The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 31, 1923, Image 1
t-. Investigate Todeyl To Regular Subscribers THE BANNER-HERALD |l,000 Accident Policy Free. THE Dally and Sunday-10 Cents a Week. Estallahed .1832. Dally and Sunday—10 Cants a Slit - ATHENS COTTON; MIDDLING 28 l-4c PREVIOUS CLOSE .. ..28 l-4c WEATHER: Cloudy With Probable Showers. Associated Press Service ATHENS, GA., THURSDAY MAY 31, 1»2J A. B. C. Papal* Single Copies 2 Cants Dally. 6 Cants Sunday. lany Lose Lives When S )pera House Bums Ground At Petrograd PETITION IS FILED Brigands Wednesday} To AGAIN I COURTS AS (By Associated Press.) HELSINGFORS, Finland.—The Petrograd Opera ise burned to the ground Wednesday night, according , dispatch by the Central News, received here Thurs-' |ay morning. » r ' The dispatch stated that many persons were burned , death and many more were severely injured when the Building burned. i Many of those who were burned to death were over- Lme in the rush which followed the alarm, in which [any persons running for the exits were crushed in the first became known of the performer’a dresi flames quickly the scenery ftnd then ,vild*flre along ,,f the theatre. The safety Immediately lowered ullence was already panic by the sight of the flnjnee Htagc and a .mad rush «"■ '""“"t. .in wb‘cb Speech in Honor of Ath- . trampled to death. JlEAGRE Jetails The details of the fire wer« , 1fa - P and the dlep/itch did not h the exact number of personi m lost their UVee, though it It ,i that many of theae trapped Ir . building by th© exits being llocko.l were burned to death. ||t further stated that the fire ents which followed were ■odurtlve Of the most horrible Men knocked women and i down in the wild panic am tu.h for tho exits, and left them , meet tho most horrible of all heaths. J The performer's dress caught |fire while the performance was nt n height and the audience which few minutes before aat quietly ; enjoying the performance Im [ltdlately became transformed Int< i wild, terror-stricken mob, Intent i Hiving their own lives, the fire caught the dress of * performer, she shrieked with . thus drawing the attention * audienc* tb the fire. 1m- Athens Honored y Soldier Dead In Exercises Here rir. S. V. Sanford Delivers ens’ War Heroes. “Poppy Day” Successful. A loving and tender tribute was paid to the soldier -lead of the UKAmerican Off icer Is COMMENCEMENT 1ST LUCY COBB BEGINS RIDAY MORNING Released By Chi nese Emperor of Klan and Im perial Wizard Named in Petition Filed Court. TEMPORARY ORDER SIGNED BY JUDGE Judge Humphries of Ful ton Superior Court Signs* Temporary Order. Charges Collusion. ■ (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA.—A receivership for the Ku Klux Klan was asked in a petition which was filed in Ful ton Superior court by David* Rlt- tenhouse and others of Philadel phia, who charged gapes misman agement to Imperial wizard Evans. Thursday. The petition further chargpd that (By Associated Press.) 3N—T Bishop Candler Will Preach Baccalaureate Sermon. Special Musical Program Will Be Given. HONOR GRADUATES ARE ATHENS GIRLS Spanish-American and World war (Evans and Emperor Simmons en- h' e n. n V , v"« !tered Into a collusion in Killing when ehjrt memorial exercl°M ,th0 reccnt controvert* Involving * the control of the organisation. were held in Oconee cemetery an observance of Decoration Day. Dr. Sanford Is himself a veteran of the Spanish-American war and spoke feelingly when in glowing words he praised the accomplish ments of those who gave their lives In the two eonflicst. As a setting for Dr. 8anford*s talk wer« the children of the vet* terans of the wars grouped behind him with arms full of popples and American flags, with irjiloh tho graves of the soldier dead were decorated following the speech. Dr. K. L. Hill said the invocation the gathered fcrowd* sanit America and taps was sounded over the graves. The exercises were short but very impressive. Dr. Sanford de- nil SfitaTof the livelier one or tho gout tntarwt- w„ ii,. i-rii-n M "lriM— broke out |»» talks ever hos rtf hCre on k elm- mi Inetent tho entire mull-1 Her occaelon. nr struggling agnlnet ««ch| i their panle-stricken efforts POPPY DAY Ito make their way to safety. 8UCCE88FUL IIS RAISING The sale of poppies here Wed nesday was highly successful, and several hundred* dollar* v^a ical- l*cd for the purpose for which this money will go to. The committee from the Legion Auxiliary, assist- ed' by others Interested worked tirelessly In offering tho llttl-' flowers for Aalo and but few peo pie refused to buy thorn. The amount realized was $289.81. Mrs. H-nmtnond Johnson, head if (ho Auxiliary, was highly pleased with tho success of the day and ex tends thanks to all who coopera ted In making It such a success. To Give Medals ' To Both Ryther And Caldwell |Col. Gantt Is Told' By 1 Market Man That More Heps and Cattle Should [ Be Produced. By T. LARRY OANTT Thin week I had a most Inter- luting interview with H. iC'utler, of ■ the Western Market. Mr. Cutler is I* native of Russia, but left there ■ when about nineteen years of age. I He has made the meat business a I life Ktudy, and also stock and cattle I raising. Mr. Cutler says that some I formers have been opposing the I ordinance passed by our city Iccancil regulating the sale of meats I in the rity, because it required all. Iialmah to be inspected and prop- Irrljr slaughtered* before being of- i»<Uvidu.i prize drill held .• ltd that .hi ranaiiml? I ,h » University of Georgia recently SLni ,1 nffTlffTiTt. th< «">»-' nt ,h « “ det cor P'' »" help, the*stock ralaer ee* well JJ? umv^r.I.y an.l Ch.nrrilo. Da- ««* ->«>«■ ‘»elr minds wtl. [J** ££ Prop'it 'Dwight W. Ryther. Jr., of Athene MIliuVu... ■ l nn d John M. Celdwell, of Augusta, X, V-T, .. ... . . 'although It wee originally announc* I im, i, C “ °,a 25? h t ° W ? 5"J' ed that Mr. Ryther was the win- | He nsld before tb- establish. (Turn to Page Five.) Judge Humphries signed a tem porary order restraining the Klan from using any funds and citing the rtefenoants to show ,auae oefor- .him on June 9. why the petition should not bo granted. it aMo restrained from use any Klsn money to pay tho expenses of the meeting of tho Klonclllum, railed by Evans In Washington June 1. Tho defendants were likewise restrained from moving tho head quarters of the Klsn from Atlanta. Twenty other Klansmen were named' In the petition in addition to Evans and Simmons. Thfc petition further charged that 8immnns and Evans tried to con vert the Klan Into a purely money ranking organizatlbn. The petition alee alleged that the election of Slmtnone at Emperor of tho Empire and Kvapa as Im perial Wizard waa Illegal In that secret ballots, as' are required by the constitution of the order were not used. DR. J.W. LYNCH IS IL Two Prizes to Be Award ed For Winning Drill At University. Both Stu dents Did Very Well. Because they both did no well Ir Former Athens Pastor Will Preach Commence ment Sermon At Univer sity Branch School Next Sunday. WASHINGTON—The unconditional release of Ma jor Robert A. Allen of the United States army and W. Smith was officially confirmed Thursday in a dispatch patch which was received at the State Department from Consul Davis, American Consul, at Lincheng, according to an announcement made public here .Thursday after noon. • 1 l In the report to the State Department, the Consul at Lincheng stated that added negotiations for the release p,. n minortt P.enririam Will of the remaining prisoners held by the bandits were con-, i om l? ent tinning favorably. • ? e .. H . e . re ?? r Alumiwe — ““i WaanMdajr a letter from Majoi | Rally Next Monday A. M. Ping#, another American officer j J2 O’clock* held by the bnndlta won received at j —_ TelMttn, which told of the expert-( Lucy Cobb commencement opens encea and the condition of the prla-' Frid*y morning with the annual , ....... ..m .-xv-1 commencement exercises of the onere^ Part . the letter said, We | jj ary Ann Lipscomb Elemsntsrjr have learned the peraonallty of th* School in the geney-Stovall chapel, banid* by now, ro we no longei Saturday night the Dramatic are.1 shout .swore Of ,b. fire, gj, and sscontf nights. W« are won- pa r t mcn t of Spoken English, will what preparations are being [present Tennyson's "Prince,," In In the Philippine, and Hawnl.’ i the out-oT-door theatre on the In thS event that military force will |Lucy Cobb eamptie. The Dramatic bs applied. What Is the Club will be jasilted by pupUs of sin ciuse public opinion In America and what 152** *55* i M*la« Jew i thirty to la tha attitude of Japan? The whole Xl? nLrtmmt S ,r. spring- l affaUr I. a breu.ifu. mere In which Stuart ^th.^ Depart th * | u ‘ l ® *“ h . | On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock wUtters, but we ere a ' nl0 " '"" 1 Bishop Candler wilt preach ti formbie conalderlnc the clrcum- bacc ,fi; ure , te , emon . Yh# peopl its As. Looking St things In an of Athen| ^ ,, well as the Ichoo Impersonal way, I am In favor of #r( to ^ congratulated upon hax armed Intervention. . j ngr t |, e opportunity of hearing auc The letter did not touch on the . cm i nen t man. A very beaut, ropoft that the bandits had killed , u j program will be given eighty of their Chlneae prlaonera un( j er the direction of Mil* Ros by pushing them over a cliff, due | t» n d. The Glee Club of tho school to the ahortage of food, or If It war w m B i n g an anthem by Beethoven, Included In the letter thle fact waa|~ Uo a u, Nature," and Mill Koataao not made public In the letter from will sing "In Thee, Oh God, Do 1 Major ringer. Put My Truat," by Splcker. -K I Sunday afternoon at 6 o clock, (the Mary Ann Lipscomb Elemen- Cotinal will K—1r4 (fa annual Washington Is Ready For Huge Shrine Meeting Aladdin Cities Near Washington to Take of Thousands of Visiting Shriners. (By AMOclkted Press.) WASHINGTON — Aladdin cities designed to house from tl forty thousand persons art Ing up just outside of Washington In preparation for the National Convention of Shriners. which con venes here next week. The cities are located near Alex andria, Va., and Benning and Eck- Ington. Md„ with Pullman cars by the hundreds formfhg homes. These cities will have their own water, aewerag systems, play grounds ’and .public baths ss well as their own police and fire depart ments. ’Dining car.restaurants will operate day and night and shuttle trains wUI be’ run directly from the towns t«y Washington. "Hammer Murderess” Is On Way To San Quentin Prison To Serve Term (By Aaeoelated Prate.) I SAN ANTONIO—“I will fight to the last to win back my freedom and my good name.” So said Clara Phillips, the “Hammer Murderess” Thursday looming in the railway yards of the Southern Pacific here, in an interview with a representative of the Associated Press. In company with her sister, Mrs. Etta Mae Jackson and Los Angeles officers, the “Tiger Woman" reached San Antonio at four-fifty o’clock Thursday morning, on the last lap of the journey which will end as tho gates of San Quentin prison close upon her and she begins serving her ten year sentence for the murder of Mrs. Alberta Phillips.. Second Meeting Of Chamber Will Be Held Thursday Chamber of Commerce Will Hold Meeting Thursday Night “Fel lowship” Tours Planned. The second of the aerlea of mem bership and forum meetlngp 1 thai have been arranged by the direc torate of the reorganized Cham ber of Commerce will be held at th« Chamber's quarters, Hinton Secu rities Bldg., Thursday night at eight o'clock.^ These meetings are held for a free-for-all discussion of subjects of Interest to everyone concerned for the welfare of Ath ens, Clak county an rNorthi PROFITS come only WHEN THE GOODS MOVE if advertising never did any- thing more than kssp your Invest- * ca P'tel on the move, It would r,ch, y pay for Itself. Dollar* that dally ere dollars that don't pay. - * Vou can’t collect profit on the ">08t costly goods In the world Wely by having them on the •helves. bor do you buy fresh geede ntr «v lor the take M paying «"! for ibelr dead storage. v "“ buy them to tail again. To at a.fair profit end then to relnvret. *"d to do It quickly. Tho longer you pay rent for ■coda, tha leea your onnual prof- Will be. ■ ^*0<lon la what count. In butt. Th « laiy dollar It ene of the World', greatest aourcta of lata *"d, ir y 0 g | et yeur dollars a lots that hits yeur DAHLONEUA, Oa.—Commence ment exercises et the North Geor gia Agricultural College -III begin next Sunday, when Dr. James W. Lynch of Durham, N. will de liver the annual aermon. The little village of Dahlonega. ■ serene and'beautiful In Ita uaun- 'tainous ifirroundlngi, is beginning to prepare for the many vlaltora who will come thle year to a most attractive commencement program. The Student body la remaining throughout the commencement, not under compulsion, but from a de sire to bo of rervlce V* ISoae In charge of the college. On Monday morning *of com mencement the Freshmen and Sophomores will contest among themselves for the beat speaera. Monday night the dramatic duh will present an up-to-date comedy On Tuesday morning, alumni-day. Mr. Oscar Pnlmoar, a prominent .... Insurance man of Atlanta will d»- oenoemuon. n™.™, mad. , h , Hve rthe alumni .ddra». M.ny old military officer, of the fhetltutlon atudentajind^ and the chancellor conclude tha It Is eald that when the contest was held both of the men did equally well and that through a trick of chance it waa decided that Mr. Ryther wan the winner. Later deliberation, however, tary School will hold Ita annual I Children’s Vesper Service- At this | time the awarding of the Blblaa for special work in tho atudy of iy the Bible take* place. 1 Monday morning at 12 o'clock tho annual meeting of the Alumr nne Association is held. All mem* bers ncr urged to be preaent as it r .. la of peclzl-importance this year. Favorit9 Boy Actor of j CEN T R r .' CO bb , Movies At Local Thea- honored tfC For Week-end in An| j mnle d|,tely after the alumnae Unusually Good Picture, meeting, the annual _»lumnae v 'luncheon will be held. This year 1 j this has been thrown open to the y By JOHN E. OREWRY ,mothers of Lucy Cobb students as untie Jackie Cooian la In Athenr wall as to alumnae of the school, again; this time In a story aa dlf and an unpntally •*»*• crowd Is forent from "Oliver Twlat" aa tha< expected. *nila la the 100th snnl- masterplece waa dlferent fron veraary of tha birth of General T. "Peek's Bad Boy." It brers th. B. R. Cobb, the founder of the title of "Daddy/' and Thuradsy', achool, and tha alumnae will cal*, targe audience at tha Palace the- hrato this with speeches from £5 r.^y ,h X F Xu~' PlC | C mi Kel« m nr*A.8& « poriunltlea "ihan" r «iiy “‘pravlGS;' ^°**l^thJ f *^5Sw d rt # ttS °^2* ta „ 1 . „ , . 5!22 JtS»ai vahteL it™ ™ luncheon. The pageant to be pre- The Officers and directors hav. Jackla Cooaan vehlcla. If wa, , (ntcd waI wrltUif by an old Lucy Cobb girl, Mn. Adele Johnson Mrs. Coogan. who. bettor than any, bU aaey of Atlanta,' and a number n.h.M U— ..... of AtUnta , chiIdnn| tin mat Claude Kitchen Answers Call of. Death Thursday Representative and For mer Minority Leader of Lower House Dies Early Thursday Morning. (By Associated Praia.) WILSON—Raprsaentatlvo Claud, titchen, formerly minority leader it the lower house of Congress, led her* shortly attar ala o’clock huraday morning. Raprerentatlva Kitchen, who ai the minority leader waa one of th< oeat known and llkad members o: Aa the train upon which she was being carried hack to San Francis co pulled Into the yards here a special cordon of local offlotra took charge^! the prisoner to prevent any porelblllt yof escape. Mrs. Phillip,,■ from her stateroom atated that ahe had not slept since leaving Houston, where ahe wa, met by her mother-in-law and Sadie Fblltlpa, her alater-In-Iaw. EN ROUTE TO BAN FRANCIS CO—Sitting In a etateroom heavily guarded to preclude any poealbll- ity of another sensational escape Clara Phillips, the famous "Ham mer Murderess,' ‘Is drawing nearer and nearer to San Francisco and the lower house has been hi* party' . B “ n F J' ancl »' 0 floor leader and though in bad *“,*' h * . aerve ten years for the murder of though In bad health for some time, the Demo cratic party would not take the nonor away from him. Hla death had been expected hourly for the paat three daya Shortly after midnight Wednesday a sinking spell came,on from which ha never rallied, the end coming peacefully early Thursday. The body of the statesman will bt taken to his old horns at £cot- land Neck, where the funeral 'will probably be held Friday. dawille, bank •ccduet. • can be made to vnllm- z * na Kr 8q>,We «rm,th. four." ■staiigSfi * “ h «, Q«od ™* 8ANNER.HERALD. both be awarded medals. The medals will be given ->» the Junt Commencement. Bank Book Lost . v •Want It Returned The Athens General Hospital would like for the person who found the hank book of the hospital, one on the Georgia National Bank, to return same to the hospital office- The book was lost between the bank and the hill on Daugherty street and some one evidently pick ed it up and ince it is useless to «nyon« except the hospital its re turn l» requested. Finder kindly phone 20. IDENTIFICATION "Pr," asked inquisitive little Les ter Livermore, "what is a pessi mist?" .. *1. .. x "Oh, h« if «• person, my son/' re? piled Mr. Llvermpre In a decided tone, "who; turns f his, sugar-coated pills* wrong side out, so. he can taste the bitter. Instead of the SWfSt" the committee lu charge that they are coming back to their Alma Mater,—many will return for the first time In years. Tbit afternoon field dav exercises will be held, and medals will bo awarded to the winners of these contests. A re- cepUonMVUi banquet will be given to the hiumbl Tuesday night. Aftdr this reception the literary societies will hold .their customary debate. On graduating day. Wednesday. HneeehcH will be delivered by senior representatives of the sev eral degree denartments. Mr. Jas. A. Hollomon of the Atlanta Con stitution will follow these speeches qiednls, certificates and diplomas. Fifty years ago last January the North Georgia Agricultural f’oK^ge was founded. It has served the state of Georgia, as a branch of the University of Georgia, most excellently. Many students from evorv section of Georgia come here for their education. This year the mil of stuefenta * Incited** young men also from Florida. Alabama, Ohio, and Cuh^.- ,Ths college is looking forwaM to a rapid and enormous percentage growth next been holding regular weekly meet Ings since the does of the recent expansion end reorganisation cam paign. Various committees hare been appointed kmT these commit tees, with the assistance and direc tion of the board of directors and officers, are endeavoring to carry out a number of definite plant which embody a. few of the wlshei of the members ag expressed by ‘thought survey" severe months ago. Among these projects, which comprise the major program of work as outlined in the ques tionnaire submitted to the mem bership, are Agricultural Develop ment, Industrial Development, Ed ucatllna! Improvement, Increased Power Facilities, Parks and Play grounds, Tax Revision, Advertising Athens, etc. Ways and msans of securing a greater financial sup port for the Institutions of bighei education located In Athens, It 1 understood, will be the main sub ject discussed at tonight's meet lng. Definite plane for the series ol "Good Fellowship ’. Tours" which the Chamber proposes to promote during the summer months will al so likely come In tor a good gbar# of attention at this meeting of the membership, as will also the Pbo- - „ v „ „ position to hold another agrlcul* I®/*® »yourself, for to tell you tural fair In Athens this fail. The #_1 ‘ tereat and Imp >rtance and the mem* meeting promises to be of much In here are urge I to attend and tak« part In the diecussione. ..... • „v w - .. graduating exercises will bn held in retUlty. Nav.r before ^ has this come over to taka part in IL llttl* star possessed auch a chanct to reveal hla pow.ra.of pathetic ap peal and tragic fervor. Th. spaetators wore thrilled ,t< hushed ailanc. when little Jackl moved through the scene In which hla guardian passu away am Jackie flnde hla real dSUdy. Dr; eyes ware .In the minority en trera were unabashed and ebun dent. But they were quickly cheee •way by tbe art of thla little nec romancer, who Juggles emotion end beguiles Marta 'Daddy' Monday night at 8:30 o'clock, the graduating eeivises will be held in the Scncv-Stov.Ml Chanel, follow^ by nn informal reception on the campus. The reception thle year will be very email end Informal. Mia* Mell Is giving no Invitations except to the families end doge friends of the graduating data. IONOR8 FOR HIE YEAR The two honor girl* at Lucy Cobb hla year are both Athens giri>- Miss Helen £IeDonn*n t daughter "Daddy' 'la a picture that wit Helen McDorman, daughter live Jn our memory forever, and w» 1?^ Wr. and Mra. G. W. M.Dorman, echo the cry of the New York pub l“ Am honor student Mia* ".her who wrote. "Pteree. dre, ' ,R m L^^ETh^"^"atSw Please deal God. don’t let Jackie Coogan grov. .In Ite caet “Daddy" ia rendered particularly notable by the pree- •«V°f Arthur Carewe, Ceaare ura+lnl. Bert Woodruff and Ann. Towneend. Their .election by Dl rector E. Meeon Hopper can be J.eeed ne a etroke of genius foi there Is no false note In theli characterisation,. And then ther. . azudr-d. But you must see Mir BIIIIER'HERILD TO REVIEW NEW ism and Member of Staff to Conduct Column Each Sunday. Beginning with next Sunday’s issue and continuing each Sunday, The Athena Banor-Ilcrald will re view the new books that ere from time to time being published. John E. Dre wry, initrnctor of ' ism at the University of and a member of the Bar old’s editorial staff, will (Turn to Pag* Five.) thla friend of mile Jackie -woulc "’ I *'’y ob ? ou 0f the Joy of „ ,,i t “"H. -urprl-e with which thl charming Story cloaes. Ldcal Clujb Holds Important Meeting La Volture 499 of lot Societe Lo cale dee 40 homines ct 8 chevaux held an enthualaatlc meeting at the pks clnb Thursday crenlng. It bo. Ing National Memorial Day ap- proprlte exercises were held rom- cemorating the memory of those who "fallei,' to return." Four neophyte, or mi.nnrrn do la xuerre wore Initlateif Into tho Volture. They were Dr. Joe S. Stewart. Jr., (leorgn o. Finch, Car lyle Dyer, and t. R. Bird. Additional plan, were made for „ the fprtheranco of tho forthcomlnp ‘ «™yepUqq of the Araertcen LegJon. l, AM. Indl.-atlons point,to the fact that thl* Volture will be one of the notable features of the con vention. there a. a beginner His* Sara Elder, daughter of Mr. and Hr*. T. L- Eldar, won sec ond honor. Mile Elder graduated two years ago from tbe Athene High School where the made a fine record. . Max Michael Sick At General Hospital The many friends of Max Mich ael will be glad to learn that he !• sties comfortably following an Alberta Meadows last summer. The "HnmmerAlurderes*," as the train roara up too coast carrying her to thl* gray walls of San Quentin which means the end of her dream of freedom, seems to settle & little more Into a bag of hopelessness. Tho woman sitting in the little stateroom, does not seem to be tho wimo ns the woman who brutally murdered Alberta Meadows foi I nteallng the affection of her hus band, Armour Phillips, on a lonely road near Los Angeles. Bhe does ( not seem the SAme woman who went through one of th£ most sensation- n! trials In history, without a ! tremor or show of emotion. She ' docs not seem the same as the wo man who after' being convicted made a daring escape from the Los Angeles county Jail and with tho entire hands of the law reaching for her, and n nation-wide search in progress, eluded her pursuers, and escaped Into Mexico and later to Honduras where ahe thought she was safe from extradition. Silent ibost of the time, she sits gazing out of the window, with n look of tired despair on her face. to S conv,nUon*^Thur»<t»y'*we*re, “ r'^.'Zt IVZr moving back and forth to the eta* V'.h“"‘. •.long other* havo been »»alrelngl* n ° tb “ . homos and welcc-nlrx the arrivals, t 1 .* d °T‘ not . ***” _ t ‘? wl . tl !*. th,t V"' "iiewn „„ , 1 „i. (arn j ° 8r precautions whioh are be- Who™ Is vonr hldrer’^era aSmo ? lnf taken t0 brlny her lo ^ u,tIca nf I i/gHnnMhli that h#r P ,anS W0U,<1 ■ a «S«^*- 8 h <* mtxht hav' hean* n the eicTte-, £ h ba ,‘ hlnk,n * *‘ x>ut .“ A M»ne which will eoon arrive when tho gates of San Quentin will clang shut on her and her dreama of Dr. C. C. Jarrell Arrives to Deliver. Opening Ad dress Thursday Night. Auto Ride Friday. While tbe members of the com mittee to meet all trains bringing In tha Epworth League delegatee ment of the-regletratlon rvm. . Dr. C. C. Jarrell grriver Thurs day to deliver the opening ed. drees Thursday night. Thl* Is the onlyittme that he, will speak dur ing /the conference so n record crowd la exoected to hear Mia. The members of the eoetel com freedom. Desperate criminal and murder- . ees though ehg may be, as the train flashes on through the fields bear ing her toward San Francisco, ahe mlttee have been working and looks simply like a tired women, making Plans lo make the eocltl (who hna seen a vision and then bad hoar at t o’clock a real hour of that rlalon blotted out by fate. enjoyment and recreation. Otmee. conteeta, end many other noreltles have been planned and all are looking forward to this event. On Friday afternoon at S o’clock, the delegatee will be given an auto, mobile ride over the city, after hlch the delegatee will be served •upper hy the stewards of the Young Harris end First Methodist churches. The program will he concluded with the address of Rev. Wmren Williams on Friday evening. Mr. Walter Bishop Stutz Representative Mr. Walter Bishop, pioneer auto mobile man, has been aopointed operation at the General Hospital '*?reial representative for the 8tut« Thursday morning. /Motor Car Co. in Northeast Geor- gto. effective June first. e for Conscientious Voters Evolved Hy League Of Women Voter f s President She knows that her last hop© lr gone by the decision of a Califor nia court In denying h©r appeal for a new trial and she Menu to b* trying to resign herself to what must follow. Cherries and Home Grown Beans in Demand on Curb Market, Mrs. Troutman Announces. By MAUD WOOD PARK, Presi dent National Leagu* of Woman Voter* "Believing In Qovsrnmtnt by th* Perple, for the People, I Will Do My Best— First: To Inform mjrself about public questions, the principles ind policies of political parties, and the qualifications of candidate* for public offices. Second: To vote according to my conscience Jn every election, pri mary or mlnal, it wjrfch I am en titled to vote. when I am not In sympathy with all Ita provisions. Fourth: 'To support by all mean* th* principles that I approve of. Fifth: To respect the right of other* to uphold conviction* that may differ from my own. Slant: To regard my dtlsenahlp aa a public trust Thla I* a simple pledge but If It-were taken—and kept—by a ma. Jority of the voten of this country, we should be much nearer the Kingdom of Heaven on earth than Third: To obey tbe toir even I we find ouraetvez today. Home grown beans and cherries *llf find s ready sale at the Curb 'Market Saturday. In the opinion of Mrs. Bessie Troutman, Market Maa(er. ,. It da understood several farmers I have large quantities of beans on hand and some of them have treea loaded with cherries. If they are brought to. tho Curb Market Mrs. Troutman believes they will find a quick sole. Tho Curb Market will open aa usual Saturday morning at seven o’clock. Ono hundred and fifteen permits to sell produce on the Market hive I Issued to farm ers In darko and adjoining coun ties and they are all boosting the Market- Athens consumer* are finding 'he Market very convenler tho crowd of buyers has In ell day the Market has although bad weather has all ed Market Day every tlm. since opening date May