The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 16, 1923, Image 7

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-i irrnN'ESDAT MAY 16 1923 PAGE SEVEN bertha-butler ThE MANY FRIENDS of Mr. nigh Impassable, and ypu cannot cross one of the bridges with a car. The road has been torn up by rahi* workers. John Pendergrsat will be glad to hear that he i« on hie feet again after his recent accident during last Saturday’s track meet. "GOAT” Yeomans and Bill Islar have returned to Athens after a delightful trip to Macon. Around Athens MR. IL H. WILLIFORD, a lead ing farmer of Madison county near Oomer, brought a load of pro duce to the curb market, including some pretty willow baskets, inadr by Mrs. Hill, a lady who lives neat him, from common crunch willow Mr. Wllllrord Is a subscriber to tn< Banner-Herald. lomon’owAj r iftbi and' tho rebound from the elasticity qf the rope struck Mr. Moody on tho* skull. Last reports are he Is. doing nicely and-will soon'Jwv out again. MONDAY MORNING, a car 1-. turning the corner at the Normal School post office, struck the iron post, holding the mall box, with such force as to bend it. THE WALLS of the auditorium for the High school are now going up and the builtung will, be rushed to 1 completion. The parsonage of the Christian church is nearing completion, as also is the new Home of Mr. Collins, on the Boule vard. .It does not tape long these days to finish up a building. MR/ TATE WR|OHT says road Jiands are now at work on Madison avenue hill, some on tho college HON. J.' D. PRICE spent last week In South Georgia and says times are hard down there with farmers. While good cotton crop? wore made In spots the average yield was about a bule to four acres. ran overtaxed end ~ tired system a nigh; cf For Ailing Women Suggestion Worth While Iff’* 3 ^ IX. ! •' ■ ,un* "on rtain tirn m ’■i’" 11 <r. My bepan tee. twrrli'd" il oth' f itter) nn< i, Klu.-Vj’When I was a' au I suffered, terribly at r*s. I had headaches and and f ’Just mirt all lmaltb OWING TO THE HIGH price of lumber and Its inferior quality most of the new houses now going up aro of brick. . Contractors sa> the difference cost is only about; 25 per cent and brick is oheapei In the long run. md f 'Just .. .very poor talcing Dr. Pierce’s Fnvorte after-JL had tried sev- j em’pdies nnd was no began to Improve right soon entirely relieved he feminine trouble and wai en- ng pood health; gained con- rably in weight also. I am hap- to wy 1 have never been ill to extent since that time."—Mfa. tha Butler. 412 E. Belmont St. ealth is wealth. Do not neglect mos ,t valuable assc^ you have, to your neighborhood drug store gel Favorite Prescription In f(g or liquid, or send 10c tc pjerce's Invalid** Hotel, in Buf- t N. y., for trial pkg. tablets rrrive good medical advice, -Advertisement. MANAGER JOEL says their mo\ Ing picture theatres aro doing ver: nicely now. When tho #arm wea ther sets In people from all neigh boring towns and of fthe farms will come *.o the city to see the fine pictures displayed. The admit tance In Athens is about half ol that charged for the same films Ir the large cities. [The obvious answer is the local and women’s specially shops whi tfi JUIflORS — Util* (Re One-third the repu- Wfk Ur dote. Made ot tame ingredlanta, Wy then lindr costed. For chU- dreo end adult*. FARMERS are In town buying cotton seed to replant that killer'* by cold, but most of them report a good stinti left Some cotton has four leaves. /, This is the way they used tho New York newspapers .during 1922,, J CONSTIPATION^ joap should bo usod very enre- By, if you want to keep your V looking its best. Many -soaps 1 prepared shampoos contain too idi frre alkali. This dries the lip, makes the hair brittle, and |?e best thing for steady use Is rislfldl coceanut oil -shampoo Interesting Meeting Held, ' Mrs. Preston Brooks Re ports on* State Conven tion of P. T. A. DRYGOODS 1,886,076 429,045 777,004 MR. KINO HOWARD lays the cold has not hurt the cotton crop In Oglethorpe and wheat and oat* Morning Newspapers (Exc. Sunday) Sunday Newspapers ............ WOMEN’S SPECIALTY SHOPS: Evening Newspapers (Exc. Sunday) Morning Newspapers (Exc. Sunday Sunday Newspapers were never more promising. Tho Umber business Is assumlnig large proportions. 70,458 206,616 refreshments will be served by the Home Economic* Department. , Mrs. Preston Brooks who was delegate to. the State P. T. a. convention Which met In Atlanta, ■oya ho has a fine stand of cot-' ten nnu’ hi., run, around. It with Uttle Joe Harrow* He Will not chop It out until he'aees whnt the cold will do for it He has not yel scon any signs of the bolt weevil. MR. W. B. NADII, one of Madl- «on county’s fine fanners, was In tho city yuoterday. Ho says ho will plant four acres in cotton to tbe plow .this year and has a fine stand. The rest’ot his land he will plant in etrory sort of produce that can bo grown In this section and some pcauuts. Mr. Nash says ho does not think wheat la much hurt. and he never aaw finer oats. A GENTLEMAN who took a trlfe out In tho country says that early, rye has been ruined by the coltf, and he examliied fields that bad not a grain to tha head. Late rye la better. FARMERS REPORT that cotton planted on grey land Is killed out I nepots, but that on red hunt has a fins stand and Is trowing off nicely. Taken as a whole, crop con ditions are promising. IF YOU WANT TO SEE t, per fect piece of work, eiamlne the display windows of Michael Bros.’ •tore. They are finished with black walnuL and such care was taken In selecting and matching the lumber that the knots In the boards all lino perfectly, wherever found. It required treat care to so. . loct this lumber. ! WORK HAS STARTED placing sewerage pipe on Prince avenue, fronting the Normal Echool. This la a very needed, piece of work. The sewerage and water’ mains will bo carried on Oglethorpe avenue to the new city limits. HR. BOB ASHFORD, ol Wat- klnavllle, has Invented what farm, eh say Is the beat dusting ma chine made and ha can sell It a< from (15 to UO. He will have they ready for use on tha new crop. A COTTON MAN says there Is no cause whatever for tbe declin ing- price for there la no cut In the price of manufactured goods. The mill* have etfough cotton to supply them for a short time, and when thle la exhausted the price of the- staple will again advance. Holders are not selling and will not until the price advances around thirty cents. MR. CRAWFORD WILLIAMS ol Madison county last year made eleven bales or cotton wit two plows. He mixed calcium araenale and 1 molaaes and made only two applications. SOME FARMERS aay they will cut ddwn their wheat and cure It for hay, since the, rust struck II Batter wait- awhile and See ir It does- not turn .out all right Rust fin the Had, does not 'much Injure tbe crop. • A GENTLEMAN WHO recently travelled it aaya the. road from Lexington to Washington la well ban Thinks She Can’t Talk IJnough In April, made a moat tnteretslng report. - Upon the recommendation of the nominating committee, Mrs. Walter .Warren wns‘ elected presi dent for the next term. At' the closo ot the business ses sion, Mrs. Melt made a most In tonating. talk. ' explaining very clearly the various courses given 1 bml cnllstoncs ifnr a 11 year, I niffm-d severely from bus Ic and Imlluostinn. Doctorr nted me to bo to the hospital. II took Mayr’s Wonderful ,Uem- r inatpnd .-tnd am now feellns * amt better than I over did. 1 Virtually the same thing is true in Philadelphia and other large cities, In the smaller cities and towns the evening newspa- "Had a hacking cough' for years and Foley's Honey and Tar la the only remedy that reached my cough. I have not been ‘troubled with It since,” writes Mrs. E. M. Dotty, As- bury Park, N. J. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Throat, Cheat and Bronchial trouble are quickly relieved with Foley’s Honey and Tar, Contains no opiates—Ingredients printed on the wrapper. Largest selUng cough medicine In the World.—Advertise ment. Mothers representing the four different classes respectively or ganised themselves Into circles and officers for each circle were olcct- Bmi|6» living forty to fifty feet art can rammunlcate by knock- 1 their In-nils on th'o wood In n HUar rhythm. / National advertising is a groupping of hundreds or ampus hatter B«trlc powert ami light Buffi- town of 70,000 inbabl- m for *ts, are produced 1»y tho Rotten, Wretched, Feeling, Pyorrhea hy the use of evening newspapers. - ROBERT THOMAS - will spend l «f sa Atlantic liner of the the week-end with Walter Rtuell at hla home in Winder. L. H. HILTON expects to spend L. H. HILTON expects to i r — the week-end In Gainesville. . EDWARD BASS will make n visit to Atlanta this week-end. THE FRESHMAN baseball team ended its season Monday with the usual practice with the varsity, NEW COLLEGE has failed to accept Candler Hail’d challenge to a baseball game played on Herty and has thereby forfeited thy championship of tha campus to .Candler Hall, according to those nigh in authority. -V. THE MANY FRIENDS of Mrs. G. M. Broadhurst. who has. recent ly undergone an operation for ap pendicitis, will be pleased to hear' that she is improv ing rapidly and Athens, Georgia years of coflee ex perience could give; die housekeeper her c dm confidence in' tire unvarying flavor Maxwell House. ma!xweil ccntly thrown open to hi I those wishing to have a room on )be campus. It was thought for a time that no one but freshmen would ba able to room in Candler Hall. CHEMISTltY STUDENTS at Terrell Hall are fast completing their experiments in preparation for the final examination! which will be held soon. MANY NEW BOOKS have been added to the collection at the fen- Kills the terms to the bone. Pyor rhea germs infect, eat tissues and* bare the »>one*. i PRETTY TKETH 1 SOON FALL. The words "False Teeth’* are sickening. Receding, bleedy .gums warn you Pyorv rhea coming. To cat your gqms, nofson your system and tabs your teeth. Obey your warning. Brush your gums with PANOL tonight. - It Instantly kills the germs, heals and hardens the gums. BAY'S TOUR TKETH. Healthy gums make pretty teeth. Fanol Is sold In Athens by Palmer St Hons. Price Wr cents, «■ The above facts Were published by. The New York Globe la Editor and Publisher, of March 10th. 1928. . I eral library. “OLD TIMER” Eldridge will be the first Bulldog athlete to join the ./Sam fiMi.ktHs. aalkAAl benedicts . after finishing school. Th* anouncement of hia approach ing marriage appeared in Sunday’s WnoL send this «tv. nnd |1. win mss you 2 Lotahs-n m supply prepaid. Edward* rudmo-r supp COMPANY Atlanta, Geoi issue of th*-Journal. PANTONE will leave ■town, Penn., in a few I Banquet ORANGE PEKOE 1 ICEDTEA MfCORMICK & CO. R4ITIM0RE USA - -i