The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 10, 1923, Image 4
tub ronnnMHgmj. athbnb. Georgia ■ SUNDAY. J' Epps Granted 'VIEW OF ATHENS “Y” CAMP Damage ot $125 IN NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAINS City court Saturday was con-| fined to the hearing of motions be-1 fore Judge Bradwell and Monday morning the iinal civil cases will be taken -up. The jury has already J been struch in this case those! selected are to lepoit- | The criminal docket will be taken up on June 25th. A sealed verdict was returned Friday night in the case of G. T. Epps versus the city oi Athens, a damage suit growing out ot an accident of a mule on a bridge on Pearl street. Mr- Epps was suing for $160. The veraict was for $125. New Royal Was • Opened Saturday By T. LARRY GANTT Messrs. H. R. Palmer & Sons ha*e comple tely transformed their Royal Pharmacy, corner Clayton street and College avenue and beautifully and artistically fitted it up. They have new fixtures ami one of the handsomest and most n»"dern fountains. In the city. It Was opened on Saturday ami the room idled all day with admiring and congratulating friends of this e^eelur firm, if you have not visit ed the Royal Pharmacy you.should do so at the earliest moment. This establishment la a credit to Ath ens. They dispenso all the latest and most delicious cold drinks. “Fcss” Dottcry Leads ! S. M. C. Band Sunday The Southern Manufacturing Company Banil, under tho direction of "Fens” Dottnry, will furnlah ; ntualc lover* with a nplondld pm- cram of atnndnrd ntualc Sunday afternoon (Juno -0) front 4 to 6 at , Lako Dixie. Thla splendid organlxa on has attained a high degree of efficiency I In the past year. j Read Baner-Hcrald Want Ads. Tills Is n view of the tennis courts on the Y.’M. C. A. Summer > ('amp, showing a partial view of the athletic field id take Ed wards. There will also be two out door volley ball courts, an out door basketball court and shuttle cock courts. v These many features will accom modate scores of boys at the nsme time. In tills way, When the out door athletic period 1 Is on in the mornings, and in the afternoons, n oboy need be Inactive, as a spec tator, Instead of a participant., The Hoys' Camp, of the Y. M. C. A. has been planned qn broad and comprehensive lines, and they are in n position on this Athens “V” Camp, with the splendid corps of efficiently trained leaders in all branches of healthy, body building athletic sports to wisely direct and teaeh the right Ideas and Ideals.' When there Is added to these large and diversified athletic fea tures, tho all round swimming, dlflng and cahoeTng, on the beau tiful Lake Edwards—clear as crys tal, nail set like a sparkling Jewel in tho midst of the camp; and sur rounded by mountains—a boy’s paradise on earth has been ob tained. ,Then. above all. this camp is n Christian camp, owned by a posl- tlvo Christian organization, and conducted by experienced Chris tian leaders, with a group of ns clean cut Christian young men ns one will find, and the main ob jective is to help in establishing Christian character to win the un saved boy to God, through*‘falth In and acceptance of Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation, and the only method of 'developing character and Christian citizenship. The wonderful success of the Athens Y. M. (\ A. camps has been duo to the fact that this objective has been reached In the lives of hundreds of boys and girls, in an environment of Joy, beauty, healthy body buildings, and the host times a boy, or girl ever had Ir. their iffe. The fart has been demonstrated that a good time and Christianity of tho real type are one and the same. This is the week for parents yet their boys sign up for six four or two weeks, for the camp opens on Tuesday, June 19th. for thp boy» and will open on Aifeust 1st for the girls. Fifty-three boys arc signed up nncl thirty girls have registered for their camp, which is over seven weeks off. The advance party, composed of Mrs. \V. T. Forbes and family, Mr Walter T. Forbes. Jr.,* Armand Mapp, Edward Hodgson, and Jepp Morris, the famous “Y” Comp Head Cook, go up to Camp Tuesday of this week to get everything In readiness for the opening on Tues day, June tho 19th. GA. STUDENT HAS By FREDERICK STEWART John Mescoff, a native of Syria, who lu now attending the Univqr- 4352 Uta&IM DAINTY tLltVILin FROCK FOR THE CROWINO CIRL Taffeta with wool embroidery oi " of self material, or crape wits lag or atltchery wlU bo very at* for thla model. The skirt U * sash or ribbon string girdis, pattern la cat la tour slaaa: r and 14 year*. A* 10-year all “ three yards of 40-Inch nu slty of Georgia has Just received number of newspnpers from Egypt which bear (he date of the year 1341. In view of tho fact that it not generally known that Tut-Ank Ahrmcn'a tomb was opened by white men at ao early a date, and since one of tho papers, written Arabic, displayed in tho universal language of pictures, a scene two white men about to enter the ancient tomb, the writer's curios Ity was aroused on seolng these eastern chronicles. A close examl nation brought out the startling fact that thoro were also pictures of flying machines, elegant auto mobiles, and raldo sets in this Is me of 1341. Such n high stago of scientific development, heretofore unheard ol In the fourteenth century Egypt demanded explanation. Hut of all the mysterious little curves and loops nmf hooks which were strewn across the printed pages like coll ing anakes and wriggling eels, not ■ one conveyed a single Idea, or of- • fored any suggestion as to why 'Egypt had not told the world of • these things before Columbus' time. Mr. Mcscbff gave the very wel j come explanation. ! "You see," ho said "there are | three dates on this paper. One 1b I that reckoned by the Eastern eys • tern, one by the Western system and one by, the Mohammedan ays tem. Today, under the Mohnm*- dan systrtn Is in the year 1341, These other two dates, which arc used fn all the orient, differ by 19 days." Thus one Igrirant of these various systems might* decide either that he is reading the last issue or ono 13 days ahead of time or one 1,600 years old. All theso papers start on "back page" and are read (by Mr. •Mescoff and othera who can gel ideas from such peculiar curlicues) from right to left. It is surpris ing to sve how many American I products are advertised in these | Egyptian (tapers. Pictures Amerkuvn automobiles, medicines, and even of American tooth pastes, uppear In the midst of all the little celling J lack monsters which pro I 'claim tho merits of American manu factures to the far away peoples of the East I Contralto la combination ore much vogue for children'* garment* us ;nX8rur«7flttr l §i ghftm or cretonne, and the walat i aleeve portions of linen or linen, rho pattern la cut la four aise*: 4, J and 10 years. A 10-year slse re- res 3U yards of one material 3a her wide. To make walat and f contrasting material at 11- requlrcs 1% yard 27 inches — o' -%•' ■ •, I ?o.'t......iv...... Six* 1 (am. j Thornton’s •UNPAY Dinner 50c Vegetable Soup Roast Chicken, Sago Dressing String Deans New Irish Potatoes Creamed Fried Squash, Spring Onions . Muffins and Hoi Biscuits Hot Apple Pie Coffee. Tea or Milk. 50 Cents Sapper 50c HoMtUmb, Dressing English Peas Scalloped Tomatoes Irish PoUlo Sab Hot Biaouita Poaches and Cream Coffee. Tea or Milk " 50 Cents Woman’s Club Wants ' To Buy Furniture For Its Club House By W. B. RUSSELL Tho Athens Woman's Club is do siroua ot purchasing any second hand furniture, such as chairs, set tees. lounges. If npy one lias any furniture for sale, sec or. get is touch with Mrs. W. D. Bevchum, Prince avenue. These household articles are wanted to furnish thr Woman's Club building on Prince avenue. . LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON (fly Associated Press.) (BIRMINGHAM.—Willie Golson. a negro was hanged-hare late Fri day. Ha was convicted ot attack ing n Birmingham woman. Golson banged on the same (allows hie father waa, twenty-three yearn ago for the murder of a po liceman. It was stated that Golsbn'e be Plans Complete For Lucy Cobb Term Next Year Miss Mildred Mell Is Pres ident. Mrs. Randall Weems Succeeds Miss Carrie Walden. Bright Prospects. The Lucy Cobb Institute will open the second Wednesday in September for the fall term. The faculty for the upper part of the school and for the Fine Arts .de partment will remain the same as lor the past year, The only im portant change to be made in the entire school it in the Mary Ann Lipscomb Elementary School- Much to the regret of nil concerned. Miss Carrie Waldeft ' has given up hei work as principal after years ol splendid service for the school and for the children of Athens. Mrs. Randall Weems, who har taught in the Elementary School for three years, has been appoint ed to succeed Miss Walden upon Miss Walden’s recommendation. Mrs. Weems will have the seme grade work which she has had dur ing the past three years. Mrs. Weems is an old Lu<4r Cobb girl, having had first honor here. She studied at the Atlanta Normal Summer School session and took a diploma from the University of Georgia Summer School. It gives the school great pleas ure to announce that Miss Flora Additon, who has had the kinder garten here during the prlng. will have charge of the Lucy Cobb kin dergarten this coming year. Miss Additon came to Athens with the higheet recommendations and has proven herself a moat successful teacher during her atay iij Athena. FIRST GRADE Mrs. W. A. Capps, who has taught in the Elementary School for two years and a half, will have the first grade work. Mrs. Capps is a graduate of the Elam Alex ander Normal C^hool in Macon, and ha* a diploma from the Uni versity of Georgia Summer School. She taught for eleven years in pri mary work in the Macon City Schools before coming to Athens, and taught for three years in pri mary work in the Athens City Schools before she came to the Lucy Cobb* Miss Mary Ann Rucker will have charge of the fourth and seventh gradts. Bliss Rucker has taught for twenty years and is regarded as one of the strongest teachers In the t*te* She is also an old Lucy Cobb girl and has taken special courses at the State Normal School. Mrs. M. F. Firkett will teach the third grade. She taught from Thanksgiving on this past year and has pi wen herself a most ex cellent teacher. Before coming to Athers she taught first grade work for five years in thf public school? of Camden, Maine. ART WGltK There is onl? one other instruc tor to be appointed in the Elemen tary School. Several very strong applicants are under consideration, but no defiinte appointment has so far been made. The children will have the art work as formerly under Mrs. Car lisle Cobb, gymnasium work, cho rus training, French and expres sion under expert teachers. All of this work will be included in the regular tuition charges, which will remain just what they have been this past year. The seventh grade will be the same as the rest of the Elementary School. Speical arrangements for boys in the first three grades are to be made during the summer. This necessitates certain improvements in the building. Boys will only be taken if reservations are not made for girls enough to fill the classes. Thn upper class rooms will be lim ited. to twenty-five students, and f lower ones to twenty. Because this limitation of numbers, it Is necessary to get in reservations as early as possible. The places are already being rapidly filled. OIL SWINDLERS CONFESS FORT WORTH, Texas—The trial of J. W. (Hog Creek) .Caruth and L. F. Reynolds. Jr., was brought to an end this afternoon when the two defendants pleaded guilty of using the mails to de fraud and were sentenced to a year v and a day tn the federal pen itentiary at Leavenworth. Kan-, and fined $5,000. . Reynolds and Caruth were charged with using the mails to defraud in promotion of the J. W. Caruth and the Hog Creek Caruth Oil companies. The-trial started yesterday- This is the govern ment’s second victory in tho drive against alleged fraudulent oil pro moters. The next trial is set for June 25. J 9. WE DO IT QUICK— BUT—WE DO,IT RI(;iit' AT VERY LOW PRICES Our Service is as close to you as a telephone—on your desk, or ten miles from, our garage". PHONE 271 We employ Tire Experts to'Fix < Your Tires., j- Drive Around and Let Us Vulcanize Any Tire Needing It Before a Trip. CITY GARAGE & MOTOR > COMPANY 1 FROM FRONT TO REAR EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CAR— E. Washington St. Athens, Georgia ' VULCANIZING! Ends Your T^re Troubles-Chcapest You know by perience that most oconom way to repair a is to Vulcanize PHONE 271 We arc Prepai to Give You . Prompt Servic Read Banner-Herald Want A MEN! ♦ . You Can’t Afford to Miss This Great Opportunity to Buy Yourself a Suit! Will be in Full Force Monday and will last - until everything is sold LOTS OF GOOD SUITS TO SELECT FROM- $13.50, $15.00, $18.50 Suits Reduced to .. ..$10.00 $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 Suits Reduced to .. .. $16.50 $27.50, $30.00, $32.50 Suits Reduced to .. .. $22.50 $35.00, $37.50, $40.00 Suits Reduced to .. ..$27.50 $42.50, $45.00 Suits Reduced to ....... . $32.50 We, were unable to wait on the trade last week owing to lack of help. We will have extra help this week H. J. REID COMPANY THE SHOT OF QUALITY Clayton Street Athens, Georgia:-