Newspaper Page Text
To R«QVl* r
THE banner.heralo
|i,ooo Rceioont Fonoy Free.
Middtlng _....
Previous Ctoie
Dally and Sunday—10 Cento a Weak.
Eetallih'ed 1832.
■ 'Dali? «na Bonaay-io Cotm i wak.
Continued clear with prebable <
VOL. 91, NO. 72
Aeaociated Preee Service
A. B. C. Paper
Single Coplei 2 Cents Daily., 8 Cents 8unday.
Bandits Send Word That
They will Settle For
Less Than Original De
Auburn to Play
Two Games Here
During Week-End
FOREIGN troops
United States Make In
dependent Demand For
Immediate Freedom of
Americans Held Captive.
PEKIN'.—'Chinese bandits -who
ire holding about IS foreigners,
principally Americans, and several
icoros of Chinese for ransom have
rent word to Shantung troops that
Hey will settle on easy terms snd
release the praonere. the moment
Hat the government ■ guarantees
Immunity from arrest
This Is taken to mean that the
bindlts. who captured their host-
,j,s Sunday after wrecking the
gtianghalg-Pekln express In Shan-
tunc. arc willing to settle for con
siderably less than $1,090,000 or
iginally demanded and perhaps will
col Insist on ransom at all.
An agent of the government of
Shantung, who was ordered by the
Chinese government la Pekin
Tuesday to aocnre the Immediate
release of the prisoners, has left
Thlnan and Is now en route
meet the bandits.
According to advices reaching
here, the British and American gar
risons at Tien Tela have mobilised
for action la event It becomes nec
essary to march an International
expedition into the wildt of Shan
tung to liberate the prisoners. It
Is believed certain that Prance end
Italy, a few of whose nationals are
held, will co-operate.
Bulldogs Need One More
Game to Win Series
With Tigers. Senior Pa
Somebody Page Sir
Conan Doyle
Eisenlohr, proprietor of the Star
Printing Company, dreamed
that hia printing establishment
had burned. Arising from his
bed Eisenlohr went down to the
printing shop ,which is in v the
lower part of his house at 1?
Mount Vernon avenue, and found
the place ablaze. The fire ie
said to have started from n
back draft of the heater.
Mayor Thomas Returns
From Macon Meeting
Where Plans For Devel
oping Industrial Res
ources Were Discussed.
The Georgia-Auburn series here
Friday and Saturday will be en
livened on Friday by the antics
of the Georgia Seniors who will
throw off the day the dignity of
their derbies and canes and stage
the pranks, jests and sport in the
costumes of, the annual parade.
This is the feature for Friday,
the 12th and with the game start
ing at four o’clock it behooves
those who want to see the parade
to get to the park fullv half an
hour or more before this time, 3:15
wouldn't be too early.
The Auburn series will be the
most colorful of the year on San
ford Field and record-breaking
crowd, are expected out for both ei , Tueaday n | ght .
days, Friday and Saturday. Re- . . .
served seat* will go on sale ThurS- Mayor Thomas stated
day morning promptly at ten I day he. did not get any definite
•o’clock at Costa's. The games will idea as to the method of procedure
begin at 4 o’clock both days. |f°r towns and cities In Georgia to
Georgia is anxious to make a ■ pursue in seeking new Industries,
clean sweep of this serios. She has j However, he said, the organisation
already won the only game played M* young and some plan of help-
lnl Alabama, defeating the Plains- Ink <•>» new Industrie,
men in Montgomery last Saturday. | »«' ht be J° r 0 k * d ( O ^,“?gnntaation
flash two splcn-1 "Georgians Inc.," wn.' changed to
Mayor George C. Thomaa who of
ficially repreaented Athens at the
meeting of Georgian! Incorporated
in Mncon Tuesday where plan, for
developing the Industrial resource,
of the state were outlined, return-
7 to 6.
Auburn will
did pitcher* here In “Slick” Moul
ton and Sberidan who hurled Sat
urday. Moulton is expected to op
pose Andy Gump Chambers in the
game Friday. Chambers hurled
'Monday's game against Oglethorpe
and la almost certain to be the
choice of White against the Tigers
here in the opening game.
China, Tneadaj, apurrod on by
the ultimatum of foreign legations
here, served notice on the governor
of Shantung that the forolgnera
niu«t bn released at once and that
the governor, If necessary, must
pay the $1,000,000 ransom dsmand-
It Is generally considered that the
communication the government of
China served on the governor of
Shantung Is not worth the paper It
Is written on. It la Inconvelvable,
In the mind of foreign observers,
that Shatunc could. In any manner
or means, raise the- hug* ransom,
It is known that the powers of
the world, who did -not hesitate to
intervene on the occasion of the
Boxer rebellloa, realise that It ac
tion Is to bo taken, It must hi
within a very abort time. Appre-
henalon Increased Tuesday when
Miss Miane MtcFaqdsn, tile trav
elog companion of Mias Lucy T.
AMrlch. sister-in-law of John D.
RockefMer, Jr., dlaelooed that the
bandits, before they allowed her
to go free, threatened to take the
lives of the prlaonera If the ran-
•om wat not forthcoming In three
/ays. The seventy-two hour period
has now elapsed.
Mias Macrodden end Mllea Aids
rich are now t na hospital In Tbln-
»nfo, where they ere recuperating
from the ordeal of the capture.
The terms in which the foreign
legations couched their demand to
the Chinese government apparently
signifies that the powere, unless
China acta at once, will take mat
ters into their own bands.
The ultimatum stated:
'Tree all foreigners. Immediate
ly, *Hve. We do not cere what
methods are ueed, but free them.'
The Georgia team face* the
baldest week of the year from'Fri
day through the following woek.
After the two Auburn games here
Friday and Saturday cornea Mer
cer In Athena Monday and Tues
day and with but two days' rest
the team Jaunts to dlacon for the
final battles of the year Friday and
Saturday, .playing the Baptsts a
brace of games. This means six
hard games In eight days and Sale
that of the "Georgia Industrial Bu
reau.r; The meeting Tuesday
adopted a resolution favoring tax
exemption for a' period of year,
for new industries manufacturing
products made of silk, cotton, rub
ber, wool and similar raw materi
als and for plants producing elec
tric current.
A. 8. J. Stovall legislator from El
bert county, stated he will offer
the resolution as a bill In the next
The notion was taken with a view
to making It possible for new cap
ital to come to Georgia and It Is
announced this will be one of the
first big undertakings of the new
Directory ware' eleoted to select
officers nnd carry on work of the
organisation. They are Hal
Stanley. of Atlanta, chairman:
Claude Bond, Toccoa; Claude Nor
man Washington; Paul Brown Al
bany; B. Mifflin Hood, Atlanta;
President of Erupp
Works Goes to Jail For
Long Term. Fined 100,-
000,000 Marks.
Five Directors Get Heavy
Sentences and Same
Fines. No Demonstration
Over Verdict.
WERDEN—Dr. Krupp von Boh-
ien, head of the Krupp company
was sentenced to 15 years In jail
and to pay a fine ' of 100,050,000
marks Tuesday as a result of the
trial by coyrtmartial here growing
out .of the shooting at the Krupj
plant on March 31.
Directors Hartwig and Oesterlei
also were sentenced to 15 years’
imprisonment each. Director Bruhn
to 10 years and Baur and Schaef
fer to twenty years each. ‘All were
also sentenced to pay fines of 100,-
000,000 marks each.
In‘his final plea the French.pros
ecutor, Captain JXivert, referred tc
the/ devastation of northern France
by the Germans during the war.
Just ns the Krupp directors, he
said, stood Inactively at their of
fice windows on March SI and
watched the workmen being shol
down, so had Germany’s war lordt
stood by and watched the burn
ing of villages In northern Frapce
without raising a hand.
The prosecutor based fa
against Baron Krupp von Bohlen
and the directors on two main
points: first, that prior
shootings they had arranged that
demonstrations should be hetd li
case the works were occupied ant
had propaganda material ready for
hircutatlon among the demonstrav
tioons; second, that during the
demonstrations they made no at
tempt to bring about order or t< i
shut off the the factory sirens
which called the men together.
and Chambers will have their william J. Vereen. Moultrie; J. R
hands full In winding up tho year Rhodes Browne. Columbus; R. B.
and maybe bringing to Georgia on- Pegram, Atlanta; W, D. Andwson
other championship.
$1,000,000 RANSOM
Addresses Parents At
University Chapel Wed
nesday Night at 8:30, on
Pre-School Age.
! Macon; P. a Arkwright Atlanta;
W. A. Wlnburn, Savannah; F. M
'Oliver, Savannah* O, B, Lewis, Ma-
[con; M J. Abney Athens; Malcolm
(McKinnon Brunswick; J. Lee Eth-
I ridge, Augusta; Julian M. Smith
'Augusta; Wilson Hardy, Home; W
,L. Stanley Atlanta: Charles A.
Wlckershum, Atlanta; Charles Ad
amson, Cedartown^ John A. Streye.i
Macon snd C. D. Rountree, Wrights-
Police Commission Re
fuses to Grant Four Men
Permission to Drive
Cabs in Athens.
Total of 118 Cases Dock
eted For Violation of
the Traffic Laws. Fire
men Answer 13 Calls.
Four men. three of whom nro
•UBpccted of “bootlegging" were
refused permission / to secure
license for driving taxi-cabs by the
Civil Service Commission Tuesday
night. Their names were not given
One of tho men," stated Chief
Taking the Bull By
the Homa
BALTIMORE—Charging thru
the afternoon crowds, a bull rar
wild irt the heart of ths ship'
ping district spreading terror
among hundreds of women shop
pers and pedestrians. Many of
the women ran screaming for
shelter and the men Joined in
the chose of the animal. Sev
eral blocks away the bull war
grabbed by the horns by a ne
gro and thrown.
Normal School Glee Club
Entertains at Meeting of
Local Post. Officers Are
The Allen R. Fleming Post o< the
Of Police Henry W. IJeusse, "Is 'xmericah Legion had a great .meet-
the biggest bootlegger in Athens. 1
Annual Senior
Parade Staged
Here on Friday
More Than One Hundred
and Fifty Seniors to
Take Part in Annual
The fourth ™dnt, whliT not '"* Tunadsy nlxht the parlor,
being suspected of neltllng whiskey of the Georalan hotel when, after
was found, upon nvostlgation, not la short bualnere seaslon, the Le-
to ness mustor for a taxi-driver’s K | on nalre* were pleasingly enter-
llcensc and was therefore refnaed
permission to take out one.
Elovon applicants for taxl-driv-
©r'a license, however, wore granted
permission to take out license tor
one year. These men are, Doyle
Maley, Roy Boll, Levi Burger, R.
R Huntslnger, Ed Gillum, Henry
Parks. Poo Wlson, negro. J. D.
Fleming, R. Price, H. T. Noel,
Warren Derricote.
mined by the alee club and d.
pnrtment of expression 1 of the
State Normnl School,
Henry H. West wan re-elected
commander of the post while, all
the other officer* were named to
succeed themaelvea for another alx
months. W. Di Pnaohnll Is vice
commander, F. O. Miller Is adjutant
and Howard Abney la Finance of
There officer, will* head the Le
sion during the state convention
here In July and with tha varlnu,
committees will handle the plan,
for the convention, which are pro
gressing nicely at prerent.
The senior class of the Univer
sity will stage the annual Senior
parade Friday at the Georgia-
Auburn baseball series and will pul
on one. of the best exhibitions of
mirth, merriment and foollshnesi
ever seen hers.
-Dock" Harper, editor In chief o!
the Red and Black and prominent
senior, la chairman of, the commit
tee for the parade nnd nothing Is
being left undone for Its success.
Many wild costumes are report
ed to be In course of construction
and every department of the Uni
versity will be represented and
practically all the Clare of the mon
than ltd will take part.
he parade will form up-town and
headed by the bind will march
down to Sanford Field and then pa
rade around the grounds before the
game starts. Those attending the
game and Who want to see the
parade are expected to be on hand
nt lean half an hour before , th<
game la scheduled to begin.
The game will atari at 4 o'clock.
The city law requires applicants
for taxi-driver's license to first
get the consent of the Civil Service
Coos salon. When an application GIRLS CAPTIVATE
in turned In the Chief of Police .LEGIONNAIRES
makes nn Investigation Into the] '
record of the applicant who must i The legionnaires were complete-
tie first endorsed by three reputa- ly captivated by the entertainment
ble ritUens. If the Commission afforded bp the young ladles of th<
finds the applicant I* eligible for j Normnl School, who were accom-
" license it la apnrovod and ho gained by Mlre Carolyn Vane, and
f>q take It out at tho office of the
Prof. W. A. Sutton, superintend-
ent of the Atlanta Public Schools
and well known educator, will
-oeak In the University Chapel
... . . • .i.w re* B.4A nVIni'k •
Wednesday nlghv at 8:30 o'clock
There was a large crowd In thx
court room when Colonel Psyron-
nel read the sentences, hut no dem
onstration occurred, the spectator,
apparently being unaware of what
was going on. only a few of them
understanding French. (
The clerk of the court Journeyed
to the Jail lo notify Krupp von'
Bohlen and his colleagues of theli
fate, aa they were not taken back
to the court room for the verdict.
The court martial deliberated two
hours before reaching Its decision
The head of the Krupp works
and Director. Hartwig gad Ore-
terlen were each sentenced to IF
years and Director Bruhn to 14
years. Sentences of 20 years each
by default were Imposed on Bauer
Schaeffer and Hunts, who were al
so defendants, but who are In
flight. The court was lement with
Gross and Muller, both of them work
men, white motorcycle thieves al
so drew abort penalties, without
The prisoners will be kept In the
Werden Jail until their appeal It
heard In Paris; then If It Is reject
ed they will 0e taken to Stras
bourg or Meta to serve their terms
1 City Merahal. This lgw was passed
In order to prevent "bootlegging"
or other criminal operations by
taxi-cab. drivers. If tho holder of
Mire Molna Michael. The gles
club sang a number of songs, there
were several specialty numbers and
Miss Vance and several of her
students read n number of delight-
Following the enters
*» informs «.
his license la promptly withdrawn. c , pUon WM heM and -the ex-rer-
vice men were given the opportunl-
LAROE LIST I ty of meeting fits young ladles.
TRAFPI- CASES j U(Vara | pew members of the post
A total of 118 traffic cMMwere j**” 1 I ’^ a “hman, < 'who woiT first and
doiketod by the police In April. It i ItcoB d prise with 88 an| •• nsw
was reported by Chief Bensse. tJl momba „ oach In the recent dries
these cases 23 were docketed for . wh0 refuMd t0 accept the gold
(flaring llxliIs: St for no tell llghta, voted n souvenir Ls-
Frank Holden Will Make
under auspices of the_“Pre-sciiooi principal Address at An-
clrcle” of the Parent-Teachers Aa-1
The “Pre-School Circle”, of which
Mrs. H. J- Stegeman Is chairman,
has been trylnlg to get Prof. Sut-
nual “Hi-Y” Banquet
Thursday Night.
entive elect
“ Income to Athens for sever*! Frank Holden, representive elect policy of passive resistance
but hi. duties in Atlanta ^Clarita county,Will M occupied ,on. oMb. Ruhr.
Washington. — chin* has
Mreed to pay the $1,000,000 ren-
•om demanded by the bandits who
“™ M Americans and other for-
eifners at hoatagea In the hllla of
shantung province, the gtate de
partment has been advised.
All denied! made by the council
of minister! for the releaae of the
raptlvea, the punUhment of the
sandlts, and the prevention of fu-
outrage# have boon agreed to.
The mlnletera also reserve the
* bo, f “2 material and moral
oamagea claimed, to demand a pro-
!?*•<»• lademnltly for every day
.‘' cr , M »y 1$ that the forolgnera
remain captive*.
The Chinese prime minister not
“[v agreed to *11 these demands
but vn nnteA».i ■ a- ji ... a a
round an opportunty to come here
kind address the mothers and fath-1
ers of Athens.
Prof. 8utton will have a very
interesting message. He I* one
of the outatandlng men of the cdu-
'catlonal life In Georgia. Tech High
school, one of the leading Inatitu-
lions for boys in the foutb, was
brought to it* Prerent state *#•£
flclency and renown by Prof. Sut
just before Mr. Sutton s Bddress
several membera of the Pre-School
Judge Samuel H. Sibley
'On 'Woman and the Ballot”
volunteered to dismiss the
rim and military governors of
Ktantun*. Tills conference took
Place Monday. ,
Independently of the joint action
r„„ , „ coPncil of mlnlaten, the
om’h h ** made a perempt-
that the Americans he
J255HP i* lT « »»d the bandits
ta lh.t?: f® 0 * fbs nature of
tin, except that no time
“mil wu fixed. '
measure! that will follow
"tha Americana are not delivered
(Turn to page two)
their annual banquet In the Y-M-
C. ‘ A. .Thursday night at 7:3C
Mr. Holden will diacusa the char-
act eristics ofthe type of manhood
needed in the world today. He will
deliver .the principal address.
In addition to member* of the
club the male member* of the High
School faculty will be Invited,
John Green, member of the grad
uating clas will discuss the history
of the club xince Ha organisation
three years ago, Walter Forbes Jr,
president of the clb will tell some
of the neeomnliihmenta of the club
end Frank Ddlty wil discuss the
flitre of the clb.
glaring Halits: 51 ror noon»,
9 for reckless driving; 9 for speed-1 , on |, n , fe reck
ing; 8 for falling to give signal • Thc n , xt me «tinf of the post will
whsn turning In tho block; 4 lor ^ haM tI1 j una .
cutting corkers; 5 f° r passing-
.treet cm. — 'Head of ‘Tin Can”
A total of 256 casos wore docket
ed and fine* In the nmount of
11408.15 Imposed. The fire depart- ,
ment answered* 13 cellB In the |
month. Chief D. W. McDjjrman re- —
ported. One of tho call, was B Vre.den.o?
Tourists in the City
BERLIN—Sentences pawed on
Baron Krupp Vpn Bohlen ap’d hl>
colleague* by the French court*
martial Tuesday, were greeted here
with ^bitter Indignation by the Ber
lln newspapers.
The general view Is that the ver
dict will reeult In the Germans, »■
far as possible, strengthening thc
policy of passive resistance In the
id Roma City.
ImL. president of fra Tampa Camf
| of tho "Tin Can" tonriata, accom-
* ■ a a taMaaM i • TVxvl* rtf TJml
panted by James O. Doyle of Lima
Ohio, pared through Athena Tues
day en route to tbetr homes front
I Florida. ,
I Mr. Vnughn said that at one
time 600 car* were parked In the
Tampa camp of (he "Tin Can" tour-
1st*. Mr. Doyle la an Industrial
I engineer.
Noted Educators in Be- I^Ki'tannchib *ni'i»u iu
llsiou, World Win Speak -*» — » £ fKX 1
To Students Wednesday
Final plana for the regional
convention of the Georgia Sunday
gCbool Aaeoclatlon which meets-In
DAI Itni Ur MjHIdlD .twre
|erintendent to the Georgia S. S.
trends here by tho committee* un-
[der direction of Dr. R. I*. Stephens
a i- .•aval eiholrman “At 11 PH ft
Reporters Appointed on J ; i tSe’ e ^oJS? 1 ™“«i«i»w».
Publicity Committee to
“Cove r” Convention
From Every Angle.
I was not an advocate or wo
man's suffrage, but woman haa the
ballot and the duty to use Itand
the responsibility of urtng Ujlght;
]y. The easily Influenced and vie
lonely influenced amongj among
women will vote -or be voted.
are of value beyond esUmate. The
healthy maintenance of law and
public institution, ns well ns social
standards, depends on these, but
In • concrete election nothing
feounts but ballots. They give a dig
nity end force to ones opinions In
an election year that nothing else
Therefore, If torn. olh« H*. bilW taT tardea,
than to offeat thto, the ^ <nt j hear t!, it |* also a privilege and
lions of militant pumio seruirn. , *nta of every Intel-
"llow "i/or 1 whum and for j a power. The duty ei every tntcl-
3St It® Sit"'"’ 10
matter* is lm-|to ** b * roo i^7“.“^ ereIy -
In public nnd eocial i—- ,
nortant nnd ber constant contribo%
turns of miUUnt pnbUlc sentiment
said Mr. Webb beforo leaving for
Atlanta. “Your-city Is nn Ideal spot
for such a big convention and we
believe it will, prov® one of the
greatest meetings thc association
has ever held.”
People In Georgia who have the
misfortune of having to stay at
home during the Georgia Sunday
School Convention next (Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday In Athens , , -
will read about It In the news- Noted religion* oenratore from
papers as plans have been com- every part of the United States
plated by the Publicity Committee will "peak at the conventiom
to "cover" the convention from!Among them l« Dr. Hugh S Maglll
evere angle. ,of Chicago who wilt speak neat
The chairman of the Publicity Wedneaday night. ‘Vtollege Night.
Committee baa appointed G.
Johnson, well-known young Chris
tian Young People's Worker and
vice president of the Oebrgla
Christian Bndanvor Association,
John D. Allen and Fred R. Stew
art,. two of the leadng students In
the University of Georgia Journal
ism School to aid In reporting tha
sessions of the convention which
promises to bo one of tho biggest
religions event* ever held In Geor-
He la general accretary of the In
ternational Sunday School Council
of Religious Education. This will
he Dr. Maglll's first vfslt to Geor
gia In thl* new position. Dr. Re
fill succeeds Marlon Lawrence In
thla work.
The convention will, bring to
Athens pqppte an unusual; Oppor-
tanily to hear outstanding leaders
of nit,denominations in aU, phases
of modern Sunday school, Work:
(Turn to pays two)
It I* Important to rem#rai>«r
travels ovsr.ths printed pa«s
from isft to right and down.
Display, typ# nnd yositlon must
conform to thla fact.
Type Itself plays A very small
port in getting attention. Pro-
pprtion, white space or limita
tions are ths attention getters.
Type Is the medium for convey
ing the message end planting the
Impulse to buy. It le through or
derly snd attractive arrangement
of these factors that attention is
claimed and interest held.
Be careful to consider the
reader—nu*ke It easy for him to
follow your message. The eyes
tire of reading type of a certain
Mize In lines beyond a certain
length. Imagine a line of type the
size of that used here <i point)
set across eight newspaper col
umns. You would not read far
before your eye began to follow*
the words with difficulty
Tag Day to Be Conducted
For Four Free Beds At
Market Men Forced to
Buy Meat Outside This
Increases. (Demand
Urge Greater Production
Abattoir and Cold Storage
Increases .Demand
Fanners Paid $10,000
Since January.
Northeast Georgia’s native meat
supply is practically exhausted and
tho Athens butchers are being
forced to go outsde this Immediate
territory to buy cattle and hogs to
meet tho demand. It was learned
Exhaustion of tho meat surplus
waslbrouglit about by the Athens
Abattoir which began exlstance last
January. This enterprise because n
asstfrea the consumer fcrote<*lon
from Impure meat as a result of
tha city Inspection put Into opera
tion when the abattoir wan built,
has caused Northeaxt Georgia far
mers to receive at least 310,000 In
caah for nativo meats which for
merly went to the western packers.
Tho Abattoir and cold storage
plant of tho Atlantic Ice ic Coal
Corporation have made It possible
for tho butcher to buy . meat,
slaughter It under sanitary condi
tions nnd store the carcass. Near
ly three thousand head of cattle,
hogs and sheep have been slaugh
tered at the Abattoir since it be
gun operation.
Beforo the establishment .of the
Abattoir the. demand for native
meat was very weak. Tho farmer
could not' get a fair price for hi,
meat because of the small consump
tion. Tho health regulations oper
ating with tho Abattoir has stimu
lated the demand many-fold and
,ho competitive bidding for meat
Athens General Hospital '^*7“ A b ^f r r * w ^*n n ""*” w ^
meat Is to be sold enables tho pro-
Saturday la "Hospital Day" In
America and as usual tho day will
be observed here by a tag day for
the frso beds at the Athens Gen
eral Hospital when It ip expected
that the patten ta art worthy of the
raised aa waa last year when $1500
contributed by ths people of
the city.
Fbur beds are maintained in the
free ward and it la acccepted that
money spent for patients occupy
ing these beds is aa well apent a a
any turned Idoae In the city. No
patlenta ore taken Into the ward
until after a thorough investiga-
lon Is made and It la established
that the patletna are worthy of the
assistance to be given.
Many pitiful cases were token It
during the post year and much
human suffering, waa reliever
through these generous beds that
are being maintained by the public
In their annual contributions.
This year the auxiliary of the
hospital, mode up of membera froril
all the churchea and benevolent so*
cleties of the city, has charge of
the day when the tags will be sold-
The committees will be announced
Thursday and every possible co
operation la expected Saturday
not only by the publics but by all
those who ate going to be assigned
special duties.
Many interesting stories of pa
tients taken care of at the hospi
tal during the past year have been
related, and are true and if there
Is any person who doubts but that
the money collected la being used
ha it should be they have but to
1 Investigate to be assured that It li
being spent only on worthy patients
and those who are financially un
able to pay for regular treatment.
This Increased demand
most exnusted the supply of
tie and hogs In Clarke nnd adj
ins counties nnd L. O. Price, |
prietor of. the Piedmont
pnd Secretary of tho Ath
tolr Company, has made I
McDuffio county wh
bought two hundred head >
paying tho producers $2,400 1
two car loads. Mr. Price
against Augusta, Atlanta and o
packing house companies. “I i
rather pay McDuff(e farmers
92400 than the western produc
but I had rather pay northeast
Ocorgia farmers that money than
anyono else,” Mr. Price said. He
arranged for a car load of hogs at
Batonton Tuesday. L. 8. Watson
county agent In Morgan county 1s
also arranging to have some hog>
■hipped him. Before the Abattoir
market men bought dressed hogs
from Atlanta, two or three each
day . {Since tho eHtablinhment of
tho Abattoir no dressed hogs are
bought out of Atlanta, the local
demand being met by hog« by Mr.
Price and other market men at th«
Abattoir or by “rounding up” car-
Ths Bann.r-H.rsld Is dlltrlb-
utlnx with Its compliments a copy
ot this booklet to any
nun who Is Intsnstatf In News-
paper A4vt*Mng— !
Copyright by A. T. Roberta
For Instance, Dr. KsUy, the, noted
physician from Baltimore, Md„ con
ducted a clinic at tbs hospital last
year and refused to take any pa
tient except a free bed pdiienL He
operated on four patient* without
any charge' whatever. All'of them
were serlbus cases and one of tht
patlenta remained In the hospital
for nine weeks before she WXa able
to go home, t>r. Kelly, tddjc a per
sonnl Interest In three patients ev
en after he returned t, Baltimore
and wrote back asking "bow are
the i deer patlenta operated up<k
getting on."
Although but four beds are pro
vided tor the free patlenta ei
many as alx have been accepted
et one time and now more beds
of this kind are needed at the tum
p| tale
No person callod upon can fall
to contribute to thht worthy cause
Saturday nnd Jt la felt that the on
dar campaign will be highly nuc-
wanYs hog
Mr. Price urged a co-operative
■ale in Athens. “I-wish we could
get enough hogs from this section
to hold a co-operative sale. I
would bo willing to pay 1-4 cent
per pound above the market to
Mimulate production in this sec
tion/ I guarante they will be
bought by local market hen.”
Grading of hogs and cattle is
ono of tho biggest steps toward
production of pure bred stock
thinks Mr. Price. The producer ot
high grade stock Is enabled there
by to get a better price than if the
grading system was not in use and
the grower of scrub stock Is shown
that it pays to raise the best.
Mr. Price has bought three car
loads of hogs in the last six weeks.
He .praised the county agents for
their, eagerness, to help the farmer
find market for their produce
but urged that the fiirmern in this
section begin to raise more live
stoak and hogs to meet the tie -
mands of this section.
In the Banner-Herald story re
porting tho prize awarding lor the
“Clean-up** campaign It waa stated
that thc Kiwanis prize, a large dic
tionary was given to “Reese street
colored BCh^I.” Attention la di
rected to the fact that this school
Is known ns "Athens High and In
dustrial School.** It was formerly
called Reese Htroet school but it
1m listed in the city system now ait
Athens High and industrial {School.
— --