The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 12, 1923, Image 1
WEATHER: continued Showere, Cooler. ATHENS COTTON: lioDLINO - 2» J-«« Lntvious closb Investigate Today! To Regular Subscribe™ THE BANNER-HERALD 9L000 Accident Policy Free Dally and Sunday—10 Cent* a Weak. Eatabllshed 1832 Dally and 8unday—10 Centa a Weak. Inn- 91, NO, 101 Aaaoclated Preaa Service ATHENS, GA„ TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1923. A. B. C. Paper •Ingle Coplea t Centa Dally. ■ Centa tunday. Chinese Bandits Free Last Eight Captives Tuesday, Say Reports MANY THOUGHT DEAD (By Aasociated Press) TAOCHWANG.—Eight captives, the last of the -jgners who were kidnapped by the Chinese bandits jlay 6, when the bandits held up and robbed the Itnghai-Pekin Express, were released from the bandits’ , n ghold Tuesday morning, it was reported here. N’ews of the release of the, prisoners tended to re- , the tense atmosphere which has enveloped China’s „ign relations since the day the captives were taken to E bandits’ stronghold,on the Paotzuka mountain. Ik t i,c part of prisoners who „ their freedom there . lour Americans, two British ELls and one Frenchman and (Italian ■ n, .core or more captives, 1 , the bandits first took into lountain fastnes immediately in- ibe hold-up ot the tram Elcd down to eicht. as one by , the captives were released for , e reason. Some were sent in as Bosentatives of the bandits in ■ effort to mako peace with the rrmmrnt Others were simply ^nel oloose. IW last eight prisoners who , just been given their liberty , 1 teen held this long mslnly aces, to bo killed in cn30 .■eminent refused to make their promises. Ilhe initial demand of the bandits a ransom sum of 9100.000 i which they quickly receded it was seen that it would be csible for the government to , that amount for the release of * prisoners. I jhen came the demand that the slits should be enrolled in the polar army and granted am ity for their former actions, s demand was agreed to by the comment and the enrollment of t bandits was begun several daya Fire Scene Will Be Big Feature Of Rote Minstrel Abit Nix Is Chief. Tickets on Sale At Costa’s. For Benefit of Boys’ Camp. When Abit Nix waltzes out on the stage next Thur&day night dressed up like Thousands Made Home less When Tropical Storm Sweeps Over Is land, Say Reports. STARVATION THREATENS Inhabitants Face Terrible Famine As Result of Ty phoon. Damage Will Run High. Revolts Against New Bulgarian Government Steadily Enlarging (By Associated Press.) BELGRADE.—Peasant revolts against the new Bul garian. regime were reported throughout the country Tuesday, according to reports received here. In the neighborhood of Plevna, the revolt has as sumed serious proportions it is declared and a force of ten thousand revolutionists have been surrounded. Fresh troops have been dispatched to that locality. News reports leaking In to this FEDERAL RESERVE IS BY United States Supreme Court Upholds Right of Federal Reserve to Col lect At Par. WASHINGTON. —The supreme (By Aaaodatad Press.) M A N I L L A—Thirteen lives were lost and a great area of land laid waste by a typhoon which swept over the island of Samar, ac cording to a telegram which was received here Tuesday from the constabulary headqoartara there. The reports stated that In seven town* over ninety-five per cent of up a fire chief the j ‘ h « houses tave been blown down ------ crowd attending the Rotary Mins-If" d the people are homeless, while court of the United States Monday trel is going to scream thousands of others are threatened I held that the Federal Reserve The comedy skit wherein "Hone, • *jth famine as all crops are ruin- Bank In Atlanta had the right to X tosVto^neofVe mulL™** * h ° gained in the dea- (“trict .Tl"check,‘MES features or the mlmarel which .la*""V.^d' with it whether such checks are being held for the benefit of the ««oanut» and drawni upon member or non-mem- Summer Camus of the V. M. C. A, ^ctM"of the Wephone Xs^re S' ,<me ' and telegraph lines ary down and The suit waa bropght by tha communication with the outside American Bank & Trust Company world 14 extremely difficult. I of Atlanta for Itself and country ?v‘ X SSSSjf t* Sfllb.nta cre.tea under Georgia law. Camps and Hoy Scouts. Tickets aro on sale at Costa's going rapidly. The dress rehearsal for the minstrel will be held Wednesday night when JJnv ma“r'~prov'fnci“icc’o7d!ng to" tto 1 ^righTof^u*'cTuSSSSTlwthe mlo Bishop will glvo the o. k. to j telegram which was rectlved at the Fedorol ResimT Bink vu cltal- the snow which has been practlc- ’ Executive Bureau at Manilla. In Fef1prn Reserve Bank waa cnai Ing several weeks. | Albay province over five hundred The Binging, comedy acta, Jokea i houses were crushed’ bv the tv- and everything Is new. Charlie Eckford. ••Tuf Tutwiler, Charlie a, . fecsioru, mi vusiur prart’cally elot ‘thetmMi Compton and Abit Nl* aro t/i» end now been mu»t«red |nto the n , cn l ' ( . 0 , D , v , Kht Ryther will he *, J rmy. and the_ release ot |he lnter locutor. Haughcy'a orchea. tra will be one of the features. The Rotary club has accomplish ed much good in Ita boys work and by the'nations citizens of the dartert l{™!5. £'® ° d ' were in th. hand, of & : ■ foreign prisoners takes a great irry from tho minds of the go\ • romrnt at Pekin as foreign in- rntion was threatened several [Ail of tho eight prisoner*.were p pod condition* ^ in in is CURB-MARKET DIG Market Will Open Thurs day “On Trial.” May Be Run Three Days a Week. phoon and many were killed it is thought. longed by tho trust company. city say that the new government has ordered the mobilization of al* reserve officers and several of the younger classes. Volunteer troops are being armed ana preparations are going forward at a rapid rate for the protection of the anti-revoluntionists.' INVITE UNCLE Si TO ATTEND ANOTHER “DEBT” CONFERENCE Flood Damage To Run Into Millions; Seven Lives Reported Lost Relieved. United States OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.—Flood damage, running Will Be Invited to Take into millions of dollars was reported from northern Okla- P a r t in Reparations Parley. CONFERENCE DESIRABLE France’s War Debt Is Bound Up in Repara tions Question. England Favorable. PARIS.—The United States will The reports confirm the new. *•’'"“•J' t0 * , “ d • st Former Premier Stambnuliskv °« Po»at» «?*<»- homa as a rush of water swept down from southern Kan sas to swell the already over-burdened streams. Hundreds of persons have been made homeless at various points along flood fivers but there were no con firmed reports of loss of life. Train service throughout the state has been dis rupted as the result of the washing out of important main line bridges both in-northern and western Oklahoma during the past two days. Atlanta Woman, Busy, Will Get Action For You Mrs. B. M. Boykin Is Also the President of the Bet ter Films Committee. WILLARD IS HERO that Former Premier Tom oue.tlid it 1 a h*Herh.?.' ha. not yrt been arrested but add I ' p® th« .Sfiro wfcereihouts aB ° nt reV *' 11 h ** bC< ’ n ’ roPa ration* problem la bound up In where,horns. |lhe nmount she must pay England Messages to newspapers here say . „ n d America In war dobts. and that the peaant revolt hA been I therefore considers American rep- started bv Alexander Boteff, form-, ■ --.rTitntlon necessary at any con- er president of the Ssbranje nnd ference. Nedekka Athanasolf. former min-1 The Poincare note to London later of communications who have* Monday intimate* that a confer- fled from the capital and reined n c nc* wa , desirable. Well Informed force of aoven thousand fighting, circles believe England will accept _ "h.™ hi. heen> "a ’ oropoaal. Th* hop* Is express, j j n Atlanta, therefore, you BO to and ilvestockTwhero smaller mor. where the fighting has been e d that America will also be rep, B M Bovkta foronv civic or '' ' ’ • • yery heavy against the government resented. ' other local relorm-and you m*y _ _ lro0 9*' „ I Monday, the end of tho. fifth I deoend on her to find time to get fclothing nnd went down Into deep Uprisings among tho villages | month of the Ruhr occupation ! things done. water to cut loose two horses tha^^™ east of tho capital have been or- j found signs of peace In tho allied i Mrs Boykin la president of tho had become tangled in barbed wire. gnntatd hy Deputy Tokmlnoff. J Camp as both England and Franca: Atlanta Woman’s Club and is ' ” Tin now gnverqment Is silent! shifted position and Indicated at.' largely responsible for the pala- npon the subject *o far but It Is, tltndrs which may result In thn i till clubhouse which is a challenge thought that plane are being made : saving of the entente . . i to women’s dubs throughout the to bring an end to the revolts as Fngland's acceptance t of ~ ATLANTA, Ga^-flfhenever you want anything done, go to a busy person and you'll be sure of quick action. rtilrVIy ni possible and before to<* much damage has been done. w^r^-^n; .OLD “GEORGIA d:r‘w y ate m r i,e u'« ‘Xrere a"d Z- +*Z«25iWE SSX' * coanut plantations have been bad- ln * the right of the local tank to ly damaged, wording to the esti- ®? ,e ?i ‘ -f.h « mate which was taken Mondav »« ® h8c l‘" do k ^“®? M Tl‘L night of the damage done by the wl,et !'* r * uch £ hecks d F swn on | typhoon. ' mombere or non-membore.) It Was said that Information ban acceptance I ot the ! country. But that'* only one of Poincare conference plan would I her minor g'ccomplishments. mark her re-entry Into continental > “Wo should bare tatter motion affairs via the reparations ques- : pictures for our children.” wailed tlnn. thereby dropping the Isola. i tho mother* of Atlanta. “Some of tinnlat attitude that has caused anxiety. . MAV ASK FO REND OF PASSIVE RESISTANCE Thin Popular Today, Weight 1 ' Will*Be Next t'he” apreme 6 cobr* t had 1< flled an°ex! Dl’. Seale Harris of Bir- gesttng pc r „„ ttat O^y ^ cepuon to the dcditon and. no rt>Insrham, Presenta Uni- -otatement will be made until It Is c-u|T nP learned what limitations may be Versit.V oCnoiarSflip ror LONDON.—Premier Baldwin'* | determination to force .France ta I iINciisu ri'iismiHhic terms of pny- ,mcnt- nmy result In Britain’s nut!- 1 rmlfniw In TInelln (hoi re put — ruling. Th* suit against CedartOWH BOVS. the Federal Reserve Bank was first I tried In the Fulton county superior I court, being traneterrad to the: Dr. Seale Harris of Birmingham, i federal court here, where Judge Ain, a member of the Univereity the things they sec arc entirely unsuited for the impressionable mind of the school child ~ CHILDREN'S MATINEES council to discussion of thle step Statesmen aro frankly pettlmla tie) however, fearing that Franco women ot thla generation, but It won't bqther our daughter* in the ifessional Life Certifi cate Awarded J. 0. Mar tin, of Covington, State 1 School Supervisor. I T . e Athens Curb Market acored ’another big *?““** ' d ’“®‘ d J y “? least. In' fact, the next generation ATLANTA.—Tho flrat Profea- more than fifty conveyance nr w|| , ^ worrJf | n * about getting ml Life certificate Issued by rirtd **£•*»« * v »™’' .tout, Instbad. •Stale Board of.Edue.tlou under lr rules and reguUUona govern- *•L h over .300 1 ihe Kystom of Mrs, Troutman announce* hat sla has been granted to J. p. w ih l. . i^-^ day. The '“i 0f C ,”l5!^ n ’. SU ‘*i SC M? 1 SraTlfuLwell attended it wiU nl«or. in point of service, Mr. SJ^g nned cvery Thursoay. The tin Is the senior iup*rvl*or w ho attend Thursday will by served- Jn thl«_ capacity, JJ tttrm lne whether Thursday will n . n t> 1 — ' icoerai court nero, wiicre <iuuk« aid., a mrmwr 01 mo unwiisu; Prima Donna D6CIarCS ( Samuel H. Sibley was disqualified class of 1893 and a brother of Sen- That Tflklliff on Avoir- «« ho was a director In a bank ator William J. Harris. M» pre- inai laKing on ^ voir n810C j ate d with the suit. sented to the trustee^ of the Uni- dupois Will Be Craze! mm ’yemlty a «eholafahip to ^ known , : ~ Next Generation. DCPPCqCiyTHTIllPQ HP S* 3K ■" nrrnLuLll IH 11 VLU 111 xcanown. his old horns j Is willing oven to sacrifice the en- NEW YORK.—How to get thin ,,U ,n 11 w ; The scholarship has been neeept-PJ" 1 ? to continue pollcte* -> ‘■Ki-L-iss'sunur nrr nr*«»:-fitar» , rB&. ri'dlatc Ruhr passive resistance II rrmon wlu embark* on nerfous ne gotiations for a reparations settle* ra^-t. The belief that an bonest In vast- rofma" SSfrJffS. ° P ., a ? rm " t^htao taid"«er&it'uri.“y"mo"rn terms, coupled with the desire to i ne i„ hL local houses. torobd* Mnnrt.^'rirfii'h® ®jS. t fi nt ®,'- ’ lhcn tho children them«f|yc* Id were permitted to help in the rest “Then we'll get better pictures and support them.” replied Mrs. Boykin. So she organized n Better Films Committee composed of parents,, hi’i's and welfare Workers and arranged for ’them fo preview all films sent to Atlanta, to select pictures best suited for the chih- ren’s matinees which she arranged CLARKE GET READY Iie ibe jast nine year*. [ This Lift" certificate la based op I ^A^ccrner* are entustastic about SLENDER AOE years of standard college the m(T ket saying that it Is with a Bachelor's degree and e(t help to the farmer. “You a«*' yean of experience in teach- U u L. J. Rogers of 8 Madison and alio with tho Master's or coun t y “if we come to town to lor e degree from an approved peddle wec*nt find’juzt the person eralty. provided that the fire (rho wanti-our stuff no^qjetter r course of study In college or ), aw many there may be. but, here erally Included nqt leas than we nee every body **»'• renUy college hours or eighteen wants thla sort of stuff. ThU iter hours In question; or makes it Much easier and much — on fonr years of approved better for us *11." R- S. Haygood mlin! college work with the of Oconee county sold gouu worth belor's degree and ten yeare ot of beans and potatoes in Juat a -.eri.nco, short while Tuesday. Another vis it' Martin while superintendent itlng-wagon sold 922-50 worth of ‘■'bools In Newton county made products during the morning. ‘ a rtcQtd for development Mre.- L. J. Rogers of Mediaon lhat ho attracted the etten- county brought to lome S 1 ** 1 ® 1 *" of Ihe state department of| and ^d ttat they were atlon. With thd result that he | going well at the nuirket. I ttonk called to the state department Jhe market is the grenteat thing uloneer advocacy of we have had to a long, Iom. lime, »hc said. There seems to be rood demand for all fresh vegteablea and fruits. A great many berries were also sold Tuesday, fcggs and but ter. strictly fresh, had a good sale. Loyd Skelton, an Athens boy, is doing a profitable business he says, sellinir sweet !“’ai at the market. . He has come to the market every time and never ha» felled to make a Ke-d aale. Two . other Athens boys came to market I THE MOpE to a smell goat wagon, »*d had ■■ j <, »l, being erected according to ivo,| plana, making them hy front a health ntandpoint lad • from Tlrt. The school building U*»e Springs, On., planned hy • Is declared to be one o' the t modern school buildings of 1 Mud in the south. > Help Develop River Navigation fi£!7'A*TA.—Senator Wm. J. I**ITis totla* nrrnnfml #hi» In Thla is the belief of Bybll Vane, the Welch opera linger, who con fesses she’s staying thin because —well, because It’s the mode. In Cardiff, Miss Vape'a home, she Is known ae the ''vest pocket prime donna" becaqas abe I* one of the smallest women In Open. "Twenty year* from now,", .de dares Miss Vane, "we will proba bly be drinking cream and ItvInC on chocolates trying to get some flesh tack on our bones.” Miss Vane arrives at thlrconclu. slon from her belief tha* are getting *o thin we'll want a change and get fat! I believe we nr* coming to in era of leanness nnd ilenderneaa such ts hak never before taop known." she goee on. "The whirl- today Indulge to la developing r wind dancing the young people of typo of athletic, angular women." Though Miss Vano Is a singer abe spends quite ns much time dancing aa ihe would it uhe were to the ballet. With a pedometer around her ankle she duces three miles dally. She considers this the best possible exercise, for ttoglng bi-ath control aqd slpfrierness. But Just u thla Is the mode to day. she believes, It.-yrlll ta more of an historic curiosity a score of yeari from now. . DuBose and Holden Pre pare For Coining Session of Legislature, Opening June 27. \ Senator Hirrli, and Mslor Hunter Harris, who is'commandut of the HAnpinn ThimIoa Junior R. O. T. C., st the Athena V»«Orgia i rlI8tee High Schcol. will spend commence ment week here and attend a re union of His clan. of tha, program and sometimes to act in the prologues. Educational films which would correlate with school work were obtained and the music for the program .explained the week before to school. The result is a children’* weekly Th* Georgia legislature will con vene on Wednaeday, June 27th and Clarke’s two reprraenWtlvaa, R. Toombs DuBose and Frank A. Holden, will go to Atlanta a few days to advance, to arrange living quarters and “get set" for the opening of the session. TT.J. I. Mm U-ia.-*. This 1a Mr. Holden’s flrat ytar as a member of the Georgia law “SOME WILD OATS” DRAWS BIG CROWDS Hundreds of men and women saw the sensational photoplay Somo WIU Oats" now showing st making house but Mr. Duflbse is n «>“ Colonial TbeatraMoodayThe veteran of both the House and.f*=t that each succeeding perform- jjepate. ance was better attended, wa» evl- Botb are expected to draw some | Croce that the photoplay created important assignments on commit-1 great Interest. » tees. Mr. DuBose being almost] The picture has An_«ll-*tar^cast ATHLETICS a fair sale of fresh vegetables I- '"lay accepted the Invlta-j It is hoped that a large number [J? of *h" Augusta Board of Com- , 0 f Athens ladies will come out on lake the trip down the Thursday, the “test day’ so that irket ‘htasah river from 'Augusta to^thc market c*n continue to oper- "tainah on June 22 and 23rd In late on that day. j^tau-rost of developing nnvlga- ■— “ < "" on tho river. Several other Iters of congrcaa are eapectod To Improve Koflds Leading To Athens [h lak trip. . ■Rubr tho snmo week Senator; . „ ■ "I" speak at Winder, at 11 ">• on Juno l*th; Lexington, 11. 5o£-fiWfoidrillo, S pT'm.,| eo ^ «ro > U*ted P ammg thowr unjj' u f n ri e J‘ ko .p"““ nl g*’ J s He oxpecta to attend tho by the highway depart ^ African theme. Such ntnna J^Wtancoment exercises of the j mc nt. These projects are on the w ,°f k g*“ “h lf* ,*-|T* fkl | ll> of Georgia at Athens. Danielsville road and the Jefferson »Mto before you renlme It BT?*tor Harris will speak at mad. J . on Jhne'dlth at 11 a. Tho Dnliielsville road wdj. ta iii«u a "2LS!L."«nasfA®J* LgJJ."" or ma mniressea no Is payed to about a mile bevt >nd the E* d WngYi5h l rfrs/fonr V^rf roL wUl^be W haid.urfW to^ttaj .lrabld. andwoll a.I.l calories. In, C'/ta In the senata and discus.- lurfacc' crossing on the C. H. rail- steed of subtracting calore.-. from “etlslatlon before copgress.,, road rear the Lamkin home. At no time alnc* Urn days of the Amazons,", she egplglag. vhaye womdn conscitAizly of uHCon«cfoal- ly given so much time to elnew and muscle building. Because of tbe new type of music to which.we dance, and the dance* ttamselves practically every pert ‘ot our body gets Ita complete quota ot exer cise. "No women who dances the mod era dances to our modern music can be fat. Take, for Instance, » tune like -Running Wild.’ a purely can tatb you ’Aend, of course, when slender, net* has become th* ml* end wo men ' have ellnmated all, curves suddenly rHWes will become, do- cvrtain to draw .the Important Ap 1 propriations committee. Aside from looking after tbe In terest of the state Institutions lo cated here several Important local bills will receive the attention of the Clarke delegation, two of them being the bill to amend the city charter changing the present Civil Service commission and tbe other to retract the dty limit* to exclude certain sections' now within the corporate limits The proposal to divide th* West ern circuit of the superior court, now presided Judge Blan ton Fortson, wilt *1*6 receive fhe Attention of the local delegation If the bill is Introduced Mr.'Holden esDeelally, will be Intersuted In this bill. — t Senator Boyce Pleklen of Wilkes eounf» lr the'rentmpntaHve from Mid Iflfteenth district In fhe upper beuse, haring been 'elected at the election In 1*22. featuring William Jefferson. While It I* entertaining nnd Instructive to matinee that is one of Atlanta* greatest prides to which any moth er may send hor child each week and know nothing objectionable will be shown. But the work did not etop here. “We found that grownups need, ed better films as well ae the chil dren.” Mrs, Boykin explained. "So each week wo publish our recom- mendattons of all the pictures; that Fran/fc Kidd, Hartwell — • - — with any company, are_unbla«rd In Damage to state highways will run to nearly $1,000,000, State Highway Commissioner Neabitt es timates. crops and Damage to property, crops a live stock In Kay county «s the i suit of the rampage of the Arkan sas, Chickasia and Salt Fork rivers . is estimated at 92,000,000, accord ing to Ponca City avices. Thrilling rescues at the ranch were effected by Jess Willard, for mer heavyweight boxing cnamplon. The big Kansan waded into many pools, rescuing women and children und livestock, where smaller men would hvc gono under. In one in stance he stripped himself of his Willard plowed through the waters from-3 o'clock yesterday morning until well rast midnight. Tho business district of Kay City was completely under water as was the greater part of the residence district. SEVEN LOSE LIVES Cnjnmends Plan For Ball Games Banker, Says Business Conditions There Are Fine.. dltlons to Bait eoun Id. Frank T. Kidd, lie First National on a riait to Athena Business e ty ara splei president ^of Tuesday. Mr. Kidd it a member of th* *a- ecutlve committee ofth* State Col- leg* of Agriculture board of Trtis- Govemor Haaai* the youngest member on tha entire board. He is an alumnus of tho University and vary much Intar- a way, yet it la called the mo*t ;*»‘ed in the educational In.Ototlons daring and sensational motion pic- , Mr. KEM said the Kiwanls club tore yet produced. jb**. raised enough money to eract The til, tare deals with the min- c f? n t ! r 7 hoUM tad build a gp|f Jlnka which will Rotary Lnnrjhmn Held Wednesday The weekly meeting of th* Ro tary dob will ho held at the Geor gian Hotel Wednesday at 2 o’clock. An Interesting program has been arranged bv President.Phiniay end the entertainment committee and final tostructione will be* given the International edlegate*. Abit Nix and Cuyler Tru*selL Mm an eg. Monday morning. Several visitors will be the of the meeting. The picture deals with the ntta arable and often fetal, effects re. suiting from e chance acquaintance of men anS women on th# afreets of New Vork Qltv. or any other big city, and drives home Ita lesson by -bowing the adventures of n green farm boy who comes to New York to ttael hi* last fling before iolning the navy, A. friend, who ha* trod den Ihe priraroee neth before him and partaken of the bitter frulta aavoa hint from real harm hy n ruae-t-but thnt Is another atory, that the .film moat tell Itaelf, M*py heated extensively by touriati who go through Hartwell to winterend summer reeorta. " Itart our judgment and people trust us. "A picture wc recommend la al most sure to do good business and on* w* find objectionable rarely does. That shows paople want good pictures and ta make money the exhibitor must .provide them. “Our opinions'are observed not only In Atlanta, but throughout the south, Often I receive tele grams from exhibitors a thousand miles away, asking the opinion of our eommftta* on certain films. Wa have promoted the belt of feel ing between the theater owners and tha public they eerve and wa bellevo we aro mutually helpful ” Now That He’s Got It, What’s He Got? ATLANTA.—Th* man who stole th* "Red hot” stove Is abroad Id tho land againg, but thls'tlme be la ? a^num^er* f’thcnT^totoD.^Thl* White’* pMn to>ld Si Bulldw 1 •***•&* Hartwel| ,r ^a*w?l? B c*rtato!^*' b * or l f* c,1 »* and unable here for many'of The games playad 10 ««?* th « "In. which i Sanford Raid- I“*r*d.made the robbery aafer. Mr. Kidd aay* Hartwell bnahnul . Th< > ewnertttf the gw* gums KANSAS CITY, Mo—S e dead, many reported missing, thousands homeless and property loss exceeding $5,000,000 was the known toll tonight of floods which huvo sent virtually every stream in Kansas to tho highest stage in years. The Knnsas river and some of its tributaries tonight were reported falling, thus removing the imme diate danger of threatened disas trous floods in northern Kansas. In southern Kansas, however, thn valleys of many streams were be* ing inundated. Thousands of acres of rich farm lands were covered with water. Arkansas City and Winfield, in south central Kansas, the cities hardest hit, tonight were under K itiol of Amorican Legion an.} nnfias national gdardsmen. Ked Cross and other agencies were en deavoring to • care for the home-- less. The chamber of commerce at Arkansas City appealed to other cities for $500,000 to aid the flood .Nliffrri'rji. . * * sufferers The chamber estimated the dam age at Arkansas City at more than $3,000,000, at Winfield the damage was estimated between $1,000,000 und $1,600,000. At Wichita, where damage in excess of $1,000,000 waa caus«d by flooding of four square nfiles in the cast section of the city Satur day, the situation was reported greatly improved tonight• Hun dreds of men were working at top •peed to prevent further breaks in the dams. At Garden City the crest of the flood waters in the big Arkansas was reported past and danger of floods west of Hutchinson seemed removed. \ Although many were reported miMing ut Arkansas City and 3,- 000 were homeless, only one person Is known to have lost his life. Warnings were sent out today to resu-'ents of East Wichita, stating that an additional rise could be ex- oected on Chisholm creek. . C. D. CNGLE IS ' KILLED BY TRAIN scene- of New York life are abowefinwn an orgMiing a home BuilJt 1 ,h * opinion that a specially flae I-AI . WwA.n ,l, B py i.. * ••VHIC UUI1Q-. L. n .- kMiiA at# rero-w.hlno f net tiding i widely known . dan** 4 ' ing atociatloq. •wile, reports and .eabareta < along f Broadway. .... ».*■•?. 'Rv'eiwrlal root)eat. the matinee performance for this afternoon w|Jl commence at 8:30 to which ladles onl~ wtll he admitted. Tonight tho oerfonnanre wll* rn*nnw»nr« (** 3:3h «t which t?me only* men will be admitted. Price* for each performance -db h* sevoptr-'tvc, cents fir the flml floor end f[ft« cent* for tho M1- o'nr. The gallery la exclnalre for tho negroes ipd *n admission of twenty-five cent* will be charged ■t . . * — "• Board of Visitors At University Greeted By Special Faculty Session A special meeting of the Uni- flavored hooey brand of moonshine I* desired la why a raid 'was 'mad. on (heir apiaries'. Alumni Luncheon Set For Tuesday The Alumnl-ae luncheon for the °L C * or **® . , ® eu, i jr ’ra»|JUnlver*itjr of Georgia will be held ifj.1 Aj“^5L, B 7 ni , n f. whleb thU year in Hardman Hall on the tim« the board of visitors to tho ' ' " ' University was welcomed. The visitors are appointed annually b; COURT ADJOUSNS .. „ ,jy by •the Governor and mako careful inspection of the Georgia institu tion juat before th* commencement Atbw njty: ironrt ha* nd- I'kntil June'25th, *t which -me erimbw <•*•** wlH' be triad- T^e nre—n. will tfrob- ably hold for that trial. The member* of th* board of ri«- —• ;thlw year include; Prof. E. T ARricultural College hill and plates are to be prepared for 800. The data of the luncheon fa Tuesday. June 19th. and th* hour ■ la on* o'clock., The price Is 9100. Prof. M. W. Lowry Is chairman of the ticket committee this year and be I* anxious to bare Athens’ Lula, Ga., Man Hit By Southern Train. Father of Mrs. Roscoe Jones of Athens. C, 5; 9 a glu Of Lula we* report- ea killed Tuosday morning *lV ,cu *. xu 2® aa y morning by a southbounu Southern train on the main Ime. Mr. Cagle is said to nave been walking down the track toward his saw mill, which is lo cated about ^ three miles out of L *“ a ! time of the accident in which he was killed instantly. Roscoe Jones, an Athens motor- man, son-in-law of tho deceased states that little ia known about .ho ajtaila of the tragedy but that his wife, daughter of Mr. Cagle, re ceived a telegram Tuesday morning- informing her of her r»th*»..£ illn of Round Oak; Dr. J. A, * Crawfordville and Hon. i r. Shea ha ne of Crawford. tlumnl Mb , reservations ahead. I deaths,, , <* of Darnraville; Prof. R. B-Ulls phones are 890 and 1310-W. I. Mr. Cagle wa, 35 ye ,„ oi Lot Columbus; Prof. J. A. Me Wlh tho large number of classes ** 'Survived by his wife and * ' - |f““ ■ ’“j morning her father* , here for reunion It is exported that 'children, Dewey, Minnie and ,, an unusually large crowd will be. n,e . of Lula, and Mrs. Jones present for the dinner. I ® 98 College avenue. Athena.