Newspaper Page Text
(By Associated Press.) . '
PARIS—Rejection of Germany’s new reparations
is forseen here in official circles, Wednesday,
ffuLirh thl text of the note setting forth the proposals
k H not yet been received and is not expected to reach
, itv before Thursday. , , . .
" indications that the offer will be rejected is based
unofficial indications that the note, from the
Fair Cooler
athjsjns cotton £
VOL- 9l> N0 ‘
Dally and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
Associated Preee Service
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cents Dally, S Cents Sunday.
onlv "" viewpoint* does not eyen constitute a basis for
waiting the text of the
french y
uhiif* waiting . „
i-vench authorities decline to
themselvea officially, .but
‘J’|ti drawn, by officials to
a ' that the note falls to
,. tl the cassation of passive
in the Ruhr* which 1*
t,.,,>d practically sine qua non
v i. .pinning of negotiations,
i l H the second time within
♦ two months that Ger-
tlrawn up and submitted
new ret
K hyTh^'ccuntrles to which It
Tl.r propoMls which were sub-
,, short time a*o. offered
. thirty billion marks In gold
, n,,. allies, which were to be
fetched over a period tjf twenty
live >
Civil Service Commission
Ordered Chief to Dess-
troy Every Dron on
Hand Tuesday Night.
Aal vUcmon Commission Severely
Atlanta Woman Criticized Because Some
To Address The Thought “Right Person
Voters League Could GetJJqoor.
No more whiskey will be kept In
»s to „f„„,l Will the vault at police headquarters ss
Mrs. Sanford uay win a rMUlt of , ak , 8 Tuesday
Discuss Child Welfare ii:*ht uy me Civil Service Commis
Work Here Next- Tues- sl "j^, n motion of Commissioner J.
rations proprosnls,
turned by a unanimous J a y Luncheon.
An important meeting in the In
tel-cst of Child Welfare will
held at the Hotel Oeorglan_nevl
Tuesday at 1:30 o'clock at which
Ume luncheon* wll be served.
Mrs. Alonzo Richardson and
Mrs. Sanford day, well known At
lanta club women, wll he here for
tho moetlnA Mrs. Oay, one of the
lenders in tc Child Welfars move
mrnt. will deliver an address.
The June program of the Voter
League of which Mrs. L. I*, llcndrcn
Is president will he In the lnteresti
of Child Welfare. Mrs. C. A. Ver-
Noy is chairman of the committee.
Mrs. Oay. the principal spenket
at tho luncheon next week. Is pros*
Idcnt of the Atlanta League of Wo
men Voters, ehslran of the com
mittee on legislation of the Oeor
Bln League and a member of the
Children's tCodo Commission up;
pointed In into by the flovernor to
Inveatlgatn the child'labor condi
tions In this slate.
Tho Athens 1*. T. A. will co-op-
ernte In holding the meting. The
public la cordially Invited and
saked to nurchaao luncheon tick
ets fro mtho doorglan manage
H. EpUng tho board voted to de
al roy all of the whiskey .In the «
Ends Fifty Years of Ser
vice With Southern Mu
tual Insurance Co. At
Banquet Tuesday.
Agents Entertained 'At
Banquet Tuesday Night
After Day of Bright
Events Here. -
Warrants Charging Murder Issued
vault at that ZJ’EZJT'Z*
and soventy-flvo gallons, and never j and enthuslastlo^ ever^neta oy uu
again allow It to be kept at the p#now)n(t th0 business meeting
Journalism Students Will
Publish Banner - Herald
on Thursday; Editorial
Staff Completed and An
- '/The special edition of the Athens
The annual meeting of the agent* • Banner-Herald which was announ-
of tho Southern Mutual Insurance ^ to j, ave published Tues
day. June 6, by the students in the
lienry W. Grady School M Jour
nalism at the University fef Georgia
will not be published until Thurs
day of this week. June 7.
It is a custom at the university
for the -students in the school of
Journalism to publish tho Banner
Company culminated Tuesday night
at th* Georgian hotel with a gor
geous banquet served by the: com-
P *The Company wt3 observing Ita
seventy-fifth anniversary and the
police station. 4 Tuesday morning the visitors were Herald once each year. All the ma-
j Upon making the motion Cofc- IJ„ t , a f ned '‘ au , 0 rl d*a dver «e*lal a^rearing in thin special
mlaaloner Eptlng declared ho had , n the a „ erno on edition la the work of the students
t _.l .awnvnl nivnnlll«nt elHipnn I inc n 3 . In.liidUw tha mllinrintn fenhire
“Dog’s Brains Has More
Surface Folds Than Any
Animal Except Man.”
think, accordfcg to Dr. William J.
Untz. profeaaor of anatomy In the
VcLf rinaryi School of tho Jnivet-
ittv of Pennsylvania;
He explain* ns follows:
•'Tho brain of n dog has more
convolution* or folda on tho roro-
bral surface than any other animal
etcept -man. Some phyalolog ats
f,ny that this la any
ol the degree of mental pn»w»Jgj
R «<™« tort*' pretty-well borne
cut that It la. Theroaromany
cues on 'record which show evl-
denco of thought by dogs.
Ur. l/ ntz natd that aomo d«ga
, m „ to understand that, •**“
though veterinarians hurt them,
they arc rejdly aiding them. He
added: 1 . 1 * .... vii
“Dogs nro very much llhe chil
dren in rnuny ways. All you have
to do is win their confidence nnd
to it can go ahead and treat them
When I go Into' a homo .where
then- Is a strange «0».u I never
attempt to grab and pet It lm-
iH’dlately. Instead 1 giro * he d “*
time to Investigate me. Tho Hit-
nation Is Just the same wlth cmi-
dr. n. When a dog has aatlaflod
lt«clf «f your good Intentions nc
»ill hr* friendly toward you.
Another atrango parallel he-
tgeen dogs and .children Is »hnj
a veterinary cannot usually! ireat
a dog if tho master remains near-
by. | always, ask the owner to
*iep outside, • for then wo usually
have little trouble with the anim*]-
-A horse will fight ofttlmes untU
f ^'Trgtne by brute force when one
attemuts to ao anything for It
, *»u>n it Is sick* but a dog usually
, has rposo enough ( to know by. the
*ay a man handles It that' be If
maxter and that It Ja’ uaelcaf ito
■tnicKles. . "
"Whenever possible I try to have
■Irk dogs left here over night In
order that we may become thor-
oushtly acquainted with theta bo*
E f 'rr we give treatment **
heard several prominent 1 d " „ t ,„ d Mrs. Billups Phlnlsy en-
sav they knew people whq could “— -•
get liquor from the City Hall, at
any time they wanted It."
■ Commissioners J. H, Qrlffcth^nd
W. D. ncncham also said they had
heard Bitch remarka and voted tn
destroy the whiskey and prohibit It
being kept In tho pollco vault nt
any time tn tho future. When r
person la arrested with whlakey If
he la sent to tho county .or state
courts the whtskev will ao alnnr
witb him It was said, where It can
he used us evidence or disposed'of
otherwise by the county authori
ties. -
It haa been tho custom for yearn
to keep whiskey Id the police sta
tion vault and In aomo instances
this whlakey. kept for evidence,
haa been given to elck people upon
tho preacriptlon of a reputable phy
sician- However, at Ita Aprtl mcct-
Ing tho Commlaston voted nover
fcgaln to allow a drop of whlakey to
be iaaued out under any circum
U. S. Commissioner in
New .York City Sets
June 14fch As Date For
Hearing. _
Tho government la still Hilly-
dallying in the return of Dominick
Dldata and Abe SlWerateln, under
Indictment here for aldjng In the
escape of Gerald Chapman. Mil
lionaire bandit" from St. Mary a
hospital early Ita May.
. . Immediately Utter tho
grand Jury returned the Indlct-
mepts , court attaches hMj? " ,u ;
dept'nurse Irdm the boeptW) went
(o’New York to Identify aitif brlnf
tho men hack but they have been
fighting the return and for tho
sixth time action has been,pogt-
poned on the flnar
The men were Immediately Idea
tided bv the nurse, hot an: appeal
was made by theftwo alleged Chan-
man confederates on a techrilcAllty
of the Indictment and Commla-
aloner Hitchcock of tho Now York
district !ms never had n Unit, hnar-
'"nidato and Rllvorsteln ape aqhed-
uled to go on trial here on July
?nd hut when the came up before
the commissioner last Friday for
notion It was again postponed un.
til Juno 14th.
He', a month tor advartlalnjl
s,Jr f th.Vch.atrat ...
w-dotnga art In the air. .
O'jiioma. ara dua and payaMa.
Ass a u pitta this in common—
Gifts! ., '
0l, <a artlstlo—gift, duraMe and
e' of oil oorla.
Tfc s .toro th.t mat... a tpoclal
*' lv « on snltabtl gifts will pMau 1
,h0M who pro w.qdarlng what to
» iv <! and how much It will coot.
Out thtt'o not on that duns dooa
,cr ' "ilnooa. (
otarta .auptmar touring
*t‘suon«. and an that. Mora .n#c-',, wanted!
Th - opportunltlts for sp'rltad.
timely advortlolng In Juno are
timou,groat, and mors varloi),
'■thiy.jgre, Ih Decen.het Itielt.
’ . L «'dgnogfprk for you by work-
'"0 ‘tstogportunltlo. to tits IlmHl
the banner-herald
tcrtalned thorn at a reception at
their home on Milledge ' avenue.
Following thin was'the banquet at
the Georgia hotel Tuesday night,
pronounced ono of the most sue-
cessful Mid thoroughly onjoyhole
affairs of Its kind aver held In the
Mr. Phlnlsy, president of the
company; presided over the affair
ii nd acted as toastmaster, Intro
ducing the different apoakera who
not only congratolated tha com
pany for Ita long period of use
fulness and aervloe to the people
of Georgia hut also praised tho of
ficial. nnd those who direct the
policy of the company.
mr. Griffith
The central flymen ut the Imn
quit was Mr..Arthur E. Orlfmh
whu was also celebratlnrhla fif
tieth annivernap' OS an offtem- and
employee of tho cempany. lt
been secretary sine# »«
prominent in ltd affairs Jor^ fifty
year* " ““ “
■lit !*;'
According to Commlaaloner Ept
ing many people hold'the. honest
belief "tho right person can get
whlakey nt tho City Hall if nc
wanta it.” Mr. Eptlng says ho hut
been harraaaad with pleaB for a
pint or more of whiskey from the
police vault “I bavo ovon beon
awakened it night by peoplo who
want'd bo to sign an' order for
wblskeyt” bo said. "Other member,
of the Commission and I have beet,
severely criticised even sliico we
passed the resolution prohibiting
the Issuing of whlakey to sick per.
sons and I am getting tired of It
Shortly after the Aieetlng Chief
H. W. Beuase and the ComjnlHfon-
era poured out every drop of the
.whiskey In the police vault, ex
cept some required h» the pn"»»*
or state courts for evidence which
wgg (turned over to them Weouc-
day. *
including the editorials, feature
storlm, nct-a stories, jind sd.v::u-
| Indications are at predent that
Iho edition this 'year will be the
peat ever published by the stu
dents. It la thought that tho paper' LAKE
will be In two rccMona.
Tho editorial staff that haa been
picked from llio students to have
charge of the paper la ns follows:
J. K. Harper, cdltor-ln-chief.
John D. Allen, assistant editor-
: Enrlo E. Watson, managing
. Frederick Stewart. assistant
managing editor,
trvln P. Mycrnnn.'clty editor.
W. C. Deal, telegraph editor.
.T. !■”. Bonner, assistant telegraph
lltor. ,
.1. Lncaa. short- editor.
Lloyd Flcktlnf, advertising man-
‘Misses Amelia flnrnhlatt, Mnv
cNeer. and Esther Bush, doctetor
To Mountains
Time Drawing, NeAr For
Y. M. C. A. Summer
Camp. Swimming is Big
Feature of Outing,
ft will be of interest to the boys
who are going'on the Y. M. C. A
Camp this summer to know thal
one of the major Interests and
sports In the camp will be that ol
stv 1 tpuiIng. -
All-the water works will be un
der tha direction and control of
one of the beat swimmers that the
Athena Y. M. C. A. haa developed
under the skilled and expert teach
Ing and training of Physical Di
rector C. W. Jonea, who la one ol
the great • teachers of She art ol
all round awlmmlng In America.
Walter T. Forbes. Jr., will be Ir
charge of this eoeclal department
The six federal, county and town officers, who were
in the party that killed two Athens men, alleged whig-
key runners, Jeff D. and J. B. Smith', in Green county
last Friday night were charged,, on warrants sworn out
Tuesday in Greene county with murder in two instances.
Tuesday morning Obe J. Smith, father of J. R, -the
youth killed, and Ralph Smith, brother of Jeff Smith, in
company with attorney Austin Bel!, who has been re
tained as counsel in the case, made a trip to- Greene
county and went into n thorough investigation of the
case and wound up by having the warrants issued.
Tha officers who aro now farina
Lake Edwards, ths six-acre 1
lake on the camp Is Ideal. There
Ih a splendid dlvlm
tower out In deep w~»ter for th
good swimmers. There - are
Sanitary Dept.
Employees Ask
Raise in Pay
Will Quit if Demand is
Not Met, Say. Board Re-
Elects Officers.
Athens faces a strike by the em
ployees of the Sanitary Department
foui of the city, ait Was learned! Turn-
•AN I ttANtolSCO—Honeymooning
hn.iin.ty i. tho complaint' made to |Hi«hway Dept, to
the ttoitce against a' bride and
■«■"« in. Hrventeen. add Yilheteen
J Mrs °ld t respectively, by Mrs
Hi'i. n Uftorson. ,
•’ir.. Peterson says that she
rent» .1 th* couple a furnished
•Part mrnt ( ',t*rmlitlPfr them to wait
J w '“ k until, they 'Yind some money
f, ' r t«nt, When she went- there
,hp f-'iys. «be found they had moved
»nd had taken with them sllver-
*ar.' bed* clothes and tsbls llqpn
*°rth $r,0. , * .. .
Give Traffic Rate
der to find out the amount of larf-
flc on the Decatur road tho atatf
highway commission la having two
nJtoona count tho nttmbfr 'f.vo-
hlcloa passing on I 15!’'. t ,' n '’ ro *! hf -'' e '!':
Miss Lof*o» Hutchins, of near
Iawroncovllle. has kept tab on the
traffic for eight days, and ""oUj"
person nt Carroll’a store la llkowlota
doing Iho Bamo thln*. Tho'yoonr
lady worked only ton taoqracach
day. listing every whoelml
that paased, wltk ** e following re
* Ult *' Autos Fords Trucks Vesicles
Mch. 25 175 252
Mch. 26 1*1 1«
Apr. S...220 IW
Apr. 4...243 1H
Apr. 12..15* >7t
Aur. 1S..2W 172
A nr. 21..243 259
Apr. 22. .253 267
Totals .1.696 1.667 104 «70
^ Grand total. 6.637.
Mr. J- W. Jarrell. Jr., district man
ager of the Southern Bell Telephone
Company, wUh headouar,Mr. lr
Athens, is spending s day "r «w°
i n c*iK#rton on official ousinea*
SS .. one>f the leading
spirits of Athens.
Delegates of Local Post
At . State Convention
Held Here, Named Tues
day Night
Delegates to represent the Allen
R. Fleming peak at tha convention
to he held here on July 3, 4 and
5th wore named At the monthly
meeting of the local post Tuesday
night. Vn,
A' committee waa named by
cornmandor Woat to make the
nominations and the delegates and
alternates aro a* follow*: K.' R
ncncham, A. T. Levta. W. K. Mea
dow. W, D. Paaqball. W. L. Erwin,
fdiaries E. Martin. T. H. McHat-
•on. *V. f. A tin"». A. I Almaml and
H. H. Weat.<Vhe nliernatea nro.
a F. Crawley. J. 8- Stewart. R. I* , ... h , nv , , h .
MOSS. Loo Bredbemr. Branch. Jake 1 *”>'»?» J 1 ?. w ere reprc
Joel. "RodI* Herring. J. R. North-
And the compony did not
„ ,how that It appreciated
hie falthfu’ »«vvlcc, loyalty and da-
V *Swon after the banquet feaat wea
served Mr. Phlnlsy aroee and in
beautiful words presented Mn
Griffith with a handsome loving
the policy 9toldera of the Southern
Mutual Insurance Company for 50
yenra of service, Ipyalty and devo
tion. 1*73-1*23." Attached to the
cup waa an envelope which con-
tabled a gift of a more aubatantlal
nnture-Za handaome check.
Following Mr. Phlnlxya presen.
tallon Mr. Fisher of tho Newnan
agency on behalf of thp agents ol
tho stale presented Mr. Griffith
with twelve handsome silver gob
lets. a pitcher and a waiter. When
Mr. Griffith arose’ to acknowledge
the gifts he waa almost orsreomt
with emotion and In a very touch-
•a, way) thanked hla mwrokers
for'the appreciation shown to him
The banquet waa not only e
sumptuous ono but It waa one ol
beauty and eleganfe, Tho parlot
nnd table were decorated profuie
iy with flowera and ferna and or.
cheatra music waa enloysd during
the entire evening. Tho speeche,
were unuaually Interesting and #
wre aa followag ,
.Togetmagter Prggldent Blllupa
Phlnlsy. A , ■ _
Welcome 'to Aegnta—Beoretary
Arthur E. Griffith.
Athena »and tho Sohtharn Mu-
tual—Director Chao. M. Snelltng.
The Largest Ageney—Howard
Pattlllo, Atlanta. ' „
The 75 AnnlveraBhy—Loul*) If.
Andrews; Milledgevlll*.
The Small Agency—Thomaa F.
Fleming. Sparta.
The Company at Home—It
Toombs I hi Bom e. Athena.
Impreaalona—Chancellor D. C,
Barow. .
' Many telegrams of congratuia-
tibna. were received during th# day
from other In/tranee oompanlea
agencies and Indnviduala. A large
bosket of flowers came from''the
Atlantic Mutual company ol Sa""
nnnah While Mrs. E. If.
stent another handpome haaket,
In addition for Ideal water fo.
Mica Fee Kamensky, chief fe'.-
tniy writer. , 'j
The students will iln the —ork ""
tho sroelal.edition under the rrn•
oral aonervislon or Dr. 8. V. San-1
ford and John B. Drowry. tho fac-J^M
vHop«d at •ither end of th# LodR#
which In located on the Lakf
different level# or' platform# for /day'at the fioard of Health >ieit-
diving on thl# tower .It I* fur-.lnf.
rounded with deep w#t#r free from ChlW Inspector W. C. Greer
nil stumps, rocks, or anything' ported to the Board that the negro
whereby a diver would injure him- drivers of the sanitary wagons de
manded a raise from $1.25 per day
to $2 or they would' quit.
The Board voted lo rats-
employee- twenty-five cents per day
and instructed *the Inspector tc
notify th# men Friday they cfeU
either take the r*l#e or quit. The
Increase Rives to on# das of em
ployees $1.50 per day and $1.75 to
the others.
-The PORTfl all officers,
In the drpjtrtml’nt >Xc^pt .Of V *W,
There is t#elve hundred f##t ol
/irnlKbt deep water for long dle-
tnneo add endurance teeta ao well
as racing. Instruction in sll of
the different swimmlnR stroke#
wDi be given as well as thi differ
ent nwlmmtng testa and life sav
ing. methods.
shore ns long landing has been erf
tended out into the watery some
thirty of forty feet from the bank
The Lpkc bottom In between these
two landings ha* been graded oul
from .two and half feet of water
to a gradually Increasing depth
until It reaches about flve.^feet.
This open end is roped in, pod k Kn„H,.r»g.rt hv th. Na.
being sunk In the lake bottom artf o natrmtlon conducted by the Na
W. BrownT T bscferioiOgi*t, whA'will
leave the department September 1
on, account tft’hi* bopqeetjon with
the athletic UebartmwiU of the Y.
Dr. H. W. Birdsong was unani
mously elected to take over Dr.
frown's duties on September 1#V
Ctiley Baiillily OfflcW H. B. Hodg
son. Inspector Greer and Mrs.
Plorrle Usit, secretary were
* The Board adopted a resolution
commending Dr. J. D. Applewhite's
efort to secure for Clarke county
and Athena the Child Heallh clem- Ij 18 ™'
the double charge of murder
I. T. LoveJoy, county policeman of
Greene county, E. N. Brook’s, chief
of police of Union Point.* J. T. L.
Darby, policeman'of White Plains,
Sturdivant, ahorlff of Tali
aferro county,I'Ed Howoil, police
man of Crawfordvllle ’ and A, if.
Gnstley, U. 8. dfputy marshal who
headed the party that held, up the
Obe Smith swore out one set of
warrants for the murder of hl*»
son, J. B.j while the others were
sworn out by Ralph Smith for the
murder of his brother, Jeff .i ,
Tho warrants wero issued by
Judge J. S. Calloway, Justice of the
peace of Greensboro, and turned Sheriff E. C. HJxon of the
county to be served.
Sheriff Hlxon stated to tho Ban
ner-Herald bver long distance
Wednesday morning that as soon
ns tho warrants wero placed In
his handh Tuesday afternoon he
called tho officers over the tele
phone nnd notified thorn of the
action taken, stating to them that
he would give them the oppor
tunity of giving themselves up by
reporting to him In Greensboro vr
t o would have to go for them. "AU
f them stated they would be here
Wednesday," he said. Mr. Gnstley
wns nt his home in Habersham
The sheriff stated that the pre
liminary trial would probably be
held Thursday before Justice Cal
loway and until then tho men would
be'held in Jail, to bo placed thi*r«
as soon as thoy arrlvod in Greens-
Will of Former Athens
and Atlanta -W o*m a n
Filfd in Office of Ordi
nary Orr.
The will of Mrs. Mi E. Heart
of Athena and Atlanta; waa filed
In court of ordinary Monday by
CoL DuPree Hunnlcutt. executor
of the estate a* nominated In 'the
will by Mra. Heard.
A hearing .will ha had of the ap-
polntment of tho ex. -ator on the „
first Monday In July before Or-1
dlniry R. C. Orr. of Clarke conn- j
The beneficiaries aa named In
thp wfll of Mrs. Heard are, Mrs. I
Mary L. Hqnnfcutt. a pearl neqk-
Egbert Beall, of Clarkesvllle; a
nephew, 1800.
Mias Katie Bell, of LaGrange,
piece of the late M. E. Heard. *40G
connected with rope*. In this en
closure the beginners taught
under the direct eaperVlalon ol
one* young men on tha swim
mtng Mtaff.
Every bqjr who went on the
camp last year who could ' not
swim, learned before he left, nm
nearly every one of the beginner,
became good swimmers, and man,
of the good eflmraeri became ex :
**"• lC< »' Bremond. «a.. | will Be Used in Construc-
Mrs. Georgia Co*., of Atlanta, a tion Work. Convict
Force is Decreasing,
Vote $100 For Legion^
niece, itOO.
Mra. renege styles, of Atlanta,
a- niece, *200.
The following perarraph taken
from thg will of 'Mrs: Heard, reads:
"AU of the rest and residue of
mr estate of whatever nature or
cult.. James White, M. N.'TatwIleT
and O. J. Tolnnc.
A short business session waa
held and plana discussed for tho
convention nnd before ortlonmmcnt,
rhmmandor West advised that he
would call meeting! pf thn post
every ten dava from now until the
convention convene*..
\ ,
NORFOLK. Vp.—Stranded In
Hamburg. Germany, anp depend
ing on the charity of kind-hearted
ApeHcan*. 1» the tate ef Norfolk.
Savannah and New. Orleans boy*
who shipped on German steamers
during the winter end earip spring.
eentod here for the meeting.
DELMAR. Ca.—A not(pn; press
lent In some quarters, that farmerr
work six months a year and ^njey
a winter vacation the remainder of
the twelve month#, finds smell sup
port In the lives of ninlculturistr
Cramper for time to work hi#
lands, one ranch owner near here
haa given up,|rylt|g W do an. Wa
work by daylight and la .doing "
spring plowing .under the^rtar*
aaarehllghta. Ills men I -wetk
three shift* of eight hour* each. I
Employment o ffrom twenty-five
to forty laborers for construction
trinrf ml _rej I in Clarke county was authorised
glre' tr,nd^u 'ih .n? deriM, ~y by O,. Board ef Commta
1? taBtajj 8 *° M " J-l This action was made necessary
HunnlrnU. of Athena. O*.. and to, o|) scnxnit o( lh , dr „ a « the
Mlsa Frenres Woolo y.Mliia Virgin - nllmbar of ronylct. in tha. county
Wooler. PH,-" Wtml-v and;,^ , #nbmty „ continue the con-
Alhert Wonlev. children of. | llon woric underway or out-
I Mrs. A. to? WJnley. of fy-lHned * '
,tn he dlvld-l a« followM. ^ in'^ldltlon to the dqerease In
■ulf to Mra. Marv L. Hnnnt- co t,victw the recent - heavy ralnl
• —id lh- c'h»r half tn bo dl- jun/iKTil road*, and bridges ao
wlrri «i»'«lir h**tw»An MIm Fran- niac ), considerable repair work
c) . '.• •■l -'. Mian. Vlrrinla Wn"l»v h „ been. ncceaMHated.
&lcc W j.-I. V end James Albert j Th „ | fciaK i appropriated *100 to
w-.lov. that lx In aev. one half to the American Legion convention
■Mrs. V»ry h lliinnlcutt .and on- wh k.|, m „, t , | n July her*. Henry
etohtb to each of aa'd oniimeret"'' ||. weal, commander and Frank
children or Mr. and iMrs. A. C. Holden, past commander, askad
Wooley. | for *500.
I • The Board of Tax Equallxere re-
COLl wCTINri OLri SONGS ported lie work completed.
t n. n.-pr»f«. Rev,- Quillian Is
f nt thn TTnlvmr-i ^ #
In Lithoma
aor Frank Flek»hv, of the Unlver-i
alty nf North Dakota' has for the
last four years made hla nvnratler
the fathering nf eld time eonre
for preservation, both words and
iLelodlee. Which mnkea hi* eoUee-
■ I’rofeeaor Blekahv (teeNtree Iherr
ernwing interd*'
vailon of American folk'aotagm
Rev. J. A. quillian. pastor of the
Oconee Street Methodist church,
left Wednesday for Uthoula whan
xiwhtafeanLl h ® will- preach the funeral of Mlaa
Lula Alraand.
nnairauon cnnaucirn oy ™ - nllun
tlonal Child Health Association. 'WITNt*^° UW °
Inspector Condems Six
Head of Cattle Unfit For
Food. Might Have Been
Sold Otherwise. , ‘
Athena’ Abbattolr continued IU
career of usefulness in May, it was
Indicated Tuesday st the Board of
Health meeting. B
Jn the month of May Inspector H.
. Hodgson examined a total of
•27 carcasses and condemned aix,
of these cattle. A total of 452
bead of cattle was Inspected; 16S
hogs, • sheep and 7 goats.
The fact that the 1 Inspector con
demned six • h«ad of cattle in the
month demonstrates, it is pointed
Out, the usefulnes of the. Abbattolr
to, the city from a standpoint of
protecting its citizens from impure
eat. .
If It had not keen for the Ab
attoir the elx head of cattle con
demned by Inspector Hodgaon
might have been killed and sold
ofr beef In thif city,. It is de
clared. » T
Inspector Hodgson reported
fourteen eases of measlea in May,
four oases of chicken pox. and one
case of whooping cough. •
near, doctors hope
ROSTON.—Dr. K. t. Kencko.
bach, professor of. the first riledl-
cal rllnlr of Vienna, told tho mem
bers qf the Boston Association for
the Prevention and Relief of Heart
Diaoaao that through research work
and two successful operations the
medical world will soon determine
whether they'can cure acute heart
Thn operation Is mad* on the'
clavicle or ahoulder and a certain
portion of the nnatomy removed.
AUBURN, IntL—Justice T. !C.
Font has filed with the county
cleric here an affidavit bearing on
tha sanity of Mrs. Chart** Mcln-
turf. In which he soya that the wo
man Is “xan* but devilish."
In making the Investigation of
ie affair it iii stated by Attor-
•y Bell that two almoat .eye wit*
..jnara to the fatal Incident were
found. "A white man name Linton
Griffith claims to have arrived or
the fleeno immediately after tho
two men were killed and a negrt-
named Armor waa with him. Thes<
men claim to have been only a
ahort distance from where the Will
ing took place when the first ahote
were fired and rushed to the seen*
at once. It la stated by those mnk
Ing the - InveHflgatlon that Mr
Griffith claims that when he reach
ed tho automobile both men werr
sitting in tho sent dead and that
J. B. Smith .the young man, waa
on the right hand aide of the car
nnd the eider man was nt the
wheel and In tho right hand of the
boy' between tho first *twi
was a lighted cigarette.
It was claimed by the officers
when a’ report of ’the affair wan
made that tho youth opened fire
on them first and according t<
tho'se fnaking tho investigation
the boy was right handed nnd Mr.
Griffith states no weapon was
found on either of the occupant#
after they reached the scene.
It was on tho evidence the two
men gave, and an investigation of |
U»e car tho dead men were riding
In, a Dodge roadster, that caused
the relatives of the two alleged
rum runners to have the warrants
sworn out.
The papers were to be served a*
soon as possible after they were
issued late Tuesday afternoon and
tho '■preliminary*trials aro expected
to follow at once.
In speaking of tho case Tuesday
night attorney Reil sold they had
other evfdence'In hand that refuted
the statements of tho officers but
that it woiild bo withheld until
tho trials camo up./
Tho wcokly luncheon of tho tfl-
wanfs club will bo held at tho Y.
M. C. A. Thursda y at 2 o'clock. Re-
porta from tho delegates to tho In.
tematlonal* convention in Atlanta
will bo heard and the meeting Is
expected to develop »ome*unasuil
Intt'rest along this line as report*
will called for from others than
the official delegates. m