The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 27, 1923, Image 10

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m BANNER-HXRALD, ATHENS, GE0IK5M SUNDAY, MAY 87.-1821 BMB8BBBBaa»BnaiBBBaBap LIVE AND LET LIVE In pricing our merchandise we keep this old phrase in mind, we only want' a legitimate profit on our merchandise—and that’s just how every article is marked. We make the same price to every customer, we are always looking to the interest of our patrons, and we stand squarely behind everything sold in this store. Our stocks are always filled with fresh, new merchandise; and in most instances you’ll find the prices lower than at most stores, that’s one of the reasons why this is Athens’.Busiest Store. Our utmost efforts are given to serving our patrons in an efficient manner—giving the newest merchandise and qjways good values, day in and day out. We invite you to visit this store whether you buy or not. . -1 This store stands squarely behind every article sold. Youi*child can shop at this store just as well as the “grown ups” for the prices arc the same to all. QUALITY MERCHANDISE, REASONABLY PRICED is our motto, that’s why this is Athens’ Busiest Store. CORSETS PERFECT THE FIGURE Milady is beginning to realize that the figure cannot be what it should without proper corseting. The effect of any gown can be marred or improv ed by proper corseting. We have just received the new' summer models in La Victoire and Thomp son’s Glove Fitting Cor sets, and our corsetiere will gladly give you a per sonal fitting making any . . alterations necessary for a perfect fit. A model for every figure with prices ranging from $1.25 to $10.00. . EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN SILK v HOSE AT $1.98 Regularly these silk hose sell at $3.50 and $4.00, they are the Ar- ’ mojjr Plate, a pure thread silk and full fashioned. Plain am) with hand drawn clocks. It’s seldom one has an opportunity to , buy such hose as these at EVERFAST SUITINGS NEVER FADE A garment made Of Everfast Suiting will not fade under the most trying conditions. Everfast siiiting is shown in a range of good colors, sui table for dresses for little girls arid grown ups. LONG SILK GLOVES 59c Monday we will put on sale one lot long 16 button white silk gloves at 59c a pair. . MONDAY WILL BE YOUR ONLY CHANCE TO BUY THESE SWEATERS AT $2.29 and $3.98 These sweaters will be on sale only one day, and we say to you that they are extraor- , dinary values, ah almost endless variety of styles and colors to choose from in all sizes. You’ll miss it if you don’t buy one of these sweaters. GOOD LOOKING BATHING SUITS Bathing suits must be good looking as well as serviceable: There are many pretty suits here in most every color of the rainbow, styles galore. Prices ranging from $3.50 to $12.50 ladies, $1.50 to $4.50 boys. Swimming-tights for boys and girls. Ladies’ tights. Bathing caps ranging in price from 10c to $1.50. CHILDREN’S SOX—A SPECIAL SALE AT 19c All sizes, fancy tops, these sox generally sell at 35c a pair. For a short while they will be on sale at 19o a pair. RAINBOW BRACELETS One of the newest things is tihe rainbow bracelet, three to six are worn on the arm and they are in various colors. Prices 15c and 25c each. FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE.FOR $1.50 Ask for Wayne Knit No. 786 if you want a pure thread silk hose, fdll fashioned at $1.50 a pair. We consider this the best value to be ' had in silk hose. BUD VASES FOR 59c These bud vases are of clear crystal glass artificially etched, in several* shapes at 59c each. NEW IRRIDESCENT GLASSWARE The newest glasswase is this irridescent, we have it in ice tea glasses, tumbles, goblets, sherbets, etc. Clear crystal glass with those wonderful irrideseent shades. See this now glassware in our house furnishings depart ment. • v ■ COOL FROCKS FOR HOT DAYS OF LINEN, CREPES AND RATINES Many pretty styles to choose from in plain tailored models, others 'hand drawn and pret tily embroidered models. Pretty shades of lavender, rose, pink, Copenhagen, rust, mus tard, tomato and white. Prices from $9.50 to $23.50. MISSES WASH DRESSES These dresses are especially designed for Misses, made of fine grade ginghams, cre tonne, crepes and lines. Embroidered ap pliques, patch work arid pique trimmings, with a range of colors to choose from. Prices from $2 25 to $6.00. , SPORT DRESSES These new sport dresses are just what’s most desired. They carry with them the much desired youthful lines, with the pret- f tiest colors and combinations you could wish for. Fashioned from silk broadcloth, printed crepes, Fru Fru, and tub silks. Straight lines and blouse effects. The colors are of green, red tan, navy, lavender, blue, maize and rose. You can choose dress here from a wonderful collection at $14.50 to $30.00. SPECIAL ASSORTMENT OF DRESSES ' AT $13.75 This special assortment of dresses consist! of printed crepes, taffetas, crepe de chines, combinations of plain and Paisley crepes. Good range, of colors, styles and sizes to choose from at $13.75. Usually dresses of this quality are pieced from $18.50 to $25.00. APRON DRESSES These apron dresses will be found to be one • of the handiest garments one can ha^e, on and off in a jiffy, they are made of ginghams, chambray and sateen, trimmed with cre tonnes. Prices $1-25 to $3.75. THESE HOUSE FROCKS ARE NOT LIMITED TO HOUSE WEAR These delightful house frocks follow the slender r line .silhouette, quite straight or gracefully bloused at low waistlines. Color E lays an important part—either in vivid ging- ams, chambrays, linens or Swisses that fashion them, or in refreshing collars arid cuffs in the case of darker hues. One can wear them indoors qr 'out—they’re really smart enough for both. Sizes for the slender youth ful figures or in extra large sizes for stout figures with prices ranging from $3.75 to $12.50. EVERFAST SUITINGS • Summer frocks for, grown ups and children arc not afraid of the tub if made of Everfast 'Suiting, all fast colors and will not fade un der the most trying conditions. Full line of colors are rihown in EVERFAST Suitings. DRESSES MADE OF TABLE DAMASK A novelty dress of table damask, the most Tttractivc dresses you ever saw.for $5.95. White with blue and yellow borders, white and red, white and blue. You’ll agree with us that these dresses are unusually httraetive and the price is just as attractive as the dresses themselves. GINGHAM DRESSES FOK HOUSE AND STREET WEAR There was a time when Gingham dresses were only worn as house dresses, but that time has passed for the manufacturers ’have made such strides in manufacturing ging hams that today ginghams closely rival silk. There are.many attractive gingham frocks here to choose from of tissues, imported and domestic ginghams, some of them trimmed with organdie and pique. Prices from $3.75 to $5.95. 36 inch Colored Ratines for .. .... 45c yard 40 inch-Silk Sport Satins, per yard .... $1.98 40 inch Paisley Voiles, yard . 49c ' A COOL PORCH FOR SUMMER Your porch should be the most comfortable place about the house, and it can be by using a few Vudor porch shades. The ventilating ’ top assures perfect air circulation, the chemi cally treated wooden slats woven together with rot-proof seine twine assures years of satisfactory service. Vudor shades are made in all sizes in either brown or green. Let us convert your hot,! uncomfortable porch into the most comfortable spot about the house, the cost is small. " ~ FIX UP YOUR WINDOWS WITH THESE TUSCAN NETS AT 35c Good looking Tuscan nets, 36 inches wide at 35c will make your windows attractive at little cost. Cretonnes are shown in ‘prices ranging from 35c to $1.00. per yard. New Tapestry at $2.25 to $5.50. MAKE THE PORCH SAFE FOR BABY WITH ONE OF THESE GATES At the steps one of these extension baby gates will keep baby safely on the porch, they are made of strong hardwood and will last for years, extension up to 9 feet priced $3.25. FLOORS COVERED WITH CONGOLEUM • ARE EASILY CLEANED Your bath room or kitchen floor if covered with Congoleum will not only be a good look ing floor, but will be easy to clean and sani tary. Congoleum is shown in a great variety of patterns and colors for bath rooms and kitchens. Priced 85c per square yard. The lowest priced floor covering you can buy. 9x12 CONGOLEUM RUGS $16.20 Congoleum rugs are being sold here at the old'price of $16.20 in the 9xl2 foot size and there arc many pretty patterns to choose from. ... i .. ..a. , HANDSOME SILK FROCKS FOR AFTERNOON AND EVENING In a variety qf styles and colors that make choosing easy, long slender lines with panels, plaited frills and cascades, some with wide girdles while others have string belts. They may be plain or trimmed with beads or em broidery. All the wanted colors are riepre- serited and prices range from $28.50 to $67.50. SUITS FOR BOYS—The Kind That Wash These suite for little boys are made of mater ials that have no fear of the tub, in whites, solid colors and ^combination colors, and little rompers for the. little tote, colored and white, some of them prettily embroidered. COMMENCEMENT GOES HAND IN HAND WITH EVENING DRESSES We have a wonderful assortment of even ing and dinner dresses for- commencement dances and dinners, they’re dreams of beauty, lace and georgette combinations, lace and canton crepe combinations, Georgette Crepes and Taffetas. Pretty shades of ,green, laven der, white, brown, black, rose, pink and Co penhagen. Tho prices range from $25.00 to $38.75. NEW SWEATEES The new sweaters are shown in slip-overs, Balcan, Jacquette and Tuxedo styles in wool and fibre. Prices $2.50 to $12.50. SAVE ONE-FOURTH on Your COAT SUIT Select your coat suit now and save one- fourth, we have reduced the price of all two- piece coat suite 25 per cent, they are shown in tyveeds, camel’s hair, tricotine and poriet twills. Nearly every size is here and'the saving is worth making. SALE OF DRESSES MONDAY AT $25.00 Wc have assembled a lot of dresses for special filing Monday at $25.00. Many attractive models to choose from, sports, etc. They are made of fig ured crepes, solid colors, crepe de chines. Paisley and combinations. All the good colors are shown in most ev6ry size. Regu larly these dresses are priced* $28.50 to $38.50. Monday you may choose from the lot at the special price of $25.00* A SALE OF MILLINERY AT $1.98 ahd $2.98 These hate originally sold at $5.00 to $12.50, they are in small and medium shapes, made of straws, silks and braids, most every fedl- or, trimmings of flow ers, ribbons and em broidery. They’re ex traordinary values at. $1.98 and $2.98. NEW HATS FOR SUMMERTIME White hate are most in demand for sum mer wear and we haye a very complete as sortment of styles to choose from, white leg horns and white straws in seveYal sizes, they’re prettily trimmed with nbbons and flowers. Black hate trimmed with bright colors, and new horse hair hats with 'earn ers. Prices to suit every pocketbook. Chil dren’s Milan straws in whites and blacks at $3.00 and $4.00. HERE’S A LIST OF SPECIAL VALUES Housewives will bp interested in this list, -for there are many special values: ’ 40 inch Sea Island . .* '• • » 27 inch Sea Island .. Me yard 90 inch Pequot Sheetings .. .. . .. 69c yard Crinkle Bed Spreads,' full double bed • gjze # 81x90 inch Sheets, good quality .. • •.• $1-98 54 inch Sheetings ®5c yard 86 inch Sheetings • • • «c yaro 40 inch Voiles : 25,<r yard 40 inch Silk and Cotton Crepes ... 25c yard 32 inch Fast Color Dress Ginghams . 25c yard Voile Tissues ., 25 c 40 inch Egyptian Printed Ratines . 59c yard > Imported Ratines, all colors.... ... 89c yam Fast Color Dress Linens 89c yard" 36 inch Domestic Ratines, all colors . 45c yard New Voiles, 40 inches wide .. ,. .. 39c yard Knickerbocker Tweeds 39c per yard 32 inch Voile Tissues for ..69c yard 40 inch Silk Crepes .... ., .. .'. $U8 yard Heavy Sport Silks for Skirts .... $1.98 yard 40 inch Paisley and Pripted Crepe de • ' Chines i ; - $2.98 40 inch Extra Quality Canton Crepes, . yard ; $2.98 40 inch Wool Crepes, all colors .... $1.98.yard 40 inch White Organdie .. . .. . ^ 29c yard BABY PENS $5.00 You can put the baby out on the lawn in one of these baby pens and not worry about his safety, theyrp good tq use in the house, too THE N ETHER ALL—A NEW GARMENT The Netherall is a combination garment that acts as a vest, bust confiner.and a girdle - —a new invention that is pvovipgjvery pqpu-> lqr. They are shown in white and colors m cotton and silk with prices $3.50 and $5.00.^-* ret* - ATHENS’ BUSIEST STORE it V • ■ ;»•. uit