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may », 192$.
THB BANNBR-BBRAM). athbwb. ctotom.
• C j..\s MacLEAN
will smash every record for laughs
and thrills and steeplsohase spills
ever set In motion pictures.
Willie Collier's famous stage euc.
cess now a riot on the screen.
Thomas H. Ince never
made a faster one than
ONE "■
Douglas MacLean and Madga Bel
lamy, the star*
People Stood On
Seats and Cheered
(Willard Patteraon Mgr., Metro*
poiitan Theatre, Atlanta, Ga.)
ll my experience I have yet
to find a picture that haa gone
o big. The steeplechase was
to exciting our repairman tiad to
put back the arms on some of the
teats. People really stood on their
teats and cheered. We cotild not
take cere of the crowds. ' •
Will Prove Best
Picture of the Year
(Atlanta Constitution.);
Douglas MacLean, faster and
funnlar then over, stages a bril
liant ''come-back" In “The Hot
tentot," which etruck one man at
leaet as being at uproariously
funny as MacLean*. earlier "23))
Hour*’ Leave.”
The new MacLean film stands
forth. If this la to bo a sample of
what the new year holds for ua,
here’s a film that will rear Its
head over' the entire; year’s
-0 3
Extraordinary attraction Monday
craft and MacLcan'a acting It la
better than "Twenty-tbree-anst-a'-
halt Hour’s Leave.’’
Buck Jones At
. Elite Monday
And Tuesday
I till] RE IN THE
Be Palace Attraction
»uts That It Is Excel
lent and Spells It All
In Caps.
Uproariously Funny,
(Cleveland Plain Dealer)
it comes to listing tlio
r**s for 1923, the annual
f"ol pretty certain that
not," the Douglas Mac
ro in the Allen this
•in* to be in th*»t group.
. ture is highly tecom-
leil. May we shout? It Is EX
TENT. iThep, Mr. Malaney—
up the ads for the Loow
n here—Is an ail lice;
** X8cs tho truth In full;
“ mor<> ho thin the ono we
rreflitod with last week tdt
My Heart,” which, by the
ontlnues In the Stllitnon this
'Tbe^Hottentot" is from Wljllam
• ago comedy—If that
thing to you, since Mr.
Iiie a Tlslike for Cleve-
A deafening roar—then tons of.
ro.?k and earth rent asunder by a
charge of dynamite, rose in air.
There followed the rumble of huge
fragments falling to the ground;
after that—silence.
This Is the dramatic finish of
tho Fox production, “B6aa of Camp
Four,” starring Charlea Jones,
i which
elctlly (trass, you‘most take
proper rare of your body »nd keep
It clean. This cjoee not mean en-
tlrely tho outward cleanliness, but
tho svoldnass ot any haMta which
have a weakening effect The use
ot alcobol and tobacco are unclean
(Troop committee: W. H. Johnson,
(chairman; B. D. Kenyon, secretary
'and treasurer; Burl Terrell.
Winder Is tho latest addition to 1 The ebsrtor members of troop
Scout News.
Starring .wt... winner I. idd iuiu.l w " Wiv Tien nr t f.
will be shown at the Elite the Northeast Georgia Council. B. SJ^SSiSl!. D Jp Nrnwo jSraft
Theatre for two days, starting | a a. That city asked for member- ™o Hulsey, J. P. Noose. Jarraro
Monday. The events that precede
' this Incident are even mare exvlt*
I Charles Jones Is gagged and
' bound within one hundred yards ot
a tunnel’ containing blasting pow
der used In road construction. In-
sldo tho excavation'Is a man who
baa gone to examine tbo explos
ives. Although he sees all these
shlp ln the Kbanclirand under the
leadership of lfr. W. A. Bradley, j Smith, and Gny Sanders.
secretary Chamber of Commerce,
the quota wa, quickly raleed and I
now (ho town le a full-fledged
member of the Council, with ell
Its rights and privileges.
Winder and the rest of Barrow
county constitute District No. I.
, of the Northeast Georgia Connell,
things, Jones, In the character ot i Boy Scouts of America.
Chet Fanning, seems helpless. ,The | Three troops have been orasn-
No. 11
“A Scout Is Clean”
man supervising the blasting or-
<lcra the hole closed, preparatory
to Igniting the powder.
Jones finally frees himself and
—but that Is tho story. It Is filled
with Interest and action. Then Is
s love theme, too. If you like
stirring tales of the outdoors, here
Is a narrative that should .satisfy
your need for entertainment! Judg
ing from this star’s previous pic
tures, bis latest offering, reported
to be even more engrossing, should
provide an enjoyable evening.
Little 7 Year Old
Boy Badly Hurt
ufwnAV Douglas Macl/ssn, I MONDAY'
1 idayed here In y»«ra I , . , nc6 production, “The H<*- j Buck J ones. Western Thriller,
i is expertly devised. It tot "Comedy, "Pure and 81m- | "The Bossof Camp Four. Monday
Western Thriller,
-ly funny. It Is finely | . ,
icularly by MacLean. 1 ~
\| comedy. “Coal post Twins." Tues-
ularly by MacLean, I |M ~, IF anAY—Walter Heirs, “Mr. day, Wm. Desmond Serial.
* t ■ hero Madge B»ll»n.y. spends His Dime.” News, WEDNESDAY—Special Return
"'Is wroine, and Raymond 222K p [engagement, Thos. Melghsn, In
“• «i Is the comic butler. £ '\\Sn NESDA Y-.Viola Dana. In “MansUnghter.”
, f r. ’ description Is In-1,«J Romance," News ™l®SDAV-Roy Stewart, In
I i" l"t you know that thei,. "Trimmed In Scarlet
Highly Improvable, Any- thuBBDAY AND FRIDAY- FRIDAY—Special Double Bill,
i'as rressei] Hs legs over j (Extraordinary) Harold Lloyd’s "The Sopg of Life. Eota Santscbl
Little Robert E. Mallett, 7-yesr-
o!d sun of Mr. and Olrs. J. A. Mal
lett of Peabody street, was pain
fully hurt Friday afternoon while
playing*with other children on the
street ,
The little fellow fell down sn
embankment and caught kla chin
under a barb win fence and aus-
tained severed bad cuta on the
throat, necessitating medical at
^SATURDAY—-Evs NOvsk ’West
aboard a refractory ani- j atTimnAY chan. Rar, “Tte SATURDAY Eva Novak ■
1 ? I ' h a » the Hottentot shoyrs Tailor Made Man." Comedy, "Cold era) 'The Mse From Hell a River.
“1 to he; nevertheless the m b," ."Oregon Trail.” Extra.
• s.i' r boo.) comedy play, rides j
w victory Ins most thrilling
*P*echase. PfMT’hnd ”boslf for This film Is too
Name Athens Woman
• As Stone Mountain
Memorial Officer
Miss Mildred Rutherford. His
torian General of the U. D. C„ has
been named one Of the vice presi
dents of theh Stone Mountain Me
morial of Atlanta, the abject of
which Is to carve the greatest me-, Parham.
mortal ever constructed on the face
ennd to relate can say which will “drig* you in. jof Stone Monntaln. - I Another troop has been added
guuu » , ’ flnrctllm the tint.
Ixcd'ln Winder by Executive B. P.
Clark: The following Is a report of
the troops thus formed:
Troop No. 2 met Friday night
.with Troop IL In other words a
J T h? P Tint Methodist JolDt me6tlnf WM haM W,th twen *
1 by First Methodist ty-f|fe membere present to answer
the roll call of the scribe. Many
songs were snng and games wore
played and after every ono bad
plenty of fun Hot Dogs wara
served which was ■ surprise to
every one. Pyramid building was
practiced, while three-legged rac
ing was practiced. The Field Day Is
on June the 6th and etpry Troop
Is preparing to make tho heat
showing in the events. This ysat
Athens Troops harsher rivals Is
Galneavllle, Commerce, Elberton,
Winder and Monroe; A loving enp
or a placque will bo given to tho
winning troop
In about-two weeks a new dis
cussion will be on the program.
The Summer Camp Next weak tbo
representatives meet to select (ho
camping site and make arrange
ments for the fee this year. This
year a dining hall will be built
and other good arrangements are
to be made. Good swimming and
hosts are going to feature the
camp. List year sixty-four hoys
attended the camp and at least n
hundred are expected to sign np
this year. Scouts, make your plans
now and put that smalt ebaage Into
the bank and when the call cornea
you’ll be ready.
Emory Professor .
To Speak Here
have said.
“E’en from the body’s parity,
the mind receives a sscret sympa
thetic aid."
Yon may think that yon are liv
ing as you shook) If yon commit
sponsored by
Scoutmaster, J. B. Burson.
Assistant Scoutmaster, J.
Carrington, Jr.
Troop Committee: E. A Starr,
chairman; J. W. Kilgore, secretary
treasurer; Paul F. Brooksher.
Charter members of Troop:
Lawrence Baggett. William Guffln,
W. C. Harton. Wlldon W. Herrin.
Royce e. McDonald. Carlton O.
Niblsck, Soyco 8. Stewart, James
N. Sheets, and Monfldel Whitley.
Troop Uo. 2.
Sponsored by Ohristlan and
Presbyterian churches jointly.
Scoutmaster, Rev. Taylor Mor-
Asslstant Scoutmaster, Mr. J. B.
Troop Committee; W; A. Brad
ley, chairman; J. K. Millar, secre
tary and treasurer I. E. Jackson.
charter members of Troop;
Iforeve J. Austin, Curtis W. Fos
ter. Ernest O. Graham, Hill B.
Jackson, Harold J. Lord, Roger C.
Miller, W. Lamar Perry, Alexander
B. Russell, and H. Edward RusselL
Troop No. 2.
Sponsored by First Baptist
Scoutmaster. S. F. Maughoo.
Assistant Scoutmaster, J. C.
iroop Committee; Dr. W. T.
Randolph, chairman; J. W. Nichols,
ecretary and treasurer; J.
‘ PIMF'and’’bosh’ fori This film to too goou « | norglum. the noted artist. Is to the number at Oslesvllle.
Hera Is good fun snd , "nternt^ now there Is nothing we’ From «he standpoint of film- under contract to do tbo carving. ; Scoutmaster of t/oop, C. 8. Belld.
Dr. W. A. Shelton. Professor of
Semetlc languages In Emory Unt-
haMta^Th^dnil the sense rather J veratly will address the students and
than stimulate them and no grow- (acuity of the University of Ocor-
Ing boy ehoold use eltbar. A dean (la on Monduy , M sy fth in the
body eUmulates tb. mind. As I chap<11 #t , lJ0 , nl . mWtct
will be "Excavstlqne smonK the
tombs of Pharohs, with especial
reference to the tomb. Tho public
Is‘cordially Invited to attend.
Dr. Shelton, who was with the
S?«dSS ectl^but 1 yon* sre^not S^^xpiri-
pure m the eight of Ood nnleae Ito KaypL hse had a_whio «p;rl^
hrna^nd 0 we^Siouid dwan remem- th* W t«nb*Jna| l above that ot Tut-
true and wo should always remom | unkham , ni ,(i er the examination
'his^hZ^th^h’r^u.ic. 1 ;
S h tet* "° r,d ' ,BmOU * T-htnKham,
?“* w f*5 r *? ** 1' With such a store of knowledge
down tho offender’* eleevo by tb* l ( , he ^ ^ 8h „ t0n i, ; ,„ , t
other KXX1U. W* have no gA'w. command, a rare treat Is ;.„il-
euMom In this country but eved f lpttte(l hto |«ture hero Mon- ,
wo did, I dopW very scnosly u ,t-,y
wo would bo called on often toi ^ ' !
Inflict tbo penalty. Tho Boy ScouU MAY VI8IT ATHENS
of America as a rule are not num- The f r icn<I« of Captain Robert
bored among those who tako tho u U. S. N. (retired) for-
Lord’s namo in vain. They could meriy of Athens, and now practic
ed -Bra Fill, -reel iriv.i iim |ng , aw in N ’ew York City will be
Interested to know that ho is on a
visit to California, whore ho wan
Commander of the San Franciico
navy yard, and the Pacific Coast .
during the World War. It Is high
ly probable that Captain RuhscII
will visit friends and .relative* In
Athens, on bis return trip to New
e excitement.
"He keep, clean In body and
thought, eunde for c.lean speech,
clean sport, cteen habits, and
travels with a degn crowd."
If yon expect to live eg to your
Scout oath and keep yourself phy-
not do this and be loyal to the
Oath and Laws tp which they
pledged themselves when entorlnlg
the organisation.
When yon play a game, play si
hard as yon can vrith the deter
mination to win If possible, but,
above all. play fair. Tho boy who
wine by moans ot any nnder-band
or dirty trick does not enjoy tho
rrolta of Us victory, and I, thor
oughly (despised by bit companions.
A clean athlete rose not simply
mean one whose body le free from
grime, bat one who wins by sheer
strength and determination, never
Thera Is an old saying: "Who
taking an unfair advantage pt his
friendship with a knave have mad*
Is judged n partner In the trade.’*
You may think that you can
travel with a dirty crowd and keep
dean, bat yon cannot touch pitch
an escape being defiled. Although
you may be living right yourself,
people are sure to judge yon, more
or less, by your associates.
Let ue strive the keep our
bodies clean, bp acquiring no evil
habits and our minds pure by
thinking right thoughts, so that
when our final call comet, we may,
offer to onr Maker a spotless sonL >
Scoutmaster, Troop No. I.!
Troop ll mot last Friday night'
with Olr. Levy at the Prince Ave
nue Baptlet church. At this meet
ing tests were passed by three
member*. AVI 3. MarsUe, Bill
Moore and Also Ross.
Many games were played by both
0>vs long and good
I ' I litII .TFI
Do You Want a Good
Rebuilt BIJICK?
Wo havo Mvcral bargains.
a lot of
can bii saved by buying a good
rebuilt car.
Ws trade for them rlglit and
pees the value on to our used
car cuatomara.
Aftar we replace the worn
parte there is every reason
why these rebuilt BUICK