Newspaper Page Text
MAYS, 1923,
Sure Relief
Office 1201—By MRS. AL ICE ADAMS—Rctidenc* 832.
The ,M*ry Ann Ll|>/iCoiul> Ele
mentary School,invites every ono
In Athens, young and old, to visit
theiir “Toy Shop” at* tfcc Colonial
•May 18. \
Such a .wonderful display, of dolls
in this queer old shop. #1 Kills, that
will delight the heart of every lit
tle girl in Athens. And the loveliest
part is that they come down off
the sholf where tho old toynmker
placed them and sing and dance
like real, live little girls.
The handsome Paris Dolly longs
to be tho queen of the Toy Shop.
She stayed on the shelf Just as long
as sli.e could. Then sho slipped her
tissue paper wrapper and canto
down to sing and danco with the
And the lady dolh with their
cute little bonnets, parasols and
fans. What a time they have while
out wolkinig! That naughty little
j^ower would have ruined every
thing If the top had not come to
thofr afd.
Then there Is llttlo Miss Stick-
Up. a candy doll, and her sextette
of Just the best candy dolls you
could find In any. Toy Shop. Choc
olate Drop, .Marshmallow, Almond
Cream. ‘Lemon 8tlck, Wiatergreen.
and Peppermint forget that they
are candy and idanco tho cutest
little dance imagnable.
And, Oh! the French dolls,
Scotch/dolls, Dutch dolls. Mother
coose dolls, lltftlo girl dolls, rag
dolls and the old doll who la mado
queen, dancing doll, and even tho
dear llttlo baby dolls. They are
all there, every kind you could
possibly wish for. See them for
Wednesday afternoon Amelia
Freeman was the charming young
hostess at one of the season’s love*
lfest-parttas In honor of her class
mates at Lucy Cobb.
The handome home of her
enr^bts, Mr. and Mrs. Randall
Froeman. presented n colorful plcl-
ture In the beautiful decorations of
soring flowers everywhere.
Fink and white was the pretty
color scheme’ effectively sed In
tho dining room where tho at
tractively appointed table was
erod with crepo paper adorned
with Mother
silver vase of pink sweet peas out
lined the center, with smaller
vases at the four corners,* alter
nating wth silver candelabra hold
ing tho sparklinig tapers. Each
place was marked with a tiny plr.k
basket filled with candy.
Delirious refreshments were
served after merry Mother Goose
games. Mrs. Freeman was assist
ed In entertaining tho guests by
Mrs. Bernard Freeman, and Rlks,
Carlton Jester.
The guests enjoying the delight
ful occasion were: Nellie Rucker,
Lavfnlia Maynard, Isabel Knight
Evelyn Epps, Adelaide Williams.
Mary Alice Jester, Mabel Stephens,
Mary Stark Davison, Elizabeth
Goetchlus, Monteg Campbell, Ruth
Dousse. Mary Blckerstafr. Dorothy
and Anne Hnton, Mary Lamat
Erwin, Edith Dearth* Mlllan
Forbes, Virginia Dobbs, Anna
Tuesday evening Dr. ft P. Stepfc-
»" entertained at a beautifully ap
pointed dinner In compliment to
jaembers of the senior class of the
University who have made the Pbf
Beta Kappa fraternity which is one
of the highest honors conferred.'
The rellght/ul home of Dr. Steph
ens extended the usual charming
hoepitnUty and was lovely In
itlstlo decorations of fragrant
flowers every where.
The living room was adorned
1th exquisite pink roses and sweet
Hot water
o paper adorned 7^ ELL-ANS
(loose .pictures. A f* 5 * •«<* 75 * P»ckafi*a Everywhere
f’ut out this slip' enclose with. 6c
andimtil U itonf*4cy & Co.,
.Sheffield Are* Chicago, JIL,
ing your name and address clear
ly. You will receive m return i
tilal package containing FoU-y'i
Honey nnd Tar Compound foi
c-uirha. colda nod croup; Foloy Kid
ney Fills for pains In sides and
lark; rheumatism, Imckache, kid
ney and bladder aliments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
x me and thoroughly cleansing cn
thartlc for constlpntlon, bilious
ness, headaches, and sluggish bow
How to build up your
jrparRed.BIood.CeHi. That’.
■ mil S.S.3. build. Blood-
It; Ink moan, strength t
t know why Insurance
r refuse to iaanra a great
. a bccauao they art under
weight? Simply became to be tin
der .welsbt often proves low fight-
( pens in the pastel shades.
Red nnd black emphasized the
Folor note In the attractive din
ning room where the - handsomely
aPtc-lnied table was centered with
a tall silver vnse of crimson roses.
Red Sweet peas outlined the man
tel and buffets.
The University seal marked the
piece cards. An elaborate count
dinner was served athe gunls
Included Messr. A. If. Stephens
Edwin Thomas. Edgar A. Dunston,
E G. Henry, D. M Everett J E.
Chapman, Jr. Dr. H. C White and
J. H. T. McPherson.
•Tuesday evening , tho Ladle,
Auxiliary of the Flrat Presbyterian
fhurch entertained at a, lovely
silver tea for the Gcrdlne Memori
al- tied at Ute General Hosptal.
The spacious homo of Mrs. James
White was thrown open for the
occasion, which was radiant in the
exqulelte decorations of gorgeous
flowers everywhere. Vari colored
roses, Larkspurs, and pink ami
white Poppies were beautifully ar
ranged In elver and cnratal baskets
and vases.
The tea table wai covered with
very lovely Vonltlan cloth of
elaborate design of Filet and Ma-
dcllra embroidery centered with a
delicate pink glass bowl of pink
Popples. Tho candle sticks and
bon-bon dishes matched tho artis
tic center piece.
A musical program was render
ed by Mrs. Morris Yow,- Mr». John
Morris, Miss Petrie KHIott and Mr.
Audley Morton.
Deaplte the rain there wan
largo number of guests present
Tho contributions did not reach the
full quota, and for the benefit of
those who were unable to be pres
ent they are asked to send contr-
buttons to Mrs. George D. Thomas,
Mrs. Thomas Wray of Wraysrllle
spent Wednesday In the city.
Mrs. Jf. T. Nunnally of Iiofitwlck
spent Wednesday In the city.
Mrs. Georgia Stephen* and Mrs.
Albert Mathews of Crawford spent
Wednesday In the city.
Mrs. John Orr and Mrs. Butler
Atklnsl of Monroe were vllsiton
here' Wednesday.
Mr. W. J. Glenn
Died Wednesday
Mr, William J. Gleqp, v aged <3.
died suddenly at the residence 360
Madison avenuo in Barberville
Wednesday morning at 6 o’clock
Funera and Interment will take
place at Pleasant Grove church ^lr
Madison county near Neese Thurs
day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The
—— funeral party will leave the real*
Mr.. K. N. Sharpe, Mrs. 8. J. dtncc at -
Smith, Mrs. E. O. Brock, Mrs.
Claud Montgomery and MIbh Hilda
Sharpe were visitors from Com
merce herq Wednesday." .
Mrs. Harvey Cabiness and 'Mr.
Gay Brightwel! of Montgomery,
■pent Monday In Atlanta.
Rev. W. L. Culberson oi Com
merce assisted by fiev. Willie Bayt
. . Vtpomj
I I apply freely up dm Mi;:
Cm 17MlUcaJm I/WYMpi
will -conduct tho services. Dorsey’/ - .. ..
funeral directors will be In charge^ 1 1,on of the 8 * n,lary 1>r
Health Board Members
Discuss Recent Public
Criticism of Alderman
J. H. Rucker, In Coun
No complaints regarding tho
Mrs! Hugh Calloway, Mrs. E. B.
Reese and Miss Gussie Reeso of
Lexington spent Wednesday in tho
city, r * ,
of thd" funera arrangements. Pall
bearers will be Messrs. Otho Brown
Asa WIer. T.% R, Crawford. C. D.
Booth, J. H. Ifnrdemnn, O. P Whit*
mre. Will Dillard.
Mr. Glenn, who was a retired
planter and Deacon In the Baptist
church, is survived by his mother,
Mrs. Martha Glenn, a son . Paul L
Glenn and the, following daughters
Mtys Magdalen Glenn, Mrs. A. D
WIer, Athens. Mrs. O. C. Dillard,
mont have been recr^ved by him In
several days, Dr. J. C. McK'nney
told the Board of Health in Its
meeting Tuesday afternoon.
Tlie board took up the recent
criticism of j\l<lerman .T. H. Pack
er who declared tho aanltarv de
partment Is n “fraud on the c'ty
and inefficient.' Chairman jltc-
Kinney stated tho department
doing all it can to keep tho city
.clean. Other member/* of tlu
Neese; Mrs. O. W, Crawford, Bor- Board said they had not received
bervflle. and complaints.
Just to aay that Dr. Hugh S.
MaglU Is a successor to Dr. Marion
Lawrence as head of the Interna- \
tlonnl Sunday School Council of; MOTHER! Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute for
Religion* Education. Is *ufflcIont! -
to Introduce Dr. Maglll to our t
or*. He Is a groat man with,
grant message. For year* ho was! _ . .........
an outaunding figure in tho Na-! Constipation Wind Colic
Flatulency To.Sweetcn Stomal
SJWTC tt «5lV35;'i Diarrhoea - Regulate Bowels
beloved Sunday School leaders. Dr.
Maglll will be given a most hearty
welcome In his first official visit
to Georgia, during tho Sunday
School Convention next Monday,
Tuesday and Wcdnoaday.
body. It often
mtnu3 nerve-power,
In your blood, ml-
minus energy, minus
a aerloua to bo mtaua,
eat you Increase the
• red-blood-colls, yon
le plus. That’s why
-0 1826, baa meant to
underweight men and
Ins In thoir strength,
k* fill out. You stop
lty-IoT:cr. You In-
!. Your body fills to
power, your flesh be-
the age lines that
Inncss disappear. You
, firmer, happier, .and
, all over your body,
-cells! S. 8. a will
Take 8. S. 8. It con-
ire vogotabla medicinal
a & S. la sold fit all
res. The large ripe Is
"Shflsrlsd with oeveAt headache
bnrkacha and palna in mjr lega nn<?
under my shoulder-blade. My kld-
neyi and bladder were In bad con-
ttUqgrt try %rak and "netvdifc
and fsU tlrcd
John howaro payne
The ekerdses at the Harden
homo honoring the memory of John
Howard Payne this evening prom
ise to be -very interesting nnd
brief. Miss Mildred Rutherford will
be Introduced by Prof. D. le
Earnest, who will give a sketch
of Payne's life In her usual and
charmnlg way. The abort program
S ill be Interspersed wttlh music.
rs. Kattle Jester Griffeth will
sing "Home, Sweet Home,” the
song whfclh Immorialllsed tho au
thor. Misses Kate and Martha An-
'demon will sng “Annie Laurie."
Tho Veil quartette wtR slog
“Genevieve,” and Morris' band Win
play three selectons. Apart from
the program. Mtsa Evelyn Jackeon
will show the relics belonging to
Payne's sweetheart which have
been handed tywn to Miss Jack-
The home will be thrown open to
the public at six o'clock to do hon
or to the great author who gave
to the world the sweetest, song
ever written.
Sir*. W. A. Capps went over to
Atlanta Tuesday morning to con
sult Dr. Michael, Hop* about her
whoulder. ' ' *,
r road - ’ Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop's and Soothing Syrups, especially
vlth, a! prepared to relieve Infants one month old to Children all-ages of
Aids in the assimilation of Pood^promotipf Cheerfulness, Rest; and
Natural Sleep without ‘6plates Lp ,
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Proven directions on each package. PhysMlaui everywhere recommend It,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hudson
Atlanta were recent visitors here,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Miss Mildred Rpthertord, Mr. and
Mm. J. C. Hstcblns and Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Hutching Jr., will spend
the week-end at Lakemont.
Mr. Harris Jones to in Knoxville
attending the golf tournament.
Mr. and Mm. Clarence Smith nnd
little son. Billy, of Griffin, are
Mr. ysd Mm. W. A
The Store Good Goods £Made ^Popular
SMilltnery Event Extraordinary!
NewTrimmed Hats
The very latest in* hats
of French crcpc, taffeta,
ribbons, leghorns, com
binations of leghorn and.
crepe,‘trimmed with a
lovely profusion of flow
ers, bows, iaccs, em
broidery -.
? mart beyond words I
rim and natty in every
linel Just right for sports, <K
for thestreet. They come ^
in styles that are neatly
tailored, simply banded,
in many colors and with
a complete variety of
styles at the special price
Lovely Flower Hats
Boautltal .new flower effects of f.
lovely color* and designs, ador- f <
clevsr shapes • In ■ variety
lit cv.-ry preference. Won- A
trial vatu, , - ^
Just s touch of adorn
ment adi"
of these
and you will have a lovely
new hat* AH*colon are
represented in this su
perb group priced for
this occasion at . . ,
JSggS$L75 to
Also there is a special pricing on an
assort meat, of wreaths, mixtures, fan
cies of a!l kinds 75c to $1.M
May Silks are
Sale-ing On
Jtist three more days: and the £Mciy Silk Sale will
be over. • (jone, but the •wonderful values 'will never be
forgotten. The selling has been heavy. Rare values are
still here. If you would save, Buy Silk TIow.
May Silk Sale ygc
Here are silks under mill costs. Chins
silks of fine quality and our own Seco
Silks in colors, white, 'black, brown,,
navy, pink, sky,‘rose, copen, grey and
green. Also silk stripe shirtings.
These silks are worth $1.00. Your
choice now, yard 59c
MayJSilk Sale $i.yg
..Wonderful silks on this table. Our
‘fine quality 40 inch Crepe de Chine
is white, black and 20 colors. 36 inch
fine quality taffetas. Heavy fine
wash satin. Lovely foulards. 'Silks
on which you save much. Your
choice now, yard $1.79
* May Silk Sale $
The most wanted'sllks at this prico
Beautiful printed crepe de chines in
a wide variety, of beatitiful designs
and colors. Skinner’s Satins, Maliin-
sons finest Georgette crepe. Your
choice now* yard ....; $2.39
May Silk Sale $i.4g
Silks hero at wholesale prices. Heavy
black and white Habutai, 40 inches
wide Georgette Crepe in every color.
.Colored Japanese Pongee. A11 silks
in lovely shades. Yaird wide Satin
Messaline, and Black Taffeta. Your
-choke, now, yard $1.49
May Silk Sale $i.g8
Values here that will amaze you.
Fine Baronette Satins in Black, Jade,
Pink, Ciel, Orange, Navy, and Yellow.
Wide satin Charmouse and the fa
mous Cortecelli Taffetas. Rare val
ues all. You choice, now, yard $1.98
May Silk Sale $2.g8
, The finest silks are reduced here. Silk
’Canton -Crepe. Black Castle Crepe,
Paisley nnd Egyptian Charmeuse.
Fine Flat Crepes. All in the most
wanted shades, nnd all worth much
more. Your choice now yard,.. $2.98
Extra Special in the ZMay Silk Sale $g.2g
Silks famous the world over. Mostly made by Mallinson. Satin Canton crepes,
Brocaded Castle Crepes, Pussy Willow Brocades, Mnllinson’s washable Pussy
Willow Taffeta. '
/ ; . . . / - • .
_ Forget Not! This is Baby Week—Attend
Dainty Sweaters for Infants—Slip
over and Button-front Styles, in love
ly colorings $1.25 to $2.75
Infants’ Hand-made Sadqucs of Crepe
de Chine and Cashmere, in blue, pink
and white .< $2.50 to $7.50
.Long Kimonas of Outing. White,
trimmed with pink or blue .... $1.00
Infants’ Hand-made Slips and Dre»es
in the finest designs and loveliest
styles $2.00 to $6.50
Klcinert’s Rubber Panties for Baby, in
pink or white 35c, 50c, $1.00
Kleinert’s Absorbent Bibs are .. 18c
I-Wanta Rompers, Sleeveless Styles
in navy with red embroidery .. $1.75
Novelty Rompers in gay colon, em
broidery in nursery designs are
priced $2.85 and $3.50
For ages 2 to 6 years in- the loveliest
of styles and in rainbow hues. Pink,
blue, blorwn, green and peach. Ruf
fled and fluffled.
1-3 OFF
Of the sheerest Organdie Swiss in
purity white and dainty shadings. All
laced and ruffled visions. Fine dress
es, too. Were from $4.50 to $8.50.
Hand-made, every'one and really ex
quisite—with the daintiest of em-
broiderinfe and hand-tucking. t You
can buy several. Half price,'
For the prince and princesses, age 1
and 2 years, are these lovely Hand-
niade dresses. Were $3 to $9.50,
Long and 1 and 2 year sizes. All of
fine style, material and workmanship.
Were $1.10 to ?3.00, Now half off.
ft 1-4 OFF
Of beautiful quality In tho Gertrude
style, with scalloped bottoms or cro
chet edge. Many are exquisitely em
broidered. Were priced $2.50 to $5.
The Beauty Shop Announces the arrival of Mrs Nora Counts
as Manager and Director. She is Highly Endorsed by
Michael’s and of wide Experience and learning in all treat
ments. You are Invited to consult her.
MichaelThe Store Good Goods Made Popular