The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 15, 1923, Image 6
DAVISON TUB BA ?AGE SIX Sutton Urges W TuesPAV w*v n, i»a H - in silent tunnels undlr the J, quaint Flndlond vtltogo of Wls- t flech are 250,000 bottles of port '• wine, put there to mature. Some of the wine la a centu*y old. ay “Bayer” and InsistI Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linnell & Company’s Private Wire NEW ORLEANS.—Liverpool wan due 13 to 37 up by New Orleans, 17 to 27 higher by New York, most op New York Journal of Commerce 'tt*. says: An oversold condition of tho Unless yon see the name "Bay er” on package or on tablets yot am not getting the genuine Bayci product prescribed by physician! OVer twenty-two years and proved safe by milli ons for r Colds r Toothache ■ Earache ■ Neuralgia ' Accept “Baj plrln” only. 1 age contains Headache Lumbago Rheumatism Pain, Pain ' Tablets of As- :h unbroken pack- proper directions. tablets ista also Aspirin cost few cents. Druggii sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin la the trade mark of Bayer Manu- ire of Monoacetleacfdester of yllcacld.—(Advertisement.) * Southern spots Monday were un changed to loo up except HO lower at St. Louis where were quoted too high; Dallas S3 higher: middling there 24.95. Sales at Dallas none; all told 3.6C9 bales against 2.976 Sat urday. Weekly weather and crop govern ment report Wednesday likely to be bullish as a whole owing to lower temperatures nnd more rain nearly spot trade advices likely to domi nate market Tuesday. Shorts covered finely Monday bur sentiment apparently more friendly to market again und fundamentals remain bullish.—H. and B. BEER. markets wrnrv' > Irina v I lets time to the home, with more ....— --c— It-L/uy land more to thing- wmch in tiieni- Religious Education in )«*«« to Urmeil 'harmless., pro- _ -- a 1 1 _ifp8«nr Sul ATHENS COTTON The local cotton nmrltct stayed nt (Continued From Page- One) TlMBd ay an the prev-1 •‘What, then,” he continued, “is Monday 2r. 3-! cent,. This the. purpose, the obligation, the ITtho' ihird airaatht day .hat the !rcsponjnhimjr of ours to teach market has been unchansed. NEW YORK COTTON open High Low Close PC. lay. .. 26.50 26.55 25.71 *5.» 26.22 u“y " ■■ 25.20 25.5! 21.81 21.99 2!.37 23 20 23.22 22.93 23.08 23.00 •er. '. 22.87 22.96 22.58 22.09 22.08 11 A. M. Hlda: Mai- 26.19: July 5.26; October 22.28; Decomber 22.96. NEW ORLEANS CpTTON Open High Do* Clone P C. May .. 26.28 26.28 25.97 .. 25.50 25.53 25.0J 25.20 25.14 22.55 22.75 22.35 22.52 22.42 p,.,. 22.24 22.47 22.04 22.15 22.08 11 A. M. Hide; May 26.07; July 25 38; October 22.70; December 22.35. LIBERTY BONDS Open P. C. 3 1-2: Migious ritmcuuun a a Moot iddrocc ( «*>or Sutton asserted that the S. S. Meet Address | vast ignorance oi m,.iy )oo«g p— pic regarding things religious is uue directly to this cause. If we, don’t Stay at home some, we are not going long to have an estab lished civilization." . • A system of week-day religious education, non-denominational in 'nature, was advocated by the pcaker, who declared that twen- i ■- - Sunday responsibility ™ a—r- ’r, liffion 7 First, it ought to be taught in the home. But the home, as a reli'dous institution. I am aorry to speaker, wno oeciareu i ,, v has deteriorated. And the ; ty or thirty minutes in _ — trouble is that we have not 'school class is totally inadequate adapted our modern civilization to ,f or proper Instruction of the the home." young. Under,this plan, religious Deploring what he called the and secular'education would be modern tendency to give less and; kept separate, but ehildren wouiu — given ample opportunity lor rung religious knowledge Take market here and in New Orleans ami Liverpool, in fact, some believe that |’ *'■*" all the commodities markets have J Third 4 1-4" been oversold. j Fourth 4 1*4* In any case the atmosphere down Victory 4 3- town was very different. Gloom last week was thick enough to cut with a knife but there was a big lift In It yest4<rday. Frogs that bark like dogs wero discovered in the wilds of Santo Domingo by an ecpioration party. For a matchless pair of one penny and two penny “Post Office” Mauritius stamps on one envelope, $65,000 was paid'. J- ■ it 4 U WHY NOT DIVIDE MY INSURANCE WITH JESTER Complete Iasuranco Protection. ' 617 Holman Bldg. .Phone 437 HARNESS REPAIRING "‘Pa'r •«'« Casa, and Laathar Goods. Ws Maks Dob Collar!, Dog Htrnosa, Goat and Pony Harntss, Man's Laathar Balts. GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT COMPANY Broad airo.t Athens, Qeorgla CHICAOO DRAIN Open WHEAT— '”’4 May July ,• ,,s 'a CORN— Sept May July OATS— Sept «'* CVS July NEW YORK STOCKS Open 1 p.m Cora Cola • • — •••• Cuban Cane pfd.. Austin Nichols gaining religious -o- * througn classes conducted t by J [teachers from various denomina- 1 tlons*. "All we need," he affirmed in conclusion, "is to give Gods for the liver Beware of Imitations. Demand the genuine in 10c and 35c pack ages bearing above trade mark. Bread gives you most en ergy at lowest cost. Quality Bread sells at 3 Loaves for 25c. ARNQLD-ABNEY & CO. Fresh For Tuesday- Tender Beans, English Peas, New Potatoes, Yel- word a chanch. HAKKON i t SPEAKS - , . , _ “Red" Barron told of the influ ence of athletics in Sunday school work as manifested in the activi ties of the Atlanta Agoga Bible Class, of which he was recently elected president. He strongly de nied the truth of the opinion that athletes are necessarily rough necks, and spoke in glowing terms of Coaches White and Stegeman, und Joe Bennett, whom he declar ed to be examples of the high type of men found in university ath et- lics. As an illustration of applied, practical Christianity in athletics, Mr. Barron held up the Praying Colonels of Centre. Miss Nell Warren, teacher in the high schools of Atlanta and sponsor of the Agoga Bible Class, spoke briefly on the spiritual side of Sunday school work, while A- M. Smith, teacher of the class, told of its practical side- He praised highly the work beta* done by Charlie Outlaw, Morgan Blake, “Red" Barron and others in meet ings throughout the state, and de clared that much good has been accomplished by them. All of them are members of tha Agoga rr”* «» 99low Squash, Yam Pota Southern ny. ... 32%' 32% 32% £qCS 25c the pk Sou. Ry. pfd Pad American .. 72 Kennlcott Copper InduNtginl Alcohol . 67% N. Y. Central .. 95% A me. Tel. Tel Lowe’s Inc. Indigestion Stops Quick i-O-Na " * - Mi-O-Na Stomach Tablets re lieve biliousness, dizziness and in digestion or money back. A»k H. R, Palmer & Sons.—Advertisement. ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO. sc** Even up your diet with plenty of Bread—let it be half. Parker House Rolls 12c the doz.; Cinnamon Rolls 15c the doz.; Quality Bread 3 loaves 25c. ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO. Class. Two Arrested As Result of Raids (Continued From Pag# One) Club,** on Thomas street last Sat urday afternoon, was conducted by the pollco and county officers, the two raids being but a few hours apart. (Policemen declare McCune broke several Jugs which contlaned whis key when they entered the place. The warrants charged violation of tho prohibition law. PALACE-Tonight BRYANT WASHBURN IN "HUNGRY HEARTS” WEDNESDAY “Drums of Fate” ; WITH MARY MILES MINTER ELITE s SPECIAL REQUESTED RETURN ENGAGEMENT JACKIE COOGAN IN AND AS OLIVER ONE DAY One Day Special Sale Aluminum Saturday, MAY at 9 0 we will place on sale2000 pieces QUALITY BRAND Aluminumware at 9c, 69c and 99c. Every piece is GUARANTEED FOR TWENTY YEARS. The greatest of all Aluminumwam Sales s t^p c Phone Orders These Prices are for Saturday Only See Clayton St, Show Window : ! 1 ——mi——■— —————.. . — —— ■ - Q Child** Alphabet Plates 1% QC Mixing Bowls Combination Funnels Sink Strainers jjjji. n-MMWS bx Mountain Cake Pans, •» la. 2% Qt. Strainer Pans a Jelly Cake Pans, boss bottom, ttf Is. 9 gki—m Ctothos Sprinklers « Qt. Preserving Kettkt 6 Qt. Pudding Pans Fxr Pans »* in. In. S Qt. Mixing Bowls 4 Qt. Panelled Lipped i SB tumtuumui ...