The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 17, 1923, Image 6
IP l s' PAGE SIX JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES - In the Land c f Miney Moc •TORY BY HAL COCHRAN. DRAWINGS BY LEE WRIOH- I OUT OUR WAY if THH BANNER-HERALD, ATHBNB. GEORGIA THURSDAY. WAY 17, 1983. By Williams FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS WILLIE’S A GREAT GUY finally a loud l»lnrc attfracteil JavkV nllc he |aw the hla Kates cf Elephant Palace >* wan riding «»n started to move toward them malt. "1 blew my trumpet to let you know : Am!, at the name lime, r»en. nod the efeiilinnt he <»dby." rhouted the gatc- eny Meeny Ls outside jtfid. sure enough. an Jack %van carried Eeny Meeny standing cn the groiUMi. wlitli Jack wan riding, tlie ground. Then he turned and waddled back Into the great palace. ■an carried out of croimd. ’pattfiK FI down and let th f Elephant Palace, he m The big elephant, the little adventured nllp jL!L Vw 1 .' AA/I COOOmoPMiM* Sir ! ATS A PilCR 1 GAROiMOr 'fOO GObw V he's CrO'r That V \ SupQanm PELLtF? ) BKAT A MIL- • / "WE. CPOGSlNlG WATCMMAMIb GARDEN HAS CTORTED TO PRODUCE ALREADY AND ME Only PlAntho - iY YESTERDAY . ,_7R WtlliAM OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahem ^id now,” anhljEeny Meeny, "whocr would you like to go next?” Hut I Jack could answer a big black cat with u long tailor cut acampeiing lem. with Mir* In pursuit. my.” about ed jCeny Meeny, **|fat rat took. We mustn’t let Flip hurt him.** And ha started after the do#,* Unucd.) * . s’ LET we KUoW^ V1UKTDAV WlAvlTlb GO 1b-rtf B&LLSAME- i’ll m rr wrrMiH' GAtfeMAU SO Y'CAU GET ItJ «,:u' ARTfeR TV GAME COME PoWU To *T\V LOCKER ROOM Ad 1 i'll have y’meet-m' \ WHOLE team !« GOSH red, -tHatLl be swellJA I'LL MAKE rrSOME AFTfeRHOOkl WHeiJ YOU’RE TWIRLING w AU 1 TlL LOOK FOR YOU To GIVE TH' other team a Ha-HaoftUaT LAWSOU DOES AUV vjHiTevJasH- iug )Tll be oa) TH’ FOUL limes; ABOUT VEXT ' AUGUST HelL BE piTcHilIg, but i it’ll be TtueyU. get^ outo his CURVES LIKE a oMe Piece bathing suit! IF UE eVER FAIJS ANYBODY iTll be SOMEoME Ithat fainted! THE OLD HOME TOWN . By Stanley A NOWO-HANkTH IS COVERED | FROM HEAD) TO FEET" I* OWE OR THE TRAVELING. Sky>l PAJNTEC5 WC^KI/i; on the old t/mmens block dropped mis worn rjJ TWO HOURS BEFORE TAE NOON WHISTLE OLEVJ &aOm today ' DOINGS OF THE DUFFS SOMETHING WRONG By Allman “All right, my daara N , said the Ti nkar Man. "And I can’t thank you onough for your hflp.” „ r fcJvery soldier in Biny-Bang Lam' that befurc, there would have beer, lutd to have a new ault after the I no trouble in tho firat place," hi I war, both wooden ones and tin said. “Now' for the other things.' And many hod to have now arms and legs and even heads, to say nothing of plugs of wood or tin bullet holes showed. The last, battle had been a fierce one ,»lW hardly anyone escaped. fco the Tinker Man, assisted b> ii Twins, went right to work in hospital at once, i by one the soldiers were fin- __- 7 quite as nice as new,.am laid in neat rows In big card-boart l*»eji with bright letters on top. ’“Now watch and see what I am gqlng to do next,? said hte Tinke; going to .do next** mid yie Tlnkei nu>re war in Bind-Bang Land thi; year, peace treaties or no peace 'lia went to hla cupboard am! brought out a blk ball of atroni tftin* and wrapped each box aemtml and around, tying the string in Itard knots. .“Jf I had thought about doinr a message I J And he picked up the damaged airplanes, the submarine, the tank and the war balloon. The Tinker Man hammered and tapped and soldered and screwed until they. were fixed, too. These also he put in big boxelT "If you don’t need us any more I think we'll be going," usld the Twins. “We must take a mesi to the Fairy ; •All right, Tinker Man. “And I can’t thank you enough for your help, my regards to her Royal Highness please.” The Twins promised and left Bing-Bang Land at once In their niugic shoes. If any little boy gets a box of tin soldiers or, wooden next Christmas, he mui nmlric them too closely. Very’ likely they have been through th» war. (To be Continued) ] 1 6DE5S A LITTLE BITE WON’T HURT MB EITHER.-AT LEAST THIS CHOCOLATE CAKE LOOKS WORTHY OF TAKING A CHANCE - r HELEN, WHAT WERE y<*l> JUST; LAUGHING AT 9 J 1 i u «7 RtAD - J HERE IN THE PAPER WHERE A WOMAN DIDN'T KISS HER HUSBAND FOR TEN TEARS SALESMAN SAM By Swan ! ! : —■ to TAXI SERVICE Day and Night GEORGIAN BAGGAGE Phone TRANSFER CO. Phorie CC Office Geovz