The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 30, 1923, Image 4

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PAGE POU* i Tranma-awnm Athens. awg MONDAY, APRIL M ... T THE BANNER-HERALD ATHENS, GA. Published Even Evening Daring the Week Except Saturday and on Sunday Morning by The Athens Publishing Company, Athens, Ga. BARL D. BRASWELL Pobliaher and General Manager CHARLES E. MARTIN Managing Editor Entered at the Athens Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter under PAPER—ASSOClATlfD —PRESS-^ffl 8 EL' A. SERVICE A. B. C. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also the local news published therein. All rights of ^publication of special dispatches are also reserved. Andrew C. Erwin, President. Bowdre Phinisy, Secretary and Treasurer, Address all Business Communications direct to the Athens Publish ing Company, not to individuals. News articles Intended for publica tion should be addressed to The Banner-Herald. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU? A Little at Everything And Not Hach of Anything. By HUGH ROWB Fitting and proptr is tht ac tion of ths members of the Knights of Pythias in this city, in holding a special service in honor of Dr. Troy Beatty, Biahop Co-uUJutor, of Tennessee ajtd for many years Rector of Kmmanuel throughout* their lives, church in Athens, and Past Grand Chancellor tf the K. of p.’s for In unveiling his picture at their lodge rooms tonight. He was of the most beloved men in other states. His accomplishments for the betterment of the commun ity and his devoted and loyal ser-r vices to mankind will cause his memory Wo remain fresh in the minds of those who knew him Sunday, tha 13th, will be M Mothar*a Day", a day w# should all honor and obsarva by ra- membaring our mothors in somo Georgia, and not only here in Ath*jway mete and proper. If she is he esteemed, loved and ad-(alive a flower, a note or some rem mired, but bis popularity extended' embrance which will cause her to throughout. this state and into to know and feel that ahe is HUMORIST OR ASS? It is hard to tel! whether George Harvey, our “popular and affable” emissary to the Court of St. James, is the world’s foremost humorist or prize ass. If he isn’t the greatest humorist he ranks along with the best fun-makers in making the world laugh. It is a pity rome great men—and their is no doubt about Harvey’s greatness in some respects—some times make themselves foolish when they appear in public. Harvey, it seems, possesses the unhappy fac ulty of doing this on all occasions—of late at any rate. ‘ ■ * To begin with he put the administration in an em barrassing position in his maiden speech in London. Following that up his love for appearing in public and "speaking a piece” he made the American peo ple ashamed of their representative in London by his assinine utterances. • His most recent oratorical flight in which he does not fail to again -make the world laugh and at the same time pity an administration that could do no better than Harvey, occurred at a meeting of the So ciety of St. George, the English Patron Saint. According to the New York World report his speech follows: “It is eminently fitting that old England should be represented by a living Edward, lineal*descendant ofthe Edward during whose reign St. George was adopted,as your patron saint. “My proud little native State of Vermont looks forth from her treeclad mountains and sparkling lakes upon her more populous sister commonwealths, serene, in her consciousness of a virtually undiluted ancestral stock. Not less than 90 per cent of her en tire population are directly and exclusively descend ed from the. adventurous sons and daughters of this kingdom. Can any of your counties boast less alloy? “If so I point to you my native township which con tains no man, woman or child of other than English blood, hot one.” N Col. Harvey, after further identifying his birth place of Peccham, went on: “Do you, my kinsmen, agree with me that a true though New English jewel such as this should find a place in the crown of your patron saint? If you do, immediately upon my next visit I shall ask the peo ple to assemble and form.a Society of St. George, to co-operate, though not sub-operate, for that is not our way, with this parent association.” (The Village of Peachman, Vt„ now boasts a pop ulation of 667 men, women and children, and the boast gets less at every census. In 1900 Peacham had 794 inhabitants.) MAKE ATHENS A CONVENTION CITY One of-the most important movements to be under taken by the Chamber of Commerce for this year Is the securing of conventions. While the time has passed to secure the various conventions meeting in this state during 1923, it is a favorable time to pre sent the claims of Athens for their meetings next year. Athens has every advantage to offer for the accommodation of the large number who attend conventions. Ample hotel facilities, restaurants, tea rooms, cafeterias and boarding houses, besides the many points of interest to all visitors: the educa tional institutions, University of Georgia, State Col lege of Agriculture, State Normal School, Lucy Cobb Institute and one of the best public,school sys tems in, the country. Athens is ideally located and accessible from all points in the state and South; with five railroads entering or passing through the tity to make it convenient from this point of view. All in all, Athens enjoys an advantage over her sister cities, and it is only a question of making an effort to Secure many of the conventions, for next year. Con- ■ tions are great feeders to cities and no agency af- Is so much advertising to a community as/a con- ention of representative citizens composing com- herciai, civic and fraternal gatherings. In the past tfi JT tions, two tl _____ « one thousand representatives; the U. C. T.’s everal hundred members, besides entertaining large religious organizations. It is to be hoped that the officers ot the Chamber of Commerce will appoint a committee charged with the responsibility of securing these gatherings for >ext year and use every means to encourage and se- e 1924 conventions for Athens. War Department saves ovdr $141,000 in a year by >ills paying bills promptly to get “2 per cent discount if aid in 10 days.” The government as a whole could ve millions by doing other things promptly—especi ally big saving by cutting costly red tape.. Delay is e weakest spot of democratic government You've heard a 16t of contradictory stores about Lenin. Hers’s one that ranks at the top for earmarks of authenticity. Joseph Henschen, of Oakland, Flor ida, gets a letter from his brother in Sweden. The brother is one of Lenin’s personal physicians. He writes that the Red Czar is paralyzed and helpless. That’s about as near the truth as you’ll ever get, un less you live to see Lenin’s body embalmed. The endurance dancing craze fizzles. It taught that real strength is in the will power, not in muscles. Similar cbntests come in every generation, so we’re as rational as our ancestors. In 1899 Miller and Walker bicycled 2733 miles,' beginning Monday and ending Saturday night Twenty-two years before that, Wil liam Gale, a Welsh bookbinder, walked 1500 miles in 1000 hours. A man in Utica, N. Y., lifted himself on tiptoe 20,000 times without stopping. A girl in Sandwich Islands swam 40 miles . against running surf. Nothing is futile, as iong as it entertains bored humanity^ IF SICK, BILIOUS! Don't Take Calomel! “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Acts Better and Doesn’t Gripe, Salivafe or Make You Sick-Don’t Lose a Day’s Work-Read Guarantee Ugh! Calomel makes you sick.. bad or stomach sour, just try a It’s horrible! Take a dose of the spoonful of harmless Dodson’s dangerous drug tonight and ' to- | Liver Tone tonight, morrow you may lose a day’s Here's my guarantee—Go to any work. drug stroe and get a bottle of Calomel is Mercury or quickall-1 Dodson’s Liver Tone for a few >r which causes necrosis of the j cents. Take a .spoonful and if It bones. Calomel, when it comes in- doesn’t straighten you right up to contact with sour bile crashes * into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea ami cramping. If you arc slug gish and "all knocked out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizzi- jn _ and make you feel fine and vigor ous I want you to go hack to the store and get your money. Dod son’s Liver Tone is destrvolng the sale of calomel because S is real liver medicine; entirely, vegetable, . „ . . . therefore it can not aalivata or ness, coated tongue,, if breath is | make you aiek.—(Advertisement) Purify your Blood, this Spring with S.S.S. tbo blood. It makes It clean and rich, 8. 8. 8. stops rheumatism '//> purify yon r and skin eruptions; pimples, blaefc- 'm blood, yon heads, acne, bolls, ecxema! It builds 3 mall a e the U P pa-down, tired men and women, 3 importance 0 f bea “ tlfle * complexions, and makes 3 ? iZr flash firmer. 8. S. 8. will Im- -3 >^L„l^nPn>ve your appetite and giro yon V SlerloSk t h ob;^. endurance, energy and ^ fact that Wing? 8 !! $ ter, with itsi ^heavy meat dioti, has left their blood thick and sluttish. That listless, tired feel ing creeps over them. They feel that something Is wrong—yet, they can not sty Just what! But isn’t gotten and that she is as dear tc us as she was when we first saw the light of day and grew old enough to be taught our prayert and toddle around her knee. Bui here is a clipping from an exebangt which has something to say oi “Dad.” It is not intended to de tract any credit due mother, but just as a reminder. It says: , “We happened in a home the oth er night, and over the parlor dboi saw the legend worked In letters of red. “What is Home Without Mother?” “God Bless Our Home. “Now, what's the matter ’God bless Our Dad?’ He gets up early, lights the fire, boils an egg and with his boots wipes off th' dew of the dawn while many mother is sleeping. He makes th< weekly handout for the butcher, grocer, milkman, and baker, and his pile is badly walloped befpre he has been home an hour. “If there is a noise during the night dad is kicked in the pock any made to go down stairs to find the burglar and kill him. Mother darns the socks but dad bought th< socks in the first place, and, thf needles and the yarn afterwards. Mother does up the fruit but dad bought it ail, and the Jars and gar cost like the mischief. ‘Dad buys the chickens for the Sunday dinner, carves them him self and draw’s the neck from the ruins after everyone else is servejt 'What is Home Without a Moth er?* Yes, that is all right; but what home without’ a father? Ter. chances to one It’s u boarding house, father is under a slab, and the landlady is the widow. Dad here’s to you—you’ve got your laults; you may have lots of ’em— but you’re all right, nnd we will miss you when you’re gone.” There is hardly a need or want that cannot be filled in Athens’ stores or factories ter! Take, for instance, 8. 8. 8., the world’s-best blood medicine for five generations. 8. 8. 8. purifies Mr. D. 8. Cantrell, 1202 St* 4th ft. Alton. Ill., writes: “for tire rear* I wu Untie* with pimplaa end black- heeds en my fete and teak. Alter taking S.S.i. ier only a abort while all my pimples started to leave. I tool 100% hotter ami earn eat mere tt erer. S.S.S. ia a grand a*4iciae.‘ T9? a. B.”a: i»wia it yourself. at all good drug stores. The largo slzo is moro economical Get a bot tle today! S. S. S. makes you feel like yourself'agam | After Even/ Meal "A bite to eat—a bit of tweet* 1 After, n substantial meal, tbe children naturally want to top off with a bit of sweet Give them WRIGLEVS, the great American Sweetmeat. combines the enfoyment of sweet with many BENEFITS. It cleanses the teeth, removing food particles that lodge In the crevices. It neutralizes the acids ol the mouth, soothes the throat, and lastly— WRIGLEY’S helps the stomach by supplying saliva to aid In digestive work Made clean, kept dean, sealed light In a wax-wrapped package. TheFlaoor Last* Speaking of tho greatest books written, many differ ns to the ones which in their opin ion are of tho greatest value to the reading public.. An editor ntnall western town summed the proposition up In tin following manner: “Our neighbor, Erb Wells been busy lately picking out th< twelve greatest books . It 1 laudable enterprise, to be cure. Ht mentions Plato's Republic, Aris totle’s. History of. Animals, thi Travels of Malabo Polo, and others but In our opinion he hasn’t hit twelve greatest. Kverybodj is taking a crack at this thing and so wo will also name tho twelve greatest works: Margot Asquith’s Diary. i>r. Cook’s Discovery ot the North Pole. Mme. Thebes' Past, Present ant Future. The Poems of Bathhouse John Coughlin. What To Do Before the Doctor Comes. Memories of Kaiser Wilhelm d* Goat. 8nrah T. Rorer's Cook Book. Coin’s Financiul School. Joe Miller’s Joke Book. The Social Register. “My Four Yeurs In Dutch,” by The Crown Quince. Spaldings Baseball Guide.” Loafing and roaming dogs hsvo become s nuisance in Athene. There Is not a day but that you will meet numer ous species. of dogs running wild on the streets and at this season of the year there is much danger ot hydrophobia. These dogs do not seem to be owned by unyonc or else they would be kept up. Thera la supposed to be a license on dogs una u requirement that ull dogs wear a tag. If such is the case then some one should see to it that the ordinance Is enforced —certainly there ia no restriction on the dog now. It is not so much tne revenue we receive from the sale of tags which should be con sidered by those in authority, but the protection to tho people of the community should come first. A roaming and half-starved dog is liable ut any time to contract rab- Dies and before he can'be killed bite many citizens. Restrictions huuld be placed on dogs by not only taxing them, but by prohibit* ng the owners from ullowlng them to loaf on tho streets. Berton Braley’s Daily Poem By BERTON BRALEY You may flatter yourself you very fit. With a mighty wallop :n elthci mitt, Wretchedness OF Constipation Can Be Quickly Overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS, iFurely vege table—act suriri and gently on* the liver. Re lieve bilious- ache, dizzi* z r ness sad indigestion. They do their duty. Small Pill—Small Dose -Siuall Frier CUT THI8 OUT—IT , IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this zltp, em lose with 5c and mall it to Foley ft Co., 2836 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Ill., writ ing your name and addresa clearly. You wil’ receive In return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound tor Cougba, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in side and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney aud bladder aliments; and Foley Ca thartic Tableta, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for wnsripatlon, biliousness, healnene and clugglsh bowels.—Advertise ment rats A Complete Office Supply House Art Metal Agency THE McQREGOR CO. Clayton St. Athene, Ga, Sudden and severe pain in Stomach, Bowels, Intestinal Cramp, Colic, Diarrhoea BO yean In use BO yean dependable ud whan na.d.d worth BO times its coat for a single doso Equally valuable at home, when traveling end for emer gencies by night or day. ~*PaMO.. aacnrr book iiswa Indigestion Unchecked Leads to Poisoning i If you suffer from Indigestion It Is a sure elgn that your system Is being elowly poisoned by the far- mentation In the Intestines. This condition produces heartburn, choking sensations In tha cheat,* feeling of heavlncaa or drowalncac. Irritability, discouragement and despondency. These aymptoma call for Dr. A. W. Cheat’s K-L Pitta, which, taksa In time, will effeet the polaon In the ayatem. Read what ont former sufferer has to Bay: _ Mra. Lottla J. Dewitt, No. 107 Front It., Port Jervia, Naw York, write*: aad Bladder trouble and tan boy Dr. Chaae'a rcmcdlaa drug a teres. To bo ewe of Ing the genuine, tee that iralt and Signature of A. W. each bo*— You at *11 d Portrait ChM«, mTmMM I your protection against imitations A-W.CMAtt MXDtClNX CO. I W Washington tt, Buffalo, N.Y. Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. With all your pristine strength iand grit, In spite of your hair that's gray l»»g; You may sport about and kick you: bools, Denying the years that your face reveals. You may say a man is ’young as ho feels,” But that is an empty saying. If your heart is gay and your feet are light, And the glow In your eyes keen and bright, « Defying time in its dizzy flight. And the. clothes that you wear are djtpper, f You may fool 'yourself and the old er.folk, . But all your efforts ore but a Joke* For you ore simply a “nice old bloke” In tho eyes of tho pretty flapper. Don’t, blind yourself to the sullen facta, Though your vigorous strength from your age subtracts. Though you think a man Is young as ho acts. And to mix with the kids you hunger; It ain’t no use—you have come too far, " And though it gives you an awful jar. You’re as old as the youngsters think you are And not a dam bit younger! Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. If You Suffer From INDIGESTION LET na prove to you that KING'S NuTREATMENT- will (I— you 'AIMEDIATE and PERMANENT relief. KING'S NuTREATMBNT la a scientific prescription com pounded to do well one thins and one thing only—permanent - ly relieve sufferers from Indi gestion. which produces excess acids, heartburn, Intestinal In digestion, Irritated stomach or colon, nervousness, distressing GAS PRESSURE AROUND THE HEART, Toxic condition, dlsxiness, etc. " KINO’S NuTREATMENT positively restores NATURE'S ACTIVITIES to the entire di gestive tract. k Our Guarantee If you are not 100 per cent satisfied after taking six ounces (one half bottle) return tt and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Get n bottle today—Eat what you like tomorrow. PALMER & SONS Main Store fits Clayton Street Exclusive Agents in Athens PIEDMONT W-E-I-N-E-R-S Best In the World- Made by PIEDMONT MARKET Athena, Georgia AWNINGS All Kinds—Put u, . I" 60 Mile. Phone 1350 Phone 711 ATHENS ENGINEERS Smith Building Athiq RED ft BLACK PRESSING CLUB Praaalng, Cleaning and Altering All Work Guaranteed Phene 1317- Conw^Ljung^^^^^oad | E. D. STONE P R I N T E R 8 Telephone 1198-W / 137 N. Lumpkin 8treet LOOSE-LEAF Systems and Supplies Exceptional 8ervlce The McGregor Co. Clayton 8L Athena, Ga. Anderson Plumbing Co. PLUMBING AND HEATING lOG-Phone-ltt DORSET Funeral Chapd Hancock and Coll Avtnuej. Hlgh-Clase Renovating For and Delivered Mattresses Recovered Repaired Phone 157 ATHENS MATTRESS. SPRING BED CO. Good Mechanics Good Material Beet Prices Phone 11 IS 40 W. Clayton PATRICK’S DRUGS PHONES 88—1187—9105 PICTUR FRAMING We’ll frame your pl< any klnd—any lire. LARGE STOCK SELECT MOULD!! Free delivery service all over the city. Picture Mats And Glass ^GARDNER’S B(X ’ STORE Clayton Street W. G. TILLER Plumbing and Heating Contractor WE KNOW HOW REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED _ 149 N. Lumpkin 81 Farm Implements, Machinery, Tools, HardwM WAGON8—BUGGIES—HARNESS. MAKERS OP UNIVERSAL BACK BANDS - Dealers In Lucas Paints—Tho Bast tor All Pu’P**** GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT COMPANY Broad .Straet MADE GOOD—TASTES GOOD—IS GOOj AND UNUSUALLY GOOD IN EVERY WAr- Costa’s Ice Cream u. “JUST A LITTLE BIT BETTER” Manufactured by THE JOS. COSTA COMPAN Phones 697—1746—1747 Athens, Georffl GEORGIAN HOTEL “Athens’ Distinctive Hotel” 125 Room* 75 With Batb rates $1.50 to $3.00 W 11 , . — “The Rotary - ■ On Five National Highways—./til.Roads to Athens and the G 50c—Our Merchants L H. R. & C. R. CANNON, Lessees Tho New Cecil: ATLANTA ; Tt Holef