The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 20, 1923, Image 2

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THB BANNER-HERALD, ATHENB, GEORGIA Classified Advertisements 2 Cents a Won! '? Minimum Charge of 40 Cent* Jgsgrtlons. Sfcven tlma* tor th* uric® of five Insertion®. J*YnT 'discontinuance* MUST b® •v-mpd* In person at Th® S®n- .•■ner-Herald Office or by letter. ^Telephone dloeohtlnuancaa ar* NOT valid. .WANT AD 7C f 9 pnoNE * 9 K BANNER.HERALD WANT AD* OET RESULT* f The Weather HJeorRlar Showers and probable finnder^ jitarins. Sunday and Mon- L Lost And Found — ONE FKMATJ5 POINTER, prime with liver spots. Reward too. Joe Downs with the Corbitt Kelt Co. *n22c mT—ONE I Sir, BAY MAKE WITH |pro white feet. Friday night, mdrr please notify. Banner-Herald H«oi J. Boley. m20p P C— ON* -ROAD BETWEEN Madl- i anil Athens Saturday 1*- m.. a le containing, auto tent. Finder he rewarded : hy leaving same IP C. IX/Camt/bell. 148 Mllledge Wtraco or^phsirtb' \o, - 18J5. m21j) gj WANTED—HELP ■MCIUIRH WANTED — 9900-9.2250 4tteloJfc4»L Language, Arithmetic) BfrCJBWC Hlah Sehool®, Junior IwegAr^ltfdughout South. No nd- iMce f®e. Foster's Teachers’ BO- pu. Atlanta. GA. m20ji VANTED—Boy about 14 ryrars*old to- deliver pa- m?' Apply Banner-Her- i Office. WANTED — MANDOLIN, GUITAR and Ukelele pupils wunted. Mlsi Ilnldee Martin will i.pen n ntiidro in Athens about June 4th.and will teach tundolln, Hawaiian Guitar, Plain Guitar, Tenor Banjo and Ukelele. For further Inlormatlon. address J. U is Music Shop. Bumpkin Street. Jlc kNTBD — SIDELINE SALESMEN o sell steel wait® pai»cr # baling •sscs and steel waste receptacles city street corners, parka, factor- stores, schools and office service, era! commission. Write J. Kirk veil Co.. J»il Atlanta Trust Bldg., ante, Ga. raSUp WANTED — FEW BOARDERS IN private family. Rooms cool and clean, good table. 925 per month. 464 East: Dougherty. m21p RE SILK HOSIERY MILLS, Inc., re a real pronosltion for peoplo want to 1*0 Independent and ke more ‘ tnomy than the average*; ►nU tor *'Community Brand” h«s- f wanted In nil countlc®. For do- la write,' C. E. Lumpkin. District nogcr, 1417 Healey Bldg.. Atlanta. n>20p WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER having garage or hardware for sale. John J. Black, Cliliqiewn Fall!:, Wis consin. m2'):. ,ESMEN 1130.00 MONTH AND penscs selling cigars. Experience necessary. 8end self-nddressed riped envelope for Information. Iona! qgar Co.,. High Tolnt, N. O. ra20p For Rcni REAI, ESTATE LOANS — c PEP Money. Bankers Reserve Cys tern 0 per cent Ioann are made < n city or farm property to buy. build improve, or pay Indebtedness. Bank- For Rent—Rooms FOR RENT—SIX ROOM apartment second floor. Outside entrance. Recent repairs. Phone 370. m20c FOR tlK.N'T—L’PRTAmn aiuytmoiil. small or large, resaouahle rent. All conveniences. 833 Prince Ave., W. II. Benson. . m2tn !N. WOMEN, HALAHY *75 FULL no, 91.30 an hour spare time, sell- the genuine guaranteed hosiery bet to wearer, beautiful line. In- tlonol Mills, Norristown, Ps. vn50p 3B i. II. WATSON COMPANY rl 11 employ n lady or gentleman mt In Athena Watkins Products known everywhere and our iplo make big Incomes. Inves tte this opportunity. Full portion s and available samples sent t< lers who mean bualnesa. Write f. The J. R. Watkins Company, . It, ’Memphis. Tenn. * m!9p J* MONEY AT HOME DURING ire time painting lamp shades w tops for us. No canvassing. * and Interesting work. Expert- unnecessary. Nllcarl Company, FMrt Wayne. Indiana. m20p FOR PART-OF YOUIl SPARE me an4x»mpletc. course In beauty nrV frfci * WrRe for full pa.tleo La Btrmlhel System. lia. . ; r LANER MAN TO RUN mall 4-^1 de ’ planer. Bee Klein ft rtln C<v r * ! m20c : RAILROAD SCHEDULES •CABOARD AIR 'LINK . RY. md , Southbound Atlanta-Monroe local 9:11 p P AtL-B(rmtnghani-Mem. 3:29 p p Norfolk-Rich.-N. Y. 3:2* p Atl.-Abbeville local 7:3* a All.-Birmingham 6:29 A Norfolk -Washington 9:29 a Wilmington-N. Y. 9:29 BEORBIA RAILROAD Depart 9:29 am 3:29 pm 10 CENTRAL CP GEORGIA RV, •w. O. Bolton, Agent, Phone 19*1 Central of Georgia Button . Depart for Macon 7:26 a. m. 4:49 mb. . Arrive from Maoon 11:11 a> s®. 9:30 p.m. Tor further Information pbone J. T. Druce, a JL, i •AINCSVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Schedules *v® Atnsn* A. M.* *5:20 P. M. A. M.M ••19:10 A. M. Daily. •• Pally Except Sunday. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Sunday, ApHI 29. 1923. f, leaves Athens 7:45 a, m# ar- 9-20 a. m. 8 leave® Athens 4:15*. T.ula 3:45 p. m. » ves Lula 4:65 p. m, arrives 0 p. m. lives Luis 19:19 a. m.. ar Athens 11:43 a. in. MILLER, C. A.. Athens, Oa- TeUphons 9L - - BOYS WANTED—WE WANT Srtiool boys to earn summer spending money securing subscriptions to OtiT- DOORS—HOUTH. the new handsome magazine of sports In which every father, uncle, son—every man and boy—Is Interested. Subscription prlc^ of only 12.00 per year makes It easy. You get 91.00 for every subscription Magazines published monthly: man) pictures; edited by O. B. Keeler with sporting writers in every city assist ing. Write quick. Homer <!. George Publishing Co., 1034 Ivy St.. Atlanta. Ga. m2 Op FOR SALE-*-Boston Bull Terrier pup pies. Hire. Billy XL. 13am, Hugar Aoss. * Gs.. tdlewood Billy Haffl**, Massaoft Little Boy. OD.. Prtnceaai Pat. XXIV. Massasolt Queen* Phono 354-J. WANTED—COMPETENT C<»oK for small family. Must be experienced and able to* give references. Apply Banner-Herald or phono 1I65-J. ni21p ’rawford. Swift Bldg. r»20«- >LORED MEN WANTED to qualify for sleeping car and train iM>rt*»rr. Experience unnecessary. Transporta- fui-nlshed. Write T. McCaffrey, Supt., St. Louis. ni20p FOR SALE—EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure Black Minorca pens. 91.00 for fifteen. Phone 1IC5-J. m21p FOR 8ALI OR RKNT—FIVE ROOM house, large hit. Immediate poir session. 15 G. Fambrotigli. phone 514. mlOc FOR SAL!* — MAHOGANY DINING room tab e, nix chair® and serving Sable. ITU v very reasonable. I’hgne 882-W. m20p Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linnell & Company’s Private Wire t An invitation reception will be (tendered the grada&iifigiclnss on the High School campus Wednes day evening. Toe Jiigu aepou. rolled' more than 600 students thin year and prospects for an even • larger ehrollmetot next year are bttoi shipboard .37.000 WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED Ford cars that are especially good values: Speedster, with starter, near ly new Ford UoUPe, rebuilt ton truck and 1921 touting, rtarter. The prices of the®e cars will Interest you. C. A. Trussed Motor Co., Ford, l’ordson and I Lincoln. m21c J 000. Journal of Uommcrce says: Spot reporti were good. Spinners were buying July. Japanese and New Or leans Inteiest bought varioup mouths. Later the complexion of the market changed, buying died down. Bhme wdtf known memlieh of the trade are. vet^- bullish on cotton. They think that the atmn? statistic® are bound to tell and tint general trade will soon come out of the doldrums. lBs. ! PROGRAM I ANNOUNCED NEW BUNGALOW. | t „ u i,,l, >rs. IjoI 34x130 feet; persistent who advk iy Trust Corp. Terms. | un ,| Atlanti(*n of tl m2*c i Wanted WANTED—SECOND HAND Inatan- leoua gas water heater. Albert E. Davison. m20<: FOR RENT—One apartment In di- Hiral>el location. 347 Mllledge Ave hone 1346. % * m23e Personal WEALTHY. PRETTY FOR RENT — HOUSE, CORNER! Meigs and Church Streets. A. II. J Davison. tn20c I FOR RENT—JUNE 1ST 4 furttlMhed >ms add hoard, 3 blocks from poatofflcs, 197 W. Hancock Avenue. Phone 1339. ^ n»22c FOR RENT-SIX «. ROOM HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished, with tw«i bath rooms. Ilonse cm Cobb Street. Call 1497-J. n»22c FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED roomn and kitchenette. AU conveti lence®. On car liny, close In. Very desirable. Addrcnn a.. Box 236. m2Co FOR RENT—NEW COTTAGE, three rooms and bath, all convenience*. On car lln* near Agr. College. Cou ple without children preferred. Ad dress Cottage. Bog 43C. mlh FOR RENT—« ROOM HOUSE. TWO bathe, furnished. Phone 1B49-W or apply 840 West Hancock Ave. m2!|i FOR RENT—8 ROOM HOUSE, TWO baths, fuuilahed. Possession July 1st. Phone 16I*-W or Apply 9*0 Wen Hancock Avenue. / f.v ,m21p FOR RENT—JUNE THE 1ST. MT garage apartment; two rooms, en closed porch, kitchenette. wlth v gas Move, hot and cold water; one bed. fumlsheA . Water and ItgUts free Phone 770,-M. M. Arnold. 1192 Mil ledge Avenue. >. fn2D FOR RENT—5 ROOM APARTMENT with garage. June 1st. Dov 1049. • m20: FOR RENT—ROOM ANT> HOARD. Nicely furnished rooms, with oi without- meals. Hot and cold water, tub and shower baths at all time.:. Rales reasonable. 134 ,We« 'Dough erty Kt. m2oc FOR SALE Hltlt At LAST A 'BILLY" SUNDAY Book—The first and only one at Its kind—full of "pep” from cover to cover—richly illustrated. A golden opportunity for agents. If you- are a live-wire and want to act as ous agent—send 910* for sample copy and instructions. The Prudential Publishing Co.. Knoxville. Tenn. m33c. FOR SALE—ONE BUSHEL CANE Seed. Apply Banner-Herald Office. OhW. m2*3 Thu executive hoard of tbo League of Women Vetera met T*jesc?iy afternoon at thn Y. W. A. Huh roonn. An intureatlng report from committees, an opt- Hno of future plana wan r^lveiL fol lowed by a brilliant addreiNsby Miss MHdret; Moil on the National onvc.ntion at Den Moines. Six initiate:! to "Phi Mu,” and bpnorarv economic society r Cn-Fdn at tho TTnlversity of Georgia, worn taken into the club Frldry. Misses Molly Whitehead, Omth Babcock,' Fnnih Weems, Illllda Calloway, Flossy Houston and Besslo parr are tho new mem bers. AI lot these young ladies are doing excellent work at tho Uni- sltv and their initiation Into this society is merely another tes timony of their popularity. NEW ORLEANS. La.—Liverpool holiday Saturday, also Monday 21st, nnd again Friday 23tb. white Sunday holidays. Southern spotr. wero unchanged to G up; ' Dalian unchanged, middling 23.50; nale:; at Dallas 504; all .367 bales vs. 2.434 Thursday. a from Alabama of there being a do- idcdly better demand for ®|>ota but | holders refuse to aell at prevailing AND j nr | cer , Hr , atoekn are very small ami price; j tbey are confident of higher prices. Many Interesting ami important development- ahead such an Germany’® final rcpnratli offer, first monthly crop condlt report® t,t season, final bqitidatlcn May In which trading will cease 24th Instant, and weather. While sentiment remain*! divided I bov it np|>eart: more bullirb than other wise owing to uji rut If factory weather and unfavorable crot> u-counta ex cept from Texan where new crop *eenin to bt, making better headway than In other recjlon®-of the belt.— H. and R. BEER. The graduation program "fol lows: Music—High School Band. Invocation—Dr. S. E. Watson. Oration—John Linton Green. Chorur*—Senior Girls. Reading—Miss Callle McWhirtcr f’larlnet Solo—£harles E. Mor ris. Address—Hon. Geo. C. Thoma3. chorus—Senior Girls. Delivery of Diplomas—Dr. John D. Moll. A. H. S. by the audience. Cr< Relief Work Begun l or Survivors of . School House Fire (Continued From Page One) death t’ap by'the flames but had in some manner cs< ar :d am when t’*o nrayer was sa‘d. their’.: were the most heartfelt of all. M«.ny cl r c survivors were unable io at next week, j tj lo services due to f»» jirie.- and the shock of having tf itanii helpless and sec their loved ones ATHENS.COTTON The local cotton market again stayed at the same level a® the day before, closing at the previour c/.ose of 2554 cents. NEW YORK COTTON . open High 1^.- flose P.C .. .. 26.K5 26.93. 24.99 26.93 26.79 .. . 25.35 25.50 25.15 23.43 25.27 .. .. 23.11 21.11 22.SH 23.10 22.97 i the District Coift of the United States for tho Northern District c; Georgia. i re: Biftiberry ft Owen Co., W. L. Bradhorry And W. H. Owens, bank rupt. No. 1163 In Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge having been filed In conformity with law by o-nanicd bankrupt/ and ths Court having ordered that the hoarlng upon said petition bo had gn Juno 23. 1933. fit ton o’clock A. M.. pt the United State.*! District Court mom. In the cf ATLANTA. Georgia, notice |r. botoby g vrn to all creditor® nnd other on® in interoKt to appear at said time end place and chew « nu®c. If any they h«ve. why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge nhould nut lie granted. O. C. FULLER. Clerk. who cHcnrcrt. Pt-lirf fnm ing rrtfcpiJ over tho state, ra *»rc ftour-ng in from ai* •nails of tho pit'on nf aid. b:t or- new Orleans cotton 'bf'M' dcrllitml ly Mnvor Garrison o»».n iffgh low • ».*■#• Y 1 *’ I v.ho I nil:, thr committee in chary' May .. .. 25.91 2C.11 25.77 25,05 26.03 I of th ’ollcf work. Tro'pcpplo fw July .. .. 25.45 25.68 25.52 25.4 , | thnt It bt their own norrow * M Gi t. . .. 23.47 22.62 22.X3 22.53 22.45J f ' u > Wish ta furnish whatfivc * r>ec k .. .. 22 15 22 20 22 00 22 18 22.09 I n,r ” thomsolves that is -noodcf* II A. M. BM>: Miv 20.30; j„i; Ut> <nro for tiioso who wore In.'urr S6.00; Octobci 23.70; Dorcmh.r 2J.33.4*"’' ^ 'nakn orranufunriilo fai th »v f» ’lcnahnn. , LIOBRTV BONOS I ,s ,, j’ ’ Itrn in tlio traitlc story n* t’nj First«1.2. i i ' vo r , ‘ -yp «»• ev , en ; h ' / . tm ”’'rt of rolirf work fs not goi.:'; 1,11,1 ' l ’ 1 " **“ lln . «nnn from tlinr. ........ rs-«r... ill. Dixie Iloy t'!ay Suits -42J0 to $3.76 Visebslts 16c te $1.76 Uathlne Holts $2.50 to $6.80 Bathing (apa .............75c Tennis Rackets . .$2.76 to $10.00 Union U .niwsro Skates.. .$2.80 i'atry Veloelpodes $0.00 to $17.00 Slmtn Mobiles ... .$0.76 te 17.76 rvinl Skips .$6.00 to $0.50 Olcycl*. Motorcycle and Auto- mobile Tire Pumps Repaired. ATHENS CYCLE CO. BETTER SHOE REPAIRINQ HOFMEISTER SHOE SHOP I-I,nil" Your Ordedr We Cell For '*Ml_.D*tiyer. E. KAV * "THE SMILING PAINTER" Fine Painting end Interior Oeeoretlng Phone 1297, Athens, G*. SUMMER TERM Beginners and Advanced date. AUSTIN J. WIGHT Kmlneet VJoRn, Teacher. 755 LunuAdn St. Athens, Ga. Phone I9I‘W. FOR SALE— FIN'R'ilOMK ON Hen- d.rean Aye.. ( Iml nernie. utetplng Perrh. Bteem beet, two I HUM. doubly **ro*«, with aerveni quarter, ekov. Arrtr# Let** lot. Eeccllcnt ttrm Ouerenty OYaet Outgo Phono tit. mite FOR SALE-PURE PORTO RICAN Potato Plante. tm anil treated. Nhw lei*. pUnte. Cof.r Bred Plwi. Phon, 2«r. m2Ir FT>n SALE — MAN'S, WARDROBE trunk, brand now; eqdt »W.' ,trm eell for J30. W. L. Cole, phono 12*1. mllp TRANSPLANTED TOMATO Flame.. t very beet varieties. Phone CSJ, I 130 King Avenue. ' mi'Op I W. L COXE Transfer Co. Long Trips OaF Specialty. Cheapest Truck In Town. 600 Thomas St Phone 1351 MARKETS riran'ial al dbo 22.63 22.74 22.50 22.70 22.51 j/n the most horrible of all d^athr. almost every borne in tin ;nnmir‘ty tho angel oi death bad (1 clone, and in u reral there » nign of movoment, for the entire little family, father, mother ami tw«» or three hiidren lion’ all met tlmir death in tho building which fa now only a mans of blazoned delirln and gray anhe® Ami tho ashen .are no grayer, nor th** fYhris more black than the pali of thn great Borrow which hangr over the community. The toll of tho flainon ban jjef- Inltoly horn fixed' at aovonty-fiv* mm, women and little* children Tin* bint death wan thrt of Toni Humpliriee, of Camden, who died (n a total hospital early Saturday morning. rf ruor .MpLeod. Sato .day, ia . nroclom-tim to t. •> »peopt* with >lii” lb* rxtruded Iho nuf- *4ocf nd 4 1-4® . Thin! 4 1-4® .. Victory 4 3-4® •rt. .. . May .. .. May .. .. 'OILN- Sepl May .. .. July ««ATS— tept. .. . May .. .. 97..”. 97.84 170.1)0 |»n rre'T from thoro mcmorleo Jh« l ^rlllo pr'-no or ahtif out from • **«•« ri-r tho nJt'ciiM crlon of th*’ *'‘’*rrs who—were burned to death for ninny n lo*»e. dreary day or • -r. A n*I Itf those memorira the ■ '»« ~ b-~ n-^e? h»or*v-nOll | f ~’ bow, will forever remain ms the 114H 1H lU'A- J li?% 117% Via — *i° “Hammer” Slayer 40% 42% 42% 78% 78% 42 •NEW YORK STOCKS Open Clono P. C Coca Cola 74 Cuban Chne Huger 14'4 Cuban Cane pfd. P .. 62% 53 Aurtln Nlcholn . 24 .... 25 U. B. Steel 97 . ... Jouthern By.’ .... 31% 31% 32 Sou. y. ufd .... 6*5 63»i Pan American .... 70% 70M Krnnlcott Copper 36% . . Industrial Alcohol .... 65% N. Y. Central 93% ... Amp. Tel. Tel. .. 122 122 122 Lows’* Inc. 16% 16% »16H U. 8. Bugar 72% ... # ATHCNS CURB MARKC7 BULLETIN iUetr., 6' bunch. Bi'ttev 33c, 4(k pound, * Cabbsgo. 5c. U»c. 15c a head. Cunt*, Rc bunch. ijiiekcns. Frier®, 40c pound; liona 20-! iH/und; Rooster®, 12c pound. Eggs. Rvlecird, 30c dozen. Egg®, 25c dozen. Turnip Salad. 10c gallon. flam, home cured, 25c Kale. 10c gallon. Lard, homo made, 20c pound. Lettuce. 3c head. a sal (Corn). 2 l-2c pound. filcns. Be and 15c bunch. Parsley. 5c bunch. Peas, EncKrh. 23c "gallon. Pea*, field. 4i pound. Potatoes. Jrb\ 5c pound. Sorghum Syrup, 59c gallon. Spinach. J0r bunch. Strawberries, l^c to 13c. Turnip*, bunche®, 5c to 10c. Guineas. «*c each. 1 Home mad** cake. 91.50 each. Pure Bred Egtfe 91.00 Betting. High SchooMVill Graduate Largest Class In History (Continued From Pag# On*) Breaks Down When Sheriff ArriViv (Continued From Pago Ono) Thompson, Walter Warren, Amelia Fllte. May Frnpieon, Oladye Mapr and Vela Simms. Tho lower claee. mrn malnutnlns n porfoct attend, aqcc record for tho laat year w~" | ho ^ven a hollilnv next Tueeday diapatch ie that the „-o,tmmci.i (The etudente making honore will troope, which are besieging tho bo announced graduation night. Thn remncnc«*nirt oxrrct*cg gill begin Friday afternoon. May 25, with n demcnatntlon hr the mill, tore cT nartmept and nxhiWtlon nf work done by thn homo economic and manual training departments. t inrricd to prevent her attemptim MUidde. IUmcuIIuz want® to take her awn) at once. Rverjr t,1,n K if ready for the .return Journoy on which the greatest precaution* will be taken Mr*. Phillip® bn® escaiwd ao of(cn that the mo*t extraordinary meas ure® for cnaurlng that «he doe® not get away have been taken American Minister, Morale® wil rnnnult with the president of Honduran about having Clara turned over to the Amsrirnn auth orities pending the arrival of ex- traditnin paper®. Etta May Weaver, known a!s* - Mr®. Youns, J* not wanted In Loa Angeles. Clara'® male companion,* blcntl- fed a® Carson. I® Wanted, but In dictment by a grand Jury ha* not bom completed. Bandits Take More Captives; Victims Fearing For Lives (ContiniMd from peg, on,) captivea held by the Suchow ban dit*. Oovemor Tien Cnuny Von of .Shantung province hhe^ent a mex- .rengei to the hills with army com- miesiepe for baidit chief* an agreement to incorporate the en tire. bandit force in the Shantung WASHINGTON—A* a result of this, foreign diplomatic representa tives In Peking have decided to nuke new and stronger represen tations to the Chinese ovemment for the release of foreignre* still being held dptivc. In efforts to placate the bandits, Peking offi cials arc said to have granted the demand that bandit leaders be givcii army commissions and have agreed to grach niy witlMraw the (room now stationed aronhd the bandit-stricken territory. Pj.AV TO KILL CAPTIVES UWDOw—Marcel Barube, re cently released by the Suchow t(ain bandits on -nrole. is now journey ing back to Pekbig to present an ultimatum to the Chinese govern ment on behalf of the bandits, says a Reuters dispatch from Tsaoch- wang. . The ultimatum, according to the ban.fits, must be withdrawn by next Tuesday, In the event that this de mand is not recognised, two ot the Anglo-American eaptives will be killed. Should the demand still J-o disregarded, two more will be kill ed, and so on until the denials .ire ANNUAL MEETING The SeYettty-Ffftli Annual Meet- fag of the policy-holders of the Southern Mutuil Insurance Co. will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 1923, at 11 A. M.. ia tm offic# of the company in Athens, Ga. A. E. GRIFFITH, Secretary. NAB MOTORISTS SUNDAY.- MAY 20. 1923. leanness concerning .HghHSg' ; Nine motorists were held up la »«emenU.. M ed.on-Athen, motor Athens* Friday night for violating j the reir and bright laws, and two ! for speeding. Three negroes were j arrested for gambling, 3 for drunk enness an<» two for disorderly con- ruct. The docket show® clearly that 1 there is yet a great deal of care. Read ' Banner-Herald Want Adsv>.' . Every Sale at a Less Price ; PICK 'EM OUT BRING SOME ONE TO HEJ.P YOU JUDGE f , Men’s, Ladies’, Boys’, Girls’, Misses’, Babies’ ' §HO ES ' .YOU SAVE $1 TO $4 ON EVERY PAIR—NOT FIVE CENT# j, SATINS, PATENTS, KIDS, CALFSKIN, BUCKSKIN, CANVAS $1.50, $!.7S, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, \ $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 . BIG PILE CHOICE $£•50 .Every Kind Men’s English Styles c Oxfords, Bluchers, Bals and Shoes $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 Men’s New Golf Oxfords $5.50 Misses’, Children’s Straps, Oxfords and Shoes 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 ' Yo* Come—and Bring; Someone Withjfou. Ladies’ Silk Hose, Any Color, Boys’ Basketball Shoes, Choice $1.00 M 2 to 6 .. $1.25 Ladles’ Houbs Slippers, •' For eVery Cook .. .. $1.25 ^ Shoe Stringa and Oxford . jp **' Laces, Pair.. .. ., .. .. NO HIGH PRICES AT THIS STORE. BE SURE TO FIND THE RIGHT STORE. WU Ladies’ Tennis Oxfords, Choice .’95c Ladies’ Felt Slippers, Choice .. 75c LOOK FOR Paul HadawayShoefa 233 Broad Street Athens; Ga. A GOOD BATTERY BOR YOUR CAR *io«; We Guarantee Service and the Reputation of the Battery Justifies Ub. ATOENS ENGINEERING COMPANY Phone 711 / Our Prest-O-Lite Battery Station Is At 1E0 E. Washington Street , f ^ : ‘)■ . Across Street from Ladies’ Rest. Room Drive in or Phone 687 um*i vd<u *198 Tho graiinatlon cxerdsos will bo cith.r mot or the prisoners all. bold In the University Octagon, killed. - 1