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Investigate Today!
To Regular Subscriber*
THE banner-herald
JI.OOO Accident Policy/ Free.
Dally bnd Sunday—10 Cent* S Week.
Eatallshed 1832.
Dali/ and
Sunday—10 Cant* •
MIDDLING ./ .. 28 l ie
Probable Thundershower*.
.. 91, NO. 88
Associated Pres* 8ervle*
A. B. C.
Single Copies 2 Cents Dally. S Cents Sunday.
(By Associated Press.)
ESSEN—Police attacked Communists and drove
I them away after two policemen bad been killed and
V. v wounded, perhaps fatally. The Communists deft
two (lead on the scene of the fighting and carried many
o nided members of their gang with them.
The Communists were armed with hand grenades
which they used effectively, police reported.
Th „ military governor** counter
the bandit* are that
will be no further withdrawal
„, ps from the vicinity of the
i s * tdronghold but that one
will be admitted to the
army for every rifle
, in ..«.* army *«r
n.i.rid by the bandit*, but that
. , IHt on <* thousand rifle* muit
surrendered. The proposal* al-
stnti- that the bandit* will be
u'lranteed one month'* pay in ad-
nrt . ,,| UH all arrear* involved and
,t tlu* agieement will be signed
fourteen guarantor*, local gen-
I try and merchants.
, m llng negotiations are to fol-
.,11 foreign und Chinese cap
Important Meet
At City Hall on
Thursday Night
Members of Chamber of
Commerce Urged to Be
Present At Forum Meet
ing. '
Many Members of Local
Club Attending National
Convention Opening in
Atlanta Monday.
Entire Local Club to At
tend Tuesday Sessions.
Convention Opens Offi
cially With Luncheon.
Many Athens’ Kiwanian* head*
ed towards Atlanta Monday while
a few of them left Sunday for tne
Convention of the International
i meeting. The convention, the first
of the organization ever held in
A general meeting of the mem- 1 Atlanta, began it* sessions <Mon-
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras—A mesanga declaring
her innocence has been received here by the Associated
Press Correspondent from Clara Phillips, the “Hammer
Murderess,” convicted of murder in California and now
on her way back to the United States in custody of
American officers lyho went to Honduras for her.
ThC message was sent from Puerto Cortez just'be
fore the steamer Copan sailed for New Orleans bearing
the “Hammer Murderess" back to her cell in the Los
Angeles county jaif.
The message said, “Please ny that I intend to give
the world the truth about the Alberta Meadotvs case
and that I am innocent of the ^wful crime of which I
was'unjustly convicted and thaf the opportunity will
come soon for me to prove it.” ,
The Copan is expected to arrive in New Orleans
Tuesday. • •. 1
W hich will be called later.
I„ the meantime ' no further
had been received from the
......nerH held by th* bandit*,
though it wa* Indicated from the
message* received that the
vh.m were in good health for
Hunt part though one was ill.
•- »« being made •« bum weremade.
negotiations to protect the captive*,
as possible. against the ex*
which they are sure to b#
subjected to on the mountain top
be in attendance. , Lanier, secretary of the local club
But six directors, H. H. Gor-, who wa* a delegate to the couvett-
don.- Jr., Harry Hodgson, James tion in Toronto last year, and doz
uun.* »ir., Hurry nuugnuii, •mint's nun ui turuuui yvui, «iiu uu&-
White, Frank Holden. Dave Pad- ens of other members of the club
dock and W. L. Erwin, were in at- will also attend th® convention
tendance at the directors’ meeting during the week.
Monday morning. This was not a Tuesday has been designated as
quorum and only “suggestions” the day for the entire local club to
atMia tne convention and autes
Commencement Exercises
Close June 4th When Di
plomas Will Be Present
ed 11 Graduates.
, Eleven members of the senior
At the general meeting Thurs- will carry a large number of the class at Lucy Cobb ■ Institute ar*
day night the directors will make • members over for the program to- chedulKj t0 graduated at th*
a report of the accomplishments of morrow, which will include in ad- * cnM . ■
the organization during the past dition to the business session "Old commencement exercises June 4.
several months and all present Plantatioh Night" at the audito-. *o ■ Miss Mildred Mail, the preal*
will be given an opportunity to ad- rium and a dance there and on the Ident, announces,
vance whatever ideas they have to 1 *
the officers.
Athens Attorneys to At
tend Meeting of Bar As
sociation At Tybee. Gam
ble on Program.
It hat been decided to publish an
inexpensive pamphlet to be dis
tributed at conventions and to
tourists who pass through
Hundreds 6t lawyer* of Georgia
will gather at Tybee this week for
the annual meeting of the.Georgj*
Bar Association. Attorney W. K.
Meaodw, John B. Gamble am
other lawyers of Athens
nimr to make the trip to Tybee
and attend the session. Col- Gam-
chairman of the membership
committee. Judge Cobb is chair
man of the procedure committee*
W. L. Erwin will also be in at
The annual address will be deliv
ered by Justice W. H. EUif of Ma-
:on. Other .peskeri will Include:
Justice S. Price Gilbert of the
supreme court of Georgia, on “Thu
Administration of Justice.”
Judge W. F. Jenkins of the
court of appeels of Georgia, on
“Technicalities of the Law.”
Miss Stella Akin, of the Savan
nah bar, the only , woman member
ever to address the association on
“Women’s Participation in. Public
Warren Grice, of iMacon, on
'Biographical Sketch of Judge Na
thaniel Pendleton.” :
Judge R. N. Hardeman, of Lou
isville, Go., on “Enforcement of
Law by Conatitutional Authority.”
W. Irwin MacIntyre, of Thomas-
ville, on “Unexpected Smiles.”
Judge A. W. Coxart, of Colum
bus. on “The Silver Lining Within
the Cloud.”
Reports of officers and commit
tee reports will be made a* a part
of the regular program, »• fol
Kxecutive committee, Hal Law-
son, of Abbeville, chairman.
Treasurer, Logan Bleckley* of
_ ... ugh the
city. This little sheet will give
some of the facts of Athens, it*
population, school and college fa
cilities, • sporting activities, and
some of Its needs, such as dairies,
poultry faring And Jhe ljke.
A commiUeo composed of E-, W.
Carroll, J. W. Firor and Chas. E.
Martin wa* named to get up the
data for this pamphlet
Ansley roof. | Th* one hundredth anniversary
By midnight Sunday night it ‘ of the birth of General T. R. R
SESJSM ?. ver ..,?L“° Cobb. founder of. the institution,
Childs St School leads
With Eighty-One Grad
uates. Baxter Is Next
With Twenty-Two.
Exercises Begin Monday
With Receptions At
Some of the Schools.
End Fine Year.
World Growing Better,
!r. Walter Anthony As-
;rts in State Normal
baccalaureate Sermon.
dfeiewtes had anrived in. Atlanta. wU1 be celebrated alumnae day by
The biggest rush came Monday alumnae of the college, the event
morning, and by Monday night, being marked by addresses by va-
first session opens at T j 0U8 prominent man of the state
hen the
the auditorium, there will
5,000 visitors in the <*ity.
Monday sees the official op*n
ing of the seventh annual rnnven
tion of International Kiwanis.
With a great luncheon, to be given
vv ivu a Kicwi> iuiiliicuiIi tu uv k* vc *i
at the auitorium at 12:80, the fes
tivities will begin. Shortly there
after. at 2 o'clock, to be precise,
the first business session will come
to order under the chairmanship
of International President George
H. Ross, of Toronto.
At 7:1
Declaring that the standard* of
social purity are higher today than
ever in history and that the world
is growing better. Dr. Walter An
thony, pastor of Mulberry Street
Methodist church In Macon, deliv
ered the baccalaureate sermon of
the 8tate Normal School commence
ment In Pound Auditorium Sun
day morning.
Dr. Anthony, former pastor of
One hundred and forty Athene
girls and boy* will graduate from
grammar school at the annual
commencement exercises this week
it was learned Monday.
This number 1* th* larsgatln the
history of,the public schools"cKild#
street school, of whlph Ml** Clyde
Patman 1* principal, will graduate
the largest number of students,
eighty-one, Baxter street comes
1 (By Associated Press.) *'^58
TEINSTIN—Advices received here from Taaochwan g
Monday momig stated that J. B. Powell, an American
newspaper ihan of Shanghai, returned to that city Sun
day night from the camp of the Suchow bandits at their
stronghold on Paotzuku mountain in the' hills of Shan
tung, accompanied by two secretaries supplied by the
It was presumed that the bandits sent the secre-
retaries with Powell in renewed efforts to negotiate he
release of the foreign captives held by the bandits.
At Duisburg the metal worker*
Athens Honors
Her War Heroes
Here Wednesday
Athens Pays Tribute to
Men Who Gave Lives
For Their Country,
“A poppy In memory of those who
gavs liven In th* World War”
went out on strike Monday morn
ing. Security police at Dusseldorf
had a club Monday morning with
•treet car and gas workers In
which on. workman wan killed and
u number of othern wounded.
Dleordern In the Ruhr on account
of .trike, end Communlnt activi
ty. appear at pre.ent to be cen
tered In Dortmund, where th. In-
habitant, pound through a night
of terror, Sunday night. The terror
reign wa. carried forward by the
Communl.t. who are .till etrlving
for the upper hand In Dortmund.
Worker, and guard, took up
their positions In the .treet just
before dark and o.tenalbly aearched
all pauer. for firearm., though thl,
was Men by gome a. simply
next with twenty-two, Ml.. Patti. 1* th. request that will b. aaked _
Hilsmsn is principal. |by those who Vlll aell ths little redl wln<1 » or U*e activities of the*«
Nantabala school of which MIJS. nowm here May 30th, National,*'l‘L, CUlrd \ ? lnc , < ’ any whr
Mary Berwick I. principal do., not n wa ™ rearehsd mmeinin.,: ,h., ,UBi
—.H. Thl. .chonl' Dscoretlon Day
Appropriate exercises have boen
have a seventh grade. This school
Is closing perhaps Its most rue
ocirfu! year. The. at “** n,a al " j arranged for Athen. for Wedne.-
I <«*y. There exerclre. wiU bo held
at Ooonee cemetery and will
• reuuiUH/, MIDI pssiur UI
the Ftret Methodlat church here, i
al.o .poke Sunday night at tha !
and a pageant
Speaker, of th. oecaelon will in
clude Pleasant A. Stovall of Sav
annah, former ambassador to
Switzerland: Marlon Jackson, of
Atlanta; Philip Weltner. of At-
Atlanta: Philip Weltner. of At
lanta: John W. Clark, of Augus
ta. Mr. Clark was a member of
General Cobh’l legion durinr the
Civil W*r-
The pageant, which will be pre
sented, w*s written by Mra. Hen
son Estes Bussey, of Atlanta, and
.h >• , °f lock Monday night g «,t grandchildren of Gen-
the first open session of the con- l ertl * C obb ^111 play the part* of
vent on will be held in the city| LuC y Cobb , n <f fiersisters There
auditorium. Henry'C. Heinz, gen- children will include those of Mr*.
ernl chairman of the Atlanta con
vention committee, will preside.
There will be a-speclal organ re
cital by City Organist Charles
lun I
Shepherd Bryan and Mrs.
Weltner. all of Atlanta.
„. .. - T Members of the senior class
fJlf ilH" .who are scheduled to get diplomat
i* under the magnetic leadership lnc | udf . Misre. Mae Bostick, Lou-
of Song Leader Brazil. iaville; Gladys Bunn, Fairfax;
Enterprise P r a i s e d By Ithc invJStion. Io, aAKS5 uSLSS!.
Farmers in Northeast Clifford M.„ WMker f win ( extend ( a | &e*^lS?rry“ C aS;’
Mayor Walter A. Sima will offi
cially extend the hospitality of th.
city of Atlanta- Thomas C. Law
will apeak for the Inter-Civic
Council of Atlanta.
Response on behalf of the visit
ing Kiwanlans will be made by
Harpy E- Karr, of Baltimore, im
mediate past president.
Then there will be one of tho
biggest musical feature, of the
entire convention. The Highland
Pipers of Toronto, in all the glory
of their kilts, tartan., aporan.,
Athens women will go, to the
Curb Market again Tuesday morn
five day. the women of thl.
city have patronised the Curb
Market loyally, causing the Kile*
for the day. the Murket ha. been
conducted to exceed 12300 and as
suring tho .uteres of tho enter-
Tuesday will .be the second time
the Murket ha. been held on that
day since the Initial opening day.
May 6. The success of the Mark
etc., will “gie us a wee i
Day last Tuesday, howaver, Indl- the pipes.
cates that lh« next one will be uiei Presient George H. Rosa wni
Legislation, Warren B. P*rki, ol
Dawson, chairman.
Jurisprudence. law reform and
procedure, E. K. Wilcox, of Val-
dorta. chairman.
Federal legislation, W. Carroll
Latimer, of Atlanta. >chainnan.
Interstate law, Millard Reese, of
Brunswick, chairman.
Legal education and admission
to the bar, Orville Park, of Ma-
"on, chairman.
Membership. John B. Gamble, of
Athens, chairman-
Reception. A. R. Lawton, Jr., of
savannah, chairman.
Memorial*, A. P. Parsons, of
Talbetton, chairman.
with the same favor.
Fiirmers from Clarke and
Joining counties are praising the
Curb Market as one of the most
constructive ntep* for ngrlculturc
Athens ha* tnkeif In many year*
Already the Market I* teaching th<
prbducer that grading and pack
ing hi* product* assure* a larg
er price than placing them on
sale In any old condition.
Ths Market opens at 7 o’clock
on Broad ntreet between .College
avenue and Lumpkin street and,
as has been demonstrated a large
crowd of Athens women Is alwayr
on hand.
The price list for Tuesday will
be found on the market page ot
The Banner-Herald.
If gal ethic* and grievances. A.
K Lawton, of Savlnhah, chair
Special committee .on Alexander
H. Stephen* memorial, ‘A. L. Hen-
8 °n. of Calhoun, chairman-
’ud committee on appelate
^>urt procedure, W. Carroll L*ti-
m “|\ or Atlanta, chairman-
•ermanent commission on pro-
?' “«•. Judge Andrew J. Cobb, of
Athens, chairman.
... (By Associated Press.)
nkw PORT.—Warning that the
must be kept ready for de.
'' ns.. i n ,. (bbl w orld of menace”,
kiven by Secretary Denby In
™ uuJreea to the graduation claas
or the Naval War College.
(or h" tlm ® 10 tl> ® W*r-
Names Omitted in
S. N. S. Trustees
In the list of trustees of the
State Normal School, published in
the Banner-Herald Sunday, two
names, Mrs. J. E.-Hhyfci of Mon
tezuma and Mnr W* w. Stark of
Commercdf werd omittcl. Both
Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Stark arc
prominent Georgia # women and
leaders In the educational world.
George L. Pattern^ of Valdo*»n,
has been appolaled bjr Governor
Hardwick as a member of fhe
board,of trustee* of *tate col
lege for women at Valdosta. Mr.
Patterson succeed* A. B. Smith, of
Valdoata t whose term had expired.
LONDON.—An hour, dlffercncf
official' contend, ,
t!;en deliver hit addrere-
LONDON. — Transportation of
baggage from hotel, or patrons'
residences to all of Its stations at
a cost of a shilling a package has
Imen arranged by the London and
Northeastern Railway.
PARIS.—Punishment of editors
of newspapers publishing Informs-
tion supplied by enemies ot France
la provided In a bill Introduced by
M. Maurice Bares In the Chamber
of Deputies.
Maybe you run a girdsn for
exercise' end sating material.
If re. you know—
Tint a gordon full of otoortod
vcgctobl.o In oummor and autumn
lon't an accldant.
tersville, Ala.
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON—It la atatad that
Federation, ot German Induotrlal-
reuernuunioi urrman inuuairiai-
lats has Informed the Gsrman gov-
eminent that members of ths Fed-
Flr*t church.
Pound aodltorium was packed
Sunday morning to hear the form
er Athenian and well known min
ister In what was declared one of
the most forceful sermons evei
delivered hers. I
were searched complained that thnit
money and valuable* had been
taken by the searcher*.
Numerous fights grew* out of
the search ng and many per*on*
CMo.-.^retrehool noxt rjkr | ro-STreSXSTreS" w” T ^
•being the first tsrm ths seventh ' 01 A Dortmund are apprehensive that
grade has boon taught In *h»M World w.!^d Dr ^ th f y WlU b * ,orced *° uni " r * n on-
school. Oconre sirs, t will tni-! I«'j" such nleht of terror unless
uats sixteen students. Mire Mary‘ «««»?» ““former war, wlU,^ Iuc « ed r , eilllbl ,
deltvsr a short address. I control over ths Communist s, vhloh
The popples will be offered for *®{’** r * doubtful JUBt at the pres-
sale by the members of Allen R
Fleming Auxiliary end booths wlP
be looated In all sections of the
city. Everybody will be given an
opportunity of buying one of the
little flowers but no one will be
urged. i
uate elxteen students.
Woods is principal. College ave
nue graduates twenty-one students
Miss Annls -Patman Is principal.
The text was from Ephlsians 4:12
II. "And He called some to be
teachers, .... till we all attain un-^
to the stature of a full-grown man
In Christ .... that we be no more
Commencement begins, at
Childs street scho. ol Monday night
at which time the faculty and Par
ent-Teachers assocatlon will give e
banquet In honor of the graduating
Graduation exercises will bo h*W
Tuesday morning at 11-o'clock. Dr. by the absence of the little flow*
S. J. Cartledge, pastor of CChtrat « r if is stated but it le hoped thaf
eratlon are ptepard to give requl-lthts
children, etc."
In part:,
•*Tli*re, are three Implications in
ths text: Humanity I* advancing
growing, In moral and spiritual
stature; humanity Is not grown at
yet; the hope of the continual de
velopment of the race Is In the vi
carious, sacrificial service of Ithf
'prophets, pastor*, apd tfdchera"
"Spite of all that pessimism
may urge to the contrary, the
world 1* growing better. He who
question* thl* I* Ignorant of hi*,
tory. Time waa when a moral
monster like Nero could exercHr
autocracy over an empire; how lokg
do you think a Nero would be tci-
erated today? The moral stand
ards of both men and women hav«
been raised Time was when itan>
of America’s greatest statesmen
were known to be drunkards; bui
so complete has ben the change lr
Presbyterian church will open the
program with prayer The follow
ing will give poems, Donald Moors.
Aurora Blmpson, Ann Kllpatrlok,
site guarantee for International
loans for reparartion* purposes
says a dispatch to Reuters from
'PEKINO.—A resident of Man
churia, whote age ta reported as
163 years by the Chinese press, has
been granted an annual pension by
the government. He was born In
the twenty-fifth year of the reign
of Emperor Chlen Lung, he says.
aa that Mr. Rooteveh
actually .brought suit against ‘ t
critic of his who accused him ol
being a tippler.
"Much Is being said today about
the .follies and sins of ojr young
womanhood; «omc of this criticism
may be true: but let u* remcnibci
that .the -standards of social puiily
are higher today then «*vr In his
tory, Tims was when the courts*
sans of Europe were Its rulers;
and further back than that, the de*
(Turn tc yajre eight)
member of the Bdard of Education
will deliver diplomas. The honot
Dr Anthony reld ■“ "“"E*
Jura Taffsn, Aurora Slmpeon, Ddn
aid Moore, Lcssle Bell Peeler.
Maggie Mae Hammond, Emily
Bailey, Emily Dosler.
Those with distinction at Childs
are Mildred Crowley, Mary Hodgson
Murl Underwood, Hugh Gordon
John Gordon, George Griffith, Wil
liam Grlffeth, Sam Talmadge,
Bara Wilkins, Morris Underwood,
Lou Johnson, John Bowers, Ben
Jackson. Ths list of those perfeot
in attendance In the seventh grade
la composed of Dorothy Guns tan
Those whose patriotism and re
spect for thole who died Is so dor
mant that It will take urging tc
wear a poppy will be better mark*'
ent time.
The terroristic method* employ-
ed by the Communis** nt Dort
mund wero preceded by bitter fight
ing between the Communists and
tho police at a nenrby m’ne, where
tho Communist emmlaar'e* tried te
induce the pumpmen to leave the
mine *o that it would ho flood, but
tho attempts were not mjocoMfui;
The Communist* are attempting
to spread the *trlke into unoccu
pied Germany in the vicinity of
--r— J Ia ram, according-to report* roach-
every buttonhole in the city .wir i ln B this city. Police are heavily
bo adornod by ono of tho little f guarding .mines near that plaoo and
flowere. ** I" reported that French troop*
The flower* aro being made here ” av ® crossed tho lino of debo.-ka-
Ann Kilpatrick, Mildred Orlffeth, [Co-Ed Heads Math
and will be the handiwork ot local t,o n Into unoccupied Germany
women. V- lone point.
1 ’ I The hand of the Moscow govern
ment was seen by many, in the
trobules arising from tho Commun
ists, where three Russians were ar-
Ruhr for agitating
Club First Time
Miss Nellie Younfr Named! j-rj^SSS’SI’i'is"‘Je'iT.T'V!!’" Jr.
to Head Club As First \% k {IV
Woman to Be Given the j'p*'"' 1 ,h< * '«
Mary HoUxson, Dorothy Thom*. **** .° ■ ST?? 1 * h,,< ’. ,helr . 14,1
Mary Hll.y, J. W. Mlcha.l, Joel
IVllllsms, Milton Luthtrs, Can
Hlllott, Lssalo Ball Peeler. Maxalt
Ms. Hammond.
Gx.rolre. at Oconre stmt aohool
b**ln W.dnredsy morning at •:!(
o'clock. Allan Smith ts valedicto
rian. Lillian Steele will make th.
dare prophrey, Myrtle Nsvaomt
will reul tho clan will and O. C
Bond, aup.rlnt.nd.nt of th. puhll<
schools will dallvar tha cartlfleataa
Dr. w. M. Says will render th<
closing prayer. Th. honor grjdu-
at., or., Allen Smith, Lllll.n Strel
and Lucll. IVrliht
Graduation *x.rclrea at Baxlat
■trret school will b, held Wsdnas.
day monUng at 3:10 o'clock. Dr
ft wator ot th. Fir*'
Methodist church will op.n tha sx.
Lm”*, wlth l>r4Ir * r ' Alias Batts
The Banior Chorus under the di-1 sun fo th* s"ft r'ouda obove,. to gtelhn Francs,
popular duba in th. university.
rectloh Ot Miss Esther Benson will lb* vrsited back to their lovely hl J ruU4 “- 11 W|M raid th. It U thought that It wlll grow 'to hart, Samuel
be the Monday feature of the com- home, high on the mountain tUt. Brail. Allgood will ba one ot the leading and^most! Graves and Gen
meneatnent exercise, at the SUU 1. Thm Springs rise High on i 111 bii| f J n Trouble.” Bob Car- • - * * na mo *'! ur4T »* 4 “" »»
Normal School, the entertainment I the mountain side. read an esaay, -Value of
to take place at 8 o’clock ta tho 2. The Fool. (Solo by Mrs. B l“ „r i,b 1 ,,c Urn-ary.” i„.raon Daws
Walker.) I* 1 " « ,v - » redutlon. Farncre
3. Th* Brook. .Btapleton will make ths elan pro-
4. Tho Three Little Fall*. (Solo P h ">; »nd Myrl.m Dobba will be
by Mrs. R. Walker.) < , vnledlctorUn. Mayor George C
&! Middav on tha River, l Tl r™ a4 w,n a,llr -r the diplomas.
«, Trie Great Waterfall. | p- honor graduates at Baxter
7. Final*—Back to their lovely Bob C»rter, Myrlan
home-^high on the mountain aide i Dobba, All*# Beits; Harold Coop
A highly
will bo offered
decidedlv one of th* beat attrac
tions ever given at the school. It
ntertainlng program
d and the Chorus is
,uona .ever given ui tne scnooi. i.
Its ta three part*, th* first being
“Three Springs,” the second or
chestra number* and the third a
i, i. th. uriM ,plavlet entitled "May the Maiden.
It call, tor .work la th. sprina " Th. pro g„ m „ t the evening 1.
s' ths veer. i i
Osstf, substantial work or pWn-
nlng' ui* planting and cultiva
Work that w>. treking ahsatf,
an ths time, to'Just one thing—
Tho horvoot depends on ths
And on the hwlng.
It'o tha Mine thing precisely In
Advertising Is cultivating ths
gordon ot human nature.
Vou can rasp big returns from
It. .But tint yb'u must sow. And
Cultivate the public It you’d
win your harvest of success frem
-.The I
uaiiy that. SMI yield the biggest
as follows:
4rhm 3pringe,” Bliss.
A story of three springs that
rise high on tha mountain aid*
under a willow tree.
One is blue, one ta white and one
Is gold. The dip of the willow
branches bids each a fond fare-
First in tKe little limpid pool,
they listen to the Butterfly’s ad
vice to the ambitious Lily—“ba
content." then down the Brook
they flow “merrily, cheerily” until
they come to the three Little Fells
where it b "rough and dark” but
"cool, oh, cooj.”
They go down tho sluggish, slow
waterfall” and at last from tha
top of;a wav* ont on the^ocean
vast, they are drown up
France* Stapleton, Claudlne
Orchestral Numbers. jColeman. Pansy Shslnutt.
Part III. Commencement exerclre* at Col-
"May the Maiden”—Loomi* — 1 av-nue began Monday afler-
Paraphrascd from the Ballet .mu-|"°° n wh ' n Tth Orade “B" and the
ak ta Faust bv Gounod. (faculty gavs a recaption In honor
1. Her Garden. (Spring that ®f 'h- graduating clou,
could not wait.) I Th * Program follows:
2. Her Dreaming. (When Soring! P«neant “World ’Education”—
ta Sleeping.) Solo. Mrs. Walker. Graduating Clare.
8. Her Comradra. (Royal Sum- Delivery of Diplomas—Mr. E. D.
mar Comes Apace.) Bled**.
4. Her Crowning (Then Tripit).[ Prayer—Dr. 8. E. Weaeon.
Tuesday the trustees meet in the
annual meeting 3-d in the ev*n-"l . , . . _ .
tag fhe oratory das* under Wlssj —
Carolvn Vance will give “A Win.l„, N = w VOBK-Aaelotent Attorney
tor 1 * Tale." and on Wednesday Clarke ennounced Saturday that
morning Dr. Thnrnwoll .lacohs. R»x Sheldon, arrested In Norfolk
president of Oglethorne Univarsi-! Friday In roniwcUon wtth th# rum
tv. delivers th* ba-alaureat* *d-, ■">“«'•"# off tho Virginia Cap**
dress and ta the evening Dr. Pound F"* th * “moat precious scoundrel"
will Present diploma* to 199 rred-,l" ih. tmotlegglng cere which.-to-
natre, rioting the e-*rel*re »nd 1| ' ro ^' r ' d ,h * ^ Montegne Brothena
meeting of tho year. The moat Im- ,
portent work of tho afternoon war {
to elect officer* for the next year. |
Min Neill* Young waa unanimous!}
chosen to lead thla club. Thla lr
the first time In the history of thl !/i-i .. „
club that a Co-Ed ha. bssn chofen *^ 01 ' Ljantt Writes On HOW
I Madison County Seat
Mina Young la well known on the ! Was Founded Praises
campus for hsr excellent work ' laloea
She ta taking the Arts course, will j Citizens and Spirit of
be a 8enlor next year and will > Town ,*
take graduate Mathenvitles. I ’
Other officers chosen wero W. E ! ——
Sewell, vice president and A. L. | BY T. LARRY GANTT '
Davis, secretary. Both young met : Madison county was laid out from
or* wall known for thslr good work ! Oglethorpe, Jacksun ftinkl,, «nrf
In th* Math, dapartment. | Elbert to 1811, ui,d m S , "
Th* Mathmatlca Club I, com-(wax token from Ctarke It ra
»*#d of Students interested in ' celved it, name from tlie ,||m,
mathematic*, and the faculty mem-; trious James Madison Dsmala
here of the Math, department. Reg- rille was named fir Gen. 5ui«n
4l*r m*.Unga ore halo, twice a Daniel, whoso descendants still live
S° n J nt *** Un * problem* In ! ta that county and have ever been
the field of mathematics and science among its leading an,i
snd science among its leading and honored eit-
“»«“ »no Club la ben*. Izenx. Among the oarlv settlor,
new to *11 those who attend and ware Samuel long. j a ? 0 b Ebe"
Wood, Stephens.
-Bn. Daniel. These
l2Tii.Sk 1 * urvive , In Madison,
ner c^nl' “ ® n « hundred
AnMSthMfXy was bom in DaniaU*
min CV *k rJr w ? r in which ohr re
public ha* been engaged this
county .furalshed'ValtaS^oldi^
li-a'-'t-rs. Anionir
I'Rici, nosing in* f T eirnes : wnMi" dlati
Thursday the girls wUl depart ^ "duor dealers. Involved
WASHINGTON.—M 1 n 1 a t a r
Schurman, at Pekin, cabled tha
State Dapartment Friday that the
Chinese government “complied
with the demands. of the United
R, a I AS _ ’ ' /,, * MeSi.i.lioH 2oo SLo
imS n i y h Si, 4n orea of ’ 182 square
Ataei. .IS. 1 .’ r° Unty k 1,44 ? ive "
Athena yomt of our best citizens
fhe Wt. Jk m ?? - , Amon F (hem
Stata*. ’ for restitution .for the
kill ng of C.' nrles Coltman. tho
American shot to death last De
cember by Chinrea soldier*.
wing to an announcement
State Department the Chi-
comment imed tc ruy
toSf if . Ul4 hJS ncv * r b «n a
eo??A 0f ^ ny great 4n >l bosi-
5fSJ le . vei 'opuent. for it is an in-
tenor town remote from a rail-
ToIotV'L ‘ he , inh4h, ‘ 4 "(» of the
S 1 i a . r , e made their
, farn, » seif-sustsining and once
ltd the their own cloth
imme- cause that kept Daniels
. “Hie from crowino* *
tille fmht ^owinir IsTThe co"
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