The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 01, 1923, Image 3
' Coffee at All Hour* 59* 110 CI*Un St. Sol Lesser present* iwwOqeH J92LQ : ' V W : THE BANNEK-HEKALD. ATHEN3; ^gOttCH*— [ sure exerted and constantly ri» newed Importunities 4^, friends," said Mrs. Harrold, "I have consent- fed to become *a candidate fof (President general. I believe that j the highest and best service I can render the United Daughter* % of the Confederacy Is measured only by my ability and strength, and my »r «;nULE HALL | riflco shrdleutaoRhrdjltaoishrdluuii r.mutev parties seem to be th*> I/;»°, n ,, L,nger Longer Lodge Interest ill the cause is so great atverylnfo™., ,a*.|l am wHUn, make every necea- **> «-J- "S'emaT nal SaCr,, ‘ Ce 11,6 ° ,,1Ce "In entering tho race for presi dent generaL. I' want to thank most sincerely those friends who have '.nance I itin”-vnri , - ... . *° •*onerously offered TOO theli lovelier th « support, and to I pledRe ray the arae*. ; 1 acUvl ?“ I "very effort to the end that Ceor- hfe Linger - Dy MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832 f Georgia. .Monday night those entertaining l„ honor «f their natal days were Lucy Wood of Cav<£Springs. Lila Jones of Parott, Saille . Fannie Daniel of Efcinielavi!le£ OenUvifcvi- Tucker «f ,- Athens, Emma -.'Pfaster of ul:»nta,„who.liad ha Weir guests a *>f young laities and gen- tleiiu iL(or..a birthday supper with oak' 1 a rid .' Indies and everything to make aMmUtiftf! birthday! feast k and gold were the colors used tea to Mrs. W. L. Weston, who Mo "d«y tor her home in Halifax, amt Miss Natllle Bocock «ho Icayes at an early date for Ivurnpe, to speud several months. The pilesta Included the "Not l Chance Club" 1 rind wa Black and gold were >n the I able. WcdnesdajC night lav celebration In I another birth; the Tetri' - .“ a by the followihg: Misses Sarah Franklin, Ann Sas- neit and Dorothy Haskins who had PS th« ir guests Misses Sarah Tar ragona, Jim Turner, Miss Hudgins Xcliic *M*y' Bowen, Grace . Allen Helen Gibbs, and Edith House. The table decorations were pink rose buds and the mint baskets and place cards carried out the coloi pocnie of dainty pink. A n.Iie and candles completed tho birthday Idea. MRS. W. L. WESTON AND MISS-NATALIE BOCOCK SHARE HONORS Mr* JJiHupo Phlnisy was the Chariitfhlf' Iwutcss* Thursday after- pro.inspopart?/andT the "e” hiio»t“^£n W ac ^ ot tl,ll * h ' , u. of the D^oghC oMho cofrodfr- acy. For mynelf. I wish nnthlnp my highest hope and tljn preatnst all her beautiful. ’ entertalnmehta! | a « n ’ie lt rfv.°L m .T llf0 a 1 . U , lls . 1lra ^ immediate families! Dr. McOea. anti a very Rraceful comnllment in l ...w.*il! an .' 1 talent apd c hy, pastor of the First Presby. terian church In Decatur, formed the ceremony. ipppy pattieij t|pj|y t The nraclous hospitality of Mrs. Phlnizy was fully in keeplnp with the poS h“.'° ,nP " n,ent *° 8Uba ,‘ aa “ «» «* -Hr,„a great work underlay* n by oiir or ganisation. to the end that the —ffl WHITEHALL NIGHT SCHOOL AND BOARD GIVEN PARTY AT HOME OF MRS. W. E. BROACH On Saturday evening the night school teachers pf Whitehall' en tertained about sixty student* of that place with a lovely party at the homo of Mrs. W. E. Broach on South Lumpkin. Chairs were arranged on the spacious porch for tho Whitehall band Which furnished several splendid selection during the even ing. Tho large living room and dining, room wore, thrown together and ; artistically 1 decorated with quantities of daisies and Dorothy Perkins roses making a lovely, set ting for the guesre. beige crepe. Mrs. Albert Douglas and Mrs. Carter Shepherd assisted in ’en tertaining. Those playing were Mesdames McCurry, Fletcher Manley. Corne lius Vason, Harris Burruss, H. H. FiUpatrick. Eddie Cohen, John Orr. Butler Atkinson. E. R. Lambert, Joe Pitts, Dan Hickey, T. B. Bald win, Rosa Parker, Tillman Doug las, Miss Lucy Mower, Mfsa Helen Atkinson and Miss Jeanette White guest of Mrs. Harold Nicholson.—i Madisonian.* | Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilkins. Miss —BE— 'Josephine Wilkins and Mr. Jack MISS LUCILE EILEEN j "Wilkins have returned from 81 OOOO WEDS AUGUSTINE !Mary's accompanied by Miss Vail SAMS THUR8DAY Cleve Wilkins who graduated Wed- •Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Dodd nesday evening. ffhm Walhlncton, Bj O., afttfV ’tTfeeerilty' kueat of Mr. and Mr.' liillupW, »b«« Jtlfir son, Ur.-: Marlon A ' Phlnlty for several daya, Mr.;!Hubert will be awarded hi, dfplo ' Stovall will be one .of the promt- | ma. nent speakers at the Lucy Cobhj —ffi— Alumnae luncheon on Monday. J Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Taylor visited * —ffl— , \ relatives In Monroe Thursday Mrs. B. C. Hook of Charlotte, N. j —ffl— j. is the gue&t of Mr. and Mr* * ** John Fowler. —ffl— Mrs. C. Myerson has returned from n visit to Atlanta. Mrs J Mr. Howard Seymore of Elbe?ton announce the marriage of their daughter, Lucile Eileen, to Augus tine Sams. The ceremony took place at their home On Covington road, Decatur. May 29, in the presehee of the Mr. William Ecford ville is Charles Green- ,jhe guest pf Mr., and Mrs The friends of Mr. and Airs. Os* ir Abney will be pleased to .lears, that their young son, Walter Lewlt jter- | ia rtoln k nicely following^ien* dlrltis operation Thursday .tnornlnp is Ur the city to take a course at the Business college. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dutt6n and children are ‘vsitlbg relatives Elberton. SCRATCH OF DEAD FOX PROVES FATAL TO GIRL PART &—Bfood'poibnihe i juiting •from * a slight gcratch In- ’ flicted by a fox fur caused the death at Bourns 0 f Ernestine La-1 tille. twenty-one. . j Air a ^danca one or ner friend* | pulled the fur from her shoulders.! the fox s teeth grazed Ernestine’s skin, blood poisoning set in. the! gtrl dying two days later after ter-1 rible. suffering. / | heroism and valor, as well as the patriotism and honor of every val orous defender of the southern confederacy shall be preserve:! to futuro generaltlons. that the story of the privations pnd courage of southern, women shall ho heard around the civilized world, and the reflected glory of these vaillanf men and mieenly women shall hr enshrined for all time In the heart® of tho people of tho whole nation." the girLs AUXILIARY MEETS SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Tho Ulrls Auxiliary of tho Flint Dautlst church, will moet tomor row aftomoon, at four dclock (with Mra. Wright and Mra. Thorn- St. Mary's hospital. —ffl— ■* Miss Lurllne Nix spent a for days this week in Athenn as th , guest of her brother. Col. Ablt Nl Mrs. Sams was a member of this year’s graduating class at Agnes Scott college. . Mr. Sams Is 'a graduate of tho University of Georgia and Is a member of the firm of Ethridge, i ond family.—Commerce News. Sams and Ethridge. — cfl— After an extended trip north-Mr. I E , l “‘* a rar , han ; o , r0,! '; ind Mm. Same will bn at homo lh ,yl “! '* ,,,<, guc,t of Mra - y N Decatur until the completion ofr 0 8Son ' their home on North Decatur ro^d. in Druid Hills.—Constitution. JUNIOR LITERJ^Y 80CIETY HOLD8 MEETING Tho Junior girls held their first meeting Monday morning, May —ffl— Mrs. J. W McKlbbon of Atlnnti in tho guest of Dr and Mrs. J. A llunnicutt, Sr. Would You Be Beautiful? Beauty hu been the quert of all age*- Tbouunds of tv women attribute their ity to the uk of Narf/no Face Powder. The cheek, have just a tint of color—the Nadine will keep the in your cheekx. It will adhere and protect the ikin from the sun, wind and dust. It con tains' no white lead or othetd ingredient to harm the sldn or the eyes. If, the same pure powder, popular for » many years—only the box and fra*- grance have been improved. Money refundod if you are not pleased. At your toilet counter 50c. Miniature box sample by mail 4c. ™-fSi tests were played, being directed by Miss Lucy Wood. Rrvcraf de lightful piano selections ••*-..» giver by Miss Mary Frances Everett I,ato In tho ovening delicious re freshments were served, und at th$ close of,tho party the entire crowd united In singinii amoral "Whitehall songs." The'honor guests, of this happy occasion were Mrs. Charles M. SnelHng. Mrs. George D. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. White. Those assisting 'Mrs. Broach In entertaining were Miss Lucy Wood. Mr. Harry Everett, Miss Lizzie Mae Hancock, Miss Mary Frances Ever ett,. Mrs. H. JC. Broach, of Social Circle. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wooster Robert Snelling, Alfred Means and Claude Broach. 4G3 Iliil street. MI8S ROSTAND^!HOSTESS AT LINGER LONGER LODGE Among the many delightful social affairs at tho IJnger Longer Lodge none were mire charmingly planned than Miss Rostand's small lovely party of recent date. gg BIRTHDAY PARTIE8 A CORRECTION Mrs. James McGowan has return ed to Augusta after a visit to Mr# John W. Brumby. . i -ffl- Mrs. W. L. Weston and little sot. ly morning, muj « . . 8th at 10:00 o'clock at Atheni | 1 ^ n,pK ‘ n High School. „ , -s . .~w , v*— „„„ . nrtt The main speaker ot the morn ; Many Interesting games and con- ton at the homo ot Mrs. Thornton ,n * was Col. Ablt Nix. His subject ala wnm Alov*,* Kxxi n . -•**» «• * ’ was "Essentials of Debating.** After his talk a piano solo by ,r ni ' ,y , p< ! | Warren accompanied by Mra. r. M cvodyouc. Thin wap followed by n p.„ v . Mdnrt a y for Hn „. 2? ba ; ™ ncuolvo.1, -T-hat M L N. and will atop over In uliould ho opened on tho 7lh of Npw y ofk , 0 vlnlt Mr.‘«ld Mr. September and closed on tho 3#lh , JalI1 „ EdWorda nmrtln Horton nl. ?I.J lay ; ? y, . or * han u "? n " d on thp |..t. for a .hort rtrty. •lGtli of September and closed on Iho Mill of Juiio.” On (he afflrma- I j,r and Mra. Claud Collin, nre tlvo wax Mlaa Euxonla Arnold and|y„ unK , on of charlotte „„ on the noxatlve, Mlaa Agnea Proc. | K „ f .„ of Mr . „„„ Mra. Cleornc Col In mentioning the honora in Mia. cmirnoiV™ ff D |'?‘l.-| . Iln *- *»" for the aradu altle Julia Niehoi.- ■ii.M.t,' Tho .Conatltatlon and By-tawa ntlon of Mlaa Loulao Collin, fron Mattie Julia Nichols' music clnsr It should have been J. I*, and Wat son Jolly sliurcd honors^ in Per* serverance work and Loulso Fanl first honor In Conscientious work throughout tho year. were adopted. For the ensuing year the of. | fleers will be, president. Miss oro FOR PRE8I0ENT AMERICUS. Ga.—Mrs. Frank P. Harro^l. .president of. the Georgia division. Daughters of tgo Confed. ‘•nary.M today 1 accepted nomination! uH^livision candidates far presldcmrt"-., . general. She has recently received j B * rd8on « Cobb street.^ thousands of letters asking, her to ur . fcJr . Al v,^ “ m— make tho race, and In agreeing,to do tills expressed wUlingqMs r to make anv personnI sacrificefceceft sary to bring this honor to Geor- "In view the continued fcfei^efternoon f ^"ry. pink WALTER BIRDSiONG, JR.. , T °- < i ELEBR f TE AWtlOTHAAV ‘Saturday afternoon at 4:30 \fat- lor Blrdsonn will colehralo hlxyCth* birthday with a beautifully phiiuiof party which ^lU uarmblo Man),-. Ilo friend, and RhiymatCH fclr n very happy (MXM.Am iit tho h»m« oi p,4nl« .brt and Sirs. H,, W. " ' fc: m , . v- - , Mrs. Gracfy Harrell and youn; thy Garlson; Vico president, IMliw mm. Grady, Jr., havo returned t. Lll^ Dews; secretary-treasurer j the ir home in Macon after n vlsjl JM sn Jlnnlc iooc Mspp; Critic, to her sister, Mrs. PaUl Mathews. affair t Bru**tt0. j j,, - «, - i -i j - ; "rhj iim.E prIce- DINING BOOM SERVES 3 MEALS DAILY week Was tho bridge tea gi.. Mrs. Leonard Wallace on Salt ' ig Mrs. Julia; A3- ■ ■ bler roses d< the attractive hpme. ur tables were playing, liming top sroro | Foui Joe Fitts Coty’s powder, and Mrs. Roy bert low s^oro prize, a deck of cards. Tho guest of honor wa# given handkerchiefs. Mrs. McCurry wore dark blue flat crepe. Mlaa Marv Stewart parlimcntarlon Miss Edith.Hillard. . .. . tffra. II>C. Broach; of Social ele is the guest of Mrs. W. Earle Broach. r , *j t —'ffl— Mias Jean Fl.'inlgen has returned from I’hilndclphfa ‘where sho har been'. studying at tWri FJns Aril Academy Sho was nceompanfei t»y Miss Hilda Halin' of Toronto Canada. ' am , r/ : J Mrs. J. D; I'rice is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Binkney l*rlce ot Griffin. r * ‘ • -ffl- Miss Mabel -Carson, who has been attending college at tho State Nor mal returned home toda^.—Winder Nows, Misses Claudia and Jean Flanl* gou accompanied by Utdi* guest Miss Hilda Hahn of Toronto will go over to Atlanta Monday for $ visit for several day*. Mr- ur.^ , ,,on ' A. Stovall of 8a- Airs. Wallace was gownod invannah arrives Sunday afternoor Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tiller am’ children are riidllrfg 'fn< Greenville S. C. • '.1 - rt.R U Ip H ill , —00 ^;,l! It . Mr. Hank ’Dunn of Suvaunkh an old Georgia boy arrive* SUfurdai for a Visit. .' J t;-, i .j - : ) Mbw Mnybrlfg^liamnfuk a senl«? p of the Slate Normal Bohool IA the guest of Mrs. W. J.i RurroII qn Morton nvemie>for ' seVgrnr > days befobe returning-to • Iw homo t |r IMcklns county. » j J M i.. r . ■ A ■* j! i Mr. and'Mrs, Ben 1 Juhnb moved Thursday Into trto house Vw*nto«<( by Mrs. McDuffie on Mi Hedge avy-, nue. who moved Into, her' new 1 home on Meigs street. Miss Reo#r. Who lived with -Nisi "Mel >uf,f|r moved Into the HkrMn • home -or, yaj Hill street which she ;rfree>ntfy p^r.TU^LGlT chased. Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Hubert will go over to Atlanta Saturday te be present at th* Commencement exercises on June Mb of tho Medl- 'joins'. ma ALUC A VERY ATTRACTIVE HOUSE DREM OR DAY DREII. Pattern 37JS Is shown In. this Ulus- •ration. It Is cut. In aeven sixes: SO, W, 40. 43.. 44, 48 and 48 Inches bust ncasure. A 88-Inch also requires six vords of 8B-lnch material, if made a* Ijustratod It will require 4H yards of ’malar lal hfineur, pap. mm A pattern of .this lUaxtratlon malted rs^or StknSff ltc *».«• b ’Size reel and No. n,. Sale Price Tln’nk of it) Ri'flit at commencement of the scaion comes NEWARK’S an nouncement of their Big An nual Sale Of Wkrto Shoes for Women--Stunning Pumps and Oxfords at SMASHING REDUC- _ , , TIONS; tlixt will surely cause a sensation in the shoe world and among thrifty layers. Not a lot of odds and ends purchased frij the occasion fcut Regular NEWARK Shoes in smart styles practically One Third Less Than Regular Price*. Everyb should Have a pair of Hites” for summer wear. CHoose ypu tomorrow and jet tH« cream of tHe selection. >e SiecetCc Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. The UrfMl Chain 9/ Shoe Stars* la th* United Suua Athens, Ga., Store. 151 Clayton St., "Next to Kreet." AD Newark Stores Open ?atard&y Evenings to Accommodate Cuatoi LAST SHOWING THAT WONDERFUL KID SPECIAL SHOWING THE Coo “DADDY PALACE TONIGHT tfyriih *fo ( 'iilflU' M Hioriyf Supreme Motion Picture Achievement with the [ ., ' t Greatest Cast Ever Assembled for ‘ .* l One Picture W — —, — | NO ADVANCE IN PRICES 1 Come Early Wl s. ... , V z«->