The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 15, 1923, Image 3
..nsv MAY 15. 7W TOT BANNBROTRALP, ATBBW8. OBOKflfA 4*4 ‘ : *~ -4- m.-. and sixty'Itovc tone over the top — Raaidtnce 832 HIGHER i OF ' ES 01 KtUT'ONS L B n„- ,l ' ll, y l»t° rPst,n K mooting V factiJtioH of Athens higher tulions <>f learning was held \»m ■ cafeteria of the rollffifyThe-subject of pnrt . jests was discussed anv angIvM9f the speakers i HihJ* ‘ t‘ t° he es- | ; „l, pt at making their Sparkle w)tl(^it and afford r bearers Kd wards, *head of- the of psychology nt the <»f Georgia, talked on jmsxiiiilftics of Intelligence • i)r. Payne and Dr. .Found „>d TIi" New Type of Per- I vV’ork in the Largo Institii- ■ pr Park.'off the University I p^f. Kirnee# Fof the State talk. «i on “The subnormal • an-! Dr. HPndren and Dr. of Die University discuss- Uiftcd Student.” han 125 laiYles and gentle- •ct"d with tho Unlvor- . State Normal School and I conn*' Lucy Cobb Institute, attended tho meeting. A delightful supper was served. —WI THE TOY SHOP, COLONIAL FRIDAY, 8 O’CLOCK P. M. An.- old Toy Maker leaves bid shop .at midnight. He has been working hard at the dolls all day trying to get them ready (o go out Into the world" to tho children. Upon bis departure tho old clock opens und the Fairy hours and hall hours emerge from tho clock to bring the Toy Shop to life. Whenever tho dolls come to life however, they find themselves an to what form of .government shall bo adopted Intho'Toy Shop. The Jacks In the box who are anarchist object to any government whatever. The Paris doll wishes to bo queen and Captain Blacston who han com mand of the army Is so enamored of her beauty that ho agrees to , . wed* her, takes the throne by force, * Pmhted table, with pretty souve. and rules tho Toy Shop with her j J f ,r8 marking each plate and spring ns absolute monarks. • 1 flowers forming tho bright dccora- Tho situation is finally saved for, tho common peoplo of the Toy The young host .entertained his Shop by the entrance of the Fairy Hours who by their magic bring from Dfeamland a little child to choose the queen. The child chooserf her host be loved “Old Doll” for queen to the great Joy f the peoplo of tho Toy Shop, and the revels held beforo Hor Majesty fill the remaining hours till cock-crow warns them that their brief holiday Is over. The Half Hours return the Dolls magically to their places on tho shelves and when finally at day break the Toy Man enters, only a faint echo of the Jollity remains to tell of tho night of revel. MASTER CHARLIE JOEL CELEBRATE8 3RD BIRTHDAY Master Charles Joel. Jr., the handsome young son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joel celebrated his 3rd birthday anniversary with a beautifully planned party Tuesday afternoon at their 'attractive home on University Drivo. \ Sixteen children were Invited for tho happy occasion, playing merry games on the lawn. The two most most interesting features wero pin ning on th6 Donkey’s tall and a grab bag. A lovely birthday cake, topped withthreo sparkUnig can dles centered tho handsomely ap- nnlnfml * * ETLETS Makes good TEA a certainty One cool, clinking glass of Tetley’s Orange Pekoe—iced—and you’ll be the friend of , this princely blend for life. Try it on a good hot day, and see. GRAMMAR SCHOOL AT WINTERVILLE TO GIVE TWO PLAYS Tho Grammar school of Winter- vide will give a matinee on Thurs day afternoon at 3*30. Two plays will bo given, ‘‘Red* Riding Hood r and -|llawatha.” The public Is cordially invited. A small admission will be charged all over fifth grade. Tho/ matinee will be given under tho auspices of the WomanSs club. -ffl- EMJAII CLARKE CHAPTER D. A. R. MEETS WITH MRS. GEORGE HODGSON THURSDAY The Elijah Clarke Chapter D. A- R., will meet with Mrs. George T. Hodgson Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock. —EB— FRIDAY 8:30 I*. M. A mipstrel full of fun and mu sic will be given at Oconee Heights Friday night. May the 18th, at 8:30. You cannot afford to miss this entertainment. g MR. AND MRS. JOHN R. NORTIICUTT ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. John R. Northcutt entertained their bridge club at a very enjoy- 1 able and informal movie party at the Palace theatre, followed by re freshments at Costa’s. —®— Mr. and (Mrs. A. Brooks, Misses Gusgie and Lillie Brooks and Mr. Abe Landon motored to Atlanta Tuesday morning to spend the day. Mfrs. Rutlierford Lipscomb, Joel Hart. Jr., and her two little daughters, Anne and Virginia, are at Lakemont. Mrs. W. D. Ellis. for the week- Jr., was their guest end.—Constitution. ‘Dressy Sandals Red and Green New Ones! and Beauties! They are really fine Pumps in a Sandal Style. Pumps that 'will hold the shape and •wear well, and the colors,^ of Green and c Red are very Pretty. Just, the shades you will love to wear Triced $8.50 to $10 Sandals of Black Patent Leather are here • Triced $9.50 to $8.50 , MAIN FLOOR , OC — MICHAEL’S little friends most royally and was the recipient of affoctlonsto good wishes and congratulations for many happy returns of the day. FELLOWSHIP SUPPER CHRI8T(AN CHURCH, FRIDAY EVENING . "The supper Is planned and we'll j Gaoreb-Mercer (tame, by ready to aerve.' -are the words „ . . of Mrs. L. L. LaBbon of tho La. 1. Mrs - .Richard Trimble arrived dies Aid Society of tho First I f , rom Adalrsvillc last week and la IMS!?.S™ «"*• h »ve -Freed jfc fg* arrives today to visit her sister, Mrs. Howard Graham, for the , , „ _ , Miss Letha Cooper of Winder is to serve about 150 young people at f Mrs. Trimble will the guest of her aister, Mr*. Paul ^"Fellowship Supper" when tho |^J eIlKhtfully ent « rt - ln «<i while Williams. Mias Elisabeth Ashford of Mad- “ s “I , " <!r when tho I here Christian Endeavor Rally convenes j" —m— • *t the . Christian church, Friday Mr n Front, nL„_i. „» Til sloLr^ven*. 7:48 °’ Cl0C l‘; |-rd! r New F Mexic B o: U f. B tfairin/’h£ then" 1 .* ilttlcPhn.from Mr"?,rid* ^er on WaddeU atfeet. ' ' program. In addlttoVo'^he •“^•iMIekad’g Windows ! Givenjffigh Mention SSLy-m n°! lto ' l d f . wortd aml 0ut of * he lhou * an< l- Of pboto- Mlevo that tho best 1st now upon s|mphs ol window (displays, re. •tM.nL „ . [celved each month by the Merch- he hi™m Everywhere will ants Record and Show Window, a morn *hi. b ^n thC y0,,n * pw> l ||e for | trade magaxlne. published In New take is ™ youn * Pooolo will j York and devoted to tho art of wln- i- , paPt 0n tho I’rogram In one idow dressing and advertising dla- t?sS nr* w ° n ", Wh .", 1 F hrt ”-1 P'*Tv 'ho windows of IMlchaol thcm^fnr a *i,r n^f ns i ‘“Jifo- Tho Brothers last month wore eolected T ho Dawn |as among tho twonty-three that I *S y „ n Christian Endear- jare “above the average In artistic pljiinJ" 6 . R u. y , * on *' ■‘ slnco the arrangement and original Ideas.” In.n?wn 1 H ." Came ln ” An l Tho window dressing at Michael Inspiring part of the program will (Brothers Is the artistic work of bo tho song service, which wilt. Mr. Leroy Michael, whose beautiful commence at 8:30 o'clock with Mr. land effective decorating always is . ... Matthews, Held secretary the subject of vofy favorable com. for Florida and Georgia Christian Endeavor Unlor aa leader, Miss Dorris Jones will preside at tho I piano and this will be worth while!. Inasmuch as Miss Jonca la an ac complished musician. Mias Margaret Middleton spent the week-end in Athens and was one of the belles attending the col lege dances—Constitution. -aa— Mrs. Ei'Eckler Lowe was called to Thdmson on account of • the death of Mrs. Thomas Wataon. 'Miss Louise Towns and Miss Wainwright of Atlanta, who have been the guest of Mrs. Alice’ Towns have returned to Atlanta. —68— The friends of Mrs. John R White will be delighted to learn seh is improving daily at the Woa- Icy Memorial Hospital in Atlanta where she is taking the rest cure- —GS— 'Mrs. Jefferson Hood of Com merce is the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. James White. -68- ■ Mr. Glenn Dickerson has return ed to Valdosta after a week-end visit here. —®— . , Mrs. Julius Talmadge will go to Madison Saturday to attend a D. A. K. social meeting at tho home of Mrs- J. H. Nicholson. —38—■ Mr. Kilmarx who has been vis iting friends here, left Tuesday for New York. In'gain. Lena Be nedict la the grand champion. She gained .last week three iwunds; Marion Huff also gained £hrce pounds in one week: Grover ‘.Towns one and one- fourth pounds;' Addle Sue Bullock —-. onc-half pound;! Vera Connally one- co-operation during her half pound, and James Robert. one pound grtim who have never participated ■ —y-g» — in anything of the kind before. Mrs. Broach visited the school last Wednesday night and reported the program in good progress. She the school on its complimented Mr. White and the teachers liqvc certainly co-operated with Mrs. Bryant in t his nutrition work. The night schiool girls hope to be represented ini the Clarke coun ty bread contest. Their class has been intensely interested through out the year In good bread* and now they are making from one to three kinds of bread,- odder speci fied directions, in their homes eact day. The three girls making this con test will witf prize*. ■ Their team should feel highly honored and all of Whitehall will be prtiud of them. Last Saturday afternoon the class met qt the homo of Mrs. Little and worked with bread. Each girl made And scored, two loaves of bread, muffins and biscuits. The individual girls who seem most interested in making the contest are Misses Mary and Anna Little and .Minnie Williams. On Saturday Jtight of May 19 tho night school Is planning to give their closing exercises. It is hoped that a large number of Whitehall people will- come out. This school has done good work this year and the atudenta are anxious to show the public what they are capable of doing. The Mr«. J. E. Randolph and Miss I program will be given almost en- Dorothv Randolph have returned I tirely by the pupil* and whUe they to Jefferson after a visit to Mr*. expecting to dr J time Mrs. Broachihad had a chance to thank the school in person for their Kindness and generosity to her during her illness and stay In the hospital. Golden Cream Bread Has . , More Vitamines \:t Banner-Herald Want Ads. MICHAEL’S Alice Towns. Miss Nell Warren of Atlanta, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warren on the campus for the Sunday School Convention Monday. expecting to do their best on this night, we would advise the audience to bear with them should anyone get stage-fright, for there are those taking part on this pro- ^cftieellu SILK. HOSIERY Ison is the guest of Miss Hodgson. gj Miss Elizabeth Carroll has re turned to Atlanta after a visit to Miss Sarah Ha|l for the college Mr. E. F. Porter left Tuesday afternoon for a viait to Richmond, Va. “Little Supper” tickets can be secured from G. L. Johnson, John Wright or Jack Bolton. Got yours early and he sure of sttendlnlg. It's worth whllo to bo present at this meeting. Mako your plans now to bring tho family along. The friends of Mrs. Gcrdinc Lumpkin will regret to learn of her Alness at the General Hospital following an operation Tuesday morning. BEAUTIFY ID 1I1EN SKIN Mia the Juice of two lemons with three ounce, of Orchard Whits, which any druggist will supply for a fsw cents, shake well In a hot- tie. and you turn a whole quarter- pint o( the moat wonderful skin softener and compleslon beautlfler. Massage this sweetly fragrant lem on cream Into the face, neck, arma and hands, then shortly note the youthful beauty, softness and whiteness of your akin. Famous stage beauties use this harmless lemon cream to bring that velty, clear, rosy-white complexion, also aa a freckle, sun burn. and Ian bleach because It doesn't irritate.—(Advertisement) ment, and tho recognition whlcb his work baa received from the Merchants Record 1 and 8how Win dow by ranking Michael’s window along w-Itb those In Landon, New York, 8t. Louis and other large cities Is particularly ploaslng to bla friends. It will also be Interesting to note In this connection that Mr. Michsol has Just boon notified tbat his silk window displays several weeks qgo havo been awarded tho bronio modal by the 8llk Associa tion of America In a nation-wide competition. Thornton’s WEDNESDAY Dinner 50c English Pea Soup Chleken Pla Turnip Greens Raddlshes Navy Beans Baked Sweet Potatoes Muffins and Ho£ Biscuits Cherry Pie Coffee, Tea or Milk 50c. Supper 50c. Cold Ilolled Beef Tongue '» Dolled Onions American Fried Potatoes . I Battered Carrotd Bread- Puddtnlg, Cream Banco Coffee, Tea or Milk BIG VALUES GIVEN Tbs sale of sweaters announced for Wednesday by Maybnrg’s Is one of tho best values ever offer ed In this market. These sweaters dre of the very best trades and command a price of three dollars throughout the country, but tbey are being ofTered at this special sale for the low price of |1.8>. A large contract was given for these sweaters to supply the chain of stores" operated by this concern which enables them to offer to the peoplo of tbla city and section the benefit of their large purchase. HUNDRED8 SEE FORD Hundreds of people visited the big demonstration of the Ford peo; plo at C. A. Trussed Motor Co., Tuesday morning. TMs mammoth plaft on wheels Is truly Interesting andrevery part of a Ford automo- bllo Is manufactured here even down to genoratlng the electricity with Which the plant la operated. A motor of a Fordkon tractor la used for generating the current used and a large .number of skilled mechanics are ln charge of the demonstration, Whitehall Social On Saturday afternoon May 5th, the Whitehall Woman’s Club held its regular meeting. They had a most interesting lesson in bread making under Mrs. Bryant, the home demonstration agenL >Hs* Lucy Wood and the night school girls were also present. Sunday before last the Bible school teachers visited the homes end held their classes in a rather informal way. Last Sunday the young ladies from the Normal School gave to tho Whitehall Bible class a very inspirational program on Mothers following people from Ath- is attended the Whitehall band concert Snniay afternoon: iMr. and Mri. 1 W. E. Broach, Mr. and Mrs. Wooster, Misses Lizzie May Han cock and Lucy Wood. The nutrition clast has been a wonderful success. Last fall out of ninety-one children In school thewwere seventy-nine who were underweight and had phjralcal de fects. Tsrenty of this number have had physical defects removed MOTHER! MOVE CHILD’SJOWELS “California Fig Syrup” is Child’s Best Laxative Hurry mother! Even a cross, lick child lovcs the “fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup 1 ' And it never fails to open the bowels. A tcaspoonful today may prevent a tick child tomorrow. If coniti- oatad. bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, or' if stomach Is lour, tongue coated, breath bad, re member a good cleansing of the little bowels b often all that to Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup” which has directions for babies and children of all sgea printed on bottle. Mother I You must say 'California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup.—Advertisement. White Hosiery For Gifts Graduation Summer Wear Made By ONYX KAYSER GOTHAM McCALLUM CORTICELLI ASYOVLIKEIT Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hose with Lisle garter top and re-inforced heels and toes $2.00 pair Extra heavy Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose •with Lisle garter tops, heels and toes •$2.50'$2.75 pair cAtl Silk from top to toe and of full fashioned «*“% •••••• $3.00 pair Cihffon Silk Hose with wide French seam $3.00 pair Lovely Silk Hose with lace dox and stripes >$3.00 pair Kayser Italian Silk Hose with lace stripe >$3.00 pair Kayser Extra fne Italian Silk Hose $3.50 pair McCallun very fine Richelieu Rib Silk Hose -$3.50 pair Beautiful New White Shoes Of Bsignskin and Kid