Newspaper Page Text
8UNDAV. MAY 6. 1823. —•
This store centralizes its whole effort in giving its patrons Fair Values, not once in a while but every day, year in and year
out. In every department you’ll find this policy carried out. The foundation upon which this business has grown is fair values
to every customer. We invite you to make comparison of values at this store, with any store, anywhere.
In this sale we have included ail the
early hats in small and medium
shapes, originally they were priced
$8.00, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00. You
may choose from the lot at ... . $4.98
New things are shown in leghorns,
with flower anc'. ribbon :r\umings,
black hair hats with fc ther trim
mings. Garden straws with flowers
and ribbons.
Hats For Little Boys
To dress up in or to romp and
play in, the fabric hats are priced
' 60c to 75c and the straws in sol
id colors and combination colors
are priced 79c to $2.50
Boys’ Suits in An At
tractive Assortment
You may choose your boys suit
from an almost endless variety
of colors, materials • and prices.
Th^re are many pretty little suits
in romper style made of fine soi-
3ette prettily embroidered in con
trast colors, the prettiest little
suits you ever saw at $3.60. Oth
ers are shown for larger boys in
most any color you wish, and
ginghams for little tots with
prices ranging from 79c to $3.50
Everfast Suiting
gp; Won’t Fade
jj Complete line of colors in Ever
fast -suiting for dresses, rompers
or most any garment you want to
make, the colors are absolutely
Luxor Window Shades
Won’t Crack
Luxor window chade:: are differ
ent from ordinary window shadcr
they will not crack or show pin
holer and they are sun and water
proof. Every LUXOR shade i;
mounted on o roller guaranteed
for 6 years, and can be had in
standard greens, white, brown
tan, or in any combination o.'
colors. Let us mc’r.urc your win
dows and make estimate on yout
shades. 1
Grass Rugc At
' Special Prices
These rugs are good quality and
you will find the prices consider
ably lower than usually paid foi
the rame quality. They may be
had in plain .or with stenciled
27 x 54 Inch 75c
36 x 72 inch $1.25
41-2x7 1-2 feet $2.00
6x9 feet $3.76
8 x 10 feet $5.50
9x12 feet $7.5C
When You
Travel at
or Home
Naturally you want -luggage
that looks well and abgve all
thitt will stand the rough hand
ling of travel. That’s just the
kind we.sell, our trunks ore made
of the heaviest vulcanized fibre
with substantial hinges and locks
the wardrobes are priced $30.00
to $60.00 "
Dress trunks from.. $10 to $40
Steamers from .. $7.50 tq $20.00
Suit cases in fibre, matting and
leather in black and biWn, all
sizes and prices. Hat boxes In
round and square shapes. Ini
tials or monograms painted - on
all luggage free of charge.
Curtains and Curtain
The assortments Here are com
plete with ready made curtains
or curtain materials and drape
ries of all kinds and prices. Mar
quisettes range in price from 18c
up. Nets from 29c up. Scrims
15c up. Complete linns of tap
estry for upholstry. It will pay
you to get our prices mi curtains
and curtain material:; before
Sofa Pillows -
To use in doors or out, covered
with cretones in round, square
and oblong shapes at $1.00 to
$1.60. Plush covered at $2.50
and matting cushions at 29c for
porches and autos.
Parasols for the Little
Every little girl wants a parasol
for summer and no wonder for
they, are certainly attractive,
bright colors in solids, figures
and combinations in sizes suit
able for little girls of ull ages,
with prices ranging for 59c to
Special Value in.
Hosiery At 29c
We have assembled the discon
tinued numbers in lisle, cottoll
and silk hose for a sale at 29c a
pair. Whites and browns, origi
nally the prices were from 40c to
$1.25. You may choose from
them at 29c • pair
Summer Frocks of Silk
The new summer frocks arc
shown in Canton Crepes
Crepe do Chines, Flat crcpc:
Fru Fru, with a variety o'
styles, to choo.c frotr
straight lines, (douse offe-t
panel skirts with case ides
sleeves throe quarter or cl
bow length, and they arc
either coilarler-.'or w.'t'r col
lars. with bolts of self ma
terial, plaited belts, and
cords. Trimmings of bead:
and cmbroiSery. Prices nr;
From $14-50
' to $67.50
Glassware Specials
Etched pitcher and six tumblers
make up a special set/for $1.50.
Pretty little bud vase* of crystal
glass at 59c. Large goblets 39c.
pnd table tumblers at 20c with
Ginghams For
Summer Frocks
Nothing could make a more ser
viceable frbek than gin&hams,
and the manufacturers have per
fected the art to an extent where
ginghams may be worn most any
where. The stocks here are fill
ed to overflowing with imported
ed French ginghams at 45c, 49c.
and 69c. Domestic ginghams at
35c to 4fjc. 'Lad Lassie cloth for
children’s rompers and dresses
at 30c yard stands rough play
ing and the tub.
Swiss Organdie
Spick and span just out of c
band box, that’s the way frocks
made of these permanent finish
Swiss organdies look. Every de
sirable color is here in 40 inch
width at 75c yart
Richelieu Union Suits
These union suits are made. of
fine quality mercerized cotton,
perfectly made, either in tight oi
loose knee. An extra good qual
ity for $1.00 in all sizes.
Imported and 1
Domestic Ratines
Summer frocks of ratine are ser
viceable as well as good looking
when made or Vatlne;. These
fine imported ratines are shown
in all colors and in pretty plaids
Prices $1.00 and $1.25
Domestic ratines at 45c
» 1 —
Table Scarfs and
Some with colored embroidery,
others in solid white with lace
inserts and edge. Most any size
and prices from.... 65c to $1.25
Paisley Knitting
Yams 25c j
Skein Yams for.
. Embroidering Sc
Of Every Kind
Prices Lower Than You Usually
Pay v
yffi mention Here a few of the silk values for this week’s selling.
All in the best qualities and in the most desirable colors.
Sun Beam Crepes 40 inches wide $2.25 value for $1.98
Sport silk skirtings 40 inches wide for .. .... ( $1.98
40 inch Paisley and Egyptian prints in crepe de chinos and Can-
tons $3.49 values for -. ...... $2.98
36 inch chiffon taffetas in' all the best shades $2.25 value $1.98
40 Inch Canton crepes all colors $2.50 value for $2.98
There are many other silks at atlractive prices always shown in
our silk department.
Here Are Shirtings
For Those Who Have
Their Shirts Made
English broadcloth shirting 36
inches wide a very fine quality at
96c yard. 36 inch Oxford cloth
at 66c. Pretty silk stripe shirt
ings at 49c and soisette shirtings
at 39c.
Gingham Dresses For
, - Street or House
Attractive dresses made of . fine
ginghams in a great Variety of
styles, collars and cuffs of organ
die and pique, belts of the string
variety or sashes, or leather jus>
as you choose, and they may
havp pockets or not. Prices froir
$3.76 to $5.50. Gingham apron
dresses at $1.25. Black sateer
dresses with cretone applique:)
on at $3.25 and $3.75
Crawford Mills
Crochet Cotton
(A home product)
Crawford Mills crqchet cotton is
a home product, a high grade
cotton for making mats and othei
crocheting. Large size spool'
.for ....... 75c
86 Inch Unbleached
49c per yard
Normandy Voiles For
Summer Frocks
These are the prettiest voiles of
all fine quality and the range of
patterns and colors is almost
endless, there are dots small and
large, paisley patterns and fig
ures of every description. Col
ors in keeping with the summer
season. Summer frocks of Nor
mandy voiles are cool and ser
viceable. Price per yard.. 69c
40 inch voiles in pretty colors at
per yard ..... 39c
New Dresses of Linen,
Ratine and Crepe
Straight lines with narrow belts,
some are hand embroidered and
hand drawn work. Belts of self
materials and leather; they arc
shoryn In rose, mustard, maize
tangerine, orchid, pink anti
white. Prices from $11.50 »c
Here’s a Table You’ll
Be Interested in—
Everything on It
r Is 5 c
On this table you’ll find laundry
soap, bath soap„ lemon soap and
soap dye, regular price 10c and
15c. Pearl buttons, Feather
stitch braid, Ric Rac braid, Scal
loped Bias. Everything on the
table is priced 5c.
One Lot Colored
Crochet Cotton
At 5c Ball
Athens’ Busiest Store
5: £