The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 01, 1923, Image 8
PAGE BIGHT WB BANWniHi^KXttft yfBBWi Morris’ Cheese, pound . - 29c Snap Beans, quart 44c 10 pounds Calumet Baking 4 TC • Powder (Boarding Houses, Restaurants.) No. 2 1-2 Del Monte Bartlett Pears 38c Welch’s Apple Butter 19c Post Toasties Sic 12 ounce Conavo Peanut Butter 25c NOO-NAME Coffee, pound .... .. 38c Oscars \ « Sauce 28c Pin Money Sweet Gherkins 35c Van Dyke’s Stuffed Olives, 12 1-2 ounce 55c Beechnut Catsup, large.. ..'... 25c Mission Pickles, 6 ounce .. .. .. ..’ 15c Clean Stores, Fine Selection, Lowest Prices. PIGGLY-WIGGLY Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linnell & Company’s Private Wire NEW ORLEANS, La.—Liverpool /as due .1 to 8 lower by New orleutiv, to 9 down by New York, mostly on nears. ! Southern spots Thursday unchang- | ed to 30 down except 25 higher at J Montgomery, Dallas 20 lower, mld- I 'filing there 27.50. Hales at Dallas CO bales, all told 3,008. Government crop condition report Friday 10 n. m.. New Orleans time. I Returns will run against G9.G last i year; 66 year before last; G2.4 In 1920, and 10 year average of 73.6. About 70 generally expected; If 71 or higher, market likely decline tern- j porarliy, probably advance if 69 weather to set in if crop satisfactory progress in the near fu ture. low Beginning the Day Right— start His breakfast will him right—witn a cud of NOO-NAME he’ll stay ‘right” and the cares of business won’t perplex him. Noo-Name Coffee Hplnners takings for week yvill >mpare with 211,006 last year and .1,000 year before last, wero 148,000 st wpek. While uquaJ in Hue tiros, such ns i weather, ete.J havo to be reckoned with, Friday'* market- probably be 1 dominated by nature oW the bureau re|>ort. Sentiment remains moderately hnfklsh but after government tlon rei»ort is dgiested. climatic de velopmcnta will exert their influence again. Since returns to the government May 25th. the weather has 1 generally unfavorable over most the belt, and whatever the bureau condition may be. It is likely l< Friday than It was on May 25th. It is essential, therefore, for good MARKETS ATHENS COTTON The local cotton market tool* a big drop from the previous close when the market closed Friday at 27 cents, below the previous cioae which was 28 1-4 cents. NEW YORK COTTON . Open High Low Close P.C. July .. .. 27.00 27.04 25.93 25.98 27.12 Oct. .. 24.55 24.97 23.25 23.26 24.63 Dee. „ .. 24.05 24.05 23.85 22.85 24.14 23.71 23.72 22.60 22.65 23.80j 11 A. II. Bids: July 27.30; January ca>1 DOUBLE TRAGEDY RES WHEN WIFE BURNS DINNER MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.— Anger because his wife had burned the dinner was the only motive police assigned for a double ragedy here. Ole Sandehcek, thirty-five, a [miiiiiiiiiiimiiimiuii PARAMOUNT • SALAD • DRESSING 23.8*1; ^rtfcbcr 24.68; December 24.18. is a pleasant draught and keeps the brain clear— makes the meal a treat. SCOTT T. & COFFEE COMPANY Roasters Your body says, “Give Me More Bread.” The body instinctively calls for Bread. Fill that Natural Need. Eat Plenty of Bread. Bread is the True Foundation of the Meal. When You Say Bread- let it be Quality Bread, 3 loaves for 25c. ARNOLD-ABNEY &CO. We never tire of endeavoring to improve our service and we always provide the best BEEF, PORK and'Other MEATS and MARKET- PRODUCTS that are obtaina-, Me for our customers. Our Meats Are Inspected By U. S. and City Inspectors and Are the Best. PHONES 1616-1617 IEDMONT MARKET ^ 240 North Lumpkin Street The Wier Grocery Co. Phone 166 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 48 pounds Rising Sun Self I Rising Flour $2.10 24 pounds Rising Sun Self Rising Flour $1.09 12 pounds Rising Sun Self Rising Flour. 57c 25 pounds Sugar! !Cloth bagi • i-l't 1 .. 1 $2.50 10 pounds Sugar, I Cloth bags .... $1.05 5 pounds Sugar, Cloth bags .... 55c Nice Ripe Tomatoes, Iceberg Lettuce, Grape Fruit, Fresh Snap Beans, Country Cabbage. Phone Us Your Orders. We Deliver and Save You Carrying Your Package. The Wier Groc Phone 166 Georgia String Beans 25c gallon Fresh Cucumbers Yellow Crook-Neck t Squash Extra Nice Green Cabbage Fresh Beets Carrots New and Old Iri^h Potatoes Nice Ripe Tomatoes Nice White Onions Iceberg Lettuce Home Grown June Peaches Fresh Pineapple ■>-' Grape Fruit Oranges, Lemons Extra Nice Ripe Bananas < Combination Store Produce Department Is ono of the moot Important foodn. You eat It often enough to niako euro you get the tretboiL ■. IMPROVED SERVICE AND THE BEST MEATS. OUR CHOICE MEATS ARE JUST A LITTLE BETTER. We fare Just enlarged onr facll. Itlc«, and Improved oar service. Deal with ub and receive prompt, courtooua service. FRESH FISH AND CHICKENS Phone 1446 .WESTERN MARKET 247 E. Broad St. NEW ORLEANS COTTON Open High Low Close P.C. Jan. .. 23.36 23.36 22.14 22:14 23.43 July .. .. 27.35 27.37 26.09 26.21 Oct .. .. 23.92 22.95 22.70 22.90 Dec 23.51 23.54 22.35 22.35 11 A. M. Bids: July 27.49;, October 24.11; December ?3.68. On fresh salads, as sandwich fill ing* and for many other appetizing uses. Paramount Salad Dressing and J Onaise Salad S jtMwq 1 ■(' f.4*- -laWL-WUi I i, f: . 1? id F.i: A f 1" ’ PM P AV - JU ^ -Jndcbcck to death with a baseball bat and then committed suicide by slashing his own throat with a razor. WOMAN ROUTS PROWLER; DINNER PLATE WEAPON VANCOUVER. Wash. — Mrs. Kate Adams, proprietor of a room ing house here, threw a dinner plate at a prowler who was trying to climb into a window -and hit him on tlie head with such -force that he beat'a’hasty retrieat arid did not return- ; • . MM- 1 '! OH- Mrs- Adams says she chose a dinner plate becauqe she can throw one more accurately than most other objects. V Fresh Lot of Beans, Squash to Arrive &h day at One O’clock! Your Sunday Dinner J Beans, 3 qts. f or 25c Squash, 5c the pound Cucumbers Bell Peppers Egg Plants New Potatoes Ripe Tomatoes A,RNOLI)-ABiNKY s. ( READ BANNER.HERALO WANT ADS CHICAGO GRAIN Open WHEAT— Sept 113% May July 113% CORN— Sept 76% May July 78% OATS- Rept May July NEW YORK STOCKS Open 1 P.lf. P.C. Coca Cola 79% 79 *•% Cuban Cane Sugar 14% 14% 14% Aueton Nichols .. 23% 24% .... U. S. Steel 97% 96% 97% Southern Ry. .... 34 33% 34 Sou. Ry. pfd 97 Kennicott Copper 37% \S6% 37% Induatrlal Alcohol 56 .... 56 N. Y. Central .... 98% 98% 98% Arne. Tel. Tel. 123 122% 123 Lowe's Inc 17 .... 17 U. 8. Sugar 74% LIBERTY BONDS Open P. C. 1-2* 100.23 First 4 l-4a 98.19 Second 4 l-4s 98.25 98.15 Third 4 l-4s 98.18 98.26 Fourth 4 l-4a 98.15 98.17 COMPLETE LINE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR FRIDAY Eat More Wheat, Eat It jn Bread and Cake BENSON’S BREAD . GOLDEN CREAM BREAD Buy Your Bread By Name Bread Is the Best and Cheapest Food BENSON’S BAKERY PICNIC TIME —and you’ll want the best “eatings.” Take along Sandwiches made RIGHT—which means MAKE THEM WITH OUR BREAD. SKELTON’S BREAD and CAKES Order them from your Grocer or Buy Them at the Coffee Shoppe on Clayton Street. GoodCofTee and Sandwiches There, Too. T ATHENS CURB MARKET BULLETIN Jun* 2. 1923. Bean, string, 35 cent* gallon. Boots. 5 and 10 cents a unch. Strawberrle*. 15 cent* a quart. Dewberrie*, 15 cent* a quart. Butter, 30 and 40 cents a pound. Cabbage. 6 ami 10 cent* a head. Coke, home made, price according to *lie and variety. Carrot*. 5 and 10 cent* A hunch. Chicken*, frier*. 36 £enta a pound. Hen*, 30 cent* a pound. Rooster*, 13 cent* a pound. Egg*. 25 cent*'a dosen. Kgga, selected, GO cent* a dosen. Ham, home cured, 25 cent* a pound. Kale, 10 cent* a peck. Lard, home made 20 rents a pound. Lettuce, 5 and 'I# cents a head. Meal, corn, 3 1-2 t oenta a pound. Onion*, 5 and 10 cents a bunch. Farafey, 5 centa a bunch. Peaches* 35 centa a basket. Pea*/ English, 20 centa a gallon. Teas, field. 4 cent* a pound. Potatoes, Irish, 5 cent* a pound. Potatoes, Sweet,- 25 centa a peck. Sorghum Syrup, 60 centa a gallon. Spinach, 10 cent* a pound. Turnips, 6 and 10 cents a bunch. Turnip Qreens, 15 ceitt* a peck. Squab*. 30 cent* A piece. Pure Bred Eggs, $1.00 a setting, order* taken. Cherries, 35 cent* a quart. 8T0P BACKACHE, KIDNEY TROUBLE Backache, Rheumatic Pains, dul headache, tired feeling, too frequent urlnatloh, discolored or strong odor ars symptoms of kidney am' bladder trouble. M I was alwsyi having a backache which caused me great suffering," writes Mrs. Feber, Medford, Mass. "Could not slssp and at times I could Stand straight. Tried Foley Kid ney Pills and "found relief." Stop backache, kidney and bladder trou bles with Foley Kidney Pills.—Ad vertlsement. •100—A PRACTICAL BBT OP INFANT’S CLOTHES This pattern t* cut In one else. comprise* a dreas, a petticoat, a Bar- rie-coat or pinning . blanket and a “ " ‘— “owns,, •Upper. Muslin, lawn, cambric,, batiste. Nipper, s , . .. , nainsook and silk are suitable for the dress. The petticoat may be of cam- brio or lawn. The Carrie of flannel or flanneliett* with band of cambric or muslin. The slipper of kid, satin, suede, felt or eiderdown. It will re* quire t% yards of 36-inch material for „ embroidery for the raffle. The slipper* will require % yard of ll-inch iterial and the Barrle-coat % yard __ 37-nUh material for band, and one yard 40 laches wide for the skirt. No. 3 Carmello Peaches, 35c; 3 for qq No. 2 Lima Beans, 20c can $2.00 down No. 2 Can Peas, 20c $2.00 dozen Hershey’s Cocoa, 1-2 pound can 2ft* Bulk Cocoa / 2 8clb 12 pound Can Breakfast Bacon $2.25 Sunbeam Orange Pekoe Tea 85c Ib. WHITE ROSE Fancy Canned Goods. We Charge and Deliver. .5 Per Cent Discount for Cash. KING-HODGSON COMPANY Quality Uniform tow Price Service c Better G Buscuits Dinner 50c English Pea Soup Roast Lamb and Green peas Green jCfebbago Spring Onions Cream Mashed Potatoes Muffins and Biscuits Chocolate Pudding Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents Supper 50c Sirloin Broiled Hominy Grits Fresh Oreen Peas Vegetable Salad Bread Pudding, Cream Sauce Hot Biscuits Coffee, Ten or Milk. 50 Cents Eat More Wheat are made with .because It Is the very highest quality ol winter wheat flour and the purest le»v. suing scientifically mixed. Qrocers sell It. Webb-Crawford Co. Wholesaler*. Athens. BUSH OllLLINO CO. Seymour. Indiana Kuppenheimer , SUMMER SUITS everythingthere but the weight There’s a happy surprise in store for die man who wears a Kuppenheimer summer suit this season. Of course, you expect comfort and coolness. But now you get the same elaborate construction which goes into Kuppenheimer regular wool suits. But they are light weight. The style stands up in all weathers. Finest quality linings. Sur- t passingldloring. Seeour comprehensive, range , of, two piece suits. Delightfully cool fabrics, summery colorB. Every Kind of Summer Goods Displayed In’Our Racks. ; Gabardines, Palm Beaches, Mohairs, Tropical Worsteds, Cool Cloths, and Seersuckers. See Our Line of Florsheim Oxfords. They are the talk of the town. John B. Stetson Felt Hats. Mallory Straw Hats. For Summer Comfort, Try the Van Heusen Collar. “THE" DAYLIGHT CORNER” Corner Broad and Jackson Streets