Newspaper Page Text
“Bayer” and Insist!
Philip*. Red Crons secretary.
Which* also had tuberculosis.
Unless you see the name “Bay-
j package or on tablets you
. ,.jt getting the genuine Bayer
■duct preserved by physicians
>tr twspty-two years and proved
ife by millions for I i I
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Earache Rheumatism
Eeuratgia Pain, Pain
Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspi,
,nsDAY. MAY 17. 1823,
two lemonn
ounces of Orchard
. any druggist will
few cents, shake well
, and you have a whole
*r pint of the most tomder-
V.,.klc and tan cream, and.
aM i handscach nay and see
fr. cklrs and blemishes, natu-
I,:,ii<h right out; and ,how
I,' uly clear, soft and rosy-
L ,‘ tlu* skin becomes.' '
bravo .wdpk, little of wi)lch is hoard [ Whitehall Social
of i by * tl|o otitaido world. It need
and any person able to help its
the aid of tho citizens of Athens
Athens Police Chief Talks
on Prohibition. “Courts
Not Severe Enough,” He
Says. Still Sell It Here.
“Heavy fines and .prison senten*
ccs imposed by the court/# * fcf! the
means by which Chief of Police
Beuese would break up the liquor
ffic i|L and about Athena- W^bcn
cd by lb Bnnno?-H(Srald
, aUve recanting'the stAtfi*
. rohlbitfon enforcement InHhiS
city, he declared thiit only by such
means can prohibition bo made ef
fective. r< • ' ■ * ‘
“C&lfrts kre not severe ’enough
on bootleggers and moonshiners,”
he continued. “Usually, when a
bobtlegger is caught, a dozen or
more men arc right ready to make
bond for him and to ask that his
sentence be light. Since often
these men are prominent and |»ub-'
stantial citizens, their attitude
natural# has much weight
“But this condition ought to be
stopped. The Volstead- Act is the
law of- the nation, and any person
caught vidlating it should be. pun
ished according to it« provisions,
regardless of the desires of over-
charitable persons.”
Although the number of arrests
inf Athens for drunkenness and
bootlegging has been smaller dur
ing the past six months than for
merly, the chief stated that/much
whiskey is still being sold < hetc.
The larger part, however, is not
made in Athens, but is brought in
by high-powered cars from sur
rounding sections _ v or from the
mountains, ‘
fellow bootlegging. He wa3 rotten
with a horrible disease.”
jwbrk should notify Mias Philips.
The chjef showed a. collection of 1
bottles, cans and other things, ar-!
tides removed from the “bootleg- ;
ging” industry by the police dc- i
partmtfnt during , t|ie past three I
monthl- Suitcases, harrels,' cans.j
stills And "a varied collection of;
bottle# rauginj? frbm the tiny one |
of thrie or four ounces un to huge
jugs! holding as many gallons were
heaped together in profusion.
The«e ’were full bottles and empty
bottle^ and bottles that had had
harefly more than a * drink taken
out. | That 6oml* of them contained
not tvfcskey. but an>arcntly Jiarm-
less 2 Iconcoctions sold as patent j
medicine tonics testified, according
to th$: chief, to what an habituifl
drinker-" ill do when he is unable
to get whiskey.
i county
;Irla of
, , _ , . - T Horn. Demonstrator, ,Tl>o g
And Personal News tue-nigik Khwi ana mi*s luo
Tho Whitehall Woman’s Club had
Us regular meeting on Saturday af
ternoon, May G. Thoy had a 4ery
Interesting lesson in bread making
for the liver
Beware of Imitations. Demand
the genuine in 10c and 35c pack
ages bearing above trade mark.
Liver Cansesl
tt** foolish to taller from camHpiHon
tick headache; biliousness, ^rrT 1 ***
I Indigestion, and
when Cnrlcr’;
I.itlle Liver
Pill* will end ■
table. Act UBM
gently on liver and bowels,
i ion. A,
.’hat: percentage of the whis
key ironHumed locally is the real,
unadulterated article?” the chief
Nervous troubles, with backache
dizzy spoils, queer pains and Ir
regular kidneys, give reason to sus
pect kldnt?y weakness and to try
the remedy that has helped youi
neighbors. Ask your neighbor.
Mrs. Emory Lester, 134 Vine St„
Athens, .gave the following state
ment April -8, 1918: “I was a suf
ferer from kidney trouble for sev
eral year*. I suffered from a dul
j ache across- the smnll of my bock
“Tuberculosis is pn the increase and at times I was laid up in bed.
In Athens, and many more cases* Iwas sore and lame and so ner-
have boon reported during the last! «>“» «"? "“ rl . n *
few Weeks.” declared Miss Nina' 1 f «l^" brn out lo e of “ ,e ®R
a soaMiiarti ! At times my kidneys dldnt aet
Miss Phillips, Red Cross
Urse, Points Out Neces
sity For Tents. Organ
ization Does Good W6rk.
y . Crippled
by Coriis?
At times my kidneys
She-cited the case of a butler |n >'«•>- at all I sawJOoan’s Kidney
one bttho Athenshomes who, liav- j ■“ h, ? h J* recommended th 1
|n B tHo dread dlseAe. wueMat! 1 decided to Uy them,
back to his family, a mem
J, got some
"SfWt Smith & Bros. Drus Store.
Wo need tents for esses such
as this, so that the sick hiay sleep
... , ... , out In tho open. We haven't the
Not a bit of it. *1" „ Ti'n hl I money for this and we cannot sco
what it is claimed to be. you can be | where , t W||I &m0 fronli but the
*• cints. Druggists also sell j drinking the stuff, himself, so he
,ttles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is (doesn't enre how nirtv the bottles
trauc mark of Bayer Manu- he uses happens,to be. And he
...arc of Monoaceticacidester of j usually isn’t any too clean, either,
xlicylicacid.—(Advertisement.) (Just the other day we <%ught
Several other cases of misory in
Athens were graphically portrayed
by Miss Philips.
The Rod Cross Is doing its
ter using Doan’s tho pains left my
back and my kidneys were regu
On December 9, 1921, Mrs. Lester
udried: “Doan’s Kidney Pills are
such a fine kidney remedy I have
had no further occasion to use
them. I gladly confirm my former
60c nt all dealers. Foster-Mil-
burn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N, Y.—Ad
The only food com b s dead com. A few
or callout on Hi. ««y la "tho luppyhontlnf
Saand." "Crtt-It” belli, iiaunf rtlkflrom
Oil pain .nd hurting. One bottle con tain.
enough "Crt.It'' to iwnow • doaen emu
teUyou wiry miHinni demand it. E. Lawrence
Wood were also present.
The nutrition class ai Whitehall
has been a wonderful success. Lost
fall there were ninety-one children
in school and out of this hurabei
soventy-nfne had physical defects
and underweight. Twenty of
these children have had physical
defects removed, and sixty have
gone over the top in gain. Lena
Benedict is ,thc grand champion.
She gained v three pounds ^ last
week. Navln Huff gained threi
pounds, drover Towns one and one
fourth pounds. Addle Sue Bullock
one half poupd, Daniel Anglin one
half pound, Vera Connally one Hall
pound and James Roberts gained
pound, . . ,
Mr. White and tho teachers have
certainly ‘co-operated with Mrs.
Bryant in this nutrition work. ^
Last Sunday afternoon tho Bible
school teachers went to rariout
homes in the community and held
their classes in a rather Informal
W The following people from Athent
were at the Whitehead band con
cert Sunday afternoon, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E., Broach, Mr. and Mrs.
Wooster, Misses Lizzie Mae Han
cock and Lucy Wood.
It Is hoped that the night school
girls will be represented in the
bread* contest* which is to be held
in Athens the fourth Monday In
May. It wil be a great honor to
the three girls making the team.
Although the whole class is In
terested in good bread, the. fom
who seem most Interested In mak
ing this contest are Misses Mary
and Anns Little, Minnie Wlllamt
and AlUefatr Peltry. To enter th«
contest eactl girl must make light
bread, blecuits, and com muffiu*
at least ten times each at hom# be
fore the date, for the. contest on
Saturday afternoon of May 12; the
girls and Miss Wood are to meet
at the home of Mrs. Little and
work with the three kinds of
bread. *
The night school la planning to
put on a very good program on Sate
urday night of May 19. It Is hoped
that a goodly' number of Whitehall
people will come out to these com
mencement exercises. The school
has done excellent work this yeaz
end the pupils ore anxious to show
the public just what they are qk*
pable of doing.
The pupils , and teachers join In
In extending a hearty welcome to
Whitehall. It will be free to all.
Just a few of the numbers on
tho program are as follows:
‘’Foundation Stones in Home
Building” by Era Hill, John WJ1-
Hams aful William vSj^phyns.
“The Bug-town Bafhd’’ oa| b .iw
’gro Minstrel. From this r mtnstri
the audience should get 'enough
laughter to last them a -week. Mr.
Harry Everett Is going to render
a solo, and he will have a quar
tette of boys to sjng some White
hall songs.' A few of the leading
citizens of the community are to
mako short inspirational talks.
Mrs. Broach visited tho echool
last Wednesday nlgrht and reported
tho program In good progress. She
is getting stronger^ every day now,
and will bo out to the closing ex
ercises. Mrs. Broach coraplhneptoJ
tho school on its lovely spirit oi
co-operation during her absence
This was also the first opportune
ty^she had had to thank the.
senbol In person for its klndnesr
and generosity to her during her
Illness and stay-Ip the hospital.
WatbM the papers next week!
There will be a copy of the com
mencement program published
about Thursday or Friday, \ ,
Following the ,
tke««: wiU ddli
the evening and
“Happy Jack” is coming to town,
are the ringing words of every
Endoavoret In Athens. On Fri
day night. May 25th. the City
tjnlon will assemble. hundreds of
young people in the huge base
ment of the Christian Church and
enjoy a Christian Endeavor Rally
with the field secretary, Mr. Carl
J. Matthews, of Jacksonville, Fla.,
aa principal speaker. This will .be
Mr. 'Matthews last trip in Geor
gia and the young people of Ath
ena should give him a big welcoma
when he comet to the First Chris
tian Church for the irfeetlng.
At eight o’clock a "Fellowship
Supper” will be served by the La
dies' Aid, Society of the Christian
Church and young people know
juet what to expect when this an
nouncement la made. Mr. LaBoon
will supervise the “Little Sup
per," which will be' sotd for 25
cents per plate. Tickets can be
eccured from Mr. John Wright at
tha First Presbyterian Society; G.
L- Johnson at the Firet Christian,
and Mr. Jack Bolton at the Cen
tral Presbyterian churches.
Mr. Matthews will sing-for the
young people at the banquet the
little. song that has made such a
hit in Christian Endeavor circled
in the Southland, “Satan'S Got a
Slippery Shoe.” This alono will be
an entertaining feature, blit plana
are being made to have an orrhos-
tra furnish a musical program.
, JvT&&of
Ing and a large crowd
will be expected to attend.
“Gerry” Johnson sex: “Let's
mako this rally worth while.” _ -
If you are 1 of the 95 in every 100
who suffer from Dandruff or some
tcaip trouble, just try Mahdeen, for
> It fiU, So tire roo pwfctS sstMyttati
a iakT U anthorlMd to .h^rtol), ro-
your I1J». ti. ,o.t of . lt-o* brtU.
Child’s Best Laxative
Fig Syrup" is
Util im*
Hurry Mother! A tcaspoonful of
asstfliiWCfws ■■■
and in a few hours you have a
well, playful child again. Even if
cross, feverish, bilious, cor full of cold, children love no
“fruity" taste, and mothers can
rest tiasy because' It never fads to
work all the souring food and
nasty bile right out of the stom
ach and Bowels without griping
or upsetting the child.
Tell your druggist you want
only tho genuine “California Fig
Syrup” which has directions for
babies and children of all ages
printed on bottle. Mother, you
must say “California.” Refuse any
at 9:30 O’clock
we will place on sale200q pieces;QUALITY BRAND Aluminumware at 9c,69c and 99c. Every piece
is GUARANTEED FOR TWENTY YEARS. The greatest of all Aluminumware Sales
^(o Vhone Orders These Prices are for Saturday Only ' See Clayton St. Show Window
rtlfi ,
, ...