Newspaper Page Text
Tucked embroidered styles, some gauntlets are among thorn. All
the suit and dress shades are here. A wonderful bargain for you*
For’ every hour of a Summer's day thsre Is a
Sweater!, Filmy onos, sheer as laee, are of
loeland wool In eoat or slip-on styles. They
are In beautiful, brilliant, or softest pastel
colorings. Mannish sports styles have cheeked
fronts In various color combinations. These
In leather and camel colorings Intermingled
with darker brewn are a very good value.
Starting In prices from—
Electric lighted handbag* are
I being «old, even though the con
tents ha<t beat be kept dark.
I About $800,000,000 worth of to-
,bacco will go.up in amoke in tbo
j United States this year.
The Tailored Suit^-With Slim Lon* Coat
Tillleur* with longer coats that reach to th* knees—so. says Fashion.
They are a very smart Idesr unmistakably becoming to many types.
Lines of tucks, bindings of suede or ribbon trim smart modes rot#
dross or sports. You will find selections particularly Interesting now.
We are'showing some lovely tailored modols ranging In price from—
$25.00 to $44.75
‘A TrScJ' will convince"
Foster Pressing
Phono 18S«
Von Canon Building
$5.00, $6.50 and $7.50
‘After them <it bit, the young
couples who look at each other
meaningly and blush. They’re just
about the nicest e, all end I only
hope they'll remember the soar after
they get married.
“The old maid, take to it, too,
perhaps a, a sort of tonic for their
self esteem, for doesn't it say
mrjnt is beautiful in tomtom 1 i
“Then come the elderly couple*—
the she, who have just begun to loea
hold on Friend Husband and the
ties who hare slumped into embon
point and baldness. It brings memo
ries to them and, I hope, good reso
lutions. '
‘Last but not least, the loam
cheer, me. It h pretty nice to think
that there’, soitK&odr, somewhere,
thinking you're beautiful, no matter
what your mirror tells you I"
Women’s Lace Clock Hose, $1.50
t|ii>jnAV. MAV 6, Ira.
4 M')' 1
o.mlrttii jni, 1«J model,, 5 nearly new Kelly Cord tire.,
H F Motor rabuilt—new pistons, etc.
u t tcrizsd Bulck darvlcs Genuine Bulck Parts
Shoe Repairs You’re Not
oAshamed of
are the kind you will get from Martin’s
Shoe Repairs. When we return a mended
pair of shoes to you, they’re actually rebuilt,
reshaped and remade—and our shoe repair-
in L r service saves you money.
A Shoe Proper
ly Repaired la
W o r t h,..r e
Than Half’ Its
Purchase Price.
12." Clayton. Street. 45o Clayton Street
Friends of Mr. Y. F, Cash, Mrs.
I ) Y. F. Cnah, Mr. X. T. Sharp, of
(Athens; Mr. tV. B. Caflh, of Bo-
jgart, nn<! Mrs. Nancy ricklesimon
. 'of Winder, arc Invited to attend the
.funeral of Mr. Y. F. Cnah, to he
held at Young Harris church, Ath
ena, at 11 n. m., Sunday, May 6.
Tho body will lie In stnte nt thr
church from the funeral hour un
til.,when the,funeral party
tvlll leave for Bogart where Inter-
ntenf will take place. B. Diimtwaj
A- Sons' CD., funeral directors it
charge. The following members
of the board of stewards, of which
the deceased was an activo memboi
for ten years, will act ns pallhoar-
era: Mr. Cobb Lampkin, Mr. W
A. Fowler, Mr. A. M. Center. Mr.
Francis Jackson, Mr. W. K Tindall
Mr I. X. Butler. Mr. J O. Graves,
Mr. E. C. Fowler, Mr, F. L I’rather
Mr. E. G. Boatner, Mr. L. D. Cona
way, Db. Albert II. Timm and B
SIMPSCX—Died Friday night n-
11:45 nt the home of his# brothei
on the Wlntcrvllle Road near Ath
ens, Mr. Robert Henry Simpson Ir
his 74th year. Mr. Simpson had
lived with his brother for the laat
ttventy years, moving here from
Augusta, Gn. He Is survived b>
.Ills brother. Mr, W. 11. Simpson am'
er Miss Kate Simpson. The
funeral was yesterday (Saturday
at 4 p. m. from the residence, Th#
following gentlemen acting as pall
bearers: Messrs. H. yH. Gordon, Jr.
E. R. Hodgson, Jr.. A. L. Harper
H. T. Huff, E. E. Bishop and J. E
McLeroy, with P.ev. Samuel Cart
ledge officiating. The remains werr
car led t? Bernstein Bros. cha|>el
and Interment will be today (Sun
day) at 11 o'clock In Oconee ceme
Princ,'Avenue Baptist
Preaching 11 a. m., and 8:30 p.
m., by Rev. Y. P. Shehane of Ma
con. Sunday achool 10 a: m. B. Y.
P. U. 7:30 p. m,
St Joaaph’a Catholic Church
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Mass at 8:30 and 10:30 a. m.
Benediction'of the Bleased Sac-
rement immediately after the 10:30
Non-Catholics cordially Invited
to all of these services.
Csntral Presbyterian Church
Rev. Samuel J. Cartledge, pastor.
Mr. J. T. Dudley, superintend
ent of Sunday school.
iMr. Hugh L. Hodgson, organist
and director of musllc.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Preaching by the pastor 11 a. m„
and 8:30 p. m.
Christian Endeavor Societies 3
and 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 8:30
p. m.
A special Invitation to students
nnd strangers.
Rev. K. J. Morgan
Preaches Today
Rev. K. J. Morgan, son of Dr. O.
Campbell Morgan, will preach at
the First Christian church hero
Sunday morning and evening.
Rev. Mr. Morgan la pastor of ono
of the lending churches of Terra
Haute, Ind. His sermons at the
Christian church Sunday morning
nnd evening will on doubt be heard
by a largo crowd who will take
.advantage of the opportunity of
(hearing him.
Eight New Canoes Bought For
Y. M. C. A. Camp in Mountains
Eight new canoes were ordered
yesterday by the Boys* Camp Com
mittee for use on “Lake Edwards"
at the Young Men's Christian As
sociation Camp this summer. Then
were ten canoes In the equipment
Inst suninyr. Ttys will leave sev
en more canoes to he purchased i
a later date to bring the onnoe floel
up to twenty-five, the number re
quired to properly man a Boy’:
Camp averaging on»* hundred.
One of those eight canoes will
be ft sponsotf outboard motor ca
noe, that can he used an a motor
boat, as wo! as a canoe', nnd With
the steel motor boat that Is kept or
.Tallulah Lake, Just below the Y. M
C. A. Camp, and this sponsion, alv
chamber canoe, which will not sink
the camp will have two mutoi
' boats. At some future lime a
larger motor boat, or launch, will
be placed on "Like Rabun," or
"Lakemont", the twelve miles long
lake.* which is about ono and one-
half miles from the "Y" Camp.
I with the Camp Committee by send
ling in the applications for their
Isons nnd daughters now. .
1 ’At this date over Jwenty are
I signed uji, and the registration hat
[just opened up.
' Capt. Diffcnbaug'h
Buys Home Here
I Capt. Harry IllffrnbnURh,
Baltlm-re who will be connected
with the military department of
j the University Georgia next
(year, has purchased I)r. C. J. IIeat>
'wale’s home at 1420 South Milledgt
the transaction heir.g consummate!*
through H. (>. Epting and Company
jDr. Heatwole and family are inov-
!ing to Richmond, Vu.
! Hog Sale Brings
$1,690 In Cash
The Only Automatic
Lowering Flour Bin
—com* down level with the work table.
Filled with em. Savea heavy liftitl and
dangerous climbing.
of Sellers Town
The women of Sellers Toton have found the great
secret of happy housekeeping—of happy , homes—of
1 hhppy husbands—of happy children—of days that are
' filled with the gladness of living; in which the aches
and pains suffered by so many housewives are unknown.
ir Would you like to know their secret? It is a kitchen
‘"'•’shining like a brand-new pin; with many modem con-
’ veniences; in which work is done easily, speedily, sys
tematically; and in the center, resplendent in its snowy
i^d^ess, a beautiful Sellers Kitchen Cabinet. •
The Sellers is preferred by housewives everywhere
because of its many unusual and long needed improve
In all, there are Fifteen Famous Features which are
combined in no other cabinet in the world. You Would
not willingly allow a single one to be omitted from
your cabinet. /
A few of these famous features are illustrated-and
described on these pages. Note them carefully; Then
come to our store. Have us show you the Sellers in
white enamel or in. the golden oak, oil hand-rubbed
finish: Have us demonstrate the many features of this •
cabinet. .
You will find that the beautiful Sellers; even with
its exclusive conveniences, costs no more than any good
jfJ . '
ExtendingTab; e Drawer Section
-make, it poaeible to reach into the big
table drawer even when the work table
is completely extended.
Athens’ Largest Homefumishers
Broad Street
The “Y” CampjjwDB tlio right -t.
use 1*00 feet «frontnge on thlr
beautiful lake, which* has twenty-
seven mileH of shoreline, as .well
a* rights by purehuac to use of the
waters of this lake. The plan la to
build a boat house Ju«t over the
mountain on this lake frontage,
with a large living room nbov4,
and with tw > war canoe* and a mo
tor launch, let tlfe boy* who have
become expert swimmer* and ca-
noelnts go for overnight hlkea and
all day trips around tbo lake-
shore. This feature will he de
veloped a* son a* the cumj> proper
ty 1* cleared , of. all debt.
In the mnlntlme for thin summer;
camp there will l»e eighten canoe:
‘Lake Edward*,” tho beautiful
nix-acro lAke in. the, .“Y’* Camp
Ground*, one of which will be a
nnn-slnknble motor beat with air
chamber*, on Tallulah Lake.
There will he fourteen living
cabin* ready for use this y.rtir
Which I* five more than last year.
Thl* 1* an average of One cahoe
for each cqbln, and then four left
The opening of the Boy*' Camp
U only about nix week* off—
June 19. This camp will run for
rlX week*. Hoy* can go for pe
riods of six, four nnd two weeks.
Tho Girl*’ Camp opens on Au-
t'tfst 1. nnd girl* cnii go for four,
. r two weeks. ,
Athens hoy* and girlA should reg
ister .nt thl* time, ho aa to fill up
the camp with a* many from Ath-
is can go, for thero/l* a largo
number of tjoys and girl* in North
erns Georgia who nre very anxious
to go. and nre planning to bo among
those present.'
Tho parent* * of Athens hoys nnd
g'.rlft. are requested to go-operate
t-et ur freshen up your
sport clothes' by our
never-fall dry cleaning
moth d*. They eliminate
the ' mark* of wear and
time. Our ptlro* are
Song Sentiment Cqmforts . ^
and Homely
In Sand, Buck, dreys, Mode. Blege
end Brown. Pretty embroidered back.
On Special Sale 98<f
Fowne’s New 16 Bntton
Tucked Silk Gloves
All shades $2.50
$1.69, $1.95, $2.50 to $12.50
Whether You Golf or Just Take Summer '
Youlll need Bporto Corset*. To give tho necessary freedom of move-
meitt yet at the tame Umo Qlve a. trig support lo not achieved by
all Sports Coreete by any meant. We believe that these Socrta Cor-
New Summer Hat Fashions Arrive Here!
300 Pairs of Clhiffon Hose in all tha New
Colors, $1.98 .
Whop every fashionable foot that etaps into Spring la woaring Chif
fon Hot® In the new brown shades, this special tvent will provo
significant. This Chiffon Hose Is of good quality in tha fathlonab'a
colorei otter, camel, cork, blege, cinnamon, silver, gunmetal and
fallow. If lo Hooo of exceptional desirability. Special at $1.98.
:X 1
for fittlc fadies
Actress Aids Cupid By
Applying Balm
New York Gty, ‘The most benev
olent act of my life,*’ declares Allyn
King. former Zirgfeld Follies beau
ty, now starring in “Sun Showers'*,
toe .Lew Cantor-Harry Dclf pro
duction, *is singing nightly ‘Every
one Is Baautiful In Someone’s Eyes’.
■ "Every performance I watch my
I Rttle ray of song comfort spread
treat the footlights until my audi-
toes has been cogulfed by its
prarmth. f
• Hits All
"It hits the nice old sport* In the
front row first and immediately
they brighten and begin to preen
.. . n r .1.L rr .f nm,n X.•
mcmseives, smootmng aowq luir
When hair there is none
Jack Tar Boys’ Wash Suits, $2.50 to $5.00
You know thl, Un*. All color, suarantxd. Lev,:, now oulli jur.t
unpicked, white ,nd ,11 c,lo«. Buy your b«y»> «nh ,ult, Mrrr.
Women’s Silk Umbrellas
Specially Priced at $4.50
In a heavy grade of Taffeta, all tha
Let Your Next Hose Be
•Gordon Hose
HM0. .11 th, MW shad,. Including th,
MW rad,, applo. green, tpoelll ,r. .I2.SO
Gordon fport and O.I« H,„ In th, two.
t.M oftecu, opeclal .. $1.00
MOO gain of Oerd.n Hom, all n«w and
fr„h. ipecl»l at $1.80
Every ptlr guaranteed « ■ new pair.
Children’# Pengee Sea, Garden make,
epedatjy- priced at 29c pair
Phoenix Silk $.4 length Pongee sox.
•peclally priced Me pair
Garden N*. 40$ Pure Thread Silk Mm.
In all tha naw shade,, Maciahy priced
New ahlpmant - Children', Garden
So* end Sle
Gordon Lac. clacked Mm In all tha aha# ehadea. very ui at
Pongee Over-Blouses Special At $1.95
Pretty tide tie effect!, um with Peter Pen
•cme at tha latatt apart medeie and tailored