Newspaper Page Text
MONEY - 'M.f
Cut out till* Blip, enclose wJth 5c
and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835
Sheffield, Ave., Chicago. Ill. writing
your name and address clearly. You
will receive in return a trial pack
ag* containing Foley*® Honey and
Tar Compound for cough® cold® and
croup; Foley Kldnej' PHI® for palnr
to aide® and back; rheumatism,
backache, kidney and bladder ail
ment®; and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets, a wholesome and thoroughly
Cleansing cathartic for constipation
biliousness, headache®, and sluggish
excess acids, sour stomach,
heart-burn, intestinal indiges
tion, irritated stomach or colon-
nervousness, ' toxic condition,
dizziness and despondency de
veloping lrom
Take King’s Nu-Trestment, the
new, scientific prescription
which IS sold unuer absolute
guarantee of immediate and
permanent relief or money re
Get a bottle today. Take one-
haU of it- If you are not lOQ'/o
■atiatieu witn results return it
and we will refund your money
cheerfully. Why suffer the
agony ol Indigestion and its at
tendant terrors when you are
ottered freedom from its tor
tures. Take Nu-Trcatment un
der our iron clad guarantee
given above. Eat anything and
everything at you did in child'
hood days.
positively restores NATURES
ACTIVITIES to the entire di
gestive tract.
Get a bottle today—eat what
you like tomorrow.
Main Store
229 Clayton Street
Exclusive Agents in Athtna
12 ounce prescription—92-79
to a great builneu revival . Th-;
) ( n , !V ot ,,nly helped the farmer,
ercises ,ut0 . ,hcm ,he ho <* tu ’
Commencement exercise® for the
Athena High & Industrial School
will begin Monday night In Mor
ton Theatre. r
The program nnnouneod by S. T-
Harris, principal, follow®:
Monday, May 21, 8 p. m. Operetta,
'College Day®" at Morton Tueatre
Thursday, May 24,' 8 p. m. Senior
Qlass Exercises—At the School.
Sunday, May 27, 11 a. m. Bac-
calaureate Sermon—At Hill’® First
Baptist cKutyh, by Rt. Rev. L. G.
Kyle®. D. D., Bishop of the Caro
lina® and Georgia, Winaton-Saleno
N. C.
Monday. May 28, 8 p. m. Indus
trial Commencement Exercises.
Address by Dr. W. E. Wasson
Pastor M. E. Church South, Ath’
ens, George.
.Tuesday, May 29, 1 p. m.—Alum
hi Meeting.
Tuesday. May 29, 5 p. m. Junior
Social to Senior*.
Wednesday, May 30, 11:30 a. m
Graduating Exercise®, Hill's First
Baptist church.
Address by Dr. A. M. Soule, Pre*
Georgia State College of Agrlcul
ture, Athens. Oa.
You are cordially Invited.
8. F. HARRIS, Principal.
determination that characterizes
the town. In my travel® I have
here finer or more prom
ising crops than in the country
trlbntnrv tn r’mim, a_.» ..
Col. Gantt Gives
Comer’s History
(Continued From Page One)
Dinner 50c
VcnUbla Soup
Leg of Veal and DrcsMng
Turnip Salad
Spring Onion,
Candled Yami .
Scalloped Tomatoes
Muffins and Biscuits
Choice of Pisa
Coffee, Tea or Milk
60 Cents
Supper 50c
Pork Sausage and Mashed
Nevy Beans
Fried Com Fritters ,
Boiled Onlone
Hot Biecuite
Cocoenut Pudding
Coffee, Tea <
50 Cents
bton, a splendid citizen and
ressful farmer nnd who operated
a store, moved to Cornea and be
gan business there. This was i
valuable acquisition to Comer and
the place owes much to Pope Ghol
ston. He met with success in a!F
his business ventures and at his
death his sons took up his work
nnd ore today leading citizens nnd
buslnes men. Pope Gholston wa
my good friend.
With this start, new cltlgena be
gan to pour Into Comer nnd among
them some splendid people from
'Oglethorpe. With ouch a citizen
ship the town could but Jralld up
very rapidly. I do not believe there
Is a place In the South the age of
Comer, with 6*ly. an agricultural
tributary country to rely on, thaf
can show such a Jonah gourd-VIm
like growth a* Comer. Every time
I have passed through Comer
saw new evidences of expansion
and Industrial progress. The losi
census gave Comer a population
of 1001 Inhabitants and every per
son 1s a booster for Comer.
Like all, men and llv<
and huatllng town,, when the col-
lapea in pricca and th. boll weevf
cama upon ua Ilka a thunderbolt.
Comer waa hard hits but not mort
to than other plane.
But Ua people know no euch
word. a. fall or five-up, and not
for on. lnatant did th.y Ion faith
In their town and Ita future. In,
•tead of meekly accepting the alt
uation rnd bending before tthi
atorm, the cltlaene and bualfceai
men of the town met organaldt
and went to wprk with bravo hearti
and a determination to win out
And right nobly have they auc-
Loot Tueaday when I vleltef
Comer .very on, I met wu hope
fully enthualaetlo for they had won
th, fight. The town haa an active
Chamber of Commerce, with
m.mberyhlp of ninety and each and
•very member a worker for Comer,
Ita merchant, weathered the atorm
and ora looking forward next fall
POSSIBLY you have used a cooking fat
that was'hard as a candle when cold—and
runny when only moderately warm, but you
will never have any trouble in creaming
Snowdrift. Snowdrift is never too hard
no matter how cold the weather may be.
Neither does Snowdrift get soft or runny in
warm weather. Snowdrift is always the
same creamy consistency which you find
easiest to use.
in bucket.
ft r ;
N as easy to open
as winding #
the clock /
tributary to Comer. And
backed by a fine agricultural coun
try taking in one of the garden
spots of Madison nnd a belt
The town has too strong banka
cae the Comer Bank, under the
management of W. % E. Henstee, nnd
the oth«*r the People's Bank, with
ltidgwuy as cashier. And
Comer has n splendid Woman'
Club, the members compete with
the men nnd Chumber of Com
merce in working for their town
Mr. C. B. 'Ayers publishes the Co
mer News and is doing some Uru
work for bin town. He haslin up-
to-date plant with a Linotype „ m !
all tqulpment, 0 f a modern print-
Ing office. Mrs. Ayers nauiu*..
her huahand with hi* paper The*
— "■«
The following I. a Hat of the
leading bueine.s of Comer:
Whitehead * Oohlaton, Cook llros.
Oohl.ton Bro.; w T. Cook. Harry
Comer"'!! DUn ^"'’ barb< ’ r " h “P
( D ™ b c °: Comer Merran
ti/c Co Homer David, a. J Car-
mlchael, w. A. Rowe Co, n T
Daniel, w. K coulter, and H £
Ilruner Mercantile Co.
The town ha. a handaonie hrlck
eohool bqlldlng that coat yilooo
before an advance In price, and l«
would bo creditable to any city
Xm!" 0 ^ r " 1 *„ 1 ea t’her« m the achoo'
Ther. Pr ° f ’.^ ngl<,t0 " “* PflUOlpal
There are three nice church build
ing*, Mcthodlat, Baptl.t and I*re«.
bytftrinn. The town has an oil mill
two cotton gins, two blacksmith
shops, as fine garage* and oil sta
tions as any city can boast, a good
hotel nnd In fact everything that r
live and modern little city needs
There are beautiful residences em
its business houses ore modorr
brick buildings. The streets of the
town have recently been worked
and put In good condition. The
following ore their municipal offi
cers nnd they are men in keeping
with the spirit of the town: II. C
Paul. Mayor; CouneIlmen.- C. V <
RIdgway, Ed Johnson, B. M. Jetton
nnd Jim Cascnton.
Comer has a future nnd don't you
Is .one town without a shack -or
hovel. As you approach and entei
Comer you notice handsome hornet
und other evidences of enterprist
nnd progress. •
Come, has a future and don't you
forget It, You Just can't keep such
a town and people down. They
have already recovered from the
buslnes paralysis that seised upon
the whole South anil are forging
and pressing to the front
I did not have long to tarry In
Comer but met with there as else
where, during my drive the greatest
kindness snd courtesy. I Intend tc
visit Comer again and often.
Popular Meeting
Held to Endorse
Bryan Resolution
(By Allocated Praia.)
INDIANAPOLIS — Preabyterlan*
In “popular meeting*' today unan
Imouely endorsed a resolution pre-
aented by William Jennlng* Bryan
calling on tha general aeeembly ot
the church In aeeelon here to paea a
resolution aeklng every Preebyte-
rlan mlnleter and church member
and the president., teacher, and
pupil. In alt of the denominations,
schools, college* *emln*rle*, tr
■Ign a pledge of total abstinence.
Ae outlined by the commoner, he
proposes that evary tminater, first
Sign the pledge, then every church
officer, and finally every church
member. In the denominational
calltgeh he would atart with the
presidents, then the faculty, and
finally put the pladgi before every
student. ,
The Bryan raeolutlon, which he
will present tomorrow to the as
sembly ot which he le a member,
came aa the climax of a mass meat-*
Ing under the auspices of the Pres
byterian committees on Sabbatlr
observance and, prohlblton and pub
lic morals "
Prohibition violation, Sunday
golf and baseball, Saturday night
theatre going nnd the e|e of Sunday
newspapers were attacked by Mr.
Bryan and olhar speakers repre
senting the Lord's Dally alliance,
Stomach misery, taa and indl-
gestlon are promptly relieved with
Ml-O-Na Stomach Tableta. At H.
R. Palmer A Bona 6n money back
404 Holman Building Atlhens, Ga.
Georgia) Beans,
Young and Tender,
3 Qts. for 25c.
Georgia Yellow Squash
4 lbs. for 25c.
Yam Potatoes, 25c thq
peck. , a
English Peas
3 qts. for 25c.
Quality Bread
3 loaves for 25c.
Bread is Your Best and
Cheapest Food.
Market Gossip
Received Over F. J.
LinncII & Company’s
Private Wire
MEMPHIS —Light rains fail report
ed Saturday scattered In eastern
belt and Alabama, heavy rainfall in
New Orleans district. Moderate rain
fall reported Sunday in eastern, belt,
light rains In Alabama. Louisiana
and eastern Texas, temperatures gen
erally about normal. Forecast Mon
day entire belt mostly cloudy, unset
tled, scattered showers.—STANLEY.
NEW ORLEANS, La. — Holiday
Liverpool. Southern spots Saturday
unchanged to 25 higher, Dallas
middling 25.65; Bales at Dallas
bales; all told L518 bales vs. 3.567
End of May commitments, Jf any
<$xists, and uncertainty of June bu-
t report as to whether It
will be bullish or bearish, likely
create a better demand for the actual
remainder of this month, especially
If May long* demand delivery.
hleh case shorts may be forced
cover or enter the market for the ac
tual with which to make delivery.
Foreign news and weather con<
tfons over week-end, as well
weather outlook for immediate fu
ture. probably dominate market Mon
day, although It Is possible that
be Influenced somewhat Jf
any private monthly crop conditio
reports are Issued today.
Sentiment remains divided bu
probably more bullish than other
wise. For the present • Jongs have
the advantago of unfavorable weath-
whilc shorts are favored with
continuance of small spot sales In U>»
For (he first time In several
weeks the local cotton market
up at the close over the day before.
The market closed at 20 cents ove
the previous close of 2D% cents.
Open High Low Close P.C.
May .. .. 27.15 27.27 26.90 27.14 26.93
July .. .. 25.55 25.88 25.40 26.«4 25.48
Oct 23.18 23.30 22.91 23.02 23.10
Dec. .. .. 22.75 22.86 22.52 22.12 22.70
Open High Low Close P.C.
May .. .. 26,33 26.33 26.10 25.98 26.05
July .. .. 25.55 25.87 25.40 25.M 25.52
Oct. .. .. 22.50 22.75 22.35 22.44 22.53
Dec 22.18 22.31 22.03 22.07 22.18
First ) 1 -2s 100.30
First 4 #1-4* 97?3i
Second 4 1-4* 97.26
Third 4 1-4* 98.13
Fourth 4 1-4® 96.00
July .. .. ..
Sept. .. .
Coca Cola 75
Cuban Cane Sugar 24
Cuban Cane pld. 53
Austin Nichols • 24
U. S. Steel 97
Southern Ry, ....
Sou. Ry. pfd
Pan. American ..
Kennlcott Copper
Industrial Alcohol
N.' Y. Central ...»
Amc. Tel. Tel. ..
Lowe's Ino. ....
U. 8. Sugar
Thousands of Dollars
Damage Done By Flood
Which Starts From Over
Night Rain.
SAYRE—Citizens of this little
Oklahoma town were scraping mud
from the streets and scrubbing the
lower floors of the business hoaset
Monday as a result of the heavy
rain late Sunday afternoon which
caused the overflow of It's banks
by Short creek and flooded the busi
ness part of the city.
The damage from the flood will
run Into the thousands of dollars
though the rain only lasted through
the night
Reports that families hod been
washed away, which were current
here Sunday night, were discount
ed when a check from house to
house was made of the settlement
inhabited by oil field worker*
which showed none missing.
HOLCOMB—DM yesterday May,
20th at the home of her parents near
Commerce Go., Helen Holcomb age
eighteen months. She la survived
by her parents. Mr. nnd Mr*. Lon
Holcomb and six sisters and two
I brothers. The funeral waa Monday
lot Cabin Creek church in. Jockoon
•eoupty, Interment waa . In rlhe
church cemetery. The Rev. Collins
j officiating with Bernstein Bro*.,
funeral director* In charge.