The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 13, 1923, Image 14

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PAGE SIX THB BAWWfeH-inmALP. ATHBNB. CBOIjElA JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES r, r „ "—^ In the Land of Miney Moc TORY BY HAL COCHRAN. DRAWINOS BY LES WRIQHT. , >. * r i7‘ , ' > * w '.Tack soon discovered thut even a baby elephant frst step*. For it teas almost no time at all heft >hant alace. And what a wonderful sight to see [winy round and pointed things vo them seemed bo take pretty long and hey reached the Kle- reat. tall toweVs with ywhere. mamma. _ doesn't nupoy love OS ANY moke ? . 8UNPAY, MAY jj, 1 923 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Bl 0) FOUND HE WASTER ENERGY [ . OollUfJi , l T ^^345h?5 -StlUHtyj! VWW.T\)JASHED AV HANDS'AW FEET AN’ FACE AN' ASMS AN’ y&6S, MOM. AW, TAINT SonWAVMSH W B4oc« Taint DlPTV 'CAUSE X MEYER USB IT V. . “Here we are’" ahouted Eeny Mccny. euddcnly. •'right th « entrance. /\| irj ROAROINfl HOUSE And, an he helped Jack and Flip to the ground he explained tha the would V/V/At UV/ntU/mU *1VVWM have to leave them for a whIU*. "That fat fellow at the gateway will ehow VJ^joti the Palace/* Eeny Meeny told Jack. "I’ll meet you when you come . . out.’* By Ahern Jack watchod the Palace gnteman open tho big gates to let the baby elephant enter. It wan a thrilling sight to see the wonderful big doors swing " ’out. But. almost as quick, they swung shut figalri. I wonder if ho will open those gates for me. thought Juck. Anyway. HI a*k him. (Continued.) WlklDMItL MA3&R HOOPLE, IF I. CXTcrt AUcnHEO ONE OF Vll9 CHINESE BUZZARDS OYER IVl MY garden again, I'm going f ADVENTURE'S •OF THE “TWINS | .y qLgW/ Baric*.' r NcrTSOFASToU-tU' V -TRIGGER mVRIEV1d!i« *tu’ MAJOR USES A SILVER CUP,"THAT*UE VtoN ON A RIFLE RANGE, FOR A SHAVING MUG- IF YOU OYJE A GROVJL1& -tH* MAJOR OVER HlS CHICKENS,— WHY, GO JUMP HlMl- BUT KEEP YOUR GLASSES ON he’s fast'—if you KNOW WHAT'’ BYJH’ WaY, neigHbor- -fiUT beagle Hound of yours isn't a lullaby at s\y in-iH< MORNING « TOR A WEEK NOW HE PAGED ME OUT'[ MY DREAMS WnN ills BARKING — PUT SOME ALUM IN HIS MEAT/. * 5 1ffe major's cMickekIs scratch up a kick-'-*?- *■»« THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanle .«wnlc/ UNCLE 0ENOAM/AJ BlRDSALL HAD HIS ANNUAL HAID Cl ita air* < OW/V HSKSiiS* DOINGS OF THE DUFFS DORIS TALKS ,V =f= By n ■Now, let’, .eel There are eeverel charges against you.” Tho Twins stood*In front of Gan-, oral Hobbledehoy of the tin soldier army. They weri wondering what ' was going to happen. •r - The general had sent' for them 8 - • and they had Just arrived. “Ahem!" went the tin aoldler commander Importantly. “Tour names, please." “Nancy," aald Nancy. “Nick." aald Nick. “Very good," aald General Hob- bledehoy. “Ages pleases." “Half past seven." they both an swered together. “Very good!" aald General Bob- - bledehoy again. “Now, let'a eee! ; Thera are several charges against *-■ you. Unit of nil. you have been on the aide of the wooden soldier, r . °vet since yon came to Bing-Bang Land, haven’t you?” “Somethlmes, sir!” answered Nick. “Bnt we really came to stop the war.” ’Mm| Very good!" aaW General Hobbledehoy tor the third time. ■'You eent up a war balloon to npy on na, didn’t you!” eh went CO “Once, sir!” Nick confessed. "And you told the wooden sol dier to use water guns so wo would rust, didn’t you?” ' "No, sir, we didn’t," declared Nick. “And you came in an airplane to tlnd out everything you could!" “Yes, sir!”- “And when we put you In prison, you escaped.” “Well, I am going to pardon everything,” aald General Hobble dehoy suddenly. “Thank you, sir!” satt! the Twins together in gnrpriie. “Why, sir?” “You made a mistake when you put new uniforms on two goldfen tn the wooden army when they were In the hospital," aald the general. "You made Prlvatf But tons into a general Now the wood en army la ruined and the tin army shall win the war. I am going to pin a medal on each of you.” This speech surprised the Twins so much they could not oven say, "Thank yon.” (To Ba Continued.) THAT FEELS LIKE A GOOD CLPB.VJILBUR.- .YOO OUGHT TO HIT EM < A Kflte WITH IT- I’M GOING TO TRY IT OOT SOMEDAY NEXT WEEK AND SEE HOW SHE GOES. GOOD BYE, MRS. DUFF - GLAD TO HAY£ MET YOU- HOPE TO SEE , YOU AGAIN SOMETIME . f OH .THANKS, BUT I DON’T THINK IT’S BAD ENOUGH Fok. THAT - A, like to have You ED- *v ^YOU’VE TOLD THAT FELLOW THAT I WAS NOT Ar GOOD COOK! I KNOW YOU HAVE- DON’T TRY TO, DENY JT- HE NEVER WOULD HAVE SAK> THAT IF YOU MADS’ i TOLD HIM SO - ^ SALESMAN JAM /*®jl,sam-i GOErt GONNKUKE. 1HH» NEH FINE-'UI TAX! SERVICE Day and Night o , GEORGIAN BAGGAGE gg Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone ICC Office Georifian Hotel - gg SOI'.!! AND V*. OUGHT DO WWL Oi . > -j T except OUK MOOING SAM MEANT WELL fEDHWftlNil 7I EXCEPT By* CUV OOT Trt' CONEOI ANO GO OUT AND BOS SOME. COONTcRh- IHATfc TN’ ONUS THING WE NEED HERE- HA ABE-THE IN TOWN 8E8VJCR