The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 17, 1923, Image 8
THURSDAY, WAV W, Kuarpnt* Stomach Tablet* • ellfve after dinner MVteetlon or ij A/OTtS\ sqn’s most popular fox-trot buds for which Mr. Gorman selected the' entire Spring outfit, has many ad vanced gowns. | “At her coming out party," ex plains Mr. Gorman, “she wore a chorus of clarinet trills and runs, but made her biggest hit with her, startling and becoming saxaphone. and piano obligato.. The stop chorus of two cornets and a saxa phone featuring her melody Is one colorful creation which aroused much carjotta i IflHBfcT'ntiw the llano balls A phonographic record success is made by the number of styles a debutante theme may wear becom ingly. So says Ross Gorman, director of the Virginians, an orchestra which has had numbers played in many Tennis Rackets : ,$2.75 to 110.00 ALMOST In London they were discussing advertising. "Great stuff, these electric signs on -Broadway," said the Ynnkee. "They’vo got one ad vertising Wrlgloy's gum, runs a whole block, 250,000 electric bulbs." "■How many?'! cried the astlon- faked' Londoner: , 1 “Tw* hundred nnd fifty thous and,•' answered the Yankee. Tho Londoner oUesrvcd, “But I •ay. Old chnp. Isn't that a bit con- aplcuous^’’“The Knn-SUn. '. f 5 ‘ Union Hardware Skates, ■ .$2.80 Fairy Velocipedes *9.00 to $17.00 WHY NOT DIVIDE MY INSURANCE WITH Skate Mobllos .. ■ ,**.75 to $7.75 Egg Plants, Boll Peppors, Ice berg I-ottuce, Celery, Saratoga Chips. .Made dally. Arnold-Abney & Co. JESTER Complete Insurance Protection. J mobile Tire Pumpa Repaired. juumjmin will unv uuwu iu w w#* jnnws.oi rjmuuv*» am* Icth'orpe nml visit th- ultp of thctahli 4raa thoUtiMBplace o£.OOe oi original Lumpkin home, at tho fool-the families of Georgia so prolofl- WPBtoi Mountain, Nothing 1 j la Ji|/great ATHENS CYCLE Friday—The Sale Will Continue Until We SM&ve Clayton Street ATHENS, GEORGIA 'ilddYc' k(/v » . ' ' U e. • | t t f - Starting Friday, 9|a. m. May 18 f We are soon to move into our new store at 128 College Avenu e, and. in order to reduce our stock as much as posable by the - ] jj I . date that our new quarters will be ready we aiie going to give our patrons and the public the benefit of some of the lowest prices /f ■, I at which high grade shoes have ever been sold in Athens or thi s section of the country, t u : ■ ■ -j*r $30,000 Stock of Shoes at Great Price Reductions Our entire stock—every shoe one of quality, style and merit, will he offered at greatly reduced prices. Not certain styles, sizes and lots, but every shoe in the house has been reduced in price as low as we can possibly sell it, and we invite you to come here and make your purchase at a price that you will be frank to admit is lower than you expected to pay for shoes of the quality, style and fit that Smith Shoe Company always sell. , JPAGR FIf Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linnell & Company’s Private Wire . fli MEMPHIS. — Night temperature* continue cool, especially in central belt, Arkansan and Oklahoma: light rainfall reported In Raleigh, Charles- .tpn and Jacksonville districts up to apldnlght. V Forecast Thursday: Entire b«*l generally fair with weaten^helt clouding up Friday. : NEW ORLEANS, La.—Liverpool wati due 21 to 27 up by'New Orleans. 24 to 22 higher by* New Yprk. moa* cn nears. SoutlAm spotd Wednesday wefp Unchanged to 50 up; Dallas 5 higher,< middling t,hero 25.25; sales at Dallas 300; all told 4,679 bales va. 3,11$ Tuesday. Stock oh ehiplioaM at Oajvoston Tuesday wag 14.000 against 31,0W la»t year: at New Orleans 11.000 vs 23, ooo.; Spinners takings for week Friday Will run against 212.000 last year and 300,000 in 1920, were 172,000 last week. Likely to be bearish. . .Weather and cables likely to dom-| ipate market Thursday. Traders an*j ttelpate low crop condition repyris and *nay support mnrket in event «*f It being sold on better weather. He-1 cause of recent bad weather m alt- ] In unfovorable crop accounts from g|| sections except Texas where hot ter progress Is noted sentiment ap parently Is now more bullish than otherwise, but Texas. It must be re membered. has about' ono third of the entire acreage of the cotton region. Advices from Fall River and New Bedford are to the effqpt that mills lire receiving' orders’ for Urge rjuan* titles of cotton gonfty and my south ern. spinners are booking good busi* nese gt a shade.under New England . Clarkesdale, Mies.:, Just; fece^ed Jtiri from Mr, Castles. sa|| gett^i^ ba<L reports on* crop buf personally hM| no internet In market and Ik framing New York for a rest —H and B. BK10R. MARKETS KLIIII6 NAMED EDITOI) Athens Visi NEW YORK COTTON j Open High Low Close P.C. I May .. .. 26.20 26.75 25.86 26.56 26.26 ily .. .. 25.05 25.56 24.85 25.31 25.22 et 23.15 23.48 22.89 23.24 2J.30 ec. .. .. 22.68 23.05 22.55 22.86 22.90 J 11 A. M. Hlds: Mav 26.05: July | I5;i2; October 23.15: December 22. Earle Watson Re-Named Business Manager; Otn- er Staff Members Are Also Announced. May July Oct, Dec. , 11 I5;*7; NEW ORLEANS COTTON Open High Low Clot^^.ft .. .. 26.13 26.39 25.80 26.14 2Mf .. .. 25.20 25.73 24.96 25.^«.3S' .. .. 22.56 22.90 22.59 22.«j,# l 2.74 .. .. 22.20 22.55 22.08 22.32 t*.38 A. M. Hlds: May 25.97; Octoiler 22.60; December 2 LIBERTY BONDS J Open First 3 1 -2s 100.28 First 4 l-4s * Second 4 l-4s 97.14 Third 4 1-4s 98.7 Fourth 4 1 -4s 97.20 | Victory 4 3-4s .. 100.2 CHICAGO GRAIN Open P. C. WHEAT— Sept. 116 115% May 120 *20% ( July 117*4 117 W CORN— Sept.-.. 80*/* 80% Miiy: 81*4 81% JuJjT-v 81*4 81% / OXTS— JMl 41% 4U4 May<) 43% 43% July:, 43*4 Read Herald Want Ads. - NEW YORK tTOOKS Open 1 p.m. Oja j Cola 75 76% Cfiban Cane Sugar Cuban Cane pfd. 52% .... Austin Nichols .. 25% 26 V. S. Stcet 97% S 97% Southern Ry 32 .... Pan American .. 70% 70% Konnlcot^ Copper 36% . 36% Industrial Alcohol N.. Y. Central ... 94% J. W. Kling. of Atlanta, was last night elected editor of the" Georgia Cracker for the ennulng term. Mr. KJipg. who im .a Junior in the ^dhool* of Liberal Arts, has evinced great interest In literary affairs around the Uni varsity and was the winner nl the tracker’s recent poetry contest. Earle E. Watson, who has pilot ed th,e Cracker's business affairs for the past year, was re-elected business manager. Mr. Watson, lie- sides pursuing successfully his journalistic r.nd graduate work, has proved himself no ordinary financier. Brown Whatley, whose facile brush has executed several excel lent covers for the Cracker In the past few months, was elected Art Editor, to succeed Harold Shef field, another promising artist, who unfortunately will Klot return to the University next jrear. Miss Esther Bush and Lester Hargrett were promoted from the Junior to the Senior Staff. Both of these members have shown gen uine ability in wielding the pen. Tho following were also elected to tho Senior Stpff: Charles IL An- cloraon, Harvoy M. Cleckley. Clif ford E. Farrar, Hampton Jarrell, and J. K. McNeil. G. P. Holland Joins Harrell Drowry In composing the person nel of the Junior Staff. The retiring members of tho staff are Edwin M. Everett, James K. Mooney, Arthur Lewis, Harold Sheffield, nnd .Miss Nell Upshaw. Tho old members of the staff who will return next year are Irvin P. Myerson and T. E. Mer ritt. Mr. Alza Thornton Died Here Thursday Mr. Alza Thornton, aged 18, died j Amonc those visiting In Athene at a local hospital Thursday at j'rh UrH< i a y were George L. Starks 12 o’clock noon, with typhoid fever., j{ 0gt on; D. M. Clark, Atlanta; Funeral services will be conduct- | Spenoer Turnwell, Jr.. Atlanta: A ed at Stone's burial ground Fri-i A >inier, Atlanta; Wj H. Bryant, day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Jtev. i At j anta< George Stone and Rev. A. L. Flury , ' L , "I" '■“'V// ,h '', ^■rvice,. Inter- A A , o| Atlanta: J. W ment will be under the oirecllon ■ |!yrJ „ nnta . y ; u BrookinK. Phll- r uster Designs Chic Tune Trousseaux olelphia; C. L. La very, Chicago; I P. Collins, Philadelphia; 1 riff In, Bainbridge, Ga. f Dorseys, funeral directors. Mr. Thcirnton was a member of the Methodist church. He was a son of Mrs. H. E. Brad berry, 127 Miles street, by a former marriage. m. Atkins, Philadelphia; J. B. He is survived by four brothers, r.eall. Atlanta; Allen W. Jones E- Parvin. Tennille and Oil- Augusta: Miss E. «L lard Tiioralon. and a sister, Mlssl.r. B. -ThompshfijL... Josie Thornton, and bi$'mother, j Waddell, Atlanta; J.’¥. Kerr, Xjhaf- >ga. * €P > WHEELER DIES MACON—Major Polhlll Wheetor | Leonard McC6nnelf. Gainesville, r several years prominent military |Ga.: E. C. Monaghan, Grand Rapid* leader in state circles, and wl ' n " K ' “ «■*»•«« «. t eteran of the Mexican Bordei trouble and the World War died ui the Oglethorpe infirmany Thursday after an illness of a weak. FUNERAL NOTICES THORNTON—The friends and acquaintances of Mr. Alza Thorn ton. aged 18. who died at 12 o’cloc k Thursday are invited to the funeral services which will be conducted at Stone Burial Ground In Madison county, Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Rev. A. L. Flury and Rev.» George Stone will conduct tho! services. Interment will- be In tho, Stone huriail grounds with Dor- j ueys, .funeral directors, to charge, i Mich; Hugh S. Magill, Chicago; D. Greene, Atlanta; W. R. Matton. Washington. D. C.; W. K. Dunkln, Macon; W. J. O'Neil, Athens/Ohio. for .Women \ Benedicta.Tablets Regulator 501 ?53 Pil&sl ° U ’«Z Vital 1 English Peas, Spinach, Turnip .Salad, Spring Onlon^y | Xfw Potatoea. 2 lbs tor Yam Potatoea, 25c the peck. Arnold-Abney & Co. Dixie Bojr Flay- Suit, ''' —$i50 to *3.75 R.OSS GORMAN 18 YEAR GOITRE Ramovad Three Years Ago. H*. Bothered Sinoa. Extrema N,rv? outness and Choking Reli.v,d A Ljniment Used. NOTE: It would be Illegal i publish these statements it true. Mrs. Y. R. West, Oakland. Im nols, says. “You should have *« my neck before relieved,'* si ^ vltee anyone to write her. will tell how she removed BO im therefiy regaining her health *| ( Sorbol-Quadruple, vi Stainless' information nt: CI1 drug stores „,. r Sorbol ConAam Ohio.—Advi-pl, ha ! T MgB^iniUY'WITHOUT PEA) 1 - L Eat Bread'for. your health. Om extra slice three times a day will build strong, sturdy bodies, and save money. QaUlty Bread, 3 loaves for 25c. Arnold-Abney & Co. 15c to *1.75 Mathlng Suita ....*2.50 to *3.50 Hath lug Suit, *2.50 to *3.80 Ross , Gorman Explains j Intricacies of Dressing Melodic Themes Thornton’s FRIDAY Dinner 50c Vegetable Soup i Baked Fresh Trim Tomato Sauco Boiled Now Irish Potatoe, Black Eyed Peas Cold Slav Fruit Pudding Muffins and Illscilu Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents i Supper 50c j Chicken Hash dir Toast . 1 ' Oreen Peis Cream Mashed Potatoes Macaroni and Chees, Vegetable Salad strawberries and Cream Hot Blacuits Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents Smalt Yellow 8puash,3 lbs for 26c. ; Extra good Siring Beans, id the quart. Oreen Cabbage, 6e tho pound. Arnold-Abney & Cq.