tickets to Tybe© and other South Atlantic seashore resorts will he sold dally from May 15 to \ugustu 31, limited for return un it October 31, except to Tybeo fi nal limit Is September 80. Tht* reason ticket rate Athena to Tybeo will bo Ilfi.iiO. to Atlantic Beach '21.50. to Pablo Bach $21.30, to May port $21.X0. . . Tybee “Where Ocean Breezes How,*’ promises to he more Inter- •sting this summer than ever bc- ’oro to thnso In search of reorea- ion and a delightful vacation. . Tybrlsa. the amusement pavilion ml bathhouse of the Central of ’eorgin Railway, Is now being ren ovated throughout, preparatory to he seas n*s opening. A new lance floor is being laid, new set- ees for the convenience of the •iHltors are being installed, the pa /lllon is being painted nnd a new >of put on. Hottj Tybee, cottages, bath-hous* • ouae and dance pavilion, all under iew management, after being horoughly overhauled and put In >erfect comltlon, will open f:r tip* eanon about Mny 1. The Heubreeze’ Intel, Ocean View Hotel ami mar* •thcr smaller hostelrles will open ctween May 1 and 15. Particular interest attaches to •’oct Screven, the Army post wheat ho 8th Infantry, “The Million- lires of the Rhine” have been «tu- ioned since their return from Ger nany In February. The post is ust a short distance up the beach *rom Tybrlsa. Visitors arc* welcome tnd will see the smart soldiers ,vh«> were the pride of all the Ai led armies. The German anil •Tench wives of the soldiers, with BACK ACHED TERRIBLY Mrs. Robinson Tells How She Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Piokham’t Vegetable Compound Amaraio.Tex.—*‘My back waa my greatest trouble. It would ache so that ‘It would almost kill me and I would have crampa. I suf fered in this way about threeyeua: then a lady friend suggested that I try Lydia EPink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. I have had better health since, keen house and am able to do my work. 1 re com- CROPS PliTED IN tent. Everybody la feeling bettor over the favorable start for a crop this spring. NOTICE Onr lift of place* for rooms and board for the Summer School be ginning June 25th is now being prepared and will be mailed to prospective students on May IsL Those who wish to have their names appear on this list should have their applications in my hands not later than April 30th, stating location, number you wish, price, etc. Please give full' par ticulars by LETTER ONLY and before the above stated time. All communications must be by LETTER ONLY. J. T. DUDLEY, Secretary. Box 136, Athens, Gn- Four Exceptional Values Buick Roadster Essex Roadster Chandler Speedster Buick Sedan These cars are dependable. Prices Are Low. Easy Terms. CONOLLY MOTOR CO. Authorized Buick Service •Genuine Buick Parts Read Banner-Herald Want Ads Week. LEXINGTON, Ga.—Crops of cot- n and «orn have been all about planted in this county wli week or ten days, There were w favorable planting days dur ing last week which were taken outage of. Then by Monday ning of this week thf* ground If» Ideal condition for the work and farmers went at it with uuy-break-to-durk rush and have mpished wonders in tho plant ing line. ive in the’strip that was visit ed by the hail storm Wednesday afternoon practically tho full crop In the county Will be planted by Saturday night. Then a seasonable rain would be more than welcomed. planting ha i bo**n accom plish d fully a month earlier than crops were planted last >ear and cne to two weeks oirller than has been the average for a number of s past, which* gives topes of ^ able to mni:o tetter crept this year especlnfl/ of cot.on. is hoped that bv Mis ear!/, planting farmers will l><? able to the boll weevil to some ex- Why isn’t a kitchen range more romantic than a novel? It is when you hoar and see how a great range with a reputation comes Into existence. The exhibit of tho Ma jestic Range at Hardy Hardware 3G1 East Clayton street, all this week. Is a revelation In how much thought, skill, and ingenuity goes Into making your kitchen range thd best possible cooker nnd bdkor. It Is time well spent to at tend this demonstration. Besides, you have a chance to obtain the choice of two fine sets of cooking utensils, absolutely free. If you de cide to replace your old cook stove with a Groat Majestic this week Instead of later.—Adv. , III " ' ^ gi ( GUARANTY TRUST CORPORATION! jm Capital $500,000.00 HI Friendship and Confidence are outstand- Calls and Correspondence are invited relative to our lines: ! m ing requirements for satisfactory service. j; j We have found from experience that we II serve best thoAe whom we know best. We LOANS jlxl strive to understand our customers and INSURANCE II serve them in the way tliey wish to be Hi served. REAL ESTATE BONDS jm We offer a complete financial service,' |III organized and maintained at a marked HI degree of efficiency. GOLD SAVINGS CERTIFICATES mend the Vegetable Compound to my friends as it has certainly given me great relief. Mr«.C. B. Robinson, 603 N. Lincoln St, Amarillo, Texas. The Vegetable Compound 1i a splendid medicine for women. It re lieves the troubles which cause such symptoms as backache, painffll times, irregularity, tired and worn-out feel ings and nervoumess. This is shown again and again b; such letters 4s Mrs. Robinson writes as well as by one woman telling another. These women know what it did for them. It is surely Worth your trial. Housewives make a great, mistake in allowing themselves to become so 111 thst it is well-nigh impossible for them to attend to ♦hsir hrtM dfltfoft - ANNOUNCING the Arrival of New Models COLUMBIA LIGHT SIXES AUTOMOBILES . r For Demonstration See or Phone J. M. HOOD Hoods’ Garage 146 West Clayton Street Athens Columbia Motor Co. ATHENS, GEORGIA *