The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 09, 1923, Image 7

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■fiiNESPAY. MAY 9. 1923.
New York is Still Rushing tc
See “Safety Last” With Lloyd
Breaks BoTbffice R«o-tlftBCWPC 1/11100 !Q
ords for Receipts With rLUIltlllbL l/lu!Jli Id
People Standing forj
■rr^.—hot stow i if
Lloyd's latest picture, ‘Safety _______ .
ss’ ^LT^for. k Tn!; o s: PPUFFQ l WTFRFK f
sidewalk outside the theatre after- f |iUt LUi Hi I LULU I
noon and night in an eftort to get
inside and sec the comedian .10 nis - ‘ la :-■*
and narrow hedge's MgiTiM “IdeMy* Married Movie
“S&ite the fact that the picture Courte Separate After
has been running for woks it is still | Wlfe s Tnp to Honolulu,
the talk of Broadway and the main i —. . —
money getter at the box office. | L0 g ANGELES.
’ Here is something of the picture:, . „ _ Tha f ^: a. '
The location is twelve stories; 7 - °
above the street. Clinging to the dove of pence no - Mti
side of the building, two-tniids of longer perches or
the way up, with a dozen pigeons sln![g lts , ay on J| ~ jb
roosting on his held Is Harold _ ftr „ of HE B I ■
Lloyd. Tho crowd below, anmseil ho rooftroe of \ . n
but frightened, watch breathlessly homo in Fairfax p , JW
while tne spectacled comedian con- Avenue, Holly- pprv^ 0 s^j
• tinues his upward climb, overcom- wood.
ling the most difficult and hilarious Florence Vidor, ?' 5p
j obstacles. one of the most
I This is just one of the imprea- beautiful actresses In moving i-ic-
jsions you get after viewing the ture3, and her husband, King" Vidor,
picture. And what a comedy! a director, long kn*vn atf tho
Never has ap audience shrieked ideally married couple of the fttjQg,
with such uncontrollable Inughter. have como to t h e parting of tho
There b»va been riototw two-reel W ay s . she and Suxanne Vidor, i-
comedies produced in the past by year-old, now occupy tho liouso nnd
master comedians, but never before the husband and father has gone
has one been teen in seven reels elsewhere. His goioig wair-accei-
bin erated b T the *®tuytf from Hpmdulu
♦KHU m it h U ° f h,a W,fe ' wh ° had bGf ‘ n v l Kin -
curtain*tfhat he y^WnLlf,
^dnuVnjLfl^m^t 1 he y 1 e' , n?o V e^ fh.t .hn did no”much ft!,
gMa *w.Tw n e r4 t d±y “w ■taita.TbU ,, SJ£ii t;
building in the place of a real « h| W‘ ln Eleanor Boardtnan.. .'iiw
“human fly,” and meet, bflarioua Eoardman la a good- king
trouble every foot of the way up youngster, as the insert |m-mro
the result is a continuous run of shows, who In Souls l or
uproarious laughter, plays one of these Ingenious little
*lrlo who looks as If ghf Still bo-
TEE COMEDY lieves in Santa Claue.
T1IBILL8 That tho-lntcrcat pcrslated while
But the comedylsnot aU thrills Mrs. yidor was nl Honolulu was
TVre is a r,al rtory-a dtMjBa} a story ahe heard upon hnr r.-
a st0 7, w i l iL, n 0 vd <J turn ' Ht ' r discovery was followed
th^raw*Wa Uy “Itimatunia. On receipt dr -aid
don’t'uko raW'UTScYoMt ““re £L Quartern
but Mildred is the cause of every- S "
thing-as has been with Woman £’**2*JSSJ 1 !?. *
through the Agea. t " e . r9 ' He psoteata his wifet ml|-
The first scenes of the comedy V. n ,* lt ‘ r ^ tan ‘ I ” hl *. ,ri ? n,1 * h 'i> (l “'
tako place in a department store in m. „"° ar ^ m ° n ' '? who “ &<>
the Big City, where Harold hRS “■ interest la only profes donal.
gone to make his fortune. His
ittnRBAAdk nasSWSiteK
eawnstfua: sNXetsAeratis
“If It’s Worth Seeting You’ll
• Get it Jn Athens,” He Asserts
Palace Dresses Up
In New Spring Suit
Most Thrilling Picture of the Century Is*
Scheduled for Athens on Thursday and Friday
of This Week; Harold Lloyd’s e< Safety First 1
we are never late in getting the
best in the amusement line,* ’he
“For instance, I noticed adver
tised in one of our large cltiea,
neighbor city at that, a fow weeks
ago a picture to bo shown at a
top price of $1.10 that I had seen
in Athens for 35 cents.”
“If its baseball you want we
have the best, if Its football where
would you go for better? In the
summertime there are lota of
swimming places open, all the
good road shows come here and
every day in the week there are
{ho best pictures.”
“Think of these things,” said
the booster, “before you knock our
homo town of Athens."
The Palace Theatre has put on ita
spring dress of new paint and is all
spic and span from lobby to screen
now. Enjoying the reputation ol
being the prettiest theatre
in the south the management is de
termined to keep this reputation
spotless and thp paint brushes have
i been called Into use in brightening
up the appearance of the place.
“I have been all over tho east
just looking around and I didn’t
find any place I like so well as
Athens.” >
Thus spoke a man Wednesday
night who has just returned from I
New York and several points be
tween here and there. Of course
New York is different but most ■
of the other places, especially the
ones the size of Athens, simply
are not li^, the class witlh this lit
tle city.
“Why, I actually saw moving
pictures ad verified as “first runs” .
in lots of the places larger than
Athens that I had soon here weeks
and weeks ago. We may havo i
been late in getting a whiteway but i
“Look at That New Fangled Flag
ole Decoration,” Its Just Lloyd
“Witin the Law”
Will Offer Miss
Talmadge, Palace
1 Athens theatre-goers remember
Clara Joel, that colorful actresa
who first presented “Within the
Law” here. She seemed to be of
the type juat suited for the part.]
Nothing Has Ever Been
Produced For the Screen
That Equals Lloyd’s
Feats in Picture.
- “Safety first” Is
tho slogan that
has become gen-
.■* Vj orally adopted by
> 9 societies, and
' H rrmrnnlrn desir-
;i 'i tag to prevent
•fir-n Y . * accidents but
\IS*** N “Safety Last” Is
the motto of the
v Human Flies and
•: other daring birds
*2^ /\ who see id to care
about as much for
iWWm tlieir lives as
.. - jithev do for an
Harold Lined unripe fig.
One of the many thrilling scenes from “Safety Last,’
with Harold Lloyd at the Palace , Thursday and
Theda Barra ha* arrived on the
Pacific coast. She has everybody
all astir as to whether she is going
to re-vamp pictures with her re
entry after a fling on the legiti
mate stage.
bloodshed but that’s about all lie
fails to do.
Hanging by the bands of a clock
over the surging traffic of a street
up about the ’steenth story is mere
play for him while cornices and
window' coping he eats alive, yea,
thrives onj ’em while you laugh and
plica of the one he employes while
perched high* above the ground
with his rimmed specks..
Now' when are we going to see
this picture?
This very week, Thursday and
Friday at the Palace Theatre.
It’s the prelude, tho interlude and
tho main show; it’s enough all of
Of course you don’t have to go
to see it; city council hasn’t pass
ed that needed ordinalnce yet re
quiring -people to see such smllo
producing productions but If you
want to continue blue and grouchy
just stay: away and be tho same old
joy killer you aro If you don’t like
such things as Harold Lloyd' and
his horn rimmed glasses.
Jobyna Ralston, new leading lady for Harold Lloyd
since he and Mildred Davis have married. Miss Rals
ton is being starred with him now. *
Norma Talmadge is Said to be
charming in “Within the Law-’’
Allco Joyce played the same role
when the story was first‘screened
five years ago.
Madge Bellamy is coming star
and Is becoming popular here-
1 ^ * Walter Heirs,
Phyllis Haver, star mermaid at from South O
Sennett'a beauties, has deserted , omc heav y lea
the bathing suit for tho make-up |„ e rPtont | y nia
tho greatest picture this comedian gasp,
who now heads nil of those of Ills
type of the country has even made
ami no ono can stjo it without
*aspinfc at his'daring or laughing
fiercely at his comedy.
Ho stO|is at nothing short of ac
tually doing w'hat you aro
afraid ho wiH do utile in tho, act I* open that If he doesn’t do a
nf seeing him perform. Ho falls to dozen things everyone in tho audl-
fall to tho sidewalk and break his \ enco would -balk at lio will present
tortoise •shell glasses on the hard anyone duplicating tho stunts with
pavement and thereby prevent* china glass life preserver, a ro-
Rotarians Will
Take' in Harold
• Lloyd’s Stunts
tho portly boy
lorgla, Is taking
As a special feature for tho In
ter-city liotary meet here Friday
will bo tho extremely tntercstng
picture, "Safety Last" with Harold
Lloyd at tho Palace Theatre. The
Hotee will cortalnly find time to
1 we this picture while In the dty.
Harold Lloyd was last woo)
voted the most popular of alt con,
edians by the student body a
Positively Dedicated to the You’ll Hol<
Cause of Laughter and Thrills Harold’s T
/CONTAINING all the Thrills .
^ Thrilldom and as many Roars;
the Atlantic Ocean, but Louder.
f ? -j t . t ' - ; , j • i „ .
Practice "Safety First” by Seeing